Showing posts with label sick bias. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sick bias. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

An Exclusive interview and look at the past with Bills first Love Affair

Hillary Clinton torpedoed affair between Bill and campaign worker

Long before the 'bimbo eruptions' and Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton cheated on Hillary with university student Marla Crider Crider worked on Bill's first political campaign in 1974 and two fell hard for each otherIn an explosive interview, she told author Jerry Oppenheimer: 'Hillary was like a cat, marking her territory'Bill was crazy about Crider, but told her  '[Hillary] gets me started, kicks my butt, and makes me do the things I've got to do'When Hillary learned of their affair things turned uglyCrider saw a letter Hillary wrote to Bill saying:  'I know all your little girls are around there…if that's what it is, you will outgrow this'Hillary and Bill had a 'secret pact' for their future that one day he, and later she, would be elected presidentSee more of the latest news on Bill and Hillary Clinton revelations  

New York Times bestselling author Jerry Oppenheimer, who recently published RFK Jr.: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Dark Side of the Dream, investigated the Clintons in his book State of a Union: Inside the Complex Marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

She was a pretty 21-year-old political science major, and he was a 27-year-old law school graduate embarking on his first political campaign. They instantly fell for each other. But when the other woman in his life learned of their affair, things turned frighteningly ugly.

It may sound like the story line for a juicy TV miniseries, but it was real-life. The characters in the drama were a young Bill Clinton, his then longtime girlfriend, Hillary Rodham, and a college girl by the name of Marla Crider. 

Before her death last year, Crider sat down for an explosive interview that revealed the perverse lengths Hillary would go to ensure that her political ambitions for herself and her husband-to-be would be realized.

The Clinton-Rodham-Crider triangle is important in the Clinton biography because it underscores and documents the first time Bill cheated on Hillary -- even before they were married, but seriously involved.

Driven and ambitious, Hillary did every catty thing to break up the relationship and keep Bill for herself, based not on love, as Marla Crider perceived it back then in 1974 Arkansas, but rather on a 'secret pact' that Bill and Hillary had forged for their future – that they'd work together as a disciplined team so that one day he, and hopefully later she, would be elected president.

Love triangle:  Marla Crider was an Arkansas beauty queen who captured the heart of Bill Clinton even though he and Hillary was about to become engaged. The Clinton-Rodham-Crider triangle is important in the Clinton biography because it documents the first time Bill cheated on Hillary -- even before they were married

Charasmatic: Bill's charm won over many women as he launched his political career in 1974 after he graduated from the University of Arkansas Law School,  running for the state's Third Congressional District seat against a popular Republican who had been in office seemingly forever

Long before the so-called Clinton 'bimbo eruptions,' long before the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal, Bill Clinton had, behind Hillary's back, a serious affair with pretty Arkansas brunette Marla, who was working in his first political campaign.

GOP front runner Donald Trump has zeroed in on the Clintons' past marital scandals, asserting the former president's womanizing - in particular his affair with the one-time White House intern Lewinsky - is 'fair game' as the campaign enters its key months.

Declared Trump, 'You look at whether it's Monica Lewinsky or Paula Jones or many of them. That certainly will be fair game. Certainly if they play the woman's card with respect to me.'

When Trump learned that Bill is campaigning for Hillary, he exploded, tweeting that the former president and future possible 'First Husband' has 'demonstrated a penchant for sexism' – this after Hillary called Trump 'sexist' in response to his claim that she was 'schlonged' by Barrack Obama in her failed 2008 presidential race.

In a radio interview with broadcaster Aaron Klein, Monica Lewinsky confidant Linda Tripp revealed that Bill had flings with thousands of women, including another White House Staffer and, of course, Gennifer Flowers.

Bill has also had sexual assault charges leveled at him by Kathleen Willey and Paul Jones, who won an $850,000 lawsuit against him for sexual harassment.

Now the Clintons fear - and justifiably so - that Bill's relationship with Marla, along with the other women in his life, will be resurrected by Trump's campaign and used as fodder against Hillary in the race for the White House.

Slender, olive-skinned, green-eyed Marla Crider's relationship with Bill flew under the radar until it was revealed in my New York Times bestselling book, 'State of a Union: Inside the Complex Marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton,' published following Clinton's impeachment by the House of Representatives, and acquittal by the Senate.

Secrets: Hillary has stood by her cheating man since before they were married. Monica Lewinsky's confiante Linda Tripp has revealed that Bill had 'thousands' of women - and Hillary knew about them

A wing and a prayer: Hillary and Bill were a match made in political heaven and they had  a 'secret pact' for their future that one day he, and later she, would be elected president

Rah rah: Crider was a cheerleader at Greenland High School in Arkansas. She went on to attend the University of Arkansas which is where she met Bill

A native of Bill Clinton's home state, Arkansas, Marla was a sharply intelligent college girl majoring in political science at the University of Arkansas when, in 1974, she joined charismatic, idealistic and seemingly unattached Bill Clinton's first political campaign.

The recent law school graduate was running for the state's Third Congressional District seat against a popular Republican who had been in office seemingly forever.

Everywhere Bill campaigned, there were women, groupies, drawn to him like ants to a picnic. Bill Clinton was a virtual babe magnet, and it was clear to his campaign manager, Paul Fray, and campaign office workers that he took advantage of the situation.

'They'd [women] write down their names, their phone numbers, their addresses on a napkin, whatever was handy, and hand it to him,' one campaign source recalled.

And while he was getting all that action, his girlfriend Hillary was hundreds of miles away in Washington, D.C. working for the Watergate Committee.

Marla Crider told Jerry Oppenheimer she considered Bill hers

But of all the Arkansas cuties who let Bill know they were available, he chose Marla Crider, with her intriguing looks and long dark hair.

The first time they met, she later recalled in interviews for my book, it was practically love at first sight. She was so impressed with him that, 'I told my mother that night, "Bill Clinton will someday be president." I just instinctively felt like the sky was the limit for him.'

A number of books about the Clintons before mine had mentioned a 'college girl' who was romantically involved with Clinton during his first campaign, and had to be hidden whenever Hillary showed up. 

But no one had ever found her.

As she later noted to my researcher who tracked her down: 'In 25 years I've never talked about this.'

But she finally decided to open up.

She said she knew that Hillary Rodham, then working in Washington for the Watergate committee, was Bill's girlfriend, and had asked him 'point-blank if he were engaged to her yet.' Bill said no, noting, 'If she chose to come back, I would probably pursue the relationship. But we're not engaged.'

