Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


"The debate over health care has consumed Washington for over a decade. America can't afford another decade of spiraling costs, political bickering, or inaction. This may be the only window we have to do this. Millions of Americans are depending on their representatives to repeal this crushing law and can benefit from the common-sense solutions being considered in the Senate. We cannot, and must not, fail them any longer."

Time to discard the burdens and costs of Obamacare
By Rick Perry
July 25, 2017
On Jan. 25, 2007, then-Sen. Barack Obama delivered a speech declaring that "the time has come for universal health care in America." Two years later, he was president of the United States -- and he told a joint session of Congress that health care was his top priority. Just over a year after that, Obamacare became the law of the land.

America has been staggering under its burdens and failures ever since.

Insurance companies have pulled up stakes in states across the country, leaving consumers few options throughout the country.

Costs have risen dramatically, despite Democratic promises Obamacare would lower insurance costs. Patients have lost choices, doctors and insurance plans, and in some cases, lost access to cancer specialists and other life-saving caregivers.

I served as governor of Texas, the second largest state, for 14 years. I know full well that Texans largely have different ideas about health care than well-intentioned Washington bureaucrats.

The proposal from Congress contains many positive reforms to Medicaid -- in fact, they are included in the Senate's Better Care Reconciliation Act. These would give states more control to deliver better care at lower costs for those in need.

There is an historic opportunity for Congress to finally empower people and states and move control out of Washington. There will not be another opportunity like this for a very long time.

It has never been enough to repeal Obamacare. Repeal is obvious, because its failure is obvious. Replacing it is much harder work. But it must be done, with a focus on returning health care to states, individuals, and the health care professionals that care for them.

The debate over health care has consumed Washington for over a decade. America can't afford another decade of spiraling costs, political bickering, or inaction.

This may be the only window we have to do this. Millions of Americans are depending on their representatives to repeal this crushing law and can benefit from the common-sense solutions being considered in the Senate.

We cannot, and must not, fail them any longer.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Obama: I Am The Populist, Not Donald Trump

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio


by CHARLIE SPIERING29 Jun 20163,755

President Barack Obama defied the notion that Donald Trump was leading a populist revolution, quibbling with the media’s branding of the historic rise of the billionaire’s run for president.

“Maybe somebody can pull up in the dictionary quickly the phrase ‘populism’ but I’m not prepared to concede the notion that some of the rhetoric that’s been popping up is populist,” Obama said.

The president made his remarks at the end of a press conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Pena Neito after the North America Leaders’ Summit.

Obama argued that his 2008 campaign and his entire presidency was more about populism, arguing he cared more about poor people and working people.

“I suppose that makes me a populist,” he said confidently.

He alluded to people like Trump who worked against some of the policies pushed by liberal Democrats.

“They don’t suddenly become a populist because they say something controversial in order to win votes,” Obama said. “That’s not the measure of populism. That’s nativism or xenaphobia. Or worse. Or it’s just cynicism.”

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Obama told reporters to “be careful” about referring to the rising anti-elitist sentiment fueled by dissidents to his liberal agenda as “populist.”

“Where have they been? Have they been on the front lines working on behalf of working people?” he asked.

He admitted however that Sen. Bernie Sanders was a populist, because he had “worked in the vineyard” of making life better for poor people.

Obama warned voters to avoid political figures offering simple solutions to fixing the economy.

“Sometimes there’s simple solutions out there, but I’ve been president for seven and a half years, and it turns out that’s pretty rare,” he said.

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2016 Presidential RaceBig Government,Obamabarack obamaDonald Trump,populist

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Obama Might As Well Have Declared: ‘Britain Lost the War Of Independence Because You Have Small D**ks’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio 

