Showing posts with label ambassador. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ambassador. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

‘13 Hours’ Movie The Benghazi Attack

Cinematic Treatment

The director Michael Bay, left, and Pablo Schreiber on the set of “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.”By MICHAEL CIEPLYJanuary 5, 2016

LOS ANGELES — Michael Bay, known for four “Transformers” films and an action-romance about the Pearl Harbor attack, made a promise to Mitchell Zuckoff on beginning a screen version of the story Mr. Zuckoff told in his book “13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi.”

“This is going to be my most real movie,” Mr. Zuckoff recalls Mr. Bay saying.

Next week will tell whether the harsh realities of a 2012 attack on a United States diplomatic compound in Libya are the stuff of transition for Mr. Bay, and cinematic catharsis for viewers whose understanding of the assault, in which Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed, has been blurred by partisan politics since the night it occurred.

The action-drama, called “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi,” will have its premiere next Tuesday in Texas at AT&T Stadium, where the Dallas Cowboys play their home games. The screening is a benefit for the Shadow Warriors Project, which supports private military security personnel, and other groups.

Three days later the film will be released by Paramount Pictures, hoping to capture a January audience that made past hits of the combat-themed films “Lone Survivor” and “American Sniper.”

To hear those involved with “13 Hours” tell it, success demands something more than ticket sales.

“This is what we experienced, we hope you listen to it,” said Mark Geist, who was wounded while helping, as a security consultant, to defend a Central Intelligence Agency annex that was attacked in tandem with the diplomatic compound.

One of five survivors who collaborated on both Mr. Zuckoff’s book and Mr. Bay’s film, Mr. Geist said he and his peers hoped the movie would help close rather than reopen debate about political motives in Washington’s lack of readiness for and response to a 13-hour attack that began on Sept. 11, 2012.

“The political side of it needs to focus on the truth, and not focus on the spin,” said Mr. Geist, who spoke by telephone last week, and is often called Oz, both in life and in the film.

“People need to listen to the people on the ground,” he added.

While Mr. Geist did not address specific failures in the official response to the attack, the film bluntly portrays several. The film’s operatives openly question inadequate security measures at the diplomatic compound in advance of the attack. C.I.A. staffers deride and disregard the operatives, and play down the dangers in Libya. Requested air support never arrives.

Still, Mr. Bay shared the conviction of the operatives, Mr. Zuckoff and Erwin Stoff, a producer of the film, that partisan politics should generally be avoided. Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of state when the attack took place — and who has been harshly criticized by Republicans who have tried to tie the attack to what they contend was her mismanagement — is never mentioned. President Obama is only a fleeting voice in “13 Hours.” (Mr. Bay’s mother, whom he said is a close observer of national politics, urged him not to do the film at all.)

In hours of Congressional testimony, Mrs. Clinton has accepted general responsibility for security at the compound, but has said that specific decisions about its protection were made by her department’s security professionals.

In what might be one political sore spot, a printed crawl at the picture’s end points out that in the years after the attack, Libya became a stronghold for the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.

But for the most part, “13 Hours,” with its focus on “ground truth,” is an unabashed celebration of the armed operatives, who were defying orders when they moved to defend the diplomatic compound. One of the original group, Tyrone Woods, known as Rone, died. Along with Ambassador Stevens, the other Americans killed were Sean Smith, a State Department communications officer, and Glen Doherty, known as Bub, a security contractor who joined in defending the annex after flying from Tripoli.

To an unusual degree, the security operatives on the ground in Benghazi became a force in creating the “13 Hours” film, even before Mr. Bay agreed to direct it.

In an interview last week, Mr. Stoff described the process leading to the film. In May 2013, he said, Richard Abate, a book agent who works with him at the 3 Arts Entertainment management and production company, spoke with Kris Paronto, known as Tanto, another security operative in Libya. That led to conversations with five survivors, including Mr. Geist; John Tiegen, known as Tig; and two others who have not been publicly identified. (In the film, they are called Jack Silva, played by John Krasinski, and Boon, played by David Denman.)

