Showing posts with label American. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Full Original Video Release by ISIS with statement then execution at the end.
Live Every Sunday 8pm est.
24/7 on Demand.

REAL AND BRUTAL WARNING - ISIS Behead Reporter James Foley - Live Leak

Full Original Video Release by ISIS with statement then execution at the end.
Live Every Sunday 8pm est.
24/7 on Demand. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ret. Marine Absolutely Owns CNN Anchor On 2nd Amendment - "Unconstitutional Laws Aren't Laws"

 "Unconstitutional Laws Aren't Laws"


The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution protects the right of individuals[1][2] to keep and bear arms.[3][4][5][6] The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the right vests in individuals, not merely collective militias, while also ruling that the right is not unlimited and does not prohibit all regulation of either firearms or similar devices.[7] State and local governments are limited to the same extent as the federal government from infringing this right per the incorporation of the Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791, as part of the first ten amendments comprising the Bill of Rights.
The Second Amendment was based partially on the right to keep and bear arms in English common-law and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689. Sir William Blackstone described this right as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense, resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state.[8]
In United States v. Cruikshank (1876), the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that, "The right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution; neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence" and limited the applicability of the Second Amendment to the federal government.[9] In United States v. Miller (1939), the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government and the states could limit any weapon types not having a “reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia”.[10][11]
In the twenty-first century, the amendment has been subjected to renewed academic inquiry and judicial interest.[11] In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), the Supreme Court handed down a landmark decision, expressly holding the amendment to protect an individual right to possess and carry firearms.[12][13] In McDonald v. Chicago (2010), the Court clarified its earlier decisions that limited the amendment's impact to a restriction on the federal government, expressly holding that the Fourteenth Amendment applies the Second Amendment to state and local governments to the same extent that the Second Amendment applies to the federal government.[14] Despite these decisions, the debate between the gun control and gun rights movements and related organizations continues.[15]

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Obama Speechwriter: Obama Plagiarized Bush's 2007 SOTU FNC (1.28.2014)

OBAMA ONE SICK B@ST@RD. Hates Bush but stole his speech... WTF ???? If you are a liberal and support this jackass of a fool then you are one of the same. 

Speechwriter: Obama Plagiarized Bush's 2007 SOTU FNC (1.28.2014) 



Friday, December 7, 2012

Save Our Christmas Tree Keep Christ in Christmas

  When I say that things have really changed since I was a young boy, I mean it.  Remember when we had Christmas trees in our classrooms and we put our hand over our heart and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag ?   It breaks my heart to see the Democrats and Left Wing attach Christ, Christmas and anyone who believes and prays to God and Christ.  If you (democrats) think your going to take Christ out of America, you are sadly mistaken because there are too many Christians that are fighting back and are ready to stand against the hateful words and actions that you continue to use against us. 

  Dear Lord,
Please continue to watch over America, continue to carry us through our darkest hour.  Thank you for the mirales that you have give us yesterday, the miracles that you gave us today and the miracles that you are going to give us tomorrow.  Lord give us the stregnth to make the hard decisions and stand up in the fact of evil, knowing that you will always be in our lives whether or not we ask.  And finally, Lord grant us the wisdom to know the best, safest and quickest way to remove Socialism and Spirit killing Communism from our beloved Democratic Capitalist America which will allow all men and women to continue to Live Free from Tyrany and Dictatorship and be able to worship and praise you everywhere in our daily live.

  In Jesus Christ we Pray Amen.

Amen..  ...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

RT @andersoncooper: Men dragging body behind motorcycle in #Gaza City. They were yelling he was a spy for Israel.

"Bunker Hill Community College Showcases Painting of President Obama Crucified Like Jesus"

"Bunker Hill Community College Showcases Painting of President Obama Crucified Like Jesus"

   You can not steel the likeness of Our Lord Jesus Christ and make it your own.  Christians are very offended by this and disgusted to the point of protest....  However you will not see a Christian KILL another human being over this.  Muslims in Benghazi however may resort to killing. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

God is the Foundation of Thanksgiving and why we give thanks.

George Washington's First Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1789

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me to

"recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:"

Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enable to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.

  And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand, at the city of New York, the 3d day of October, A.D. 1789.