by JAMES DELINGPOLE24 Apr 2016406
President Obama’s visit to the United Kingdom was nothing more than a trolling exercise, straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook.
The tactics went like this:
The Provocation
Barack Obama came to Britain and, in the guise of lofty, statesman-like disinterested amity made a statement so outrageously provocative that he might just as well have said: “My historians tell me the reason you guys lost the War of Independence is because your penises were incredibly small.”
No really – his presumption in telling us which way to vote in the European Union debate was that arrogant and rude. The only people in Britain who welcomed Obama’s intervention were the ones already on board with the European Union project. For anyone else, it was a calculated insult from a meddling hypocrite interloper.
The Inevitable Reaction
That’s why, naturally enough, those on the opposing side of the argument – the ones advocating exit from the European Union – responded in kind. If Obama was going to behave like a bumptious prick, well, he deserved to be treated like a bumptious prick.
Hence the perfectly proportionate response by Boris Johnson (Mayor of London; leading light of the Brexit faction) making gentle reference to the President’s Kenyan, anti-British heritage, to Obama’s pointed return of the Winston Churchill bust, and to the meddling, anti-democratic, and thoroughly un-American nature of his suggestion that Britain should remain shackled to the kind of socialist superstate that no American would personally tolerate.
The Manufacture of the Outrage
If you understand how the modern left – especially its Praetorian Guard, the Social Justice Warriors (SJW) – operates, what you’ll realise is this: that the sole tactical purpose of the President’s visit was to generate a kind of “beneficial crisis” which could then be exploited for political ends.
No one could have known beforehand what this beneficial crisis would look like. Essentially it had to be manufactured out of whatever material, however flimsy, that events managed to throw up.
What the SJW hive mind eventually decided on was this: Boris Johnson is a racist.
Probably the finest example of this humbug was to be found not in the Guardian but in the Spectator in this spluttering exercise in over-the-top sanctimoniousness by Nick Cohen.
Here’s a taste:
I’m not someone who throws accusations of racism around – it’s too serious a charge to devalue. But, come now, the fantasy that Obama is the heir of the Mau-Maus with no right to govern is a racist lie that appeals to deep, dark traditions in the US. From slavery, through the Civil War, the backlash against Reconstruction, and Jim Crow, the argument has been the same: blacks have no right to vote, and black politicians have no right to rule.

Yep, that’s it, Nick. Let me translate for you: “Anyone who wants to leave the European Union is the kind of racist bastard who, like Boris Johnson, wants to bring back slavery and hang all black people.”
The Hive Swarms
Vox Day describes this in more detail in his excellent book Social Justice Warriors Always Lie. It’s an essential part of the strategy of the modern left, as laid out decades ago by Saul Alinsky in his Rules for Radicals. Essentially you seek to destroy your most dangerous opponents by isolating them and swarming on them like an angry hive.
Pretty much everyone on the left joins in to condemn Johnson’s outrageous outrageousness. So does everyone else on the Remain campaign. So, amazingly, does one of Winston Churchill’s grandsons – the Conservative MP Nicholas Soames.
The purpose is to leave the victim isolated and confused. And ideally to extract from him some kind of humiliating apology (which of course will not be accepted).
Truth is the First Casualty
Which, in this case, is the fact that Boris Johnson was entirely correct in what he said about Obama and the Churchill bust; that his point was well made; that the scumbags trying to make political capital out of this manufactured scandal are more slippery than a bag of eels in KY jelly and lower than bubonic vermin.
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Sunday, April 3, 2016

SS Cruz Sinking - ABORTION IS MURDER - Trump EPIC GOP Battle

Listen To Military Veteran Talk Radio

Show Notes Below:

- Corey Lewandowski incident – Rush (1D)

