Showing posts with label American Freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Freedom. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Big Win for Home School Family Romeike and America. Welcome Home !!

Update Appended: March 1, 2010

The Romeikes are not your typical asylum seekers. They did not come to the U.S. to flee war or despotism in their native land. No, these music teachers left Germany because they didn't like what their children were learning in public school — and because homeschooling is illegal there.

Carl Kiilsgaard for TIME
Uwe Romeike and his wife, reflected in the glass, homeschool their children in Tennessee

"It's our fundamental right to decide how we want to teach our children," says Uwe Romeike, an Evangelical Christian and a concert pianist who sold his treasured Steinway to help pay for the move.

Uwe and Hannelore Romeike and their five children immigrated to the
United States in 2008 because homeschooling in Germany is illegal.
Carl Kiilsgaard / Getty Images for TIME
Originally from Bissingen an der Teck, a town in southwestern Germany, Uwe and Hannelore Romeike and their five children immigrated to the U.S. in 2008 because homeschooling in Germany is illegal. Evangelical Christians, the Romeikes wanted to decide for themselves how and what their children would learn.

The Romeikes settled in Morristown, Tenn., near other families that homeschooled their children.
Carl Kiilsgaard / Getty Images for TIME
Reading Time
The Romeikes settled in Morristown, Tenn., near other families that homeschooled their children.
The Romeikes began homeschooling their children in 2006. But not long after they withdrew their kids from public school, the German authorities started to fine them and police officers turned up at their doorstep and escorted the children to school.
Carl Kiilsgaard / Getty Images for TIME
Husband and Wife
The Romeikes began homeschooling their children in 2006. But not long after they withdrew their kids from public school, the German authorities started to fine them and police officers turned up at their doorstep and escorted the children to school. Once in the U.S., the couple applied for and received asylum from an immigration judge who sided with their argument that they were part of a persecuted group in Germany.

At Home with Homeschoolers

The Romeikes say they are disciplined teachers. Their school day begins at 9 o'clock in the morning and ends between 3 and 4 p.m.
Carl Kiilsgaard / Getty Images for TIME
At Work
The Romeikes say they are disciplined teachers. Their school day begins at 9 o'clock in the morning and ends between 3 and 4 p.m.

Their curriculum includes math, science and history, and relies on textbooks and other teaching materials that are in compliance with state law.
Carl Kiilsgaard / Getty Images for TIME
Three Rs
Their curriculum includes math, science and history, and relies on textbooks and other teaching materials that are in compliance with state law

The couple has joined with a local group of like-minded families for activities and field trips.
Carl Kiilsgaard / Getty Images for TIME
The couple has joined with a local group of like-minded families for activities and field trips.

The five children read while their mother prepares lunch.
Carl Kiilsgaard / Getty Images for TIME
The five children read while their mother prepares lunch.

Uwe and his wife were strongly opposed to the public school curriculum of their native Germany.
Carl Kiilsgaard / Getty Images for TIME
Uwe and his wife were strongly opposed to the public-school curriculum of their native Germany. "The curriculum goes against our Christian values," he says. "German schools use textbooks which force inappropriate subject matters onto young children and tell stories with characters which promote profanity and disrespect."

In Germany, Uwe was a concert pianist. He now gives piano lessons to Morristown residents. While he teaches, his kids do their schoolwork.
Carl Kiilsgaard / Getty Images for TIME
In Germany, Uwe was a concert pianist. He now gives piano lessons to Morristown residents. While he teaches, his kids do their schoolwork.

Carl Kiilsgaard / Getty Images for TIME
"There are no distractions when [the children] learn at home," says Uwe. "We can track their interests and skills, and they're flourishing in Morristown."

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Day of Awakening is Coming, and can not be denied.

RUSH: Charlie Cook of the famous Cook Report has been in the news lately. Charlie Cook raised the possibility lately of Mrs. Clinton's physical appearance while aging and asking if it would be detrimental to her campaign should she run.  Charlie's considered the dean of these political analysts and so forth.  He tends left like everybody in Washington does, sort of, for the most part establishment types.

