Showing posts with label email scandal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label email scandal. Show all posts

Monday, June 6, 2016

State Dept.: 75-year wait for Clinton aide emails

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Washington (CNN)The Republican National Committee would have to wait 75 years for the State Department to release emails from top aides to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according to a recent court filing.

State Department lawyers argue in a filing made last Wednesday that gathering 450,000 pages of records requested for former Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Jacob Sullivan and top State Department official Patrick Kennedy would take three quarters of a century.

"Given the Department's current FOIA workload and the complexity of these documents, it can process about 500 pages a month, meaning it would take approximately 16-and-2/3 years to complete the review of the Mills documents, 33-and-1/3 years to finish the review of the Sullivan documents, and 25 years to wrap up the review of the Kennedy documents -- or 75 years in total," the State Department argued in the filing.

State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau declined Monday to comment on the RNC lawsuit specifically, but said that requests have tripled since 2008 and staff has been spread thin.

"The volume of FOIA requests received by the Department has tripled since 2008. In fiscal year 2015 alone we received approximately 22,000 FOIA requests," Trudeau said. "The requests are also frequently more complex and seek larger volumes of documents, requiring significantly more time, resources, and interagency coordination. While we have increased staffing for our FOIA office, our available resources are still nonetheless constrained."

The RNC filed suit against the State Department in March, saying it was stalling releasing records in response to a December FOIA request.


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Cruz email confirmation on the database

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Cruz email confirmation on the database

*Information accessed via:
Our case study into this issue was just performed (9.21pm CST March 27, 2016) and although the sign up process could have been altered, it is a possibility that someone else did use the email address of Senator Cruz to occupy the account.  On the flip side to that disclosure, the questions is:
Why would someone use his email address and then not have access to the website if they ever needed a password change?  Actually, why ever do it at all?

Do we know with certainty that Ted Cruz created this account?  We cannot answer.  This could have been done by an aide, staffer or other working with Ted Cruz with access to that email address without his knowledge.
Do we believe that Ted Cruz created and/or had access to utilize this account?  You better believe we do!
Cruz email confirmation on the database

#CruzAshleyMadison trending.  Ya know, just for fun.

**UPDATE 3/27/2016 9:36pm CST**

We don’t pretend to know Government protocol for email.  We only know not to get any advice from Hillary Clinton on that matter.  We’ve just went through an entire sign up process on the website and our findings are below.

  1.  Sign up was straight forward.  We entered our information and ticked the we agree with the terms of service check box and were off and away.
  2. We received our account creation email.  However, there was no account activation link or confirmation link.  Here is the fine print in the bottom of the “Welcome to Day 1 of your Ashley Madison experience”.

Please do not reply to this email message. It was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming email. It won’t reach us. For questions or concerns, please visit our “Contact Us” page:*CONTACTPAGE
You are receiving this Email Notification because you or someone using your email address has signed up as a member to our service. The email address we have on file for profile number [000000000] is: ***************@********
If you have received this email in error, or if you wish to delete your account or unsubscribe from Email Notifications, please choose one of the options below:
Unsubscribe from Email Notifications | Delete Account
USA and Canada Address:
PO Box 67027
Toronto, ON Canada M4P 1E4
International Address:
9 Karpensiou, 2021 Nicosia

So back to our opening statement, it would be odd for sure that nobody heard about an attempt of some deviant to attempt to use Ted Cruz’s email address.  It would almost be obvious that he would have came out in a BIG, BOLD statement against the use of his private Government email and also had an opportunity to blast the unsavory website that promotes infidelity,
Below is a video EXPOSING the NATIONAL ENQUIRER story

Dear , this is UNREAL. I don't have anywhere else to turn -- so I'm turning to you.

