Showing posts with label bill clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bill clinton. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Mattress Girl Emma Sulkowicz Given ‘Woman of Courage’ Award

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Andrew Burton/AFP

by CHARLIE NASH28 Jun 2016268

Feminist icon Emma Sulkowicz, known for her infamous “Mattress Girl” rape allegations and protest demonstration, was awarded the 2016 Woman of Courage award by the National Organization for Women last week.

In 2014, Sulkowicz carried her dormitory mattress around campus in protest after she claimed that a fellow student raped her at the college in 2012. The mattress was carried everywhere, including to Sulkowicz’s graduation, prompting a huge media storm surrounding the student who media dubbed “Mattress Girl.”

However, in early 2015 it was reported that Sulkowicz had repeatedly told her “rapist” she loved him through leaked text messages after the “attack”, with the alleged rapist Paul Nungesser eventually being pardoned by the campus due to lack of evidence. Nungesser was repeatedly threatened, harassed, and assaulted during the lengthy campus trial, and Nungesser reported multiple rescinded job offers and missed opportunities due to the accusations.

Sulkowicz claimed that Nungesser had beaten her in bed after agreeing to mutually consensual sex, before he allegedly forced anal upon her. Nungesser, however, denied this story and claimed that their sexual encounters were entirely consensual. Nungesser theorized that Sulkowicz’s claims against him were due to the fact that he had decided to split up with her shortly after the encounter.

After gaining mass media attention, Sulkowicz broke into the spotlight again in 2015 after releasing a supposed recreation of the rape in a bizarre sex tape form, where she could be seen performing fellatio on an overweight man before being beaten in what she claims to have been a consensual tape.

Two days after the alleged assault,Sulkowicz texted Nungesser saying “I feel like we need to have some real time where we can talk about life and thingz because we still haven’t really had a paul-emma chill sesh since summmmerrrr”. The following month, Sulkowicz messaged Nungesser saying “I want to see yoyououoyou”, and on her birthday in October after Nungesser had wished Sulkowicz a happy birthday, the infamous Mattress Girl replied with “I love you Paul. Where are you?!?!?!?!”

Numerous other inconsistencies in Sulkowicz story, including the texts above, meant that the campus trial was eventually thrown out, though not before it permanently tarnished Nungesser’s name and reputation. And now Sulkowicz is being rewarded for it.

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“Sulkowicz did what many rape victims cannot do; she channeled her fear into a public demonstration and brought attention to her rapist’s despicable act and highly inadequate punishment” announced National Organization for Women president Terry O’Neill. “Emma is an inspiration to all of us.”

“I never imagined that someday I would be honored by such an immensely important organization. It feels like a dream” said Sulkwicz to artnet News. “It’s truly humbling. People should check out NOW’s amazing history, because we really do owe so many of our rights to that organization.”

Despite the lack of evidence and the fact that the case was dismissed by credible authorities, Sulkwicz still maintains her story on the alleged assault, and is still hailed as a feminist icon.

Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech and former editor of the Squid Magazine. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington or like his page at Facebook.

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Social JusticeTechEmma Sulkowicz,Mattress girlUniversity Of Colombia

