Showing posts with label 1938. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1938. Show all posts

Saturday, April 19, 2014

History Repeats itself and 1938 Germany is here once again.

An image of the reported leaflet was posted on several news sites and Twitter accounts. (Photo via Twitter)
An image of the reported leaflet was posted on several news sites and Twitter accounts. (Photo via Twitter)

Shocking flyer order Jews to register in Eastern Ukraine

The latest news out of the Ukraine should shock and concern anyone familiar with world history. This morning, Sharona Schwartz, Middle East Correspondent for TheBlaze, posted the photo of a flyer handed out in Eastern Ukraine that called for all Jews over the age of 16 to “to register with separatists, list real estate and vehicles they own and pay a special tax, or face deportation, loss of citizenship and confiscation of their property.”
According to Ynet’s translation of the flyer from Russian to English, it says, “ID and passport are required to register your Jewish religion, religious documents of family members, as well as documents establishing the rights to all real estate property that belongs to you, including vehicles”.
The flyer has been attributed to Denis Pushilin, Chairman of the Donetsk People’s Republic, a pro-Russian militant group. Pushilin has denied any connection to the flier.
Secretary of State John Kerry condemned the flyer. He said, “And any of the people who engage in these kinds of activities, from whatever party or whatever ideology or whatever place they crawl out of, there is no place for that. And unanimously every party today joined in this condemnation of that kind of behavior.”
Schwartz briefed Glenn Beck on this story in Thursday’s morning meeting.
“Ukraine has a really ripe and troubled history with anti-Semitism,” Shwartz told Glenn, noting that the biggest massacres of the Jews during World War 2 happened in the Ukraine.
But the problem doesn’t just lie with the pro-Russian militants. Jews have encountered persecution from the other side of the conflict as well. Last year, TheBlaze reported that several Ukranian ultra-nationalists wore t-shirts with anti-Semitic slogans to a rally.
“Israel is now preparing to take in twice the number of immigrants from the Ukraine than they have in recent years,” Schwartz said.
“And so it begins,” Glenn said when he heard the news.
Watch the briefing from the morning meeting below:

Saturday, March 8, 2014

1938 German Gas Chamber Exposed or Turn your Guns Over.

If a Picture is worth a thousand words then this picture has to be worth at least a thousand words with years of pain and emotion turmoil.  Do not forget how this began, Liberal Progressives wanted to protect you from yourself and others by taking your guns away from you.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Are you the "Correct Race" ? Crystal Night 1938 Coming to America

“There is an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal that came out over the weekend that every American should see,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “I think Tom is right… He is a hero. He is a hero. Somebody needs to say it. It is the same seed.”
The letter, titled “Progressive Kristallnacht Coming?” reads:

This is a very dangerous drift in our American thinking. Kristallnacht was unthinkable in 1930; is its descendent “progressive” radicalism unthinkable now?
Tom Perkins
San Francisco

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Nature of the Beast. 14 million up to 150 million will lose insurance.

They Knew it wouldnt work and now they are going to push for single payer communism.
Who will stand up to the dictatorship and call for IMPEACHMENT !!!!!!!!!

Nature of the Beast!!


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Food stamp nation: Should this woman qualify for SNAP benefits?

[Update: @_EatMyTweets13 locked down her Twitter account just before noon ET on Saturday. Twitchy has added screenshots of photos to this post so that they can still be viewed by our readers.]
Think the food stamp system isn’t broken? Meet @_EatMyTweets13.
According to her Twitter feed, @_EatMyTweets13 called to check her food stamp balance earlier this month. She was surprised to learn that she’s still getting assistance and the balance has grown to $400.
Many of our elected officials caw about how food stamp fraud, illegal sale of EBT cards and benefits that exceed need are the stuff of myth. Oh, and of course nasty conservatives hate the poor because they won’t increase entitlements.
But evidently @_EatMyTweets13 doesn’t exactly need SNAP benefits to meet her nutritional needs.
Hey, guys, she’s got a cable bill to pay.
There’s no evidence that this young woman committed food stamp fraud. All we know is that according to her tweets, she receives benefits she doesn’t seem to use. But D.C. pander-bears continue to protect a system in which people who do just fine without food stamps look forward to a taxpayer-funded payday each month.
What else do we know about @_EatMyTweets13?
She has an iPhone. (Service plans don’t come cheap.)
And she likes to use that iPhone to tweet about her surprisingly high food stamp balance.
She has WiFi:
And she seems to have money for weed.
She cranks up her air conditioning like it’s going out of style.
And she likes to hit IHOP, Hooters and TGI Fridays for grub.
So … what’s on her agenda for next week?

Friday, June 21, 2013

End Obama Care Now - Join Together Now.

Help End ObamaCare!

Sign the petition and help FreedomWorks pressure Speaker Boehner to bring the Price bill for a vote.

Rep. Tom Price of Georgia introduced H.R. 2009, which will get the IRS out of ObamaCare completely. After the IRS was caught discriminating against conservatives, we need to pass H.R. 2009.
ObamaCare needs IRS enforcement, or it will collapse. The Price bill gets the IRS out of ObamaCare and defeats it for good!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Doctors Revolt against ObamaCare


Maine Doctor stops taking insurance, accepts cash only

It’s only a matter of time before doctors begin revolting against the damaging effects of Obamacare. One doctor in Maine decided to skip the system altogether and accept cash only. Will this be what more doctors do? Glenn has more on radio in the clip above. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sign Impeachment Proccedings

Remove Him From Office

If you want to donate that's fine but if not PLEASE scroll down and you can sign up FREE with no donation.  Please help us SAVE AMERICA from COMMUNISM.  