Given under my hand at the City of New York
The third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.
George Washington

Judge Judy puts a beat down on Liberal Loonatics

America's Thanksgiving card to President Obama.

America's Thanksgiving card to President Obama....

Thank you for: 8% unemployment when you promised it would be half of that by now

Thank you for: shoving the $3 trillion take over of our health care system Obamacare down Americans throats when not a single republican voted for it in either house and also several democrats

Thank you for: 50 million Americans on food stamps when it was 32 million when you took office

Thank you for: Not closing Gitmo, even though you promised to

Thank you for: Keeping the Patriot Act alive even though you said you would end it

Thank you for: 23 million unemployed Americans and another 10 million that have given up even looking for work

Thank you for: Getting ready to allow Bush tax cuts to expire to cause the largest tax increase in US history, even though you said in 2008 that you should NEVER raise taxes during a recession

Thank you for: Calling the Benghazi attack and murder of 4 Americans caused by a "video" for 6 weeks even though the CIA knew it was an Al Qaeda attack immediately

Thank you for: Telling us small business owners that "we didn't build" our small businesses, someone else in government did

Thank you for: Telling our nation of 83% Christians and Jews that "the US is not a Judeo Christian nation"

Thank you for: complete chaos in the middle east and hatred towards the USA even after you apologize to them over and over for 4 years

Thank you for: Demonizing the job creators in this country as "greedy rich who need to be taxed more".

Thank you for: Going all over the middle east apologizing to Muslims that the reason they hate the USA is the USA's fault

Thank you for: giving thousands of weapons to Mexican drug lords so they could use them against us and kill one of our border agents

Thank you for: turning your back on Israel and instead supporting Hamas in Palestinian areas

Thank you for: Giving billions to "green energy" companies that ended up in bankrupt failures like Solyndra

Thank you for: making America more divided than ever before even though you promised in 2008 to "unite" ALL Americans

And above all, thank you for energizing the Tea Party movement in being a permanent force to bring our founding principles of the Constitution back to America
America's Thanksgiving card to President Obama....

Thank you for: 8% unemployment when you promised it would be half of that by now

Thank you for: shoving the $3 trillion take over of our health care system Obamacare down Americans throats when not a single republican voted for it in either house and also several democrats

Thank you for: 50 million Americans on food stamps when it was 32 million when you took office

Thank you for: Not closing Gitmo, even though you promised to

Thank you for: Keep the Patriot Act alive even though you said you would end it

Thank you for: 23 million unemployed Americans and another 10 million that have given up even looking for work

Thank you for: Getting ready to allow Bush tax cuts to expire to cause the largest tax increase in US history, even though you said in 2008 that you should NEVER raise taxes during a recession

Thank you for: Calling the Benghazi attack and murder of 4 Americans caused by a "video" for 2 weeks even though the CIA knew it was an Al Qaeda attack immediately

Thank you for: Telling us small business owners that "we didn't build" our small businesses, someone else in government did

Thank you for: Telling our nation of 83% Christians and Jews that "the US is not a Judeo Christian nation"

Thank you for: complete chaos in the middle east and hatred towards the USA even after you apologize to them over and over for 4 years

Thank you for: Demonizing the job creators in this country as "greedy rich who need to be taxed more".

Thank you for: Going all over the middle east apologizing to Muslims that the reason they hate the USA is the USA's fault

Thank you for: giving thousands of weapons to Mexican drug lords so they could use them against us and kill one of our border agents

Thank you for: turning your back on Israel and instead supporting Hamas in Palestinian areas

Thank you for: Giving billions to "green energy" companies that ended up in bankrupt failures like Solyndra

Thank you for: making America more divided than ever before even though you promised in 2008 to "unite" ALL Americans

And above all, thank you for energizing the Tea Party movement in being a permanent force to bring our founding principles of the Constitution back to America

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sick Minded Corporate Greed

 Greed is defined as by Wikipedia as: " As a secular psychological concept, greed is, similarly, an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs. It is typically used to criticize those who seek excessive material wealth, although it may apply to the need to feel more excessively moral, social, or otherwise better than someone else."

