Showing posts with label racist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racist. Show all posts

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Obama Might As Well Have Declared: ‘Britain Lost the War Of Independence Because You Have Small D**ks’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio 

by JAMES DELINGPOLE24 Apr 2016406
President Obama’s visit to the United Kingdom was nothing more than a trolling exercise, straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook.
The tactics went like this:
The Provocation
Barack Obama came to Britain and, in the guise of lofty, statesman-like disinterested amity made a statement so outrageously provocative that he might just as well have said: “My historians tell me the reason you guys lost the War of Independence is because your penises were incredibly small.”
No really – his presumption in telling us which way to vote in the European Union debate was that arrogant and rude. The only people in Britain who welcomed Obama’s intervention were the ones already on board with the European Union project. For anyone else, it was a calculated insult from a meddling hypocrite interloper.
The Inevitable Reaction
That’s why, naturally enough, those on the opposing side of the argument – the ones advocating exit from the European Union – responded in kind. If Obama was going to behave like a bumptious prick, well, he deserved to be treated like a bumptious prick.
Hence the perfectly proportionate response by Boris Johnson (Mayor of London; leading light of the Brexit faction) making gentle reference to the President’s Kenyan, anti-British heritage, to Obama’s pointed return of the Winston Churchill bust, and to the meddling, anti-democratic, and thoroughly un-American nature of his suggestion that Britain should remain shackled to the kind of socialist superstate that no American would personally tolerate.
The Manufacture of the Outrage
If you understand how the modern left – especially its Praetorian Guard, the Social Justice Warriors (SJW) – operates, what you’ll realise is this: that the sole tactical purpose of the President’s visit was to generate a kind of “beneficial crisis” which could then be exploited for political ends.
No one could have known beforehand what this beneficial crisis would look like. Essentially it had to be manufactured out of whatever material, however flimsy, that events managed to throw up.
What the SJW hive mind eventually decided on was this: Boris Johnson is a racist.
Probably the finest example of this humbug was to be found not in the Guardian but in the Spectator in this spluttering exercise in over-the-top sanctimoniousness by Nick Cohen.
Here’s a taste:
I’m not someone who throws accusations of racism around – it’s too serious a charge to devalue. But, come now, the fantasy that Obama is the heir of the Mau-Maus with no right to govern is a racist lie that appeals to deep, dark traditions in the US. From slavery, through the Civil War, the backlash against Reconstruction, and Jim Crow, the argument has been the same: blacks have no right to vote, and black politicians have no right to rule.

Yep, that’s it, Nick. Let me translate for you: “Anyone who wants to leave the European Union is the kind of racist bastard who, like Boris Johnson, wants to bring back slavery and hang all black people.”
The Hive Swarms
Vox Day describes this in more detail in his excellent book Social Justice Warriors Always Lie. It’s an essential part of the strategy of the modern left, as laid out decades ago by Saul Alinsky in his Rules for Radicals. Essentially you seek to destroy your most dangerous opponents by isolating them and swarming on them like an angry hive.
Pretty much everyone on the left joins in to condemn Johnson’s outrageous outrageousness. So does everyone else on the Remain campaign. So, amazingly, does one of Winston Churchill’s grandsons – the Conservative MP Nicholas Soames.
The purpose is to leave the victim isolated and confused. And ideally to extract from him some kind of humiliating apology (which of course will not be accepted).
Truth is the First Casualty
Which, in this case, is the fact that Boris Johnson was entirely correct in what he said about Obama and the Churchill bust; that his point was well made; that the scumbags trying to make political capital out of this manufactured scandal are more slippery than a bag of eels in KY jelly and lower than bubonic vermin.
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Monday, February 17, 2014

20 Obvious Truths That Will Shock Liberals

Written By : John Hawkins
March 2, 2012

1) The Founding Fathers were generally religious, gun-toting small government fanatics who were so far to the Right that they’d make Ann Coulter look like Jimmy Carter.

2) The greatest evil this country has ever committed isn’t slavery; it’s killing more than 50 million innocent children via abortion.

