Showing posts with label nra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nra. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Debra Messing Poses for Gun Contol Selfie As UCLA Shooting Unfolds

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by AWR HAWKINS1 Jun 2016418

Actress Debra Messing posed for a selfie in support of gun control just as a manhunt began for the suspect who opened fire on the campus of University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Wednesday morning.

Two victims were shot on UCLA’s gun-free campus at around 9:53 a.m. Wednesday morning, Breitbart News previously reported. At 10:35 am, as police began searching for the perpetrator, Messing tweeted a selfie with the caption: “HORRENDOUS Watching news about shooting at UCLA with casualties while taking selfie 2bring awareness to Gun Violence.”


The actress wore a shirt with the logo from Katie Couric’s gun control documentaryUnder The Gun. Couric recently apologized for “misleading” viewers with edits in the film designed to make pro-2nd Amendment advocates appear foolish.

The tweet featuring the photograph appeared to have been deleted shortly after it was posted.

Messing apparently faced significant backlash shortly after posting the tweet. In a series of follow-up messages, the Will and Grace star said she never intended to cause offense and was simply a victim of “the horrendous irony of the timing” of the post.

Messing failed to mention that the UCLA campus is gun-free —like all California college campuses. In other words, the campus has 100 percent gun control.

A short time later, Messing tweeted a longer statement in defense of her initial tweet:

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at

Read More Stories About:

2nd AmendmentBig HollywoodDebar Messinggun controlGun Freegun free zoneUCLA

Thursday, May 26, 2016

BREAKING SCANDAL: Katie Couric Documentary Deceptively Edited Interview with Pro-Gun Activists

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Audio Shows Katie Couric Documentary Deceptively Edited Interview with Pro-Gun Activists

Film's director: 'I never intended to make anyone look bad' (Updated)

BY: Stephen Gutowski
May 25, 2016 12:10 pm
The makers of a new Katie Couric documentary on gun violence deceptively edited an interview between Couric and a group of gun rights activists in an apparent attempt to embarrass the activists, an audio recording of the full interview shows.
At the 21:48 mark of Under the Gun a scene of Katie Couric interviewing members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, a gun rights organization, is shown.
Couric can be heard in the interview asking activists from the group, “If there are no background checks for gun purchasers, how do you prevent felons or terrorists from purchasing a gun?”
The documentary then shows the activists sitting silently for nine awkward seconds, unable to provide an answer. It then cuts to the next scene. The moment can be watched here:

However, raw audio of the interview between Katie Couric and the activists provided to the Washington Free Beacon shows the scene was deceptively edited. Instead of silence, Couric’s question is met immediately with answers from the activists. A back and forth between a number of the league’s members and Couric over the issue of background checks proceeds for more than four minutes after the original question is asked.


Under the Gun bills itself as a documentary that “examines the events and people who have kept the gun debate fierce and the progress slow, even as gun deaths and mass shootings continue to increase.”
It follows a number of gun violence victims and those who have lost family members to gun violence as they advocate for stricter gun control laws. The 1 hour and 45 minute film was executive produced and narrated by Katie Couric.
Under the Gun has been labeled “dishonest politicking in the guise of media coverage,” “loose with the facts,” and “a full-length assault on guns and the Second Amendment” by those in the gun community since its debut on May 15.
The Virginia Citizens Defense League labeled the deceptively edited segment featured in the film “unbelievable and extremely unprofessional.” Philip Van Cleave, the organization’s president, said the editing was done deliberately to make it appear that league members didn’t have a response to Couric’s question.
“Katie Couric asked a key question during an interview of some members of our organization,” he said. “She then intentionally removed their answers and spliced in nine seconds of some prior video of our members sitting quietly and not responding. Viewers are left with the misunderstanding that the members had no answer to her question.”
Nora Ryan, the chief of staff for EPIX, the cable channel that is airing the documentary, told the Free Beacon in an email, “Under the Gun is a critically-acclaimed documentary that looks at the polarizing and politicized issue of gun violence, a subject that elicits strong reactions from people on both sides. EPIX stands behind Katie Couric, director Stephanie Soechtig, and their creative and editorial judgment. We encourage people to watch the film and decide for themselves.”
Requests for comment from Couric and the film’s director, Stephanie Soechtig, have not been returned, though they did speak to The Washington Post.
UPDATE 2:25 P.M.: This post has been updated with comment from a spokesperson for EPIX.
UPDATE 5:09 P.M.: The Washington Post‘s Erik Wemple tweeted a statement from Under the Gun’s director Stephanie Soechtig.
UPDATE 5:36 P.M.: The Washington Post’s Erik Wemple also tweeted a statement from Katie Couric.
This entry was posted in Issues and tagged Guns. Bookmark 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Blog: Dems in Senate passed a resolution in1960 against election year Supreme Court appointments

Read it and weep, Democrats. The shoe is on the other foot. David Bernstein at theWashington Post’s Volokh Conspiracy blog:

 Thanks to a VC commenter, I discovered that in August 1960, the Democrat-controlled Senate passed a resolution, S.RES. 334, “Expressing the sense of the Senate that the president should not make recess appointments to the Supreme Court, except to prevent or end a breakdown in the administration of the Court’s business.”  Each of President Eisenhower’s SCOTUS appointments had initially been a recess appointment who was later confirmed by the Senate, and the Democrats were apparently concerned that Ike would try to fill any last-minute vacancy that might arise with a recess appointment.