a.       David Muller fillin host “After the video is it now not true he touch her?”(1E)
b.      Matt Lauer tries to blast Trump (1F)
c.       Ted Cruz responds at the town hall meeting CNN (1G)
-          Sheriff David Clarke Milwaukee WI. (1A) GOP insanity
-          Abortion If You're a Republican Candidate, You'd Better Be Ready for an Abortion Trick Disguised as a Journalist's Question RUSH April 01, 2016
-          The Thom Hartmann Program on Cruz from 1997 (1B)
-          Stefan Molyneux – Ted Cruz Wife, Cruz Craziness all exposed (1C)
-          Ted Cruz Funded by GOP (Cruz email confirmation on the database) money Posted by sundance Erick Erickson
a.       Thanks to the candidacy of Donald Trump the financial intersection of money and political opinion, as guided by the monetary motives therein, has brought some amazing revelations to the surface. These financial/media relationships have largely, and historically, remained hidden.  They have damned sure never been publicly, clearly, and regularly stated so the consuming audience would know the presentation was fraught with financial conflict.
b.      The Senate Conservatives Fund (PAC) purchasing massive quantities ($400,000) of Mark Levin’s books in exchange for favorable candidacy political opinion.  Conveniently Hidden by the radio host who avoids mentioning the financial conflict created.
d.      Then again, Levin never informed his audience of his family working within the Staff of Senator Ted Cruz either.  Does Levin’s endorsement, when contrast against the crony-constitutional advocacy, clarify with a little sunlight?  You decide.
f.        Or how about the Breitbart Media enterprise being run via an $11 million purchase from Billionaire Robert Mercer, who also funded Ted Cruz’s Super-PAC “Keep The Promise 1”, to the tune of $10 million.  Little overlooked facts, never openly shared for news consumers to determine source motive.   Pesky Sunlight
h.      Maybe the Ben Shapiro website “The Daily Wire“, being funded by the billionaire Wilks Brothers, Levi and Farris, in Texas.  Who also fund Ted Cruz and his Super-PAC “Keep The Promise”.  Shapiro never publicly disclosed the financial/content conflict, or the extent therein.  Could Shapiro support any other candidate other than who his content owners approved of?  Again, you decide.  (Yep, Pesky Sunlight)
i.         Glenn Beck Defamation Lawsuit???
j.        The Chairman of Glenn Beck’s Mercury One charity, David Barton, jointly running the Pro-Ted Cruz Super-PAC“Keep The Promise”; also never put into the sunlight by Glenn Beck or his various media enterprises so the consuming audience could filter presented political opinion through the filter of fiduciary connections.  More Pesky Sunlight
k.       These are just a few of the politically motivated – financially dependent – revelations we probably would never have known about were it not for Donald Trump presenting a genuinely conservative America-First platform; and as a direct consequence, the faux-constitutionalists having to reverse opinion simply to retain income.
m.    So it perhaps shouldn’t come as a surprise to find out that Erick Erickson’s media venture “The Resurgent“, is taking Super-PAC money from the (formerly Scott Walker advocates and financial backers) Ricketts family of Wisconsin who fund OUR PRINCIPLES PAC to the tune of $3,000,000 in February alone
n.      Ted Cruz Wife Heidi VP Goldman Sac and Her work on the indep. Task force that wrote “Building a North American Community” sponsored by the Conucil on Foreign Relations’ which will dissolve American Sovereignty.
2.       Obama
-          The Havana Tribune, a state-controlled Cuban newspaper,
a.        has added insult to injury following Fidel Castro’s scathing criticism of President Barack Obama upon his departure from the island. In an editorial, the title of which refers to President Obama as “negro,” an opinion columnist has accused him of “inciting rebellion.”
b.      The article is titled “Negro, ¿Tu Eres Sueco?” which roughly translates to “Black Man, Are You Dumb?” (The idiom “pretend to be a Swede” means to play dumb, hence the title is literally asking, “Are you Swedish?”) The author, who is black, goes on to condemn President Obama for meeting with Cuban pro-democracy activists and “subtly” suggesting that the Cuban Revolution needed to change. “Obama came, saw, but unfortunately, with the pretend gesture of lending a hand, tried to conquer,” Elias Argudín writes.
c.       “[Obama] chose to criticize and subtly suggest … incitations to rebellion and disorder, without caring that he was on foreign ground. Without a doubt, Obama overplayed his hand,” he continues. “The least I can say is, Virulo-style: ‘Negro, are you dumb?'”
d.      Virulo is a white pro-Revolution comedian.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Cuban State Media: ‘Negro’ Obama ‘Incited Rebellion and Disorder’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by FRANCES MARTEL31 Mar 20163,637
The Havana Tribune, a state-controlled Cuban newspaper, has added insult to injury following Fidel Castro’s scathing criticism of President Barack Obama upon his departure from the island. In an editorial, the title of which refers to President Obama as “negro,” an opinion columnist has accused him of “inciting rebellion.”
The article is titled “Negro, ¿Tu Eres Sueco?” which roughly translates to “Black Man, Are You Dumb?” (The idiom “pretend to be a Swede” means to play dumb, hence the title is literally asking, “Are you Swedish?”) The author, who is black, goes on to condemn President Obama for meeting with Cuban pro-democracy activists and “subtly” suggesting that the Cuban Revolution needed to change. “Obama came, saw, but unfortunately, with the pretend gesture of lending a hand, tried to conquer,” Elias Argudín writes.
“[Obama] chose to criticize and subtly suggest … incitations to rebellion and disorder, without caring that he was on foreign ground. Without a doubt, Obama overplayed his hand,” he continues. “The least I can say is, Virulo-style: ‘Negro, are you dumb?'”
Argudín’s article later accuses President Obama of presiding over a racist country–mocking the calls for freedom in Cuba by stating, “Which freedom–the freedom enjoyed by white police to massacre and manhandle black people?”–and issue demands parroted straight from the Castro regime: the end of the “genocidal” embargo and giving the Guantánamo Bay Naval Base, which has belonged to the United States since before Cuban independence, to the Castros.
Claims of rampant discrimination on the part of white police in the United States are common among the leaders and spokesmen of rogue communist states like ChinaNorth Korea, and Zimbabwe.
The column appears on the Havana Tribunewebsite with a March 23 dateline, though itappeared in the print edition of the newspaper on Monday and has begun to make the rounds online this week. It hasreceived intense criticism from Cuban-Americans on social media for its disrespect of the president and openly racist language.
Argudín has since written a follow-up article in which he claims he “did not expect” the negative feedback and apologizes “to those who may have been offended.” He then accuses his critics of “misunderstanding” his piece:
It is not necessary to be an advanced reader to note: I did not write a racist column. The word “negro” is mentioned twice, in the title and the phrase giving the article its name, which isn’t even mine. It is a reference to a comedy work. Journalism has its rules. It also allows some licenses. Among the demands of the job there is a very important one: capture the reader’s attention from the title.