Marla said she believed him. She considered him hers.

But when she later asked him about Hillary she got quite a different response.

'You and Hillary, what's the deal? Are you in love with her?'

'Yeah, I am,' he responded. 'But I don't know if this is right. …I don't know if she can fit in here.'

'What is it about her?' Marla asked.

Bill's response surprised her.

'She gets me started, kicks my butt, and makes me do the things I've got to do.'

To Marla it sounded more like Bill was discussing a tough Marine Corps drill instructor rather than a woman with whom he claimed he was in love with.

'Are you going to build a marriage off of this?' Marla asked dubiously.

Hillary had become aware of the romance – presumably from intelligence gathered from people she knew in the campaign.

And she saw Marla as genuine threat to her future with Bill

Stumped: Bill is campaigning for his wife in the hope that he'll fulfill his promise to help her win the presidency as she had helped him. But Hillary is on the ropes as Bernie Sanders closes in

 Vows: They looked so in love on their wedding day. But it was more business than pleasure. Bill told Marla: 'She gets me started, kicks my butt, and makes me do the things I've got to do' 

Her claws were out and a number of a confrontations followed. Hillary made surprise visits to Bill's campaign headquarters, in one instance causing Bill to cancel an overnight trip with Marla.

That night at headquarters Marla was drinking a glass of wine.

Hillary, she recalled, 'Strolls up to me, takes the glass of wine out of my hand, says, 'Hmmm, wine' – takes a drink of it, gives it back to me and says, staring me down, "I'll have to get some of that."

'It was her way of letting me know – like a cat – marking its territory. Everybody in there just turned and looked, like what the hell was that all about? And Hillary just had this kind of half smirk on her face and she strolled off.'

It was her way of letting me know – like a cat – marking its territory. 

Once when Marla and Bill were discussing his campaign schedule with a few others, Hillary, who had made another surprise visit from Washington, cut into the discussion, telling Marla that she and Bill were going on an overnight trip, 'And we can't seem to find any of his socks. I knew you would know where they are.'

Bill, embarrassed, went ballistic.'Would you two take this outside,' he yelled.

Marla recalled, 'He was red, that pulsating red.'

Marla found the overnight bag, found a pair of Bill's socks inside and briskly gave them to Hillary.

Responded Hillary with poisonous sweetness, 'Thanks – somehow I knew you'd know that.'

Bill later apologized to Marla for Hillary's behavior.

'Basically, he said, "This is my fault. I have allowed this to happen." It was apparent, he said, this was going to have to be dealt with.'

But Marla's relationship ignited more serious problems.

An anonymous telephone call to her mother – whether it was from Hillary, or possibly an agent of hers, or someone else – alerted her to the affair, and she was upset, fearful that her daughter, in her first serious relationship, would be hurt by Clinton.

'Doesn't he have another woman…You are being used,' Mrs. Crider told her daughter during a tearful confrontation.

Beyond other anonymous phone calls and hang-ups, Marla began to suspect she was being followed whenever she left Clinton's campaign headquarters.

Marla had become very aware of Hillary's wrath, and even a bit fearful.

Hillary and Bill Clinton attended Yale in the early 1970s. She was one of a handful of young researchers and interns who helped determine whether a school in Alabama discriminated against blacks

Hillary and Bill Clinton attended Yale in the early 1970s. She was one of a handful of young researchers and interns who helped determine whether a school in Alabama discriminated against blacks

At one point, Bill sent her a note:

'I know there are things about us I should really be sorry about, but I'm not. I care about you. I am grateful that you have been here with me during this time.'

After Hillary found out about Marla, she tried to make Bill jealous.

Campaign manager Paul Fray recalled overhearing a telephone conversation between Hillary and Bill.

'She told him she'd gone out with some guy in Washington and slept with him. Billy broke down and told her, "Well, damn you, why are you doing me this way?" He was really torn up about it.'

 She [Hillary] didn't know how to deal with Southerners. She would get furious if there was any frivolity. Furious – it was like have you forgotten what our goal is.

They had a curious unbroken – and unspoken --bond.

Marla's relationship with Bill caused problems within her own family.

At one point her uncle, a county judge, confronted her at restaurant. 'He tore into her a** with both feet,' Fray recalled. 'He said, "You are going to stop this relationship…Everybody's talking about what kind of a sorry, no-account niece I've got, to be with this son of a bitch."'

Marla refused to listen. She was head over heels in love.

Hillary had been hopping in and out of Arkansas to be with Bill. But now, concerned about his relationship with Marla, she returned full time.

'There were few people she tolerated in that office,' Marla had never forgotten. 'She was very dictatorial. She literally came in and just turned everything around, changed everything. 

'She didn't know how to deal with Southerners…She would get furious if there was any frivolity. Furious – it was like have you forgotten what our goal is.'

Another campaign aide remembered Hillary, 'kicking a**, and taking names'.

Bill had given Marla her own set of keys to his house and had asked her to pick up some papers he needed on one occasion when Hillary had apparently returned to Washington.

On Bill's desk in his room Marla spotted a letter signed by Hillary, unfolded and open to be read by anyone. Years later, remembering that moment, Marla believed that Hillary had 'carefully placed' it there, in what she believed was a Hillary 'orchestrated touch'

On Bill's desk in his room Marla spotted a letter signed by Hillary, unfolded and open to be read by anyone. Years later, remembering that moment, Marla believed that Hillary had 'carefully placed' it there, in what she believed was a Hillary 'orchestrated touch'

On Bill's desk in his room Marla spotted a letter signed by Hillary, unfolded and open to be read by anyone.

Years later, remembering that moment, Marla believed that Hillary had 'carefully placed' it there, in what she believed was a Hillary 'orchestrated touch.'

Marla recalled much of what Hillary had written in her Dear Bill missive, and most, if not all of it, was a shock to her.

Wrote Hillary: 'I still do not understand why you do the things you do to hurt me. You left me in tears and not knowing what our relationship was all about.

'I know all your little girls are around there…if that's what it is, you will outgrow this. They will not be with you when you need them.

'They are not the ones who can help you achieve your goals. If this is about your feelings for [Marla] this, too, shall pass. Let me remind you it always does.'

Reading the words, Marla believed that Hillary was saying that what Bill and Marla had together wasn't real, that he should listen to his head, not his heart.

