Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


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Listed below are the top headlines that describe the leaked DNC emails released from Wikileaks:

1) Racist DNC refers to Latino outreach asTaco Bowl engagement Bringing upSanders’ religion to scare the southern voters.
2) Possible money laundering by moving money back and forth to bypass legal limits.
3) Politico writer sending his stories to the DNC before he sends them to his editor.
4) DNC feeding CNN the questions they want to be asked in interviews.
5) Creating a fake job ad for a Trump business to paint him as a sexist.
6) Hillary funding 2 million dollars in a coordinated campaign in battleground states to win back the Senate.
7) DNC is upset that their “allies” didn’t send in protestors so they sent out interns.
8) “Clinton Foundation quid-pro-quo worries are lingering, will be exploited in general.”
9) “Some chick is angry she hasn’t been given more stuff from the Obama administration…might be interesting to follow up.”
10) DNC Consultant calling Megyn Kelly a bimbo.
11) DNC trying to get away with violating the Hatch Act
12. Democrats using interns to organize fake “protests.”
13. DNC member killing horses for insurance money.
14. DNC making fun of black womans name.
15. DNC telling each other, “I love you too. No Homo”
16. DNC requesting to pull an MSNBC commentary segment.
17. DNC controlling the narrative with time released stories.
18. DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters.
19. DNC Hillary supporters infiltrating Sanders campaign.
20. DNC members going to complain to Morning Joe producers about his mentioning of a “rigged system.”
21. DNC discussing their relationship with NBC/MSNBC/CNN and how to get better treatment.
22. Super PAC paying young voters to push back online Sanders supporters.
23. DNC members poking fun at employees who could be gay.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Mattress Girl Emma Sulkowicz Given ‘Woman of Courage’ Award

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Andrew Burton/AFP

by CHARLIE NASH28 Jun 2016268

Feminist icon Emma Sulkowicz, known for her infamous “Mattress Girl” rape allegations and protest demonstration, was awarded the 2016 Woman of Courage award by the National Organization for Women last week.

In 2014, Sulkowicz carried her dormitory mattress around campus in protest after she claimed that a fellow student raped her at the college in 2012. The mattress was carried everywhere, including to Sulkowicz’s graduation, prompting a huge media storm surrounding the student who media dubbed “Mattress Girl.”

However, in early 2015 it was reported that Sulkowicz had repeatedly told her “rapist” she loved him through leaked text messages after the “attack”, with the alleged rapist Paul Nungesser eventually being pardoned by the campus due to lack of evidence. Nungesser was repeatedly threatened, harassed, and assaulted during the lengthy campus trial, and Nungesser reported multiple rescinded job offers and missed opportunities due to the accusations.

Sulkowicz claimed that Nungesser had beaten her in bed after agreeing to mutually consensual sex, before he allegedly forced anal upon her. Nungesser, however, denied this story and claimed that their sexual encounters were entirely consensual. Nungesser theorized that Sulkowicz’s claims against him were due to the fact that he had decided to split up with her shortly after the encounter.

After gaining mass media attention, Sulkowicz broke into the spotlight again in 2015 after releasing a supposed recreation of the rape in a bizarre sex tape form, where she could be seen performing fellatio on an overweight man before being beaten in what she claims to have been a consensual tape.

Two days after the alleged assault,Sulkowicz texted Nungesser saying “I feel like we need to have some real time where we can talk about life and thingz because we still haven’t really had a paul-emma chill sesh since summmmerrrr”. The following month, Sulkowicz messaged Nungesser saying “I want to see yoyououoyou”, and on her birthday in October after Nungesser had wished Sulkowicz a happy birthday, the infamous Mattress Girl replied with “I love you Paul. Where are you?!?!?!?!”

Numerous other inconsistencies in Sulkowicz story, including the texts above, meant that the campus trial was eventually thrown out, though not before it permanently tarnished Nungesser’s name and reputation. And now Sulkowicz is being rewarded for it.

