Showing posts with label American Black Slavery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Black Slavery. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2016

Milwaukee school officials say budget item listing $471G for Black Lives Matter a misunderstanding

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By Perry Chiaramonte

Published May 16, 2016

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Milwaukee school officials say they are not paying Black Lives Matter $471,073, even though the 2017 budget lists the item. (AP)

An item in the Milwaukee Public Schools' proposed budget listing $471,073 for Black Lives Matter has critics fuming, but district officials said Monday it is all a misunderstanding.


Although the budget draft lists the controversial activist group, whose members have called for attacks on police officers, as the recipient of the funds, school officials said much of the money would go to hiring and training three social studies teachers.

“No funding is going to any Black Lives Matter organization,” Tony Tagliavia, a spokesman for Milwaukee Public Schools told in a statement. "The specific expenditures, which are also outlined in the budget proposal, are for three social studies teachers and staff development for other employees.”

The funding would also pay for a “cultural studies curriculum” which aims to “[ensure] that culturally responsive teaching practices are in place at all schools, enhancing the district vision for student participation in a wide range of after-school activities..."


Related Image

Nearly $500,000 of taxpayer dollars in Milwaukee will be going towards the creation of a “cultural studies curriculum” based on the tenets of the Black Lives Matter movement which will pay for not only the salaries of three teachers dedicated to the program, but for training as well.

When asked what role Black Lives Matter would play in the training and curriculum development, school officials said the budget is funding both staff and curriculum that is being developed by staff in conjunction with an advisory council that includes community, parents, educators, staff and students. 

"The focus is on racial disparities and inequities in education that must be addressed," the Milwaukee School District official said to in a written statement. 

Kyle Olson, founder of Wisconsin-based schools watchdog Education Action Group, said the Milwaukee School District has a reputation for wasteful spending and poor performance. If Black Lives Matter is involved in training and curriculum, taxpayers and parents alike should be worried, he said.

Milwaukee, WI Profile | FindTheHome

“All I’ve seen from ‘Black Lives Matter’ is a fomentation of hatred against the police, increased racial division and making excuses for the combination of poor parenting and failed policies from big city liberal politicians,” said Olson.

The story was initially reported by local radio station WISN 1130 AM, which cited the line item in the proposed 2017 school budget listing $471,073 for “Black Lives Matter.”

Perry Chiaramonte is a reporter for Follow him on Twitter at@perrych

Friday, February 12, 2016

Ben Carson: Black Dependence on Democrats Has Meant ‘Poverty and Broken Homes and Crime and Incarceration’

Stephen Maturen/Getty Images

by DAN RIEHL12 Feb 2016Washington, DC

GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson discussed the overwhelming level of support for the Democrat Party among Black Americans during an interview on Breitbart News Daily interview with host Stephen K. Bannon.

Carson says that relationship, “has yielded more poverty and broken homes and crime and incarceration and it’s completely unnecessary.”

“We need to talk about the effects of out of wedlock birth. How that stops that woman’s education and sends that child into poverty,” he later added.

He also cited how not having a father figure has a deleterious effect on young black man coming up, “so that they don’t have a good appreciation of how to react to authority, which leads to a lot of death, which leads to a lot of incarceration.” He also discussed education and “how you can create your own pathway to success” as not having been emphasized enough within the Black community.

Carson also mentioned faith.

Throwing away faith and family are deleterious to any community and it’s extra devastating on the Black community. And I believe that many people who are trying to cultivate their votes know that and are intentionally destroying those pillars of strength to keep people in a dependent position.

When asked about the harshness of that charge, said Carson, “Well, you look at some of these welfare programs that reward people for having babies out of wedlock …that penalize people who have a family structure. There’s a prime example.”

“In the Black community in this country, there is over $1 trillion in assets. There are less than ten countries in the world that have a trillion dollar GDP. Learn how to turn your own dollars over in your own community a couple times before you send them out to create wealth. Reach back, pull other people up with you – you don’t have to be dependent on anybody else,” he added.

