Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Convention Delegates are the only hope!

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

I wanted to reach out to all of you and let you know where the campaign and the election process stands today. As you all know Senator Cruz suspended his campaign. All this means is he is not actively campaigning but he technically is still able to be voteor, nominated and so forth.

Now as the campaigns have worked to obtain delegates and reach the magic 1237 all of this never has meant anything more than a predictor of what would happen at the convention. For the candidate is selected there and only there through the delegates voting ‘your interests’. Some are bound and others are not. We could go into all the various challenges to binding delegates but that argument really has no merit in this email. What you need to understand is once there is a second vote all delegates are unbound.
So these delegates show up at the convention and they vote on plank issues, future convention rules and a myriad of other items all to promote the republican cause. This is why it is still so important to have Cruz minded delegates at the convention. Eventually they come to the ‘main event’, the voting for the presidential nominee. Now it is this first vote that is telling and also what the media has reported the delegate count to predict this outcome. As each state usually verbally declares their votes for each candidate they are tallied. Once the first rounds of votes are declared if the total for any single candidate is greater than 1237 the place goes nuts and the nominee is declared.
If a candidate only gets 1236 or less then delegates get together through some process and try to change or exchange votes for round two. This process is repeated until a candidate has more than 1237.
Now some people keep mentioning rule 40b. Rule 40b applied form the 2012 convention requires any nominee for the Republican Party to have at least a majority of delegates in at least 8 states. Today there is only two that qualify to be nominated, that being Trump and Cruz. Again if the vote is not won by Trump in round 1 there is a potential for a Cruz victory.

This week we will forgo a conference call. Also know we have been asked to hold on to the barn signs until there is a better feeling for what may happen at the convention. I imagine we may work on collecting them to distribute to the local area for a last minute delegate push, but I am just guessing at this point.
Thank you for all your hard work and prays. Julie and I will be in touch as we are discussing another project once more formalized we will invite you to help out. Until then ‘our lips are sealed’.

So proud of all of you and what we accomplished. We will be in touch!
Julie and James

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