3) Conservatives are much more compassionate than liberals and all you have to do to prove it is look at all the studies showing that conservatives give more of their money to charity than liberals do.

4) When the Founding Fathers were actually around, there were official state religions and the Bible was used as a textbook in schools. The so-called “wall of separation between church and state” has absolutely nothing to do with the Constitution and everything to do with liberal hostility to Christianity.

5) The biggest problem with our economy today is Barack Obama. His demonization of successful people, his driving up gas prices, his regulatory overload and threats to increase taxes have terrified businesses into hunkering down, refusing to spend money, and declining to hire new people. Replacing him would do more than any government policy to spur economic growth.

6) Not only are conservatives more patriotic than liberals, but most American liberals “love” America in about the same way that a wife-beater loves his wife.

7) Out of every 100 cries of “Racism” you hear these days, 99 are motivated by nothing other than politics.

8) Anyone paying income taxes is certainly paying his “fair share” — and then some — compared to the people who pay nothing.

9) You don’t have a “right” to anything that other people have to pay to provide for you.

10) If we can ask people to present an ID to buy alcohol, drive a car, or get on an airplane, then asking them to present identification to vote is a no-brainer.

11) There’s absolutely nothing that the government does smarter, better, or more efficiently than the private market with roughly equivalent resources.

12) The biggest problem with education in this country is liberals. They fight vouchers, oppose merit pay, refuse to get rid of terrible teachers, and bend over backwards to keep poor kids trapped in failing schools.

13) Fascism, socialism, and communism are all left-wing movements that
have considerably more in common with modern liberalism than modern conservatism.

14) The Democratic Party was behind slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws. It was also the party of Margaret Sanger, George Wallace, and Bull Connor. It has ALWAYS been a racist party. Even today, white liberals support Affirmative Action and racial set-asides because they still believe black Americans are too inferior to go up against whites on an even playing field.

15) A man with good morals who falls short and becomes a hypocrite is still a far better man than a liberal who can never be called a hypocrite because he has no morals at all.

16) The most dire threat to America’s future and prosperity in the last 150 years hasn’t been the Nazis, the Soviets, or Al-Qaeda;, it’s the spending and overreach of our own government.

17) Greed isn’t someone wanting to keep more of what he earns; it’s people demanding a greater share of money that someone else earns.

18) Most of the time in American politics, the liberal “victim” is really a bad guy who is absolutely delighted by the opportunity to pretend to be “offended.”

19) Jesus Christ was not a conservative, a liberal, or a politician. He was also not a capitalist or a socialist. Still, you can say this: Jesus drew sharp lines about what’s right and wrong, He wasn’t tolerant of what the Bible categorizes as sinful behavior, and there’s absolutely no question that He would adamantly oppose abortion and gay marriage.

20) When you demand that other people fund your sexual escapades by buying your contraception, your sex life becomes their business.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

WATCH: Rep. Trey Gowdy Calls Nancy Pelosi 'Mind-Numbingly Stupid'

Nancy Pelosi is absolutely insane and deranged but I believe she does this on purpose to distract everyone from the fact that she is trying desperately to bring communism to America. If this is or isnt the case the needs to be admitted to a fricking psyo ward. 

| On 14, Feb 2014
If Democrats would wake up and realize what Rep. Trey Gowdy is saying is true, then we can begin to move the ball in the right direction.
Until they do that, grab some popcorn, folks. When people stop being polite and start getting real, we’ve got some real entertainment on our hands.

Holy Moly, Jon Stewart Just Called Out Democrats Like He Never Has Before

Friday, January 24, 2014

DInesh D'Souza, Highly Successful Anti-Obama Documentary Indicted for Allegedly Violating U.S. Election Law

NEW YORK (TheBlaze/AP) — A conservative scholar and author known recently for his critical works on President Barack Obama has been indicted in New York on charges he violated campaign finance laws.