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“Sulkowicz did what many rape victims cannot do; she channeled her fear into a public demonstration and brought attention to her rapist’s despicable act and highly inadequate punishment” announced National Organization for Women president Terry O’Neill. “Emma is an inspiration to all of us.”

“I never imagined that someday I would be honored by such an immensely important organization. It feels like a dream” said Sulkwicz to artnet News. “It’s truly humbling. People should check out NOW’s amazing history, because we really do owe so many of our rights to that organization.”

Despite the lack of evidence and the fact that the case was dismissed by credible authorities, Sulkwicz still maintains her story on the alleged assault, and is still hailed as a feminist icon.

Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech and former editor of the Squid Magazine. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington or like his page at Facebook.

Read More Stories About:

Social JusticeTechEmma Sulkowicz,Mattress girlUniversity Of Colombia

Sunday, May 15, 2016


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 Hillary Clinton 2016 For Prison - Donald Trump: ‘Clinton Cash’ Proves Hillary Is ‘Crooked As Hell’
-          Play The Trailer for Clinton Cash
a. Devastating Clinton Cash Documentary set to Rock Cannes Next Week
b.      Time Mag Clinton Cash is a scathing broadside aimed at persuading liberals
-          Opening Statement Judge Jeanine (1A)
a.       Hillary “Im trying to be as transparent as I can” (1B)
-          The Kremlin is considering whether or not to release some 20,000 hacked Clinton emails reportedly in its possession. Russian security services apparently obtained the emails as part of their investigation into the Romanian hacker Marcel Lehel Lazar, known as “Guccifer” — now in U.S. custody in relation to the Clinton email scandal.
-          Hillary attack ad on Trump (1C) Romeny, Jeb, Cruz, Gram, Rubio,
-          47 Clinton friends turned up dead
a.       James Mcdougal (58) – conviced white water partner ’98 working with Ken Star
b.      Mary Mahoney 20’s) – ’97 white house intern
c.       Vince Foster (48) – ’93 same method of suicide used by a Marine officer in the film A Few Good Men – which Foster was known recently to have watched.
d.      Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce under Clinton and the former DNC Chairman was in a plane crash in 1996, I presumed it was just that – a crash, an accident. It was not until the revelation of the hole in Brown’s head in late 1997
e.      Victor C Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fundraising organization, died in a private plane crash in July 1992
f.        Paul Tulley was the Democratic National Committee Political Director who was found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, Ark., on September 1992. He was described by Clinton as a “dear friend and trusted advisor.”
g.       Ed Willey, a Clinton fundraiser, was found dead in November 1993, deep in the woods of Virginia with a gunshot wound to the head, which was ruled a suicide. Kathleen Willey, claimed that Bill Clinton groped her in the Oval Office of the White House
2.       Trump 55% to Hillary 45% General Election
-          Jeff Sessions 2016 is about Nationalism vs Globalism
-          Latino For Trump (1A) - Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by ten points among Hispanic voters, according to a shocking new general election match-up poll released Friday
-          Katrina on Kelly Files talking about Trump and women and Hillary camp coming out calling Trump a sexist and Kelly defends Hillary as Katrina shocks Kelly with Breaking News. (2C)
-          Tammy Bruce – War on Women by Obama in the 8 years on Varney and co. (2B)
-          Trump Minimum wage: I like to give minimum wage to the states
-          Barack Obama’s Friday decree that the nation’s 100,000 public schools open their bathrooms and locker rooms to kids of both sexes whenever even a single child or teenager announces he or she has the “gender identity” of the opposite sex. The new rule — which is not law but is backed by federal threats to sue or slash funding — would impact roughly 55 million children
a.       The federal government should leave sexual regulation of the nation’s K-12 bathrooms and locker rooms to state and local governments Trump
b.      Trump followed the same pro-federalism script when asked about Obama’s bathroom policy on NBC’s Today show. “I think this should be a states’ issue. It’s become a huge story and yet it affects — and everybody has to be protected, if it’s one person — but it’s a tiny, tiny portion of the population, and it’s become a massive story,”
c.       Jason Pomare, 33, entered the bathroom which the ACLU and the liberal elitists in this country say is his God given right. He sets up a hidden camera in one of the stalls and for the next two hours, tapes women using the bathroom. Eventually, one woman noticed the camera with the record light on and notified mall security, who arrested Pomare
d.      Shakina Nayfack  A transgender actress and activist preparing to embark on a traveling performance tour of North Carolina plans to take photos of herself urinating “in all the wrong bathrooms” to protest the state’s recent passage of what critics have called an anti-LGBT bathroom law.
e.      Federal Court Ruled Obamacare payments to Ins Co unconstitutional
-          Breitbart -  JAMES P. PINKERTON13 May 201651
f.        A key point to remember about American Greatness is that you can see it: It’s tangible.
g.       If America is rich, if its middle class is prosperous, you can tell. If our military is strong, you can see that, too. If we’re winning our wars and destroying our enemies, we know it—and so does the foe. If we are doing cool things, that’s visible, too: It’s our test pilots breaking the sound-barrier, it’s our scientists developing the polio vaccine, it’s our astronauts walking on the moon, it’s our entrepreneurs debuting the next world-changing smart-device or launching the next reusable rocket. Again, the common thread in American Greatness is reality, technology—that is, tangibility.
h.      As a real-estate developer, Donald Trump has been building tangibles all his career. The building, and all its parts, either stands tall and looks good, or it doesn’t. The same holds true for a golf course, or a resort—or even a beauty pageant.
i.         And now, in politics, Trump brings his emphasis on the real, and the tangible, with him as he enters the political arena. When he says, “Build a wall on the US-Mexican border,” everyone can visualize it. Whether one loves the idea—as do a majority of Americans, and an overwhelming majority of Republicans—or hates the idea, it’s a real thing in the mind. When he says he would“bomb the [bleep]” out of ISIS, that’s a real thing, too. Tangible.
-          Gary Welsh RIP – ousted Cruz dad as hanging out with Lee Harvey Oswald