  First part of the definition, ask yourself who decides where the cut off point of "more than one needs" ? Who is telling me I cant make more than X dollars or Im being Greedy ?  If you ask me that statement sounds like a union boss or a liberal because, the restrictions would be placed upon you by regulations and taxes which unions, democrats and liberals love to implement.  In the first week following obamas reelection he imposed over 6,500 new regulations. Unions donated over $300 million dollars in 2008 to elect obama regardless if the union members wanted to vote a different way.
Hostess Bakery was told by the union that a delivery drive will not carry both Hostess made Wonder bread and Twinkies in the same truck.  They also told Hostess that they will not pay for their own retirement nor their own health care. "The company cited the high cost of pensions and outstanding debt as the reasons for that filing. In October 2012, the company filed a plan with the federal bankruptcy court in New York. It called for an 8 percent cut to employees' wages, a reduction in health benefits, and a freeze in pension plan payments for over two years. In return, unionized employees would get a 25 percent equity stake in the company, two seats on its board of directors, and an interest-bearing note worth $100 million. The 8 percent wage cut was part of a five-year deal that included a 3 percent wage increase in the next three years and a 1 percent raise in the final year."

  Second part of the definition states that Greed is "Typically used to Criticize those who seek excessive material or wealth".   Who in the world would criticize a man or woman that invents an amazing product that revolutionizes modern day life ?  Take for example the wealthiest sports player ever, he didnt start out wealthy and didn't become wealthy because of his ability to win in his sport, he became wealthy beyond belief when he created and invention that swept the nation of America and then the world.  This little invention was a bit pricy but the benefits it provided was obviously well worth it and the public agreed by purchasing over 100,000,000 million units since its conception in 1994.  If the man I speak of made a profit of $1 per unit sold he would have $100,000,000 million dollars in the bank and critics would say that's too much.  Why would a critic say this ?  Answer: Jealousy and GREED.  Seriously, who would not be proud of George Foreman and the Foreman Grill ?  We all are because he invented a product, took risk to bring it to market which created jobs for millions of people and helped Americans eat a little healthier. This is the Capitalist that I know and love.

  Who would have a "need to be excessively moral"?  Certainly not George Foreman.

Lastly, Humans for some reason find the need to constantly project their true feeling upon other people for example if you have a companion that constantly accuses you of cheating but you know in your heart and mind thats its it completely false and you honestly havent, the reason why they are doing this is because they are the ones who are doing the dirty deed of cheating.
For hundreds of years Greedy bastards like union thugs and democrats have used these tactics.  When they call a person a Corporate Fat Cat they say this because they have no clue how wealth is created.  They believe that to "Get" more money you have to take it from someone else and Capitalist know for a fact that its the opposite you have to give your ideas to the world in order to receive their praise and thanks which will arrive in the form of money.  If it doesn't you need to go back to the drawing board and find out what they do want.  This is Capitalism at its most basic form.  

Rush Limbaugh is correct when saying that Liberalism is a disease of the mind because of one simple thing, "GREED".

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Rupert Murdoch Under Fire for MidEast Tweet

Rupert Murdoch Under Fire for MidEast Tweet: ‘Can’t Obama Stop His Friends in Egypt Shelling Israel?’

 Rupert Murdoch scientology 
It blows my mind how Jews in America can continue to vote Democrat when the very party they are voting for is throwing them under the bus.  

Wake up everyone who is of Jewish decent - the democrats do not care about you what so ever. They are throwing your homeland under the bus along with you.  Take a stand against Democrats and Socialism.    


Monday, November 12, 2012

Take a moment to thank a Veteran

 I pledge Allegiances to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which its stands, One Nation under God indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Will She Survive?

My mother was bitten by a deadly snake a while ago. While her health was failing due to the venom coursing through her body, a doctor came running with a single vile of the antidote. He tripped and fell, smashing the bottle to the ground. Now my mother is at the fate of her own body being able to power through and rid it of this deadly toxin, or die trying.