The five quickly resolved to retell their experiences in a book. Mr. Abate asked Mr. Zuckoff, a client and longtime journalist, to write it. Mr. Zuckoff initially declined, partly because the proposed eight-month delivery schedule was tight, and partly from wariness of political crosscurrents around the Benghazi story.

“I didn’t want to wade into that,” Mr. Zuckoff said. But direct conversations with the operatives persuaded him otherwise.

“You realize, I can’t not tell their story,” he said.

Simultaneously, Mr. Stoff recruited Chuck Hogan (who wrote a novel that became Ben Affleck’s “The Town”) to write the film and organize a pitch. Four of the five operatives, Mr. Stoff said, joined the writer and producer in presenting the project to Hollywood studios.

“Everybody wanted to hear it,” Mr. Stoff said. “But only Paramount had the courage to want to make it.”

In July 2014, Paramount executives showed the script to Mr. Bay, who has worked with the studio on four “Transformers” films, and is preparing to direct a fifth. Mr. Stoff told them not to waste their time: Mr. Bay, he knew, had just turned down a competing Benghazi project. But Mr. Bay was intrigued, and agreed to direct.

“I just wanted to do it justice,” Mr. Bay said, speaking by telephone this week. Mr. Bay said that he saw the project as a way to honor the selfless behavior of combat participants, which he earlier witnessed among Navy SEALs when he worked with several of them on “The Rock” in the mid-1990s.

A line on the billboards for “13 Hours” captures Mr. Bay’s enduring fascination with heroics under pressure — something evident in his previous films, like “Bad Boys,” “The Rock,” “Armageddon,” “Pearl Harbor” and the “Transformers” series. “When everything went wrong, six men had the courage to do what was right,” it says.

The bleak outcome in Benghazi, Mr. Stoff noted, edged Mr. Bay onto what for him was new ground. “His movies always present the world as you wish it would be,” Mr. Stoff said. “This is tonally a very different kind of movie.”

Mr. Geist said he regarded “13 Hours” as an authentic portrayal of the attack and response.

Not every detail, he said, is clinically correct. One or another bit of rooftop action, he said, may have been altered.

But “it’s as authentic, I think, as you’re going to be able to get,” Mr. Geist said. All but one of the core operatives have seen it, he added.

“I didn’t hear a negative comment.”


Zero Dark Thirty

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Dont Get Mad on Facebook and say, "I'd like to eat children" and live near a school... WTF ???

Justin Carter — the San Antonio, Texas teenager who was jailed for months for making an idiotic but entirely sarcastic violent threat on Facebook — is still facing up to 8 years in prison.
The 18-year-old is charged with making terrorist threats against a school. Prosecutors are determined to get either a guilty verdict or force Carter to admit his guilt in exchange for a reduced sentence.
But Carter’s lawyer, Don Flanary, says the case is ridiculous, and should be thrown out. (RELATED: Texas teen makes violent joke during video game, is jailed for months)

Read more:

Nevertheless, Carter’s comments were reported to the police, who determined that a nearby elementary school was in danger and arrested him at his place of work. The police couldn’t be sure that they had the right Justin Carter, however, so they asked him to admit that he had written the comments. If he confessed, they said they would let him go.
So he confessed.
In response, the authorities increased his bail amount to a whopping $500,000. He spent months in jail before an anonymous sympathizer donated the money so that Carter could make bail. (RELATED: Second teen spends months in jail for sarcastic video game threat)

Flanary said the high bail amount was itself a violation of his client’s rights.
“This whole thing is totally and completely bonkers,” said Flanary in an interview with The Houston Press.
Carter made his comments on a Facebook thread in February of last year. A fellow online gamer was provoking him, and caused Carter to say things he would come to regret. Carter said, “I’m fucked in the head alright, I think I’ma SHOOT UP A KINDERGARTEN… AND WATCH THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT RAIN DOWN… AND EAT THE BEATING HEART OF ONE OF THEM.”
The threat was not meant to be taken seriously. Carter had no history of violence, no means of carrying out the threat and no actual desire to do so.
The comments may have been stupid, but they weren’t criminal, said Flanary.
“There must be a clear and present danger, and there must be a true threat,” he said. “And if you don’t have a true threat, then the First Amendment protects your speech. Plain and simple.”