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Convention Delegates are the only hope!

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I wanted to reach out to all of you and let you know where the campaign and the election process stands today. As you all know Senator Cruz suspended his campaign. All this means is he is not actively campaigning but he technically is still able to be voteor, nominated and so forth.

Now as the campaigns have worked to obtain delegates and reach the magic 1237 all of this never has meant anything more than a predictor of what would happen at the convention. For the candidate is selected there and only there through the delegates voting ‘your interests’. Some are bound and others are not. We could go into all the various challenges to binding delegates but that argument really has no merit in this email. What you need to understand is once there is a second vote all delegates are unbound.
So these delegates show up at the convention and they vote on plank issues, future convention rules and a myriad of other items all to promote the republican cause. This is why it is still so important to have Cruz minded delegates at the convention. Eventually they come to the ‘main event’, the voting for the presidential nominee. Now it is this first vote that is telling and also what the media has reported the delegate count to predict this outcome. As each state usually verbally declares their votes for each candidate they are tallied. Once the first rounds of votes are declared if the total for any single candidate is greater than 1237 the place goes nuts and the nominee is declared.
If a candidate only gets 1236 or less then delegates get together through some process and try to change or exchange votes for round two. This process is repeated until a candidate has more than 1237.
Now some people keep mentioning rule 40b. Rule 40b applied form the 2012 convention requires any nominee for the Republican Party to have at least a majority of delegates in at least 8 states. Today there is only two that qualify to be nominated, that being Trump and Cruz. Again if the vote is not won by Trump in round 1 there is a potential for a Cruz victory.