Argudín’s piece has, nonetheless, highlighted the rampant discrimination against Afro-Cubans that has existed throughout the history of the Revolution. As the leaders of the communist Revolution were all white–and at least one was an avowed racistfew Afro-Cubans currently hold positions of power in Cuba, though an estimated 60 percent of the nation is black.
In a video declaration in 2015, Ladies in White dissident leader Berta Soler explains that, of known political prisoners, 60 percent are black. Black people are often forced to live in segregated neighborhoods and kept far away from tourism industry jobs (except prostitution). “To the government, the black person is a thief, a bandit, a troublemaker,” Soler argues, noting that the Cuban people are significantly less racist than the regime. “Interracial marriage is resulting in fewer black people. … This is a problem for the government,” she notes.

In a series about racism in Cuba, The Rootnotes a common phrase used by revolutionaries: “Negrada–which means, literally, a group of black people–came to signify a screw-up, a f*cked-up affair. ¡Que negrada! became as common as hustling foreigners.”
The inevitable use of what, in the United States, is considered a racial slur (though Cubans often use negro as a term of endearment), is the latest indignity in a trip to Cuba laden with them, from the slight of Raúl Castro failing to greet President Obama upon landing in Havana to Castro openly denying the presence of political prisoners in Cuba, only to have President Obama later “welcome” his criticism on America. The elder Fidel Castro, or someone claiming to be him, weighed in with a scathing column in the national publication Granma this week, in which he accused President Obama of being racist towards Native Americans and refused his call to normalization: “We do not need the Empire to gift us anything.”
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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Obama Dances The Tango While The World Burns

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio 

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais
by CHARLIE SPIERING24 Mar 20161252
President Obama is enjoying a taste of Latin America culture, spending the evening at a state dinner in Argentina. After dinner, two dancers appeared to perform a tango dance for the President and the First Lady.
At one point, the female dancer asked Obama to dance and after initially resisting, he got up to dance while the First Lady danced with the male dancers.
According to the pool reporter, many guests began videotaping the presidential pair dancing with their partners.
During a press conference earlier in the day, Obama insisted that he would continue on his Latin America trip in spite of the terrorist attacks in Brussels. Thirty-one people were killed in the attacks and an estimated 270 were wounded.
Disrupting his schedule, Obama said, would only send a message to the terrorists that they were succeeding in making the world afraid.
“It is very important for us to not respond with fear … we defeat them in part by saying, ‘You are not strong. You are weak,’” Obama explained when asked by reporters why he attended a baseball game with Raul Castro in Cuba after the attacks.
He argued that it was important to visit countries in Latin America to promote good things like fighting climate change and creating jobs.
“We have to make sure that we lift up and stay focused as well on the things that are most important to us because we’re on the right side of history,” he added.
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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Trumpism and Reaganism