Read it and weep, Democrats. The shoe is on the other foot. David Bernstein at the Washington Post’sVolokh Conspiracy blog:

 Thanks to a VC commenter, I discovered that in August 1960, the Democrat-controlled Senate passed a resolution, S.RES. 334, “Expressing the sense of the Senate that the president should not make recess appointments to the Supreme Court, except to prevent or end a breakdown in the administration of the Court’s business.”  Each of President Eisenhower’s SCOTUS appointments had initially been a recess appointment who was later confirmed by the Senate, and the Democrats were apparently concerned that Ike would try to fill any last-minute vacancy that might arise with a recess appointment.

The GOP opposed this, of course. Hypocrisy goes two ways. But the majority won.

As it should this time.

Hat tip: Instapundit


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Texas Governor Introduces Groundbreaking Plan to Override Obama’s Tyranny

Texas Governor Greg Abbott made good on his promise to challenge President Obama’s gun control initiatives Friday, calling for a Constitutional Convention of US states to create several new amendments aimed at reasserting states’ rights.

Among nine proposed amendments, “The Texas Plan” aims to prohibit Congress from regulating activity that occurs wholly within one state. Another amendment requires Congress to balance its budget, and another allows a two-thirds majority of states to override a US Supreme Court decision.

"Congress is unable to control itself. So the people must impose control."@GregAbbott_TX #TXPO2016

— Texans for Abbott (@AbbottCampaign)January 8, 2016

“Congress is unable to control itself. So the people must impose control,” Governor Abbott said during a speech before the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Abbott explained that federal lawmakers were out of step with the “Constitutional principles” our Founders put in place, and urged other states to join Texas in helping to “fix the cracks in our Constitution.”

“The increasingly frequent departures from Constitutional principles are destroying the Rule of Law foundation on which this country was built,” Abbott said, specifically citing President Obama’s recent executive authorizations infringing on the Second Amendment.

“We are succumbing to the caprice of man that our Founders fought to escape. The cure to these problems will not come from Washington D.C. Instead, the states must lead the way. To do that I am adding another item to the agenda next session. I want legislation authorizing Texas to join other states in calling for a Convention of States to fix the cracks in our Constitution.”

Abbott’s declaration and 92-page proposal follows an appearance by the president in a televised town hall-style meeting hosted by CNN, in which the Commander-in-Chief attempted to convince Americans that executive orders infringing on the Second Amendment were a good idea.

Responding to the announcement, Abbott – a strong advocate for gun rights – promised, “Texas will take every action to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.”

“The Bill of Rights was added as a specific safeguard to prevent the federal government from denying Americans those guaranteed rights,” Abbott said in apress release Tuesday. “Today, the President trampled the purpose and substance of the Bill of Rights by unilaterally imposing Second Amendment restrictions.”

The outspoken Republican governor made his intent to disobey executive orders imposed by the president clear over the weekend in a pointed tweet, challenging Obama to “Come and take it.”

Obama wants to impose more gun control. My response.#? COME & TAKE IT@NRA #tcot #PJNET

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX)January 1, 2016

Read Governor Abbott’s “Texas Plan” 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016




This was released to day relative to the 41P NFA Trusts ruling. See link below for details on the ruling.

Building an AK from parts requires no background checks or serial numbers. Bryan Schatz.

Link on how to make a gun simsmm

SUMMARY: The Department of Justice is amending the regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) regarding the making or transferring of a firearm under the National Firearms Act (NFA). This final rule defines the term "responsible person," as used in reference to a trust, partnership, association, company, or corporation; requires responsible persons of such trusts or legal entities to complete a specified form and to submit photographs and fingerprints when the trust or legal entity files an application to make an NFA firearm or is listed as the transferee on an application to transfer an NFA firearm; requires that a copy of all applications to make or transfer a firearm, and the specified form for responsible persons, as applicable, be forwarded to the chief law enforcement officer (CLEO) of the locality in which the applicant/transferee or responsible person is located; and eliminates the requirement for a certification signed by the CLEO. These provisions provide a public safety benefit as they ensure that responsible persons undergo background checks. In addition, this final rule adds a new section to ATF's regulations to address the possession and transfer of firearms registered to a decedent. The new section clarifies that the executor, administrator, personal representative, or other person authorized under State law to dispose of property in an estate may possess a firearm registered to a decedent during the term of probate without such possession being treated as a ''transfer" under the NF A. It also specifies that the transfer of the firearm to any beneficiary of the estate may be made on a tax-exempt basis.

This final rule was signed by the Attorney General on January 4, 2016. It is effective 180 days after date of publication in the Federal Register.


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BREAKING: Idaho governor signs emergency legislation nullifying all future federal gun laws
 Idaho Governor Otter (R)
Follow Michael Lotfi on Facebook and on Twitter.
BOISE, March 21, 2014 – On Thursday, Idaho Governor Butch Otter (R) signed a bill, which would effectively nullify future federal gun laws, by prohibiting state enforcement of any future federal act relating to personal firearms, a firearm accessories or ammunition.
S1332 passed the house by a vote of 68-0 and the senate by a vote of 34-0. Alaska and Kansas have also passed similar laws.
Erich Pratt, Director of Communications for Gun Owners of America, cheered the governor’s action. “By signing this nullification bill into law, Idaho has joined an elite class of states that are telling the feds to ‘get lost’ — especially when it comes to unconstitutional gun control infringements”
Introduced by the State Affairs Committee, the Idaho Federal Firearm, Magazine and Register Ban Enforcement Act, will:
“protect Idaho law enforcement officers from being directed, through federal executive orders, agency orders, statutes, laws, rules, or regulations enacted or promulgated on or after the effective date of this act, to violate their oath of office and Idaho citizens’ rights under Section 11, Article I, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho.”