This week we will forgo a conference call. Also know we have been asked to hold on to the barn signs until there is a better feeling for what may happen at the convention. I imagine we may work on collecting them to distribute to the local area for a last minute delegate push, but I am just guessing at this point.
Thank you for all your hard work and prays. Julie and I will be in touch as we are discussing another project once more formalized we will invite you to help out. Until then ‘our lips are sealed’.

So proud of all of you and what we accomplished. We will be in touch!
Julie and James

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Cruz email confirmation on the database

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Cruz email confirmation on the database

*Information accessed via:
Our case study into this issue was just performed (9.21pm CST March 27, 2016) and although the sign up process could have been altered, it is a possibility that someone else did use the email address of Senator Cruz to occupy the account.  On the flip side to that disclosure, the questions is:
Why would someone use his email address and then not have access to the website if they ever needed a password change?  Actually, why ever do it at all?

Do we know with certainty that Ted Cruz created this account?  We cannot answer.  This could have been done by an aide, staffer or other working with Ted Cruz with access to that email address without his knowledge.
Do we believe that Ted Cruz created and/or had access to utilize this account?  You better believe we do!
Cruz email confirmation on the database

#CruzAshleyMadison trending.  Ya know, just for fun.

**UPDATE 3/27/2016 9:36pm CST**

We don’t pretend to know Government protocol for email.  We only know not to get any advice from Hillary Clinton on that matter.  We’ve just went through an entire sign up process on the website and our findings are below.

  1.  Sign up was straight forward.  We entered our information and ticked the we agree with the terms of service check box and were off and away.
  2. We received our account creation email.  However, there was no account activation link or confirmation link.  Here is the fine print in the bottom of the “Welcome to Day 1 of your Ashley Madison experience”.

Please do not reply to this email message. It was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming email. It won’t reach us. For questions or concerns, please visit our “Contact Us” page:*CONTACTPAGE
You are receiving this Email Notification because you or someone using your email address has signed up as a member to our service. The email address we have on file for profile number [000000000] is: ***************@********
If you have received this email in error, or if you wish to delete your account or unsubscribe from Email Notifications, please choose one of the options below:
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USA and Canada Address:
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So back to our opening statement, it would be odd for sure that nobody heard about an attempt of some deviant to attempt to use Ted Cruz’s email address.  It would almost be obvious that he would have came out in a BIG, BOLD statement against the use of his private Government email and also had an opportunity to blast the unsavory website that promotes infidelity,
Below is a video EXPOSING the NATIONAL ENQUIRER story

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Donald J. Trump runs the table on SUPER TUESDAY

Listen In Live Now – Super Tuesday Polling - Landslide
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Donald J. Trump runs the table on SUPER TUESDAY…/super-tuesday-landslide-trump-dom…

Super Tuesday Polling - Donald J. Trump runs the table on SUPER TUESDAY
-          Nation Wide Rep. Trump +18 – Virginia (49) Trump +14.5, Texas (172) Cruz +8.6, Georgia (76) Trump +14.4, Mass.(42) Trump +26.0, Oklahoma (43) Trump +7.0, Alabama (50)  Trump +15.0, Tenn. (58)Trump +14, Arkansas (40) Trump +5 Cruz +4, VT (16) Trump +15, Minn (38) Trump +7 Rubio +2, Colorado (37) Carson +6, Alaska (28) Trump +4, 

1.        Donald J. Trump wins NV Caucus
-          Fox News reported after NV - The New York billionaire businessman won among women, among evangelicals, among self-described conservatives – and even among the few Hispanics who voted in Nevada. “We won with evangelicals, we won with young, we won with old, we won with highly educated, we won with poorly educated,” Trump said in Las Vegas after his win Tuesday night in Nevada
a.       China Warns U.S. After Trump Wins Nevada Caucus and “We are watching with great interest”
-          Rubio V Trump Houston Debate CNN Health Care (1B)
-          Tax Return issues explained on CNN Erin Burnett and Bill Kristol Loses it (1A)
a.       Rubio False you cant determine Trumps net worth on Tax Return
b.      Romney False you cant determine Trumps charity on Tax Return
-          CNN Don Lemon with Trump on Hilary Email.  She should be procuted (1D)

