Thursday, April 7, 2016


Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

No matter if Trump or Cruz gets the nomination, we must support the
Republican candidate.
Below are 50 reasons why we can't have Hillary, Bernie, or any Democrat
as the next president.
1. The disaster of the last 7 years of Obama.
2. Obamacare, you were lied to about the premiums, and we are covered
with a $10,000 deductible.
3. Immigration: the wall, allowing illegal immigrants to vote and get
Obamacare, welfare, ect, and bring their extended families into the US,
and millions of others overstaying their Visa's. The Federal Government
suing Arizona for trying to enforce Federal laws on immigration.
4. Jobs, 93 million out of work, and lying about the real unemployment
numbers. You are not counted after exhausting your unemployment
benefits, or getting a low paying part time job.
5. Terrorism
6. Giving away Iraq, and ISIS now controls Libya.
7. The Iran deal, and Iran capturing our Navy personnel, and Iran
supports terrorists that kill Americans.
8. The economy, and you can't start your own business anymore, because
of regulations and Obamacare.
9. Printing money. This steals from all on fixed income, or rely on
their savings in the bank. This may cause massive inflation.
10. The deficit, and unfunded liabilities like social security, over 100
trillion dollars. The lock box is full of IOU's.
11. The justice Department scandals with Eric Holder, and refusing to
prosecute the Black Panthers, and Holder said he would never prosecute
12. The IRS scandals, Lois Lerner let free. They are still blocking T
Party groups from being tax exempt.
13. EPA shutting down coal, power plants, fracking, no pipeline, ect.
14. Global warming fraud, and jailing global warming deniers.
15. Religious freedom, jailing or fining those that believe in their
religious rights, or putting them out of business.
16. Common core, brainwashing our children.
17. Fast and furious, Americans died
18. The VA scandal, Americans died.
19. Destroying the military, and the rules of engagement, Americans died.
20. Destroying law enforcement, Americans died.
21. Supreme court nominees, all left wing. Also now there is no
separation of powers. The executive branch grabs power and makes laws
through executive orders, or EPA mandates, and the supreme court
confirms the laws and mandates without going through congress. The only
way congress can stop the executive branch is by the power of the purse
or impeachment, but they won't do it.
22. Hillary and Bill, the e mail scandals, and Bill the sexual predator.
23. Bengahzi, and blaming it on a video, and then throwing the video
maker in jail, and Hillary lying about it.
24. The attack on the 2nd amendment, Americans died.
25. Racial tensions, BLM, and black on black crime and murders,
Americans died.
26. Increase heroin deaths, Americans died. Heroin brought in through
open borders.
27. The destructive results of liberalism.
28. Worldwide slaughter of Christians.
29. Crazy Bernie.
30. Prosecuting planned parenthood video makers.
31. Green energy. Green energy cannot survive without massive government
subsidies, and then usually the green energy companies are run by
cronies and big donors to the democrat party, and they get rich off the
government subsidies.
32. Forcing low income housing in high income neighborhoods. The new
discrimination is economic. The federal government is assisting blacks
to sue local communities that are not providing low income housing in
high income neighborhoods, and the individuals are receiving large cash
settlements from the city or county governments.
33. Voter ID and voter fraud by the democrats, vote early and vote
often. If you ask for an ID, you are a racist.
34. Landlords are now forced to rent to criminals
35. Releasing terrorists from Guantanamo bay, Americans died. If they
bring these terrorists to American prisons, they will recruit more
36. The Government taking over student loans, now they can bribe those
student by offering to eliminate their debt for their vote.
37. Over 400 left wing lawyers have been hired by the US Govt to enforce
civil rights violations and voter fraud. This will affect the next
36. Obama pardoning hundreds of criminals with life sentences.
37. Shutting down Yucca mountain. Now there is no place to store nuclear
waste, and it is stored on site at nuclear facilities all over the
country, ready to be either stolen or leaked out into the environment.
38. Giving Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood. Then gave them Billions of
dollars. Then the Egyptian military and people threw the Muslim
Brotherhood out.
39. Allowed Putin to take over Crimea.
40. Sanctuary cites, Americans died.
41. The Federal Government controls 27.7% of the land mass in the USA.
They not only refuse to release some land to the States for development,
they also are on a land grab, and also the EPA is stopping the
development of other private land by declaring the private property wet
lands, when they are not.
42. High corporate taxes and regulations are forcing more jobs overseas.
43. American corporations are holding maybe trillions of dollars
overseas, that has already been taxed, but can't bring the money back to
the US, because the Government want's to tax it again.
44. The housing crisis caused by the democrats forcing banks to lend
money to people that could not pay back the loans.
45. Medicare. You pay into all your life, but it is means tested, so
only the very poor get it free, and the cost goes up if you have more
46. The treatment of our allies and Israel.
47. Free speech and political correctness.
48. 50 million Americans on food stamps.
49. Obama's humiliating trip to Cuba, and his picture with Che Guevara,
watching baseball with Castro while Brussels burned.
50. Obama won't recognize radical Islam, and actually supports terrorism
worldwide, including in the USA, while ignoring crimes against
Christians and Jews.

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