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Ted Cruz Personal Email -- May Include Privileged Communication

Dear , this is UNREAL. I don't have anywhere else to turn -- so I'm turning to you.
"Once in a lifetime," is not a strong enough phrase to describe the importance of this moment and amount of pressure our campaign is under right now.
AND I don't have anywhere else to turn -- so I'm turning to you.
I need to ask you for a personal favor -- even though it may come at great personal expense.
With only hours before tomorrow's MIDNIGHT FEC deadline -- and just a few days before the Wisconsin primary (perhaps the most important primary before the RNC nominating convention) -- I need your help now more than ever.
I'm going to do my part -- to take on Donald Trump -- and show all of America that I'm the one candidate who will defeat Donald Trump, who will defeat Hillary Clinton in November, and who will reverse the years of destruction from Obama -- restoring our country to its founding, conservative principles.
But I really need you to do your part too...
You see: my campaign faces its biggest challenge in only a few hours, and I know we can win if I have the resources.
But as of this morning, I am $219,326 short of what I need for my FEC deadline.
Will you do your part right now -- before tomorrow night's deadline -- by making a $35, $50, or $100 special gift?
I hope you know me well enough by now to know that I wouldn't ask if it weren't vitally important and that I wouldn't ask you this favor if I wasn't willing to make the same deep sacrifices myself.
Please let me briefly explain because I'm running out of time.
Running for President of the United States has come at a steep price with relentless attacks coming from all sides on my family, my marriage, and worst of all, attacks against my young children.
It is only by the grace of God, the prayers of my friends and family -- my dad is a prayer warrior -- and the continued support of people just like you have I been able to endure such deep personal sacrifices.
, this battle I fight daily is a responsibility not to be taken lightly.
But, if I'm being honest, I must share something with you...
Every single time we have a victory for the campaign or that we see a bump in the polls -- the negative attacks double and triple against us.
Between Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, the liberal media, and the Washington Cartel, there is not one moment where they are not savagely attacking me. And , by extension of our shared conservative values, they're attacking YOU too.
Rest assured -- no matter how hard they try to drag my name through the mud, I will not give in to them.
But now, I really need you to make your own personal sacrifice for this campaign -- click here to make a special sacrificial donation of $35, $50, or even $10 if you can afford it.
You see: the sacrifices I'm making for our campaign are deep and personal. I'm proud and even honored to be making them on your behalf, but today, before the most important deadline that we face at MIDNIGHT tomorrow, I need to hear back from you personally.
To make it as quick and easy as possible for you to respond, I've asked my team to put together the secure links below.
You can use them to make an instant, secure gift to support me when I need it most:
Please, time is critical.
, I hope to hear back from you before tomorrow's deadline passes.
For liberty,

Ted Cruz 
PAID FOR BY CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy

149 S. Barrington Ave. #401
Los Angeles CA 90049

Friday, March 11, 2016

Source: Clinton IT specialist revealing server details to FBI, 'devastating witness'

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Published March 11, 2016
New information on 22 SUPER top secret Clinton emails