Hillary continued, 'Remember what we talked about. Remember the goals we set for ourselves. You keep trying to stray away from the plans we've put together.

'Take some time, think about it, and call me when you're ready. Hillary.'

In November 2014, as 68-year-old Hillary Clinton was launching her second presidential bid, Marla Crider died at age 60 after a heroic 18-month battle against a form of breast cancer

In November 2014, as 68-year-old Hillary Clinton was launching her second presidential bid, Marla Crider died at age 60 after a heroic 18-month battle against a form of breast cancer

Marla said she found the letter chilling, that Hillary's words seemed to have nothing to do with love, but rather about an ambitious secret pact for their future.

Realizing her relationship with Bill Clinton would go nowhere with Hillary in the picture – and the strange pact that they shared -- she decided to end it with him.

'It was very adult, very above board. He said, 'You need to take care of yourself. You just don't know how much you mean to me.'

Looking back years later to her relationship with the future president, she said, 'It was a period of time when he was not married, even though they had an understanding, she made that perfectly clear.

'I'm not so sure those weren't some of the first real feelings he'd had, but then we got the game plan enacted and we'd seen what's it been since then.

'So – how lonely has he been? How lonely has she been? Do they love each other? I think maybe the only way they know how. But I think for a short period of time, early on, maybe, he may have been willing to love in a different way.'

In November 2014, as 68-year-old Hillary Clinton was launching her secondpresidential bid, Marla Crider died at age 60 after a heroic 18-month battle against a form of breast cancer called invasive ductal carcinoma (stage 3).

Hundreds of people attended a memorial service for her in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Bill Clinton was not among them.


Monday, January 4, 2016

Shootout: NRA says battle with Obama, Clinton over guns is 'winner-take-all'

The National Rifle Association has opened a new membership drive to build its ranks for a "winner-take-all" shootout with liberals like President Obama and Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton over the future of gun ownership and the Second Amendment.

"Unless you and I stand shoulder-to-shoulder in this winner-take-all fight, it's only a matter of time before we lose our guns, our heritage, and our freedom," wrote Wayne LaPierre, the NRA executive vice president in a new membership letter.

By joining, he urged potential members, "you're drawing a line in the sand, making it clear to politicians across America that you're not going to stand by while extremists trample our individual liberties."

The membership drive comes at the beginning of a crucial election year in which many Democrats believe that the public is more open to gun control.

It also comes as Obama is set this week to push some minor efforts to expand the group of gun sellers required to register as a licenced dealer, a potential step toward national gun registration, according to critics.

While NRA foes often claim that pro-Second Amendment politicians are bought off by the gun lobby's political contributions, it is actually the power of a big and active membership that votes which gives the Virginia-based organization its power, not money.

And with Democrats pushing for more gun control, building membership in the NRA is likely to be easy.

In his letter, LaPierre is very specific about what he sees as the looming threats to America's gun freedoms. The bottom line, he wrote: "Right now we're fighting gun-hating politicians whose agenda includes gun bans, ammo bans, federal gun-owner licensing, gun registration, and even prison time for you if you pass down or sell any banned firearm to a family member or friend."

Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted


Thursday, December 31, 2015

BREAKING: Cruz may drop out to become Trump’s VP

WARNING: This is pure speculation based on lots of articles and meetings between Trump and Cruz, not only that but Cruz has support but not enough to Win 2016 vs Dems.
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By -

One America News, Washington Post, and Prntly have all discovered that Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have been in deep talks about Cruz being Donald Trump’s running mate . Cruz spared his rhetorical firepower against Trump, and Trump has not criticized the Texan senator at all.
Trump even hinted at selecting Ted Cruz to serve him as VP in his quest to Make America Great Again.
Voters are excited to hear this turn of events, as people have grown delighted. 
EDIT: for the readers who say this is false, simply read the numerous news articles that state this, from Washington Times and One America News
From Washington Post:

The remark piqued the interest of tea party and conservative activists who had already theorized that recent moves by the two campaigns signaled a secret pact.
“It’s highly likely that there is a sweetheart deal there, and it is a very good thing with almost no downside,” said Tom O’Halloran, host of the Texas-based conservative webcast Patriot Radio Show, who subscribes to the theory of a secret Trump-Cruz ticket.
“It’s a brilliant move,” he said. “It sounds to me like a deal that was made in heaven.”
Mr. O’Halloran and other believers pointed to a purported secret meeting between Mr. Trump and Mr. Cruz in Dallas at the end of the summer and the absence of attacks waged by the combative Mr. Trump against Mr. Cruz, the only major candidate to be spared Mr. Trump’s blisteringly personal attacks.
Mr. Cruz has mostly refrained from attacking any of his rivals in the crowded GOP field.
However, Mr. Cruz last month said that he was confident that he could beat Mr. Trump in the primary race.
“I don’t believe Donald is going to be the nominee, and I think, in time, the lion’s share of his supporters end up with us,” Mr. Cruz said in an interview on WABC Radio.
“If you look to the records of all the Republican candidates, there’s a big difference between my record and that of everyone else if you ask who has stood up to Washington,” he said. “I think his involvement has been tremendously helpful to my campaign, because it’s framed the central question of this primary.”
The detente between the two camps will be put to the test now that Mr. Cruz is surging in Iowa and within striking distance of Mr. Trump.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Three of the best videos of Ronald Reagan enjoy.

Courtesy of the Reagan Library

1. Reagan Christmas Message John 3:16

2. Reagan Warned Us About Obama

 3. Rare Footage of Ronald Reagan Speaking the Gospel

Friday, December 25, 2015

Donald Trump was on Twitter for Christmas to for a second day in a row take credit for reports that the Obama administration is planning an effort to deport illegal immigrants.

December 25, 2015 - 03:28 PM EST

Trump hits Twitter for Christmas



Donald Trump was on Twitter for Christmas to for a second day in a row take credit for reports that the Obama administration is planning an effort to deport illegal immigrants.



Trump has put illegal immigration at the center of his presidential campaign since announcing his White House bid in June.

Now, just more than a month before the Iowa caucuses, Trump is the clear favorite to win the GOP nomination.

He’s well ahead in polls of New Hampshire, which holds its GOP primary on Feb. 9.

First come the Iowa caucuses, where some polls have shown Trump falling behind Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

Twitter has been a key part of Trump’s strategy for winning the Republican nomination.

He frequently uses the instant messaging platform to reach his more than 5 million followers, bypassing traditional media.