The legislation continued:
any official, agent or employee of the state of Idaho or a political subdivision thereof who knowingly and willfully orders an official, agent or employee of the state of Idaho or a political subdivision of the state to enforce any executive order, agency order, law, rule or regulation of the United States government as provided in subsection (2) of this section upon a personal firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition shall, on a first violation, be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) which shall be paid into the general fund of the state…

S1332 also includes an emergency provision meaning it takes effect immediately upon signature.
Tenth Amendment Center national communications director Mike Maharrey considered the legislation a good start. “This is an important first step for Idaho,” he said. “Getting this law passed will ensure that any new plans or executive orders that might be coming our way will not be enforced in Idaho. Then, once this method is established and shown to be effective, legislators can circle back and start doing the same for federal gun control already on the books. SB1332 is an important building block for protecting the 2nd Amendment in Idaho.”
Passage into law represents a giant step forward in protecting the right to keep and bear arms in Idaho. As the law now stands, state and local law enforcement will not cooperate with all future federal firearm laws.
The bill rests on a well-established legal principle known as the anti-commandeering doctrine. Simply put, the federal government cannot force states to help implement or enforce and federal act or program The anti-commandeering doctrine rests primarily on four Supreme Court cases dating back to 1842. Printz v. United States serves as the cornerstone.
Tenth Amendment Center executive director Michael Boldin said that the new Idaho law has opened Pandora’s box even wider.
“People are beginning to realize that this practice is completely constitutional and legal. In the near future, you will see a wave of states passing even broader legislation to fight the federal government on everything ranging from more traditionally liberal issues like hemp and marijuana, to more conservative issues like Obamacare.” Boldin continued,“Nullification isn’t a left vs. right issue. It destroys the fallacy of the left right paradigm and is the remedy for all unconstitutional laws.”

Follow Michael Lotfi on Facebook and on Twitter.

Montage: In 33-Minute Speech on Guns, Obama Refers to Himself 76 Times

While announcing his new executive actions on guns, President Obama spoke today about the pain of having to give speeches after mass shootings. He also spoke about meeting Gabby Giffords shortly after she was shot, and noted that she opened her eyes for the first time just an hour after his visit. 

He spoke about his support for the Second Amendment, his background as a constitutional law professor, his critics, his frequent trouble locating his iPad, and perhaps most memorably, his anger when thinking about child victims of mass shootings. 

If it's starting to sound like Obama made frequent mention of himself, that’s because he did. 

In total, we counted 76 references to himself during his 33-minute address.

Note that in arriving at this calculation, we included mentions of "we" when he was clearly including himself as part of the plural pronoun; the many uses of "we" in referring to America at large were not included. "Me," "myself," and "our" were also included. 

Did we miscount? Feel free to let us know in the comments section. 

[Note: We've also posted this montage to Facebook, if you'd like to share it there.]


Oct. 1st, 2015: In 12 Minute Speech to America About Mass Shooting, Obama Refers to Himself 28 Times

Jan. 27th, 2015: In India, Watch Obama Refer to Himself 118 Times in a 33-Minute Speech


Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Barack Obama today gave a speech where he said that the First Amendment is your right but you don't have a right to scream fire in a crowded room just like the 2nd amendment it's your right but we need to make rules about your rights. 

He also made reference to a man in China with a knife who attacked bunch of school children during the time of Sandy Hook attack by the way.

He continued the Chinese man started cutting them, in order to kill them, however most of them lived and it was because he didn't have access to high-powered firearms . Yes he's talking about Communist China yes Obama referenced Communist China when talking about his executive over-reach order on gun control. He then reference George Bush and said that George Bush try to do the same thing, he also said John McCain agree 100% with what he's doing. He then reference Ronald Reagan and said, "Ronald Reagan said if extensive background checks would work then he would do it." Well that's absolutely wrong Reagan believed it wouldn't work so he didn't do it Barack Obama then went on to blame Republicans voting against him and said even the nra supported him at one time he also says that 90% of Americans supporting 90% of gun owners supporting 90% of Democrats support this and on and on and on the rhetoric never ended. Gabby Giffords was also in the front row he pointed to a reference her in a situation said that a friend of Ed was killed buy a gun Gabby Giffords was shot and lived God bless Giffords.

- Doctors can report some mentally ill
patients to FBI under new gun control rule

- Obama's Gun-Control Plan Includes Gun-Ban For Some Social Security Beneficiaries.  the ban would cover those who are unable to manage their own affairs for a multitude of reasons–from “subnormal intelligence or mental illness” to “incompetency,” an unspecified “condition,” or “disease.”