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FREDERIC J. BROWN/Getty Images/Michael Evans
Nearly fifty years ago, former Vice President Spiro Agnew said, “A spirit of national masochism prevails, encouraged by an effete corps of impudent snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals.”
That perfectly sums up today’s self-delegated protectors of American conservatism as, in their desperation to stop Donald Trump at all cost, hurl every pseudo intellectual invective their tiny little brains can conjure up.
Their attempt to define American conservativism is equivalent to the federal government shoving Common Core down the throats of states.
The essence of their criticism is that Trump is no Ronald Reagan because Reagan spent nearly forty years refining his political views. They say, Trump, on the other hand, doesn’t have any philosophical underpinnings except self-promotion and changes his positions on a whim.
Reagan revisionism is quite prevalent as the “impudent snobs” create their own narrative of the Gipper that is at odds with reality.
Ronald Reagan understood the most fundamental lesson of politics — winning. Yes, he had strong policy views, but acted with a strong sense of pragmatism. Growing up in Dixon, Illinois, and surviving the depression tends to put priorities in focus at the expense of useless rhetoric.
Tip O’Neill understood that when he declared, after Reagan took over the presidency, “We will cooperate with him in every way.” And the Democratic Congress did work with Ronald Reagan, most notably passing the 1983 Social Security Reform Act and 1986 Tax Reform Law.
The impudent snobs forget that Reagan raised taxes as governor of California to balance the budget. He also was not a life-long supply sider, but rather adopted the economic model at the behest of Jack Kemp in the 1970s — arguably his most important policy decision since it was the basis for the Kemp-Roth tax cuts of 1981, which in combination with Volcker’s Fed policies, broke the back of inflation and got America working again.
Interestingly, it is these same impudent snobs who castigated and minimized Kemp by saying that he was not really a pure enough conservative since he wanted to help rebuild the inner cities and appeal to blacks.
Another inconvenient truth is that Ronald Reagan had the support of the Teamsters Union. While he had his differences with unions on many issues, he also worked with them which should be no surprise since he had been head of the Screen Actors Guild in Hollywood (when he was a Democrat). And what is underreported is the role the unions played in his foreign policy vis a vis the Soviet Union.
And make no mistake, Reagan’s pragmatism could be construed as calculation. He took on Gerry Ford in 1976 — a sitting president of his own party. The case can be made that he was partly responsible for Ford’s defeat to Carter as he softened up the president in a very bruising primary campaign.
There are important similarities when you juxtapose this Ronald Reagan with Donald Trump.
Leader — sense of purpose — outsider — winner.
At their core, Reagan and Trump are men who know who they are. They were both successful before they entered politics and had an identity outside of politics. Ronald Reagan was purported to have said, in his self-deprecating way, “You know, it takes a little ego to run for president.”
And there is a certain transparency about both of them. They don’t pull any punches. Reagan did it with humor and humility interwoven with toughness. Trump does it with a caustic, in your face New York “state of mind.” And the voters get it — it resonates with them.
This is diametrically opposite those impudent snobs — Rich Lowry, George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol et al — who sit in their K Street offices and Fifth Avenue media towers critiquing others. Clearly the impudent snobs don’t get it as evidenced by the slew of cancellations the National Review has gotten since its blind side of Trump.
And what exactly is “American Conservatism” these snobs are supposedly protecting?
The conservatism of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) who just passed an outrageous federal budget that Barack Obama and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) were proud to support?
The conservatism of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, who will jeopardize national security by not protecting our borders from illegal immigration and Muslim refugees all in the name of political correctness?
The conservatism of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney who pursued disastrous foreign policies that led to the unraveling of the Middle East — begun under their watch and finished with abandon by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, with a maniacal efficiency or stupidity, depending upon your perspective?
The conservatism of the corporate elites who use the mantra of “free trade” as a battering ram to sell out American workers and small business with adoption of multi-lateral trade agreements such as the Trans Pacific Partnership to enhance corporate profits?
The impudent snobs condemn Donald Trump for philosophical inconsistency and yet their notion of conservatism in 2016 is a mystery to many serious conservatives.
The allegations that Trump lacks a philosophy are a smokescreen to hide the real threat that Trump poses to those snobs and the political elite — access and money.
Simply put, Trump doesn’t need them — they have no leverage over the Donald.
Trump is operating totally outside the nexus of party insiders, the media, and corporate funders. He is truly independent unlike Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who likes to foster that perception, but in reality is owned lock stock and barrel by Goldman Sachs and the Bushes.
As Yogi Berra said, “It is déjà vu all over again.”
The 2016 campaign is becoming more and more reminiscent of the 1980 campaign when the establishment threw everything it had at Ronald Reagan. Reagan was characterized as a crackpot, b-grade movie actor whose foreign policy would cause World War III; his economic policies were “madness” and the tax cut proposal was “voodoo economics.”
Trump is in the same situation as Reagan was in 1976 and throughout the 1980 campaign until the convention in Detroit. And then, inexplicably to some conservatives, Reagan decided to put George H. W. Bush on the ticket as his vice president instead of Kemp.
Thus the political elites, inclusive of the impudent snobs, were able to salvage what would have been a near catastrophic situation — not having access and leverage on the presidency and the business of Washington.
Needless to say, politics is a very big business and, as the New York Timesrecently reported, Donald Trump is a nightmare for the political consulting business. The digital media buy alone for 2016 is estimated to be nearly $1 billion. Jeb Bush has paid one firm over $40 million for advertising through December. Additionally, $3 billion is spent annually to lobby Capitol Hill and the White House.
Donald Trump, like Ronald Reagan, has interjected a positive dynamic into the U.S. political lexicon — an anti-political correctness that resonates with voters. It is healthy for our country and severely needed within the Republican Party.
Americans are embracing Trump’s vison of making America great again, just as they embraced Reagan’s vision of America as that shinning city on the hill. Trump is very much a disciple of Ronald Reagan, contrary to what the impudent snobs say.
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Thursday, February 4, 2016