Former Hillary Clinton IT specialist Bryan Pagliano, a key witness in the email probe who struck an immunity deal with the Justice Department, has told the FBI a range of details about how her personal email system was set up, according to an intelligence source close to the case who called him a “devastating witness.”
The source said Pagliano told the FBI who had access to the former secretary of state’s system – as well as when – and what devices were used, amounting to a roadmap for investigators.
"Bryan Pagliano is a devastating witness and, as the webmaster, knows exactly who had access to [Clinton's] computer and devices at specific times. His importance to this case cannot be over-emphasized," the intelligence source said.
The source, who is not authorized to speak on the record due to the sensitivity of the ongoing investigation, said Pagliano has provided information allowing investigators to knit together the emails with other evidence, including images of Clinton on the road as secretary of state.
The cross-referencing of evidence could help investigators pinpoint potential gaps in the email record. "Don't forget all those photos with her using various devices and it is easy to track the whereabouts of her phone," the source said. "It is still boils down to a paper case. Did you email at this time from your home or elsewhere using this device? And here is a picture of you and your aides holding the devices."  
A source close to Pagliano did not dispute the basic details of what was provided to the FBI, but said the highly skilled former State Department IT specialist had met with the bureau on a "limited basis" and was at best a "peripheral" player in the investigation.
At a Democratic debate Wednesday evening, Clinton brushed off the question when asked by the moderator whether she would withdraw from the presidential race if faced with criminal charges.
Univision’s Jorge Ramos asked, "If you get indicted, will you drop out?" Clinton responded, "My goodness. That is not going to happen. I'm not even answering that question."
She then added her now standard explanation that nothing she sent or received was marked classified at the time. While technically correct, the distinction appears misleading. The January 2009 classified information non-disclosure agreement signed by Clinton says she understood that classified information could be marked and unmarked, as well as verbal communications. 
Classification is based on content, not markings.
The intelligence source said the FBI is "extremely focused" on the 22 “top secret” emails deemed too damaging to national security to publicly release under any circumstances, with agents reviewing those sent by Clinton as well her subordinates including former chief of staff Cheryl Mills.
"Mrs. Clinton sending them in this instance would show her intent much more than would receiving [them],” the source said. "Hillary Clinton was at a minimum grossly negligent in her handling of NDI [National Defense Information] materials merely by her insisting that she utilize a private server versus a [U.S. government] server. Remember, NDI does not have to be classified." According to the Congressional Research Service, NDI is broadly defined to include “information that they have reason to know could be used to harm the national security.”
It was emphasized to Fox News that Clinton’s deliberate “creation” and “control” of the private server used for her official government business is the subject of intense scrutiny. Pagliano knows key details as to how the private server was installed and maintained in her home.
The 22 “top secret” emails are not public, but in a Jan. 14 unclassified letter, first reported by Fox News,  Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III notified Congress of the findings of a recent comprehensive review by intelligence agencies identifying "several dozen" additional classified emails -- including specific intelligence known as "special access programs" (SAP). 
That indicates a level of classification beyond even "top secret," the label previously given to other emails found on her server, and brings even more scrutiny to the presidential candidate's handling of the government's closely held secrets.
Pagliano's lawyer offered no on-record comment for this report. Clinton recently told CBS, “I'm delighted that [Pagliano] has agreed to cooperate, as everyone else has. And I think that we will be moving toward a resolution of this.” 
The FBI has not commented beyond the public statements of FBI Director James Comey, who recently told Congress: “I can assure you is that I am very close personally to that investigation to ensure that we have the resources we need, including people and technology, and that it’s done the way the FBI tries to do all of its work: independently, competently and promptly.”
The intelligence source described the morale of agents as "very good and nobody is moping around which is the first sign a big case is going south."
Catherine Herridge is an award-winning Chief Intelligence correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC) based in Washington, D.C. She covers intelligence, the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security. Herridge joined FNC in 1996 as a London-based correspondent.
Pamela K. Browne is Senior Executive Producer at the FOX News Channel (FNC) and is Director of Long-Form Series and Specials. Her journalism has been recognized with several awards. Browne first joined FOX in 1997 to launch the news magazine “Fox Files” and later, “War Stories

Thursday, January 28, 2016

FBI's Clinton investigation not letting up

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Six months after it began, the federal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server shows no signs of slowing down.

Former FBI officials said the length of the probe is not unusual, and speculated that a decision on whether to file charges against Clinton of her top aides could come later this year, during the heat of the general election campaign.

“I don’t know that there’s any magical cutoff date,” said Ron Hosko, the FBI’s former assistant director of the criminal investigative division and a 30-year veteran of the bureau.

For Democrats, the extended investigation has become a source of some anxiety, with Republicans gleefully raising the prospect of their presidential front-runner being indicted.

“It does give pause to Democrats who are concerned that there may be another shoe to drop down the road,” said Andrew Smith, a political science professor at the University of New Hampshire.

The government has been looking into the possible mishandling of classified information since last July, when the inspector general for the intelligence community issued a security referral about the possible mishandling of classified information on Clinton's server.

That referral came months after Clinton acknowledged that she had exclusively used a personal email address housed on a private server during her tenure as secretary of State.

