Sunday, February 28, 2016

Donald J. Trump runs the table on SUPER TUESDAY

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Donald J. Trump runs the table on SUPER TUESDAY…/super-tuesday-landslide-trump-dom…

Super Tuesday Polling - Donald J. Trump runs the table on SUPER TUESDAY
-          Nation Wide Rep. Trump +18 – Virginia (49) Trump +14.5, Texas (172) Cruz +8.6, Georgia (76) Trump +14.4, Mass.(42) Trump +26.0, Oklahoma (43) Trump +7.0, Alabama (50)  Trump +15.0, Tenn. (58)Trump +14, Arkansas (40) Trump +5 Cruz +4, VT (16) Trump +15, Minn (38) Trump +7 Rubio +2, Colorado (37) Carson +6, Alaska (28) Trump +4, 

1.        Donald J. Trump wins NV Caucus
-          Fox News reported after NV - The New York billionaire businessman won among women, among evangelicals, among self-described conservatives – and even among the few Hispanics who voted in Nevada. “We won with evangelicals, we won with young, we won with old, we won with highly educated, we won with poorly educated,” Trump said in Las Vegas after his win Tuesday night in Nevada
a.       China Warns U.S. After Trump Wins Nevada Caucus and “We are watching with great interest”
-          Rubio V Trump Houston Debate CNN Health Care (1B)
-          Tax Return issues explained on CNN Erin Burnett and Bill Kristol Loses it (1A)
a.       Rubio False you cant determine Trumps net worth on Tax Return
b.      Romney False you cant determine Trumps charity on Tax Return
-          CNN Don Lemon with Trump on Hilary Email.  She should be procuted (1D)

2.       Ted Cruz
-          Chris Wallace on Fox today with Cruz and the 4 lies he made (2A)
-          The Circuit Court of Cook County in Chicago has agreed to hear a lawsuit on Sen. Ted Cruz's eligibility for president — virtually ensuring that the issue dominates the news in the runup to the South Carolina primary.
-          In the lobby of a Hampton Inn on Saturday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) spotted Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)’s father and a campaign staffer eating breakfast with the Bible on the table. “Got a good book there,” Rubio said to the staffer. “All the answers are in there. Especially in that one.” Fired COM. Dir.
3.       Rubio
-          Bill Orielly and Glitch go at it. (3A)
-          Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council President Chris Crane is issuing a challenge to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) following Rubio’s attack on the officer. In an email to Rubio’s campaign — an exclusive copy of which is being provided to Breitbart News— Crane challenges Rubio to meet so that ICE Officer Crane can present Rubio with his badge and his credentials. Crane represents America’s ICE officers and is an ICE officer himself.
a.       “You recently lied to the American public on FOX news regarding my current status and career as both an ICE Agent and Officer,” Crane writes in his email to Rubio. “I challenge you to make yourself available, as a United States Senator and Presidential Candidate, so that I may present my badge and credentials to you as proof that your comments on FOX news are false.”

4.       Clinton – BLM MOMs helped me (4A) Trayvon martins mom and others
-          Dems SC Primary –  (4B Screaming America acceptance speech)
a.       Hillary Clinton is on pace to beat Bernie Sanders by about 37 points in South Carolina, in large part because of her huge 87 to 13 margin among black voters. Clinton did even better among black voters than President Barack Obama in in 2008, according to exit polling.  Her victory speech reflected her coalition. "We also have to face the reality of systemic racism that more than a half a century (after) Rosa Parks sat and Dr. King marched and John Lewis bled still plays a significant role in determining who gets ahead in America and who gets left behind,"
-          TEL AVIV – 1,500 pages of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails
a.       provide insight into the level of support the U.S. was considering in 2012 for Egypt’s newly elected Muslim Brotherhood government.
-          TEL AVIV (Lybia) – As a presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton
a.       has been making great efforts to distance herself from the disastrous consequences of the U.S.-NATO intervention in Libya in 2011.
b.      A lengthy article published on the cover of Sunday’s New York Times details Clinton’s central role in convincing President Obama to join the effort to topple Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, leaving Libya, as the Times puts it, a “failed state and a terrorist haven.”
c.       The Times documents Clinton’s role was “critical in persuading Mr. Obama to join allies in bombing Colonel Qaddafi’s forces.””
d.      “In fact, Mr. Obama’s defense secretary, Robert M. Gates, would later say that in a ‘51-49’ decision, it was Mrs. Clinton’s support that put the ambivalent president over the line.”
e.      “The consequences” of her actions, the Times posits, “would be more far-reaching than anyone imagined, leaving Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven, a place where the direst answers to Mrs. Clinton’s questions have come to pass.”
f.        The Times  relates Clinton’s attempts to own the war, with her staffs’ efforts putting her “at the center of everything” related to the Libya intervention.
-          In an explosive new interview, award-winning filmmaker Cyrus Nowrasteh (The Stoning of Soraya M., The Young Messiah) detailed how Bill and Hillary Clinton allegedly used their influence at Disney/ABC to effectively ban the 2006 miniseries The Path to 9/11, which examined the events leading up to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.

5.       Billions wrong payments in Obamacare
6.       Kerry Having ‘Additional Evaluation’ Done to Decide if Slaughter of Mideast Christians is Genocide.  “we need more information and we will get it some day”

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