Showing posts with label ivanka trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ivanka trump. Show all posts

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Trump Son-in-Law Emerges As Quiet Force

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by BREITBART NEWS9 Jun 2016720

From the Associated Press:


A new power player has emerged among the feuding factions behind Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, one that through the bonds of marriage enjoys a direct line to the Republican billionaire.

Despite limited political experience and some family baggage, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is playing an active role in virtually every aspect of the New York real estate magnate’s presidential bid. And empowered through his marriage to Trump’s trusted daughter Ivanka Trump, the 35-year-old Kushner operates with an extraordinary level of autonomy within an organization now struggling to shift its focus toward the general election.

Kushner’s growing influence in recent weeks, as described by several people with direct knowledge of his role, has included the selection and vetting of potential running mates, planning for his father-in-law’s transition to the White House, the campaign’s nascent push to incorporate voter data into its strategy, fundraising, and the development of major policies. He also played a hand in writing Trump’s closely watched speech, delivered with the aid of a teleprompter, on Tuesday night meant to reassure jittery Republicans after the candidate’s attacks on a federal judge. Those confidants were not authorized to speak publicly.

The young businessman’s rise adds a new complication to an intense internal power struggle.

Kushner’s background has little to do with politics or public policy, as noted by internal campaign critics who worry he has too much power. Others described Kushner, while inexperienced, as a mild-mannered and valuable presence with helpful connections in the media world and across the Jewish community.

He took over his family’s New Jersey-based real estate firm at the age of 23 after his father, Charles Kushner, went to prison for tax evasion, making illegal campaign contributions and witness intimidation. The younger Kushner later became the publisher of the New York Observer, a Manhattan-based newspaper read largely for its high society and real estate coverage.


“Every publisher in New York has a role in influencing the political debate, from the tabloids to the broadsheets to the community weeklies,” said Mitchell Moss, a professor of urban planning at New York University and an acquaintance of Kushner. “He’s an intelligent and thoughtful young man and he has now surged to the political top through marriage.”

He is also notoriously private.

Kushner, who rarely speaks to journalists despite being a newspaper publisher, declined an interview request through a representative. And even those who work with him regularly in the business world know little about his work on the presidential campaign.

“You wouldn’t know anything about it even if you interact with him multiple times a day like I do,” said Asher Abehsera, CEO of real estate development company LIVWRK. He added, “He’s creative and exceptionally well-connected.”

And as Trump’s senior aides jockey for internal influence, the level of Kushner’s access to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has surprised campaign officials at times. One aide recalled having a private phone conversation with Trump when he heard Kushner’s voice unexpectedly. Trump was talking on speaker phone, the aide realized, while Kushner was in the room.

Kushner is considered a critic of campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who has been locked in a months-long power struggle with Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.


Kushner has operated largely above the internal feud, acting as a freelance power center across multiple areas of the campaign.

He was part of a Trump delegation that met with House Speaker Paul Ryan’s policy team late last month in Washington, attended an hours-long meeting of Trump’s transition team in New York, joined Trump’s first fundraising swing last month in California, and recently courted opinion leaders such as former secretary of state Henry Kissinger to discuss Trump’s foreign policy. He is also playing an active role in the selection and vetting of Trump’s pick for vice president, expected to be unveiled during the GOP’s national convention next month, and is expected to spend more time traveling with the candidate.

Leveraging his connections to media executives, Kushner also leaned upon his friendship with media mogul Rupert Murdoch to improve the campaign’s strained relationship with the Fox News Channel. And on policy, Kushner had a large hand in crafting a well-received address to American Israel Public Affairs Committee earlier this year. The speech was also reviewed by the Observer’s editor, Ken Kurson, prompting political reporters at the paper to call for a firewall between the paper and any activities for the campaign.

Kurson told The Associated Press that Kushner has “no role” in the Observer’s content.

“We talk often and share many world views. We disagree about some things as well but are always able to discuss respectfully,” Kurson said, describing him as a calm presence.

Kushner took over his family’s New Jersey-based real estate firm in 2004 around the time his father was sentenced to two years in prison in March 2005 according to the terms of a plea deal negotiated by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a prominent Trump backer who previously served as a federal prosecutor.


The younger Kushner pushed the family business into New York City and has purchased nearly $7 billion in property in less than a decade. He married into the Trump family in 2009 at a wedding held at one of the celebrity real estate magnate’s golf clubs in New Jersey. Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism before the wedding and they’re raising their three children as Orthodox Jews.

Trump frequently singles him out Kushner for praise, sometimes even summoning him to center stage at a rally, despite Kushner’s obvious embarrassment.

“Honestly, Jared is a very successful real estate person, but I actually think he likes politics more than he likes real estate,” Trump said at a victory rally last month. “But he’s very good at politics.”