This is an honest-to-God true story...

if by "mother" I mean "country,"

if by "bitten by a" I mean "plagued by the election of,"

if by "deadly snake" I mean "Barack Obama,"

if by "a while ago" I mean "four years ago,"

if by "health" I mean "economy,"

if by "venom" I mean "socialism,"

if by "coursing through her body" I mean "being implemented,"

if by "a doctor" I mean "American patriots,"

if by "a single vile of antidote" I mean "candidates Romney and Ryan,"

if by "he tripped and fell" I mean "the concerned citizens failed on election day,"

if by "smashing the bottle to the ground" I mean "eliminating any hope of reversing the effects of socialism being implemented,"

if by "her own body" I mean "the strength and will of freedom loving Americans."

Will she survive?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Black American Republicans ?

  Yes i know the title of this may be a bit provocative but,

Why would a Black American want to be or vote for a republican ?


 Top 10 reasons to be or vote Republican - Capitalist - Conservative.

1. belief and love for large families
2. Support life, not abortion
3. Choose the best school for your child even private school paid for by the tax payers.
4. Hard work and persistence always pays off, you are rewarded for your work ethic. 
5. Personal responsibility builds confidence and encourages massive success.
6. Start your own business its easy because of minimal regulations and SBA Loans.
7. Enjoy a booming economy because of "Capitalism"
8. Republicans have promoted more Black Americans to higher political positions
9. Produced more Black CEO's in all of American history.
10. Cost of living is lower due to small government and smaller taxes.

The following is a list of  Political Black Republicans:


    Claude Allen, former White House Domestic Policy Advisor
    Renee Amoore, health care advocate & founder and president of The Amoore Group, Inc.; former candidate for Republican National Committee Co-Chairwoman
    Caesar Antoine, 13th Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana


    J. Kenneth Blackwell, former Secretary of State of Ohio, former gubernatorial candidate
    Michelle Bernard, journalist, author, columnist
    Lynette Boggs, former Las Vegas City Councilwoman, former Clark County, NV commissioner, former candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives
    Peter Boulware, former NFL linebacker and Republican candidate for the Florida House of Representatives, District 9.
    Jennette Bradley, former Treasurer of the State of Ohio
    Edward Brooke, former U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, first African American elected by popular vote to the U.S. Senate
    Stephen Broden, conservative commentator, Life Always board member (a pro-life organization) and evangelical pastor, 2010 Congressional candidate
    Janice Rogers Brown, a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals
    Blanche Bruce, former U.S. Senator from Mississippi, first African American to serve a full term in the U.S. Senate
    Keith Butler, Republican national committeeman from Michigan, former councilman for Detroit, minister and former U.S. Senatorial candidate

Herman Cain

    Herman Cain, businessman, media personality, and former candidate for President of the United States in 2012.
    Jennifer Carroll, Lieutenant Governor of Florida[1]
    Ron Christie, former advisor to Vice-President Dick Cheney[2]
    Octavius Valentine Catto, civil rights activist and African American baseball pioneer
    Henry P. Cheatham, former U.S. Representative from North Carolina
    Eldridge Cleaver, author and civil rights leader
    William Thaddeus Coleman, Jr., fourth United States Secretary of Transportation, first African American Supreme Court Clerk[3]
    Ward Connerly, political activist, businessman, and former University of California Regent
    Norris Wright Cuney, Chairman of the Texas Republican Party (1886-1896)

Frederick Douglass

    Randy Daniels, former Secretary of State of New York, 2006 Gubernatorial candidate
    Artur Davis, former Democratic Alabama Congressman, speaker at 2012 Republican National Convention, potential Republican candidate
    Oscar Stanton de Priest, former U.S. Representative from Illinois
    Robert DeLarge, South Carolina congressman
    Frederick Douglass, abolitionist, editor, orator, author, and statesman
    Oscar Dunn, 11th Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana
    Edward Duplex, Mayor of Wheatland, California (1888)


    Larry Elder, talk radio host and commentator
    Robert Brown Elliott, former U.S. Representative from South Carolina
    Melvin H. Evans, former U.S. Representative from, and former Governor of, the U.S. Virgin Islands


