Showing posts with label 911. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 911. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Full Original Video Release by ISIS with statement then execution at the end.
Live Every Sunday 8pm est.
24/7 on Demand.

REAL AND BRUTAL WARNING - ISIS Behead Reporter James Foley - Live Leak

Full Original Video Release by ISIS with statement then execution at the end.
Live Every Sunday 8pm est.
24/7 on Demand. 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Day of Awakening is Coming, and can not be denied.

RUSH: Charlie Cook of the famous Cook Report has been in the news lately. Charlie Cook raised the possibility lately of Mrs. Clinton's physical appearance while aging and asking if it would be detrimental to her campaign should she run.  Charlie's considered the dean of these political analysts and so forth.  He tends left like everybody in Washington does, sort of, for the most part establishment types.

He's got a piece today in The Cook Report, and in his piece today, he's very worried that America may have lost its nerve, that days of malaise have set in, much like in the latter years of the Carter administration in the seventies.  In this piece he asks, "What happens When the Nation Loses Its Bootstrap Self-Image?"  And he cites some polling data.  He's a pollster, and he analyzes other polling data, and he says that 63% are confident that better days for their kids will materialize.
There are people that, no matter what's happening, think it's gonna get better. I can relate to it.  I've told you many times. I can't pinpoint when, I can't tell you what the impetus is gonna be or what the tipping point's gonna be, but I, too, believe that. It's partially my genuine overall optimism.  Folks, I really do... This may sound loony, and I've thought this for 10 years.
I really think the day's coming where we're gonna be shocked at people we call low-information, people we think aren't paying much attention, people who aren't really that informed. I think that some point they're gonna have had enough of this.  Oh, 63% say it will not be.  Okay, then there's a typo.  "Sixty-three percent are confident better days..." All right.  Okay.  I take it back.
"Sixty-three percent are not confident of better days for their kids, and 53% say life will be worse for the next generation."  Okay, so Charlie doesn't agree with me.  I misread this.  Well, I didn't misread it. There's a typo.  Despite this, it is a feeling -- I'm not gonna deny that -- and there's faith.  I'm not gonna deny that.  I just think that, at some point, people are going to say, "Enough of this!"
Obviously it's gonna require some kind of leadership to spur this.  It's just not going to happen on its own, although I even think that might happen. But it would really facilitated if there were an inspirational, can-do leader that popped up.  Right now people are peppered with nothing but pessimism, and we've got a Democrat Party which wants us to believe that our better days are behind us, that this is it and, you know, "Bunker down with us!
"We're gonna do the best for you that we can, but days of American exceptionalism are over." Chuck Hagel, when announcing military cuts, said, "We're not the dominant military power anymore.  It just isn't gonna be the case."  And, yeah, the new normal is 9% employed. The new normal is 92 million, 95 million not working.  I mean, people are bombarded with this every day, and for 10 years I've been waiting for this.  Honest to God.
I don't know how else to describe it.  For 10 years I've been waiting for this national awakening, and it's done nothing but worsen.  There is nothing close to a national awakening, and I will be the first to admit it.  The closest thing to it is the Tea Party, and so to what extent the Tea Party is gonna be successful politically in winning elections and having a majority of like-minded people in elective office, that's up for grabs.
We don't know that.
We know the Democrats are gonna lose a lot of seats, but we don't know what kind of Republicans are gonna replace them.  If they're anti-Tea Party Republicans, then big whoop.  If they're pro-Republican establishment, who just think it's what it is, the government's gonna get bigger, stay big, and we're just gonna be in charge of it now, then big whoop.
I'll take it, getting rid of Democrats, but it could be better if Tea Party types -- conservatives is what I mean -- end up winning.  So Charlie Cook: 63% are not confident of better days.  Fifty-three percent say life will be harder for the next generation -- and that's, sadly, probably true. (interruption) Well, but why get out of bed?  I'm talking about attitudinally.  I'm not talking what's possible.  I'm talking about the national attitude that's been impacted. (interruption)
We are a nation of sad sacks, but look at what the sad sacks are bombarded with every day! I mean, normal food that they eat and drink can kill 'em, and for how many years have they been hearing this stuff?  Now for five years they've been hearing what a reprobate country we've always been -- what an unfair, unjust country and how we've gotta make things right and balance what's been wrong for 250 years and so forth. It's a never ending assault on people's sensibilities.
Let's add the way they're being educated, and what they're being taught from the youngest ages about this country.

