Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sick Minded Corporate Greed

 Greed is defined as by Wikipedia as: " As a secular psychological concept, greed is, similarly, an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs. It is typically used to criticize those who seek excessive material wealth, although it may apply to the need to feel more excessively moral, social, or otherwise better than someone else."

  First part of the definition, ask yourself who decides where the cut off point of "more than one needs" ? Who is telling me I cant make more than X dollars or Im being Greedy ?  If you ask me that statement sounds like a union boss or a liberal because, the restrictions would be placed upon you by regulations and taxes which unions, democrats and liberals love to implement.  In the first week following obamas reelection he imposed over 6,500 new regulations. Unions donated over $300 million dollars in 2008 to elect obama regardless if the union members wanted to vote a different way.
Hostess Bakery was told by the union that a delivery drive will not carry both Hostess made Wonder bread and Twinkies in the same truck.  They also told Hostess that they will not pay for their own retirement nor their own health care. "The company cited the high cost of pensions and outstanding debt as the reasons for that filing. In October 2012, the company filed a plan with the federal bankruptcy court in New York. It called for an 8 percent cut to employees' wages, a reduction in health benefits, and a freeze in pension plan payments for over two years. In return, unionized employees would get a 25 percent equity stake in the company, two seats on its board of directors, and an interest-bearing note worth $100 million. The 8 percent wage cut was part of a five-year deal that included a 3 percent wage increase in the next three years and a 1 percent raise in the final year." Scout.com

  Second part of the definition states that Greed is "Typically used to Criticize those who seek excessive material or wealth".   Who in the world would criticize a man or woman that invents an amazing product that revolutionizes modern day life ?  Take for example the wealthiest sports player ever, he didnt start out wealthy and didn't become wealthy because of his ability to win in his sport, he became wealthy beyond belief when he created and invention that swept the nation of America and then the world.  This little invention was a bit pricy but the benefits it provided was obviously well worth it and the public agreed by purchasing over 100,000,000 million units since its conception in 1994.  If the man I speak of made a profit of $1 per unit sold he would have $100,000,000 million dollars in the bank and critics would say that's too much.  Why would a critic say this ?  Answer: Jealousy and GREED.  Seriously, who would not be proud of George Foreman and the Foreman Grill ?  We all are because he invented a product, took risk to bring it to market which created jobs for millions of people and helped Americans eat a little healthier. This is the Capitalist that I know and love.

  Who would have a "need to be excessively moral"?  Certainly not George Foreman.

Lastly, Humans for some reason find the need to constantly project their true feeling upon other people for example if you have a companion that constantly accuses you of cheating but you know in your heart and mind thats its it completely false and you honestly havent, the reason why they are doing this is because they are the ones who are doing the dirty deed of cheating.
For hundreds of years Greedy bastards like union thugs and democrats have used these tactics.  When they call a person a Corporate Fat Cat they say this because they have no clue how wealth is created.  They believe that to "Get" more money you have to take it from someone else and Capitalist know for a fact that its the opposite you have to give your ideas to the world in order to receive their praise and thanks which will arrive in the form of money.  If it doesn't you need to go back to the drawing board and find out what they do want.  This is Capitalism at its most basic form.  

Rush Limbaugh is correct when saying that Liberalism is a disease of the mind because of one simple thing, "GREED".


  1. Capitalism is the greatest gift to mankind from God, it demands hard exhilarating work and incredible ingenuity which is what the Soul demands from us all. Your reward is complete satisfaction of grand accomplishments with a side of happiness shared with generations to come.

  2. We need to bring the knowledge of Capitalism to the ignorant and poor folks in American and then spread it around the world. Capitalism produces Freedom and Prosperity for All.