Border agent: 'We might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether'
In a shocking reversal of policy, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents are being told to release illegal immigrants and no longer order them to appear at deportation hearings, essentially a license to stay in the United States, a key agent testified Thursday.
What's more, the stand down order includes a requirement that the whereabouts of illegals released are not to be tracked.
"We might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether,"suggested agent Brandon Judd,president of the National Border Patrol Council.
Testifying on the two-year border surge of immigrant youths, Judd said the policy shift was prompted by Obama administration "embarrassment" that just over half of illegals ordered to appear in court actually do.
"The willful failure to show up for court appearances by persons that were arrested and released by the Border Patrol has become an extreme embarrassment for the Department of Homeland Security. It has been so embarrassing that DHS and the U.S. Attorney's office has come up with a new policy," he testified before the immigration subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee.
The biggest change: Undocumented immigrants are no longer given a "notice to appear" order, because they simply ignore them. Judd said that Border agents jokingly refer to the NTAs as "notices to disappear."
He said the the new policy "makes mandatory the release, without an NTA, of any person arrested by the Border Patrol for being in the country illegally, as long as they do not have a previous felony arrest conviction and as long as they claim to have been continuously in the United States since January of 2014. The operative word in this policy is 'claim.' The policy does not require the person to prove they have been here which is the same burden placed on them during deportation proceedings. Instead, it simply requires them to claim to have been here since January of 2014."
But even then, he added, the agency has been told not to track the illegals.
"Not only do we release these individuals that by law are subject to removal proceedings, we do it without any means of tracking their whereabouts. Agents believe this exploitable policy was set in place because DHS was embarrassed at the sheer number of those who choose not to follow the law by showing up for their court appearances. In essence, we pull these persons out of the shadows and into the light just to release them right back to those same shadows from whence they came," he said.
The go free policy, he said, has prompted thousands of Latinos to cross the border, and among them are hundreds of criminal foot soldiers, according to other testimony.
"Immigration laws today appear to be mere suggestions. There are little or no consequences for
breaking the laws and that fact is well known in other countries. If government agencies like
DHS or CBP are allowed to bypass Congress by legislating through policy, we might as well
abolish our immigration laws altogether," Judd concluded.
Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted

La Opinión: Marco Rubio Is a ‘Republican Obama’

by JULIA HAHN3 Feb 20161,629
Wednesday’s cover ofLa Opinión, the nation’s largest daily Spanish-language newspaper, prominently portrays donor-class favoriteSen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) with the infamous “hope and change” imagery that defined Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.

The cover of the Spanish-language paper writes: “The Republican Obama? The surge of the Latino Senator in the presidential campaign has made him a target of criticism on the subject of immigration.”
Marco Rubio and Barack Obama share many of the same policy goals, such as Obamatrade and military intervention in Libya, but their most striking similarities are on the subject of immigration. Both men support citizenship for illegal aliens, expanded refugee resettlement, more green cards, more H-1B visas, and large permanent expansions to the rate of immigration and foreign worker importation.
Marco Rubio was the co-author of the 2013 Obama-backed immigration bill. Rubio’s immigration bill was endorsed by La Raza, the AFL-CIO, SEIU, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), Mark Zuckerberg, and George Soros. Rubio has not renounced his support for a single policy item outlined in the Gang of Eight bill—including his desire to triple green card issuances, double foreign worker visas, and grant citizenship to illegal immigrants.
Rubio has even borrowed much of the language of the Obama’s campaign—prompting Joe Scarborough to mock the young Senator. Following the Iowa caucus, “Morning Joe” replayed Obama’s 2008 acceptance speech celebrating his victory at the Iowa caucus and juxtaposed that with Rubio’s strikingly similar Iowa speech celebrating his campaign’s ability to inch up to third place.
“You know, I have said for a year that he is the Republican Obama,” Scarborough said. “He is the Republican Obama and he just stole the speech… In my opinion having somebody with little experience before they become president has not actually been great.”
However, there is one important distinction between Rubio and Obama. Obama represented the core views of his most ardent base, and presented a vehicle for turning his base’s dreams into reality. By contrast, the Republican base is overwhelmingly opposed to large-scale immigration, amnesty and refugee resettlement—the pillars of Rubio’s campaign. It is the GOP’s donor base, not its voter base, that supports these policies.
In that sense, Rubio is the “Obama” for Republican donors, but not the Republican Party’s actual voters. Indeed, whereas Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) lacked the Obama-esque tools to pass mass immigration for the donors in 2007, Rubio was able to bypass conservatism opposition and pass a bill with far more foreign workers through the Senate in 2013—using the affection of conservatives to neutralize opposition to a top donor class priority.
That may explain Rush Limbaugh’s prediction that, with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)as Speaker and Marco Rubio as president, in the “first 12-to-18 months, the donor-class agenda [will be] implemented, including amnesty and whatever else they want.” Ironically, underscoring just how potent a tool Rubio can be for the donors, Rush—usually a voice of donor opposition—seemingly forgot his own warning and warmly embraced Rubio on his show. Rush’s earlier embrace of Rubio in 2013 may have helped give the Gang of Eight the boost of momentum it needed to pass the Senate.
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Thursday, January 14, 2016

5 Lies the Obama Administration Told to Defend Iran’s Humiliating Seizure of Navy Sailors

by BEN SHAPIRO13 Jan 2016193

Barack Obama has a history of humiliating photo-ops associated with his full-blown Radical Islam Denial Syndrome: the burning consulate in Benghazi juxtaposed with Obama partying it up in Vegas with Beyonce; the dead bodies of ISIS-slain Parisians juxtaposed with Obama telling the world that ISIS could be fought with a climate change summit; corpses in San Bernardino juxtaposed with Obama simultaneously telling a national audience that ISIS was contained.