On Dec. 24, he unleashed a tweetstorm of criticism directed at Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton and the news media.

News reports on Thursday said the Obama administration was planning immigration raids to deport some of the people from Central America who have entered the United States in recent years.

Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who are battling for the Democratic presidential nomination, were critical of the reports.

Trump, in contrast, took credit for the administration’s reported plans. He stated that the raids were a response to the pressure he has placed on the government.

Trump also tweeted about Bush, a favorite foil.






Donald Trump was on Twitter for Christmas to for a second day in a row take credit for reports that the Obama administration is planning an effort to deport illegal immigrants.




December 25, 2015 - 03:28 PM EST

Trump hits Twitter for Christmas



Donald Trump was on Twitter for Christmas to for a second day in a row take credit for reports that the Obama administration is planning an effort to deport illegal immigrants.



Trump has put illegal immigration at the center of his presidential campaign since announcing his White House bid in June.

Now, just more than a month before the Iowa caucuses, Trump is the clear favorite to win the GOP nomination.

He’s well ahead in polls of New Hampshire, which holds its GOP primary on Feb. 9.

First come the Iowa caucuses, where some polls have shown Trump falling behind Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

Twitter has been a key part of Trump’s strategy for winning the Republican nomination.

He frequently uses the instant messaging platform to reach his more than 5 million followers, bypassing traditional media.

On Dec. 24, he unleashed a tweetstorm of criticism directed at Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton and the news media.

News reports on Thursday said the Obama administration was planning immigration raids to deport some of the people from Central America who have entered the United States in recent years.

Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who are battling for the Democratic presidential nomination, were critical of the reports.

Trump, in contrast, took credit for the administration’s reported plans. He stated that the raids were a response to the pressure he has placed on the government.

Trump also tweeted about Bush, a favorite foil.






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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Utopia and Communism share a common thread

Private car ownership is on the road to becoming a rarity

Henry Ford was a smart guy, but he never did the math when he decided to put every American household on wheels.

A century after the Model T, the world has a problem with cars. The U.S. and China will consume about 40 million light vehicles in 2015, according to IHS. Globally, we’re on track to hit 100 million vehicles in 2020.

That’s not a lot of cars. That’s an ocean of cars, an inundation, wave after wave breaking on the shores of the industrialized world. And yet policy makers and common folk alike have been powerless against the siren song of the automobile. Even in the most car-blighted burg in the world, the toxic parking lot they call Beijing, the appetite for the automobile—as status item, as luxury, as totem of personal mastery in a fragile postcolonial mind-set—is driving millions more into its smoggy embrace, despite limits on ownership and the government’s rising alarm.

The Future of Everything: From the end of auto ownership to America’s changing battlefields to a revolution in fast food to the next sports superstar, a special Wall Street Journal magazine asks a team of experts and reporters to tell us what lies ahead.

The absurdity of our century-old, ad hoc approach to mobility is captured in one statistic: The utilization rate of automobiles in the U.S. is about 5%. For the remaining 95% of the time (23 hours), our cars just sit there, a slow, awful cash burn, like condos at the beach.

But what if, like condos, automobiles could be shared? It’s one of life’s first lessons—how to share toys, parents, rooms, feelings. But as little consumers grow into adults, they forget the joys of selflessness. That’s about to change. And I don’t mean the collaborative consumerism we see around us—peer-to-peer transportation like Uber—which is symbolic and transitional, lasting only until automation happens, at which point we can get rid of the wetware. And by wetware, I mean us.

The Waze app has packed residential side streets with traffic

The navigation app Waze offers drivers alternate routes to busy roads, but it's also clogging some local streets with bumper-to-bumper traffic — and upsetting residents. Photo: Joe Flint/Wall Street Journal.

Within a generation, automobiles will be endowed with what’s known as Level 4 autonomy—full self-driving artificial intelligence for cars—which will not so much change the game as burn down the casino. Autonomy will make it possible for unmanned automobiles to be summoned, via app, to your location. And not just any passing tramp steamer, but exactly the vehicle you need for the occasion, cleaned and fueled, for as little or as long as you need (offers may vary in your state). When you’re done—poof!—it will go away.

You don’t pay for the car. You pay for the miles. And only the miles. It’s a whole new way to fly. Let’s start small. Need a pickup for three weekends a year but don’t want to pay for the other 49? Autonomy can make that happen easily without a visit to the dreaded U-Haul depot. Need a car to take mom to the doctor’s, or fetch a spouse from the airport? A decade hence, major auto makers and smaller players will be at each others’ throats for the privilege of sending consumers vehicles a la carte, for a one-way trip, an afternoon, a weekend, a month. These transactions will move through the glowing bowels of your monthly credit accounts, and you won’t even feel them.

Americans will look back on pre-autonomy like the age of Casio calculators and DOS prompts. Remember cab drivers? Remember traffic jams? Remember when parents lived in dread that their children would die in a car accident? Death and major injury from traffic accidents will drop drastically. The automobile’s other costs—decreased productivity, fuel burned in uncoordinated traffic—will be swept away. “Beyond the practical benefits, autonomous cars could contribute $1.3 trillion in annual savings to the U.S. economy alone,” wrote Ravi Shanker, a Morgan Stanley analyst covering the U.S. auto business. Global savings? Somewhere in the neighborhood of $5.6 trillion.

Read: Elon Musk’s hyperloop fantasy may be more realistic than we think

You may be wondering, back here in 2015, if the auto industry is worried about shared mobility. Doesn’t it spell declining sales? It could. But in a mature market like the U.S. turnover will remain fairly stable. What would change is the number of passengers that passed through every vehicle—including a vast untapped market that doesn’t drive today. “Level 4 AV technology, when the vehicle does not require a human driver, would enable transportation for the blind, disabled or those too young to drive,” says the Rand Corporation in a report on the subject. “The benefits for these groups would include independence, reduction in social isolation, and access to essential services.”

These same benefits would return mobility to millions on the margins, including the elderly, the working poor and those who have lost their driving privileges due to a criminal record. (It’s not hard to see the throughline between autonomy and the hobbling economic effects of mass incarceration.)

In August 2015, Morgan Stanley nearly doubled its price target for Tesla TSLA, -0.11%  , to $465 per share, based on an analysis of Tesla’s so-far secret shared-mobility plan. “We view this as a business opportunity,” wrote Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Jonas, “[that could] more than triple the company’s potential revenues by 2029.”