Monday, June 27, 2016

Trump Campaign Details 49 Blistering Allegations about Hillary Clinton

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by ALEX SWOYER26 Jun 2016Washington, DC237
On Friday, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s campaign released the “Top 50 Facts about Hillary Clinton” that Trump detailed in his speech last Wednesday. Each assertion the Trump campaign lists is presented with government reports and/or media reports.
After Breitbart’s review, the 49 allegations, as number 11 was omitted in press release, listed by the Trump campaign mostly relate to Clinton’s involvement in “disastrous” trade deals for the United States as well as questionable decisions and interactions with foreign affairs — especially criticizing her decisions and involvement with interventions in the Middle East.
Below is the list of 49 facts presented by the Trump campaign and a brief summary of the details reviewed by Breitbart News, which were noted in the 35-page press release that can be read in more detail here:
1. “Clinton Trade Deals ‘Are Disastrous’”
Trump’s campaign argues the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) — which was enacted by President Bill Clinton — and the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), which is currently awaiting a vote in Congress and had support from Hillary Clinton, cause mass job losses in the United States — especially in the manufacturing industry.
2. “Clinton Lied About Her Landing In Bosnia”
In 2008, First Lady Hillary Clinton recalled a 1996 trip as First Lady to Bosnia. She was supposed to meet with families of U.S. soldier, but claimed upon landing she was under sniper fire and had to run with her head down instead of attending a greeting ceremony. An Associated Press report from 1996 detailing the eve of her arrival, however, made no mention of this incident. In fact, a CBS News video later revealed she was under no visible duress, greeted instead on the tarmac by a child who offered her a copy of a poem.
3. “Clinton Performed Favors for Donors As Secretary Of State”
Trump argues Clinton has used the Clinton Foundation as a way to fundraise where donors can gain access to political favors. He cites Raj Fernando who donated between $1 million and $5 million and was appointed as International Security Advisor to the State Department by Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s chief of staff.
He also details favors given to foreign leaders and Clinton Foundation donors such as the Sultan of Oman, Indian politician Amar Singh, and Russian’s Uranium One.
4. “The Clintons Made Millions From Speeches To Special Interests”
Trump hit Clinton over her big money speeches to Wall Street — something her Democratic challenger Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) also would use to criticize her during the 2016 Democratic primary, specifically for not releasing the transcripts of the secret speeches.
The Clintons made $153 million since 2011 giving speeches to special interests such as foreign governments, CEOs and lobbyists.
5. “Clinton Supported Her Husband’s ‘Disastrous’ NAFTA Policy”
As First Lady and again in 2003, Clinton praised NAFTA in her book; however, the Economic Policy Institute blames NAFTA for a loss of 700,000 jobs as of 2010.
6. “Clinton Supported China’s Entrance Into The WTO”
Trump’s campaign cites a television appearance on CNN in 2000 where Clinton says normalizing trade relations would allow U.S. companies to compete with China.
“I think it is in the interests of America and American workers that we provide the option for China to go into the WTO,” Clinton stated. “Right now, we are trading with China. We have a huge trade deficit with China. The agreement that has been negotiated between our two countries would open their markets to us in a way that they are not yet open, and in fact, for many large manufactured products, like automobiles, we would have the first chance to really get in and compete in that marketplace.”
7. “Since Hillary-Backed Trade Agreements Adoped Nearly 1/3 Of Americas Manufacturing Jobs Have Disappeared”
Trump argues that because of China’s entrance into the WTO in 2001, by 2013 the trade deficit with China skyrocketed and 3.2 million U.S. jobs were lost.
8. “The Trade Deficit With China Soared Under Clinton As Secretary Of State”
Trump says America’s trade deficit with China increased 40 percent while Clinton was Secretary of State.
9. “China Stole Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars In Intellectual Property During Clinton Tenure At State”
Trump’s campaign points to a 2013 report by the Independent Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property, which revealed that the U.S. lost $300 billion annually from American intellectual property (IP) rights having been stolen.
10. “Clinton Gave China Millions Of Jobs And Grew Rich In Return”
According to the Economic Policy Institute, after the U.S. normalized trade relations with China — as Clinton supported — 3.2 million U.S. jobs were displaced. Trump also points to a Washington Post article detailing how Bill Clinton received $56.3 million from speeches delivered in foreign countries including China.
11. “The Clintons Profited From Speeches To Chinese Interests While She Was Negotiating With China”
Trump cited Breitbart News editor Peter Schweitzer’s book Clinton Cash during his speech, reading, “Here is a quote from the book, ‘at the center of U.S. Policy toward China was Hillary Clinton. At this critical time for U.S.- China relations, Bill Clinton gave a number of speeches that were underwritten by the Chinese government and its supporters. These funds were paid to the Clintons’ bank account directly, while Hillary was negotiating with China on behalf of the United States.’”
12. “Clinton Supported TPP Which Will Destroy Jobs”
Bloomberg reports that during her time as Secretary of State, Clinton helped draft the TPP trade deal and CNN notes that she delivered at least 45 public speeches supporting the deal. The Economic Policy Institute believes the TPP — which is a trade pact involving 11 nations — will eliminate more than 2 million jobs in the United States.
13. “Clinton Deleted The TPP Record From Her Book And 30,000 Emails”
According to the Trump campaign, in Clinton’s memoir Hard Choices, she wrote favorably in support of the TPP and about her hard work negotiating the deal during her time as Secretary of State, but according to The International Business Times, a recent paperback edition of Hard Choices omitted her earlier TPP reference.
Adding to the action of deleting information, Trump also cites Clinton’s private, personal email server where she conducted her business as Secretary of State and how she deleted, wiping the server clean, of her emails.
14. “Clinton Will Adopt TPP”
“This is the latest Clinton cover-up and it doesn’t change anything. If she is elected president, she will adopt the Trans- Pacific Partnership and we will lose millions of jobs and our economic independence for good,” Trump challenged in his speech.
15. “Clinton Will Betray Workers On Trade”
Trump cites Clinton’s flip flop on the TPP, the Korea Deal and the Columbia Deal to reveal her inconsistency on international trade.
16. “Clinton’s Foreign Policy Has Cost Americans Thousands Of Lives, Trillions Of Dollars, and Unleashed ISIS Across The World”
On this assertion, Trump points to Clinton’s original vote to support the war in Iraq, but then subsequent support of President Obama’s plan to withdraw forces — citing a Reuters report that Operation Iraqi Freedom cost trillions in taxpayer dollars. Trump also questions Clinton’s decision on how to handle ISIS and her intervention into Libya.
17. “Among Clinton’s Victims Was Ambassador Chris Stevens”
Trump blasted Clinton over the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya where four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, were murdered after the State Department — under Clinton’s watch — denied numerous requests for increased security.
18. “Clinton Was At Home Sleeping While Attacks In Benghazi Continued”
“He was left helpless to die as Hillary Clinton soundly slept in her bed. That’s right. When the phone rang, as per the commercial, at three o’clock in the morning, Hillary Clinton was sleeping,” Trump stated during his speech, pointing to a report from that revealed Clinton said she decided to leave the State Department and work from home the night of the Benghazi attack.
19. “Ambassador Stevens And His Staff In Libya Made Hundreds Of Requests For Increased Security And Were Denied”
The State Department denied numbers of requests for additional security in Benghazi during the months leading up to the attack.
20. “Clinton Lied About A Video Causing The Deaths Of Americans In Benghazi”
Trump cites Clintons remarks on September 12, 2012 over the deaths in Benghazi, where she blamed the attack on a YouTube video. However, the night of the attack, Clinton emailed her daughter Chelsea Clinton and said the attack came from an “Al Qaeda-Like group,” according to NBC News.
Additionally, according to a State Department release, Clinton reportedly told the Egyptian Prime Minister that the attack in Benghazi “had nothing to do with the film” but rather “was a planned attack — not a protest.”
21. “In Four Years Clinton Managed To Single Handedly Destabilize The Middle East And Hand Over Libya To ISIS”
Trump criticized Clinton for intervening in Libya without resolving how the country would be governed after Gaddafi was removed, and points to ISIS increasing its presence in Libya following the intervention.
22. “Iran Is Now The Dominant Islamic Power In The Middle East And Is On The Road To A Nuclear Weapon, Thanks To Clinton”
Trump expresses criticism over Clinton’s support of the Iran deal, where the U.S. is giving billions to Iran and allowing sanctions relief where its economy could revitalize.
23. “Hillary Has Supported Regime Change In Syria, Leading To One Of The Bloodiest Civil Wars And Giving ISIS A Launching Pad To The West”
Trump argues that Clinton’s support of a regime change in Syria resulted in ISIS obtaining territory gains.
24. “Clinton Helped Force Out A Friendly Regime In Egypt”
Trump argued, “She helped force out a friendly regime in Egypt and replace it with the radical Muslim Brotherhood. The Egyptian military has retaken control, but Clinton has opened the Pandora’s box of radical Islam.”
25. “Clinton’s Announced-Timetable for Withdrawal from Iraq Allowed ISIS to Rush In and Fill The Void”
The Trump campaign lists several news headlines where the Obama administration stated their plan for withdrawal, providing dates and as a result, “American and Iraqi analysts said the Qaeda franchise is shifting its tactics and strategies – like attacking Iraqi security forces in small squads – to exploit gaps left by the departing American troops and to try to reignite sectarian violence in the country,” according to The New York Times in 2011.
26. “Clinton Learned Nothing From Iraq”
Trump argues the lessons from Iraq were ignored by Clinton, who, once she became Secretary of State, pushed the intervention into Libya, citing French Ambassador Gerard Araud who said, “It was the same mistake you made in Iraq” in reference to Libya.
27. “Clinton Refuses To Acknowledge The Threat Posed By Radical Islam”
Trump took a swipe at Clinton, as he has Obama, for not identifying terrorism as “radical Islam.”
28. “Clinton Supports A 550% Increase In Syrian Refugees”
Trump points to an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation, where Clinton said she thinks Obama’s plan to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S. wasn’t enough. “Look, we’re facing the worst refugee crisis since the end of World War II, and I think the United States has to do more, and I would like to see us move from what is a good start with 10,000 to 65,000 and begin immediately to put into place the mechanisms for vetting the people that we would take in,” stated Clinton.
29. “Hundreds Of Immigrants And Their Children Have Been Recently Charged With Terrorism”
Trump cites a Fox News report that revealed Congressional data suggests hundreds of terror plans in the U.S. were stopped since September 11, 2001, and “at least 380 were foreign-born.”
30. “Clinton Policy Is Motivated By 1,000 Foreign Donations That Weren’t Disclosed With The State Department”
Trump points to a 2015 report by Ken Silverstein in Harper’s Magazine which notes, “The Clinton Foundation is a professionally structured money-laundering operation.”
31. “Bill Clinton Was Paid $750,000 From A Telecom Company Facing State Department Sanctions While Hillary Was Secretary of State, And Was Subsequently Spared”
The Trump campaign cites the book Clinton Cash, detailing the Swedish Telecom Giant Ericsson that came under pressure from the United States for selling equipment to oppressive governments that would allegedly use the equipment to control their people.
32. “Clinton’s State Department Approved The Transfer of 20% Of America’s Uranium Holdings To Russia, While Investors Funneled $145 Million To The Clinton Foundation”
Trump again references Clinton Cash, which reveals a connection between the United State’s uranium holdings with Russia’s Uranium One to $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation.
33. “Hillary Clinton Appointed A Top Donor To A Sensitive National Security Board, Despite His Having No Credentials”
Trump argues that Rajiv Fernando, who donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, was appointed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the International Security Board although he didn’t have international security credentials, according to ABC News. TheWashington Examiner reported that the State Department under Clinton’s watch then rushed top secret security clearance for Fernando.
34. “Clinton Accepted Gifts From The Government Of Brunei As Secretary Of State As Brunei Pushed Sharia Law”
“Hillary Clinton accepted $58,000 in jewelry from the government of Brunei when she was Secretary of State – plus millions more for her foundation. The Sultan of Brunei has pushed oppressive Sharia law, including the punishment of death by stoning for being gay. The government of Brunei also stands to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of Hillary’s Trans-Pacific Partnership, which she would absolutely approve if given the chance,” Trump alleged in his speech, citing donations to the Clinton Foundation and investigative reports from The Washington Free Beacon.
35. “Hillary Took $25 Million From Saudi Araba, Where Being LGBT Is Punishable By Death”
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia donated more than $10 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Homosexuals are legally stoned to death in Saudi Arabia and women in Saudi Arabia are violently discriminated against.
36. “Hillary Took Millions From Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, And Other Countries That Abuse Women And The LGBT Community”
Trump argues that the State of Kuwait, which was cited by the State Department in 2012 for Human Rights problems, donated at least $5 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Both Oman and Qatar, which were also noted by the State Department for Human Rights practices against women, donated at least $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.
37. “Clinton Illegally Used A Private Email Server While At The State Department”
Trump cites 2005 State Department regulations that prohibited the use of a private, personal email server for government business to support his allegation that Clinton’s conduct as Secretary of State where she used a private email server was illegal.
38. “Clinton’s Emails Were Easily Hacked By Foreign Governments”
In this allegation, Trump cites an Associated Press report titled, “Clinton Server’s Software Had Hacking Risk,” which notes, “Two such hacking ‘scans’ occurred in 2012 from a Serbian computer looking for accessible doors or ‘ports’ into the server.”
Fox News has reported about a Romanian hacker who claims he hacked Clinton.
39. “Clinton Deleted 33,000 Emails”
Trump cites Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton, who in an interview with The Hill, said, “She didn’t want to be held accountable for her conduct in office.” The Hill reported, “Fitton told The Hill that he expects the government will eventually review the approximately 30,000 emails that Clinton claimed to have deleted from her server because they were personal in nature.”
40.”Clinton’s Private Emails Could Be Used as A Blackmail File for Foreign Governments”
In this assertion, Trump cites Forbes’ Paul Roderick Gregory, who reported in 2016 the Russian Intelligence Community supposedly knew about Clinton’s private server since 2013.
41. “Clinton Will Pursue An Open Borders Policy”
Trump points to Clinton’s own immigration plan on her website as well as a Vanity Fairarticle noting, “In short, under Clinton’s policy, if you manage to sneak across the border illegally and make it into a city, you won’t be removed. You could call that open borders, except it’s messier. It’s more like a free-for-all.”
42. “Minorities Will Be Hurt Most From Clinton’s Policies”
Trump argues Clinton’s plan to resettle foreign refugees into the U.S. will cost billions of dollars and that increased immigration will hurt American workers’ wages. He also notes the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ data that shows a record high unemployment rate for both African Americans and Hispanics.
43. “Sergeant Mendoza Brendam Died Because Of The Immigration Policies Supported By Hillary Clinton”
Trump argues that open border policies, which Clinton supports, result in crimes such as the murder of Sergeant Mendoza Brendam by an illegal immigrant who had previously been charged with other crimes in Colorado, but was never deported.
44. “For The Amount Of Money Hillary Clinton Wants To Spend On Refugees, We Could Rebuild Every Inner-City In America”
Trump, citing a Breitbart News article, says the cost of resettling 10,000 refugees is $6.5 billion dollars, which brings Clinton’s plans into the hundreds of billions, when taking into account lifetime benefits.
45. “Clinton’s Immigration Agenda Will Keep Them Poor, Unemployed Americans Out Of Work, And Hurt Minorities”
Trump cites the Center for Immigration Studies, which reports immigration lowers American workers’ wages by roughly $400 billion.
46. “Clinton Will Appoint Judges Who Will Abolish The 2nd Amendment”
Trump challenges that if elected president, Clinton will appoint liberal activist judges who would support gun control measures. He cites her previous statement that Australia’s gun ban program was “worth considering” in America.
47. “ObamaCare Is A Job-Killing Disaster”
On this assertion, Trump cites a Joint Committee on Taxation report and the Congressional Budget Office noting that the Affordable Care Act implements $859.7 billion in taxes on small businesses and innovation, as well as investments.
48. “Real Wages Haven’t Increased For America Workers”
Trump argues that when considering inflation, a 2014 Pew Research Center Analysis showed, “Today’s Average Hourly Wage Has Just About The Same Purchasing Power As It Did In 1979.”
49. “Clinton’s Regime of Taxation, Regulation, And Open Borders, Will Destroy Jobs And Drive Down Wages”
Trump argues that several reviews of Clinton’s tax plan by the Tax Foundation, a tax policy and research organization, suggest her plan would lower the size of the economy and drive down income. He also argues that according to the Center for Immigration Studies, illegal immigration lowers American workers’ wages by at least $99 billion each year.
Breitbart News reached out to Hillary Clinton’s campaign spokesperson Nick Merrill for a statement responding to the Trump campaign’s list of allegations presented in its Friday press release, but did not receive a response.