Impeach President Obama & Remove Him from Office

105,753 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

Impeach President Obama & Remove Him from Office
America is under attack from within. Over the last 4 ½ years, our nation has been transformed for the worse so much that one would hardly recognize it. We have a corrupt, Chicago politician in the White House who is bleeding our nation to death. Since he won re-election with the help of low information voters and a compliant media, the details of even further corruption has been revealed. The time has come and we must not relent until this happens.
Here’s why:
He has purposefully lied about the Benghazi atrocity, instructed others to lie, and intimidated whistleblowers who were guilty of nothing but a desire for justice and the truth. While our Libyan Ambassador burned and others were slaughtered, he went to bed, not even caring enough to make one phone call as to the status of the seven hours of Hell.  Prior to the attacks multiple requests for extra security in Benghazi, including from the murdered Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were refused by his regime.  This was despite the fact that the British Embassy in Libya had been previously attacked just months earlier by Islamic terrorists.  He has used taxpayer funds to run TV ads in Pakistan, pushing and promoting the lie that the Benghazi attacks were caused by a YouTube video.
At a time of the "Sequester" so-called cuts, equating to a insignificant cut in the "rate of growth" of government spending, he closed White House tours to our children, while sending hundreds of millions of taxpayer funds to the known terrorist group, The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, including giving them F-16's and tanks.
He has treated our foreign friends like enemies and rewarded our enemies as if they were our friends.
He has inflicted the nation with over 20,000 pages of incoherent rules, regulations, and mandates in the form of ObamaCare, which, for the first time in history, gives the federal government the power to force its citizens to buy something that only the government approves of.
He has divided the country like in no time in history since the Civil War. He has pitted men against women, gay people against straight people, and used unAmerican, Marxist class warfare that has no place in a free America. He has caused racial strife by unjustifiably labeling anyone who disagrees with his USSR-style governance as a "racist."
He has degraded our people at every opportunity, apologizing for America on foreign soil.  He has bowed to the Saudi Prince, humiliating our nation.  To the Mexican people, he blamed the American people for his illegal gun-running operation "Fast and Furious." He apologized to the Mexican people for U.S. sovereignty while inferring that the lower region of our country still belonged to them.
He has continually and on numerous occasions abused the power of his office.  To cover-up his regime's crimes in the Fast and Furious gun-running operation, in which the Obama regime gave guns to Mexican drug gangs, in an attempt to later attack the Second Amendment, he pleaded Executive Privilege.  
He has expoded the already gargantuan national debt, increasing it by approximately 60% during his first term, while insisting that we must spend even more. He has failed to get even one of his budgets passed, even during the period when his own party held both houses of congress, with his budget being defeated, 414-0, in the House and 99-0 in the Senate, without receiving even one vote from his own party.
He burned-up $862 billion on a "stimulus" plan that was supposed to create "shovel-ready jobs".  Later, he admitted there was no such thing as a "shovel-ready" job. 
He has promoted voter fraud at every possible occasion, and failed to convict proven voter intimidation based upon the skin color of the lawbreakers.
He has advertised and promoted America's food stamp program over Mexican airwaves to Mexican citizens, in an attempt to swarm our country with millions more in illegal aliens and further bankrupting our country with "Cloward and Piven" tactics.
He has sued several states repeatedly, stopping them from implementing the laws their citizens had approved, violating the Tenth Amendment in the process, while completely obliterating the constitutional principle of state sovereignty.
He has unconstitutionally bypassed Congress at every turn by using the federal bureaucracy to inflict massive and crushing laws on our people.
He has appointed dozens of unconstitutional "czars," unchecked by any balance of powers, who have served no purpose but to harass.
By all accounts he has created a Nixonian "Enemies List" which has included any individual, company, or industry that disagrees with his destructive policies.  He has attacked and tried to silence our once "free press," even going to the extreme of instructing Americans which media sources they should listen to.
He embarrassed and harmed our relationship with our ally, Great Britain, by sending an official U.S. delegation to Socialist dictator, Hugo Chavez's funeral, but yet sending no one to the great defender of liberty, the great  former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher's funeral. 
He has used tragedy and crisis to attack our constitutional freedoms, using the Sandy Hook shootings to infringe upon our non-negotiable Second Amendment rights.  He used the Benghazi terrorist attacks, blaming them on the First Amendment which would allow a YouTube video critical of Islam.
He has unconstitutionally attacked our sacred freedom of religion, a God-given right guaranteed by our Founders in the First Amendment.

President Obama is the most corrupt president in U.S. history. His actions are against everything this country was founded upon and stands for. He is a danger to America. We are therefore calling for his impeachment and removal from office. We urge you to join us for the good of our nation and to keep the legacy of our Founding Fathers alive.

Sign Up

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Citizens, Comrades, Hand Over Your Guns

Obama says, Citizens and Comrades, "Hand Over Your Guns."  VIDEO

Sick Bias Obama goes to Mexico and thanks them for their illegal votes then blames American guns for the killings in Mexico. WTF ?? Dude weren't you responsible for Fast and Furious ? LIKE if you know more than an American president.

Guns and Crime: What the Statistics Really Say and How They’re Interpreted in the Debate

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Obama wins "Media Darling Participation Award"

Time Magazine announced today that they let their "2012 Person of the Year" award go to their default candidate, Barack Obama. No surprise here. But I love the accidental irony shown on the front page of Yahoo:

You can cut the irony with a chainsaw.

This "Participation Award" for being a media darling is not new for Barack Obama. Remember he won the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing more than being elected President of the United States.

The irony reaches a disturbing level when Time's managing editor, Richard Stengel said, "We are in the midst of historical cultural and demographic changes, and Obama is both the symbol and in some ways the architect of this new America,"

Wasn't Adolph Hitler the architect of a new Germany? Here is the front cover of 1938's Time Magazine with the 1938 Man of the Year on the cover: