Showing posts with label democrat racist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democrat racist. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2016

Milwaukee school officials say budget item listing $471G for Black Lives Matter a misunderstanding

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

By Perry Chiaramonte

Published May 16, 2016

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Milwaukee school officials say they are not paying Black Lives Matter $471,073, even though the 2017 budget lists the item. (AP)

An item in the Milwaukee Public Schools' proposed budget listing $471,073 for Black Lives Matter has critics fuming, but district officials said Monday it is all a misunderstanding.


Although the budget draft lists the controversial activist group, whose members have called for attacks on police officers, as the recipient of the funds, school officials said much of the money would go to hiring and training three social studies teachers.

“No funding is going to any Black Lives Matter organization,” Tony Tagliavia, a spokesman for Milwaukee Public Schools told in a statement. "The specific expenditures, which are also outlined in the budget proposal, are for three social studies teachers and staff development for other employees.”

The funding would also pay for a “cultural studies curriculum” which aims to “[ensure] that culturally responsive teaching practices are in place at all schools, enhancing the district vision for student participation in a wide range of after-school activities..."


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Nearly $500,000 of taxpayer dollars in Milwaukee will be going towards the creation of a “cultural studies curriculum” based on the tenets of the Black Lives Matter movement which will pay for not only the salaries of three teachers dedicated to the program, but for training as well.

When asked what role Black Lives Matter would play in the training and curriculum development, school officials said the budget is funding both staff and curriculum that is being developed by staff in conjunction with an advisory council that includes community, parents, educators, staff and students. 

"The focus is on racial disparities and inequities in education that must be addressed," the Milwaukee School District official said to in a written statement. 

Kyle Olson, founder of Wisconsin-based schools watchdog Education Action Group, said the Milwaukee School District has a reputation for wasteful spending and poor performance. If Black Lives Matter is involved in training and curriculum, taxpayers and parents alike should be worried, he said.

Milwaukee, WI Profile | FindTheHome

“All I’ve seen from ‘Black Lives Matter’ is a fomentation of hatred against the police, increased racial division and making excuses for the combination of poor parenting and failed policies from big city liberal politicians,” said Olson.

The story was initially reported by local radio station WISN 1130 AM, which cited the line item in the proposed 2017 school budget listing $471,073 for “Black Lives Matter.”

Perry Chiaramonte is a reporter for Follow him on Twitter at@perrych

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

No matter if Trump or Cruz gets the nomination, we must support the
Republican candidate.
Below are 50 reasons why we can't have Hillary, Bernie, or any Democrat
as the next president.
1. The disaster of the last 7 years of Obama.
2. Obamacare, you were lied to about the premiums, and we are covered
with a $10,000 deductible.
3. Immigration: the wall, allowing illegal immigrants to vote and get
Obamacare, welfare, ect, and bring their extended families into the US,
and millions of others overstaying their Visa's. The Federal Government
suing Arizona for trying to enforce Federal laws on immigration.
4. Jobs, 93 million out of work, and lying about the real unemployment
numbers. You are not counted after exhausting your unemployment
benefits, or getting a low paying part time job.
5. Terrorism
6. Giving away Iraq, and ISIS now controls Libya.
7. The Iran deal, and Iran capturing our Navy personnel, and Iran
supports terrorists that kill Americans.
8. The economy, and you can't start your own business anymore, because
of regulations and Obamacare.
9. Printing money. This steals from all on fixed income, or rely on
their savings in the bank. This may cause massive inflation.
10. The deficit, and unfunded liabilities like social security, over 100
trillion dollars. The lock box is full of IOU's.
11. The justice Department scandals with Eric Holder, and refusing to
prosecute the Black Panthers, and Holder said he would never prosecute
12. The IRS scandals, Lois Lerner let free. They are still blocking T
Party groups from being tax exempt.
13. EPA shutting down coal, power plants, fracking, no pipeline, ect.
14. Global warming fraud, and jailing global warming deniers.
15. Religious freedom, jailing or fining those that believe in their
religious rights, or putting them out of business.
16. Common core, brainwashing our children.
17. Fast and furious, Americans died
18. The VA scandal, Americans died.
19. Destroying the military, and the rules of engagement, Americans died.
20. Destroying law enforcement, Americans died.
21. Supreme court nominees, all left wing. Also now there is no
separation of powers. The executive branch grabs power and makes laws
through executive orders, or EPA mandates, and the supreme court
confirms the laws and mandates without going through congress. The only
way congress can stop the executive branch is by the power of the purse
or impeachment, but they won't do it.
22. Hillary and Bill, the e mail scandals, and Bill the sexual predator.
23. Bengahzi, and blaming it on a video, and then throwing the video
maker in jail, and Hillary lying about it.
24. The attack on the 2nd amendment, Americans died.
25. Racial tensions, BLM, and black on black crime and murders,
Americans died.
26. Increase heroin deaths, Americans died. Heroin brought in through
open borders.
27. The destructive results of liberalism.
28. Worldwide slaughter of Christians.
29. Crazy Bernie.
30. Prosecuting planned parenthood video makers.
31. Green energy. Green energy cannot survive without massive government
subsidies, and then usually the green energy companies are run by
cronies and big donors to the democrat party, and they get rich off the
government subsidies.
32. Forcing low income housing in high income neighborhoods. The new
discrimination is economic. The federal government is assisting blacks
to sue local communities that are not providing low income housing in
high income neighborhoods, and the individuals are receiving large cash
settlements from the city or county governments.
33. Voter ID and voter fraud by the democrats, vote early and vote
often. If you ask for an ID, you are a racist.
34. Landlords are now forced to rent to criminals
35. Releasing terrorists from Guantanamo bay, Americans died. If they
bring these terrorists to American prisons, they will recruit more
36. The Government taking over student loans, now they can bribe those
student by offering to eliminate their debt for their vote.
37. Over 400 left wing lawyers have been hired by the US Govt to enforce
civil rights violations and voter fraud. This will affect the next
36. Obama pardoning hundreds of criminals with life sentences.
37. Shutting down Yucca mountain. Now there is no place to store nuclear
waste, and it is stored on site at nuclear facilities all over the
country, ready to be either stolen or leaked out into the environment.
38. Giving Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood. Then gave them Billions of
dollars. Then the Egyptian military and people threw the Muslim
Brotherhood out.
39. Allowed Putin to take over Crimea.
40. Sanctuary cites, Americans died.
41. The Federal Government controls 27.7% of the land mass in the USA.
They not only refuse to release some land to the States for development,
they also are on a land grab, and also the EPA is stopping the
development of other private land by declaring the private property wet
lands, when they are not.
42. High corporate taxes and regulations are forcing more jobs overseas.
43. American corporations are holding maybe trillions of dollars
overseas, that has already been taxed, but can't bring the money back to
the US, because the Government want's to tax it again.
44. The housing crisis caused by the democrats forcing banks to lend
money to people that could not pay back the loans.
45. Medicare. You pay into all your life, but it is means tested, so
only the very poor get it free, and the cost goes up if you have more
46. The treatment of our allies and Israel.
47. Free speech and political correctness.
48. 50 million Americans on food stamps.
49. Obama's humiliating trip to Cuba, and his picture with Che Guevara,
watching baseball with Castro while Brussels burned.
50. Obama won't recognize radical Islam, and actually supports terrorism
worldwide, including in the USA, while ignoring crimes against
Christians and Jews.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Hillary Clinton receives $2 million from KKK and neo-Nazi groups

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

WASHINGTON D.C.—Several factions of the KKK and neo-Nazi groups have come out in public support of Hillary Clinton.

The groups have donated a collective $2 million to her campaign, as well as executed a highly-active social media campaign in support of Clinton.

“We actually really done(sic) like her at all, which is why we(sic) supporting her,” said local Klansman Billy-Bob . “We white supremacists are well-aware that our public image ain’t(sic) the best. We decided to stop fighting and embrace it. All we gotta(sic) do is publically endorse the  people we don’t like. With our support, she’ll never win!”

The Clinton campaign said they only took the money because the organizations did not properly label themselves.

“With so many organizational transitions they no longer call themselves the Ku Klux Klan or the Nazi Party; they need to differentiate themselves from the other bodies claiming to Klansmen or Nazis,” said a spokesman for the Clinton campaign. “For example, we accepted monetary donations from organizations calling themselves ‘Coup Clucks Clan and’ the ‘Not-See Party’—Okay, now that we say it out loud the name sounds a little more obvious.”

The Clinton campaign said it would really like to return the donations, but unfortunately the money has already spent on “really fancy cheese” for campaign banquets.

Rick Perry, former Governor of Texas and Republican candidate for 2016, said he is outraged that Clinton “took any money from an organization that was dishonest.”

Perry added “such blatant deceptery(sic) has no place in politics” and he only accepts donations from “honest, salt-of-the-earth racists, not deceptive racist organizations.”

Republican front-runner and comedian Donald Trump released a characteristically vicious Twitter attack against Clinton in response to the news

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Abortion Clinics Are Closing at a Record Pace

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio
Abortion access in the U.S. has been vanishing at the fastest annual pace on record, propelled by Republican state lawmakers’ push to legislate the industry out of existence. Since 2011, at least 162 abortion providers have shut or stopped offering the procedure, while just 21 opened.
At no time since before 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion, has a woman’s ability to terminate a pregnancy been more dependent on her zip code or financial resources to travel. The drop-off in providers—more than one every two weeks—occurred in 35 states, in both small towns and big cities that are home to more than 30 million women of reproductive age.
No region was exempt, though some states lost more than others. Texas, which in 2013 passed sweeping clinic regulations that are under scrutiny by the Supreme Court, saw the most: at least 30. It was followed by Iowa, with 14, and Michigan, with 13. California’s loss of a dozen providers shows how availability declined, even in states led by Democrats, who tend to be friendly to abortion rights.
Stand-alone clinics, not doctors’ offices or hospitals, perform the vast majority of pregnancy terminations. They account for the vast majority of the tally, which was compiled by Bloomberg News over the past three months and builds on a similar undertaking from 2013.
Typically defined by medical researchers as facilities that perform 400 or more abortions per year, the ranks peaked in the late 1980s at 705, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a New York-based reproductive-health research organization. By 2011, the most recent year for which Guttmacher has data, that number had fallen to 553.
Bloomberg’s reporting shows that the downward trend has accelerated to the fastest annual pace on record since 2011, with 31 having closed or stopped performing the procedure each year on average.
State regulations that make it too expensive or logistically impossible for facilities to remain in business drove more than a quarter of the closings. Industry consolidation, changing demographics, and declining demand were also behind the drop, along with doctor retirements and crackdowns on unfit providers.
Texas stands as a case study in the way abortion opponents have changed strategies, opting for legislative action over the clinic blockades and violence of the past.
Most providers there closed after the state became the largest and most populous in the U.S. to require that they become hospital-like outpatient surgical centers, which can cost millions to buy or build. The state also mandates that doctors have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. The drop-off in access has helped depress the abortion rate in the state by 13 percent, according to a July study, and providers there say full implementation of the law would leave almost a fifth of Texas women 150 miles or more from a facility.
Summit Women’s Center in Bridgeport, Conn., closed in 2015 after 40 years in business, citing reduced demand. In Kalispell, Mont., Susan Cahill said she didn’t have the money to rebuild after her practice got vandalized in 2014. Following the loss of two providers, Missouri is now one of five states in which a sole clinic remains. Of all the facilities in the nation that closed or stopped performing terminations, about a third were operated by Planned Parenthood; of the ones that opened, three-quarters were.
That just 21 new clinics opened in five years underscores the difficulty the industry has faced in replenishing the ranks of health-care providers willing and financially able to operate in such a fraught field. The impact of that challenge is likely to be long-lived: Even rarer than the building of a new clinic is the reopening of one that has shut.

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Nuclear Option— ‘Firewall’: The Clintons Like Black People… So Long as They Know Their Place

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by Charles Hurt 13 Feb 2016
Hillary Clinton’s “firewall,” they call it. They don’t even wink and nod anymore. But they all know what they mean by it.
By “they,” we are talking about the Democratic Party, the last plantation left in America. And by “firewall,” they are talking about the black voters they haul out every election to do whatever dirty work party leaders need done.
This year’s dirty work, of course, is finally heaving that cackling, pant-suited enabler Hillary Clinton over the line to the nomination. Let her have her shot so she will finally go away.
But the blindingly white Democratic voters in Iowa and New Hampshire either refused to do the dirty work or kicked up such a ruckus over being forced to do it that they made it plenty clear to the entire world just how much even Democrats cannot stand the Clintons anymore — especially Hillary.
Now on to Nevada and South Carolina where Democrats can boss voters around a little easier and order them into line for Mrs. Clinton. In South Carolina, the Democratic Party chairman once famously dismissed the notion that Democrats buy “the black vote” down there.
“I just want to rent it for one day,” he said. Funny guy.
Politics remains the last industry in America where racial profiling is not only tolerated, it is lustily embraced and the very lifeblood of pollsters, politicians and operatives. Battalions of demographers are employed in both parties to slice and dice voters based on racial profiling so that special messages can be tailored to each one.
If you got caught selling cigarettes or malt liquor like that, you would be jailed. Or, at the very least, be put out of business. Or shamed into oblivion.
But in politics, it is the North Star. And Mrs. Clinton will follow it to the South and the West.
Already, Mrs. Clinton has sewn up the support from the Congressional Black Caucus Political Action Committee, a sure sign of her establishment status. And hit men have been dispatched.
Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), Georgia Democrat, dismissed Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-VT)’ claim to have worked for the civil rights movement.
“I never saw him. I never met him,” said Mr. Lewis, who has dutifully lined up behind Clinton.
Eight years ago, the great lion of the civil rights movement had endorsed Hillary Clinton. But in late February as the momentum gathered for then-Sen. Barack Obama, Mr. Lewis deserted the Clintons.
We all remember what happened last time somebody messed with the Clinton’s “firewall” in South Carolina. Bubba got dispatched to take Barack Obama out at the knees, comparing him to lifelong race-hustler Rev. Jesse Jackson.
Sure, the FIRE. And wait their turn.
After all, look at all the black friends they have. I mean, she got endorsed by the entire Congressional Black Caucus Political Action Committee!
Then along comes Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who is perhaps the whitest person to ever run for president in American history. And he hails from what is probably the whitest state in the country.
One of the great scenes of this election filled with so many great moments was when Mr. Sanders became so flustered and disoriented by Black Lives Matter protesters joining him on stage that he fled.
So it is understandable that he might be a little lost stepping out of the privileged confines of New Hampshire, which is almost as white as his neighboring home of Vermont. He did what any desperate Democrat does in a crisis like this. He called Al Sharpton and asked for a very public meeting at a diner.
They met at Sylvia’s, a soul food joint in Harlem. (And who said Bernie can’t jump?) Mr. Sanders brought along so many photographers and reporters to capture the moment he sat at a table with an actual black person that they had to put up a velvet rope to give them a little room.
Now, I have not personally confirmed this but I was told that at this very moment, Mr. Sanders and Mr. Sharpton are still sitting at that table inside Sylvia’s Restaurant, behind that velvet rope.
Turns out that when the bill came, neither one of them had ever picked up a tab in their lives so they just sat there. Just the two of them. And the bill. Every few minutes, one of them will wordlessly point with their eyes to the check as if to day, “You’re getting this, right?”
Charles Hurt can be reached at Follow him on Twitter at @charleshurt.
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The Nuclear Option— ‘Firewall’: The Clintons Like Black People… So Long as They Know Their Place

by Charles Hurt 13 Feb 2016

Hillary Clinton’s “firewall,” they call it. They don’t even wink and nod anymore. But they all know what they mean by it.

By “they,” we are talking about the Democratic Party, the last plantation left in America. And by “firewall,” they are talking about the black voters they haul out every election to do whatever dirty work party leaders need done.

This year’s dirty work, of course, is finally heaving that cackling, pant-suited enabler Hillary Clinton over the line to the nomination. Let her have her shot so she will finally go away.

But the blindingly white Democratic voters in Iowa and New Hampshire either refused to do the dirty work or kicked up such a ruckus over being forced to do it that they made it plenty clear to the entire world just how much even Democrats cannot stand the Clintons anymore — especially Hillary.

Now on to Nevada and South Carolina where Democrats can boss voters around a little easier and order them into line for Mrs. Clinton. In South Carolina, the Democratic Party chairman once famously dismissed the notion that Democrats buy “the black vote” down there.

“I just want to rent it for one day,” he said. Funny guy.

Politics remains the last industry in America where racial profiling is not only tolerated, it is lustily embraced and the very lifeblood of pollsters, politicians and operatives. Battalions of demographers are employed in both parties to slice and dice voters based on racial profiling so that special messages can be tailored to each one.

If you got caught selling cigarettes or malt liquor like that, you would be jailed. Or, at the very least, be put out of business. Or shamed into oblivion.

But in politics, it is the North Star. And Mrs. Clinton will follow it to the South and the West.

Already, Mrs. Clinton has sewn up the support from the Congressional Black Caucus Political Action Committee, a sure sign of her establishment status. And hit men have been dispatched.

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), Georgia Democrat, dismissed Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-VT)’ claim to have worked for the civil rights movement.

“I never saw him. I never met him,” said Mr. Lewis, who has dutifully lined up behind Clinton.

Eight years ago, the great lion of the civil rights movement had endorsed Hillary Clinton. But in late February as the momentum gathered for then-Sen. Barack Obama, Mr. Lewis deserted the Clintons.

We all remember what happened last time somebody messed with the Clinton’s “firewall” in South Carolina. Bubba got dispatched to take Barack Obama out at the knees, comparing him to lifelong race-hustler Rev. Jesse Jackson.

Sure, the FIRE. And wait their turn.

After all, look at all the black friends they have. I mean, she got endorsed by the entire Congressional Black Caucus Political Action Committee!

Then along comes Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who is perhaps the whitest person to ever run for president in American history. And he hails from what is probably the whitest state in the country.

One of the great scenes of this election filled with so many great moments was when Mr. Sanders became so flustered and disoriented by Black Lives Matter protesters joining him on stage that he fled.

So it is understandable that he might be a little lost stepping out of the privileged confines of New Hampshire, which is almost as white as his neighboring home of Vermont. He did what any desperate Democrat does in a crisis like this. He called Al Sharpton and asked for a very public meeting at a diner.

They met at Sylvia’s, a soul food joint in Harlem. (And who said Bernie can’t jump?) Mr. Sanders brought along so many photographers and reporters to capture the moment he sat at a table with an actual black person that they had to put up a velvet rope to give them a little room.

Now, I have not personally confirmed this but I was told that at this very moment, Mr. Sanders and Mr. Sharpton are still sitting at that table inside Sylvia’s Restaurant, behind that velvet rope.

Turns out that when the bill came, neither one of them had ever picked up a tab in their lives so they just sat there. Just the two of them. And the bill. Every few minutes, one of them will wordlessly point with their eyes to the check as if to day, “You’re getting this, right?”

Charles Hurt can be reached at Follow him on Twitter at @charleshurt.

Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Hillary ClintonHillary ClintonBernie SandersAl SharptonraceVermont

Friday, February 12, 2016

Ben Carson: Black Dependence on Democrats Has Meant ‘Poverty and Broken Homes and Crime and Incarceration’

Stephen Maturen/Getty Images

by DAN RIEHL12 Feb 2016Washington, DC

GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson discussed the overwhelming level of support for the Democrat Party among Black Americans during an interview on Breitbart News Daily interview with host Stephen K. Bannon.

Carson says that relationship, “has yielded more poverty and broken homes and crime and incarceration and it’s completely unnecessary.”

“We need to talk about the effects of out of wedlock birth. How that stops that woman’s education and sends that child into poverty,” he later added.

He also cited how not having a father figure has a deleterious effect on young black man coming up, “so that they don’t have a good appreciation of how to react to authority, which leads to a lot of death, which leads to a lot of incarceration.” He also discussed education and “how you can create your own pathway to success” as not having been emphasized enough within the Black community.

Carson also mentioned faith.

Throwing away faith and family are deleterious to any community and it’s extra devastating on the Black community. And I believe that many people who are trying to cultivate their votes know that and are intentionally destroying those pillars of strength to keep people in a dependent position.

When asked about the harshness of that charge, said Carson, “Well, you look at some of these welfare programs that reward people for having babies out of wedlock …that penalize people who have a family structure. There’s a prime example.”

“In the Black community in this country, there is over $1 trillion in assets. There are less than ten countries in the world that have a trillion dollar GDP. Learn how to turn your own dollars over in your own community a couple times before you send them out to create wealth. Reach back, pull other people up with you – you don’t have to be dependent on anybody else,” he added.

Carson encouraged people to review the policies on his website and insisted that he believes he’ll be competitive in South Carolina and is still in the race to win. The Breitbart News daily interview can be heard below.

Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Radio

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ivanka Trump: ‘From Day One My Father Set the Agenda for What the Whole Party Is Talking About’

Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images
by MICHELLE MOONS9 Feb 2016543
Ivanka Trump, daughter of 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump, joined Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steven K. Bannon on the Sirius XM Breitbart News Daily radio program to share her unique personal and professional perspective on her father’s qualifications to hold the position of President of the United States of America.

A wife and mother herself, Trump spoke to the character of the man that she grew up with and has spend a decade working with at the Trump organization. “I’ve seen him in the capacity obviously as a father, and a very loving one, and also as an incredible executive who built an amazing company. And he really is remarkable.”
Ultimately I think the testament to any person is their track record and that’s not just their professional track record, of which his is well known, he is enormously accomplished, he’s employed tens of thousands of people, he’s achieved success in multiple industries at the highest level.

She continued, “His professional accomplishments are nothing short of remarkable.”
Trump commented that as a parent herself she now realizes how hard it is to raise up kids with the “right moral compass” especially children that grow up with a lot of privilege.
Bannon reference Trump’s book The Trump Card and that she notes in the book that her parents instilled confidence and perseverance in her.
One of the things he would always say to us is you have to do what it is you are passionate about. If you want to achieve success at that high level you have to be passionate about it because if you’re not you won’t put in the work. And then it comes down to perseverance. So without grit it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter how good your idea is, it doesn’t matter how intelligent you are, you’re just going to get outworked. My whole life he is a worker, he is relentless.

Trump recalled early memories of coming to her father’s office and playing on the floor with their toys while he was in major meetings. “He always included us in his world in that regard.”
“That’s really the story of my father, he’s a hard worker,” Trump remarked.
Bannon asked why a loving family who has accumulated so much wealth and success would put themselves through the “ringer of the politics of personal destruction?”
Trump explained:
A lot of people who run for elected office are looking for a platform you know and it’s the next step in a political career so they don’t have that much to lose in the national awareness, my father had that. He has an amazing life and he’s built an incredible company and really he’s doing this for the reasons he’s articulated,I mean he can’t stand back and watch what’s happening to this country anymore, and he’s been saying this for a long time and he’s been seeing it happen and so what he’s doing is incredibly difficult, it’s incredibly selfless you know it takes a lot to want to enter this arena, and it is definitely a bloodsport as we’re seeing, but ya know win, lose or draw he’s got a family who loves him, who’s incredibly proud of him. The energy and the passion that he’s elicited, you were talking about in the beginning about sort of leadership and his viewpoint on different issues — from day one my father set the agenda for what the whole party is talking about and really politics in general across parties.

Bannon elaborated that Donald Trump has driven the national conversation on issue like immigration and trade that the corporate media interests did not want to talk about.
Ivanka agreed, “A hundred percent and that’s what you want a leader to do. So ya know all the other candidates would sit back silently for around three weeks until they realized that the voters agreed and then they’d come forth with their positions…”
During a Donald Trump rally on Monday night in New Hampshire an audience member used the vulgarity “p****” to describe candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on the issue of waterboarding. Trump eventually repeated it himself for the audience to hear to which they laughed and applauded according to KCCI 8 Des Moines News.
Bannon asked Ivanka Trump for her perspective on her father’s use of that word during the evening rally.
“I balance it knowing who my father is,” Trump responded. “There’s a different spirit in that kind of room than certainly in a board room or a conference room.”
She went on to say that the American people want someone with competance.
“They don’t want somebody who is slick tongued and says all the right things and then gets to Washington and does absolutely nothing.” She emphasized, “My father’s life has been about execution.”
What I have so much conviction in is not only is he an unbelievable person, an unbelievable man, he’s been a great mentor to me both personally and professionally as I was telling you before, but he’s incredibly capable.

Two of Ivanka Trump’s brothers have and are also joining Breitbart News Daily radio Monday and Tuesday.
Follow Michelle Moons on Twitter@MichelleDiana
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Long time observer David Maraniss: "Bill Clinton 'Frail,' 'No Gleam,' 'No Electricity'"

Longtime Bill Clinton observer David Maraniss saw the former president campaigning in New Hampshire and shared his thoughts on Twitter.

2) It was odd, when BC was introduced and stood on stage w/ Chelsea, he showed nothing on his face, mouth agape, eyes seemingly blank..— david maraniss (@davidmaraniss) February 9, 2016

1) For what it's worth, seeing Bill Clinton for the 1st time in quite a while at campaign rally in Manchester NH...— david maraniss (@davidmaraniss) February 9, 2016

Clinton is "frail," the biographer noted: "no affect at all, just frail, like he had to conserve every ounce of energy. No gleam in his eyes, no electricity, muted."

He continued,

He lit up only when Chelsea talked about him. Then when it was his turn to talk a little bit of his old self came back, but not much.Again there was not much electricity, the same hoarse voice and some familiar sentence constructs, some old synthesis......but not as evocative as it was even 3 years ago at the DNC in Charlotte when his words bailed out Obama...Hillary on her new riff IMAGINE had more energy and staying power...but then...

3) no affect at all, just frail, like he had to conserve every ounce of energy. No gleam in his eyes, no electricity, muted...— david maraniss (@davidmaraniss) February 9, 2016

4) He lit up only when Chelsea talked about him. Then when it was his turn to talk a little bit of his old self came back, but not much.— david maraniss (@davidmaraniss) February 9, 2016

5)Again there was not much electricity, the same hoarse voice and some familiar sentence constructs, some old synthesis...— david maraniss (@davidmaraniss) February 9, 2016

6) ...but not as evocative as it was even 3 years ago at the DNC in Charlotte when his words bailed out Obama...— david maraniss (@davidmaraniss)February 9, 2016

7) Hillary on her new riff IMAGINE had more energy and staying power...but then...— david maraniss (@davidmaraniss) February 9, 2016

8) the end when they worked the ropeline he was in his element and almost restored as though he had been given an IV...— david maraniss (@davidmaraniss) February 9, 2016

9) The Big Dog was barking again, however briefly.— david maraniss (@davidmaraniss) February 9, 2016


Monday, February 8, 2016

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology.

Among Republicans, those numbers look significantly different: Just 17% of Republicans have a favorable opinion of socialism, while 71% have an unfavorable opinion of it. And for the most part — no matter what the party — it is young people who are most in favor of socialism. Fully 49% of people ages 18 to 29 have a favorable opinion of socialism, compared with just 23% of those 65 and up.

Also see: Karl Marx is the most assigned economist in U.S. college classes

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.

That may explain why, in a separate survey, less than half of Americans said they would vote for a socialist president (sorry, Bernie). Indeed, only 47% of Americans said they would vote for a president who was a socialist, according to a survey of 1,500 adults released by Gallup last year, which looked at 11 types of candidates people would be willing to vote for, including a woman, gay or lesbian, Muslim and evangelical.

Among Democrats, 59% would do it, while among Republicans just 26% would. “Republicans and Democrats differ most in their willingness to vote for a socialist candidate, by 33 percentage points,” according to the Gallup data.

Table: Who are Americans willing to vote for?

DemocratsRepublicansEvangelical Christian66%84%Mormon79%84%Jewish92%95%Catholic95%93%Hispanic94%91%Black96%90%Woman97%91%Atheist64%45%Gay or lesbian85%61%Muslim73%45%Socialist59%26%Source: Gallup More from MarketWatch


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Sometimes, Iowa Democrats award caucus delegates with a coin flip

The caucus mathematics worksheet from the Ames 2-4 precinct in Story County came down to a coin toss. Hillary Clinton was awarded a contested delegate after a coin toss.(Photo: Special to the Regsiter)

In a handful of Democratic caucus precincts Monday, a delegate was awarded with a coin toss.

It happened in precinct 2-4 in Ames, where supporters of candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton disputed the results after 60 caucus participants apparently disappeared from the proceedings.

As a result of the coin toss, Clinton was awarded an additional delegate, meaning she took five of the precinct’s eight, while Sanders received three.

Here’s what happened, according to David Schweingruber, an associate professor of sociology at Iowa State University (and Sanders supporter) who participated in the caucus:

A total of 484 eligible caucus attendees were initially recorded at the site. But when each candidate’s preference group was counted, Clinton had 240 supporters, Sanders had 179 and Martin O’Malley had five (causing him to be declared non-viable).

Those figures add up to just 424 participants, leaving 60 apparently missing. When those numbers were plugged into the formula that determines delegate allocations, Clinton received four delegates and Sanders received three — leaving one delegate unassigned.

Unable to account for that numerical discrepancy and the orphan delegate it produced, the Sanders campaign challenged the results and precinct leaders called a Democratic Party hot line set up to advise on such situations.

Party officials recommended they settle the dispute with a coin toss.

A Clinton supporter correctly called “heads” on a quarter flipped in the air, and Clinton received a fifth delegate.

Similar situations were reported elsewhere, including at a precinct in Des Moines, at another precinct in Des Moinesin Newtonin West Branch  and in Davenport. In all five situations, Clinton won the toss.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Google and Fox TV Invite Anti-Trump, Hitler-Citing, Muslim Advocate to Join Next GOP TV-Debate


by NEIL MUNRO26 Jan 20163,293

Fox News and Google have invited three YouTube personalities to ask questions at the Jan. 28 GOP debate — including a Muslim advocate who describes Donald Trump as a bigot and who visually portrayed him as being in agreement with national socialist Adolf Hitler.

“We have a presidential candidate whose loudest message reeks of hatred and Islamophobia… turning on the news now is scary, and oftentimes, humiliating,” the Muslim woman, Nabela Noor, says in a December YouTube video.

She admits to becoming a Muslim political activist amid the growing criticism of Islam’s doctrines. “The current social environment for Muslims today is not safe or just… as a Muslim American, I felt like I needed to use my voice,” she claimed. 

Noor also urged her YouTube viewers to rally against critics of Islam. “I’m so thankful for those who speak up and out against anti-Islamic speech and ideologies. Our community needs more allies like you, but we have a long way to go,” she said.

The two companies announced Tuesday afternoon that the anti-Trump Muslim advocate would be allowed to play a role in the debate.

Google is teaming up with the Fox News Channel for the final  Republican debate in Iowa on Thursday, January 28, 2016, and integrating three new components into the debate to help people get informed before they head to the polls, including a way to hear directly from candidates on Google; real-time Google Trends data; and questions from three of YouTube’s most prominent voices—Nabela NoorMark Watson, and Dulce Candy — who will join the moderators in the debate to ask the candidates a question on an issue that matters to them and their communities.  

The Republican National Committee also approved the choice of Noor, an LA.-based press aide for YouTube, Jackie Cavanagh, at MPRM Communications, told Breitbart. “I believe” she was chosen by YouTube, with help from the RNC and Fox, she said.

“YouTube creators were selected in collaboration with Fox based on things such as audience size and their ability to bring a new, fresh perspective to the most important issues of our time. Fox informed the party/candidates of the format,” said a p.r. person. 

Allison Moore, a press secretary for the RNC, told Breitbart that “We had nothing to do with that.” 

Irena Briganti, a spokeswoman for Fox, also did not respond.

In December, Trump announced he would restrict the immigration of Muslims until the jihad problem can be addressed. “It is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,” said Trump.

The statement came 14 years after Islamic jihadis killed 3,000 Americans and destroyed the Twin Towers in New York, and after many other jihadis launched or tried to launch a series of attacks across the United States.

In her videos, Dulce Candy, the invited Latino questioner, said she was brought from central Mexico to the United States while a young girl. She later joined the U.S. military and served in Iraq. The press announcement described Candy:

With over 2 million subscribers on her YouTube channel, Dulce is a top YouTube beauty, fashion and lifestyle influencer. The only thing more impressive than her fanbase is her story: she immigrated to the United States from Mexico at age 6 and served in the armed forces in Iraq. Today, she’s a proud U.S. citizen, mother, and entrepreneur who serves as a role model for latinas, women, and more.

Noor is described in the company anouncement as well: 

Born in New York, Nabela is a 24 year old Muslim American whose parents immigrated from Bangladesh. As an up-and-coming beauty creator with over 140,000 subscribers, Nabela hasn’t shied away from social issues. In arecent video, she spoke about being called a “terrorist” in elementary school after 9/11 and emphasized the importance of tolerance above all.

The perspective of the Muslim woman, Noor, has been shaped by her Bangladeshi immigrant parents, who were paired off by their parents in an arranged marriage as teenagers, aged 17 and 14.

These Bangladeshi Muslim parents migrated to the United States — while hiding am anchor-baby pregnancy — and later kept Noor in the house for many years to prevent her from integrating with American society. “Growing up, we weren’t allowed out much, our parents wanted to preserve our culture at all costs,” she said. They even refused tolet her date a man, even after she had gone to college, Noor said in a biographical video. The parents also arranged a marriage for Noor’s older sister. Her mother still wears a head-covering to mark her as a loyal Muslim. 

Aspects of Islamic culture remain part of Noor’s personality, under the outward appearance of an American fashionista.

For example, Noor argues that Muslims are individually and collectively insulted when many Americans’ offer sincere and well-argued criticism of Islam’s violent doctrines — for example, jihad, bans against free speech, the death penalty for quitting Islam, sexual subordination of women, opposition to democracy and the separation of mosque and state, etc., etc. That bigoted claim of injury from free speech echoes the demand from orthodox Islam that critics of Islam be silenced – by force if needed – and that the status or honor of each Muslim is damagedif they fail to fight against any criticism of Islam by non-Muslims.

So Noor claimed:

To be hateful and Islamophobic has become so common that it is proudly displayed all around us, online, on the news, and in politics. it is dehumanizing and it hurts. It is hard not to see a bumper sticker of a bigoted presidential candidate and not feel personally attacked when his entire campaign rests on the backs of Muslim-Americans. Where there should be messages of hope and tolerance, there are messages being spread of fear and hate, thus breeding violence.

In contrast, Western Christians and non-Christians try to treat criticism of ideas, such as Christianity’s claim that unborn humans deserve the right to life, or the merits of any particular presidential candidate, as a problem to be solved by facts, logic, free-speech, and compromise. That’s fundamentally different from Noor’s Islamic-style, only-one-winner fight over honor, pride, and supremacy.

That only-one-winner, zero-sum attitude often pushes Muslims to escalate debates into shouting matches and threats. Noor, for example, showed an image linking Trump and Hitler, which suggests that Trump’s criticism of Islam’s jihad ideology is so morally reprehensible that it is equivalent to actually murdering six million Jews, plus at least 10 million Slavic Russians, plus millions of other victims of Hitler’s socialism-for-Aryans Nazi ideology.

In fact, much to the embarrassment of Muslim advocates in the United States, that aggressive aspect of Islam was admired by Jew-hating, left-wing Hitler, who naturally also hated Christianity’s peacefulness, reason and emphasis on individuals’ conscience.

Noor also described criticism of Islam as “Islamophobia,” as if only the existence of a nationwide mental-disease could explain why Americans criticize jihad or child-marriages or the murder of captured Christians or the murders of homosexualsor the murder of a seventh-century poet.

That term, “Islamophobia,” was developed by Islamic advocates to help their allies stigmatize critics of Islam. Generally, Western advocates do not describe their critics as mentally diseased, but as illogical, selfish, or misinformed.

In her video, Noor also tried to argue that Trump’s implied criticism of the violence associated with Islam — likely, including the 9/11 atrocity, the San Bernardino murders, and many other recent jihad attacks — is somehow causing more attacks by Americans against Muslims in America. She did not supply evidence, but did show anewspaper clipping that was actually about a Muslim in Detroit who stabbed two non-Muslims after asking them if they were Muslims. 

“Nick Loussia, Deputy Chief of Police for the Southfield Police Department, said [the stabber] ‘is Muslim, and asked the victims what religion they were’ before allegedly attacking them,” said a report

But Noor portrayed the Muslim-against-not-Muslim jihad attack as actually caused by Americans’ fear of Muslim attacks

“The fear-mongering tactics are a direct cause of hate-violence against Muslims and that makes being a Muslim in America today very, very scary,” she claimed. Noor did not mention any of the manymany,many attacks by Muslims against non-Muslims in America.

She did, however, try to argue that the many Islam-inspired attacks are not Islamic. ‘There are people out there that manipulate our texts to serve their own sick twisted agenda,” she said, without trying to explain how ISIS violates Islamic texts, or trying to disavow the many commandments for jihadin the Koran. 

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Americans hate the U.S. government more than ever

A handful of industries are those "love to hate" types of businesses, such ascable-television companies andInternet service providers.

The federal government has joined the ranks of the bottom-of-the-barrel industries, according to a new survey from the American Customer Satisfaction Index. Americans' satisfaction level in dealing with federal agencies --everything from Treasury to Homeland Security -- has fallen for a third consecutive year, reaching an eight-year low.

The declines represent some backsliding for the U.S. government, given that satisfaction saw some improvement in 2011 and 2012, which may have been the result of spending in the wake of the recession. While the comparison with private enterprise isn't apples to apples given the nature of government services, the findings have some implications for bureaucrats.

"Satisfaction is linked to broader goals in the political system that it wants to maximize, like confidence and trust," said Forrest Morgeson, director of research at the ACSI. "It's much more difficult to govern if the entire population dislikes you."

Although satisfaction is down for the federal government as a whole, the research found that consumers have vastly different views of specific agencies. The department that received the highest score was the Department of the Interior, which received a ranking of 75 points. That could reflect Americans' positive feelings toward national parks, which many visit while on vacation, Morgeson noted.

The lowest-ranked department may not be much of a surprise to taxpayers: Treasury, which received a score of just 55 points, or 20 points below the Department of the Interior. Treasury, as a reminder, oversees the IRS.

"If you think about the most contacted government agency, it'll be the IRS," Morgeson said. "If you think about what the IRS does, which is take money from citizens, you'll have low satisfaction."

Despite the overall lower score for the government, there were some signs of improvement in citizens' experiences, with the feds earning improved scores in customer service and information, which means many citizens believe agencies are delivering information in a clearer way than a year ago.

The government report is based on surveys with more than 2,000 people who were surveyed late last year.


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Women Won’t Save Hillary

People hold Hillary Clinton campaign signs during the King Day at the Dome rally at the S.C. State House at the S.C. State House January 18, 2016 in Columbia, S.C. (Photo: Sean Rayford/Getty Images)

Two new polls released in the past week show women won’t be voting in droves for Hillary Clinton the way African-Americans voted in droves for President Obama.

First, a USA Today/Rock the Vote pollfound millennial women preferring Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to Ms. Clinton. Women between the ages of 18 and 34 preferred Mr. Sanders by a 19-point margin, with 50 percent choosing the senator and 31 percent choosing the former secretary of state.

On Tuesday, a Monmouth Universitynational poll found Ms. Clinton’s lead among women had taken a nose dive since December. Ms. Clinton currently leads Mr. Sanders by 19 points among all women, a smaller lead than what the same poll found at the end of 2015, when Ms. Clinton had a 45-point lead. That’s a huge drop in just one month.

If these polls are indicative of the direction Ms. Clinton’s support among women is heading, as voters tend to make their final decisions in the last month and days before an election (or primary), then Ms. Clinton has a problem.

Women don’t appear as though they will support Ms. Clinton the way African-Americans supported Mr. Obama. Part of that reason is due to a larger split of the demographic between Republicans and Democrats. Sure, more women vote for Democrats than Republicans, but the gap is much closer than with African-Americans.

In 2012, Mr. Obama won women by 12 points, or 56 percent to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s 44 percent. Black voters favored Mr. Obama at a much wider margin, with 93 percent voting for the president’s second term and just 6 percent voting for Mr. Romney.

Mr. Obama also didn’t pander to black voters. He didn’t bring up his race during every speech, every appearance or every debate. He didn’t constantly say he was running to be the first black president. Sure, his surrogates and a friendly media didn’t let voters forget that, but Mr. Obama himself didn’t. It’s one thing for supporters to point that out, but it’s another thing for the candidate to feel the need to remind them.

Does Ms. Clinton think we will forget she’s a woman? Or that we can’t tell? Does she think we have the attention span of a goldfish and must be reminded every few sentences? It’s insulting, condescending and makes one wonder if she’s sure of her own candidacy beyond her gender.

Ms. Clinton is also not as inspirational a candidate as Mr. Obama was. Beyond being the (at the time) potential first black president, Mr. Obama also seemed to have fresh, new ideas, and wasn’t seen as a Washington insider. Ms. Clinton, on the other hand, is seen as an entrenched politician who doesn’t have a bold new viewpoint.

This is important for millennials and was one of the reasons they came out to vote for then-Senator Obama. Millennials are following politics more, and are more dedicated to their opinions than any other generation. As a millennial myself (apologies for my generation, we’re not all terrible), I can’t meet another person in my age group who doesn’t have loud opinions about everything. Maybe it’s because I live on the East Coast, but seriously, young people won’t shut up about their politics.

Mr. Sanders is the candidate who is talking more like Mr. Obama in 2008. He’s calling out Wall Street, capitalism and cronyism. When Ms. Clinton talks about those things we laugh, because she receives large donations from Wall Street, including speaking fees and appears to love cronyism—just check out all of her friends she helped while at the State Department.

Her story is also not something that inspires a generation that is more focused on their career and more desiring of personal success. Mr. Obama had help throughout his career, of course, but it was still him getting the help because of his own merit or because of what he represented for political elites. Ms. Clinton, on the other hand, relied on her husband to get where she is today. She was hired to a top law firm in Arkansas and made partner after her husband became governor. She was elected to the senate with help from her husband’s donors and riding on the momentum of her husband’s popularity after leaving the White House. She ran for president because of all these things, which she only achieved because of whom she was married to.

Young women are averse to the idea that we need a man to succeed, yet that is what Ms. Clinton exemplifies. Sure, Ms. Clinton appeals to more extreme feminists just because of her gender, but the ideals she represents are decidedly not feminist.

There are of course some things working in Ms. Clinton’s favor for this election. She does better with older women than Mr. Sanders, and older voters tend to turn out. Mr. Obama was able to get young Americans to vote in record numbers, so if Mr. Sanders can’t replicate that, he’s toast. Ms. Clinton is also doing better with black and Hispanic voters than Mr. Sanders, so if they come out to vote, she’ll have a clear path to victory.

As with every election, it all comes down to who actually turns out and in what numbers. Ms. Clinton has many factors working in her favor, but if Mr. Sanders’s supporters are more energized to go to the polls, then Ms. Clinton will have a problem.


Friday, January 22, 2016

Moody’s model gives Dem candidate advantage in 2016

The Democratic presidential nominee will win the race for the presidency but the election is shaping up as historically tight, according to a political model. 

Less than 11 months from Election Day, Moody’s Analytics is predicting that whomever lands the Democratic nomination will capture the White House with 326 electoral votes to the Republican nominee’s 212. 

Those results are heavily dependent on how swing states vote. The latest model from Moody’s reflects razor-thin margins in the five most important swing states — Florida, Ohio, Colorado, New Hampshire and Virginia. 

In each of those states, the Democratic advantage is less than 1 percentage point, well within the margin of error.

The election model weighs political and economic strength in each state and determines the share of the vote that the incumbent party will win.

The most important economic variable in the model is the growth in incomes in the two years leading up to the election. 

That factor captures the strength of the job market in each state, including job growth, hours worked, wage growth and the quality of the jobs being created. 

The model also factors in home and gasoline prices. 

So far, the strength of the economy has kept the model on track for the Democratic nominee.

But the trajectory of the president’s approval rating also makes a difference in who could win the White House. 

If President Obama’s approval rating shifts only a little more than 4 percentage points, a bit more than the margin of error for many presidential opinion polls, the move could further cut into Democratic hopes to retain the White House. 

Growing concern about terrorism and other issues could dent Obama’s approval rating further.