Monday, June 6, 2016

State Dept.: 75-year wait for Clinton aide emails

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Washington (CNN)The Republican National Committee would have to wait 75 years for the State Department to release emails from top aides to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according to a recent court filing.

State Department lawyers argue in a filing made last Wednesday that gathering 450,000 pages of records requested for former Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Jacob Sullivan and top State Department official Patrick Kennedy would take three quarters of a century.

"Given the Department's current FOIA workload and the complexity of these documents, it can process about 500 pages a month, meaning it would take approximately 16-and-2/3 years to complete the review of the Mills documents, 33-and-1/3 years to finish the review of the Sullivan documents, and 25 years to wrap up the review of the Kennedy documents -- or 75 years in total," the State Department argued in the filing.

State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau declined Monday to comment on the RNC lawsuit specifically, but said that requests have tripled since 2008 and staff has been spread thin.

"The volume of FOIA requests received by the Department has tripled since 2008. In fiscal year 2015 alone we received approximately 22,000 FOIA requests," Trudeau said. "The requests are also frequently more complex and seek larger volumes of documents, requiring significantly more time, resources, and interagency coordination. While we have increased staffing for our FOIA office, our available resources are still nonetheless constrained."

The RNC filed suit against the State Department in March, saying it was stalling releasing records in response to a December FOIA request.


Thursday, May 26, 2016

The long lines at airports are a problem for Hillary Clinton

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Transportation Security Administration administrator Peter Neffenger says an increase in passenger numbers is one reason for long lines at airport security checkpoints. (Reuters)

The long security lines at U.S. airportsare another problem for Hillary Clinton. A lot of Americans interact with the Transportation Security Administration, and they expect that agency to function properly. And when there is a problem, they want it fixed. Does anyone think of Clinton as a problem-solver? Answer: No. Can anyone think of a problem she has ever solved?

As I have written before, the Democrats are identified as a party that agitates for interest groups and social causes. They impose their will through regulations and via the courts. The Obama era has left the Democrats without any claim to managerial expertise or problem-solving skills, and Clinton will pay a price for that in November.

The current problems at the TSA are a perfect example. When Americans are standing in lines at our nation’s airports and fuming about incompetence in government, they don’t want to hear excuses about a lack of government resources. Who do you think is more likely to shake things up with the bureaucrats at the Department of Homeland Security and actually get the TSA working, President Hillary Clinton or President Donald Trump? It’s no contest.

If Trump were to show up at an American airport and face those waiting in a long security line, he would probably be welcomed and he would instantly be recognized as someone who would make changes. If Clinton were to show up, I think she would be greeted as an agent of the status quo, and the crowd reaction would be, to put it mildly, more subdued. Not one person who is outraged and disgusted while standing in a security line and missing their flight could care less about Trump’s taxes or how he may or may not have treated a girlfriend decades ago. They want somebody who can make basic government functions work.  Let’s face it, the people who rolled out the Obamacare website are the same people who can’t figure out how to match the number of TSA security screeners with airport traffic.

Honestly, do you think the White House has spent more time in the past 90 days managing its school bathroom mandate for transgender students or trying figuring out how to make TSA security lines work with adequate efficiency this travel season? The answer is obvious.

Denial is rampant in this administration. Its approach to management is to deny problems exist and to shift focus to one left-wing cause or another. I have no doubt the TSA strategy will be to shift blame, whine about funding shortages and deny that things are as bad as they are. I suspect after a congressional probe, we will actually find that much of the TSA problems in the summer of 2016 were made worse by the Obama administration’s obsession with regulations, grievances and union rules that took precedence over efficiency, customer service and getting a job done.

Again, this is what our government has become under the Democrats: All lecturing and no management. This is what has fueled much of the Trump movement, and it is another reason Hillary Clinton is such a poor fit for the country in 2016. We don’t need a third Obama term. Remember that the next time you are stuck in a security line at an airport.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

It must stop now: The media can’t allow Trump to make this election about Bill Clinton

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TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016 10:21 AM EDT



(Credit: Reuters/Rick Wilking/Mike Segar/Photo montage by Salon)

Donald Trump has fired his first shots of the general election campaign. Predictably, they have nothing to do with anything that matters. In a new video released on Instagram, Trump features audio interviews with women who’ve accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault. Against the backdrop of shadowy audio clips, the accompanying text asks if Hillary Clinton is “really protecting women.”

We hear the voices of Monica Lewinsky, Kathleen Wiley, and a clip from a 1999 Dateline interview with Juanita Broaddrick. Near the end, as the sound of Hillary Clinton’s cackle fades, the words “Here we go again” flash on the screen.

I’m no great defender of Bill Clinton. He was a competent president and did a lot of things well, but he’s also received a paats on a number of fronts. The triangulating, the serial lying, the capitulations to white Southerners – it was all transparent and nauseating. But here’s the thing: Bill Clinton isn’t running for president, and what he did with his penis 30 years ago is irrelevant.

Hillary Clinton is the nominee. To the extent that she’s aligned herself with her husband on policy issues, it’s fair game. But all the noise about Bill’s philandering is a ruse, and you can expect to hear more of it. “The Clintons collectively have dodged many, many, many bullets,” said Trump surrogate Roger Stone. “So much that was suppressed is going to get re-analyzed. So many of the things that they slipped by on will get reexamined. That’s something they should’ve counted on before getting into the race.” Translation: The goal is to make this campaign a referendum on Bill Clinton and the ’90s rather than a debate about the future.

This is a diversion. Worse still, we’ve been down this road already. As Rep. Peter King (R-NY) noted, “We’ve been here before, and for most it’s probably old news that people get a little squeamish about. Especially when he [Trump] brings it up in the abstract, he risks making the same mistake that Republicans made in 1998 when we got caught up in this stuff.” People are free to dig into Bill’s background all they want. But his sordid history has nothing to do with this election. If Trump is talking about Monica Lewinsky instead of his ethno-nationalist rhetoric or his incoherent policy positions, he’s winning.

The media has an obligation not to countenance this. This is what Trump does: stoke controversy, divert the media, control the narrative. It’s a rather naked attempt to avoid the issues. Trump blankets his opponents with insults and white noise in order to force them into the mud, where he’s most comfortable. It’s a brutally simple but effective tactic. Naturally, he lies about his motivations. “They [the Clintons] said things about me which were very nasty. And I don’t want to play that game at all. I don’t want to play it – at all,” Trump told The Washington Post. “But they said things about me that were very nasty. And, you know, as long as they do that, you know, I will play at whatever level I have to play at.”


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Nonsense. Trump is a one-trick pony. He knows only one level, one tone, one style. He’s a bully, and that’s all he is. A candidate who references his penis on a presidential debate stage isn’t interested in civil discourse. Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said Monday that Trump’s latest attack was part of a “strategy to try to distract from an issues-based campaign,” and he’s absolutely right. Trump founders when forced to defend his half-baked proposals; talking about Vince Foster or some other conspiracy theory ensures he doesn’t have to.