Federal prosecutors announced the charges Thursday against Dinesh D’Souza, who made the anti-Obama documentary “2016: Obama’s America.” They say he’ll be arraigned Friday on charges he directed $20,000 in illegal contributions to be made in the New York Senate race in 2012. The funds allegedly headed to the Wendy Long campaign, who unsuccessfully ran for Hillary Clinton’s U.S. Senate seat.
D’Souza found out he was being investigated by the feds in the mid-2013, months after his anti-Obama documentary earned roughly $33 million at the box office, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The film went on to become the second most popular political documentary in U.S. history.
Prosecutors say the San Diego resident was charged with causing the illegal campaign contributions to be made and causing false statements to be made in connection with them. They say the criminal case resulted from a routine review by the FBI of campaign filings by various candidates after the Senate race.
A defense attorney says D’Souza didn’t act with any corrupt or criminal intent.
But Gerald Molen, a co-producer of “2016,” told THR that the charges are politically motivated.
Just days before the indictment, Molen penned an op-ed on TheBlaze titled, “In Michael Moore’s America, Speaking Out Against the President Gets You a Visit From the Secret Service.”
In it, he argued that in the world of people like Michael Moore, “dissent is only allowed for those who share his ideology.” He bashed Moore for calling on the Secret Service to visit D’Souza for calling President Barack Obama as the “Trayvon Martin in the White House.”
The producer is now arguing that it’s obvious that D’Souza is being singled-out over an “an alleged minor violation.” He also connected what he believes to be political targeting in this case to the targeting done by the IRS.
“In America, we have a long tradition of not doing what is commonly done in too many other countries — criminalizing dissent through the selective enforcement of the law,” Molen told the Hollywood Reporter.
“In light of the recent events and the way the IRS has been used to stifle dissent, this arrest should send shivers down the spines of all freedom-loving Americans,” he later added.
Read the entire indictment via Politicker:

Sunday, December 16, 2012 columnist Rob Parker RACIST slam on Redskins starting quarterback Robert Griffin III’s

I am going to start this by quoting columnist Rob Parker the real CORNBALLER. A RACIST Parker blasted out at RG3 by saying, "if Griffin was “a brother, or is he a cornball brother?” and questioning both his reported Republicanism and his decision to become engaged to a white woman.
“I am an African-American in America,” Griffin told USA Today. “That will never change. But I don’t have to be defined by that. … We always try to find similarities in life, no matter what it is so they’re going to try to put you in a box with other African-American quarterbacks — Vick, Newton, Randall Cunningham, Warren Moon … That’s the goal. Just to go out and not try to prove anybody wrong but just let your talents speak for themselves.”

This is as bad as it gets.  Racist ignorant fools on parade at ESPN.  For this guy to still have a job come Monday morning will show how the Media is Sick Bias and its ok to slam a black man for having a white girlfriend and being a republican.  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Black American Republicans ?

  Yes i know the title of this may be a bit provocative but,

Why would a Black American want to be or vote for a republican ?


 Top 10 reasons to be or vote Republican - Capitalist - Conservative.

1. belief and love for large families
2. Support life, not abortion
3. Choose the best school for your child even private school paid for by the tax payers.
4. Hard work and persistence always pays off, you are rewarded for your work ethic. 
5. Personal responsibility builds confidence and encourages massive success.
6. Start your own business its easy because of minimal regulations and SBA Loans.
7. Enjoy a booming economy because of "Capitalism"
8. Republicans have promoted more Black Americans to higher political positions
9. Produced more Black CEO's in all of American history.
10. Cost of living is lower due to small government and smaller taxes.