Monday, January 27, 2014

G2 Research R.I.P. 9mm round in action DEATH BULLET SICK !!!!

“This bullet is designed to take out all your vital organs…inferior bullets won’t be a problem anymore,” Brown said. The company president stressed prevention of law enforcement injuries was a primary focus for the round designers.
“The R.I.P. will not defeat level 3A body armor, that was one of our main goals when designing this bullet,” Brown said.
The company’s site adds that G2R has tested the new round with numerous fully automatic and semi automatic firearms, as well as rifles. They claim to have zero failures when testing most well known firearms on the market including Sig, Glock, Beretta, Springfield, FN, Taurus, Walther, Khar, S&W and many others.

Friday, December 6, 2013

One Lie, Two Lie, Three Lie Four, Five Lie, Six Lie, Seven Lie More.

How many lies can President Obama tell?
1) Jeremiah Wright- American hating pastor
2) Bill Ayers- Terrorist friend
3) His mother- Denied Health care (lie)
4) Uncle- Obama says he never met him, now it has come out that he in FACT lived with him... Why Lie??
5) You can keep your Health care, period.
6) Guantanamo is still open by the way

GOP Rep. to Obama: 'You Lie!' 


WATCH Obama Lie 36 Times About Keeping Your Insurance 


President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”


President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”


President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Food stamp nation: Should this woman qualify for SNAP benefits?

[Update: @_EatMyTweets13 locked down her Twitter account just before noon ET on Saturday. Twitchy has added screenshots of photos to this post so that they can still be viewed by our readers.]
Think the food stamp system isn’t broken? Meet @_EatMyTweets13.
According to her Twitter feed, @_EatMyTweets13 called to check her food stamp balance earlier this month. She was surprised to learn that she’s still getting assistance and the balance has grown to $400.
Many of our elected officials caw about how food stamp fraud, illegal sale of EBT cards and benefits that exceed need are the stuff of myth. Oh, and of course nasty conservatives hate the poor because they won’t increase entitlements.
But evidently @_EatMyTweets13 doesn’t exactly need SNAP benefits to meet her nutritional needs.
Hey, guys, she’s got a cable bill to pay.
There’s no evidence that this young woman committed food stamp fraud. All we know is that according to her tweets, she receives benefits she doesn’t seem to use. But D.C. pander-bears continue to protect a system in which people who do just fine without food stamps look forward to a taxpayer-funded payday each month.
What else do we know about @_EatMyTweets13?
She has an iPhone. (Service plans don’t come cheap.)
And she likes to use that iPhone to tweet about her surprisingly high food stamp balance.
She has WiFi:
And she seems to have money for weed.
She cranks up her air conditioning like it’s going out of style.
And she likes to hit IHOP, Hooters and TGI Fridays for grub.
So … what’s on her agenda for next week?

Saturday, June 15, 2013

14-year-old at the center of "NRA T-Shirt Controversy" now facing possibility of 1 year in jail

Posted: Jun 13, 2013 6:17 PM EST Updated: Jun 14, 2013 10:12 AM EST

Suspended and arrested after refusing to change his NRA shirt. Today, 14-year-old Jared Marcum appeared before a judge and was officially charged with obstructing an officer.

A $500 fine and up to a year in jail, that's the penalty that Jared could face, now that a judge has allowed the prosecution to move forward with it's obstructing an officer charge against him.

"Me, I'm more of a fighter and so is Jared and eventually we're going to get through this," Jared's father Allen Lardieri said.  "I don't think it should have ever gotten this far."

The Logan County Police Department initially claimed that the at-the-time 8th grade Logan Middle School student was arrested for disturbing the education process, obstructing an officer and Lardieri says that officers even went as far as threatening to charge Jared with making terroristic threats.

"In my view of the facts, Jared didn't do anything wrong," Ben White, Jared's attorney said.  "I think officer Adkins could have done something differently."

Prosecuting attorney Michael White refused to respond to any questions, as did Logan Police.

We obtained official court documents from both sides of this case.  On one hand, the arresting officer from the Logan City Police Department, James Adkins, claims that when Jared refused to stop talking, that hindered his ability to do his job, hence, the obstruction charge.  On the other side, Ben White points out that nowhere in the arresting officer's petition, does it mention Jared ever making any threats or acting in a violent manner. 