Carson encouraged people to review the policies on his website and insisted that he believes he’ll be competitive in South Carolina and is still in the race to win. The Breitbart News daily interview can be heard below.

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Radio

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Kings notes: Team removes T-shirts with monkey on them on first day of Black History Month

If you were at Sleep Train Arena about 90 minutes before tipoff Monday night, you would have thought the Kings were handling major laundry duty.

Before fans entered for the game against the Milwaukee Bucks, T-shirts that were placed on every seat to celebrate the Lunar New Year were being collected and put in large piles. The shirts had a monkey on the front because this is the year of the monkey.

The shirts became an issue because they were to be distributed on the first day of Black History Month, when NBA players and coaches wear commemorative shirts.

“We all need a lesson in sensitivity,” Kings president Chris Granger said. “In an effort to celebrate Chinese New Year, we had some concerns about the T-shirt giveaway, so we pulled them all before the doors opened. Certainly we don’t want to offend anybody, and we acted as soon as we heard the concern.”

Center DeMarcus Cousins was one of the first people to raise concern with team officials, and soon thereafter, the shirts were collected.

Former NBA player and current Milwaukee TV analyst Marques Johnson applauded Cousins for speaking up and the Kings for removing the shirts.

“Good move Kings,” Johnson tweeted. “Year of Monkey Tees on 1st day of Black History Month not a good look. Thanks DeMarcus.”

More lineup shuffling – The Kings were without two starters: Cousins (sprained left ankle) and guard Ben McLemore (sprained right wrist).

“I think they’re both day-to-day” coach George Karl said. “As you know, I don’t spend a lot of time on injuries. I get the hands that are dealt.”

The Kings entered Monday 1-7 in games without Cousins. The win came in November at Milwaukee.

McLemore never had missed a game in his three-year career, a 211-game span. He said he was injured during Saturday’s loss to the Memphis Grizzlies.

Cousins also was hurt at Memphis. After rolling his ankle in the first half, Cousins stayed in the game, only to be re-injured when Marc Gasol rolled into it late in the game.

Karl used his 17th different starting lineup of the season Monday, starting Kosta Koufos for Cousins and Marco Belinelli for McLemore.

Fewer options – Cousins is the Kings’ leading scorer and primary option on offense, so his absence forced Karl to adjust the game plan.

“Our playbook isn’t extensive,” Karl said with a chuckle. “When you have to take Cuz’s actions out, all of a sudden it’s short. Had to put a few new plays in this morning.”


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Black Racist on Facebook is Caught being Racist and then Schooled.

Racist And Completely Clueless. 

OUTRAGEOUS! Click on her name to comment on any of Gov. Mary Fallin's posts and tell her to stop putting her wealthy donors before the needs of struggling, hard-working Oklahomans. You can also write on her posts on her official Governor page (Governor Mary Fallin) call her office at (405) 521-2342 or tweet her at @GovMaryFallin.

Article link in the comments. Thanks to Raise The Minimum Wage.
OUTRAGEOUS! Click on her name to comment on any of Gov. Mary Fallin's 
ry Fallin) call her office at (405) 521-2342 or tweet her at @GovMaryFallin.

Article link in the comments. Thanks to Raise The Minimum Wage.
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  • Linda Clark Maybe she understands how this works for the best of the economy--it seems the left are clueless.
  • Brian P Smyth Yes minimum wage was instituted by the democrats to keep the black minorities from ever achieving success. You see if there is no racist in America then there will be no more democrat party. So you have to keep people down and then bus them in from other countries that will be completely dependent on the govt.

REPUBLICANS are MESSED UP CHRIS CHRISTIE _ investigation for all kinds CORRUPTION HE"s FATHER OF THE YEAR is that all they've GOT
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5 hrs ·

REPUBLICANS have NO PLANS NO IDEAS Just to talk about the PRESIDENT, THAT is not helping anyone , OH BEN CARSON if you think those OLD WHITE PEOPLE - MEN would ever nominate you for anything other than talk about PRESIDENT KEEP DREAMING , AFTER his term is over, SEE how long they keep you, look M. Steele H CAIN only when they want you to say bad things about President
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  • 2 people like this.
  • Brian P Smyth Your words are extremely racist. BTW who the hell is the vice president or speaker of the senate or secretary of state ? Old white men WTF ??? ITs not because obama is black its because he is completely incompetent and inept at his job. Name one "Good" thing he has accomplished in 6 years ????

