Showing posts with label cops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cops. Show all posts

Saturday, July 9, 2016


Listen To Military Veteran Talk Radio

1.       Dallas Texas
-          4 Shooters (Daily Mail) – Micha used an SKS semi-automatic rifle
a.       Army reservist Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, who shot dead five cops at Dallas Black Lives Matter protest had bomb-making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition and a combat journal in his home. Identified as the man who shot 12 police officers, killing five, before being killed by a robotic bomb detonated by police after a four hour standoff. Two other suspects were taken into custody after fleeing the scene in a black Mercedes. An officer saw one of the pair hurriedly putting a camouflage bag in the back of the car before driving off 'at a high rate of speed'. A female, who was in the same area as Johnson, was also taken custody, however Chief Brown said: 'We still don't have complete comfort that we have all the suspects.'
b.      Johnson reportedly told law enforcement he was an Army veteran, acted alone and he was 'upset at white people'. While he professed a hatred for white people in his last words to a hostage negotiator, it appears his step-mother was white. Donna Ferrier Johnson, a teacher for Dallas schools, proudly shared pictures of her step-son in uniform to her page before the shooting.
c.       He told hostage negotiator that he wanted to kill white people - 'especially white officers'
d.      It has since been revealed that Johnson's stepmother, Dallas teacher Donna Johnson, is white 
e.      Police killed him using a bomb placed by a robot after a four-hour standoff near the Black Lives Matter protest
f.        The casualties include Dallas police officers Patrick Zamarripa, Michael Krol, Lorne Ahrens and Michael J. Smith, and DART police officer Brent Thompson
g.       Seven other officers, including two female cops, and two bystanders are among the injured  
h.      Gruesome footage shows a cop being shot execution-style by a gunman as he rampaged through the city
i.         Black Lives Matter has released a statement distancing itself from the attack and condemning it 
j.        He also liked pages for several pages related to the Nation of Islam, the Black Riders Liberation Party, the New Black Panther Party and the African American Defense League.
k.       Johnson also used to attend a gym called Academy of Combat Warrior Acts, which teaches weapons classes in addition to the traditional martial arts selection, according to the Daily Beast.  Gym CEO Justin Everman spoke out to the Daily Beast, saying many of the gym's members are police officers and 'we have completely no affiliation with [Johnson] whatsoever.'
l.         Lived on a quiet street with mother for years. Neighbor said he had lots of guns one time he knocked on everyones door looking for his stolen guns
m.    In the days leading up to the shooting, his sister Nicole wrote several posts about her frustration at the tense relationship between police and the African-American community. 'Man on life itself I'm beginning to trust law less n less. Come a yr from now everybody will need a gun for protection. Why is it the black get the harsh treatment like damn. Makes me so mad. When he decide we had enough n fight back smhh...' she wrote on July 6, responding to the death of Alton Sterling. 
-          1A Obama on Dallas
a.       1C Speaking in Poland, where he is attending a NATO conference, President Obama described the events in Dallas as a 'vicious, despicable and calculated attack'.
b.      He said America is 'horrified' over the shootings, claiming there is no justification for the attacks.
c.       He said: 'When incidents like this occur, there's a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels as if it's because of the colour of their skin, they are not being treated the same.
d.      'And that hurts. And that should trouble all of us.'
-          Justice Dept. came out with a report 2015 that Black and Hispanic cops more likely be shot
a.       NYC PD black cops are 3.3x more likely to shoot than white cops
-          1B Lynch on Dallas
-          Jesse Jackson
-          Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Flando Castillo in Minnesota
-          1D Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick “Protesters are Hypocrites”
-          RUSH Limbaugh Interview
a.       Heather Macdonald “War on Cops”   1E (Obama Just lied to us last night)
b.      Heather 2pts 1F 1. This isn’t happening everywhere all the time and 2. The actual numbers of deaths by cops and war on Whites and Hispanics not blacks but why blacks.
-          Hillary Clinton
a. Clinton’s speech was first retooled so that she could address the police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, according to a campaign aide. The speech was then redrafted again after the events in Dallas.
b.      On Friday, the Scranton speech and the event with Biden were scrapped, but Clinton is expected to speak about the events at a historically African-American church in Philadelphia Friday evening. It's an appropriate setting, her allies say, to discuss the current tensions the nation faces.
-          Trump on Dallas by CNN
a.       The Trump campaign released a statement Friday morning further addressing the "horrific execution-style" shootings, calling them a "coordinated, premeditated assault on the men and women who keep us safe."
b.      “Our nation has become too divided too many Americans feel like they’ve lost hope. Crime is harming too many citizens. Racial tensions have gotten worse no0t better. This isn’t the American dream we all want for our children.
c.       "We must restore law and order. We must restore the confidence of our people to be safe and secure in their homes and on the street," Trump wrote. "[W]e pray for our brave police officers and first responders who risk their lives to protect us every single day."
d.      He also weighed in on the two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota who were fatally shot earlier this week by police officers, noting that their "senseless, tragic deaths" reminds the nation "how much more needs to be done." (While Trump called the two men "motorists" in his statement, one of the men -- Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana -- was not in a vehicle at the time of the shooting.)
e.      Trump canceled his scheduled trip to Miami, Florida Friday, according to a campaign statement.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Arrested in America for no-id and Jay-Walking ?? WTF ??