    James L. Farmer, Jr., civil rights leader
    Michel Faulkner, pastor, former defensive lineman for the New York Jets, a 2010 nominee for New York's 15th congressional district
    Arthur Fletcher, official in the administrations of Presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and George H.W. Bush; considered the "father of affirmative action"
    Gary Franks, former U.S. Representative from Connecticut
    Ryan Frazier, Aurora City Councilman, 2010 nominee for Colorado's 7th congressional district
    Samuel B. Fuller, founder and president of the Fuller Products Company, publisher of the New York Age and Pittsburgh Courier, head of the South Side Chicago NAACP, president of the National Negro Business League, and a prominent black Republican
    Virginia Fuller, 2010 and 2012 Congressional Candidate


    James Garner (politician), former mayor of the Village of Hempstead, New York, 2004 Congressional candidate
    Robert A. George (pundit), editorial writer for the New York Post, blogger and pundit
    James Golden (radio personality), producer on the Rush Limbaugh radio talk show


    Ken Hamblin, Radio host, political commentator, author, television personality
    Jeremiah Haralson, former U.S. Representative from Alabama
    Bill Hardiman, former Michigan State Senator, 2010 Congressional Candidate
    Erika Harold, 2003 Miss America, delegate to the 2004 Republican National Convention, 2012 Congressional Candidate
    Ted Hayes, activist for the homeless
    Amy Holmes, CNN political commentator and independent social conservative
    Deborah Honeycutt, 2006, 2008, 2010 congressional candidate;
    T.R.M. Howard, Mississippi civil rights leader, surgeon, entrepreneur and mentor to Medgar Evers and Fannie Lou Hamer
    Zora Neale Hurston, Folklorist, anthropologist, novelist, short story writer
    John Adams Hyman, former U.S. Representative from North Carolina


    Niger Innis, commentator and activist


    Alphonso Jackson, thirteenth Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
    Raynard Jackson, political consultant and political analyst for WUSA*9 TV (CBS affiliate) in Washington, DC
    Dr. Mildred Fay Jefferson, first African-American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School; pro-life movement leader; Republican candidate for U.S. House and U.S. Senate[4]
    Wallace B. Jefferson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas
    James Weldon Johnson, first Black manager of the NAACP, president of the Colored Republican Club

Alan Keyes, 16th Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs

    Alan Keyes, former member of the Republican party and nominee for the U.S. Senate
    Alveda King, minister, political activist, author, niece of Martin Luther King Jr.
    Martin Luther King, Sr., Reverend, missionary, civil rights leader, father of Martin Luther King, Jr.


    Stephen N. Lackey, fundraiser, philanthropist
    John Mercer Langston, former U.S. Representative from Virginia
    Jefferson Franklin Long, former U.S. Representative from Georgia
    Mia Love, mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah, 2012 Congressional candidate
    John Roy Lynch, former U.S. Representative from Mississippi


    Lenny McAllister, political analyst, community activist, and author
    Angela McGlowan, political analyst, 2010 Congressional candidate
    James Meredith, civil rights leader
    Thomas Ezekiel Miller, former U.S. Representative from South Carolina
    Eric Motley, former Deputy Associate Director, Office of Presidential Personnel in Bush Administration
    George Washington Murray, former U.S. Representative from South Carolina
    E. Frederic Morrow, first African-American to hold an executive position at the White House. He served under President Dwight D. Eisenhower as Administrative Officer for Special Projects from 1955 to 1961.
    Steven Mullins, Connecticut politician, Planning & Zoning Commissioner, City of West Haven, 2009 Republican nominee for Mayor of West Haven, 2002 Republican nominee for State Comptroller


    Charles Edmund Nash, former U.S Representative from Louisiana
    Sophia A. Nelson, Lawyer, author, political commentator
    Constance Berry Newman, U.S. diplomat; former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs; member of International Republican Institute


    James E. O'Hara, Congressman from North Carolina

Colin Powell, 65th Secretary of State

    Rod Paige, seventh U.S. Secretary of Education
    Sherman Parker, Missouri state representative, ran for U.S. House of Representatives
    Vernon Parker, mayor of Paradise Valley, Arizona, 2010 Congressional candidate
    Star Parker, author, political commentator, 2010 Congressional candidate
    Edward J. Perkins, first African-American U.S. ambassador to South Africa
    Jesse Lee Peterson, civil rights activist, founder of Brotherhood of New Destiny
    Joseph C. Phillips, actor, columnist, commentator
    Pio Pico, last governor of Mexican California. Formed the Republican Party in California.[5]
    Samuel Pierce, former HUD Secretary
    P. B. S. Pinchback, twenty-fourth governor of Louisiana; first African-American governor of a U.S. state
    Colin Powell, 65th United States Secretary of State
    Michael Powell, 24th Chairman of the FCC
    Pierre-Richard Prosper, former Bush Administration war crimes official