The scrutiny of Clinton’s email practices has mounted since then, as more than 1,300 emails that passed through her “homebrew” setup have been marked as classified, some at the highest levels.

The State Department and Clinton’s campaign contend that none of the information in the emails was classified when it was originally sent, and have portrayed the matter as an inter-agency dispute.

The FBI and Justice Department have refused to discuss the details of their investigation and declined to comment to The Hill.

However, officials have indicated that the bureau is not targeting Clinton specifically, but instead is investigating whether any information on her account was mishandled. Earlier this month, Fox News reported that the FBI had expanded its probe to examine how the State Department’s work intersected with the Clinton family foundation.

In December, FBI Director James Comey pledged that the probe would be “competent,” “honest” and “independent.”

“We don't give a rip about politics,” he told a Senate committee.

Yet the FBI is well aware of the high political stakes surrounding the investigation.

“I think the clock ticks louder every day,” said Hosko, who is the president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund. “I’m sure they’re all incredibly sensitive to it.”

President Obama has downplayed Clinton’s email setup, claiming that it was “not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.”

Multiple former officials, lawmakers and lawyers have said they are confident that Comey, who is a Republican, will not let the presidential campaign influence the FBI’s investigation. 

Yet many conservatives worry that even if the FBI comes up with sufficient evidence that Clinton broke the law, the Justice Department will decline to press charges. In response, some have pressed for a special prosecutor to be appointed, or for the FBI to pledge to release the evidence that it dug up. 

So far, Democrats have largely publicly shrugged of the threat of criminal action by painting it as a partisan attack from Republicans.

Clinton’s top rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), channeled the feelings of Democrats in October when he told Clinton during a debate that “the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails.”

But Clinton will have to confront the issue more forcefully if charges are actually filed. 

And should Clinton win the nomination, the topic is sure to rear its head in the general election — even if no indictment is ever handed down. 

A general election fight over the emails could weaken Democratic enthusiasm and turn off swing voters, some analysts predicted. 

“More likely, it’s going to sour some of those folks in the middle,” said Doug Roscoe, a political science professor at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

“Having to be in the news talking about this investigation takes her off-message,” he added.

It might not be Clinton herself who faces the music for any potential crime, however.

The former secretary of State did not appear to send most of the emails now marked classified. Instead, they were largely sent or forwarded along to her by close aides.

“It’d be a lot harder to make a criminal charge for having received [classified] information," said Bradley Moss, a lawyer who specializes in national security and protection of classified information

“If I’m in Clinton’s campaign, I’m more worried if am Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin or Jake Sullivan than if I’m Hillary Clinton,” Moss said. Mills, Abedin and Sullivan were all top aides of Clinton’s at the State Department. Abedin and Sullivan continue to hold high positions in Clinton’s presidential campaign. 

“The sloppiness and the complete fundamental failure to comply with any aspect of operational and informational security is what puts them at risk,” Moss said. “You just can’t do that that many times and not expect to find yourself in trouble.”

Clinton’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment from The Hill.


Sunday, January 24, 2016

SmythRadio Show Sunday 24 Jan 16 - Trump Palin Destroy the Media while Hilary Melts Down over Sanders

Listen To Military Veteran Talk Radio

1.       Trump
-          Sara Palin (1A)  - “Based on @MegynKelly’s conflict of interest and bias she should not be allowed to be a moderator of the next debate,” Trump posted to Twitter on Saturday
a.       Megan Kelly on Sara

b.      Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “The Kelly File,” National Review editor Rich Lowry. Conservatives Against Trump – Glenn Beck (endorses Cruz) , Bill Kristol, Erick Erickson, Andy Mccarthy, Michael Mukasey, Tomas Sowell, Brent Bozell, Dana Loesch, Katie Pavlich, David Macintosh. National Review loses GOP debate sponsorship over anti-Trump issue. (1C)  