She Allegedly Went on a Simple Jog in Her Toe Shoes. So Why Did She End Up Screaming and in Handcuffs? ‘I Didn’t F**king Do Anything Wrong!’

It allegedly started with her jogging in her toe shoes and sporting headphones. It ended in video of her screaming and being led away in handcuffs. What happened in between is a matter of debate, but video showing parts of the incident is certainly gaining traction online.

“I was doing nothing wrong,” she said at first to a nearby witness while sitting on the sidewalk with her hands behind her and one officer standing over her. “I was just crossing the street.”
But as police escorted her away while pedestrians passed by, things got ugly.

Whatever the woman did to get the attention of Austin, Texas police, a witness’ video of cops detaining her on a city sidewalk Thursday morning then escorting her to a nearby squad car indicate she was not happy with their actions.


“I didn’t f**king do anything wrong! I didn’t do anything wrong!” she yelled before being placed in a nearby squad car. She then began crying as she pleaded, “I f**king crossed the street.”

The Daily Texan, the student newspaper for the University of Texas at Austin, reported that police arrested the woman for failing to provide identification.
Student Chris Quintero, who the Daily Texan reported witnessed the arrest, said he saw the woman jogging with headphones on when police ran after her. When the woman failed to stop, the officer grabbed her by the arm and handcuffed her, Quintero said.
“She repeatedly pleaded with them, saying that she was just exercising and to let her go,” said Quintero, who also shot the video and took photographs of the incident.
The woman can be seen in the full video attempting to get up from the sidewalk and being kept down by police officers.
Austin police did not return phone calls from TheBlaze about why the woman was detained.
According to a statement to The Daily Texan from police spokeswoman Lisa Cortinas: “[In this case], the call is titled failure to identify.”

And the LiveLeak poster’s description:
Sitting at Starbucks, on the corner of 24th and San Antonio, I noticed a particularly odd situation.Two Austin Police Officers standing outside the Castilian just lingering. Every time I looked back there was a different student holding a carbon copy of what looked to be a jay walking citation. Suddenly one of the cops shouts at an innocent girl jogging with her headphones on through West Campus. He wobbled after her and grabbed her by the arm. Startled and not knowing it was a cop, she jerked her arm away. The cop viewed this as resisting arrest and proceeded to grab both arms tightly, placing her in handcuffs. She repeatedly pleaded with them saying that she was just exercising and to let her go. She repeatedly cried out, “I did not do anything wrong…just give me the ticket.” The other officer strolled over and not they where making a scene. She tried to get up. I doubt she was running away, as she was in handcuffs, but the second cop pushed her back down to the ground. Because of the commotion, they walked her to the cop car in the alleyway next to the Big Bite, where she, overcome with frustration, yelled loudly to gain attention. Because of that, the cops tightened their grip causing her to squirm and kick. Then came two bike cops from down the alley. Now we have four cops and one small, helpless girl in the back of a cop car, because she was just going for a run.
UPDATE: As TheBlaze pointed out earlier this year, citizens have a variety of rights when it comes to interacting with police, including whether or not you have to show ID, and laws vary from state to state.
According to the infogrpahic in TheBlaze story from January and other sources, in Texas you only have to show ID once you’ve been arrested, not before. If you’re lawfully detained in Texas, you do not have to provide ID. However, you cannot give false information about who you are.
It’s still unclear if the woman in the video was arrested or detained or if she had ID to show or provided information of any sort to police. TheBlaze will update this story when police provide the information.