“The Texas Constitution and virtually all case law from it says that it’s illegal to keep someone under conditions of bond they can’t afford,” he said.
If convicted of the charges against him, Carter could spend years behind bars and pay thousands of dollars.
Flanary described the case as a witch hunt against an entirely innocent person.
“The fact is, the case should be dismissed,” he said. “He didn’t do anything wrong…That’s what dictatorships all around the world used to do. They’d say, ‘If you confess to your crimes against the state, we will let you go.’ I mean, fuck you. I didn’t do anything wrong…’Just admit you’re a witch or we’ll burn you. Why won’t you just admit you’re a witch?’”
The Washington Post’s Radley Balko said of the case:
“Carter spent months in jail. While he was there, his attorney says he was beaten and sexually assaulted. And he’s still looking at up to 10 years in prison. The fact that the prosecutors at one point offered him a plea bargain with an eight-year sentence suggests they plan to put him away for as long as the law will allow.”
Follow Robby on Twitter

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Geraldo Rivera is sick and delusional just like any liberal.

Internet Stunned: Geraldo Rivera Tweets Semi-Nude Photo of Himself — Warning: You Will Not Be Able to Unsee This (UPDATE: Rivera Deletes Tweet, Writes ‘Note to Self’)

UPDATE: Rivera deleted his tweet with the selfie photo Sunday afternoon and offered this kinda, sorta mea cupla (to which fellow Fox News host Greg Gutfeld replied in his own special way):
Geraldo Rivera Selfie | Geraldo Rivera Mirror Pic | Geraldo Rivera Tweets Naked Photo
(Credit: Twitter)
Original story:
Fox News host Geraldo Rivera tweeted a jaw-dropping half-nude “selfie” mirror photo early Sunday.
“70 is the new 50,” the shirtless Rivera wrote from what appears to be a bathroom, a fluffy white towel or robe positioned very low in front of his hips. “(Erica and family are going to be so pissed…but at my age…)”
Geraldo Rivera Selfie | Geraldo Rivera Mirror Pic | Geraldo Rivera Tweets Naked Photo
Image source: Geraldo Rivera/Twitter @GeraldoRivera
Rivera, incidentally, is wearing rose-colored glasses in the photo.
The tweet came from Rivera’s verified Twitter account. Rivera has given no indication his account was hacked.
Geraldo Rivera Selfie | Geraldo Rivera Mirror Pic | Geraldo Rivera Tweets Naked Photo
Image source: Geraldo Rivera/Twitter @GeraldoRivera
The photo was posted hours after Rivera was reportedly jeered at a rally for slain teenager Trayvon Martin in New York on Saturday.
Stunned reaction to the photo poured in from Twitter users, many involving variations of “Why?!,” “Oh my God” or the Internet-speak version, “OMG.”
“Leave the selfies to the teenage girls YOU CREEP!” radio host Gregg “Opie” Hughes tweeted.
RT @ 70 is the new 50 ME: Leave the selfies to the teenage girls YOU CREEP! #ThrewUpInMyMouth
Geraldo Rivera Selfie | Geraldo Rivera Mirror Pic | Geraldo Rivera Tweets Naked Photo
opie radio

@ I think you've been hanging out with Weiner too much.
Geraldo Rivera Selfie | Geraldo Rivera Mirror Pic | Geraldo Rivera Tweets Naked Photo

.@ You're taking this anti-hoodie thing a bit too far now.
Geraldo Rivera Selfie | Geraldo Rivera Mirror Pic | Geraldo Rivera Tweets Naked Photo
Matt Binder

.@ You've made a horrible mistake.
Geraldo Rivera Selfie | Geraldo Rivera Mirror Pic | Geraldo Rivera Tweets Naked Photo
Jon Gabriel

Friday, June 21, 2013

End Obama Care Now - Join Together Now.

Help End ObamaCare!

Sign the petition and help FreedomWorks pressure Speaker Boehner to bring the Price bill for a vote.