He's got a piece today in The Cook Report, and in his piece today, he's very worried that America may have lost its nerve, that days of malaise have set in, much like in the latter years of the Carter administration in the seventies.  In this piece he asks, "What happens When the Nation Loses Its Bootstrap Self-Image?"  And he cites some polling data.  He's a pollster, and he analyzes other polling data, and he says that 63% are confident that better days for their kids will materialize.
There are people that, no matter what's happening, think it's gonna get better. I can relate to it.  I've told you many times. I can't pinpoint when, I can't tell you what the impetus is gonna be or what the tipping point's gonna be, but I, too, believe that. It's partially my genuine overall optimism.  Folks, I really do... This may sound loony, and I've thought this for 10 years.
I really think the day's coming where we're gonna be shocked at people we call low-information, people we think aren't paying much attention, people who aren't really that informed. I think that some point they're gonna have had enough of this.  Oh, 63% say it will not be.  Okay, then there's a typo.  "Sixty-three percent are confident better days..." All right.  Okay.  I take it back.
"Sixty-three percent are not confident of better days for their kids, and 53% say life will be worse for the next generation."  Okay, so Charlie doesn't agree with me.  I misread this.  Well, I didn't misread it. There's a typo.  Despite this, it is a feeling -- I'm not gonna deny that -- and there's faith.  I'm not gonna deny that.  I just think that, at some point, people are going to say, "Enough of this!"
Obviously it's gonna require some kind of leadership to spur this.  It's just not going to happen on its own, although I even think that might happen. But it would really facilitated if there were an inspirational, can-do leader that popped up.  Right now people are peppered with nothing but pessimism, and we've got a Democrat Party which wants us to believe that our better days are behind us, that this is it and, you know, "Bunker down with us!
"We're gonna do the best for you that we can, but days of American exceptionalism are over." Chuck Hagel, when announcing military cuts, said, "We're not the dominant military power anymore.  It just isn't gonna be the case."  And, yeah, the new normal is 9% employed. The new normal is 92 million, 95 million not working.  I mean, people are bombarded with this every day, and for 10 years I've been waiting for this.  Honest to God.
I don't know how else to describe it.  For 10 years I've been waiting for this national awakening, and it's done nothing but worsen.  There is nothing close to a national awakening, and I will be the first to admit it.  The closest thing to it is the Tea Party, and so to what extent the Tea Party is gonna be successful politically in winning elections and having a majority of like-minded people in elective office, that's up for grabs.
We don't know that.
We know the Democrats are gonna lose a lot of seats, but we don't know what kind of Republicans are gonna replace them.  If they're anti-Tea Party Republicans, then big whoop.  If they're pro-Republican establishment, who just think it's what it is, the government's gonna get bigger, stay big, and we're just gonna be in charge of it now, then big whoop.
I'll take it, getting rid of Democrats, but it could be better if Tea Party types -- conservatives is what I mean -- end up winning.  So Charlie Cook: 63% are not confident of better days.  Fifty-three percent say life will be harder for the next generation -- and that's, sadly, probably true. (interruption) Well, but why get out of bed?  I'm talking about attitudinally.  I'm not talking what's possible.  I'm talking about the national attitude that's been impacted. (interruption)
We are a nation of sad sacks, but look at what the sad sacks are bombarded with every day! I mean, normal food that they eat and drink can kill 'em, and for how many years have they been hearing this stuff?  Now for five years they've been hearing what a reprobate country we've always been -- what an unfair, unjust country and how we've gotta make things right and balance what's been wrong for 250 years and so forth. It's a never ending assault on people's sensibilities.
Let's add the way they're being educated, and what they're being taught from the youngest ages about this country.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Michelle Obama: ‘Young People are Knuckleheads’

She is out playing to the low information voter.... "hey yall im just like you so we are cool together, right" NO you are an evil extension of Progressive Socialist Democrats attempting to destroy American way of Life Liberty and the Freedom to do as we wish in a personal responsible manner. I can take care of me and mine and do not need you to look after my children or family thank you very much now go to some other country that wants to be under your stinking regime.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Progressive Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee Pushes for Obama Dictatorship

February 5, 2014 By Jennifer Burke Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Reminiscent of FDR’s Second Bill of Rights, members of the Congressional Black Caucus, along with a few more progressive Democrats, have formed the Congressional Full Employment Caucus. Their goals, as stated on their website is to serve as a platform and working group for Members dedicated to identifying solutions to our current unemployment crisis and advocating for legislative action. Ultimately, the goal of the Caucus is to realize the dream of a society in which every American who wants to work has the right to some form of employment.
American Black Racist.


Members of the caucus include Democrats Rep. John Conyers Jr., Rep. Maxine Waters, Rep. Charles Rangel, Rep. Frederica Wilson, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Jose Serrano, Rep. Mike Quigley, and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.
Jackson Lee, known for her staunch and constant defense of Barack Obama, plans on using this newly formed caucus to help Obama with pledge to make 2014 be ‘a year of action’ with or without Congress. In support of his pledge to rule America as a dictator, Jackson Lee has stated that the Congressional Full Employment Caucus will help Obama by sending him numerous executive orders. This will be their top priority.
As reported at, Jackson-Lee made the following statement to reporters during the launch of the caucus on January 29th.
 “We will be answering the call of all of America because people need work and we’re not doing right by them by creating work,” Jackson Lee said.
“I believe this caucus will put us on the right path and we’ll give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign with pride and strength.”
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