Showing posts with label reuters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reuters. Show all posts

Friday, April 8, 2016

Trump adviser says Republicans won't have contested convention

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Journalists watch Republican U.S. presidential candidates Donald Trump (L) and Ted Cruz debate on large video monitors in the media filing center during the Republican U.S. presidential candidates debate sponsored by CNN at the University of Miami in Miami, Florida March 10, 2016.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump's new top political strategist predicted on Friday the Republican presidential front-runner would amass the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch his party's nomination well before the Republican National Convention in July.
Veteran campaign tactician Paul Manafort was chosen by Trump on Thursday to oversee a fractious nomination process that many Republicans expect may not yield a clear winner before the convention.
Manafort said on CNN's "New Day" program that rival Ted Cruz, the U.S. senator from Texas, will not be able to dent Trump's delegate lead before California's June 7 primary.
"The reality is: Ted Cruz has seen his best day," Manafort said. "The reality is: this convention process will be over with sometime in June, probably June 7, and it'll be apparent to the world that Trump is over that 1,237 number."
Trump has been uncharacteristically quiet on social media after his double-digit loss to Cruz in the Wisconsin primary on Tuesday, which followed a series of missteps on the campaign trail including his statement, later recanted, advocating punishment for women who have illegal abortions.
In elevating Manafort, Trump said he would add more staff before the convention in an expansion of his campaign team beyond the close-knit group of advisers who have been at his side since he jumped into the presidential race last June.
"People that I know that want to get involved and wanted to before but didn't have a way in," Manafort said.
The next presidential nominating contests before the Nov. 8 election include a number in East Coast states seen as more fertile ground for the real estate tycoon, including in his native New York on April 19.
Manafort cited Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut and Maryland as states where Trump would do well.
"By the time we get to California the momentum is going be very clear and Ted Cruz' path to victory is going to be in shambles," he said.
Cruz, appearing on the CNN program earlier, said he had a clear path to 1,237 delegates.
"It's difficult. We've got to win and we've got to win consistently," Cruz said. "He's right. He has to win," Manafort said.
(Reporting by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Bill Trott)

Friday, January 8, 2016

UPDATE BREAKING: Two Middle Eastern Refugees Arrested In U.S. On Terror Charges — One from Syria

Two Middle Eastern Refugees Arrested In U.S. On Terror Charges — One from Syria

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

by JOHN NOLTE8 Jan 2016406

UPDATE: CNN is already lying about where these refugees came from. Although the Reuters report clearly states that one of the men “came to the United States in 2012 as a refugee from Syria,” the CNN chyron falsely claims both are from Iraq. 

Reuters is reporting that two Middle Eastern men who came to America as refugees were arrested in California and Texas on federal terrorism charges. One of the refugees is charged with aiding ISIS. Most importantly, although time again we have been assured and reassured by the White House and DC Media that the refugee screening process is near-perfect, both refugees are charged with providing false information about their ties to terror groups.

Here’s the kicker: one of the men, 23 year-old Aws Mohammed Younis, is a refugee from Syria who came to America in 2012.

If you recall, after the bloody and brutal terror attack in Paris late last year, Republicans demanded a pause in the Syrian refugee program. At least one the Paris terrorists used the refugee program to get into Europe.

Next year alone, President Obama is eager to re-settle at least 10,000 Syrian refugees here in America, on top of the hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern refugees he plans to bring in from all over. ISIS has vowed to seed Syrian refugees with terrorists, and the country itself has no database infrastructure to screen anyone and is awash in forged documents.

Nevertheless, for demanding a pause in refugees, Democrats and the DC Media attacked Republicans as bigots. “Meet the Press” spent a full hour comparing the GOP to Nazis. CNN’s Chris Cuomo compared those in favor of the pause to anti-Semites who turned away Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany.

The other man arrested, Omar Faraj Saeed Al-Hardan, is a refugee from Iraq.

As you might expect, in its report of this extremely disturbing news, Reuters and the Obama Administration bend over backwards to reassure us that neither man was “planning acts of terrorism in this country,” as though that’s a distinction with a difference when it comes to providing “material support” to ISIS.

One refugee from Syria, the other from Iraq, both Muslims, both charged with plotting with the very same Islamic savages who rape women, behead everyone, and are determined to kill as many Americans as possible.

And our government allowed them into our country.

And our media smears anyone who opposes that program as Nazis.

The female jihadist responsible for 14 murders in San Bernardino last month made her way into America after lying on her visa application.

Donald Trump wants to halt Muslim immigration until we figure out what’s going on

And he’s the one the DC Media is calling crazy.

Now stand back and prepare yourselves for the biggest media cover-up in years.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter@NolteNC               

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,terrorismBorderDonald Trump 2016,Chris CuomoMeet The PressSyrian refugeeSyria Refugees