Trump will drag this debate to the floor and hope it stays there. There’s no other way forward for him. The Clinton campaign would do well not to play this game with Trump – it’s a no-lose proposition for him. The media, for their part, has to push back. Every time Trump mentions Bill or some sexcapade from the past, the response should be: Ok, but how will you build that wall? Or what does it mean to make America great again? Or why did you lunge into presidential politics by embracing birtherism? Or explain how you can cut a deal with Kim Jong-un? Or how can you undo the process of globalization without starting a trade war?

These are the issues that matter. Trump will do everything possible not to talk about them. If he wants to be president, the media must force him to.

Sean Illing is a USAF veteran who previously taught philosophy and politics at Loyola and LSU. He is currently a staff writer for Salon. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter. Read his blog here.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Two Presidents in the White House?

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By Sally Bedell Smith Updated Dec. 11, 2007 12:01 a.m. ET

For many years, one of Bill and Hillary Clinton's closest friends, TV producer Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, has been fond of saying that when the Clintons "are dead and gone, each of them is going to be buried next to a president of the United States."

It is an idea that the Clintons began talking about decades ago. Back in 1974, Bill Clinton told his friend Diane Kincaid that Hillary "could be president someday." During his own presidential campaign in 1992, he said in an interview, "Eight years of Hillary Clinton? Why not?"

We now face the extraordinary possibility of having two presidents in the White House who are married to each other. That prospect is something that never occurred to our nation's founders, and is only now beginning to catch the attention of the public, with Hillary Clinton's position as front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Imagine being asked to serve as her running mate, knowing that her husband would be far more influential than any vice president. What would a potential secretary of state face now that Sen. Clinton has already said she would use her husband as ambassador to the world? As a former president, would Mr. Clinton read the daily intelligence briefing? His unofficial portfolio would potentially overlap with everyone in authority, without his being subject to Senate confirmation.

The federal anti-nepotism law enacted in December 1967 -- partly as a reaction to John F. Kennedy's appointment of his brother Robert as attorney general -- prohibits any official in the three branches of government, including the president, from appointing a relative to a job over which that official has authority or control. This means Mr. Clinton could not be a cabinet secretary or an ambassador, or White House chief of staff. His role would be necessarily ambiguous. At a time when voters are crying out for more openness in government, such an arrangement raises questions about transparency and accountability.

While Mr. Clinton's return to the West Wing wouldn't directly violate the 22nd Amendment -- designed to limit a president to two terms in office -- it has significant implications because of the unusual nature of Bill and Hillary Clinton's marriage, which is such a deeply entwined political duopoly that "it has always been hard to distinguish who played what role," according to their longtime friend Mickey Kantor.

Many voters, especially Democrats, would welcome Mr. Clinton's experience as a great asset to his wife's administration. But given the Clintons' long history of close consultation, their partnership could end up distorting the way the executive branch is supposed to function -- regardless of the talents each of them might bring to the White House.

So far the Clinton campaign has downplayed the question of Mr. Clinton's role in the administration if his wife were elected -- joking that he might be "first laddie" or "first spouse" or "first gentleman." Campaign videos showing him munching on cheeseburgers and running on a treadmill have served to further de-emphasize the prospect of his power in the White House. Mr. Clinton has said he would only sit in on cabinet meetings "if asked" to discuss "specific issues," and he has declared his intention to give his wife advice "privately most of the time."

But this is exactly the kind of hidden-hand role that caused confusion and resentment when Hillary Clinton was advising her husband in his administration. As first lady, she inhibited staff members and created what one top Clinton administration official called a "world of shadows on the wall."

Bill Clinton's mere presence in the West Wing would be intimidating and complicating. Given his unrivaled experience and huge personality, it's safe to assume that he would be no Denis Thatcher, walking two steps behind. Bill Clinton is "always evangelizing for the church of Bill," said Arkansas journalist Max Brantley. And even if the former president were to continue operating out of his office in New York City and home in Chappaqua, New York, the Clintons' ingrained habits would mean a continuing collaboration, albeit at a distance.

The concept of two presidents in the White House poses one of the biggest conundrums of this political season, and is an issue that can only grow during the general election campaign if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic candidate.

Ms. Smith is the author of "For Love of Politics: Bill and Hillary Clinton: The White House Years," published this year by Random House.


Thursday, March 24, 2016

The National Enquirer Runs Story of Multiple Ted Cruz Affairs

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio 

Posted by sundance

Oh dear, the National Enquirer has come out with a storyclaiming evidence of multiple sexual trysts by presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz.
Worse yet for the Cruz camp, the framework within the article is structurally very concerning:
The National Enquirer is indeed a tabloid – and as such there are various grains of salt that should be applied when reviewing anything they present.
However, that said, they have been unfortunately accurate for more than a few presidential hopefuls:  Gary Hart, Jesse Jackson and John Edwards to name a few of the more infamous examples.
Beyond the story itself there’s a few presenting elements which point to a high degree of confidence, and as a consequence ‘legal avoidance’, on the publishers’ part.
Firstly, they post pictures of the collective mistresses.  NE would never legally “go there” if they did not hold a very reasonable certainty the outlined players were factually part of the story.
Secondly, there’s at least one face in the group that is easily identifiable.
When you accept the NE editorial/legal requirement for research and attributed comment prior to publication, you recognize there is more than a strong probability each of the outlined group (pictured) was contacted prior to publication; and one of those is very close to the Donald Trump campaign.  Ergo, it’s entirely likely presidential candidate Donald Trump knew this story was coming out.
Which puts candidate Trump’s prior discussion and opinion of media libel in a strangely much larger, and more substantially prescient, aspect.  3-D political strategy not withstanding.
The National Enquirer has essentially baited the hook in a typical manner and one famously utilized by Andrew Breitbart.
So now they wait and see if, and how, the Cruz campaign responds.   It is entirely possible the story could explode exponentially depending on the severity of any denials or admissions therein.
UPDATE:  Since the publication first hit the newsstands (depends on region) the Twitter-sphere has lit up with conversation about the scandal.  It appears many political followers believe they have identified two of the blurred out images within the National Enquirer story.
If these people on twitter are correct, this story is not soon to be easily dismissed by the Ted Cruz presidential campaign:
Amanda Carpenter is the conservative activist, CNN contributor, and writer for Mark Levin and the Conservative Review who recently published a “BLACKLIST” targeting anyone who supports Ted Cruz’s primary opponent, Donald Trump.
Update #2 – It appears three of the pictured mystery women from the National Enquirer article have now been identified.
3 of Cruz's alleged mistresses have been identified: Katrina Pierson, Sarah Isgur Flores, and Amanda Carpenter.
Joel Luther (@joel_luther) March 25, 2016

Interestingly Sarah Isgur Flores, in addition to being a well known political operative, was also the campaign manager for Carly Fiorina.  And that little factoid brings an earlier discovery into question; where the Super-PAC for Ted Cruz (Keep the Promise) actually sent the Super-PAC for Carly Fiorina (Carly for America “CfA”) $500,000(link).
That distribution from one candidate’s Super-PAC to another, raised the eyebrows of the Federal Election Commission who inquired about the rather unusual transaction.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Benghazi Heroes Endorse Donald Trump

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Hannity Show Screenshot

by MICHELLE FIELDS28 Feb 20161837

Mark “Oz” Geist and John “TIG” Tiegen, two members of the security team that helped rescue dozens of Americans during the Benghazi terror attacks, have endorsed Donald Trump for president.