Usually, if the sitting president’s approval rating is improving in the year leading up the election, the incumbent party receives a boost. 

But in most elections, the president’s rating has declined in the lead-up to the election, favoring the challenger party. 


Who had the worst week in Washington? Hillary Clinton.
For Hillary Clinton, it’s starting to look like deja vu all over again.
Start a bid for the Democratic presidential nomination as giant front-runner. Check. Raise tens of millions of dollars and look unbeatable for large swaths of the year before the primaries start. Check. An insurgent challenger running to her ideological left? Check. Collapsing poll numbers on the eve of actual votes? Check.
Over the past week or so, Clinton has watched as her national polling lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.), a self-avowed socialist, has shrunk. And, far more important, Clinton’s standing vis a vis Sanders in the key early-voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire has eroded as well.
In Iowa, after holding a high-single-digit lead (at worst) for months, Clinton now finds herself in a dead heat with the caucuses just over a week away. The Real Clear Politics polling average gives Clinton an edge of less than five points.
Sanders has always run stronger in New Hampshire than in Iowa, but of late several polls suggest that he is widening his steady lead over the former secretary of state. In the Real Clear Politics polling average, Sanders is up by almost 13 points.
As Hillary Clinton's lead in the polls continues to fall, her attacks on Bernie Sanders have stepped up. (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post)
Lose both of those states early next month, and Clinton’s inevitability bubble bursts. Period.
Clinton, to her credit, is doing everything she can to avoid a repeat of 2008. She’s savaging Sanders as both too conservative (on guns) and too pie-in-the-sky liberal (on health care).
Complicating those efforts is the news that broke midweek: The intelligence community’s inspector general confirmed that dozens of emails on the private server Clinton used while she was at the State Department contained extremely highly classified information.
Clinton continues to stick by her original line on the email controversy — that she never sent or received anything that was classified at the time — but the latest news is proof that the story and its reverberations are likely to dog her all the way through November.
Hillary Clinton, for watching history repeat itself, you had the worst week in Washington. Congrats, or something.
Each week, Chris Cillizza awards the worst week in Washington to an inhabitant of Planet Beltway who stands out for all the wrong reasons. You can check out previous winners or e-mail Cillizza with candidates. You can also read more from Outlook and follow our updates on Facebook and Twitter.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Berserk Clinton Bigwigs Launch Nixonian Attack Against Surging Sanders

Democratic presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks during the the Iowa Brown and Black Forum sponsored by FUSION and broadcasted from Drake University on January 11 in Des Moines. (Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

In an astonishing political development, as a CNN/WMUR poll shows Bernie Sanders defeating Hillary Clinton by an astounding 27 points in the New Hampshire primary and an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll finds him defeating Donald Trump in the general election by a whopping 15 points, a long list of prominent Clinton supporters has launched an all-out negative attack against Mr. Sanders reminiscent of the red-baiting attacks Richard Nixon once deployed against liberals.

First, a caution to readers: these polls show definite trends that should bring joy to the hearts of Sanders supporters and dread to the hearts of Team Clinton, but trends in campaigns and results in polls will shift many times in a presidential election.

Second, an observation on the meaning of the Sanders surge: these and other polls demonstrate what I have long argued is the great truth that will be revealed in the 2016 election. There is a progressive populist majority in America that exists beneath the tectonic plates of American politics that Mr. Sanders to his advantage is galvanizing in his campaign and Ms. Clinton to her disadvantage has been resisting in hers.

Third, a word of advice to Team Clinton: calm down and back off the panicked attacks against Mr. Sanders that are highlighted in a New York Times story in which one Democratic Senator who supports Ms. Clinton, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, reached a new low by suggesting that Republicans will run an ad against Mr. Sanders alongside the hammer and sickle which, in other words, would paint him as a communist.

Team Clinton needs to get a grip on their panicked attacks against Mr. Sanders.

Fourth, a key fact: the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll really did find Mr. Sanders defeating Mr. Trump by 15 points, confirming an earlier Quinnipiac poll showing him defeating Mr. Trump by 13 points, with other polling by NBC/Wall Street Journal showing the Vermont senator defeating the Republican frontrunner by similar margins in general election match-up in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Fifth, perhaps the most fascinating impact of the huge Sanders surge is that the mainstream media, which for most of the campaign has instituted a de facto news blackout against Mr. Sanders, is now painting him as David who may slay the Goliath of the Clinton machine and giving him a megaphone to promote his progressive populist message.

Remember that song “What a difference a day makes”?

Sixth, Ms. Clinton is now making the huge mistake of attacking Mr. Sanders from the right with Republican-style attacks against him as being a tax and spend liberal for advocating issues that many or most Democratic voters support such as single payer health care. This is what Ms. Clinton did in the last Democratic debate.

Seventh, what appears to be a scorched earth attack by Ms. Clinton and her team against Mr. Sanders for being too liberal is the worst possible move for a candidate with high negative ratings and low trust ratings who will need every Sanders voter to turn out on election day in November if she is ultimately the Democratic nominee.

The bonehead move of the year award goes to DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and whoever whispered in her ear to seek the fewest possible debates with the lowest possible audience.

Eighth, I predict any scorched earth attack by Ms. Clinton and her team against Mr. Sanders will lead to a humongous surge in small donations to the Sanders campaign. Expect news stories over the next week to document that the more Ms. Clinton attacks Mr. Sanders the more his small donor base will rally behind him, and the more her allies attack Mr. Sanders for being a socialist—or even a communist as Senator McCaskill’s innuendo implied—the more the large and growing small donor movement behind Mr. Sanders will expand and donate even more money to his campaign.

Ninth, Team Clinton appears to be going berserk in their panicked attacks against Mr. Sanders. They need to calm down and get a grip. Ms. Clinton has offered long and detailed proposals that are generally progressive and highly worthy. They do not go as far as the Sanders proposals, but they move in the same direction, and she would be well-advised to stop attacking Mr. Sanders and start vigorously advocating her own proposals.

Tenth, the bonehead move of the year award goes to Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and whoever in the Clinton campaign whispered in her ear to seek the fewest possible debates with the lowest possible audience.

This ill-fated plan to rig the nominating process violates everything Democrats stand for and has now backfired against Ms. Clinton. Who ever heard of a political party that wants the smallest audience to hear its message, or a national political committee such as the DNC showing such extreme bias for any candidate as it did for Ms. Clinton and against Mr. Sanders on the debate issue?

Eleventh, Mr. Trump can continue to boast of his poll ratings, but it is media malpractice for any journalist to not directly challenge him about why Mr. Sanders is kicking is butt in general election match-ups in a number of recent polls, and why Ms. Clinton has begun to kick his butt as well in those polls, though (and this is important) by a smaller margin than Mr. Sanders.

Ladies and gentlemen, we now have a real campaign where the voice of the people will now be heard. Let the real debate begin and let the voters decide.

The progressive populist message is now front and center on the great stage of national politics, and this is good news for Democrats and great news for America.

SEE ALSO: Hillary’s EmailGate Goes Nuclear

Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, the publisher of Observer Media.


Monday, January 18, 2016

AGAIN Donald Trump is the only Republican mentioned during Dem debate

Bernie Sanders cited his head-to-head polling lead over Trump as evidence he should win nomination, hinting at how much the Democrats fear The Donald Martin O'Malley attacked Trump's call to temporarily ban non-citizen Muslims from entering the country'If Donald Trump wants to start a registry, in our country, of people by faith,' O'Malley boomed, 'he can start with me!' Sanders claimed Trump believes 'climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese'For more on the Democratic debate

Republican presidential front-runnerDonald Trump drew less than one-half as much interest from debating democrats Sunday night, compared with their last on-stage contest in December.

