Showing posts with label 2016 Republican Candidates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2016 Republican Candidates. Show all posts

Friday, April 8, 2016

Trump adviser says Republicans won't have contested convention

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Journalists watch Republican U.S. presidential candidates Donald Trump (L) and Ted Cruz debate on large video monitors in the media filing center during the Republican U.S. presidential candidates debate sponsored by CNN at the University of Miami in Miami, Florida March 10, 2016.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump's new top political strategist predicted on Friday the Republican presidential front-runner would amass the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch his party's nomination well before the Republican National Convention in July.
Veteran campaign tactician Paul Manafort was chosen by Trump on Thursday to oversee a fractious nomination process that many Republicans expect may not yield a clear winner before the convention.
Manafort said on CNN's "New Day" program that rival Ted Cruz, the U.S. senator from Texas, will not be able to dent Trump's delegate lead before California's June 7 primary.
"The reality is: Ted Cruz has seen his best day," Manafort said. "The reality is: this convention process will be over with sometime in June, probably June 7, and it'll be apparent to the world that Trump is over that 1,237 number."
Trump has been uncharacteristically quiet on social media after his double-digit loss to Cruz in the Wisconsin primary on Tuesday, which followed a series of missteps on the campaign trail including his statement, later recanted, advocating punishment for women who have illegal abortions.
In elevating Manafort, Trump said he would add more staff before the convention in an expansion of his campaign team beyond the close-knit group of advisers who have been at his side since he jumped into the presidential race last June.
"People that I know that want to get involved and wanted to before but didn't have a way in," Manafort said.
The next presidential nominating contests before the Nov. 8 election include a number in East Coast states seen as more fertile ground for the real estate tycoon, including in his native New York on April 19.
Manafort cited Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut and Maryland as states where Trump would do well.
"By the time we get to California the momentum is going be very clear and Ted Cruz' path to victory is going to be in shambles," he said.
Cruz, appearing on the CNN program earlier, said he had a clear path to 1,237 delegates.
"It's difficult. We've got to win and we've got to win consistently," Cruz said. "He's right. He has to win," Manafort said.
(Reporting by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Bill Trott)

