Showing posts with label Egypt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Egypt. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Girl Has Nose/Ears Cut Off By Taliban (Graphic)

Girl Has Nose/Ears Cut Off By Taliban (Graphic) 


"Bunker Hill Community College Showcases Painting of President Obama Crucified Like Jesus"

"Bunker Hill Community College Showcases Painting of President Obama Crucified Like Jesus"

   You can not steel the likeness of Our Lord Jesus Christ and make it your own.  Christians are very offended by this and disgusted to the point of protest....  However you will not see a Christian KILL another human being over this.  Muslims in Benghazi however may resort to killing. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Jamie Foxx give title of Lord and Savior to Obama

  Let me start off by saying, "how absolutely disgusting is this statement ?"  These fools have no belief in our Lord God Jesus Christ the only Savior.  Just as Ann Coulter wrote the New York best seller "Godless", I will confirm that Democrats, Liberals, Socialist and Communist believe in a Godless world because if they didnt then their entire political plat form would have to be changed. Besides that, the main stream media is giving these jokers a "Racial" pass card and thats wrong.

IF you are a Democrat, Liberal, Socialist or Communist then you believe that the following statements are 100% ok and should be enforced.

1. Government will take from the hard working class and give to the no working class
2. Government can spend your money better than you can
3. Your world revolves around the Government providing you complete sercurity
4.  Personal responsibility is a sin or a curse and should be ignored at all times.
5.  Do whatever you "Feel" is best for you at this very moment.
6.  Do not donate to any charity or Church because the Government has your back on that crap.
7.  Mother Nature destroyed your stuff ? Someone must pay and if they dont the Government will
8.  You decided not to plan for a rainy day and a flood took everything you have ? GOVERNMENT !
9.  Jesus Christ doesnt save any more, government does.
10. Killing a baby in the womb of a mother is ok if the mother doesnt want it.
11. Telling someone else to pay for you diapers, formula, cheese, milk or other food is a Right.
12.  Someone else better pay for my children to get an education
13. Someone else better pay for my retirement
14.  Someone else should care for me because I dont want to by smoking and doing drugs.

DO WE NOW LIVE IN CRAZY LAND ?   I will not stand for anyone making fun of My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

-  Did I scare you ?  Yea can you imagine if Jamie said this about muhamod in the middle east ? Yes you know he would have been beaten and sent to jail.


Jesus will forgive you if you only ask. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Note to Editor - American Birth and Demise

  Before the birth of our nation, there were only monarchies and dictatorships. The United States was unique in the hirstory of man, with or Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Freedom of the Press. 
  After this past election, the president and his Czars can mandate any law with the backing of a liberal justice system, making Congress irrelevant.
  The Press is now dead and the constitiution and bill of rights is being trampled over. We are now just another third world dictatorship.

Gordon S.

Cincinnati Ohio.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sick bias in Yahoo! and AP article against Israel

In case you have been living under a rock, Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Israelis have been firing rockets at each other in what appears to be an escalating fight that could soon be considered an all-out war, especially if ground fighting commences. While the following AP article by Ian Deitch and Ibrahim Barzak, featured on the front page of is not the first example of anti-Semitic bias coming from liberal journalists, I just felt the need to point it out to you. Please read the article here. 

This article left me with the false impression that the big bad bullies are purposefully avoiding diplomacy in order to use excessive and unprovoked force on a defenseless little group of civilians and other non-military targets. The authors made gratuitous use of the word "offensive" to drive home his point. This isn't an offensive as much as it is a response, but it wasn't until the sixth paragraph that it was pointed out:

"Israel launched the operation on Wednesday in what it said was an effort to end months of rocket fire out of the Hamas-ruled territory. It began the offensive with an unexpected airstrike that killed Hamas' powerful military chief, and since then has relentlessly targeted suspected rocket launchers and storage sites."

After this brief random act of journalism, the author quickly snapped back to liberal "victim" mode by mentioning the disparity between the dead and wounded of the Palestinians verses the Israelis, highlighting the civilian numbers.

How about this for warmongering: When Maj. Gen. Tal Russo, Israel's southern commander was "asked whether Israel is ready to send ground troops into Gaza, he said: 'Absolutely.'"

Words matter. This sentence sounds like Tal Russo is definitely going to invade, and trust me, the authors desperately hope you think so, to further the narrative of the "bullies" being warmongers. But he wasn't asked if he was going to invade. He was asked if he was READY to send troops. Even if he wasn't ready to invade he would have been obligated to say he was. This was a trick question in order to get the reader to believe something other than what was really meant.

Then here is the Big Whopper lie in the article:

"The White House said President Barack Obama was also in touch with the Egyptian and Turkish leaders. The U.S. has solidly backed Israel so far."

That is a boldface LIE. The truth is that the U.S. has been solidly backing Israel since the beginning all the way up until we elected a Commander-in-Chief that turned out to be clearly anti-Semitic in 2008. There has been a clear reversal of the above statement since Barack Obama took office with every action he has ever taken. Listen to Michael Savage talk about the last time Israel's Prime Minister had a chance to visit America:

Then the authors unwittingly give support to my belief that an Obama Administration led U.S. is NOT backing Israel by writing this"

"Speaking on Air Force One, deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said that the White House believes Israel "has the right to defend itself" against attack and that the Israelis will make their own decisions about their "military tactics and operations."

Translation: Israel, you are on your own.

To put an exclamation point on my belief that the U.S. sadly no longer backs Israel, the authors end the article with this paragraph:

"[Egypt's President] Morsi warned that a ground operation by Irael will have 'repercussions' across the region. 'All must realize the situation is different than before, and the people of the region now are different than before and the leaders are different than before,' he said at a joint press conference with Turkey's Islamist prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Erdogan, like Morsi, leads an Islamist government that has chilly diplomatic ties with Israel."

Translation: Neither George W. Bush or Mitt Romney can save you now.

I'm not really sure why these authors put the lie into this article. Maybe they are merely just mistaken? Considering the pro-Hamas bias in the article, I am left to conclude that by believing the U.S. has Israel's back, it makes them look even more like bullies than they are already made out to be. It could also be that since the authors are liberal and pro-Hamas, that they must also hate the U.S. and that if they subscribe to the old adage that an enemy of my enemy is my friend, then the reverse must be true. In other words, since Israel is the authors' enemy, and the U.S. is the authors' enemy, then Israel and the U.S. must still be friends. Sorry, but it doesn't work that way.