c.       Trump and Beck – Beck (CNN money article) “Trump wins it will be a Snowball to Hell”  "We need a new George Washington," Beck said at the rally. "Today's Washington will not be found in the garish light of gold, but rather, in the bold service of a man who stands tirelessly for what he deeply believes -- that government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people." "I have prayed for the next George Washington," Beck said of Cruz. "I believe I have found him." - Trump (1H 22 Failed Beck) renewed his feud with Beck on Thursday, days ahead of the conservative commentator's scheduled campaign appearances with Ted Cruz.  Cruz's courtship of Beck was perceived by many observers as a response to Palin's endorsement of Trump earlier this week. "Wacko @glennbeck is a sad answer to the @SarahPalinUSA endorsement that Cruz so desperately wanted," Trump tweeted on Thursday. "Glenn is a failing, crying, lost soul!" - “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” Trump told an enthusiastic audience at a Christian school, Dordt College. “It’s like incredible.”
d.      Kelly and Rich Lowry (1D)
e.      Hollywood - Michael Moore, Kerry Washington, Rosie O’Donnell, Harry Belafonte, Jane Fonda, Dylan McDermott, Roseann Barr, and Lily Tomlin are among the film and television stars who have pledged to “speak out in every way possible” to prevent Trump from becoming the next President of the United States as part of the new “Stop Hate Dump Trump” campaign.  In a statement on its website, the group says it believes Trump is “a grave threat to democracy, freedom, human rights, equality, and the welfare of our country and all our people.”
f.        by BREITBART NEWs  A former McCain senior adviser blasted former Alaska governor Sarah Palin’s endorsement of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump as “just classless,” telling Politico’s Ben Schreckinger that McCain’s vice presidential running mate is “one of America’s most astounding morons.” Schreckinger reports:  “It’s just classless,” said a former senior adviser to McCain of the endorsement, predicting it would backfire. “It’s undermining to a key Trump message which is one of competency. What Trump has said is that he’s going to hire the very best people and bring in men of Carl Icahn’s ilk … and he’s appearing with someone who’s viewed as one of America’s most astounding morons.
g.       Ted Cruz: Establishment Has Abandoned Marco Rubio for Donald Trump
h.      Clinton Super PAC responds to Pailn with a Mocking Smiley Face on Twitter.
i.         Rich Wilson GOP consultant on MSNBC Trump supporters masterbate to anami. (1E)
j.        Sara supported Cruz for his senate run. Mark Levin on the birth Canada issue (1B)
-          Weekly Standard 9 Tales of Trump at His Trumpiest see Word FIle
-          Willy Duck Dynasty (1F)
-          Dr. and President Jerry Falwell Jr. Liberty University on Hannity – Stories the Media wont tell you about Trump. (1F)
a.       Trump at Liberty University (1G)
-          Drudge Poll posted on Sick
a.       As a personally responsible American who is currently working and supporting a family my greatest fear is that our freedom and our sovereignty will be stolen from us by the socialist communist left. There is no freedom in social programs only tyranny and control. S 2016 begins the United States starts to to lose their sovereignty self-governance. Because the politicians that were elected to protect us or doing the opposite the allowing the invasion of the illegals from the south the north in the east as well as overloading social programs, which is a socialist communist idea from the 70's from Cloward and Piven. This poll taken by Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report is probably the scariest poll I've ever seen you have the Communist Bernie Sanders neck and neck with the capitalist Donald Trump who wins the communist or the capitalist?
b.      Trump 33.84% - Sanders 31.42% - Cruz 19.43% - Rubio 2.01% - Paul 3.3% - Carson 1.44% - Bush .91% - Hillary .90%
-          The – Donald Trump is poised for the strongest primary performance in modern history
a.       No non-incumbent has won both the GOP's Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary since the dawn of the modern primary system. Trump has a real shot to be the first. And no recent candidate has overcome the kind of deficit most of the other candidates face in both national and state-by-state numbers at this late date, against a candidate with as strong and stable numbers as Trump has, and gone on to win.
b.      If Trump wins both Iowa and New Hampshire, and then goes on to win South Carolina and Nevada — as he is favored to do — he could very conceivably win every contest, or at worst lose a favored son state or two like Cruz's Texas. Nobody has run the table like that — not Nixon in 1968, nor Reagan in 1980, nor Bush in 2000.
c.       And if he loses Iowa to Cruz, and wins New Hampshire decisively, there's little historical reason to believe that Cruz has a better chance at the nomination than Trump does, much less that anybody else has a better shot than either.
d.      A Trump nomination would be unprecedented. But an upset victory by any of his opponents would, in many ways, be even more so.

