Showing posts with label the blaze. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the blaze. Show all posts

Thursday, February 25, 2016

THE BLAZE (Glenn Beck) Poll in Texas Bad News for Ted Cruz

New Poll Reveals GOP Landscape in Texas — and It Spells Some Bad News for Ted Cruz

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Feb. 24, 2016 7:33pm Oliver Darcy
Ted Cruz only holds a one-point lead over 2016 rival Donald Trump in his home state of Texas, according to anew Emerson Polling survey released Wednesday.
Of the 446 likely primary voters surveyed Feb. 21-23, 29 percent said they supported the Texas senator, compared to 28 percent who went for Trump.
Marco Rubio came in third with 25 percent of support in the Lone Star State.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Additional figures spelled some bad news for Cruz in his home state.
Of the three candidates, Cruz was viewed by respondents as the least honest about his record. 37 percent said he was the least truthful, compared to 35 percent who viewed Trump as the least honest in the race.
The poll revealed that Trump had the highest favorable opinion in Texas at 56 percent. In that category, Cruz came in second at 50 percent and Rubio third at 36 percent.
The poll had a margin of error of 4.6 percent. The Texas primary will take place on March 1.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dana Loesch Completely Destroys Harry Reid In Video Teaching People How ‘To Internet’

Dana Loesch:  Hysterical

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) suggested on Wednesday that the latest delay of

ObamaCare’s individual mandate was because some Americans just aren’t “educated on how to use the Internet.”
Thursday, conservative radio talk show host and Blaze TV personality Dana Loesch not only responded to Reid’s most recent lame defense of ObamaCare, but absolutely skewered the Majority Leader in the process.
The snark couldn’t be funnier. Yeah, you gotta watch this one.
Another One Bites The Dust: This Democrat Governor Won’t Run On ObamaCare Either
Courtesy of The Blaze (Click full-screen to enlarge video)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Arrested in America for no-id and Jay-Walking ?? WTF ??

She Allegedly Went on a Simple Jog in Her Toe Shoes. So Why Did She End Up Screaming and in Handcuffs? ‘I Didn’t F**king Do Anything Wrong!’

It allegedly started with her jogging in her toe shoes and sporting headphones. It ended in video of her screaming and being led away in handcuffs. What happened in between is a matter of debate, but video showing parts of the incident is certainly gaining traction online.

“I was doing nothing wrong,” she said at first to a nearby witness while sitting on the sidewalk with her hands behind her and one officer standing over her. “I was just crossing the street.”
But as police escorted her away while pedestrians passed by, things got ugly.

Whatever the woman did to get the attention of Austin, Texas police, a witness’ video of cops detaining her on a city sidewalk Thursday morning then escorting her to a nearby squad car indicate she was not happy with their actions.


“I didn’t f**king do anything wrong! I didn’t do anything wrong!” she yelled before being placed in a nearby squad car. She then began crying as she pleaded, “I f**king crossed the street.”

The Daily Texan, the student newspaper for the University of Texas at Austin, reported that police arrested the woman for failing to provide identification.
Student Chris Quintero, who the Daily Texan reported witnessed the arrest, said he saw the woman jogging with headphones on when police ran after her. When the woman failed to stop, the officer grabbed her by the arm and handcuffed her, Quintero said.
“She repeatedly pleaded with them, saying that she was just exercising and to let her go,” said Quintero, who also shot the video and took photographs of the incident.
The woman can be seen in the full video attempting to get up from the sidewalk and being kept down by police officers.
Austin police did not return phone calls from TheBlaze about why the woman was detained.
According to a statement to The Daily Texan from police spokeswoman Lisa Cortinas: “[In this case], the call is titled failure to identify.”

And the LiveLeak poster’s description:
Sitting at Starbucks, on the corner of 24th and San Antonio, I noticed a particularly odd situation.Two Austin Police Officers standing outside the Castilian just lingering. Every time I looked back there was a different student holding a carbon copy of what looked to be a jay walking citation. Suddenly one of the cops shouts at an innocent girl jogging with her headphones on through West Campus. He wobbled after her and grabbed her by the arm. Startled and not knowing it was a cop, she jerked her arm away. The cop viewed this as resisting arrest and proceeded to grab both arms tightly, placing her in handcuffs. She repeatedly pleaded with them saying that she was just exercising and to let her go. She repeatedly cried out, “I did not do anything wrong…just give me the ticket.” The other officer strolled over and not they where making a scene. She tried to get up. I doubt she was running away, as she was in handcuffs, but the second cop pushed her back down to the ground. Because of the commotion, they walked her to the cop car in the alleyway next to the Big Bite, where she, overcome with frustration, yelled loudly to gain attention. Because of that, the cops tightened their grip causing her to squirm and kick. Then came two bike cops from down the alley. Now we have four cops and one small, helpless girl in the back of a cop car, because she was just going for a run.
UPDATE: As TheBlaze pointed out earlier this year, citizens have a variety of rights when it comes to interacting with police, including whether or not you have to show ID, and laws vary from state to state.
According to the infogrpahic in TheBlaze story from January and other sources, in Texas you only have to show ID once you’ve been arrested, not before. If you’re lawfully detained in Texas, you do not have to provide ID. However, you cannot give false information about who you are.
It’s still unclear if the woman in the video was arrested or detained or if she had ID to show or provided information of any sort to police. TheBlaze will update this story when police provide the information.