The following is a list of  Political Black Republicans:


    Claude Allen, former White House Domestic Policy Advisor
    Renee Amoore, health care advocate & founder and president of The Amoore Group, Inc.; former candidate for Republican National Committee Co-Chairwoman
    Caesar Antoine, 13th Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana


    J. Kenneth Blackwell, former Secretary of State of Ohio, former gubernatorial candidate
    Michelle Bernard, journalist, author, columnist
    Lynette Boggs, former Las Vegas City Councilwoman, former Clark County, NV commissioner, former candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives
    Peter Boulware, former NFL linebacker and Republican candidate for the Florida House of Representatives, District 9.
    Jennette Bradley, former Treasurer of the State of Ohio
    Edward Brooke, former U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, first African American elected by popular vote to the U.S. Senate
    Stephen Broden, conservative commentator, Life Always board member (a pro-life organization) and evangelical pastor, 2010 Congressional candidate
    Janice Rogers Brown, a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals
    Blanche Bruce, former U.S. Senator from Mississippi, first African American to serve a full term in the U.S. Senate
    Keith Butler, Republican national committeeman from Michigan, former councilman for Detroit, minister and former U.S. Senatorial candidate

Herman Cain

    Herman Cain, businessman, media personality, and former candidate for President of the United States in 2012.
    Jennifer Carroll, Lieutenant Governor of Florida[1]
    Ron Christie, former advisor to Vice-President Dick Cheney[2]
    Octavius Valentine Catto, civil rights activist and African American baseball pioneer
    Henry P. Cheatham, former U.S. Representative from North Carolina
    Eldridge Cleaver, author and civil rights leader
    William Thaddeus Coleman, Jr., fourth United States Secretary of Transportation, first African American Supreme Court Clerk[3]
    Ward Connerly, political activist, businessman, and former University of California Regent
    Norris Wright Cuney, Chairman of the Texas Republican Party (1886-1896)

Frederick Douglass

    Randy Daniels, former Secretary of State of New York, 2006 Gubernatorial candidate
    Artur Davis, former Democratic Alabama Congressman, speaker at 2012 Republican National Convention, potential Republican candidate
    Oscar Stanton de Priest, former U.S. Representative from Illinois
    Robert DeLarge, South Carolina congressman
    Frederick Douglass, abolitionist, editor, orator, author, and statesman
    Oscar Dunn, 11th Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana
    Edward Duplex, Mayor of Wheatland, California (1888)


    Larry Elder, talk radio host and commentator
    Robert Brown Elliott, former U.S. Representative from South Carolina
    Melvin H. Evans, former U.S. Representative from, and former Governor of, the U.S. Virgin Islands


    James L. Farmer, Jr., civil rights leader
    Michel Faulkner, pastor, former defensive lineman for the New York Jets, a 2010 nominee for New York's 15th congressional district
    Arthur Fletcher, official in the administrations of Presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and George H.W. Bush; considered the "father of affirmative action"
    Gary Franks, former U.S. Representative from Connecticut
    Ryan Frazier, Aurora City Councilman, 2010 nominee for Colorado's 7th congressional district
    Samuel B. Fuller, founder and president of the Fuller Products Company, publisher of the New York Age and Pittsburgh Courier, head of the South Side Chicago NAACP, president of the National Negro Business League, and a prominent black Republican
    Virginia Fuller, 2010 and 2012 Congressional Candidate


    James Garner (politician), former mayor of the Village of Hempstead, New York, 2004 Congressional candidate
    Robert A. George (pundit), editorial writer for the New York Post, blogger and pundit
    James Golden (radio personality), producer on the Rush Limbaugh radio talk show


    Ken Hamblin, Radio host, political commentator, author, television personality
    Jeremiah Haralson, former U.S. Representative from Alabama
    Bill Hardiman, former Michigan State Senator, 2010 Congressional Candidate
    Erika Harold, 2003 Miss America, delegate to the 2004 Republican National Convention, 2012 Congressional Candidate
    Ted Hayes, activist for the homeless
    Amy Holmes, CNN political commentator and independent social conservative
    Deborah Honeycutt, 2006, 2008, 2010 congressional candidate;
    T.R.M. Howard, Mississippi civil rights leader, surgeon, entrepreneur and mentor to Medgar Evers and Fannie Lou Hamer
    Zora Neale Hurston, Folklorist, anthropologist, novelist, short story writer
    John Adams Hyman, former U.S. Representative from North Carolina