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

No matter if Trump or Cruz gets the nomination, we must support the
Republican candidate.
Below are 50 reasons why we can't have Hillary, Bernie, or any Democrat
as the next president.
1. The disaster of the last 7 years of Obama.
2. Obamacare, you were lied to about the premiums, and we are covered
with a $10,000 deductible.
3. Immigration: the wall, allowing illegal immigrants to vote and get
Obamacare, welfare, ect, and bring their extended families into the US,
and millions of others overstaying their Visa's. The Federal Government
suing Arizona for trying to enforce Federal laws on immigration.
4. Jobs, 93 million out of work, and lying about the real unemployment
numbers. You are not counted after exhausting your unemployment
benefits, or getting a low paying part time job.
5. Terrorism
6. Giving away Iraq, and ISIS now controls Libya.
7. The Iran deal, and Iran capturing our Navy personnel, and Iran
supports terrorists that kill Americans.
8. The economy, and you can't start your own business anymore, because
of regulations and Obamacare.
9. Printing money. This steals from all on fixed income, or rely on
their savings in the bank. This may cause massive inflation.
10. The deficit, and unfunded liabilities like social security, over 100
trillion dollars. The lock box is full of IOU's.
11. The justice Department scandals with Eric Holder, and refusing to
prosecute the Black Panthers, and Holder said he would never prosecute
12. The IRS scandals, Lois Lerner let free. They are still blocking T
Party groups from being tax exempt.
13. EPA shutting down coal, power plants, fracking, no pipeline, ect.
14. Global warming fraud, and jailing global warming deniers.
15. Religious freedom, jailing or fining those that believe in their
religious rights, or putting them out of business.
16. Common core, brainwashing our children.
17. Fast and furious, Americans died
18. The VA scandal, Americans died.
19. Destroying the military, and the rules of engagement, Americans died.
20. Destroying law enforcement, Americans died.
21. Supreme court nominees, all left wing. Also now there is no
separation of powers. The executive branch grabs power and makes laws
through executive orders, or EPA mandates, and the supreme court
confirms the laws and mandates without going through congress. The only
way congress can stop the executive branch is by the power of the purse
or impeachment, but they won't do it.
22. Hillary and Bill, the e mail scandals, and Bill the sexual predator.
23. Bengahzi, and blaming it on a video, and then throwing the video
maker in jail, and Hillary lying about it.
24. The attack on the 2nd amendment, Americans died.
25. Racial tensions, BLM, and black on black crime and murders,
Americans died.
26. Increase heroin deaths, Americans died. Heroin brought in through
open borders.
27. The destructive results of liberalism.
28. Worldwide slaughter of Christians.
29. Crazy Bernie.
30. Prosecuting planned parenthood video makers.
31. Green energy. Green energy cannot survive without massive government
subsidies, and then usually the green energy companies are run by
cronies and big donors to the democrat party, and they get rich off the
government subsidies.
32. Forcing low income housing in high income neighborhoods. The new
discrimination is economic. The federal government is assisting blacks
to sue local communities that are not providing low income housing in
high income neighborhoods, and the individuals are receiving large cash
settlements from the city or county governments.
33. Voter ID and voter fraud by the democrats, vote early and vote
often. If you ask for an ID, you are a racist.
34. Landlords are now forced to rent to criminals
35. Releasing terrorists from Guantanamo bay, Americans died. If they
bring these terrorists to American prisons, they will recruit more
36. The Government taking over student loans, now they can bribe those
student by offering to eliminate their debt for their vote.
37. Over 400 left wing lawyers have been hired by the US Govt to enforce
civil rights violations and voter fraud. This will affect the next
36. Obama pardoning hundreds of criminals with life sentences.
37. Shutting down Yucca mountain. Now there is no place to store nuclear
waste, and it is stored on site at nuclear facilities all over the
country, ready to be either stolen or leaked out into the environment.
38. Giving Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood. Then gave them Billions of
dollars. Then the Egyptian military and people threw the Muslim
Brotherhood out.
39. Allowed Putin to take over Crimea.
40. Sanctuary cites, Americans died.
41. The Federal Government controls 27.7% of the land mass in the USA.
They not only refuse to release some land to the States for development,
they also are on a land grab, and also the EPA is stopping the
development of other private land by declaring the private property wet
lands, when they are not.
42. High corporate taxes and regulations are forcing more jobs overseas.
43. American corporations are holding maybe trillions of dollars
overseas, that has already been taxed, but can't bring the money back to
the US, because the Government want's to tax it again.
44. The housing crisis caused by the democrats forcing banks to lend
money to people that could not pay back the loans.
45. Medicare. You pay into all your life, but it is means tested, so
only the very poor get it free, and the cost goes up if you have more
46. The treatment of our allies and Israel.
47. Free speech and political correctness.
48. 50 million Americans on food stamps.
49. Obama's humiliating trip to Cuba, and his picture with Che Guevara,
watching baseball with Castro while Brussels burned.
50. Obama won't recognize radical Islam, and actually supports terrorism
worldwide, including in the USA, while ignoring crimes against
Christians and Jews.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Rubio’s Exit Leaves Trump With an Open Path to 1,237 Delegates

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Donald J. Trump’s series of victories on Tuesday extended his delegate lead and forced Senator Marco Rubio of Florida out of the presidential race. Mr. Trump’s path to winning enough delegates to secure the Republican nomination is not assured, but he is in a strong position.
Here are some ways the Republican nominating contest could unfold. Try adjusting the sliders to see how the outcomes change. Each line in the chart represents one possible outcome. See Democratic scenarios »
If Mr. Trump maintains his current level of support in the remaining races, he would almost certainly secure the nomination.
After Tuesday’s contests, no other candidate retains a real chance of capturing the delegates required to win the nomination outright. Mr. Rubio dropped out, Gov. John Kasich of Ohio is too far behind, and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas would need to win the vast majority of the remaining delegates — a near impossibility.
But Mr. Trump still needs to win most of the remaining delegates to avoid a contested convention.
If he continues his current performance and wins a series of key states — like Arizona, California and New York — he would get the needed delegates.
Mr. Trump will probably need to win California, which has 172 delegates. California is winnable for Mr. Trump, but it could be a difficult state for him. California includes a mix of well-educated voters who could support Mr. Kasich and conservative voters who could support Mr. Cruz.
Exit polls have indicated that most of Mr. Rubio’s support could be distributed to Mr. Trump’s competitors. Say 80 percent of Mr. Rubio's voters go to Mr. Cruz. This would cut into Mr. Trump’s delegate lead.
But even that may not prevent Mr. Trump from winning the key states — like California — that ensure him enough delegates.
This interactive delegate calculator uses each state’s delegate allocation rules, along with estimates of how favorable each district is for each candidate. To compute these estimates, we used a model based on polling, demographics and results from past primaries and caucuses.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Donald J. Trump runs the table on SUPER TUESDAY

Listen In Live Now – Super Tuesday Polling - Landslide
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Donald J. Trump runs the table on SUPER TUESDAY…/super-tuesday-landslide-trump-dom…

Super Tuesday Polling - Donald J. Trump runs the table on SUPER TUESDAY
-          Nation Wide Rep. Trump +18 – Virginia (49) Trump +14.5, Texas (172) Cruz +8.6, Georgia (76) Trump +14.4, Mass.(42) Trump +26.0, Oklahoma (43) Trump +7.0, Alabama (50)  Trump +15.0, Tenn. (58)Trump +14, Arkansas (40) Trump +5 Cruz +4, VT (16) Trump +15, Minn (38) Trump +7 Rubio +2, Colorado (37) Carson +6, Alaska (28) Trump +4, 

1.        Donald J. Trump wins NV Caucus
-          Fox News reported after NV - The New York billionaire businessman won among women, among evangelicals, among self-described conservatives – and even among the few Hispanics who voted in Nevada. “We won with evangelicals, we won with young, we won with old, we won with highly educated, we won with poorly educated,” Trump said in Las Vegas after his win Tuesday night in Nevada
a.       China Warns U.S. After Trump Wins Nevada Caucus and “We are watching with great interest”
-          Rubio V Trump Houston Debate CNN Health Care (1B)
-          Tax Return issues explained on CNN Erin Burnett and Bill Kristol Loses it (1A)
a.       Rubio False you cant determine Trumps net worth on Tax Return
b.      Romney False you cant determine Trumps charity on Tax Return
-          CNN Don Lemon with Trump on Hilary Email.  She should be procuted (1D)

2.       Ted Cruz
-          Chris Wallace on Fox today with Cruz and the 4 lies he made (2A)
-          The Circuit Court of Cook County in Chicago has agreed to hear a lawsuit on Sen. Ted Cruz's eligibility for president — virtually ensuring that the issue dominates the news in the runup to the South Carolina primary.
-          In the lobby of a Hampton Inn on Saturday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) spotted Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)’s father and a campaign staffer eating breakfast with the Bible on the table. “Got a good book there,” Rubio said to the staffer. “All the answers are in there. Especially in that one.” Fired COM. Dir.
3.       Rubio
-          Bill Orielly and Glitch go at it. (3A)
-          Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council President Chris Crane is issuing a challenge to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) following Rubio’s attack on the officer. In an email to Rubio’s campaign — an exclusive copy of which is being provided to Breitbart News— Crane challenges Rubio to meet so that ICE Officer Crane can present Rubio with his badge and his credentials. Crane represents America’s ICE officers and is an ICE officer himself.
a.       “You recently lied to the American public on FOX news regarding my current status and career as both an ICE Agent and Officer,” Crane writes in his email to Rubio. “I challenge you to make yourself available, as a United States Senator and Presidential Candidate, so that I may present my badge and credentials to you as proof that your comments on FOX news are false.”

4.       Clinton – BLM MOMs helped me (4A) Trayvon martins mom and others
-          Dems SC Primary –  (4B Screaming America acceptance speech)
a.       Hillary Clinton is on pace to beat Bernie Sanders by about 37 points in South Carolina, in large part because of her huge 87 to 13 margin among black voters. Clinton did even better among black voters than President Barack Obama in in 2008, according to exit polling.  Her victory speech reflected her coalition. "We also have to face the reality of systemic racism that more than a half a century (after) Rosa Parks sat and Dr. King marched and John Lewis bled still plays a significant role in determining who gets ahead in America and who gets left behind,"
-          TEL AVIV – 1,500 pages of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails
a.       provide insight into the level of support the U.S. was considering in 2012 for Egypt’s newly elected Muslim Brotherhood government.
-          TEL AVIV (Lybia) – As a presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton
a.       has been making great efforts to distance herself from the disastrous consequences of the U.S.-NATO intervention in Libya in 2011.
b.      A lengthy article published on the cover of Sunday’s New York Times details Clinton’s central role in convincing President Obama to join the effort to topple Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, leaving Libya, as the Times puts it, a “failed state and a terrorist haven.”
c.       The Times documents Clinton’s role was “critical in persuading Mr. Obama to join allies in bombing Colonel Qaddafi’s forces.””
d.      “In fact, Mr. Obama’s defense secretary, Robert M. Gates, would later say that in a ‘51-49’ decision, it was Mrs. Clinton’s support that put the ambivalent president over the line.”
e.      “The consequences” of her actions, the Times posits, “would be more far-reaching than anyone imagined, leaving Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven, a place where the direst answers to Mrs. Clinton’s questions have come to pass.”
f.        The Times  relates Clinton’s attempts to own the war, with her staffs’ efforts putting her “at the center of everything” related to the Libya intervention.
-          In an explosive new interview, award-winning filmmaker Cyrus Nowrasteh (The Stoning of Soraya M., The Young Messiah) detailed how Bill and Hillary Clinton allegedly used their influence at Disney/ABC to effectively ban the 2006 miniseries The Path to 9/11, which examined the events leading up to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.

5.       Billions wrong payments in Obamacare
6.       Kerry Having ‘Additional Evaluation’ Done to Decide if Slaughter of Mideast Christians is Genocide.  “we need more information and we will get it some day”

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ivanka Trump: ‘From Day One My Father Set the Agenda for What the Whole Party Is Talking About’

Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images
by MICHELLE MOONS9 Feb 2016543
Ivanka Trump, daughter of 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump, joined Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steven K. Bannon on the Sirius XM Breitbart News Daily radio program to share her unique personal and professional perspective on her father’s qualifications to hold the position of President of the United States of America.

A wife and mother herself, Trump spoke to the character of the man that she grew up with and has spend a decade working with at the Trump organization. “I’ve seen him in the capacity obviously as a father, and a very loving one, and also as an incredible executive who built an amazing company. And he really is remarkable.”
Ultimately I think the testament to any person is their track record and that’s not just their professional track record, of which his is well known, he is enormously accomplished, he’s employed tens of thousands of people, he’s achieved success in multiple industries at the highest level.

She continued, “His professional accomplishments are nothing short of remarkable.”
Trump commented that as a parent herself she now realizes how hard it is to raise up kids with the “right moral compass” especially children that grow up with a lot of privilege.
Bannon reference Trump’s book The Trump Card and that she notes in the book that her parents instilled confidence and perseverance in her.
One of the things he would always say to us is you have to do what it is you are passionate about. If you want to achieve success at that high level you have to be passionate about it because if you’re not you won’t put in the work. And then it comes down to perseverance. So without grit it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter how good your idea is, it doesn’t matter how intelligent you are, you’re just going to get outworked. My whole life he is a worker, he is relentless.

Trump recalled early memories of coming to her father’s office and playing on the floor with their toys while he was in major meetings. “He always included us in his world in that regard.”
“That’s really the story of my father, he’s a hard worker,” Trump remarked.
Bannon asked why a loving family who has accumulated so much wealth and success would put themselves through the “ringer of the politics of personal destruction?”
Trump explained:
A lot of people who run for elected office are looking for a platform you know and it’s the next step in a political career so they don’t have that much to lose in the national awareness, my father had that. He has an amazing life and he’s built an incredible company and really he’s doing this for the reasons he’s articulated,I mean he can’t stand back and watch what’s happening to this country anymore, and he’s been saying this for a long time and he’s been seeing it happen and so what he’s doing is incredibly difficult, it’s incredibly selfless you know it takes a lot to want to enter this arena, and it is definitely a bloodsport as we’re seeing, but ya know win, lose or draw he’s got a family who loves him, who’s incredibly proud of him. The energy and the passion that he’s elicited, you were talking about in the beginning about sort of leadership and his viewpoint on different issues — from day one my father set the agenda for what the whole party is talking about and really politics in general across parties.

Bannon elaborated that Donald Trump has driven the national conversation on issue like immigration and trade that the corporate media interests did not want to talk about.
Ivanka agreed, “A hundred percent and that’s what you want a leader to do. So ya know all the other candidates would sit back silently for around three weeks until they realized that the voters agreed and then they’d come forth with their positions…”
During a Donald Trump rally on Monday night in New Hampshire an audience member used the vulgarity “p****” to describe candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on the issue of waterboarding. Trump eventually repeated it himself for the audience to hear to which they laughed and applauded according to KCCI 8 Des Moines News.
Bannon asked Ivanka Trump for her perspective on her father’s use of that word during the evening rally.
“I balance it knowing who my father is,” Trump responded. “There’s a different spirit in that kind of room than certainly in a board room or a conference room.”
She went on to say that the American people want someone with competance.
“They don’t want somebody who is slick tongued and says all the right things and then gets to Washington and does absolutely nothing.” She emphasized, “My father’s life has been about execution.”
What I have so much conviction in is not only is he an unbelievable person, an unbelievable man, he’s been a great mentor to me both personally and professionally as I was telling you before, but he’s incredibly capable.

Two of Ivanka Trump’s brothers have and are also joining Breitbart News Daily radio Monday and Tuesday.
Follow Michelle Moons on Twitter@MichelleDiana
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Sunday, January 31, 2016

IOWA RESULT ARE IN..... Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Sanders and Hillery

Original Feed Live Audio

-          Katrina Pierson (National Spokesperson) 15yrs ago Ted was Canadian Citizen. (1A)

-          Rush On Trump (1B)
-          TRUMP WILL NOT DO Thursday DEBATE.
a.       Fox’s role via its founder Rupert Murdoch in pus

hing an open borders agenda. The Trump campaign is a direct threat to Murdoch’s efforts to open America’s borders. Well-concealed from virtually all reporting on Fox’s treatment of Trump is the fact that Murdoch is the co-chair of what is arguably one of the most powerful immigration lobbying firms in country, the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE). JULIA HAHN Breitbart.
b.      Megan Kelly and Moore (1C)  then Bill Oreilly begs Trump (1D)
c.       Fox News and Google have invited three YouTube personalities to ask questions at the Jan. 28 GOP debate — including a Muslim advocate who describes Donald Trump as a bigot and who visually portrayed him as being in agreement with national socialist Adolf Hitler.
d.      Anchor Baby Dulce Candy, the invited Latino questioner, said she was brought from central Mexico to the United States while a young girl. She later joined the U.S. military and served in Iraq. 
e.      Pride Goeth Before the Fall: Ailes Calls Trump’s Wife and Daughter
f.        Scarborough: ‘I’d Rather Set Myself on Fire’ Than Participate in Debate With Megyn Kelly
g.       Poll: More than 83 Percent Won’t Watch Fox News Debate Sans Donald… However it turned out to be the second highest rating for Fox prior to the debate on Fox Business.
-          Iowa – GOP Chairman Kaufmann, who wasn’t officially endorsing Trump for president but is appearing with him on stage and introducing him, said that if Iowans select Trump on Feb. 1, the party is fully committed to electing him president of the United States.
-          Laura Ingram went off on National Review for trying to excommunicate Trump A return to traditional GOP law and order practices when it comes to illegal immigration.
a.       A return to a more traditional GOP foreign policy that would put the national interest ahead of globalism.
b.      A return to a more traditional GOP trade policy that would analyze trade deals from the perspective of the country as a whole and not blindly support any deal — even one negotiated by President Obama.
-          Shock Poll: Ted Cruz Plummets with White Evangelicals ; Trails Donald Trump by 17 Points
-          JOHN NOLTE Breitbart National Review Goes Full-Snob: Attacks Donald Trump Voters as Ignorant Bigots
a.        After the massive belly-flop that was the poorly thought out, very-poorly executed and way-late “Against Trump” diatribe last week, “National Review” is apparently still so bitter that on Monday morning another fatal decision was made — to attack everyday Americans as stupid homophobes.
-          Glenn Beck – Tells Iowa small crowd he’d prefer Sanders of Trump
a.       CEO resigns from the Blaze as it burns down.
b.      Flashback John McCain worst for the country than Obama.
-          Conservative?
a.       ’99 pro-choice – ’15 Pro Life with reservations on rape and incest
b.      Immigration – Trump wants a wall, shutting down remittances garnered from illegal wages, and foreign aid cuts. He wants strong deportation policies and an end to birthright citizenship. Said we should take some refugees but then stopped after seeing what Europe is going through and that this maybe a Trojan horse.
c.       Same-Sex Marriage. Trump says he’s anti-same sex marriage
d.      Entitlements. Unlike virtually all the other Republican candidates, Trump has said he wouldn’t touch entitlements.
e.      Religious Freedom. Trump pledges to uphold religious freedom
f.        Campaign Finance Reform. Trump is for it, and he routinely attacks super PACs
g.       Government Involvement In The Economy.  Trump himself supported Obama’s 2009 stimulus, TARP, and the 2008 auto bailout. He said in 2009, “I think [Obama’s] doing very well. You do need stimulus and you do have to keep the banks alive.” He’s admitted over and over to paying elected officials to grease the skids on his deals – although, in fairness, he says that’s just how you have to work to get business done.
h.      Education. Trump opposes Common Core
i.        Healthcare.  In September he told Hannity:  As far as single-payer and all — there’s so many different things you could have. Honestly, Sean, to do, to have great health insurance. The one thing I do tell people, we’re going to have something great. We’re going to repeal and replace Obamacare, which is a total disaster.