Rep. Tom Price of Georgia introduced H.R. 2009, which will get the IRS out of ObamaCare completely. After the IRS was caught discriminating against conservatives, we need to pass H.R. 2009.
ObamaCare needs IRS enforcement, or it will collapse. The Price bill gets the IRS out of ObamaCare and defeats it for good!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sign Impeachment Proccedings

Remove Him From Office

If you want to donate that's fine but if not PLEASE scroll down and you can sign up FREE with no donation.  Please help us SAVE AMERICA from COMMUNISM.  

Impeach President Obama & Remove Him from Office

105,753 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

Impeach President Obama & Remove Him from Office
America is under attack from within. Over the last 4 ½ years, our nation has been transformed for the worse so much that one would hardly recognize it. We have a corrupt, Chicago politician in the White House who is bleeding our nation to death. Since he won re-election with the help of low information voters and a compliant media, the details of even further corruption has been revealed. The time has come and we must not relent until this happens.
Here’s why:
He has purposefully lied about the Benghazi atrocity, instructed others to lie, and intimidated whistleblowers who were guilty of nothing but a desire for justice and the truth. While our Libyan Ambassador burned and others were slaughtered, he went to bed, not even caring enough to make one phone call as to the status of the seven hours of Hell.  Prior to the attacks multiple requests for extra security in Benghazi, including from the murdered Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were refused by his regime.  This was despite the fact that the British Embassy in Libya had been previously attacked just months earlier by Islamic terrorists.  He has used taxpayer funds to run TV ads in Pakistan, pushing and promoting the lie that the Benghazi attacks were caused by a YouTube video.
At a time of the "Sequester" so-called cuts, equating to a insignificant cut in the "rate of growth" of government spending, he closed White House tours to our children, while sending hundreds of millions of taxpayer funds to the known terrorist group, The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, including giving them F-16's and tanks.
He has treated our foreign friends like enemies and rewarded our enemies as if they were our friends.
He has inflicted the nation with over 20,000 pages of incoherent rules, regulations, and mandates in the form of ObamaCare, which, for the first time in history, gives the federal government the power to force its citizens to buy something that only the government approves of.
He has divided the country like in no time in history since the Civil War. He has pitted men against women, gay people against straight people, and used unAmerican, Marxist class warfare that has no place in a free America. He has caused racial strife by unjustifiably labeling anyone who disagrees with his USSR-style governance as a "racist."
He has degraded our people at every opportunity, apologizing for America on foreign soil.  He has bowed to the Saudi Prince, humiliating our nation.  To the Mexican people, he blamed the American people for his illegal gun-running operation "Fast and Furious." He apologized to the Mexican people for U.S. sovereignty while inferring that the lower region of our country still belonged to them.
He has continually and on numerous occasions abused the power of his office.  To cover-up his regime's crimes in the Fast and Furious gun-running operation, in which the Obama regime gave guns to Mexican drug gangs, in an attempt to later attack the Second Amendment, he pleaded Executive Privilege.  
He has expoded the already gargantuan national debt, increasing it by approximately 60% during his first term, while insisting that we must spend even more. He has failed to get even one of his budgets passed, even during the period when his own party held both houses of congress, with his budget being defeated, 414-0, in the House and 99-0 in the Senate, without receiving even one vote from his own party.
He burned-up $862 billion on a "stimulus" plan that was supposed to create "shovel-ready jobs".  Later, he admitted there was no such thing as a "shovel-ready" job. 
He has promoted voter fraud at every possible occasion, and failed to convict proven voter intimidation based upon the skin color of the lawbreakers.
He has advertised and promoted America's food stamp program over Mexican airwaves to Mexican citizens, in an attempt to swarm our country with millions more in illegal aliens and further bankrupting our country with "Cloward and Piven" tactics.
He has sued several states repeatedly, stopping them from implementing the laws their citizens had approved, violating the Tenth Amendment in the process, while completely obliterating the constitutional principle of state sovereignty.
He has unconstitutionally bypassed Congress at every turn by using the federal bureaucracy to inflict massive and crushing laws on our people.
He has appointed dozens of unconstitutional "czars," unchecked by any balance of powers, who have served no purpose but to harass.
By all accounts he has created a Nixonian "Enemies List" which has included any individual, company, or industry that disagrees with his destructive policies.  He has attacked and tried to silence our once "free press," even going to the extreme of instructing Americans which media sources they should listen to.
He embarrassed and harmed our relationship with our ally, Great Britain, by sending an official U.S. delegation to Socialist dictator, Hugo Chavez's funeral, but yet sending no one to the great defender of liberty, the great  former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher's funeral. 
He has used tragedy and crisis to attack our constitutional freedoms, using the Sandy Hook shootings to infringe upon our non-negotiable Second Amendment rights.  He used the Benghazi terrorist attacks, blaming them on the First Amendment which would allow a YouTube video critical of Islam.
He has unconstitutionally attacked our sacred freedom of religion, a God-given right guaranteed by our Founders in the First Amendment.