5 hrs ·

WAKE UP WAKE UP BLACK and BROWN AMERICA ,SUPREME COURT decision was to make sure a person of color will never be PRESIDENT ONE of OLD WHITE MEN said it OUT LOUD. WE DO NOT have JUSTICE !!!!!!SUPREME COURT it's not court , it's another office for REPUBLICANS,,. IT is NOT FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE like it was suppose to be . VOTE VOTE VETO WAKE UP AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!
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Brian P Smyth Who do you think supported the KKK or Jim Crow and tried to suppress the black man/woman ?? Who do you think tried to keep you from having a gun for protection ??? YEA THE DEMOCRATS. Lady stop drinking the cool aid and have a glass of freedom from the Tea Party an all inclusive party that fights for your freedom. Sick Bias

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Black Bully Get Owned By White Kid.

Black racism goes unreported everyday all day long in America.

School bus bully gets pwnd.

An alleged bully was in for a major surprise after she decided to violently attack a boy on her school bus. While the victim initially sat helplessly as she punched him in the face, pulled his hair and slapped him, his eventual reaction stunned the young woman.
Image credit: YouTube
Image credit: YouTube
In video of the attack that was captured on a cell phone and subsequently uploaded to YouTube, the vicious assault unfolds as another boy begs off-camera for the girl to stop.
But she doesn’t listen.
As the berating and beating continues, the victim desperately tries to shield and protect himself, but to no avail.
But then something changes. When the alleged bully starts kicking the boy in the head, he springs to his feet and starts fighting back.
The tables instantaneously turn, as he grabs the her hair and puts her in a headlock, at one point seemingly dragging her over one of the seats; choking sounds can be heard.
The scene isn’t easy to watch.
“Get his hand off my eye please,” the girl says in the midst of the brawl, a hint of desperation replacing her once-aggressive tone.
Another boy — presumably the girl’s brother — becomes dismayed by what’s unfolding and he steps in to try and stop the bullying victim from getting his revenge.
“Oh hell! Get the — get the — f***! Holy s***! Get the f*** off of my f***ing sister!,” he says, as he tries to physically intervene.
Eventually, the brawl ends and the girl who seemingly started it all looks completely stunned by her victim’s response. The boy who countered her attack then asks if she is “ok.”

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Ugly Truth about Obammy - From Retired Liberal Deocrate Senator.

Democrat Senator Tells The Truth About Obama.

Written by 
According to a column from a UK PAPER, (since no one in the mainstream media here would dare to criticize Dear Leader in such a manner), former Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey would like everyone to know the truth about Obama.
And it's ugly.

