Showing posts with label al sharpton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label al sharpton. Show all posts

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Nuclear Option— ‘Firewall’: The Clintons Like Black People… So Long as They Know Their Place

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by Charles Hurt 13 Feb 2016
Hillary Clinton’s “firewall,” they call it. They don’t even wink and nod anymore. But they all know what they mean by it.
By “they,” we are talking about the Democratic Party, the last plantation left in America. And by “firewall,” they are talking about the black voters they haul out every election to do whatever dirty work party leaders need done.
This year’s dirty work, of course, is finally heaving that cackling, pant-suited enabler Hillary Clinton over the line to the nomination. Let her have her shot so she will finally go away.
But the blindingly white Democratic voters in Iowa and New Hampshire either refused to do the dirty work or kicked up such a ruckus over being forced to do it that they made it plenty clear to the entire world just how much even Democrats cannot stand the Clintons anymore — especially Hillary.
Now on to Nevada and South Carolina where Democrats can boss voters around a little easier and order them into line for Mrs. Clinton. In South Carolina, the Democratic Party chairman once famously dismissed the notion that Democrats buy “the black vote” down there.
“I just want to rent it for one day,” he said. Funny guy.
Politics remains the last industry in America where racial profiling is not only tolerated, it is lustily embraced and the very lifeblood of pollsters, politicians and operatives. Battalions of demographers are employed in both parties to slice and dice voters based on racial profiling so that special messages can be tailored to each one.
If you got caught selling cigarettes or malt liquor like that, you would be jailed. Or, at the very least, be put out of business. Or shamed into oblivion.
But in politics, it is the North Star. And Mrs. Clinton will follow it to the South and the West.
Already, Mrs. Clinton has sewn up the support from the Congressional Black Caucus Political Action Committee, a sure sign of her establishment status. And hit men have been dispatched.
Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), Georgia Democrat, dismissed Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-VT)’ claim to have worked for the civil rights movement.
“I never saw him. I never met him,” said Mr. Lewis, who has dutifully lined up behind Clinton.
Eight years ago, the great lion of the civil rights movement had endorsed Hillary Clinton. But in late February as the momentum gathered for then-Sen. Barack Obama, Mr. Lewis deserted the Clintons.
We all remember what happened last time somebody messed with the Clinton’s “firewall” in South Carolina. Bubba got dispatched to take Barack Obama out at the knees, comparing him to lifelong race-hustler Rev. Jesse Jackson.
Sure, the FIRE. And wait their turn.
After all, look at all the black friends they have. I mean, she got endorsed by the entire Congressional Black Caucus Political Action Committee!
Then along comes Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who is perhaps the whitest person to ever run for president in American history. And he hails from what is probably the whitest state in the country.
One of the great scenes of this election filled with so many great moments was when Mr. Sanders became so flustered and disoriented by Black Lives Matter protesters joining him on stage that he fled.
So it is understandable that he might be a little lost stepping out of the privileged confines of New Hampshire, which is almost as white as his neighboring home of Vermont. He did what any desperate Democrat does in a crisis like this. He called Al Sharpton and asked for a very public meeting at a diner.
They met at Sylvia’s, a soul food joint in Harlem. (And who said Bernie can’t jump?) Mr. Sanders brought along so many photographers and reporters to capture the moment he sat at a table with an actual black person that they had to put up a velvet rope to give them a little room.
Now, I have not personally confirmed this but I was told that at this very moment, Mr. Sanders and Mr. Sharpton are still sitting at that table inside Sylvia’s Restaurant, behind that velvet rope.
Turns out that when the bill came, neither one of them had ever picked up a tab in their lives so they just sat there. Just the two of them. And the bill. Every few minutes, one of them will wordlessly point with their eyes to the check as if to day, “You’re getting this, right?”
Charles Hurt can be reached at Follow him on Twitter at @charleshurt.
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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Oscars: Al Sharpton Criticizes "Fraudulent" Hollywood Over Zero Nonwhite Acting Noms

Al Sharpton lit into Hollywood Thursday morning after this year's Oscar nominations were released and not a single African American was up for one of the 20 available slots in the four acting categories. 

This marks the second year with this result; the protest hashtag last year was #OscarsSoWhite.

