Showing posts with label beat down on liberals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beat down on liberals. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Trump: If we're attacked, we'll ‘beat the SHIT out of them’

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says America will be glad if he’s the president next time the nation is attacked.

"If we are attacked, somebody attacks us, wouldn't you rather have Trump as president if we're attacked?" he said at a rally in Milford, N.H. "We'll beat the shit out of them."

He added that America needs to stop "playing games."

"We've become the policemen to the entire world," he said. "We take care of the world. They pay us peanuts."

Trump said under him, the U.S. would get along better with Russia and other countries.

"We can use them to knock out ISIS with us so that maybe we don’t always have to pay for it,” he said. 

“Knock the hell out of them, but let them drop some of their bombs that cost $1 million apiece, let them use some of their weapons that cost billions of dollars," Trump added.

"Let them beat the shit out of ISIS also.”


Sunday, February 9, 2014

American Black Slavery Explained by Liberal Progressive Democrates.

Bone Head Racist Black Americans supported by the Liberal Progressive Media.

'Runaway Slave,' or How Progressives Rob Black Citizens of Their American Dreams 


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Show the World We Stand with Phil - Change Your FB Pic Duck Dynasty.

Everyone change your photo on facebook to a picture having something to do with Duck Dynasty.  Keep that picture until Duck Dynasty is back on the air or a resolution has come about.   You talk of wanting to change the direction of America right ?  Well now is the time to do it and do it for Faith, Freedom and to show our Government/Hollywood/Liberials/Progressives and Communist we will take a stand.

Choose a Picture and make it yours/....   LETS GO JUST DO IT !!!!

Show A&E that America is Not Supporting you anymore.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Darwin's Frog Offically Extinct !! Now What ???

This is further PROOF that "WE" have no control.  We can only control ourselves and nothing else.  We can effect others but if God's plan includes a frog 365million years old to just go away then that is exactly what will happen.  Global warming is also another example of this crazy nonsense that the Left, liberal, democrate, socialist and communist invent to attract bleeding heart individuals that will drink the cool aid and act as mindless drones.  Common sense will prevail and craziness will fade in time.  Until then "Question" everything and dont ever leave your life's options in the hands of another.  SickBias.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Black men commit HOMICIDE 10x more than white and hispanics combined.


I don't always agree with Bill O'Reilly, but he hits the nail on the head here. There are bad parents and young males of every color committing crime but the fact that blacks are doing such at a clip nearly 10x that of whites and Hispanics combined is troubling. Skin color has nothing to do with intelligence, character, or ability. This is a cultural problem. The "gangsta" culture and the disintegration of the black family has had devastating effects. This problem needs to be addressed so that millions of black Americans have an equal shot at being productive and patriotic citizens. Enough excuses, time for the NAACP and "leaders" like Al Sharpton to stop blaming everyone else and to start blaming themselves for not addressing the true causes.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Doctors Revolt against ObamaCare


Maine Doctor stops taking insurance, accepts cash only

It’s only a matter of time before doctors begin revolting against the damaging effects of Obamacare. One doctor in Maine decided to skip the system altogether and accept cash only. Will this be what more doctors do? Glenn has more on radio in the clip above. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lessons for American Blacks from Liberal, Unions, Democrats and Communist from Detroit Slavery


American Blacks are kept in Slavery by the Democrate's since 1865.  They started the KKK, Gun control to keep Blacks from fighting back, Welfare to destroy your soul, Funding Planned Parent Hood to murder your babies by the millions per year.  They have raised minumum wadge to funds the unions and cut you out of the job market.  young black unemployment rate is at 22 percent.  WAKE UP. 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Song Banned from Radio Stations, Speaks of God and Country.

A song some radio stations are banning, the song you are about to listen to, was played at a Las Vegas Diamond Rio concert.
They received an immediate resounding standing ovation, and continue to do so every time they perform it!
Sadly, major radio stations wouldn't play it because it was considered politically incorrect'.
Consequently, the song was never released to the public.
Now Congress is getting involved.
Your President is saying that is not fit for release because it offends so many.
So America , see what you think...

If this offering speaks to your heart and you feel you want to share it with friends and loved ones, please do so now.