1. Keep guns out of the wrong hands through background checks.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is making clear that it doesn’t matter where you conduct your business—from a store, at gun shows, or over the Internet: If you’re in the business of selling firearms, you must get a license and conduct background checks.
ATF is finalizing a rule to require background checks for people trying to buy some of the most dangerous weapons and other items through a trust, corporation, or other legal entity.
Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch has sent a letter to States highlighting the importance of receiving complete criminal history.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is overhauling the background check system to make it more effective and efficient. The envisioned improvements include processing background checks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and improving notification of local authorities when certain prohibited persons unlawfully attempt to buy a gun. The FBI will hire more than 230 additional examiners and other staff to help process these background checks.
2. Make our communities safer from gun violence.
The Attorney General convened a call with U.S. Attorneys around the country to direct federal prosecutors to continue to focus on smart and effective enforcement of our gun laws.
The President’s FY2017 budget will include funding for 200 new ATF agents and investigators to help enforce our gun laws.
ATF has established an Internet Investigation Center to track illegal online firearms trafficking and is dedicating $4 million and additional personnel to enhance the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network.
ATF is finalizing a rule to ensure that dealers who ship firearms notify law enforcement if their guns are lost or stolen in transit.
The Attorney General issued a memo encouraging every U.S. Attorney’s Office to renew domestic violence outreach efforts.
3. Increase mental health treatment and reporting to the background check system.
The Administration is proposing a new $500 million investment to increase access to mental health care.
The Social Security Administration has indicated that it will begin the rulemaking process to include information in the background check system about beneficiaries who are prohibited from possessing a firearm for mental health reasons.
The Department of Health and Human Services is finalizing a rule to remove unnecessary legal barriers preventing States from reporting relevant information about people prohibited from possessing a gun for specific mental health reasons.
4. Shape the future of gun safety technology.
The President has directed the Departments of Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security to conduct or sponsor research into gun safety technology.
The President has also directed the departments to review the availability of smart gun technology on a regular basis, and to explore potential ways to further its use and development to more broadly improve gun safety.
Congress should support the President’s request for resources for 200 new ATF agents and investigators to help enforce our gun laws, as well as a new $500 million investment to address mental health issues.
Because we all must do our part to keep our communities safe, the Administration is also calling on States and local governments to do all they can to keep guns out of the wrong hands and reduce gun violence. It is also calling on private-sector leaders to follow the lead of other businesses that have taken voluntary steps to make it harder for dangerous individuals to get their hands on a gun. In the coming weeks, the Administration will engage with manufacturers, retailers, and other private-sector leaders to explore what more they can do.
New Actions by the Federal Government
Keeping Guns Out of the Wrong Hands Through Background Checks
The most important thing we can do to prevent gun violence is to make sure those who would commit violent acts cannot get a firearm in the first place. The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which was created by Congress to prevent guns from being sold to prohibited individuals, is a critical tool in achieving that goal. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the background check system has prevented more than 2 million guns from getting into the wrong hands. We know that making the system more efficient, and ensuring that it has all appropriate records about prohibited purchasers, will help enhance public safety. Today, the Administration is announcing the following executive actions to ensure that all gun dealers are licensed and run background checks, and to strengthen the background check system itself:
Clarify that it doesn’t matter where you conduct your business—from a store, at gun shows, or over the Internet: If you’re in the business of selling firearms, you must get a license and conduct background checks. Background checks have been shown to keep guns out of the wrong hands, but too many gun sales—particularly online and at gun shows—occur without basic background checks. Today, the Administration took action to ensure that anyone who is “engaged in the business” of selling firearms is licensed and conducts background checks on their customers. Consistent with court rulings on this issue, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has clarified the following principles:A person can be engaged in the business of dealing in firearms regardless of the location in which firearm transactions are conducted. For example, a person can be engaged in the business of dealing in firearms even if the person only conducts firearm transactions at gun shows or through the Internet. Those engaged in the business of dealing in firearms who utilize the Internet or other technologies must obtain a license, just as a dealer whose business is run out of a traditional brick-and-mortar store.Quantity and frequency of sales are relevant indicators. There is no specific threshold number of firearms purchased or sold that triggers the licensure requirement. But it is important to note that even a few transactions, when combined with other evidence, can be sufficient to establish that a person is “engaged in the business.” For example, courts have upheld convictions for dealing without a license when as few as two firearms were sold or when only one or two transactions took place, when other factors also were present.There are criminal penalties for failing to comply with these requirements. A person who willfully engages in the business of dealing in firearms without the required license is subject to criminal prosecution and can be sentenced up to five years in prison and fined up to $250,000. Dealers are also subject to penalties for failing to conduct background checks before completing a sale.Require background checks for people trying to buy some of the most dangerous weapons and other items through a trust or corporation. The National Firearms Act imposes restrictions on sales of some of the most dangerous weapons, such as machine guns and sawed-off shotguns. But because of outdated regulations, individuals have been able to avoid the background check requirement by applying to acquire these firearms and other items through trusts, corporations, and other legal entities. In fact, the number of these applications has increased significantly over the years—from fewer than 900 applications in the year 2000 to more than 90,000 applications in 2014. ATF is finalizing a rule that makes clear that people will no longer be able to avoid background checks by buying NFA guns and other items through a trust or corporation.Ensure States are providing records to the background check system, and work cooperatively with jurisdictions to improve reporting. Congress has prohibited specific categories of people from buying guns—from convicted felons to users of illegal drugs to individuals convicted of misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence. In the wake of the shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007, Congress also created incentives for States to make as many relevant records as possible accessible to NICS. Over the past three years, States have increased the number of records they make accessible by nearly 70 percent. To further encourage this reporting, the Attorney General has written a letter to States highlighting the importance of receiving complete criminal history records and criminal dispositions, information on persons disqualified for mental health reasons, and qualifying crimes of domestic violence. The Administration will begin a new dialogue with States to ensure the background check system is as robust as possible, which is a public safety imperative.Make the background check system more efficient and effective. In 2015, NICS receiv

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Monday, January 4, 2016

Obama, "I'm Fired Up!"