Before that, 2011 was the last time all of the acting contenders were white and then again in 1998.

Sharpton criticized the industry for having a "fraudulent image of progressive and liberal politics and policies" and compared success in Tinseltown to climbing the Rocky Mountains.

“Hollywood is like the Rocky Mountains, the higher up you get the whiter it gets and this year’s Academy Awards will be yet another Rocky Mountain Oscars. Yet again, deserving Black actors and directors were ignored by the Academy – which reinforces the fact that there are few if any Blacks with real power in Hollywood," Sharpton said in a statement.

He added: "Being left out of Awards consideration is about more than just recognition for a job well done; winning an Oscar has long-lasting cultural and economic impacts."

The Academy attempted to diversify membership, inviting 322 new members over the summer, which included Selma star David Oyelowo, British actress Gugu Mbatha-Raw, who appears in Concussion, and Compton director F. Gary Gray.

Awards-caliber films focused on African American stories and performances included Compton, Beasts of No Nation, Will Smith in Concussion, Michael B. Jordan in Creed, Idris Elba in Beasts and Samuel L. Jackson in The Hateful Eight.

Last year, David Oyelowo, who was praised for his role as the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma, was one of the most notable snubs. 

All white Oscar nominations are another example of the lack of diversity in Hollywood. Like the Rocky Mts. The higher u climb the whiter.

— Reverend Al Sharpton (@TheRevAl)January 14, 2016

Hollywood has a fraudulent image of progressive and liberal politics and policies. We must take direct action to correct this. Talk is cheap

— Reverend Al Sharpton (@TheRevAl)January 14, 2016

Gregg Kilday contributed to this report.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Flowbots No Handle Bar for Obama

So if you say, "on a Facebook thread in February of last year. A fellow online gamer was provoking him, and caused Carter to say things he would come to regret. Carter said, “I’m fucked in the head alright, I think I’ma SHOOT UP A KINDERGARTEN… AND WATCH THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT RAIN DOWN… AND EAT THE BEATING HEART OF ONE OF THEM.”  Then you will do 8 years in prison and be raped by bubba and have a live destroyed....  WHERE THE HELL DO WE LIVE ?????

Read more:

Monday, February 10, 2014

Tyranny is Color Blind or Democrat Plantations Alive and Well.

American Black Slavery alive and well on the Liberal Progressive Democrat Plantations.  

Who Do You Serve ? 

You better take this as a sign that Progressives are correct and we need to put mandates on the Globe to keep these threats down so that no child has to die at the hands of assault weapons whether military or non-military and that we need to tax the rich so that we can create the utopia we all know to be self evident i.e. the "Garden of Eden" and if you disagree with me you are a radical racist and you hate America and the beauty of the utopian society.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Racisim in America - American Slavery - Who is a fault and Why ?

Show me where in the Constitution where the federal government is supposed to "Spend Money" on racial inequalities ? Martin Luther King was a conservative.   Why do we have a racial issue ? Its cause of jackasses like tyt and democrates.  Democrates created - Slavery - KKK - Jim Crow - Dred Scott - Lynching and Murder of Blacks - Opposed to private education of blacks - Gun Control - Affirmative Action -Opposed Civil Rights Act 1866, Reconstruction Act of 1867, Freedman Bureau Extension Act of 1866, Enforcement Act of 1870, Force Act of 1871, Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, Civil Rights Act of 1875, Civil Rights Act of 1957, Civil Rights Act of 1960, And during the 60's many Democrats fought hard to defeat the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 1965 Voting Rights Acts, 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act.  Look up - Plessy v Ferguson and Brown v. The Board of Education.  Democratic President Lyndon Johnson that referred to Dr. King as " that nigger preacher." Senator Byrd was a KKK grand wizard.
Democrats promoted it through:
Racist Legislation
Terrorist Organizations
Negative Media Communications
Bias Education
Relentless Intimidation
And Flawed Adjudication.


Wayne Perryman, an inner city minister in Seattle and the author of Unfounded Loyalty, in an editorial circulating on the Internet (Feb. 2004):
Most people are either a Democrat by design, or a Democrat by deception. That is either they were well aware the racist history of the Democrat Party and still chose to be Democrat, or they were deceived into thinking that the Democratic Party is a party that sincerely cared about Black people.