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2016 Presidential RaceDonald Trump,Ivanka TrumpJared KushnerTrump Son-in-law

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ivanka Trump: ‘From Day One My Father Set the Agenda for What the Whole Party Is Talking About’

Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images
by MICHELLE MOONS9 Feb 2016543
Ivanka Trump, daughter of 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump, joined Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steven K. Bannon on the Sirius XM Breitbart News Daily radio program to share her unique personal and professional perspective on her father’s qualifications to hold the position of President of the United States of America.

A wife and mother herself, Trump spoke to the character of the man that she grew up with and has spend a decade working with at the Trump organization. “I’ve seen him in the capacity obviously as a father, and a very loving one, and also as an incredible executive who built an amazing company. And he really is remarkable.”
Ultimately I think the testament to any person is their track record and that’s not just their professional track record, of which his is well known, he is enormously accomplished, he’s employed tens of thousands of people, he’s achieved success in multiple industries at the highest level.

She continued, “His professional accomplishments are nothing short of remarkable.”
Trump commented that as a parent herself she now realizes how hard it is to raise up kids with the “right moral compass” especially children that grow up with a lot of privilege.
Bannon reference Trump’s book The Trump Card and that she notes in the book that her parents instilled confidence and perseverance in her.
One of the things he would always say to us is you have to do what it is you are passionate about. If you want to achieve success at that high level you have to be passionate about it because if you’re not you won’t put in the work. And then it comes down to perseverance. So without grit it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter how good your idea is, it doesn’t matter how intelligent you are, you’re just going to get outworked. My whole life he is a worker, he is relentless.

Trump recalled early memories of coming to her father’s office and playing on the floor with their toys while he was in major meetings. “He always included us in his world in that regard.”
“That’s really the story of my father, he’s a hard worker,” Trump remarked.
Bannon asked why a loving family who has accumulated so much wealth and success would put themselves through the “ringer of the politics of personal destruction?”
Trump explained:
A lot of people who run for elected office are looking for a platform you know and it’s the next step in a political career so they don’t have that much to lose in the national awareness, my father had that. He has an amazing life and he’s built an incredible company and really he’s doing this for the reasons he’s articulated,I mean he can’t stand back and watch what’s happening to this country anymore, and he’s been saying this for a long time and he’s been seeing it happen and so what he’s doing is incredibly difficult, it’s incredibly selfless you know it takes a lot to want to enter this arena, and it is definitely a bloodsport as we’re seeing, but ya know win, lose or draw he’s got a family who loves him, who’s incredibly proud of him. The energy and the passion that he’s elicited, you were talking about in the beginning about sort of leadership and his viewpoint on different issues — from day one my father set the agenda for what the whole party is talking about and really politics in general across parties.

Bannon elaborated that Donald Trump has driven the national conversation on issue like immigration and trade that the corporate media interests did not want to talk about.
Ivanka agreed, “A hundred percent and that’s what you want a leader to do. So ya know all the other candidates would sit back silently for around three weeks until they realized that the voters agreed and then they’d come forth with their positions…”
During a Donald Trump rally on Monday night in New Hampshire an audience member used the vulgarity “p****” to describe candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on the issue of waterboarding. Trump eventually repeated it himself for the audience to hear to which they laughed and applauded according to KCCI 8 Des Moines News.
Bannon asked Ivanka Trump for her perspective on her father’s use of that word during the evening rally.
“I balance it knowing who my father is,” Trump responded. “There’s a different spirit in that kind of room than certainly in a board room or a conference room.”
She went on to say that the American people want someone with competance.
“They don’t want somebody who is slick tongued and says all the right things and then gets to Washington and does absolutely nothing.” She emphasized, “My father’s life has been about execution.”
What I have so much conviction in is not only is he an unbelievable person, an unbelievable man, he’s been a great mentor to me both personally and professionally as I was telling you before, but he’s incredibly capable.

Two of Ivanka Trump’s brothers have and are also joining Breitbart News Daily radio Monday and Tuesday.
Follow Michelle Moons on Twitter@MichelleDiana
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Pride Goeth Before the Fall: Ailes Calls Trump’s Wife and Daughter


by BREITBART NEWS27 Jan 20167,434

From Chris Spargo writing at The Daily Mail:

The Fox News and Donald Trump feud is heating up now that the Republicanfront-runner has announced he will not be attending the network’s debate Thursday night over the presence of anchor Megyn Kelly.

And while the network appears to be publicly siding with Kelly, who is still set to moderate Thursday’s debate, the network is also reportedly trying to privately plead with Trump the best way they know how – through the women in his life.

Joe Scarborough revealed on Morning Joe Wednesday morning that Fox News CEO Roger Ailes had been trying to contact both Ivanka and Melania Trump hoping they could convince Trump to change his mind, but that Trump would only speak to Rupert Murdoch.

Read the rest of the story at The Daily Mail.

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Big Journalism2016 Presidential RaceFOX NEWSDonald Trump