Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Darwin's Frog Offically Extinct !! Now What ???

This is further PROOF that "WE" have no control.  We can only control ourselves and nothing else.  We can effect others but if God's plan includes a frog 365million years old to just go away then that is exactly what will happen.  Global warming is also another example of this crazy nonsense that the Left, liberal, democrate, socialist and communist invent to attract bleeding heart individuals that will drink the cool aid and act as mindless drones.  Common sense will prevail and craziness will fade in time.  Until then "Question" everything and dont ever leave your life's options in the hands of another.  SickBias.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Song Banned from Radio Stations, Speaks of God and Country.

A song some radio stations are banning, the song you are about to listen to, was played at a Las Vegas Diamond Rio concert.
They received an immediate resounding standing ovation, and continue to do so every time they perform it!
Sadly, major radio stations wouldn't play it because it was considered politically incorrect'.
Consequently, the song was never released to the public.
Now Congress is getting involved.
Your President is saying that is not fit for release because it offends so many.
So America , see what you think...

If this offering speaks to your heart and you feel you want to share it with friends and loved ones, please do so now.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

An interesting thought about belief in God vs Atheism

I am a very big fan of a Youtube Channel called Vsauce. Today they released a very educational video about money. At the very end he talks about how a piece of paper only has value if everyone "believes" it has value. He goes on to say that there are things in life that only exists when one believes it to exist. This of course made me think of the debate about Atheism and Christianity. Sure enough there was a comment by user ProfessorBorax that read,

"Just like god I guess, wouldn't exist if nobody knew about him"

And then a follow up by user VilnisVaisla that read,

"everybody knows about god , and he doesn't exist....."

So I couldn't resist. I had to blow them out of the water by throwing in their face:

"You need to 'learn' about God, but even if you were the only person on earth, you could intuitively understand how creation is the result of intelligent design. You have to be taught, aka 'learn' that there is no creator and that it is all here by random chance. What's more ironic is that you have to 'believe' the unproven theories of fallible human beings in order to accept this."

Here is the video:
