Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Ted Cruz booed lustily as he refuses to endorse Donald Trump
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Donald Trump most primary votes in GOP history
Donald Trump could amass most primary votes in GOP history
Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio
Donald Trump will likely wind up winning the most primary votes of any GOP presidential candidate in modern history, the author of the influentialSmart Politics blog told The Post on Wednesday.
After convincing victories in Tuesday’s primaries in five East Coast states, Trump has roughly 10.1 million votes, about 200,000 more than Mitt Romney got during the entire 2012 primary campaign.
And with the primaries ahead — including in populous states such as California, New Jersey and Indiana — the former “Apprentice” reality-TV star should easily break the modern record of 10.8 million held by George W. Bush in 2000, according to blogger Eric Ostermeier, a political-science professor at the University of Minnesota.
“In an election cycle with a high Republican turnout, his numbers are rising, even more so now that there’s only three candidates” left in the GOP race, he said.
The reasons include a combination of Trump’s celebrity, media exposure and higher-than-usual interest in his over-the-top candidacy, Ostermeier said.
The numbers-crunching blogger uses figures compiled by Congressional Quarterly and differ from those compiled by other groups, some of which say Bush got as many as 12 million votes in the 2000 primaries.
But even if that were the case, Trump would still likely shatter the record.
The next big-state primaries include Indiana on May 3 and both California and New Jersey on June 7.
Meanwhile Wednesday night, Trump held a rally in Indianapolis, where former Indiana University basketball coach Bobby Knight called him “the most prepared man in history to step in as president of the United States.”
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
IT'S OFFICIAL=> Ted Cruz Is Mathematically ELIMINATED from GOP Race - With Chart
Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio
Guest post by Joe Hoft
As we predicted on April 2nd…. As of today, April 26, 2016,, Ted Cruz is mathematically eliminated from winning the Republican nomination outright.
On April 2nd we predicted that Donald Trump would have 953 delegates as of today (needing only 284 delegates for the nomination) and that Cruz would have 550 delegates as of today (needing 687 to win the nomination).
We also predicted that only 634 delegates would remain and therefore Cruz would need more delegates than would be available.
Ted Cruz is eliminated.It is clear that Cruz was eliminated tonight.It is not clear yet on how devastating the final numbers will be for Ted Cruz.
After winning all five primaries tonight — Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania — Donald Trump has 945 delegates so far.
Ted Cruz finished third in Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island.
There are fewer delegates remaining than we originally projected because the delegates in Wyoming, Colorado and North Dakota were allocated inshady voter-less elections after April 2nd.
After tonight’s primaries Cruz has — 559 delegates – He did not win a single delegate tonight.Cruz needs 678 delegates to reach 1,237 delegates.There are only 651 available.It’s over.
Here is the updated chart with tonight’s results.
Our April 2nd projections for Trump and Cruz were very close to the actual results.
Ted Cruz is Mathematically Eliminated from winning the GOP nomination outright and has fewer wins than Bernie Sanders.
Mike Huckabee on Ted Cruz, John Kasich: ‘I Wish They Wanted to Stop Hillary’
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AP Photo/Evan Vucci
by ALEX SWOYER25 Apr 2016Washington, DC1,360
Former GOP presidential candidate former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is weighing in on
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
and Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s coordinated plan to stop Donald Trump in upcoming primaries.
“Cruz, Kasich join forces to stop Trump. I wish they wanted to stop Hillary and much as they did the Republican who is beating both of them,” Huckabee posted on Twitter late Sunday night.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Huckabee’s daughter, joined Trump’s campaign after Huckabee suspended his campaign in February.
The Kasich and Cruz campaigns announced Sunday night that Cruz will focus on Indiana and Kasich will focus on Oregon and New Mexico in order to prevent Trump from obtaining 1,237 delegates to obtain the GOP nomination ahead of the Republican National Convention in July.
Read More Stories About:
Big Government, 2016 Presidential Race,Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Mike Huckabee
Monday, April 25, 2016
Cruz on Kasich Alliance: ‘The Trump Campaign Is Scared’
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Monday in Indiana, Republican presidential candidate
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
explained the alliance between himself and his opponent Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) to take on the current party front-runner Donald Trump.
Partial transcript as follows:
CRUZ: It is abundantly clear that nobody is getting to 1237. We are headed to a contested convention. And at a contested convention, Donald Trump is in real trouble. Why? Because he cannot earn the support of a majority of the delegates elected by the people. Donald has had consistently a hard ceiling of about 40% that he can’t break. Donald has been a minority candidate, a fringe candidate. Now, he’s benefited early in the race by having a multitude of opponents where the opposition to Donald was diffuse. But what we have seen happening over the last month is the Republican Party uniting behind our campaign. Indeed, of the 17 candidates who started this race, five have now endorsed our campaign. Rick Perry,
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Carla Fiorina. We are seeing the full spectrum of the Republican Party uniting. And let me say something about the Hoosier state. There is a common sense sensibility about this great state. You’ve had leaders like governor Mitch Daniels, like governor Mike Pence, who roll up their sleeves and solve problems. Who understand that when you cut taxes and lift regulations, the result is small businesses grow and jobs expand. We need a president in the spirit of Mitch Daniels and Mike Pence. that is exact low what this campaign is based on. My number one priority as president is jobs and economic growth. If I’m elected president, we’ll repeal every word of Obamacare. We will pass a simple flat tax and abolish the IRS. We will rein in the EPA and the federal regulators, especially the EPA that is killing the coal industry, killing tens of thousands of jobs here in the state of Indiana. And we will stop amnesty and end sanctuary cities. And the effect of all of that is that we’re going to see millions and millions of new high-paying jobs coming back to America. We’re going to see wages rising again. We’re going to see manufacturing jobs coming back to Indiana, coming back from China, coming back from Mexico. We’re going to see young people coming out of school having two, three, four, five, job opportunities again. That’s what this election is all about. last question.
REPORTER: To voters who have watched you run as an outsider all these months now see you making this deal to John Kasich, how do you justify that as not collusion?
CRUZ: Listen, I have been from day one an outsider. And the proof is in the pudding — but now you’re –he proof is in the pudding. The voters can ask who has stood up and led the fight against the Washington cartel from day one. I am the only candidate who has taken on not just Democrats but leaders in my own party over and over and over again. When I ran for senate, I promised the people of Texas I would lead the fight against Obamacare. That’s what I did in the senate, much to the annoyance of the Washington cartel. As president, I’ll repeal every word of Obamacare. When I ran for senate in Texas, I promised the voters I would lead the fight against amnesty. That’s what I did in the senate, leading the fight against the gang of eight amnesty bill. At the same time that Donald Trump was funding the gang of eight, giving over $50,000 to the proponents of amnesty, I was leading the fight and we defeated amnesty in congress. as president. I will stop amnesty. We’ll secure the borders, we’ll end sanctuary cities and we will end welfare benefits for those here illegally.
REPORTER: Respectfully, sir, how is it not collusion? What do you say to those people who say that it’s collusion? Donald Trump is saying that you are colluding and we expect to hear from him again and again.
CRUZ: I understand that Donald will whine. That’s what he does. Donald is a sore loser. When he lost five states in a low in landslide elections, Donald through a tantrum. His response is to attack the voters. His response is to attack the people. Yes, I get that the Trump campaign is scared. They’re scared of Indiana. If Donald wasn’t scared, he’d show up in Indiana and have a debate. But he would much rather hide in Trump Tower. He’d much rather stay in northeastern states that tend to be more liberal than actually come to the Midwest, come to the heartland and defend his policies. The past week Donald Trump agreed with Hillary Clinton on raising taxes. In the past week Donald Trump came out and agreed with Hillary Clinton that adult grown men should be able to go into little girls restrooms. And in the past week, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, who is a long-time Washington lobbyist, and this is important for people to understand, the entire Trump campaign is run by Washington lobbyists. it is the Washington cartel. It is the lobbyists who are running his campaign. His lobbyist campaign manager went and talked to the top brass of the RNC and said Donald is just putting on an act. This is a role he’s playing. He’s just on stage. He’s just pretending. He doesn’t mean what he said. Now, at first the Trump camp denied that. That’s their standard is to deny everything. Unfortunately for them, it was actually caught on tape, so we have the tape of Donald Trump’s lobbyist campaign manager saying this is all an act, this is all a fake, he’s a phony. Interestingly enough, that’s almost the exact same thing Donald Trump told “The New York Times” back in January when he sat down with “The New York Times” editorial board. Trump told them he doesn’t believe what he’s saying on immigration, he’s not going to build a wall, he’s not going to deport anyone. Once again, “The New York Times” has a tape. Now, the Trump campaign denies he says that but won’t let “The Times” release the tape. If he didn’t say he’s not going to build a wall, he’s not going to deport anyone and he’s simply faking it on immigration, then Donald should release the tape. His supporters should demand that he release the tape and prove his innocence. Donald won’t do that for the same reason that he won’t show up at a debate. because this is a fraud that the lobbyists in Washington are attempting to perpetuate on the American people. This is a fraud. The stakes are too high for us to get fooled again. And we’re all used to politicians who betray us after they get elected. Donald is betraying us before he gets elected and he’s telling us he’s lying to us. And so we are fighting to beat Donald Trump for the nomination. We are going to beat Donald Trump for the nomination. No one is getting to 1237, we’re headed to a contested convention. And at that convention the nominee will be decided by whoever can earn the support of a majority of the delegates elected by the people. And I believe the only candidate who will be able to do that is me. And when we earn the support of a majority of the delegates we’re going to go forward and beat Hillary Clinton in November. Donald can’t — it would be a disaster for Republicans, for conservatives and for the country.