Kerrey said that Obama simply isn't up to the job of "bringing liberals and conservatives to the table to rescue America's slowly choking entitlement programs."
And that was just for starters. Kerrey also said that Obama "had to know he was misleading the audience" during his push for Obamacare.  He said the White House clearly understood the numbers, and that Republicans did a bad job of explaining the Democratic strategy.  (No surprise there - this is why we're always complaining about how much the GOP sucks at messaging.)  Republicans should have said, "Hey - young people - you know why Obama wants you to sign up for healthcare insurance so bad?  Because in all likelihood, you won't need it, which means you'll be paying for everyone else's claims."
Because that's the truth. Obama doesn't care about young people.  He just cares about their votes.  This is why he's Between Two Ferns and best pals with Jay-Z.
Kerrey didn't stop there.  He said that the worst lie Democrats told about Obamacare is that "everybody deserves high quality, affordable healthcare."  He said, "Excuse me? Uh - I don't know if you've heard about the bell curve? If I've got 1000 doctors, 100 are great, and 100 are not so good.  It's impossible! And affordable?  Forget about it."
Kerrey also said that one of Obama's biggest mistakes was pushing Obamacare at ALL when the country was still so economically fragile.  He said, "I wouldn't have done health care.  I think the big mistake was to say, 'Whew! We've got the stimulus done, okay, the economy's going to come bouncing back in 12 months - let's do healthecare.'  Only the economy didn't come bouncing back. We're teetering on the edge of going out of business through most of 2009, and I think you need to just keep driving, driving, driving on the economy, and make it as bipartisan as possible."
Yeah.  Obama basically did the exact opposite of that, which is why our economy still sucks monkeyballs.  (Sidenote to hypersensitive liberals:  If you think "monkeyballs" is racist in that context, it's because YOU ARE RACIST.)
Kerrey understands that fundamentally, entitlement programs mean we're "robbing from the future to pay for the past. And we're shoveling more and more money to people over the age of 65."  Why more people don't understand this very basic concept, I have no idea.
Kerrey said the only way to break the congressional roadblocks is to have a real president, which he acknowledged we simply don't have.  And part of Obama's problem is that he has an "inflated sense of Americans' appetite for programs to correct what the White House calls income equality, through new taxes and other income-shifting initiatives that transfer wealth from the rich to the poor."  Kerrey said, "After the 2012 election, what the president needed was somebody to say, 'Mr. President, I'm thrilled you won.  You stand for all the things I support.  But honestly, you won this election because you sucked less than Romney.'"
OUCH. All the way around, even.

Obama Knows Where Benghazi Terriors are but Refuses to Arrest Them.

Written By : Ashley Herzog
April 5, 2014
Well, this is enraging. Rep. Mike Rogers, the House Intel Committee Chair, says Obama knows where the Benghazi terrorists are hiding, but refuses to go after them because of his “kinder, gentler approach” to terrorism.


He revealed this information to Time Magazine this week.
We have numerous people that we know participated in the Benghazi attacks affiliated with al-Qaeda that are still on the battlefield. We have the capacity to get them but there’s no planning to get them. We have other serious al-Qaeda threats that normally we would take off the battlefield, but because of this Administration’s more kinder, gentler approach we have not done that.
As the saying goes, the more things change around here, the more they stay the same.
Also see: An Interview With Warren Farrell, The Author Of “Why Men Are the Way They Are.”


Saturday, March 8, 2014

1938 German Gas Chamber Exposed or Turn your Guns Over.

If a Picture is worth a thousand words then this picture has to be worth at least a thousand words with years of pain and emotion turmoil.  Do not forget how this began, Liberal Progressives wanted to protect you from yourself and others by taking your guns away from you.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lawyer Releases Video Of Man's Death In Police Custody In Moore

Abuse - Of the Police -
Posted: Feb 25, 2014 9:16 AM EST Updated: Feb 25, 2014 1:14 PM EST - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | 

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Lawyer Releases Video Of Man's Death In Police Custody In Moore