But he was still the only GOP contender who drew any fire by name as Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley tussled in Charleston, South Carolina.

Clinton, the presumptive favorite to win the Democratic nomination, left Trump out of her rhetoric. But Sanders and O'Malley launched broadsides as his positions on Islamic terrorism and global warming.


GLOBAL WARMING WARRIOR: Vermont's Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders took a climate-change shot at Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Sunday during the Democrats' debate in Charleston, South Carolina

'IT'S A HOAX': Trump had claimed in late December that the climate change movement was a 'hoax' and a 'money-making industry'

SOUTHERN DISCOMFORT: The South Carolina debate brought bitter rivals Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders within spitting distance of each other, and included Martin O'Malley as a feisty third wheel

'The debate is over. Climate change is real. It is already causing major problems,' Sanders said in the second half of Sunday night's contest. 'And if we do not act boldly and decisively, a bad situation will become worse.'

'It is beyond my comprehension,' he added moments later, 'how we can elect as President of the United States somebody like Trump who believes that climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese.'

That line brought laughter from a partisan audience gathered downtown at the Gaillard Center.

Trump indeed said during a December 30 rally in Hilton Head, South Carolina that the modern climate change movement is 'a hoax. I mean, it's a money-making industry, okay? It's a hoax, a lot of it.'

He insisted that 'we don't have to destroy our economy' in order to protect the natural environment.

Trump never said during that appearance that China invented the purported hoax, but did point a finger at Beijing for failing to abide by the same rules the United States agreed to follow in a recently inked multinational climate change deal.

'They're buying all of our coal. We can't use coal anymore, essentially. They're buying our coal, and they're using it,' he said.

In 2012 The Donald tweeted – in a moment he later called a 'joke,' that '[t]he concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive.'

O'Malley, a former Maryland governor, said Sunday night that he objected to Trump's call for a temporary ban on non-citizen Muslims entering the United States until the federal government can determine 'what is going on' in the wake of a deadly Islamist attack in San Bernardino, California.

DRUNK IN LOVE WITH HILLARY: A Clinton supporter advertised her support from Beyonce during a rally outside Sunday night's debate site

He spoke of a 'political front' in the war against the ISIS terror army. 

'If Donald Trump wants to start a registry, in our country, of people by faith,' O'Malley boomed, 'he can start with me!'

'And I will sign up as one who is totally opposed to his fascist appeals that wants to vilify American Muslims. That can do more damage to our democracy than anything.'

Sanders had already drawn the billionaire's blood, saying earlier that all three Democrats on stage had 'denounced Trump's attempt to divide this country, the anti-Latino rhetoric, the racist rhetoric, the anti-Muslim rhetoric.' 

The focus on Trump to the exclusion of all the other Republicans may indicate that Democrats fear the real estate tycoon more than the establishment candidates who want to unseat him at the top of the GOP pyramid.

ROUNDING UP CATHOLICS? Martin O'Malley (left) said that if Donald Trump (right) wants to segregate Americans by religion – meaning Muslims – 'he can start with me!'

IT'S GO TIME: The lawn of Charleston's Gaillard Center became a forest of yard signs Sunday night

Sanders made a point of emphasizing his poll numbers in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup with The Donald when he made his case that the Democratic Party should nominate him instead of Clinton.

'In terms of polling, we are running ahead of Secretary Clinton in terms of taking on my good friend Donald Trump,' Sanders said.

In the December 19 Democratic debate there were no fewer than nine separate mentions of Trump's name – including a controversial claim from Clinton that her league-leading Republican counterpart 'is becoming ISIS' best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.'

That contention was never backed up, although propaganda videos introduced later featured both Trump and Clinton.

O'Malley said that night that the United States 'must never surrender our American values to racists, must never surrender them to the fascist pleas of billionaires with big mouths.' 


A whopping 15 people from America's two major political parties are candidates in the 2016 presidential election.

The field includes two women, an African-American and two Latinos. All but one in that group – Hillary Clinton – are Republicans.

At 12 candidates, the GOP field has already lost two current governors, two former governors and a sitting senator, but is but still deeper than ever.

A much smaller group of three Democrats includes a former secretary of state, a former governor and a current senator.


Hillary ClintonFormer sec. of state

Age on Election Day: 69

Religion: United Methodist 

Base: Liberals 

Résumé:Former secretary of state. Former U.S. senator from New York. Former U.S. first lady. Former Arkansas first lady. Former law school faculty, University of Arkansas Fayetteville.

Education: B.A. Wellesley College. J.D. Yale Law School.

Family: Married to Bill Clinton (1975), the 42nd President of the United States. Their daughter Chelsea is married to investment banker Marc Mezvinsky, whose mother was a 1990s one-term Pennsylvania congresswoman.

Claim to fame: Clinton was the first US first lady with a postgraduate degree and presaged Obamacare with a failed attempt at health care reform in the 1990s.

Achilles heel: A long series of financial and ethical scandals has dogged Clinton, including recent allegations that her husband and their family foundation benefited financially from decisions she made as secretary of state. Her performance surrounding the 2012 terror attack on a State Department facility in Benghazi, Libya, has been catnip for conservative Republicans. And her presidential campaign has been marked by an unwillingness to engage journalists, instead meeting with hand-picked groups of voters.

Bernie Sanders* Vermont senator

Age on Election Day: 75

Religion: Jewish

Base: Far-left progressives

Résumé:U.S. senator. Former U.S. congressman. Former mayor of Burlington, VT.

Education: B.A. University of Chicago.

Family: Married to Jane O’Meara Sanders (1988), a former president of Burlington College. He has one child from a previous relationship and is stepfather to three from Mrs. Sanders' previous marriage. His brother Larry is a Green Party politician in the UK and formerly served on the Oxfordshire County Council.

Claim to fame: Sanders is an unusually blunt, and unapologetic pol, happily promoting progressivism without hedging. He is also the longest-serving 'independent' member of Congress – neither Democrat nor Republican.

Achilles heel: Sanders describes himself as a 'democratic socialist.' At a time of huge GOP electoral gains, his far-left ideas don't poll well. He favors open borders, single-payer universal health insurance, and greater government control over media ownership.

* Sanders is running as a Democrat but has no party affiliation in the Senate.

Martin O'Malley   Former Maryland governor

Age on Election Day: 53

Religion: Catholic

Base: Centrists 

Résumé:Former Maryland governor. Former city councilor and mayor of Baltimore, MD. Former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia.

Education: B.A. Catholic University of America. J.D. University of Maryland.

Family: Married to Katie Curran (1990) and they have four children. Curran is a district court judge in Baltimore. Her father is Maryland's attorney general. O'Malley's mother is a receptionists in the Capitol Hill office of Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski.

Claim to fame: O'Malley pushed for laws in Maryland legalizing same-sex marriage and giving illegal immigrants the right to pay reduced tuition rates at public universities. But he's best known for playing guitar and sung in a celtic band cammed 'O’Malley’s March.'

Achilles heel: O’Malley may struggle in the Democratic primary since he endorsed Hillary Clinton eight years ago. If he prevails, he will have to run far enough to her left to be an easy target for the GOP. He showed political weakness when his hand-picked successor lost the 2014 governor's race to a Republican. But most troubling is his link with Baltimore, whose 2016 race riots have made it a nuclear subject for politicians of all stripes.


Jim Webb, former Virginia senator

     (withdrew Oct. 20, 2015)

Lincoln Chafee, former Rhode Island governor

     (withdrew Oct. 23, 2015)