2.       Ted Cruz
-          Chris Wallace on Fox today with Cruz and the 4 lies he made (2A)
-          The Circuit Court of Cook County in Chicago has agreed to hear a lawsuit on Sen. Ted Cruz's eligibility for president — virtually ensuring that the issue dominates the news in the runup to the South Carolina primary.
-          In the lobby of a Hampton Inn on Saturday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) spotted Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)’s father and a campaign staffer eating breakfast with the Bible on the table. “Got a good book there,” Rubio said to the staffer. “All the answers are in there. Especially in that one.” Fired COM. Dir.
3.       Rubio
-          Bill Orielly and Glitch go at it. (3A)
-          Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council President Chris Crane is issuing a challenge to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) following Rubio’s attack on the officer. In an email to Rubio’s campaign — an exclusive copy of which is being provided to Breitbart News— Crane challenges Rubio to meet so that ICE Officer Crane can present Rubio with his badge and his credentials. Crane represents America’s ICE officers and is an ICE officer himself.
a.       “You recently lied to the American public on FOX news regarding my current status and career as both an ICE Agent and Officer,” Crane writes in his email to Rubio. “I challenge you to make yourself available, as a United States Senator and Presidential Candidate, so that I may present my badge and credentials to you as proof that your comments on FOX news are false.”

4.       Clinton – BLM MOMs helped me (4A) Trayvon martins mom and others
-          Dems SC Primary –  (4B Screaming America acceptance speech)
a.       Hillary Clinton is on pace to beat Bernie Sanders by about 37 points in South Carolina, in large part because of her huge 87 to 13 margin among black voters. Clinton did even better among black voters than President Barack Obama in in 2008, according to exit polling.  Her victory speech reflected her coalition. "We also have to face the reality of systemic racism that more than a half a century (after) Rosa Parks sat and Dr. King marched and John Lewis bled still plays a significant role in determining who gets ahead in America and who gets left behind,"
-          TEL AVIV – 1,500 pages of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails
a.       provide insight into the level of support the U.S. was considering in 2012 for Egypt’s newly elected Muslim Brotherhood government.
-          TEL AVIV (Lybia) – As a presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton
a.       has been making great efforts to distance herself from the disastrous consequences of the U.S.-NATO intervention in Libya in 2011.
b.      A lengthy article published on the cover of Sunday’s New York Times details Clinton’s central role in convincing President Obama to join the effort to topple Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, leaving Libya, as the Times puts it, a “failed state and a terrorist haven.”
c.       The Times documents Clinton’s role was “critical in persuading Mr. Obama to join allies in bombing Colonel Qaddafi’s forces.””
d.      “In fact, Mr. Obama’s defense secretary, Robert M. Gates, would later say that in a ‘51-49’ decision, it was Mrs. Clinton’s support that put the ambivalent president over the line.”
e.      “The consequences” of her actions, the Times posits, “would be more far-reaching than anyone imagined, leaving Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven, a place where the direst answers to Mrs. Clinton’s questions have come to pass.”
f.        The Times  relates Clinton’s attempts to own the war, with her staffs’ efforts putting her “at the center of everything” related to the Libya intervention.
-          In an explosive new interview, award-winning filmmaker Cyrus Nowrasteh (The Stoning of Soraya M., The Young Messiah) detailed how Bill and Hillary Clinton allegedly used their influence at Disney/ABC to effectively ban the 2006 miniseries The Path to 9/11, which examined the events leading up to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.

5.       Billions wrong payments in Obamacare
6.       Kerry Having ‘Additional Evaluation’ Done to Decide if Slaughter of Mideast Christians is Genocide.  “we need more information and we will get it some day”