Vacation over, Obama looking at ways to reduce gun violence

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hawaiian vacation over, President Barack Obama says he is energized for his final year in office and ready to tackle unfinished business, turning immediate attention to the issue of gun violence.

Obama scheduled a meeting Monday with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to discuss a three-month review of what steps he could take to help reduce gun violence. The president is expected to use executive action to strengthen background checks required for gun purchases.

Republicans strongly oppose any moves Obama may make, and legal fights seem likely over what critics would view as infringing on their Second Amendment rights. But Obama is committed to an aggressive agenda in 2016 even as public attention shifts to the presidential election.

Obama spent much of his winter vacation out of the public eye, playing golf with friends and dining out with his family. He returned to the White House about noon Sunday.

"I am fired up for the year that stretches out before us. That's because of what we've accomplished together over the past seven," Obama said his weekly radio and Internet address.

While in Hawaii, he also worked on his final State of the Union address, scheduled for Jan. 12. The prime-time speech will give the president another chance to try to reassure the public about his national security stewardship after the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California.

Congressional Republicans have outlined a competing agenda for January, saying they will spend the first days of 2016 taking another crack at eliminating keys parts of the president's health insurance law and ending federal funding for Planned Parenthood. The legislation is unlikely to become law, but it is popular with the GOP base in an election year.

The debate about what Obama may do on gun violence already has spilled over into the presidential campaign.

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton has called for more aggressive executive actions on guns, and rival Bernie Sanders said he would support Obama's expected move.

The Vermont senator told ABC's "This Week" that he believes "there is a wide consensus" that "we should expand and strengthen the instant background check." He added: "I think that's what the president is trying to do and I think that will be the right thing to do."

Republican candidates largely oppose efforts to expand background checks or take other steps that curb access to guns.

"This president wants to act as if he is a king, as if he is a dictator," unable to persuade Congress and forcing an "illegal executive action" on the country, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie told "Fox News Sunday."

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, also on Fox, said Obama's "first impulse is always to take rights away from law-abiding citizens, and it's wrong."

In the radio address, Obama said tens of thousands of people have died from gun violence since background check legislation stalled three years ago.

"Each time, we're told that commonsense reforms like background checks might not have stopped the last massacre, or the one before that, so we shouldn't do anything," Obama said. "We know that we can't stop every act of violence. But what if we tried to stop even one?"

Federally licensed gun sellers are required by law to seek criminal background checks before completing a sale. But gun control advocacy groups say some of the people who sell firearms at gun shows are not federally licensed, increasing the chance of sales to customers prohibited by law from purchasing guns.

Obama plans to participate in a town hall Thursday night at George Mason University in Virginia on reducing gun violence. The president will take questions from the audience at the event moderated by CNN's Anderson Cooper.

Despite his deep differences with Republicans, Obama has cited two agenda items for 2016 that have bipartisan support: a free trade agreement with 11 other nations called the Trans-Pacific Partnership and changes in the criminal justice system that would reduce incarceration rates for nonviolent offenders. He often points out that the U.S. accounts for 5 percent of the world's population and 25 percent of its inmates.


Follow Kevin Freking at


Shootout: NRA says battle with Obama, Clinton over guns is 'winner-take-all'

The National Rifle Association has opened a new membership drive to build its ranks for a "winner-take-all" shootout with liberals like President Obama and Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton over the future of gun ownership and the Second Amendment.

"Unless you and I stand shoulder-to-shoulder in this winner-take-all fight, it's only a matter of time before we lose our guns, our heritage, and our freedom," wrote Wayne LaPierre, the NRA executive vice president in a new membership letter.

By joining, he urged potential members, "you're drawing a line in the sand, making it clear to politicians across America that you're not going to stand by while extremists trample our individual liberties."

The membership drive comes at the beginning of a crucial election year in which many Democrats believe that the public is more open to gun control.

It also comes as Obama is set this week to push some minor efforts to expand the group of gun sellers required to register as a licenced dealer, a potential step toward national gun registration, according to critics.

While NRA foes often claim that pro-Second Amendment politicians are bought off by the gun lobby's political contributions, it is actually the power of a big and active membership that votes which gives the Virginia-based organization its power, not money.

And with Democrats pushing for more gun control, building membership in the NRA is likely to be easy.

In his letter, LaPierre is very specific about what he sees as the looming threats to America's gun freedoms. The bottom line, he wrote: "Right now we're fighting gun-hating politicians whose agenda includes gun bans, ammo bans, federal gun-owner licensing, gun registration, and even prison time for you if you pass down or sell any banned firearm to a family member or friend."

Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted


Friday, January 1, 2016

Obama to impose new gun control curbs next week

President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama are greeted by San Bernardino County Third District Supervisor James Ramos (L) and San Bernardino Mayor Carey Davis (2L) at San Bernardino International Airport. (AFP/Getty/Brendan Smialowski)

HONOLULU — President Obama will meet with Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch on Monday to finalize a set of executive actions on guns that he will unveil next week, according to several individuals briefed on the matter.

White House officials declined to comment on Obama’s plans beyond releasing his weekly radio address on Friday, a day earlier than usual. But according to those familiar with the proposal, who asked for anonymity because it was not yet public, the president will expand new background-check requirements for buyers who purchase weapons from high-volume gun dealers.

The president will also use his executive authority in several other areas, these individuals said, but the overall package has not yet been finalized.

In the radio address, Obama said he was moving unilaterally because Congress had failed to address the growing problem of gun violence.

In a New Year's Day message, President Obama said his resolution for 2016 was to complete "unfinished business," adding that tackling gun violence was at the top of the list. (Reuters)

“A few months ago, I directed my team at the White House to look into any new actions I can take to help reduce gun violence,” he said in the recorded address. “And on Monday, I’ll meet with our Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, to discuss our options.”

“Because I get too many letters from parents, and teachers, and kids, to sit around and do nothing,” Obama continued. “I get letters from responsible gun owners who grieve with us every time these tragedies happen; who share my belief that the Second Amendment guarantees a right to bear arms; and who share my belief we can protect that right while keeping an irresponsible, dangerous few from inflicting harm on a massive scale.”

[President Obama on current level of U.S. gun violence: 'This is not normal.']

Obama began examining how he could tighten the nation’s gun rules after October’s mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., but administration lawyers have spent months reviewing any proposals to ensure they can withstand legal scrutiny. The idea of requiring informal gun dealers to obtain a license from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and perform background checks on potential buyers first came up two years ago, but was shelved over legal concerns.

The current federal statute dictates that those who are “engaged in the business” of dealing firearms need to obtain a federal license — and, therefore, conduct background checks — but exempts anyone “who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.”

Gun control advocates — including former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), who was gravely injured in a 2011 mass shooting, and former New York City mayor Michael R. Bloomberg — have met personally with Obama over the past month to push for the background checks expansion and other measures.

Everytown spokeswoman Erika Soto Lamb, whose group was founded with Bloomberg’s support, said the current interpretation of what it means to be “engaged in the business” of selling firearms is “a hazy definition that allows high-volume sellers to transfer thousands of guns without background checks, no questions asked.”

[This is what the White House wants to do on guns]

Other proposals the administration has been weighing include requiring federally-licensed gun dealers to report any lost and stolen guns to the National Crime Information Center; publishing aggregate background check denial data for guns sold by unlicensed sellers; clarifying that convicted abusers are prohibited from having guns regardless of their marital status; and instructing federal law enforcement to identify and arrest criminals who attempt to buy illegal guns.

Any action by the president is sure to trigger a major backlash from gun rights activists, and Republican lawmakers who have blocked legislative action in the past. On Thursday, the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action launched the first in a video seriesattacking gun control advocates.

The first ad targets Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, who revived the plan to expand background checks in the wake of the Roseburg shooting by proposing it on the campaign trail. The ad is labeled “New Year’s Resolutions of the Rich and Anti-Gun (Actually, Just Hillary Clinton),” and it shows a woman outlining her plans on Clinton’s campaign stationary beside a photo of the president and his former Secretary of State as “Auld Lang Syne” blares in the background.

“Stop trying to ban guns,” she writes as her first point, in black marker, followed by, “Read the Constitution.”

“Meet an actual gun owner,” the Clinton impersonator scribbles, before adding, “In Person!”

At that point the woman crosses out all three points, crumples up the paper and throws it aside, as Clinton’s laugh is heard in the background.

Groups such as, however, have begun to mobilize firearm owners to support expanded background checks and other measures aimed at curbing gun violence. David Mark Williams, a farmer in Halfway, Ore., described guns as “a tool. If you’re hunting or living a rural lifestyle, you’re going to have a firearm.”

But Williams, who came to Washington this fall with to meet with members of both parties, said he resigned his NRA membership after its president opposed stricter gun laws in the aftermath of the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

“I’m also a supporter of rational reasonable gun control measures,” he said.

Advocates from groups such as the Metro Industrial Association said the president could do much more to curb the nearly 90 gun-related deaths that take place each day in the U.S., by not coming to the aid of gun manufacturers who are being sued for negligence; providing additional funding for the development of “smart gun” technology; and failing to use the federal government’s purchasing power to pressure gun manufacturers to take more responsibility for reducing gun violence.

But Arkadi Gerney, a senior fellow at the liberal think tank Center for American Progress, said in an email Thursday it was “extremely encouraging that the president appears poised” to enhance the enforcement of existing gun laws given congressional resistance to such measures.

“Along with progress in state legislatures and actions taken by governors and attorneys general, the steps the White House is considering would make it somewhat less likely that guns will end up in the wrong hands,” Gerney said. “And, with gunfire claiming the lives of 33,000 American a year, even incremental steps can have life-saving impact."