And, yes, I understand that the Trump campaign is going to scream and cry. That’s what they do. whining is what they do. because you notice, it is never, ever, ever Donald’s fault. Can anyone think of any instance when Donald has ever said he’s done anything wrong? It does not appear that he thinks that’s possible, that Donald could do something wrong. So it’s always the voters’ fault. It’s always the people’s fault. It’s always somebody else’s fault. But Donald J. Trump you know what, we need a president who understands the principle of the buck stops here. Donald Trump needs to learn to take some responsibility for and if he wants to make the case, show up and debate. Don’t hide behind your media surrogates. Because you’re terrified of scrutiny. Answer the questions from the voters. Have it be a town hall, real Hoosiers asking real questions about real problems. And if Donald is too terrified to answer the questions asked by the people of Indiana, how on earth is he going to stand on a debate stage with Hillary Clinton. If he’s scared of the voters now, how bad do you think he would be in a general election. and by the way, we’ve all seen a candidate in a general election who’s a loose cannon who will say any given thing on any given day. Who will wake up one day and say as Donald trump did that he thinks women should be punished for having abortions. That’s an absurd position. — Every day if Donald Trump were the nominee, we would see a circus of loose cannon statements that he tries to walk back the next day. d that would result in disaster for Republicans across the country. Now, I get that Hillary Clinton would be thrilled to see the Donald Trump train wreck in the general election. I get that the media, the network execs in just about every network are card-carrying Democrats, they are ready for Hillary. Nothing would thrill them more than a bloodbath that elects Hillary Clinton and gets great ratings while it’s happening. That is the perfect storm from a media network executive’s view, but it is a terrible outcome for the people. And this election is going to be decided by the people. And the Hoosier state, the entire country, its eyes are on this great state to choose between path do we want to go down. Do we want to go down the path of nominating a candidate whose entire campaign platform consists of yelling and screaming and cursing and insulting anyone and everyone it can find. Or do we want instead a positive, optimistic, forward-looking conservative campaign with real policy solutions to the challenges facing this country.
Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
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Breitbart TV, 2016 Presidential Race, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich
Trump Coins a New Nickname for John Kasich
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by JEROME HUDSON25 Apr 20161,084
Eight months after tagging Jeb Bush as “low energy” and labeling
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
, “Lyin’ Ted,” Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has at long last nicknamed his GOP rival John Kasich.
“Lyin’ Ted Cruz and 1 for 38 Kasich are unable to beat me on their own so they have to team up in a two on one. Shows weakness!” Trump said in a Monday morning Tweet.
The real estate mogul was just getting started. Trump called his Republican primary opponents’ alleged collusion a sign of weakness and desperation.
“Shows how weak and desperate Lyin’ Ted is when he has to team up with a guy who openly can’t stand him and is only 1 win and 38 losses,” Trump Tweeted.
Trump’s Sunday night Twitter screeds were in response to the Cruz and Kasich camps’ acknowledgment that the two campaigns are working in concert to stop Trump.
As Breitbart News reported late Sunday, the Kasich campaign has announced that it will campaign exclusively in Oregon and New Mexico, and “We will shift our campaign’s resources West and give the Cruz campaign a clear path in Indiana.”
In similar fashion, the Cruz campaign released a statement confirming collusion:
To ensure that we nominate a Republican who can unify the Republican Party and win in November, our campaign will focus its time and resources in Indiana and in turn clear the path for Gov. Kasich to compete in Oregon and New Mexico, and we would hope that allies of both campaigns would follow our lead. In other states holding their elections for the remainder of the primary season, our campaign will continue to compete vigorously to win.
Trumps campaign released a statementearly Monday, responding to the Cruz/Kasich plan to stop the Republican frontrunner from collecting the 1,237 delegates he needs to lock up the Republican nomination.
“It is sad that two grown politicians have to collude against one person who has only been a politician for ten months in order to try and stop that person from getting the Republican nomination,” the Trump statement said. “Governor Kasich, who has only won 1 state out of 41, in other words, he is 1 for 41 and he is not even doing as well as other candidates who could have stubbornly stayed in the race like him but chose not to do so.”
