Showing posts with label save america. Show all posts
Showing posts with label save america. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Trump’s turn right started a long time ago

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

New York Post

By Ron Kessler

May 8, 2016 | 8:01pm

Donald TrumpPhoto: AP

The conventional wisdom is that Donald Trump only became a conservative the day he announced his candidacy for the presidency. But like all conventional wisdom about Trump, it’s wrong.

After President Obama took office, Trump told me almost eight years ago the new president was a “disaster” whose economic policies were going to ruin the country.

Trump wasn’t ready to be quoted then. But almost five years ago, in a book that has been largely overlooked during the campaign, Trump laid out exactly what’s wrong with Obama’s vision and why conservative policies are needed to turn around the country’s pathetically slow growth under his leadership.

In “Time to Get Tough: Making America #1 Again,” which came out in December 2011, Trump presented a detailed economic critique that any fiscal conservative would applaud.

The reason “this country is an economic disaster right now,” he wrote, “is because Barack Obama doesn’t understand how wealth is created — and how the federal government can destroy it.”

Liberals “scratch their heads and wonder why businesses don’t want to hire,” Trump wrote. The answer: “Companies know Obama is anti-business, and his government-run health-care takeover has created a major disincentive to hire new workers.”

Raising taxes, as Obama wants to do, merely forces business owners to “lay off employees they can no longer afford,” Trump noted. “It also drives up prices, encourages businessmen and women to move their businesses (and their jobs) to other countries that have far lower tax rates and regulatory costs, and sends people scrambling for tax shelters.”

Conservative though he is, Trump knows how to appeal to most Americans. As Norma Foerderer, Trump’s top aide for 26 years, told me, there are two Donald Trumps: the “outrageous” one portrayed on television and the real one only insiders know.

The private Donald Trump, on the other hand, is “the dearest, most thoughtful, most loyal, most caring man,” Foerderer said.

Illustrating the difference, last summer, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, which represents 3.2 million business owners, announced its members would be boycotting all of Trump’s properties following his statements on illegal immigrants and his vow to build a wall across the entire Mexican border. But last September, Trump met privately with Javier Palomarez, the chamber’s CEO.

“There were no bombastic statements of any sorts,” CNN quoted Palomarez as saying admiringly. “It’s kind of interesting, the dichotomy between the private Donald Trump and the public Donald Trump. He listened a lot more than he spoke.”

Far from being a bigot, Trump insisted on admitting blacks and Jews to Mar-a-Lago when several other Palm Beach clubs wouldn’t. When I first got to know Trump while conducting research with my wife Pam for my 1999 book “The Season: Inside Palm Beach and America’s Richest Society,” on the way down to Palm Beach on his plane, Trump imitated the nasal, constricted tones of Palm Beach’s blue-blood Old Guard condemning his club for not discriminating.

If Trump is intemperate, as the conventional wisdom has it, his employees haven’t seen it. Rather, as an employer, Trump is both demanding and loyal, according to Anthony P. “Tony” Senecal, who for 20 years served as personal butler to Trump and is now the Mar-a-Lago historian.

Some years ago, when Senecal had to undergo surgery to implant a stent, Trump called him the day before.

“So when do you go under the knife?” Trump asked.

“Tomorrow,” said Senecal.

“Well, if you don’t make it, don’t worry about it. You’ve had a good life,” Trump said, and then added: “Listen, I don’t want you going back to your place. You come and recuperate at Mar-a-Lago.”

“The guy is fairer than hell,” says Gary J. Giulietti, a Trump friend who handles a portion of his insurance as president of Lockton Cos., the largest privately held insurance brokerage company in the world. “He wants the best for his properties, he wants a competitive price. But he treats everyone with respect.”

The conventional wisdom that Trump is a carnival act will be proven wrong once again when he moves into the White House. Donald already has a winter White House — Mar-a-Lago — picked out.

Ronald Kessler is the author of “The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents.”

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Ugly Truth about Obammy - From Retired Liberal Deocrate Senator.