"Every aspect of this is just totally wrong," Lardieri said.  "He has no background of anything criminal, up until now and it just seems like nobody wants to admit they're wrong."

Ben White says he will continue working to have the charges against Jared dismissed.  If that doesn't happen in the coming weeks, Jared will be back in court on July 11th.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead, American anthropologist (1901-1978)


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Muslim Koran Quran call for rape of women being O.K. cause you be a man...

Muslim Koran Quran call for rape of women being O.K. cause you be a man...

How To Flush a Koran or A Facebook Conversation with a radical muslim

How To Flush a Koran or A Facebook Conversation with a radical muslim

Ro*****  shared Iranian American Conservative Party's photo.
14 hours ago ·
Could this be coming soon to a city, county, or a state near you???
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  • Bren****** You first Abdula-Habebb Dumb-Ahhhsss!
    14 hours ago · Like · 
  • May **** this is not a real sign. its photoshopped
    14 hours ago · Like
  • Bren **** No, it is real b/c you can tell at the top right with the "H" in Shariah has the same light on it as the white part of the sign. Plus, if it were photo shopped, then the words would be darker and more crisp on the edges. I have called out several PS pics before but this one is genuine and more so, what these assholes believe.
    13 hours ago · Like
  • May ********
    13 hours ago · Like
  • Bre ****** What's funny is that they are "bold" in there belief of this bullshit and yet they are too cowardly to show their faces...haha?????
    13 hours ago · Like
  • May ***** Noooo it is not like that. The notion of hijab and niqab is presented to women that they are so precious like jewels that its better to hide it so evil men eyes wont touch them. Basically, considering men as animals who cannot control their desires and women ONLY are somehow the responsible for that. And how come this notion is not challenged I have no clue.
    13 hours ago · Like
  • Bre******* If woman are such "jewels" then why to do they take them in open fields and blow their brains out for no reason?????
    In Islam, woman are NOT respected whatsoever and they have very little, to no rights. They can't drive, go to work, go to school and if they are raped they need five male eyewitnesses to prove it. And, to add insult to injury, if they ARE raped, they are stoned to death for adultery???
    13 hours ago · Like
  • May ****** Hahahah, you are mixing things up, allow me to correct your info. 1- although islam is a male dominating religion but it never allows anyone to blow anyone's else brain. this is just afghanistan 2- the driving thing is also not islam thing it is a KSA thing. 3- the 4 witnesses is required for both women and men. if a woman accuses her husband to cheat on her she must provide 4 witnesses and same thing if a man accuses his wife. the idea is not to encourage ppl to accuse each other falsely. stoning to death as horrible it is, is also for both women and men when the accusation of committing adultery is proved
    13 hours ago · Like
  • May ******** I believe the customs and traditions of this region are so strong that it swolled the religion. Despite my despise but to be fair when the prophet came, he came with a motto of change is needed. those assholes who came after him, forgot the original spirit of the religion which is CHANGE and EVOLUTION and instead incorporated the religion within the traditions.
    13 hours ago · Like
  • May ****** islam is completely gobbled by traditions. my personal opinion. i dont have studies to back me.
    13 hours ago · Like
  • Brian P Smyth Mary, you are completely mistaken and you have your story backwards. The so called prophet mohamad was as ruthless and evil as the most hard core radical muslims cutting heads off of American journalist and innocent women and children. This is a religion of hate, death, destruction, tyranny and any other similar acronym. Their book calls for the death of unbelievers and thats a FACT. p.s. I misspelled his name out of sheer disrespect. How about them apples.
    2 hours ago · Like
  • May ****** So sorry that you only got exposure to my people through radicalists. They are ruining it for everyone. And it is our mistake that we are allowing them to take the front seats and only them be in the picture. I hope one day you meet real regular people from the middle east. They are very good people with big warmth in their hearts.
    about an hour ago · Like
  • Brian P Smyth Yes people from the middle east are good people but those who support the koran are part of the radical muslims that riot and kill when a imam claims that an American flushed a koran down a toilet. It wouldnt fit in a toilet unless you tear each page out one by one... which I have done. It takes a long time but its worth it. ps... Yes Im waiting for another killing because of my statements and obama to swoop down and haul me off to prison for who knows how long.... Im an American and have fought for your Freedom to live and speak as you wish but muslims will never give us that same Freedom.
    a few seconds ago · Like