Posted: Feb 25, 2014 9:16 AM EST Updated: Feb 25, 2014 1:14 PM EST

The Rodriguez family's lawyer released the video of the incident during a press conference on Tuesday. The Rodriguez family's lawyer released the video of the incident during a press conference on Tuesday.
MOORE, Oklahoma -
A lawyer for the family of a man, who died outside the Moore Warren Movie Theater while in police custody, has released a video of the incident.
Luis Rodriguez died earlier this month after a confrontation with police outside the theater in Moore.
2/15/2014 Related Story: Family Says Moore Police Beat Father To Death
Police say the 44-year-old Rodriguez became uncooperative when officers questioned him about a possible domestic disturbance. Police handcuffed the man.
2/18/2014 Related Story: Moore Police Hold News Conference Concerning In-Custody Death
Rodriguez's wife and daughter say police then started beating him. Autopsy results are pending.
The Rodriguez family's lawyer released a cellphone video of the incident and a statement at a Tuesday news conference in Oklahoma City.
The video shows 44-year-old Luis Rodriguez on his stomach on the ground outside the theater with five police officers restraining him. One officer holds Rodriguez's head down and the others are on top of him as they handcuff his hands behind his back.
Rodriguez's wife, who shot the video, is later heard screaming and asking if Rodriguez is dead as he is placed on a stretcher.
We have attached the video to this story. Warning: the video may be considered graphic to some viewers.
"He was not involved in the disturbance. However, when police came, they focused their attention on Luis. Taking him face down onto the pavement, pepper-spraying his mouth, nose and eyes and putting the weight of five grown men on top of him, and then handcuffing him as he was unconscious or already dead," said Michael Brooks-Jimenez, attorney for the Rodriguez family.
Moore Police Chief Jerry Stillings said he stands behind his officers' actions and said he did not see anything inappropriate on the cell phone video as far as his officers' actions.
There is security camera footage from the Warren Theater. However, that has not yet been made available for us to see.
OSBI has taken over the investigation into the death.
Police say three officers involved in the incident are on administrative leave.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