    Niger Innis, commentator and activist


    Alphonso Jackson, thirteenth Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
    Raynard Jackson, political consultant and political analyst for WUSA*9 TV (CBS affiliate) in Washington, DC
    Dr. Mildred Fay Jefferson, first African-American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School; pro-life movement leader; Republican candidate for U.S. House and U.S. Senate[4]
    Wallace B. Jefferson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas
    James Weldon Johnson, first Black manager of the NAACP, president of the Colored Republican Club

Alan Keyes, 16th Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs

    Alan Keyes, former member of the Republican party and nominee for the U.S. Senate
    Alveda King, minister, political activist, author, niece of Martin Luther King Jr.
    Martin Luther King, Sr., Reverend, missionary, civil rights leader, father of Martin Luther King, Jr.


    Stephen N. Lackey, fundraiser, philanthropist
    John Mercer Langston, former U.S. Representative from Virginia
    Jefferson Franklin Long, former U.S. Representative from Georgia
    Mia Love, mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah, 2012 Congressional candidate
    John Roy Lynch, former U.S. Representative from Mississippi


    Lenny McAllister, political analyst, community activist, and author
    Angela McGlowan, political analyst, 2010 Congressional candidate
    James Meredith, civil rights leader
    Thomas Ezekiel Miller, former U.S. Representative from South Carolina
    Eric Motley, former Deputy Associate Director, Office of Presidential Personnel in Bush Administration
    George Washington Murray, former U.S. Representative from South Carolina
    E. Frederic Morrow, first African-American to hold an executive position at the White House. He served under President Dwight D. Eisenhower as Administrative Officer for Special Projects from 1955 to 1961.
    Steven Mullins, Connecticut politician, Planning & Zoning Commissioner, City of West Haven, 2009 Republican nominee for Mayor of West Haven, 2002 Republican nominee for State Comptroller


    Charles Edmund Nash, former U.S Representative from Louisiana
    Sophia A. Nelson, Lawyer, author, political commentator
    Constance Berry Newman, U.S. diplomat; former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs; member of International Republican Institute


    James E. O'Hara, Congressman from North Carolina

Colin Powell, 65th Secretary of State

    Rod Paige, seventh U.S. Secretary of Education
    Sherman Parker, Missouri state representative, ran for U.S. House of Representatives
    Vernon Parker, mayor of Paradise Valley, Arizona, 2010 Congressional candidate
    Star Parker, author, political commentator, 2010 Congressional candidate
    Edward J. Perkins, first African-American U.S. ambassador to South Africa
    Jesse Lee Peterson, civil rights activist, founder of Brotherhood of New Destiny
    Joseph C. Phillips, actor, columnist, commentator
    Pio Pico, last governor of Mexican California. Formed the Republican Party in California.[5]
    Samuel Pierce, former HUD Secretary
    P. B. S. Pinchback, twenty-fourth governor of Louisiana; first African-American governor of a U.S. state
    Colin Powell, 65th United States Secretary of State
    Michael Powell, 24th Chairman of the FCC
    Pierre-Richard Prosper, former Bush Administration war crimes official

Wiki letter w.svg     This section is empty. You can help by adding to it. (July 2010)
Condoleezza Rice, 66th Secretary of State

    Joseph H. Rainey, former U.S. Representative from South Carolina, first African American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives
    James T. Rapier, former U.S. Representative from Alabama
    Hiram Rhodes Revels, former U.S. Senator from Mississippi, first African American to serve in the U.S. Senate
    Condoleezza Rice, 66th United States Secretary of State
    Jack E. Robinson III, former party nominee for U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and Secretary of the Commonwealth in Massachusetts
    Vernon Robinson, former candidate for U.S. House of Representatives from North Carolina
    Joe Rogers, former Lieutenant Governor of Colorado, youngest Lieutenant Governor in Colorado history
    Carson Ross Mayor of Blue Springs, MO, Fmr. Missouri State Rep
    Jackie Robinson, baseball player (changed parties after Goldwater nomination).