And, far from funneling consumers into fleets of lustless electric drones, autonomy could have the opposite effect. Immersive-connected consumers will be able to draw from a vast and constantly replenished motor pool of shared vehicles—dune buggies, pickup trucks, German luxury sedans—with little or no notice, a cast of automotive avatars.

At this point a fair reader might wonder if I have ever been to America. The notion that we as consumers will forgo the awesome pleasures of the automobile—the privilege, the mobility, the identity—to share vehicles is, I grant, unfamiliar.

But America’s much-sung-about love affair with the automobile has grown cold. Rates of motor-vehicle licensure are already plummeting among young Americans. The obligations and costs of transportation—an average 17% of household budgets—are driving them out of automobility altogether. And enthusiasm for automotive culture is waning too, as the empty seats at Nascar events attest.

Personal-vehicle ownership isn’t going away. Some people will own and cherish cars. But those people and their cars will be considered classics. Rates of ownership will decline, an artifact of an era of hyperprosperity and reckless glut. Twenty-five years from now, the only people still owning cars will be hobbyists, hot rodders and Flat Earth dissenters. Everyone else will be happy to share.

Don’t miss: The Future of Everything.

More about cars:  

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Buchanan: Trump Could Win Working Class Dems

by PAM KEY22 Dec 2015287

Tuesday on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show,” former Nixon and Reagan aide and conservative commentator Pat Buchanan said Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump could do well among blue-collar Democratic voters who are concerned about the border and unhappy with Bill Clinton-era trade deals.

Buchanan said, “My view about Donald Trump is he’s got some real capabilities I think to break out from the normal pattern of  basically moderate conservative Republican against centrist Democrat. Part of that I think is his issue with the border, which reaches across party lines, and secondly his issue on trade against NAFTA and GATT and these trade deals. If you run against NAFTA and GATT and hang them around Hillary Clinton’s neck in Pennsylvania and Ohio and Michigan I think you could do very well there among working class Democrats.”

On working class African-American voters he added, “A lot of working class black folks and middle class black folks are interested in a far better economy than we’ve got now and there’s no doubt that The Donald has been a job creator in his own sphere.”

On working class Hispanic voters, “I’m not sure American citizens who are Hispanics want to have folks walking across the border and taking the jobs that would otherwise go to them.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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Clinton World ‘Stunned’ by ‘Non-reaction’ to Trump’s ‘Vulgarity’


by BREITBART NEWS22 Dec 20151,622

The following appeared in The Hill:

Donald Trump’s public mocking of Hillary Clinton has renewed criticisms of crass, sexist comments by the Republican presidential front-runner.

Clinton’s campaign on Tuesday decided against a frontal attack, with communications director Jennifer Palmieri offering inviting others on Twitter to repudiate Trump’s comments.

But behind the scenes, Team Clinton saw the remarks at a Monday rally as a new low, and some allies predicted they would lead to his demise.

“We are watching the Donald melt down,” predicted Ellen Tauscher, the former congresswoman who served as undersecretary for Arms Control and International Security Affairs under Clinton.

“His racist, sexist, xenophobic rants are now wearing on people generally,” she said.

“Even the folks caught up in the celebrity culture that thought these performances were funny initially, which is stunning, now realize these comments seem predictable and pathetic,” Tauscher added. “What the Donald seems to miss, as he claims he loves women, is that this is a historic election for women and they are done with the juvenile, prurient, potty talk behavior.”

Other political observers contacted by The Hill weren’t so sure.

Trump has a history of attacks on both men and women — notably GOP presidential rival Carly Fiorina and Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly.

Read the rest at The Hill.


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2016 Presidential RaceDonald Trump,Hillary Clinton

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Busloads of migrant children fleeing Central America continue arriving at Texas shelters

Listen To Military Veteran Talk Radio
Published December 22, 2015
A recent influx of migrant children—10,000 just within the last two months, compared to the 34,000 children who arrived the last fiscal year—has made temporary placement a priority.
ROCKWALL COUNTY, TEXAS –  Some 170 plus undocumented children from Central America will spend the holidays at Sabine Creek Ranch in Rockwall County, the second facility in north Texas to provide temporary shelter to the now hundreds of children in federal custody.
The 300-bed church camp located 30 miles east of downtown Dallas typically hosts sets of smiling youth groups. But for the next few weeks, the camp will house mostly boys and some girls, ages 12 to 17, primarily from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, as well as a team of support care workers including nursing staff, clinicians and security.
“We needed to bring additional facilities online,” said Andrea Helling, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The federal government works with temporary shelters in multiple states within 250 miles of the border. But a recent influx of migrant children—10,000 just within the last two months, compared to the 34,000 children who arrived the last fiscal year—has made temporary placement a priority.
“It’s a complex, crazy issue,” said Rockwall County Judge David Sweet, who emphasized that county resources were not being used to house the children.
Sweet and other local and federal officials toured the facility, including the on-site command center which has five large TV monitors that track movement into and out of the camps. It also logs all kinds of data, from who is suffering from headaches to who has head lice.
Sweet said county officials asked “a ton and ton of questions” of the BCFS Health and Human Services’ Emergency Management Division, the San Antonio-based nonprofit contracted to handle the migrant children.  
There’s no clear answer as to why so many children are suddenly arriving at the border, though a BCFS official implied that drug cartels are using the children to distract U.S. Border Patrol officers. BCFS has budgeted care costs at $428 per day, per child — though the official said the amount spent so far is under cost.
For the migrant children – many of whom trekked to the U.S./Mexico border within the last few couple of weeks – the bus ride down the two-lane highway in rural Texas is just another part of their long journey. Most will be placed with a relative within the next 21 days, an HHS official said, and will then proceed through the immigration process.
Those not placed will move to another camp. A campsite in Ellis County, 45 minutes south of Dallas, received about 500 kids in early December and a third campsite is expected to open in Somervell County later this month.
In Rockwall County, camp staff welcomes children who arrive in buses by clapping and saying “bienvenidos.”
During a media tour this week, media was prohibited from talking to the children. Groups of children could be seen playing basketball. They were watched over closely by camp counselors and security. Inside, a row of Disney princesses decorated one wall of the girls’ dormitory lined with bunkbeds. A brightly-lit cross anchored a section of a worship building-turned-medical facility.
In another building, a handful of children watched the Disney cartoon “Tangled.” The activities and special meals, including Christmas tamales, are ways camp directors Ed and Sarah Walker hope to provide an active and safe experience for the children, many of whom escaped gang violence and economic hardships.
But not everyone has welcomed them with open arms. Though the community has been largely supportive, according to the Walkers, there have been small protests.
U.S. Rep. Joe Barton, a Republican who represents the area, said he was taken aback that no one was notified in advance that immigrant children would be housed in the temporary shelters near them.
“There was no public meeting organized in advance locally, and no ability to protest the decision,” he said in a statement. “My office was notified two days ago and, at my insistence, local officials were subsequently notified.”
But that’s a stark contrast from places like Murrieta, California, a town that became so angry that immigrant children were being housed there that protesters stopped buses carrying migrants and chanted “Go back home!”
Most in Rockwall County are nonchalant about the immigrants arriving there. Local churches have even donated gifts for the children.
Victor Trevizo, who owns a car dealership about a mile from the church camp, said there’s no need for extra caution.
“I’m fine with it,” said Trevizo, a Mexican immigrant from Chihuahua who came to the U.S. when he was a teenager.
The camp doesn’t get many visitors in December and is often dependent on donations through the down season. But the arrival of the children – at $60 a day per kid to pay for housing and food – has helped pay for a much-needed roof for the dining hall.
“This was very unexpected,” said Walker, who is also the director of the Camp/Sport Leadership Degree program at Dallas Baptist University. “But if you get a call, and you can help, you do that.”
The Walkers purchased the 330 acres now home to Sabine Creek Ranch in 2003 and held a press conference at the gates of the ranch Monday while a herd of cattle looked on.
“These kids are in a completely difficult life situation,” said Sarah Walker, who feels a deep sense of compassion for children navigating a new country alone. “We know that what we’re doing is what’s right.”
Joanna Cattanach is a freelancer based in Dallas, Texas.
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Donald Trump Demands Hillary Apology For Video Lies

Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images


Billionaire presidential candidate Donald Trump is demanding an apology from Hillary Clinton for claiming that the Islamic State is using videos of his comments about Muslims to recruit fighters.

“You can be the messenger, I will demand an apology from Hillary,” Trump said in an interview with Today show host Matt Lauer this morning.

Trump pointed to Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri’s admission on Sunday that Clinton did not have a specific video in mind.

Trump says he’s not surprised Hillary lied about him.

“She should apologize. She lies about emails. She lies about Whitewater. she lies about everything,” Trump said. “She will be a disaster as president of the United States.”

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Report: CBS News, Frank Luntz Cut Muslim-Americans’ U.S. Criticism From Focus Group

by JOHN NOLTE21 Dec 20150

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump hasalready exposed a 14 year-old DC Media  cover up involving numerous Muslim-American celebrations of the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11. Now, according to a new report, in their never-ending quest to disqualify Trump and make serial-liar Hillary Clinton president, CBS News has apparently been caught red-handed cutting footage from a focus group mediated by Establishment Republican Frank Luntz that shows American Muslims criticizing the United States:

The Intercept:

[I]n interviews with The Intercept, two Muslim Americans who took part in the group complained that CBS edited out parts of the discussion where they raised their own concerns — including critiques of U.S. militarism, surveillance, and entrapment.

They also said that Frank Luntz, the right-wing pollster who led the focus group, silenced members of the group when they criticized discriminatory U.S. government policies.

One  woman claimed that she brought up Luntz’s Jewishness:

For example, [Sarah] Harvard wrote that after Luntz asked the group whether they were Americans or Muslims first, she chose to demonstrate the offensive nature of the question by asking, “Well, are you an American or Jewish first?”

From the sound of it, Luntz was far from objective. One participant said:

He kept saying how he felt bad that no one listens to Muslims and how he wanted to give us an opportunity to talk to the general population. But how can that happen when we’re manipulatively edited to have us fit their own narrative and agenda?

According to Ms. Harvard’s own Facebook post, Luntz did not just edit out the inconvenient moments that didn’t fit his desired narrative, he went so far as to silence her when she tore into the American government as a racist institution that has “killed many Muslims.”

He also had silenced me and other participants who have routinely brought up the fact the government has enacted in state violence against the Muslim community — whether that may be through entrapment cases and surveillance programs — and our concerns about institutional racism. He shut me down when I said that President Obama and Hillary Clinton has killed many Muslims under the administration when we were discussing Trump, and ironically for a GOP strategist, he shut me down when I talked about how Democrats have enacted some of the most deadliest and discriminatory policies against Muslims. He also decided to stop letting me speak when I started talking about how Muslims should start focusing on combatting government policies rather than rushing to condemn terrorism or Islamophobia exclusively. They also cut out portions of where participants talked about media accountability when discussing Islam.

As you watch the segment below, it is painfully obvious that Luntz and CBS News had an agenda to show this group as one-dimensional patriots who are victims of discrimination, which is in and of itself a bigoted portrayal.

These are real people with real beliefs. Like all people, the American Muslim community is made up of complicated individuals with their own complicated view of the body politic. From the looks of it, rather than treat people like people, Luntz and CBS News instead chose to treat them as politically correct playthings that could be manipulated into political weapons against Donald Trump.

Note how at the end of the segment Luntz  closes by bashing Trump and talks at length about how he didn’t want to manipulate the group. And yet, by removing their criticism of America and the reference about his own Jewishness, that is exactly what he did.

There are few things more racist than patronizing condescension.

P.S. Obama National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes is the brother of CBS News president David Rhodes.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter@NolteNC               

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HOUSTON TEXAS "2nd What?" Caves to Gun Control

Houston Police Prepare Texans for New Open Carry Law

File Photo: REUTERS/Rebecca Cook

by BOB PRICE21 Dec 2015188

HOUSTON, Texas – The Houston Police Department is preparing for the new year and Texas’ new open carry law by publishing information designed to help eliminate confusion on the law.

The Q&A below was prepared by Houston Police Chief Charles A McClelland, Jr., Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson and Houston City Attorney Donna Edmundson. The Q&A was developed out of public hearings the department held with citizens.

Beginning January 1, 2016, people who hold a Texas Concealed Handgun License will be allowed to openly carry their handgun. Current law allows anyone to openly carry a rifle or shotgun. Only CHL holders will be allowed to openly carry a handgun under the new law signed in June by Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

On December 9th, an open carry information meeting was held to present more information and take questions from the public about the new law. Following is a video of that event published by the Houston Police Department:

The police website lists the following legislation as background for the answers to the questions below: HB910SB11 andSB273.