The next Republican primary contest will be on Tuesday, April 26 and will see the remaining three GOP candidates compete for delegates in Connecticut (28), Delaware (16), Maryland (38), Pennsylvania (71), and Rhode Island (19).
Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter: @jeromeehudson
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Liberal Panic: HuffPo Worries Trump Will Trounce Clinton on Trade
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by JULIA HAHN25 Apr 2016Washington D.C.1,436
The left-leaning Huffington Postpublished an article which seems concerned that Donald Trump could defeat Hillary Clinton in a general election contest due to his strong position on trade.
In a Friday piece entitled, “Hillary Must Toughen Up On Trade In Case She Is Nominee Against Trump,” Dave Johnson, a fellow at Campaign for America’s Future, writes:
If Hillary Clinton is going to be the Democratic nominee she had better get tough on trade – and mean it. One of Donald Trump’ main elements of appeal to his voters – if not the main appeal – is his stance on trade and bringing jobs back to America. It is a winning message and Clinton is waaaayyyy behind the curve on this.
“Much of Trump’s campaign message is about how our country’s trade deals have wiped out jobs. On Day 1 much of his speech announcing that he was running was about trade,” Johnson writes.
By contrast, Johnson says that Clinton “has a credibility problem on trade.” Johnson explains that, unlike Clinton, Trump is not dependent upon donor class elites who want more globalist trade pacts:
America’s well-to-do elites think everything is going fine. Their stock portfolios are way up, so they’re feeling good. They’re writing op-eds about how well things are going and how our corporate paradigm is doing so well for us and the world. The elite “donor class” is giving huge sums to “continuity” politicians. This is elites talking to other elites and not at all hearing what is going on in the country.
Donald Trump is not dependent on this donor class and he is saying that things are not fine, that wages are not going up, that jobs are hard to find, that trade is killing us. So people for whom things are not going fine, for whom jobs are hard to find, for whom wages are not going up and who trade is killing are listening. And that is most people in the U.S…
Clinton has a credibility problem on trade. Almost no one believes her…
“Pro-trade” voters vote for her. “Pro-trade” donors continue to give the max to her campaign. In fact, this hedging [i.e. Clinton’s hedging on trade] has left the donor and corporate class believing she is on their side, that she supports the “free trade” agenda that has killed off so many jobs, factories, entire industries, entire regions and left us with enormous, humongous trade deficits year after year after year – while making a very few at the top wealthy beyond belief.”
Johnson explains that Clinton is “leaving herself room to appeal to the donor and corporate class,” but warns that “if Clinton ‘moves to the center’ on trade after the convention, as business and donor community believes she will, she risks losing those voters who feel that these trade agreements have ruined their lives, their towns, their regions and their country.”
Johnson wonders whether these voters will “turn to Trump” over Hillary.
The liberal author explains that Trump’s economic message on immigration and trade has been at the center of his successful campaign platform:
Trade and jobs are at the center of Trump’s appeal. He rightly says China is killing us on trade and taking jobs, and people listen. He wrongly says that immigrants are taking people’s jobs, but people believe it and people listen. But it’s all jobs, jobs, jobs, and it’s a powerful message.
The author’s statement — dismissing Trump’s economic message on immigration offhand — represents a recent development for the left, which had previously acknowledged that mass migration harms the wages of workers.
In fact, American Federation of Labor (AFL) founder and president Samuel Gompers once said, “Those who favor unrestricted immigration care nothing for the people.”
The economic principle here is fairly straightforward: just as when American manufacturing workers are forced to compete with lower-wage Vietnamese workers outside the country, it creates a downward pressure on wages, if you bring in millions of low-wage workers to compete throughout the U.S. economy, it has the same wage-depressing effect on the workers against whom they are competing. The only difference is that when those foreign workers are brought into the United States, their lower wages are subsidized by welfare paid for by American taxpayers, and the imported foreign workers are given benefits such as free education for their children, and the ability to vote in U.S. elections.
In fact, so recent is the left’s abandonment of its former position on immigration that only a few years ago
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
himself — prior to his adopting the new left’s immigration platform to run for President — acknowledged the harmful effects of migration on U.S. workers. In 2007, the pre-conversion Sen. Sanders explained his opposition to the McCain-Kennedy immigration agenda in a piece entitled, “CEO-Backed Immigration Bill Would Depress U.S. Wages”:
What most concerns me about this [immigration] legislation are the provisions that would bring low-wage workers into this country in order to depress the wages of American workers, which are already in decline. With poverty increasing and the middle-class shrinking, we must not force American workers into even more economic distress. The CEOs who want this bill aren’t even embarrassed by their hypocrisy. One day they shut down plants with high-skilled, well-paid American workers, and move to China where they pay desperate people 50 cents an hour. The next day, they have the nerve to come before the U.S Congress and tell us that they can’t find skilled workers to do the jobs that they need. Give me a break.