2.       Obama
-          Fox Brian Kilmean talks with Former CIA operative, Joshua Katz – Obama threatens anyone that gives him bad intel on ISIS (2A)
-          Oct – Nov 10,000 Minors were caught attempting to cross into Texas 2x as many as 2014 same time line.  Forcing the opening of three new shelters and threatening a worsening humanitarian crisis.  ’09-’11 upto 1k from El Salvador Guatemala Honduras now ’12-’15 surge up to 15k and more.
-          by JULIA HAHN 20 Jan , Breitbart On Wednesday, Senate Democrats successfully and predictably blocked what many conservatives described as Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)’s “Show Vote'”on refugee admissions. It has been called a show vote because the Ryan plan, even if the President signed it,would still allow the President to bring in an unlimited number of refugees from an unlimited number of countries. Democrats’ filibuster on the motion to proceed to Ryan’s show vote comes one month after Speaker Ryan sent President Obama a blank check to fund visa issuancesto nearly 300,000 (temporary and permanent) Muslim migrants in the next 12 months alone. Ryan’s decision to fully-fund Obama’s immigration agenda arguably ceded any leverage he may otherwise have had over Democrats and ensured the large-scale migration into America would continue and grow.
3.       Hillary Imploding
-          Wash. Post Who Had the worse week?
a.       For Hillary Clinton, it’s starting to look like deja vu all over again. Start a bid for the Democratic presidential nomination as giant front-runner. Check. Raise tens of millions of dollars and look unbeatable for large swaths of the year before the primaries start. Check. An insurgent challenger running to her ideological left? Check. Collapsing poll numbers on the eve of actual votes? Check. Over the past week or so, Clinton has watched as her national polling lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.), a self-avowed socialist, has shrunk. And, far more important, Clinton’s standing vis a vis Sanders in the key early-voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire has eroded as well (27+). In Iowa, after holding a high-single-digit lead (at worst) for months, Clinton now finds herself in a dead heat with the caucuses just over a week away. The Real Clear Politics polling average gives Clinton an edge of less than five points. Real Clear Politics polling average, Sanders is up by almost 13 points. Bernie Sanders Hope and Change ad (3A)
-          Breitbart Trump Hillary Should Be Indicted
a.       Billionaire candidate Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton should be indicted for her mishandling of classified documents – after a Fox News report showed that she was sharing documents on her insecure server that was classified higher than top secret. “What she did is so ridiculous, it’s so, frankly stupid … she was conniving, you know it’s just the way she is,” he said during an interview with radio host Howie Carr.
b.      Trump suggested that Clinton was being protected by the Obama administration, as she was running to succeed him in 2016. “Right now President Obama and the whole group, they’re probably protecting her, and we’re going to find out how our law works,” he said, calling it a “criminal act.”
c.       EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton's emails on her unsecured, homebrew server contained intelligence from the U.S. government's most secretive and highly classified programs, according to an unclassified letter from a top inspector general to senior lawmakers.
d.      Fox News exclusively obtained the unclassified letter, sent Jan. 14 from Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III. It laid out the findings of a recent comprehensive review by intelligence agencies that identified "several dozen" additional classified emails -- including specific intelligence known as "special access programs" (SAP).   That indicates a level of classification beyond even “top secret,” the label previously given to two emails found on her server, and brings even more scrutiny to the presidential candidate’s handling of the government’s closely held secrets.
- – Poll Women Wont Help Hillary
a.       First, a USA Today/Rock the Vote pollfound millennial women preferring Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to Ms. Clinton. Women between the ages of 18 and 34 preferred Mr. Sanders by a 19-point margin, with 50 percent choosing the senator and 31 percent choosing the former secretary of state.