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

BOMBSHELL! Lois Lerner Tried to Get Obama DOJ and FEC to Also Attack Tea Party Groups

Lois Lerner sent the following email to the Obama Department of Justice in May 2013.
“I got a call today from Richard Pilger Director Elections Crimes Branch at DOJ … He wanted to know who at IRS the DOJ folk s [sic] could talk to about Sen. Whitehouse idea at the hearing that DOJ could piece together false statement cases about applicants who “lied” on their 1024s –saying they weren’t planning on doing political activity, and then turning around and making large visible political expenditures. DOJ is feeling like it needs to respond, but want to talk to the right folks at IRS to see whether there are impediments from our side and what, if any damage this might do to IRS programs. I told him that sounded like we might need several folks from IRS,” Lerner wrote in a May 8, 2013 email to former Nikole C. Flax, who was former-Acting IRS Commissioner Steven T. Miller’s chief of staff.
“I think we should do it – also need to include CI [Criminal Investigation Division], which we can help coordinate. Also, we need to reach out to FEC. Does it make sense to consider including them in this or keep it separate?” Flax responded on May 9, 2013. 
After this email exchange, Lerner handed things off to Senior Technical Adviser and Attorney Nancy Marks, who was in charge of setting up a meeting with DOJ.

This news follows the revelation that the second ranking member in the House Oversight Committee, Democrat Elijah Cummings, worked in collusion with the IRS in attacking True the Vote, a group out of Houston who works against voter fraud. Cummings had earlier denied any coordination with the IRS, but that denial has been proven to be a lie.
As this news breaks, Lois Lerner is waiting to see if the House will hold her in contempt after the House Oversight Committee voted to hold her in contempt. TPNN  also previously reported that Lerner “referred to the Justice Department by the House Ways and Means Committee for potential prosecution of her actions. If convicted of the crimes for which she has been accused, she could face 11 years in prison.”
Given the collusion between the Obama Department of InJustice and Lerner in relation to this IRS scandal and attack against Tea Party and conservative groups, many do not believe that Eric Holder will act against her. His refusal to appoint a private and independent investigator into this scandal has been met with criticism from those on the right side of the aisle.
Despite this mounting evidence of collusion between Democrats, the IRS, and the DOJ, President Obama claimed during an interview on Super Bowl Sunday that there was not a smidgen of corruption in regards to the matter.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Ugly Truth about Obammy - From Retired Liberal Deocrate Senator.

Democrat Senator Tells The Truth About Obama.

Written by 
According to a column from a UK PAPER, (since no one in the mainstream media here would dare to criticize Dear Leader in such a manner), former Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey would like everyone to know the truth about Obama.
And it's ugly.

Kerrey said that Obama simply isn't up to the job of "bringing liberals and conservatives to the table to rescue America's slowly choking entitlement programs."
And that was just for starters. Kerrey also said that Obama "had to know he was misleading the audience" during his push for Obamacare.  He said the White House clearly understood the numbers, and that Republicans did a bad job of explaining the Democratic strategy.  (No surprise there - this is why we're always complaining about how much the GOP sucks at messaging.)  Republicans should have said, "Hey - young people - you know why Obama wants you to sign up for healthcare insurance so bad?  Because in all likelihood, you won't need it, which means you'll be paying for everyone else's claims."
Because that's the truth. Obama doesn't care about young people.  He just cares about their votes.  This is why he's Between Two Ferns and best pals with Jay-Z.
Kerrey didn't stop there.  He said that the worst lie Democrats told about Obamacare is that "everybody deserves high quality, affordable healthcare."  He said, "Excuse me? Uh - I don't know if you've heard about the bell curve? If I've got 1000 doctors, 100 are great, and 100 are not so good.  It's impossible! And affordable?  Forget about it."
Kerrey also said that one of Obama's biggest mistakes was pushing Obamacare at ALL when the country was still so economically fragile.  He said, "I wouldn't have done health care.  I think the big mistake was to say, 'Whew! We've got the stimulus done, okay, the economy's going to come bouncing back in 12 months - let's do healthecare.'  Only the economy didn't come bouncing back. We're teetering on the edge of going out of business through most of 2009, and I think you need to just keep driving, driving, driving on the economy, and make it as bipartisan as possible."
Yeah.  Obama basically did the exact opposite of that, which is why our economy still sucks monkeyballs.  (Sidenote to hypersensitive liberals:  If you think "monkeyballs" is racist in that context, it's because YOU ARE RACIST.)
Kerrey understands that fundamentally, entitlement programs mean we're "robbing from the future to pay for the past. And we're shoveling more and more money to people over the age of 65."  Why more people don't understand this very basic concept, I have no idea.
Kerrey said the only way to break the congressional roadblocks is to have a real president, which he acknowledged we simply don't have.  And part of Obama's problem is that he has an "inflated sense of Americans' appetite for programs to correct what the White House calls income equality, through new taxes and other income-shifting initiatives that transfer wealth from the rich to the poor."  Kerrey said, "After the 2012 election, what the president needed was somebody to say, 'Mr. President, I'm thrilled you won.  You stand for all the things I support.  But honestly, you won this election because you sucked less than Romney.'"
OUCH. All the way around, even.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ret. Marine Absolutely Owns CNN Anchor On 2nd Amendment - "Unconstitutional Laws Aren't Laws"

 "Unconstitutional Laws Aren't Laws"