Donald Trump is the only candidate in the race who has pledged that he would use tariffs to cancel out Chinese currency manipulation and has pledged to reduce migration.
Read More Stories About:
Big Government, 2016 Presidential Race,Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Free Trade,Chinese currency manipulation, McCain-Kennedy immigration, Samuel Gompers,AFL
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Internal campaign memo projects Trump will win 1,400 delegates at GOP convention

Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Personal Letter From Donald Trump To The American People
Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio
April 16, 2016 admin World News
Trump asks America a question: “How has the ‘system’ been working out for you and your family? No wonder voters demand change.”
Donald Trump, president and chief executive of Trump Organization Inc. and 2016 Republican presidential candidate, stands for a photograph after a Bloomberg Television interview at his campaign headquarters in Trump Tower in New York, U.S., on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015. According to Trump, Janet Yellen’s decision to delay hiking interest rates is motivated by politics. Photographer: John Taggart/Bloomberg via Getty Images *** Local Capton *** Donald Trump
The following is a letter Mr. Trump released Thursday.
April 14, 2016 7:18 p.m. ET
On Saturday, April 9, Colorado had an “election” without voters. Delegates were chosen on behalf of a presidential nominee, yet the people of Colorado were not able to cast their ballots to say which nominee they preferred.
A planned vote had been canceled. And one million Republicans in Colorado were sidelined.
In recent days, something all too predictable has happened: Politicians furiously defended the system. “These are the rules,” we were told over and over again. If the “rules” can be used to block Coloradans from voting on whether they want better trade deals, or stronger borders, or an end to special-interest vote-buying in Congress—well, that’s just the system and we should embrace it.
Let me ask America a question: How has the “system” been working out for you and your family?
I, for one, am not interested in defending a system that for decades has served the interest of political parties at the expense of the people. Members of the club—the consultants, the pollsters, the politicians, the pundits and the special interests—grow rich and powerful while the American people grow poorer and more isolated.
No one forced anyone to cancel the vote in Colorado. Political insiders made a choice to cancel it. And it was the wrong choice.
Responsible leaders should be shocked by the idea that party officials can simply cancel elections in America if they don’t like what the voters may decide.
The only antidote to decades of ruinous rule by a small handful of elites is a bold infusion of popular will. On every major issue affecting this country, the people are right and the governing elite are wrong. The elites are wrong on taxes, on the size of government, on trade, on immigration, on foreign policy.
Why should we trust the people who have made every wrong decision to substitute their will for America’s will in this presidential election?
Here, I part ways with Sen. Ted Cruz.
Mr. Cruz has toured the country bragging about his voterless victory in Colorado. For a man who styles himself as a warrior against the establishment (you wouldn’t know it from his list of donors and endorsers), you’d think he would be demanding a vote for Coloradans. Instead, Mr. Cruz is celebrating their disenfranchisement.
Likewise, Mr. Cruz loudly boasts every time party insiders disenfranchise voters in a congressional district by appointing delegates who will vote the opposite of the expressed will of the people who live in that district.
That’s because Mr. Cruz has no democratic path to the nomination. He has been mathematically eliminated by the voters.
While I am self-funding, Mr. Cruz rakes in millions from special interests. Yet despite his financial advantage, Mr. Cruz has won only three primaries outside his home state and trails me by two million votes—a gap that will soon explode even wider. Mr. Cruz loses when people actually get to cast ballots. Voter disenfranchisement is not merely part of the Cruz strategy—it is the Cruz strategy.
The great irony of this campaign is that the “Washington cartel” that Mr. Cruz rails against is the very group he is relying upon in his voter-nullification scheme.
My campaign strategy is to win with the voters. Ted Cruz’s campaign strategy is to win despite them.
What we are seeing now is not a proper use of the rules, but a flagrant abuse of the rules. Delegates are supposed to reflect the decisions of voters, but the system is being rigged by party operatives with “double-agent” delegates who reject the decision of voters.
The American people can have no faith in such a system. It must be reformed.
Just as I have said that I will reform our unfair trade, immigration and economic policies that have also been rigged against Americans, so too will I work closely with the chairman of the Republican National Committee and top GOP officials to reform our election policies. Together, we will restore the faith—and the franchise—of the American people.