America is fed up of me: Morgan to quit CNN job

The New York Times: There have been times when the CNN host Piers Morgan didn’t seem to like America very much — and American audiences have been more than willing to return the favor. Three years aftertaking over for Larry King, Mr. Morgan has seen the ratings for “Piers Morgan Live” hit some new lows, drawing a fraction of viewers compared with competitors at Fox News and MSNBC.
It’s been an unhappy collision between a British television personality who refuses to assimilate — the only football he cares about is round and his lectures on guns were rife with contempt — and a CNN audience that is intrinsically provincial. After all, the people who tune into a cable news network are, by their nature, deeply interested in America.
CNN’s president, Jeffrey Zucker, has other problems, but none bigger than Mr. Morgan and his plum 9 p.m. time slot. Mr. Morgan said last week that he and Mr. Zucker had been talking about the show’s failure to connect and had decided to pull the plug, probably in March.
Crossing an ocean for a replacement for Larry King, who had ratings problems of his own near the end, was probably not a great idea to begin with. For a cable news station like CNN, major stories are like oxygen. When something important or scary happens in America, many of us have an immediate reflex to turn on CNN. When I find Mr. Morgan telling me what it all means, I have a similar reflex to dismiss what he is saying. It is difficult for him to speak credibly on significant American events because, after all, he just got here.
I received a return call from Mr. Morgan and was prepared for an endless argument over my assumptions. Not so. His show, he conceded, was not performing as he had hoped and was nearing its end.
“It’s been a painful period and lately we have taken a bath in the ratings,” he said, adding that although there had been times when the show connected in terms of audience, slow news days were problematic.
“Look, I am a British guy debating American cultural issues, including guns, which has been very polarizing, and there is no doubt that there are many in the audience who are tired of me banging on about it,” he said. “That’s run its course and Jeff and I have been talking for some time about different ways of using me.”
Mr. Morgan said that his show, along with much of the rest of CNN, had been imprisoned by the news cycle and that he was interested in doing fewer appearances to greater effect — big, major interviews that would be events in themselves. Although a change has long been rumored, it was the first time that both he, and the CNN executives I talked to, acknowledged that his nightly show was on the way out. Plans for a replacement at the 9 o’clock hour are still underway, but Mr. Morgan and the network are in talks about him remaining at CNN in a different role.
Mr. Zucker, the former chief of NBC, inherited Mr. Morgan from Jonathan Klein, his predecessor, but it is now his problem to fix. In the year he has been there, CNN has introduced promising shows around the edges and will be unveiling documentaries along the lines of the very successful “Blackfish” to run on Thursday in the 10 p.m. hour.
But the chronic troubles of prime-time remain. Sometime before the network “upfront” events in April, when advertisers buy commercial time for the fall season, Mr. Zucker needs to signal how he will fix CNN’s prime-time problem, and that begins with Mr. Morgan, whose contract ends in September.
Mr. Morgan has some significant skills that do translate across platforms and cultures. While working as a newspaper editor and television personality in Britain, he was involved in a number of controversies, but he developed a reputation as a talented, probing interviewer. In his current role, he has shown an ability not only to book big guests — former President Bill Clinton, Warren Buffett, the real Wolf of Wall Street among them — but also to dig in once they are on set.
“I think I can credibly do news and the ratings reflect that, but it is not really the show that I set out to do,” he told me. “There are all kinds of people who can do news here. I’d like to do work — interviews with big celebrities and powerful people — that is better suited to what I do well and fit with what Jeff is trying to do with the network.”
Old hands in the television news business suggest that there are two things a presenter cannot have: an accent or a beard. Mr. Morgan is clean shaven and handsome enough, but there are tells in his speech — the way he says the president’s name for one thing (Ob-AA-ma) — that suggest that he is not from around here.
There are other tells as well. On Friday morning, criticizing the decision to dismiss a cricket player, he tweeted, “I’m sure @StuartBroad8 is right and KP’s sacking will ‘improve performance’ of the England team. Look forward to seeing this at T20 WC.” Mr. Morgan might want to lay off the steady cricket references if he is worried about his credibility with American audiences. (His endless trolling of his critics on Twitter did not exactly help, either.)
People might point to Simon Cowell as a man with an accent and a penchant for slashing discourse that Americans loved, but Mr. Cowell is dealing with less-than-spontaneous musical performances, not signal events in the American news narrative. There was, of course, the counterexample of David Frost, who did important work in news, but Mr. Frost did popular special reports and was not a chronic presence in American living rooms.
Mr. Morgan, who was chosen in spite of that fact that he had never done a live show, had the misfortune of sliding into the loafers of Mr. King, who, for all his limitations, was a decent and reliable stand-in for the average Joe.
In a sense, Mr. Morgan is a prisoner of two islands: Britain and Manhattan. While I may share his feelings about the need for additional strictures on guns, having grown up in the Midwest, I know that many people come by their guns honestly and hold onto them dearly for sincere reasons.
Mr. Morgan’s approach to gun regulation was more akin to King George III, peering down his nose at the unruly colonies and wondering how to bring the savages to heel. He might have wanted to recall that part of the reason the right to bear arms is codified in the Constitution is that Britain was trying to disarm the citizenry at the time.
He regrets none of it, but clearly understands his scolding of “stupid” opponents of gun laws was not everyone’s cup of tea.
“I’m in danger of being the guy down at the end of the bar who is always going on about the same thing,” he said. He added that he was sure there were plenty of people in the heartland angry “about this British guy telling them how to lead their lives and what they should do with their guns.”
In the current media age, no one is expected to be a eunuch, without values or beliefs, but Mr. Morgan’s lecturing on the evils of guns have clanked hard against the CNN brand, which, for good or ill, is built on the middle way.
We don’t look for moral leadership from CNN, or from a British host on a rampage. Guns, along with many other great and horrible things, are knit into the fabric of this country. There are folkways peculiar to America that Mr. Morgan is just learning, including the fact that if you want to stick out, you first have to work on fitting in.
Written by Conservative Outfitters — February 23, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Michelle Obama: ‘Young People are Knuckleheads’

She is out playing to the low information voter.... "hey yall im just like you so we are cool together, right" NO you are an evil extension of Progressive Socialist Democrats attempting to destroy American way of Life Liberty and the Freedom to do as we wish in a personal responsible manner. I can take care of me and mine and do not need you to look after my children or family thank you very much now go to some other country that wants to be under your stinking regime.

Monday, February 17, 2014

20 Obvious Truths That Will Shock Liberals

Written By : John Hawkins
March 2, 2012

1) The Founding Fathers were generally religious, gun-toting small government fanatics who were so far to the Right that they’d make Ann Coulter look like Jimmy Carter.

2) The greatest evil this country has ever committed isn’t slavery; it’s killing more than 50 million innocent children via abortion.

3) Conservatives are much more compassionate than liberals and all you have to do to prove it is look at all the studies showing that conservatives give more of their money to charity than liberals do.