According to a statement released Sunday:

Mr. Trump stated, “I am truly honored to have the support of these American heroes, the best of their generation. The American people can know with certainty, I will always place their interest above all else. I am the most militaristic person and it is so important to me to strengthen our military and protect American families and freedoms.”

Mark “Oz” Geist said, “We, perhaps more than any Americans, know the absolute and imperative reason that we elect Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. First and foremost, under a Trump administration, the request for additional security by an ambassador would have been heeded, and second, there is no question, when the attack came,he would have moved heaven and earth to provide the necessary forces to protect and reinforce our warriors. Mr. Trump is the bold, decisive leader America needs at this time.” Oz added, “Under President Trump, many conflicts will be avoided because our enemies will fear the United States and our military.”

John Tiegen added, “It is very clear to see the groundswell of support, never seen before in recent politics. Americans want a strong leader, one who cares more about the safety and freedom of the American people than he does winning elections, or what the press might think. In honor of those we have fought with, I am proud to endorse the next President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.”

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald TrumpBenghazi

Thursday, February 25, 2016

‘Path to 9/11’ Director Reveals How Clintons Had Film Banned in U.S.

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Getty Images
by DANIEL NUSSBAUM25 Feb 20163
In an explosive new interview, award-winning filmmaker Cyrus Nowrasteh (The Stoning of Soraya M.The Young Messiah) detailed how Bill and Hillary Clinton allegedly used their influence at Disney/ABC to effectively ban the 2006 miniseries The Path to 9/11, which examined the events leading up to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.
As Breitbart’s John Nolte reported last year, the four-hour miniseries from the acclaimed Iranian-American writer-director presents an unflinching dramatization of the events leading up to 9/11, including an examination of then-President Bill Clinton’s failure to capture and kill its chief architect, Osama bin Laden. ABC reportedly spent $40 million to produce the miniseries, but shelved it indefinitely under alleged pressure from the Clintons.
“The amazing thing was the Clintons were able to put pressure on Disney/ABC basically to bury their own movie that they spent $40 million on, The Path to 9/11, which did air once, by the way, over two nights, and was number one in the ratings with 20 million viewers,” Nowrasteh told KSFO The Morning Show’s Brian Sussman.
The filmmaker said that in many ways, the Clintons are “more effective” at censorship “than the ayatollahs in Iran,” who banned his 2008 film, The Stoning of Soraya M., for its critical examination of the Iranian government. While Nowrasteh was able to smuggle DVD copies of Soraya M. into Iran, the filmmaker said “the Clintons made sure that no one can see The Path to 9/11.”
Nowrasteh said his miniseries, which won an Emmy and was nominated for six others in 2007, covered the period spanning the World Trade Center attacks of 1993 until September 11, 2001 “in factual detail, which was really the problem for the Clintons because we portray the opportunities that Bill Clinton had to kill bin Laden, and passed on it.”
“By censoring it, they made sure that the DVD was never released so that Americans could not see it, and they made sure that it was never re-broadcast,” he continued. “It is basically the only banned film in America.”
The film was apparently so politically controversial for the Clintons that Senate Democrats, led by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), reportedly threatened to revoke ABC’s broadcasting license if changes were not made to the film.
“[The Clintons] are out to silence their critics, as aggressively as they can possibly get away with,” Nowrasteh told KSFO. “The suppression of The Path to 9/11, the burying of it, the making sure that no DVD of it was ever released by a major company in this country, was all a direct result of her run for the presidency, her initial run. She was ultimately defeated by Barack Obama, but that’s what it was all about.”
Sussman asked Nowrasteh which is worse: the “blatant censorship” of Iran when it banned The Stoning of Soraya M., or the “sophisticated, backroom censorship” of The Path to 9/11 in the United States.
“I think the latter is worse, because we know better,” Nowrasteh replied. “This country is founded on freedom of expression, and freedom of artistic expression, and the mainstream media fell in line behind the Clintons.”
Nowrasteh concluded by saying that he was “hoping and praying” that no one would ban his upcoming film, The Young Messiah, which explores the life of a 7-year-old Jesus Christ. The film will be shown at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) next month before opening in theaters across the country on March 11.
Listen to KSFO’s full interview with Cyrus Nowrasteh above.
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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bill Clinton ex mistress says he wore her frilly nightie and danced, Hillary is a Lesbian