Perhaps the worst one yet happened on Tuesday.

As Obama prepared for his last State of the Union address – an event he pitched with hijinks and mugging for the cameras – the Iranian Revolutionary Guard arrested 10 American sailors and seized two Navy boats. Obama never mentioned it in his State of the Union address; the day after the address, Iran returned the sailors, unharmed.

But the message was clear to those who were watching: Obama had been castrated on the world stage by Iran, a country he once termed “tiny compared to the Soviet Union.”

That message became clearer on Wednesday morning, when Iran also released photos of American sailors on their knees, hands behind their heads, at the beck and call of a Shiite terrorist army; a female sailor forced to wear a hijab; a male sailor forced to apologize on camera for supposedly encroaching into Iranian waters. The IRG accused the Americans of “snooping” and Iranian army chief Major General Hassan Firouzabadi said, “This incident in the Persian Gulf, which probably will not be the American forces’ last mistake in the region, should be a lesson to troublemakers in the U.S. Congress.”

Meanwhile, Obama bragged to Americans about his “smarter approach” to world affairs, including an Iranian deal that will grant the mullahs the bomb in ten years, and hundreds of billions of dollars now.

This juxtaposition could not be maintained publicly. It was too pernicious, too humiliating. So, as with Benghazi, and Paris, and San Bernardino, Obama had to come up with a cover story.

And he did, with the tacit approval of the Iranians. According to Jay Solomon of the Wall Street Journal:

.@JohnKerry, Iran FM @JZarif decided on Tuesday call naval incident could be turned into “positive” story for US &#Iran, says US official.

— Jay Solomon (@WSJSolomon)January 13, 2016

And John Kerry spent hours on the phone with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif coordinating that “positive” story.

All it took was a few lies.

Here are five lies spewed by the Obama administration so far in their defense of the indefensible:

“This Was Just Standard Nautical Practice.” Those were the words of Vice President Joe Biden on CBS This Morning, explaining why the whole incident was no big deal. He added that Iran “rescued” the sailors and acted as any of the “ordinary nations would do.” Except, of course, that it is not standard nautical practice to forcibly garb stranded sailors in Islamic dress or release photos of them disarmed, nor is it standard nautical practice to hold them overnight. As National Review points out, the images themselves violated Article 13 of the Geneva Convention. But no big deal. This was just like Triple A towing you to the mechanic when your car breaks down. Just with some forced Islamic headgear and some surrender photos. You know, the usual.

Also, according to Iran’s naval chief, Gen. Ali Fadavi, “We were highly prepared with our coast-to-sea missiles, missile-launching speedboats and our numerous capabilities. The US and France’s aircraft carriers were within our range and if they had continued their unprofessional moves, they would have been afflicted with such a catastrophe that they had never experienced all throughout the history. They could have been shot, and if they were, they would have been destroyed.”

Sounds like things were perfectly peaceful. Standard nautical practice.

“They Are Being Sort of Afforded The Proper Courtesy That You Would Expect.” No, they weren’t. Unless forcing a woman into a hijab is a form of respect, or distributing pictures of surrendering members of the American military. But that’s exactly what White House press secretary Josh Earnest told CNN yesterday.

“There Was No Looking For Any Apology.” Again, Joe Biden off the rails. He insisted that the United States had not in any way apologized to the Iranians for the incident. Then video broke of an American sailor apologizing directly to the Iranians, at their behest. Iranian General Ali Fadavi said that Zarif had demanded an apology: “Mr. Zarif had a firm stance, saying that they were in our territorial waters and should not have been, and saying that they [the US] should apologize.”

“I Also Want to Thank The Iranian Authorities For Their Cooperation and Quick Response.” Secretary of State John Kerry went so far as to thank the Iranians for all their help in supposedly rescuing our sailors. He then compared Iran’s behavior to the United States’ under similar circumstances:

As a former Sailor myself, I know the importance of naval presence around the world and the critical work being done by our Navy in the Gulf region. I’m proud of our young men and women in uniform and know how seriously they take their responsibilities to one another and to other mariners in distress.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter read from the same hymnal, explaining, “I want to personally thank Secretary of State John Kerry for his diplomatic engagement with Iran to secure our sailors’ swift return.”