President Obama is the most corrupt president in U.S. history. His actions are against everything this country was founded upon and stands for. He is a danger to America. We are therefore calling for his impeachment and removal from office. We urge you to join us for the good of our nation and to keep the legacy of our Founding Fathers alive.

Sign Up

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ted Cruz : Illegal law breaking mexicans cant vote, EVER !!!

Senator Cruz Proposes Limbaugh Amendment to Immigration Bill
May 8, 2013

Senator Ted Cruz Proposes Limbaugh Amendment to the Immigration Bill

RUSH: Here are the details on Ted Cruz.  It's a story from US News & World Report: "Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, a newly elected Republican with a penchant for making headlines --"  Did you know that about Ted Cruz?  Yeah, he has a penchant for making headlines.  That's what they say about Ted Cruz.  He's really a great, great senator -- he makes a lot of headlines.

Anyway, Senator Cruz "filed an amendment that would bar undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States from ever earning citizenship."  Meaning they could never vote.  "There are an estimated 11 million people living in the country illegally, and a bipartisan immigration reform measure would create a pathway to citizenship over the course of 13 years by requiring those people to pay penalties and back taxes, as well as learn English. Conservatives opposed to reform decry the path as amnesty, but Democrats say they will not support reform that does not cope with the immigrants already living in the US.  Cruz also filed amendments that he says would 'strengthen border security measures.'"  He wants to, okay, look, these 11 million, whatever we're gonna do, they will never be granted citizenship.  You can do whatever you want with them, but they'll never be granted citizenship.
Now, that's similar to a proposal that we made.  Okay, we'll support amnesty on this program with one proviso, and that is that everybody granted amnesty can't vote for 25 years.  Yes.  I am accused of purity, and my purity -- meaning standing fast to my principles -- is leading to Republicans losing elections.  Me and my purity and your purity, all of us standing firm on principle, means that Republicans can't win elections until we punt our principles.
So just to illustrate the point: Okay, I'll support amnesty, but they can't vote for 25 years.  And let's just gauge the reaction to that.  I guarantee you the people for amnesty will never go for it that way.  "What's the point, Mr. Limbaugh?"  The point is to prove nobody cares about 'em coming out from the shadows and nobody cares about 'em being treated with dignity and nobody cares about any of that.  They're looked at as voters.  If we make everything else in immigration possible, except they can't vote, then what happens to the support for it?  It would all plummet and fall apart.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

NEW SURVEY: Should Obama Be Impeached for Benghazi Cover-Up and Intimidation of Whistleblowers?

It has recently come to light that the Obama Administration is being accused by at least three State Department employees, and one CIA employee of intimidation, as they prepare to testify about the administration's response, or lack thereof, to the Benghazi attacks on 9/11/12. As you recall, the Obama Administration talking points immediately following the terrorist attacks included the stories that there were protests outside the embassy and that a YouTube video fueled the attacks. Both were found to be completely untrue. Hillary Clinton, when asked about the case, famously answered, "What difference does it make?" It is also becoming more clear, according to recent revelations from Special Operations sources, that the military could have responded in sufficient time to possibly save lives and potentially capture or kill the terrorists. Today, Obama Press Secretary, Jay Carney, attempted to infer that the country should move on because "Benghazi happened a long time ago," even though the attacks happened less than eight months ago. Do you think the way the Obama administration handled the Benghazi terrorist attacks warrant impeachment?