b.      On Tuesday, a Monmouth Universitynational poll found Ms. Clinton’s lead among women had taken a nose dive since December. Ms. Clinton currently leads Mr. Sanders by 19 points among all women, a smaller lead than what the same poll found at the end of 2015, when Ms. Clinton had a 45-point lead. That’s a huge drop in just one month.
-          Moody’s Predicts that Democrats win the White House in 11 months
a.       The Democratic presidential nominee will win the race for the presidency but the election is shaping up as historically tight, according to a political model. Less than 11 months from Election Day, Moody’s Analytics is predicting that whomever lands the Democratic nomination will capture the White House with 326 electoral votes to the Republican nominee’s 212.
b.      Those results are heavily dependent on how swing states vote. The latest model from Moody’s reflects razor-thin margins in the five most important swing states — Florida, Ohio, Colorado, New Hampshire and Virginia.
c.       In each of those states, the Democratic advantage is less than 1 percentage point, well within the margin of error.
- – Campaigner-in-0Chief Bill Clinton Gives a worrisome speech in Iowa
a.       Former President Bill Clinton, campaigning for his wife in New Hampshire Wednesday, bluntly admitted how much more difficult than expected Hillary Clinton's race for the Democratic presidential nomination has become.
b.      “This has turned into an interesting election,” the candidate's husband told a rally in Salem. “We’re fighting it out in Iowa. We’ve got a little lead that I think is solidifying and maybe growing a little bit. We’re on a home-field disadvantage here."
4.       GAS OPEC – IRAN to Destroy Oil Market
-          We’ve defeated the shale revolution, claims Opec | The
a.       Low oil prices finally damage US production
b.      Opec was on the verge of claiming victory over its North American rivals last night after its strategy of squeezing out the shale industry by flooding the markets with oil appeared to be vindicated.  The oil producers’ cartel said that falling prices would force lower production from its rivals by the end of this year, with American and Canadian producers particularly affected. Opec, led by Saudi Arabia, has maintained production levels even as crude prices have collapsed 70 per cent from their level in 2014. In its first monthly report of the year, Opec said that its policy was starting
-          IRAN
a.       Last Sunday, the U.S. Treasury Department announced it would impose sanctions against a number of individuals and organizations over Iran’s ballistic missile program.
b.      “Iran’s ballistic missile program poses a significant threat to regional and global security, and it will continue to be subject to international sanctions,” read a statementfrom Adam Szubin, acting Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. “We have consistently made clear that the United States will vigorously press sanctions against Iranian activities outside of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action – including those related to Iran’s support for terrorism, regional destabilization, human rights abuses, and ballistic missile program.”  The new sanctions come as Iran is expected to receive tens of billions of dollars in frozen assets in accordance with the Iran nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), agreed upon by the regime in Tehran and the P5+1 world powers. On Sunday, Secretary of State John Kerry announced the U.S. had granted Iran $1.7 billion dollars, repaying the Ayatollah’s theocracy a $400 million dollar debt plus $1.3 billion in interest. Kerry called the payment a “fair settlement.” President Obama agreed, claiming “the settlement could save us billions of dollars that could have been pursued by Iran.”
c.       by JORDAN SCHACHTEL18 Jan 2016Washington, DC1,431 Iran will ignore recently-passed U.S. sanctions against its ballistic missile program, the regime’s defense minister pledged on Monday, promising to unveil new homemade weapons systems in the near future. “[Any] attempt to impose new sanctions [against Iran] under irrelevant pretexts is indicative of the continued US hostile policy and acrimony toward the Iranian nation, and a futile effort to undermine Iran’s defense might,” said Iranian Defense Minister Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehqan on Monday.
-          N Dakota Crud oil worth -.50
Bank bracing for oil loan defaults bankruptcy