Michael Steele, 64th Chairman of the Republican National Committee

    Paul H. Scott, Michigan State Representative
    Tim Scott. Representative, South Carolina's 1st Congressional District
    Marvin Scott. Congressional Candidate
    Winsome Sears. Former member of the Virginia House of Delegates, 2004 Congressional Candidate
    Robert Smalls, South Carolina
    Joshua I. Smith, appointed commissioner of Minority Business Development by President George H. W. Bush
    Princella Smith, 2010 Congressional Candidate, She PAC member
    DeForest "Buster" Soaries, former New Jersey Secretary of State
    Thomas Sowell, economist, writer and commentator
    Michael S. Steele, political commentator, former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, former candidate for the U.S. Senate and elected chairman of the Republican National Committee
    Shelby Steele, author
    Thomas Stith, III, former member of the city council of Durham, North Carolina, 2004 Candidate for Lieutenant Governor, 2007 mayoral candidate for Durham, North Carolina
    Lynn Swann, former NFL player, former Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate

Clarence Thomas, Associate Supreme Court Justice
Sojourner Truth

    Noel C. Taylor, mayor of Roanoke, Virginia from 1975 to 1992[6]
    Clarence Thomas, associate justice of the United States Supreme Court
    Thurman Thomas, former Buffalo Bill, Republican activist, supported and campaigned for 2010 New York Republican Gubernatorial nominee Carl Paladino
    Sojourner Truth, abolitionist speaker and suffrage advocate
    Harriet Tubman, abolitionist speaker and suffrage advocate
    Benjamin S. Turner, Alabama Congressman
    David Tyree, former New York Giant, anti-same-sex marriage advocate


    James L. Usry, former mayor of Atlantic City, New Jersey


    William T. Vernon, Register of the Treasury under President Theodore Roosevelt[7]


    Dale Wainwright, Associate Justice of the Texas Supreme Court
    Eric Wallace (entrepreneur), pastor, entrepreneur, serves on the African American Advisory Board for the Republican National Committee
    Josiah Walls, former U.S. Representative from Florida, and one of the first African-Americans to serve in the U.S. House
    Booker T. Washington, educator and activist
    Maurice Washington, Nevada State Senator
    J. C. Watts, former U.S. Representative from Oklahoma
    Ida B. Wells, civil rights advocate, co-founder of the NAACP
    Allen West, Representative, U.S. House of Representatives (FL-22)
    J. Ernest Wilkins, Sr., Assistant Secretary of Labor under President Eisenhower[8]
    Armstrong Williams, radio and television commentator
    Michael L. Williams, Texas Railroad Commissioner
    Walter E. Williams, author, commentator, economist
    Vern Williams, member of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel
    Barb Davis White, 2010 Congressional Candidate


    William F. Yardley, anti-segregation advocate, first African American candidate for governor of Tennessee (1876)


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

America has lost her way.

  As I look back at the last few months leading up to the election of 2012 I am perplexed as to how the fuck the majority of the America people could not for the life of themselves see that the emperor has no clothes.  He was elected on hope and change and the promise of a new day and the people bought it hook line and sinker.  He ran his second campaign based on hate and revenge and the people bought it hook line and sinker because they wouldn't have bought the old message.  Why wouldn't they have bought the old message ?  The simple answer, "cause it never came true", it was all smoke and mirrors.  There was never any hope and change unless you consider moving America to a communist state.  We now live in a country where the majority of people feel like victims and that the government owes them a life and that hard work and perseverance will never pay off.  We live in a world where ignorant children think that the way you make it big in this world is by accident or coincidence.  Where American idol, America's got talent or Britain's got talent is how you make it big and none of the winners worked their ass off to be who they are. It is sick to think that the media in America is also pushing this as reality.  Ive lost faith in the American people to do what is right not what you want but what is best for the world not your individual selfishness.  Shame on everyone of you fools that voted to line your pockets with hard working Americans money.  Damn you thieves  damn you.