We must leave no doubt that voters, not donors, choose the nominee.
How have we gotten to the point where politicians defend a rigged delegate-selection process with more passion than they have ever defended America’s borders?
Perhaps it is because politicians care more about securing their private club than about securing their country.
My campaign will, of course, battle for every last delegate. We will work within the system that exists now, while fighting to have it reformed in the future. But we will do it the right way. My campaign will seek maximum transparency, maximum representation and maximum voter participation.
We will run a campaign based on empowering voters, not sidelining them.
Let us take inspiration from patriotic Colorado citizens who have banded together in protest. Let us make Colorado a rallying cry on behalf of all the forgotten people whose desperate pleas have for decades fallen on the deaf ears and closed eyes of our rulers in Washington, D.C.
The political insiders have had their way for a long time. Let 2016 be remembered as the year the American people finally got theirs.
Mr. Trump is a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.
Shared from the Wall Street Journal
Friday, April 15, 2016
EXCLUSIVE: Colorado Caucus Volunteers: Ballot Errors Hurt Trump Delegate Candidates, Could Have Violated State Rules - Breitbart
Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio
by Patrick Howley15 Apr 20160
15 Apr, 201615 Apr, 2016 Volunteers at the Colorado Republican Assembly are coming forward with evidence to indicate that their state’s delegate selection process was riddled with errors that disadvantaged some Donald Trump supporters who were running to become national delegates.
The errors could have violated state bylaws significantly enough that some of the results could be contested, according to the volunteers.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) took all 34 of Colorado’s delegates last week in a process that closed down traditional caucus voting to the public.
A handful of volunteers spoke to Breitbart News about the process.
“I’m the former Chairman of the Pueblo County Republican Party and the person who developed the Slates for National Delegates for the Trump team. The Colorado GOP website was filled with errors posted about the National Delegates,” Nancy Mizel told Breitbart News.
Mizel took a photograph of a ballot in Congressional District 7 that included ONLY the ballot numbers of delegate candidates, NOT the names of the candidates as required by state bylaws.
(Photo: Becky Mizel)
But Article Xiii of the Colorado Republican Convention bylaws (Assemblies and Conventions Section A) show that a delegate candidate must be identified alongside the name of the presidential candidate that he or she is pledged to support, so long as the delegate candidate discloses that information:
Candidates for national convention delegate need not identify the presidential candidate they are pledged to support, but may do so at their option. The ballot shall include the presidential candidate each candidate for national delegate is pledged to support, or shall indicate that the candidate for national delegate is unpledged. CRC Bylaws, Art. XIII, § A(5)(c).
Here are stories of three of the volunteers in their own words:
Kimberly JaJack:
JaJack, a Trump supporter, tells Breitbart News that she was not allowed to vote at the State Assembly:
I was a delegate. I pledged support for Donald Trump. In the Arapahoe County section they had designated seating areas for your last name. When it came time to pass the ballots out, someone from the Colorado GOP came around and started calling out names. When you received your ballot you received a mark on your name.
She went directly from K to I and skipped the Js. She said she didn’t have the Js….
…I asked a few people, no one seemed to have the ballots for my last name. At that particular time, I had to do my ten-second speech because I was running for national delegate. I came back and said I don’t have a ballot and I went to Andie, the president of the Cherry Creek Republican Women in Colorado, and she looked at her board. She had my name on this page and it had a check mark next to it. She looked at it and said “this is a check mark.” I said “This is my badge, you do NOT see a mark on it, do you?”
I approached a representative of Donald Trump’s campaign and I went to Steve House, chairman of the Colorado GOP. He took my name and telephone number.
JaJack said that she found out that another woman in Arapahoe County later told her that she had her ballot, but by then it was too late to vote. JaJack said that she has not heard back from the Colorado GOP. She says her case represents a “serious injustice.”
JaJack told her story at the time in a video obtained by Breitbart News:
Becky Mizel:
Mizel told Breitbart News about the extent of the errors she observed:
While I was putting together the National Delegate Slates for Mr. Trump on April 5th or 6th, copied and pasted from the Colorado GOP website – I noticed my name was missing from the website as being a national delegate candidate. Even though I had submitted timely paperwork. I called the GOP HQ. They said it was an error and they would correct it. Gave me ballot number 602 over the phone. I assumed my delegate name was corrected and added although even as ofThursday my name was still not on the website as a delegate.
I don’t know if it was ever added to the website. If I had not checked the website, which probably few do, I would never have even known the mistake and would have been completely missed as a delegate candidate. This may have happened to others who thought they were delegate candidates and were not. Only a guess. I have never implied my number was deliberately changed nor claimed I was deliberately left off the lists. If names were left off possibly numbers were also confused. I have no idea regarding their process, A series of errors that appeared to happen to myself and others and were not unique to only Trump candidates.