Democrat Senator Tells The Truth About Obama.

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According to a column from a UK PAPER, (since no one in the mainstream media here would dare to criticize Dear Leader in such a manner), former Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey would like everyone to know the truth about Obama.
And it's ugly.

Kerrey said that Obama simply isn't up to the job of "bringing liberals and conservatives to the table to rescue America's slowly choking entitlement programs."
And that was just for starters. Kerrey also said that Obama "had to know he was misleading the audience" during his push for Obamacare.  He said the White House clearly understood the numbers, and that Republicans did a bad job of explaining the Democratic strategy.  (No surprise there - this is why we're always complaining about how much the GOP sucks at messaging.)  Republicans should have said, "Hey - young people - you know why Obama wants you to sign up for healthcare insurance so bad?  Because in all likelihood, you won't need it, which means you'll be paying for everyone else's claims."
Because that's the truth. Obama doesn't care about young people.  He just cares about their votes.  This is why he's Between Two Ferns and best pals with Jay-Z.
Kerrey didn't stop there.  He said that the worst lie Democrats told about Obamacare is that "everybody deserves high quality, affordable healthcare."  He said, "Excuse me? Uh - I don't know if you've heard about the bell curve? If I've got 1000 doctors, 100 are great, and 100 are not so good.  It's impossible! And affordable?  Forget about it."
Kerrey also said that one of Obama's biggest mistakes was pushing Obamacare at ALL when the country was still so economically fragile.  He said, "I wouldn't have done health care.  I think the big mistake was to say, 'Whew! We've got the stimulus done, okay, the economy's going to come bouncing back in 12 months - let's do healthecare.'  Only the economy didn't come bouncing back. We're teetering on the edge of going out of business through most of 2009, and I think you need to just keep driving, driving, driving on the economy, and make it as bipartisan as possible."
Yeah.  Obama basically did the exact opposite of that, which is why our economy still sucks monkeyballs.  (Sidenote to hypersensitive liberals:  If you think "monkeyballs" is racist in that context, it's because YOU ARE RACIST.)
Kerrey understands that fundamentally, entitlement programs mean we're "robbing from the future to pay for the past. And we're shoveling more and more money to people over the age of 65."  Why more people don't understand this very basic concept, I have no idea.
Kerrey said the only way to break the congressional roadblocks is to have a real president, which he acknowledged we simply don't have.  And part of Obama's problem is that he has an "inflated sense of Americans' appetite for programs to correct what the White House calls income equality, through new taxes and other income-shifting initiatives that transfer wealth from the rich to the poor."  Kerrey said, "After the 2012 election, what the president needed was somebody to say, 'Mr. President, I'm thrilled you won.  You stand for all the things I support.  But honestly, you won this election because you sucked less than Romney.'"
OUCH. All the way around, even.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Save Our Christmas Tree Keep Christ in Christmas

  When I say that things have really changed since I was a young boy, I mean it.  Remember when we had Christmas trees in our classrooms and we put our hand over our heart and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag ?   It breaks my heart to see the Democrats and Left Wing attach Christ, Christmas and anyone who believes and prays to God and Christ.  If you (democrats) think your going to take Christ out of America, you are sadly mistaken because there are too many Christians that are fighting back and are ready to stand against the hateful words and actions that you continue to use against us. 

  Dear Lord,
Please continue to watch over America, continue to carry us through our darkest hour.  Thank you for the mirales that you have give us yesterday, the miracles that you gave us today and the miracles that you are going to give us tomorrow.  Lord give us the stregnth to make the hard decisions and stand up in the fact of evil, knowing that you will always be in our lives whether or not we ask.  And finally, Lord grant us the wisdom to know the best, safest and quickest way to remove Socialism and Spirit killing Communism from our beloved Democratic Capitalist America which will allow all men and women to continue to Live Free from Tyrany and Dictatorship and be able to worship and praise you everywhere in our daily live.

  In Jesus Christ we Pray Amen.

Amen..  ...