Following is the Q&A directly from the Houston Police Department’s website:

Question: If a person is open carrying a handgun, how does a police officer determine if he is carrying the handgun legally?
Answer: Constitutional carry did not pass in Texas, so a police officer has the right to ask you to prove that you have a CHL (Concealed Handgun License). If you are asked by a police officer to prove that you are allowed to carry a handgun, you must produce identification.

Question: If I see a person open carrying a handgun, should I call the police?
Answer: Yes you can call the police, but before you call, observe how the person is acting. If they are acting suspicious, or enter a building such as a school, then please give us a call. But, if they are simply at a gas station filling up their car, then they are probably a law abiding citizen who is legally open carrying.

Question: If you are walking down a street, and an officer approaches you, is it a voluntary encounter, or at this point am I “detained”?
Answer: Technically, you are temporarily detained so that the officer can check your license and make sure that you are legally able to carry a handgun.

Question: If I am open carrying a handgun, am I allowed to get out of my car, take the holster off my belt, and place it into the trunk of my car?
Answer: Yes you are able to do that.

Question: As a parent, I am concerned with my kids being around people open carrying a handgun. What do I tell my kids to do when they see someone with a pistol on their hip?
Answer: Again, it is situational. If your kids see someone in a grocery store shopping, they should not be alarmed if that person is carrying a handgun. But if they are at school, and they see a person (who is not a Police officer) carrying a gun, they should immediately tell someone and/or call 911.

Question: In a government building such as a police station, can someone carry a handgun?
Answer: Yes you can, but only in the areas that are open to the public. So if that person has to go to a portion of the building where a normal citizen would not be allowed, they are not allowed to carry a handgun. If you are in this position where you are not sure if you can carry or not, it is recommended that you leave your handgun in your vehicle.

Question: I am a teacher in an early college that is held within a Lone Star College campus. Early colleges count as an educational facility which means that since there are minors present in a school setting it is illegal to carry any type of weapon. Since I teach students who range in age from 14-18 years old, how will they be affected by “Campus Carry”?
Answer: These areas will be counted as an education facility where you will not be able to carry a weapon. The biggest thing that needs to be done is to have signs posted in the buildings designating where you can carry a concealed handgun and where you cannot.

Question: Will the presence of an open carried handgun during a verbal altercation between two people, elevate this altercation to an aggravated assault because a handgun has been “exhibited”?
Answer: No, it will not be considered aggravated assault as long as the person carrying the weapon was not threatening to use it.

Question: Since an open carried weapon must either be carried in a shoulder holster or a belt holster, will there be a set standard that constitutes what is considered a shoulder or belt holster?
Answer: Currently there is no standard that constitutes what is a shoulder or belt holster.

Question: If an officer sees me openly carrying a handgun in a shoulder or belt holster, is that officer legally able to ask me for proof that I have a CHL?
Answer: Yes, since constitutional carry did not pass, the officer is within his or her right to ask you for your license. Also, when you get your CHL, you are instructed that if a police officer asks you for your CHL license, you must provide it.

Question: If I am carrying a handgun, and I am approached by a police officer, what steps should I take to ensure that the police officer and myself both feel safe during this transaction?
Answer: Do as the officer asks. Tell the officer you are carrying a weapon and have a license to do so. Do not reach for the weapon, have the officer tell you what to do with the weapon. On there are videos that illustrate what you should when you are in contact with a police officer.

Question: Will we have access to information that simplifies the penal code down into easily understandable facts for the general public?
Answer: The police department will have information available on the basic facts of the open carry laws.

Question: Once a police officer determines that you are carrying a handgun legally, does the situation turn from the person being detained, to being a casual encounter?
Answer: Yes. After the person has proved that they are carrying a weapon legally, they are free to go as long as they only reason they were stopped was for proof for a CHL.

Question: If I want to prohibit both concealed carry and open carry in my private business what signs do I need to have displayed?
Answer: You must have the 30.06 (concealed carry) and the 30.07 (open carry) signs posted in the front windows of your business.

Question: If I am a private business owner and I do not have the proper 30.06 and 30.07 signs posted and I ask someone to leave my store who is carrying a weapon, are they still legally required to leave even though I don’t have the proper signs?
Answer: Yes. As a private business owner you can tell someone to leave if they are carrying a weapon whether you have or don’t have the proper signs posted.

Question: Since the zoo is often frequented by school field trips, are the zoo and other similar places trying to establish themselves as educational facilities or at least be considered that when there is a school field trip present?
Answer: It will be a case by case basis. If it is a city owned business, there should be something in the future that when a school field trip is present, you will not be able to carry a weapon. Again, it is up to private business to designate if they allow weapons or not.

Question: If I use a “drop leg” holster that holds my gun around the middle of my thigh, will I get arrested for having an improper holster?
Answer: No you will not be arrested for that type of holster. It is still mounted to your belt which is the requirement in the law.

Question: If my private business has multiple entrances, can I post the 30.06 and 30.07 signs at the main entrance, or do I need to post them at every entrance?
Answer: You must have them posted at all entrances.

Question: Does a citizen have the right to ask a CHL carrier for proof of licensing?
Answer: No. A citizen does not have the right to ask a CHL carrier for proof that he or she is legally carrying a weapon.

Question: Since open carry is now legal, does that mean that I am no longer able to conceal my handgun?
Answer: The open carry law gives you the option to conceal your handgun or carry it out in the open.

Question: How will deaf people be kept safe when they are approached by a police officer and there is difficulty telling the officer that they are reaching for their CHL license rather than their gun?
Answer: Police cadets are currently being trained in proper ways to interact with deaf people during a traffic stop or an occurrence where they are being asked to provide identification for a CHL.

Question: What advice would you give to someone who is feeling anxious or intimidated in an open carry environment?
Answer: Open carry is going to be something that everyone will have to get used to. Initially it will be weird to see someone carrying a handgun in the grocery store, but it is important to know that the people who are open carrying a gun are law abiding citizens and are not there to intimidate or hurt you.

Question: Since the public is not allowed to open carry a weapon, will you allow off duty police officers to be able to open carry their handgun?
Answer: No. Off duty police officers will still be required to conceal their handgun. However, if an officer wants to go and get their CHL, they will be allowed to carry a handgun out in the open as long as they are not carrying it under the authority or general orders of the Houston Police Department.