j.        Tax Plan. Trump’s tax plan is certainly conservative. He proposes lowering the top tax bracket to 25 percent, drops the capital gains tax to 20 percent, dumps the death tax, and drops the corporate rate to 15 percent
k.       Trade. Trump is for international tariffs, including an extraordinarily heavy tariff on Chinese goods
l.         Guns. Trump has become progressively more pro-Second Amendment over time. His website states: “The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.”
2.       Bernie Sanders – Hillary
-          Bernie Sanders Attacks 1%ers and Billionaire
a.       However Sanders’ panel of experts was stacked with economists tied to Soros. One prominent member advocates a “new economic order” no longer dominated by the U.S., while another is the leading proponent of the “shock therapy” economic doctrine of radical economic transformation deployed at times to detriment in Eastern Europe.
-          Vanity Fair did a puff piece on Hillary “She Can Not Be Stopped”
-          NYT throws in for Hillary
-          Young kid says to Hillary we think you’re dishonest (2A)
a.       Chris Matthews talks about Bernie and the kids calling Hill dishonest pos (2B)
-          Clintons weren’t so bad??
a.       Bill  was president he allowed Hillary to assume authority over health care reform she count even get a vote in the democrat controlled congress cost $13million
b.      Bill gave Hillary authority over selecting a female attorney general. Both forced to withdraw then she chose janet reno which bill described as “my worst mistake”
c.       Bill allowed Hillary to make recommendations for the head of the Civil Rights Commission.  Lani Guanier was her selection.  When a little probing led to the discovery of Ms. Guanier’s radical views, her name had to be withdrawn from consideration
d.      Bill allowed Hillary to make some more recommendations.  She chose former law partners Web Hubbel for the Justice Department, Vince Foster for the White House staff, and William Kennedy for the Treasury Department.  Her selections went well: Hubbel went to prison, Foster (presumably) committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign.
e.      Travelgate.” Hillary wanted to award unfettered travel contracts to Clinton friend Harry Thompson – and the White House Travel Office refused to comply.  She managed to have them reported to the FBI and fired.  This ruined their reputations, cost them their jobs, and caused a thirty-six month investigation
f.        FileGate: Hillary was allowed to recommend a close Clinton friend, Craig Livingstone, for the position of Director of White House security.  When Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of about 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, suddenly Hillary and the president denied even knowing Livingstone, and of course, denied knowledge of drug use in the White House.
g.       “bimbo eruption” and scandal defense.  Some of her more notable decisions in the debacle were: She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit.  After the Starr investigation they settled with Ms. Jones. She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor.  After $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr's investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs. Hillary’s devious game plan resulted in Bill losing his license to practice law for 'lying under oath' to a grand jury and then his subsequent impeachment by the House of Representatives. Hillary avoided indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice during the Starr investigation by repeating, “I do not recall,” “I have no recollection,” and “I don’t know” a total of 56 times while under oath.
h.      Hillary was forced to return an estimated $200,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork that she had stolen
i.         Now we are exposed to the destruction of possibly incriminating emails while Hillary was Secretary of State and the “pay to play” schemes of the Clinton Foundation
3.       Obam3.
-          ( - The debt of the federal government increased by $8,314,529,850,339.07 in President Barack Obama’s first seven years in office, according to official data published by the U.S. Treasury.
a.       That equals $70,612.91 in net federal borrowing for each of the 117,480,000 households that the Census Bureau estimates were in the United States as of September.
b.      During President George W. Bush’s eight years in office, the federal debt increased by $4,899,100,310,608.44, according to the Treasury. That equaled $44,104.65 in net federal borrowing for each of the 111,079,000 households that, according to the Census Bureau, were in the country as of Jan. 20, 2009, the day that Bush left office and Obama assumed it.