Folks with ballots numbered higher than 588 – those people I assume we’re errors in entry – were not published as national delegate candidates in the GOP program- nor listed in the voting booklet. Disappointing, since candidates were only allowed 10 second speeches. Being left off both informational programs was disheartening.
Nancy McKiernan:
Trump volunteer Nancy McKiernan described the chaos to Breitbart News:
Jan Herron and I and another friend were volunteers at the Trump table at the Colorado Republican State Assembly on Saturday, 4/9/2016 and witnessed a lot of confusion regarding these numbers.
When I arrived at the table at around noon, I was told by other volunteers that some of the numbers that were printed on the official Trump slates (Exhibit A) were wrong and needed to be changed. My understanding from speaking with Becky is the numbers on the slate were taken directly off of the Colorado GOP website. In trying to ascertain what the correct numbers should be, I looked in the Assembly & Convention program (Exhibit B, Paid for by the Colorado Republican Committee, and noticed that the numbers only went up to 588, yet for 4 of the delegates on the slate, their numbers were higher than 588, and therefore not listed in the program:
#589 Kimberly Jajack
#598 Rheba Massay
#602 Becky Mizel
#610 Gabriel Schwartz
I started asking around to try to figure out what the delegates were using as a reference to vote with; what was the “official” guide to match names to numbers? I was given a “Delegates to the Republican National Convention Ballot Supplement” (Exhibit C) and cross referenced numbers and names on the slate with this. Inserted into it was a blue sheet of paper containing names of delegates with numbers from 596 – 619 (Exhibit D). This sheet of paper included names for Unpledged, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and John Kasich delegates. When cross checking the slate with this “supplement”, I found these discrepancies between the Official Trump slate and the Ballot Supplement:
Name Number on Slate Number on Ballot Supplement
Robert Jenkins #257 #259
William Lambert #289 #298
Jerome Parks #379 #401
Becky Mizel #602 #606 (from blue sheet insert)
I witnessed several Trump delegates coming to the volunteer table, confused and frustrated, asking what numbers they should be using to vote for people on the Trump slate. While I was helping one gentleman fill out his ballot, I noticed errors/misprints on the ballots themselves (Exhibit E-1, E-2), e.g. two number 523’s but no 513, two 378’s, but no 379. I also noticed there were 948 numbers on the ballot, but as far as I could tell delegate numbers only went up to 619.
One woman reported that she was very angry that numbers corresponding to Trump delegates were left off the ballot. I do not have specifics on this, other than #379, Nicolas Robert Neitzel…
…Another woman/Trump supporter, reported that she was an alternate delegate and was elevated to delegate, and then was told they made a mistake and the delegate credential she had been given was ripped up. She said she was elevated again and then dropped back down to alternate a 2nd time. She was visibly upset, said I feel like I’m in a third world country and left without filling out her ballot…
When I left at approximately 5:00 pm, delegates were still walking up to the Trump volunteer table, confused, upset and asking questions. Shortly before I left, a gentleman, who was very upset, asked if he should go talk to Colorado GOP State Chairman Steve House to report the issues he encountered and set off to do just that.
Overall, what I witnessed appeared to be very chaotic, confusing and lacking in integrity. I saw delegates walking around with ballots and wondered if anyone was keeping track of them. Was there anything to stop someone from getting some extra ballots as they were roaming about and putting them in the ballot boxes? I don’t know, as I didn’t go into the arena itself, where ballots were being turned in. However, I got a general feeling of uneasiness in how things were being run.
From what I understand, mistakes were also made for Cruz delegates. However I did not track those.
The Colorado Republican Party did not immediately return a request for comment for this report.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
The Truth About The Colorado Delegate Controversy | Donald Trump vs. Ted Cruz
Monday, April 11, 2016
Trump erupts as Cruz sweeps Colorado without votes
Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio
Donald Trump
Republican presidential front-runner Trump erupted on Twitter Sunday night, after a weekend which saw Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas sweep all of Colorado’s 37 delegates without any votes being cast by citizens in a traditional primary process.
“How is it possible that the people of the great State of Colorado never got to vote in the Republican Primary? Great anger – totally unfair!” wrote Trump.
He followed it up with a second tweet: “The people of Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the phony politicians. Biggest story in politics. This will not be allowed!”
It was last August when officials with the Republican Party in Colorado decided it would not let voters take part in the early nomination process.