Question: Some organizations that are in opposition to open carry, have said that if they see someone openly carrying a handgun, they will call 911 and say that person is being aggressive and threatening people with the weapon. How will the police handle situations like this.
Answer: The police will act with caution when approaching the person, they will collect the facts, and when it is found that this person was doing nothing wrong, the investigation will be turned towards the person who made the false 911 call.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas and is a member of the original Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.


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Monday, December 21, 2015

Establishment to Trump: You Can’t Afford to Run For President

Getty Images

by JOHN HAYWARD20 Dec 20153,080

Holman Jenkins at the Wall Street Journal took a look at Donald Trump’s finances over the weekend, and suggested the outspoken billionaire might not be able to afford to keep a serious national campaign going past the first few states:

None of his offenses against propriety seem to have dinged the support that, in a crowded race, keeps Donald Trump atop the GOP primary polls.

Republicans are now talking about a brokered convention, which could be a disaster for the country, and for the GOP, and quite possibly hand the election to Hillary Clinton without a real contest or even critique of her agenda.

So goes the fear. But unless we miss our guess, our long national nightmare-cum-sketch comedy show actually has a termination date. It will end the moment campaigning begins to threaten Mr. Trump’s finances and business interests.

Actually, as Jenkins notes further in his piece, Trump’s campaign already has already damaged his business interests:

In any case, his comments have become an opening. Already Mr. Trump’s Middle Eastern business interests are under assault. He lost a few U.S. deals early on due to his slurs on Mexican-Americans. Now a handful of Silicon Valley biggies—the CEOs of Apple, Facebook and Google—have ventured criticism without mustering quite the courage to mention him by name.

What happens when important business partners start letting Mr. Trump know, publicly and noisily, they think he’s doing serious damage to the country? By Mr. Trump’s own inflated reckoning, most of his net worth resides in the value of his name.

Our guess is that Mr. Trump has always planned on being satisfied with making a splash and ventilating his high opinion of himself. He will rightly be able to claim that he gave neglected voters a voice and transformed the debate. Notice that he manages to maintain his jolly equanimity even when being vilified. He is not grimly “on a mission” as so many candidates are whose self-image is wrapped up in electoral success.

As a direct result of his presidential campaign, Trump ended up in a $10 million lawsuit with chef Jose Andres, who was supposed to be a part of the Trump International Hotel project in Washington; lost a battle against a wind farm in Scotland; lost a merchandising relationship with Macy’s department stores; and might end up losing business at some of his properties, although the actual damage from loudly-declared boycotts is open to debate.

Jenkins makes some shrewd observations about the realities of campaign financing, especially the need to win the support of big donors.  A network of deep-pocketed special interests will shower Hillary Clinton with the kind of cash Trump simply cannot provide by tapping into his own assets.

Also, the many political assets the Republican Party would bring to the table for most other nominees won’t be there for Trump if the Establishment makes good on its threats to sit out in 2016, dumping the nation into Clinton’s claws, if Trump is the standard-bearer.  The old fear was that a frustrated Trump would run third-party and dynamite the race after failing to secure the nomination; now we’ve got Trump cheerfully assuring Republican voters in the last debate that he’ll keep his promise to stay with the party no matter what, and it’s Jeb Bush talking about signing up with Team Clinton as an unofficial junior partner if Trump’s the GOP nominee.

The enormous national polling success Trump has achieved through earned media – summoning a swarm of microphones and cameras every time he feels like making a statement – will go down in the political history books, but once primary voting begins in earnest, targeted paid advertising will matter more than the kind of media pandemonium that keeps Trump on top of national polls.

Of course, the conventional wisdom about the limits of earned media could be wrong, just as every other confident prediction about Trump has been wrong so far.

Articles like the WSJ post on Trump’s finances could be one more attempt to apply conventional political analysis to a campaign that routinely defies it… or it might be taken as a shot across the bow, a warning to Trump that he ought to deliver what Jenkins envisions as “a glorious ‘I’ve got better things to do than hang around with you losers’ exit” before he suffers the kind of financial loss he can’t recover from.

The Wall Street Journal analysis backs into an aspect of Trump’s success that our political culture has a hard time accepting: his supporters think he’s immune to the corruption sickening D.C., the Big Government corruption that Hillary Clinton is the living, breathing, influence-peddling avatar of.  At this point, everyone gets the idea that Trump is taking a serious financial hit from this campaign – they hear all the stories about boycotts and busted business deals, and it only reinforces their sense of Trump’s sincerity.

They grasp that it’s not very likely he is running for President to pad his pockets, and when they hear other billionaires are furious with Trump and scrambling to fund his competitors, it reinforces their sense that whatever else the outrageous Trump might be planning to do with the Oval Office, he won’t be using government power to enrich a network of cronies the way Obama did, and Clinton absolutely would.

Democrats are, of course, institutionally oblivious to rising public anger at corruption – they think they can manage it by spending ad money on lavish campaigns to convince their gullible voters that each new socialist figurehead is motivated by nothing but compassion.  A few Republicans understand that corruption is a ripe issue – it’s been a major theme for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) – but perhaps even fewer understand just how incandescently angry taxpayers have become.

It’s easy to scoff at Donald Trump as an unlikely crusader against corruption – he was downright cheerful when he reminisced about buying influence in the first GOP debate, and never quite got around to explaining why it’s a bad thing that he needed to grease the right palms to get what he wanted.  But there is a real sense among his supporters that, whether his ideas are right or wrong, he’s enduring great personal expense to stay in the race and express them.  Just about every candidate talks about being a “fighter,” but Trump has real bruises.  Political analysts seem to be underestimating how much credit people give him for staying in the race when it’s obviously hurting him.

As for whether it will be prohibitively expensive for Trump to run a full-boat campaign, the Wall Street Journal figures he might have as little as $70 million in liquid assets, which is “less than what several candidates in the race (Bush, Clinton, Cruz) and their super PACs already have raised.”  But how much does that $70 million count for, when it’s mixed with Trump’s proven ability to hold the media spotlight?

If, as some have suggested, the transition to local political organizations and likely primary voters prevents Trump from winning any of the early primary states, it’s doubtful any amount of campaign cash would be enough to turn an implosion narrative around.  But if he does score some strategic early victories and keep his frontrunner narrative alive, he might be able to stretch a dollar further than anyone ever has.  Meanwhile, the Democrats stash their candidates in Saturday-night cellars to keep voters from getting a good look at them.

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald TrumpTed CruzHillary Clinton,2016 campaignGOP primarycampaign finance