The response was not necessary, nor was it quick. It took overnight to release American sailors, and not before the interviews and the pictures and the humiliation and the demands for apology from the Iranians. But we’re thanking them to make this whole sham look good.

“This Is A Testament To The Critical Role That Diplomacy Plays.” These words came courtesy of Kerry as well, and have become the Obama administration’s go-to defense of the Iran deal, which hands these radical Islamic nutjobs a nuclear weapon. Josh Earnest stated on CNN yesterday that the whole purpose of pursuing the nuclear deal was situations like these hostilities – as though only giving away the store to Iran pre-emptively could have prevented catastrophic war. What nonsense. The Iranians held 15 British sailors captive for almost two weeks in 2007. The British didn’t then sign off on a nuclear weapons deal.

The Iranian government made Barack Obama and the United States look ridiculous before their own population and the world. And Barack Obama, so as to hoodwink his own population, greenlit a public relations scheme that would make PT Barnum blush: he played the entire situation as a glowing success. Since there are no bodies this time, he might get away with it. If not, he can always dig up a YouTube filmmaker.

Ben Shapiro is Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News, Editor-in-Chief of, and The New York Times bestselling author, most recently, of the book, The People vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against The Obama Administration (Threshold Editions, June 10, 2014). Follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter @benshapiro.

Read More Stories About:

National SecurityJihadObamaJohn Kerry,Joe Bidenjosh earnestash carter,Mohammad Javad Zarifgeneva convention,PT Barnumen. Ali Fadavi

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Iran Releases Footage of U.S. Sailor Apologizing After Capture

Iranian state-controlled news outlet Tasnim released video Wednesday afternoon that shows a U.S. sailor apologizing for purportedly infringing upon Tehran’s sovereignty.

On Tuesday, Iran seized two U.S. naval boats, arguing they illegally entered Iran’s territorial waters. The Pentagon said they encountered mechanical troubles, forcing their boats to go off course.

“It was a mistake, it was our fault, and we apologize for our mistake,” an unidentified sailor told the Iranian interviewer, who then asked him if his GPS system penetrated Iran. “I believe so,” he responded.

In another segment of the interview, the sailor held by the Iranians is asked, “How was the Iranian behavior with you?” He responds, “The Iranian behavior was fantastic while we were here. We thank you very much for your hospitality and your assistance.”
“Did you have special problem” with us, the interviewer asked. “We have no problem, sir,” the U.S. sailor responded.

Abas Aslani of Tehran’s Tasnim news Agency released more photos of the encounter on social media, which show the female sailor was forced to wear an Islamic hijab.
Iran’s PressTV has also released extensive footage showing the sailors’ arrest and detention. In the video, Iranian soldiers are seen rummaging through American weapons and ammunition, and checking the sailors’ identities.
The naval crews were taken Tuesday evening as they were navigating the Persian Gulf in riverine boats while in an area between Bahrain and Kuwait, according to reports. President Obama would later deliver his State of the Union Address without mentioning the sailors held by Tehran.
The sailors were held overnight on Fari Island, where an Iran Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) base is situated.
The ten sailors are now safe at a U.S. military base in Qatar, according to U.S. officials. The sailors will be debriefed and receive a medical checkup, but there are no signs they were harmed, the official told AP.

John Kerry Thanks Iran for Releasing Kidnapped U.S. Sailors

Secretary of State John Kerry – who served in Vietnam – thanked Iran this morning for releasing the U.S. sailors that they detained yesterday.

“I want to express my gratitude to Iranian authorities for their cooperation ‎in swiftly resolving this matter,” Kerry said in a short statement.

He added that he was particularly attuned to the situation reminding the nation that he was “a former sailor myself” and understood the importance of Naval power.

Kerry signaled that the incident was not a sign of provocation, but rather a symbol of how the two countries could work together after Iranian nuclear deal.

“That this issue was resolved peacefully and efficiently is a testament to the critical role diplomacy plays in keeping our country safe, secure, and strong,” he said.

On Tuesday, hours before President Obama’s final State of the Union Address, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) seized two Navy vessels and abducted their crew, a total of nine men a one woman. IRGC officials confiscated the two Navy vessels and their GPS equipment, and held the soldiers overnight. Iranreleased the soldiers Wednesday morning, along with a series of photographs of the soldiers in captivity.

In addition to Kerry’s statement of gratitude to the Iranian government following the incident, the BBC reported that the United States government officially apologized to Iran for unnamed “unprofessional” acts by the American sailors alleged by the Iranian officials, though this report comes from Iranian officials and is yet to be corroborated by the United States.