The Denver Post reported Aug. 25: “The GOP executive committee has voted to cancel the traditional presidential preference poll after the national party changed its rules to require a state’s delegates to support the candidate that wins the caucus vote.”
“It takes Colorado completely off the map” in the primary season, Ryan Call, a former state GOP chairman, told the paper.
In late February, just before Super Tuesday, the Post published a scathing editorial, saying the party blundered on the 2016 presidential caucus:
“GOP leaders have never provided a satisfactory reason for forgoing a presidential preference poll, although party chairman Steve House suggested on radio at one point that too many Republicans would otherwise flock to their local caucus.
“Imagine that: party officials fearing that an interesting race might propel thousands of additional citizens to participate. But of course that might dilute the influence of elites and insiders. You can see why that could upset the faint-hearted.”
One self-avowed Trump supporter took to YouTube to express his displeasure at the process, and burned his Republican registration on camera.
“Republican Party, take note. I think you’re gonna see a whole lot more of these,” he said as he ignited his registration.
“I’ve been in the Republican Party all my life, but I will never be a Republican ever again. …You’ve had it. You’re done. You’re toast. Because I quit the party. I’m voting for Trump, and to hell with the Republican Party.”
The popular Drudge Report news site splashed a headline in red stating, “Cruz celebrates voterless victory.”
The delegate selection process in Colorado is complicated.
The Cortez Journal reported: “Cruz had 17 bound delegates ahead of the Republican state convention. Another four delegates are unpledged but publicly expressed support for the candidate, who hopes to curb momentum seen by front-runner Donald Trump.
“Cruz declared victory in Colorado, pointing out that he won all 21 delegates from the state’s seven congressional assemblies. Another 13 delegates were awarded at the state convention on Saturday. An additional three delegates in Colorado’s 37-member national delegation are unpledged party leaders.”
Cruz himself noted on Saturday, “This has been a remarkable year. I will say this, it hasn’t been boring.”
Monday, April 4, 2016
Cruz snaring Trump's Arizona delegates
Friday, April 1, 2016
Erick Erickson Website “Resurgent” Paid By Pro-Cruz/Anti-Trump “Our Principles PAC”…





Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Cruz email confirmation on the database
Cruz email confirmation on the database
**UPDATE 3/27/2016 9:36pm CST**
- Sign up was straight forward. We entered our information and ticked the we agree with the terms of service check box and were off and away.
- We received our account creation email. However, there was no account activation link or confirmation link. Here is the fine print in the bottom of the “Welcome to Day 1 of your Ashley Madison experience”.
Toronto, ON Canada M4P 1E4
Below is a video EXPOSING the NATIONAL ENQUIRER story

When this is all over, it is John Doe the nation has to thank for being brave enough to come forward. Right now, the only thing that concerns him is that he doesn’t want to get a reputation for being a whistleblower.
John has been tweeting under the handle Stop Ted Cruz for several weeks now. He tweeted to Ann Coulter on Feb. 11:
[Tweet Feb 11] “I used to work for Ted Cruz and now look at my Twitter handle the guy is a huge liar.”
Then John Doe offers proof of his employment as communications director:
[Tweet, Feb. 12]
“…follow for DM of proof that I worked on campaign as comm director.
[Tweet, March 10 ]
“…a plan that was hatched on January 15th for the record.”
[ March 10]
“What, the robo calls were planned on Jan. 15th?”
[Tweet, March 10]
“…the plan for caucus night was made 2 weeks prior.”
“…I believe it is was too well coordinated to have been on the spot”
“What was he like in person, day to day?”
[Tweet, Mar. 28]
“The strategy by the Cruz Campaign is pretty obvious: trying to bring Trump down has failed so now let’s bring down his staff and family.”
“They are setting Trump up for a red wedding style betrayal we need to be in Cleveland ready.”
The Red Wedding is apparently a reference to an episode in “Game of Thrones”.
The meaning is that they intend to take Trump down in some nefarious way at the convention in Cleveland.
[March 29]
“The cruz camp wouldn’t expect defectors like me because the campaign is run similarly to Jones Town”.
“The basic story is I have worked on republican campaigns since I graduated from ….. 24 years ago. Not once have I quit a campaign even when I had disagreements with strategy, language, anything really.”
“Wow, not surprised at all – he always did seem slimy to us and I have always said it was more like a cult.”
“My husband wants to know if he can use this information and should he say from a reliable source, or characterize it in another way, or if not we certainly understand.”
“It’s 100% true that he has affairs. All top-level staffers got an email directly from Heidi Cruz saying that she knew about it and it was ok, and for us to not concern ourselves with it.”
Good day.- Bill Still