Wiki letter w.svg     This section is empty. You can help by adding to it. (July 2010)
Condoleezza Rice, 66th Secretary of State

    Joseph H. Rainey, former U.S. Representative from South Carolina, first African American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives
    James T. Rapier, former U.S. Representative from Alabama
    Hiram Rhodes Revels, former U.S. Senator from Mississippi, first African American to serve in the U.S. Senate
    Condoleezza Rice, 66th United States Secretary of State
    Jack E. Robinson III, former party nominee for U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and Secretary of the Commonwealth in Massachusetts
    Vernon Robinson, former candidate for U.S. House of Representatives from North Carolina
    Joe Rogers, former Lieutenant Governor of Colorado, youngest Lieutenant Governor in Colorado history
    Carson Ross Mayor of Blue Springs, MO, Fmr. Missouri State Rep
    Jackie Robinson, baseball player (changed parties after Goldwater nomination).

Michael Steele, 64th Chairman of the Republican National Committee

    Paul H. Scott, Michigan State Representative
    Tim Scott. Representative, South Carolina's 1st Congressional District
    Marvin Scott. Congressional Candidate
    Winsome Sears. Former member of the Virginia House of Delegates, 2004 Congressional Candidate
    Robert Smalls, South Carolina
    Joshua I. Smith, appointed commissioner of Minority Business Development by President George H. W. Bush
    Princella Smith, 2010 Congressional Candidate, She PAC member
    DeForest "Buster" Soaries, former New Jersey Secretary of State
    Thomas Sowell, economist, writer and commentator
    Michael S. Steele, political commentator, former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, former candidate for the U.S. Senate and elected chairman of the Republican National Committee
    Shelby Steele, author
    Thomas Stith, III, former member of the city council of Durham, North Carolina, 2004 Candidate for Lieutenant Governor, 2007 mayoral candidate for Durham, North Carolina
    Lynn Swann, former NFL player, former Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate

Clarence Thomas, Associate Supreme Court Justice
Sojourner Truth

    Noel C. Taylor, mayor of Roanoke, Virginia from 1975 to 1992[6]
    Clarence Thomas, associate justice of the United States Supreme Court
    Thurman Thomas, former Buffalo Bill, Republican activist, supported and campaigned for 2010 New York Republican Gubernatorial nominee Carl Paladino
    Sojourner Truth, abolitionist speaker and suffrage advocate
    Harriet Tubman, abolitionist speaker and suffrage advocate
    Benjamin S. Turner, Alabama Congressman
    David Tyree, former New York Giant, anti-same-sex marriage advocate


    James L. Usry, former mayor of Atlantic City, New Jersey


    William T. Vernon, Register of the Treasury under President Theodore Roosevelt[7]


    Dale Wainwright, Associate Justice of the Texas Supreme Court
    Eric Wallace (entrepreneur), pastor, entrepreneur, serves on the African American Advisory Board for the Republican National Committee
    Josiah Walls, former U.S. Representative from Florida, and one of the first African-Americans to serve in the U.S. House
    Booker T. Washington, educator and activist
    Maurice Washington, Nevada State Senator
    J. C. Watts, former U.S. Representative from Oklahoma
    Ida B. Wells, civil rights advocate, co-founder of the NAACP
    Allen West, Representative, U.S. House of Representatives (FL-22)
    J. Ernest Wilkins, Sr., Assistant Secretary of Labor under President Eisenhower[8]
    Armstrong Williams, radio and television commentator
    Michael L. Williams, Texas Railroad Commissioner
    Walter E. Williams, author, commentator, economist
    Vern Williams, member of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel
    Barb Davis White, 2010 Congressional Candidate


    William F. Yardley, anti-segregation advocate, first African American candidate for governor of Tennessee (1876)