The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution protects the right of individuals[1][2] to keep and bear arms.[3][4][5][6] The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the right vests in individuals, not merely collective militias, while also ruling that the right is not unlimited and does not prohibit all regulation of either firearms or similar devices.[7] State and local governments are limited to the same extent as the federal government from infringing this right per the incorporation of the Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791, as part of the first ten amendments comprising the Bill of Rights.
The Second Amendment was based partially on the right to keep and bear arms in English common-law and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689. Sir William Blackstone described this right as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense, resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state.[8]
In United States v. Cruikshank (1876), the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that, "The right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution; neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence" and limited the applicability of the Second Amendment to the federal government.[9] In United States v. Miller (1939), the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government and the states could limit any weapon types not having a “reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia”.[10][11]
In the twenty-first century, the amendment has been subjected to renewed academic inquiry and judicial interest.[11] In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), the Supreme Court handed down a landmark decision, expressly holding the amendment to protect an individual right to possess and carry firearms.[12][13] In McDonald v. Chicago (2010), the Court clarified its earlier decisions that limited the amendment's impact to a restriction on the federal government, expressly holding that the Fourteenth Amendment applies the Second Amendment to state and local governments to the same extent that the Second Amendment applies to the federal government.[14] Despite these decisions, the debate between the gun control and gun rights movements and related organizations continues.[15]

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

WATCH: Old Guard Sentinel Puts Laughing Tourists In Their Place At Tomb of the Unknown

WATCH: Old Guard Sentinel Puts Laughing Tourists In Their Place At Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Respect our nation's military veterans and fallen heroes

Monday, January 27, 2014

G2 Research R.I.P. 9mm round in action DEATH BULLET SICK !!!!

“This bullet is designed to take out all your vital organs…inferior bullets won’t be a problem anymore,” Brown said. The company president stressed prevention of law enforcement injuries was a primary focus for the round designers.
“The R.I.P. will not defeat level 3A body armor, that was one of our main goals when designing this bullet,” Brown said.
The company’s site adds that G2R has tested the new round with numerous fully automatic and semi automatic firearms, as well as rifles. They claim to have zero failures when testing most well known firearms on the market including Sig, Glock, Beretta, Springfield, FN, Taurus, Walther, Khar, S&W and many others.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

There is no Such Thing as Gun Control, Only People Control.

Dan Bongino just wrote this open letter and I second it:
An open letter to the establishment GOP.
I am serving you with divorce papers. For those who are unaware of what happened, the establishment wing of the Party has openly declared war on the grassroots.
For those who say this fight is hurting the Republican “brand” I reply; it is those on both sides of the aisle who have betrayed their principles in the name of Party, that have destroyed their “brands”.

As for the GOP, we used to stand for something; a lean, effective government, vibrant and robust individual liberty, and a passionate defense of the value of hard work and a commensurate respect for your wages by consistently fighting for your right to keep more of them. Where do you stand now? I know where the grassroots does.
This is our Party and we will demonstrate to the people we hope to represent that there is a group of people out there who refuse to be part of any “managed decline”. We will only be part of a spectacular American resurrection.
America’s best days are ahead and you and your fellow insiders and cronyists and “Party before country” loyalists, on both sides of the aisle, can bathe in your titles and power now but understand that I, and many others, have dedicated our lives to draining the dirty water from the bathtub.
Consider yourself served.
BOOM! Count me in.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Worst President Ever - Media all over Obama numbers tanking.

Worst President Ever.

Video One Picture Below.

approval rating 39% and Disapproval 54%  You Suck \obama and now the liberal media is on to you finally now that they have pulled their lips off your.......


Saturday, June 15, 2013

14-year-old at the center of "NRA T-Shirt Controversy" now facing possibility of 1 year in jail

Posted: Jun 13, 2013 6:17 PM EST Updated: Jun 14, 2013 10:12 AM EST

Suspended and arrested after refusing to change his NRA shirt. Today, 14-year-old Jared Marcum appeared before a judge and was officially charged with obstructing an officer.

A $500 fine and up to a year in jail, that's the penalty that Jared could face, now that a judge has allowed the prosecution to move forward with it's obstructing an officer charge against him.

"Me, I'm more of a fighter and so is Jared and eventually we're going to get through this," Jared's father Allen Lardieri said.  "I don't think it should have ever gotten this far."

The Logan County Police Department initially claimed that the at-the-time 8th grade Logan Middle School student was arrested for disturbing the education process, obstructing an officer and Lardieri says that officers even went as far as threatening to charge Jared with making terroristic threats.

"In my view of the facts, Jared didn't do anything wrong," Ben White, Jared's attorney said.  "I think officer Adkins could have done something differently."

Prosecuting attorney Michael White refused to respond to any questions, as did Logan Police.

We obtained official court documents from both sides of this case.  On one hand, the arresting officer from the Logan City Police Department, James Adkins, claims that when Jared refused to stop talking, that hindered his ability to do his job, hence, the obstruction charge.  On the other side, Ben White points out that nowhere in the arresting officer's petition, does it mention Jared ever making any threats or acting in a violent manner. 

"Every aspect of this is just totally wrong," Lardieri said.  "He has no background of anything criminal, up until now and it just seems like nobody wants to admit they're wrong."

Ben White says he will continue working to have the charges against Jared dismissed.  If that doesn't happen in the coming weeks, Jared will be back in court on July 11th.