4) When the Founding Fathers were actually around, there were official state religions and the Bible was used as a textbook in schools. The so-called “wall of separation between church and state” has absolutely nothing to do with the Constitution and everything to do with liberal hostility to Christianity.

5) The biggest problem with our economy today is Barack Obama. His demonization of successful people, his driving up gas prices, his regulatory overload and threats to increase taxes have terrified businesses into hunkering down, refusing to spend money, and declining to hire new people. Replacing him would do more than any government policy to spur economic growth.

6) Not only are conservatives more patriotic than liberals, but most American liberals “love” America in about the same way that a wife-beater loves his wife.

7) Out of every 100 cries of “Racism” you hear these days, 99 are motivated by nothing other than politics.

8) Anyone paying income taxes is certainly paying his “fair share” — and then some — compared to the people who pay nothing.

9) You don’t have a “right” to anything that other people have to pay to provide for you.

10) If we can ask people to present an ID to buy alcohol, drive a car, or get on an airplane, then asking them to present identification to vote is a no-brainer.

11) There’s absolutely nothing that the government does smarter, better, or more efficiently than the private market with roughly equivalent resources.

12) The biggest problem with education in this country is liberals. They fight vouchers, oppose merit pay, refuse to get rid of terrible teachers, and bend over backwards to keep poor kids trapped in failing schools.

13) Fascism, socialism, and communism are all left-wing movements that
have considerably more in common with modern liberalism than modern conservatism.

14) The Democratic Party was behind slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws. It was also the party of Margaret Sanger, George Wallace, and Bull Connor. It has ALWAYS been a racist party. Even today, white liberals support Affirmative Action and racial set-asides because they still believe black Americans are too inferior to go up against whites on an even playing field.

15) A man with good morals who falls short and becomes a hypocrite is still a far better man than a liberal who can never be called a hypocrite because he has no morals at all.

16) The most dire threat to America’s future and prosperity in the last 150 years hasn’t been the Nazis, the Soviets, or Al-Qaeda;, it’s the spending and overreach of our own government.

17) Greed isn’t someone wanting to keep more of what he earns; it’s people demanding a greater share of money that someone else earns.

18) Most of the time in American politics, the liberal “victim” is really a bad guy who is absolutely delighted by the opportunity to pretend to be “offended.”

19) Jesus Christ was not a conservative, a liberal, or a politician. He was also not a capitalist or a socialist. Still, you can say this: Jesus drew sharp lines about what’s right and wrong, He wasn’t tolerant of what the Bible categorizes as sinful behavior, and there’s absolutely no question that He would adamantly oppose abortion and gay marriage.

20) When you demand that other people fund your sexual escapades by buying your contraception, your sex life becomes their business.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Flowbots No Handle Bar for Obama

So if you say, "on a Facebook thread in February of last year. A fellow online gamer was provoking him, and caused Carter to say things he would come to regret. Carter said, “I’m fucked in the head alright, I think I’ma SHOOT UP A KINDERGARTEN… AND WATCH THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT RAIN DOWN… AND EAT THE BEATING HEART OF ONE OF THEM.”  Then you will do 8 years in prison and be raped by bubba and have a live destroyed....  WHERE THE HELL DO WE LIVE ?????

Read more:

Monday, February 10, 2014

Tyranny is Color Blind or Democrat Plantations Alive and Well.

American Black Slavery alive and well on the Liberal Progressive Democrat Plantations.  

Who Do You Serve ? 

You better take this as a sign that Progressives are correct and we need to put mandates on the Globe to keep these threats down so that no child has to die at the hands of assault weapons whether military or non-military and that we need to tax the rich so that we can create the utopia we all know to be self evident i.e. the "Garden of Eden" and if you disagree with me you are a radical racist and you hate America and the beauty of the utopian society.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

American Black Slavery Explained by Liberal Progressive Democrates.

Bone Head Racist Black Americans supported by the Liberal Progressive Media.

'Runaway Slave,' or How Progressives Rob Black Citizens of Their American Dreams