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio
Bill Clinton's lovemaking was largely forgettable, says ex-mistress Sally Miller, but Clinton would rarely disappoint when divulging intimate secretsMiller, then 44, would leave her back door ajar so her seven-years younger paramour - then Governor of Arkansas - could slip inKnown then as Sally Perdue, she claims during pillow talk he revealed Hillary preferred female lovers The former singer and radio host, is preparing to dish more secrets of their three-month affair in a tell-all memoirAs far-fetched as her accusations may be, she is convinced that the Democratic presidential candidate is behind a plot to silence herMiller insists she has been stalked, spied upon and plagued by anonymous phone calls since word of her memoir leaked out'There is a vengeful, spiteful ugliness that some women have for other women. Hillary is just one of those women.'For the latest on Hillary and Bill Clinton
Sally Miller looked on in amusement as the man who would become the 42nd President of the United States slipped into her own frilly black nightgown.
The former Miss Arkansas has never forgotten how her younger lover proceeded to dance around the bedroom, serenading her with his saxophone and reducing her to a fit of giggles.
This playful scene was typical of the laughter-filled nights that ex-beauty queen Miller enjoyed with Bill Clinton during their 1983 affair, she tells Daily Mail Online in an exclusive interview.
The married Governor of Arkansas would frequently adopt the role of entertainer-in-chief to impress his glamorous older woman, a one-time Miss America finalist.
But while his attempts at lovemaking were largely forgettable, Clinton would rarely disappoint when it came to divulging intimate and potentially damaging secrets about his wife Hillary.
More than two decades on, Miller, a former singer and radio host known as Sally Perdue, is preparing to dish more secrets of their pillow talk in a tell-all memoir.
Sally Miller tells Daily Mail Online she met Clinton at parties and political functions in 1974 when she was a senate aide at the Arkansas State Capitol and he was preparing for his run for the House of Representatives. But their affair began when he was Governor of Arkansas
Miller was divorced from her first husband but still known at the time as Sally Perdue. She says she was drawn to Clinton's energy, his sense of humor and his 'intensity.' The then-Governor would arrive at her back door for their trysts
The book promises to recall a series of unguarded conversations in which she claims Bill revealed his wife's preference for female lovers.
As far-fetched as her accusations may appear, she remains convinced that Hillary Clinton is behind a plot to silence her ahead of the November election.
But it will also lay bare what Miller,  describes as a decades-long Democrat campaign to discredit and harass her that began when she first revealed the affair in 1992, a campaign she claims has now reached such perverse depths that she actually fears for her life.
The twice-divorced 77-year-old took to social media in recent weeks to post an extraordinary warning that if she dies by 'suicide' no-one should believe it.
When Daily Mail Online visited Miller at her Arkansas home she insisted she had been stalked, spied upon and plagued by anonymous phone calls since word of her memoir leaked out.
'She doesn't care what I say about Bill, that's old news,' Miller told Daily Mail Online. 'But I think she wonders what Bill told me. I think she wonders how much I know about her that came from Bill.
'With the election coming up she can't afford any sort of loose end. She's the closest thing you can imagine to Al Capone. I don't think she is going to rest until she puts me to rest.'
And what of those accusations so insulting or damaging that a potential Presidential candidate would unleash her operatives to intimidate or even bump off an elderly lady?
'Hillary is a lesbian,' Miller claims, reigniting a lingering but unsubstantiated rumor that has dogged the former First Lady for years.
With a string of achievements including the Miss Arkansas 1958 title, a 1970 jazz album entitled I've Gotta Be Me, and a career in TV, radio and PR, Miller particularly objects to being portrayed as a 'bimbo'
Sally Miller, second from right, in 1958, as a contestant for Miss America, where she placed in the top 10. Miller is writing a book on her life and the involvement with the Clintons, including details of her affair with Bill
Miller, left, being crowned Miss Pine Bluff in 1958. When Daily Mail Online visited Miller at her Arkansas home she insisted she had been stalked, spied upon and plagued by anonymous phone calls since word of her memoir leaked out
Hillary Clinton is behind a plot to silence Miller ahead of the November election, the ex Miss Arkansas claims.  'Let's just get down to the facts,' says Miller. 'Firstly, Bill didn't mind telling me that Hillary doesn't like sex'
'Let's just get down to the facts,' she adds. 'Firstly, Bill didn't mind telling me that Hillary doesn't like sex.
'I take him at his word and he told me she liked females more than men. She was the child of a more progressive community. She was exposed to all the liberals, she was a flower child.
'Hillary does drugs too, that's the only time that she would entertain the idea - again, this is what Bill told me.
'While we were intimately involved he would say things like "gosh you need to come over and teach Hillary a few things".
'He said she probably wouldn't take to that idea much.
'I wasn't a spy, I wasn't looking for things I could remember 20 years later.'
Miller remains fit and active, although her fear of the 'Clinton machine' weighs heavily.
The mother-of-two sleeps with a loaded semi-automatic within arm's reach and rarely leaves home without her four-year-old Australian Shepherd, Cubby Bear.
Miller,  a former singer and radio host known as Sally Perdue, is preparing to dish the secrets of their pillow talk in a tell-all memoir.
It was a very different scenario in August 1983, when a 44-year-old Miller left her back door ajar so her seven-years' younger paramour Bill could be chauffeured to the rear of the property before slipping inside unnoticed.
The pair had met a decade earlier at parties and political functions when Miller was a senate aide at the Arkansas State Capitol and Clinton was preparing for his unsuccessful 1974 run for the House of Representatives.
So when she needed help getting a vintage steam train project off the ground, she sought out her former friend, by now in his second stint as Governor.
'I left my number with his secretary,' recalled Miller. 'He was playing golf but within three hours he'd called me.
'He said "I'm going to be leaving here in a little while, why don't I just drop by and let's see each other for old times' sake."
'We decided because of the positioning of the condo it might be better if he didn't come by the front door, there are some prominent people that live across by me.
Former Miss Arkansas, Sally Miller, in 1958, in one of her earliest modeling photos
'He never drove himself, it was a state trooper or someone on his staff. He parked in the park behind my house. I had a gate on the patio but he just had to lift the latch.
'The first night I just played the piano while he sang. He's not noted as someone who has a trained voice but we laughed, it was just kind of fun.
'Finally he said ''we didn't talk about what I came to talk about, so we're going to have to do this again sometime''. I had all my notes and pictures, all my ideas, all he had to do was call his parks and tourism gal and get her on this.
 Bill is not the most handsome man. But he makes you feel like you have an incredible body and on top of all that you're beautiful. There are not many men that can make a woman feel that way.
'But we dragged it out for about three months. And yes, we did go upstairs where the bedrooms were.'
Miller, who was divorced from her first husband but still known at the time as Sally Perdue, says she was drawn to Clinton's energy, his sense of humor and his 'intensity'.
Their clandestine meetings typically included Bill goofing around and playing his sax while Miller, a trained singer and musician, accompanied him on her piano.
He would sometimes unwind by smoking a marijuana cigarette. Miller claims that she saw Clinton produce a pouch of white powder on several occasions and snort lines off her coffee table.
'I don't do drugs and I don't smoke. But if you come into my house and say "gosh I've had a bad day" I wouldn't know how to stop you,' said Miller.
'Bill is not the most handsome man. But he makes you feel like your breasts are the right size, your legs are the perfect length, you have an incredible body and on top of all that you're beautiful. There are not many men that can make a woman feel that way.
'Do I make it a point to have affairs with married men, no. But most everyone in Arkansas assumed that their marriage was a business arrangement. 
'Bill never sounded like he was in love or locked into a loyal arrangement.'
Sally Miller, center, with her daughters Rosemond, left, and Myra, right
A letter from then Governor Bill Clinton dated June 28, 1984.  Their affair would remain a secret for nearly a decade until she went public on the Sally Jesse Raphael show in July 1992, a day after Clinton had been formally named by the Democratic Party as its Presidential candidate.
But while the future president was a born entertainer and charismatic companion, the sex itself failed to inspire.
'It wasn't that memorable. It was no big deal - think about that,' chuckled Miller. 'That's probably why he didn't have any confidence as a lover.
'He reminded me of a what a little boy would say to his momma. 'Is it OK if I put my hand there? Can I touch you here?' I've always preferred younger men but I've never had one who asked permission.'
She claims the affair ended abruptly in late 1983 when Miller revealed her intention to stand for mayor of her hometown, Pine Bluffs, as a Republican.
It would remain a secret for nearly a decade until she went public on the Sally Jesse Raphael show in July 1992, a day after Clinton had been formally named by the Democratic Party as its Presidential candidate.
Miller insists her name had already been leaked to the newspapers and news channels who hounded her day and night for the story.
But her decision backfired when she was faced with a hostile New York audience packed with Democrat supporters and a largely skeptical media.
Clinton would face similar accusations from a series of women throughout his campaign and ensuing Presidency in what was coined the 'eruption of bimbos'.
Sally Miller's license plate she had on her car after winning the 1958 Miss Arkansas pageant
But at the time of her disastrous TV appearance, Miller's story was either ignored or dismissed as smears by the mainstream US media.
Worse still, it prompted what she describes as an extraordinary Democrat vendetta that has seen her threatened, fired from jobs and followed - quite literally - to the other end of the world.
It began In August 1992, she claims, with a sinister invitation from Clinton operative who offered Miller a lucrative federal job if she promised to be a 'good little girl' – an offer she declined.
'They said 'if you don't take the job, we know where you go running and we'll break your pretty little legs,'' Miller claims. 'They said life isn't going to be fun anymore - and they meant it.'
Miller later found the back window of her jeep shot out from the inside with a handful of shot gun cartridges left strewn across the back seat.
When she reported it to the FBI she says she was nearly knocked down outside their office by a car with no plates.
Miller claims she was also contacted out of the blue and pestered for dates by a string of young married suitors, including a doctor and a handsome lawyer called 'Eric'.
'Eric was a plant from the Democrats in Arkansas,' Miller claims. 'He admitted it. I think they wanted me to be caught in another liaison and so they could say she's a scarlet woman.'
In 1994 she attempted to leave the controversy behind by accepting a radio job broadcasting for the blind in China, a country she loved and where she enjoyed an elevated profile having become the first woman to run the entire length of the Great Wall four years earlier
In 1994 she attempted to leave the controversy behind by accepting a radio job broadcasting for the blind in China, a country she loved and where she enjoyed an elevated profile having become the first woman to run the entire length of the Great Wall four years earlier
'Bill is not the most handsome man. But he makes you feel like your breasts are the right size, your legs are the perfect length, you have an incredible body and on top of all that you're beautiful. There are not many men that can make a woman feel that way,' Miller tells Daily Mail Online
'Bill is not the most handsome man. But he makes you feel like your breasts are the right size, your legs are the perfect length, you have an incredible body and on top of all that you're beautiful. There are not many men that can make a woman feel that way,' Miller tells Daily Mail Online
Her career suffered too, she alleges. She says the Democrats made a mysterious $1 million donation to her alma mater, Lindenwood College, Missourii. She was later fired from their admissions department.
In 1994 she attempted to leave the controversy behind by accepting a radio job broadcasting for the blind in China, a country she loved and where she enjoyed an elevated profile having become the first woman to run the entire length of the Great Wall four years earlier.
But her new life went awry, she says, when the Clintons arrived in Beijing for a 1998 state visit and her hotel room was mysteriously raided by Chinese soldiers and what she says were American agents, apparently looking for drugs and weapons.
Kathleen Willey, a former White House volunteer who says Bill Clinton groped her in an Oval Office hallway in 1993 when she came to him seeking a paid job, says she has agreed to become a paid national spokeswoman for an anti-Clinton group being created by operative Roger Stone 
Paula Jones, the former state employee whose allegations of sexual harassment dogged President Bill Clinton throughout his administration, was photographed appearing at a rally for presidential candidate Donald Trump in Little Rock. 

Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinsky's confidante and who worked as a White House staffer says that Hillary Clinton not only knew about her husband's exploits, 'She made it her personal mission to disseminate information and destroy the women with whom he dallied.'

Juanita Broaddrick, who claims that she was raped by Bill Clinton in an Arkansas hotel 38 years ago, says that she was cornered by Hillary as she was helping at a Clinton fundraiser and was given a thinly-veiled warning to keep her mouth shut.

Maria Crider, who worked on Bill Clinton's first political campaign, said power-hungry Hillary torpedoed the torrid affair that threatened to destroy her master plan to become president with anonymous phone calls, fears of stalking and veiled threats.
'They told the manager I was a drug dealer who had fled the United States to avoid prosecution,' she claims. 'It was a warning that they could find me anywhere, anyplace, anytime.'
Like much of Miller's dark account, there is nothing to substantiate this episode other than the trove of old documents, letters and journals she promises to include in her memoir, 'The Beauty Queen: Let No Deed Go Unpublished'.
And yet her story brings to mind the accounts of other alleged Clinton accusers, such as Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers, who say they were harassed by Democrat aides and maligned as sluts to cover the philandering President's tracks.
Maria Crider, who had an affair with Clinton when she worked on his first political campaign, said Hillary destroyed the relationship - even though she was not yet married to Bill - with anonymous phone calls and veiled threats.
With a string of achievements including the Miss Arkansas 1958 title, a 1970 jazz album entitled I've Gotta Be Me, and a career in TV, radio and PR, Miller particularly objects to being portrayed as a 'bimbo'.
She points the finger of blame squarely at Hillary and her powerful spin machine.
'Nothing happened in the Democratic Party when they were trying to get Bill into the White House that Hillary didn't approve,' Miller said. 'She was the motivator, his bodyguard, and she continued to target me after the election.
'There is a vengeful, spiteful ugliness that some women have for other women. And there is a certain type of women who just has it in her genes to be nasty.
'Hillary is just one of those women. And she's championing women's causes? She will be the ruination of America if she becomes President.'
In the three or four months since news of her memoir leaked on Facebook Miller says the long-standing vendettas has reignited.
She decided to post details on social media because she feels she's safer battling the Clintons out in the open where her ultimately death would provoke too much scrutiny.
'I'm sure I have Facebook friends that are spies and I'm sure the word got out to Hillary,' she said. 'I began to get unknown calls on my cell phone - three or four a week - but now it's almost every day.
'It's the same pattern they used in 1992, '93 and '94. I've watched cars following me down to the park. They are typically trucks or SUVs - all the windows are completely black.
'I pulled up beside one of them and walked over but he pulled away as soon as I got up close.
'I've been getting calls from 911 saying "Ms Miller we understand that there's an emergency and you're about to commit suicide". They always say it was a family member or a close friend but they can't give you the name.'
Miller has yet to find a publisher for her memoir – again, she suspects Democrat meddling -- but she insists she will self-publish if need be.
But does she really suspect the woman many believe will be the next President of the United States, a former Secretary of State lauded globally as a female role model, would resort to foul play to stop that happening?
''I think the Clintons are capable of anything. Do I live in fear, no - because I'm armed too, I'm prepared. You have to be when you think perhaps your life is being threatened.'
Former Miss Arkansas, Sally Miller, second from left, with friends in Beijing, China in 1994.
Former Miss Arkansas, Sally Miller, second from left, with friends in Beijing, China in 1994.