Showing posts with label mass sexual assualt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mass sexual assualt. Show all posts

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The National Enquirer Runs Story of Multiple Ted Cruz Affairs

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio 

Posted by sundance

Oh dear, the National Enquirer has come out with a storyclaiming evidence of multiple sexual trysts by presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz.
Worse yet for the Cruz camp, the framework within the article is structurally very concerning:
The National Enquirer is indeed a tabloid – and as such there are various grains of salt that should be applied when reviewing anything they present.
However, that said, they have been unfortunately accurate for more than a few presidential hopefuls:  Gary Hart, Jesse Jackson and John Edwards to name a few of the more infamous examples.
Beyond the story itself there’s a few presenting elements which point to a high degree of confidence, and as a consequence ‘legal avoidance’, on the publishers’ part.
Firstly, they post pictures of the collective mistresses.  NE would never legally “go there” if they did not hold a very reasonable certainty the outlined players were factually part of the story.
Secondly, there’s at least one face in the group that is easily identifiable.
When you accept the NE editorial/legal requirement for research and attributed comment prior to publication, you recognize there is more than a strong probability each of the outlined group (pictured) was contacted prior to publication; and one of those is very close to the Donald Trump campaign.  Ergo, it’s entirely likely presidential candidate Donald Trump knew this story was coming out.
Which puts candidate Trump’s prior discussion and opinion of media libel in a strangely much larger, and more substantially prescient, aspect.  3-D political strategy not withstanding.
The National Enquirer has essentially baited the hook in a typical manner and one famously utilized by Andrew Breitbart.
So now they wait and see if, and how, the Cruz campaign responds.   It is entirely possible the story could explode exponentially depending on the severity of any denials or admissions therein.
UPDATE:  Since the publication first hit the newsstands (depends on region) the Twitter-sphere has lit up with conversation about the scandal.  It appears many political followers believe they have identified two of the blurred out images within the National Enquirer story.
If these people on twitter are correct, this story is not soon to be easily dismissed by the Ted Cruz presidential campaign:
Amanda Carpenter is the conservative activist, CNN contributor, and writer for Mark Levin and the Conservative Review who recently published a “BLACKLIST” targeting anyone who supports Ted Cruz’s primary opponent, Donald Trump.
Update #2 – It appears three of the pictured mystery women from the National Enquirer article have now been identified.
3 of Cruz's alleged mistresses have been identified: Katrina Pierson, Sarah Isgur Flores, and Amanda Carpenter.
Joel Luther (@joel_luther) March 25, 2016

Interestingly Sarah Isgur Flores, in addition to being a well known political operative, was also the campaign manager for Carly Fiorina.  And that little factoid brings an earlier discovery into question; where the Super-PAC for Ted Cruz (Keep the Promise) actually sent the Super-PAC for Carly Fiorina (Carly for America “CfA”) $500,000(link).
That distribution from one candidate’s Super-PAC to another, raised the eyebrows of the Federal Election Commission who inquired about the rather unusual transaction.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bill Clinton ex mistress says he wore her frilly nightie and danced, Hillary is a Lesbian

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio
Bill Clinton's lovemaking was largely forgettable, says ex-mistress Sally Miller, but Clinton would rarely disappoint when divulging intimate secretsMiller, then 44, would leave her back door ajar so her seven-years younger paramour - then Governor of Arkansas - could slip inKnown then as Sally Perdue, she claims during pillow talk he revealed Hillary preferred female lovers The former singer and radio host, is preparing to dish more secrets of their three-month affair in a tell-all memoirAs far-fetched as her accusations may be, she is convinced that the Democratic presidential candidate is behind a plot to silence herMiller insists she has been stalked, spied upon and plagued by anonymous phone calls since word of her memoir leaked out'There is a vengeful, spiteful ugliness that some women have for other women. Hillary is just one of those women.'For the latest on Hillary and Bill Clinton
Sally Miller looked on in amusement as the man who would become the 42nd President of the United States slipped into her own frilly black nightgown.
The former Miss Arkansas has never forgotten how her younger lover proceeded to dance around the bedroom, serenading her with his saxophone and reducing her to a fit of giggles.
This playful scene was typical of the laughter-filled nights that ex-beauty queen Miller enjoyed with Bill Clinton during their 1983 affair, she tells Daily Mail Online in an exclusive interview.
The married Governor of Arkansas would frequently adopt the role of entertainer-in-chief to impress his glamorous older woman, a one-time Miss America finalist.
But while his attempts at lovemaking were largely forgettable, Clinton would rarely disappoint when it came to divulging intimate and potentially damaging secrets about his wife Hillary.
More than two decades on, Miller, a former singer and radio host known as Sally Perdue, is preparing to dish more secrets of their pillow talk in a tell-all memoir.
Sally Miller tells Daily Mail Online she met Clinton at parties and political functions in 1974 when she was a senate aide at the Arkansas State Capitol and he was preparing for his run for the House of Representatives. But their affair began when he was Governor of Arkansas
Miller was divorced from her first husband but still known at the time as Sally Perdue. She says she was drawn to Clinton's energy, his sense of humor and his 'intensity.' The then-Governor would arrive at her back door for their trysts
The book promises to recall a series of unguarded conversations in which she claims Bill revealed his wife's preference for female lovers.
As far-fetched as her accusations may appear, she remains convinced that Hillary Clinton is behind a plot to silence her ahead of the November election.
But it will also lay bare what Miller,  describes as a decades-long Democrat campaign to discredit and harass her that began when she first revealed the affair in 1992, a campaign she claims has now reached such perverse depths that she actually fears for her life.
The twice-divorced 77-year-old took to social media in recent weeks to post an extraordinary warning that if she dies by 'suicide' no-one should believe it.
When Daily Mail Online visited Miller at her Arkansas home she insisted she had been stalked, spied upon and plagued by anonymous phone calls since word of her memoir leaked out.
'She doesn't care what I say about Bill, that's old news,' Miller told Daily Mail Online. 'But I think she wonders what Bill told me. I think she wonders how much I know about her that came from Bill.
'With the election coming up she can't afford any sort of loose end. She's the closest thing you can imagine to Al Capone. I don't think she is going to rest until she puts me to rest.'
And what of those accusations so insulting or damaging that a potential Presidential candidate would unleash her operatives to intimidate or even bump off an elderly lady?
'Hillary is a lesbian,' Miller claims, reigniting a lingering but unsubstantiated rumor that has dogged the former First Lady for years.
With a string of achievements including the Miss Arkansas 1958 title, a 1970 jazz album entitled I've Gotta Be Me, and a career in TV, radio and PR, Miller particularly objects to being portrayed as a 'bimbo'
Sally Miller, second from right, in 1958, as a contestant for Miss America, where she placed in the top 10. Miller is writing a book on her life and the involvement with the Clintons, including details of her affair with Bill
Miller, left, being crowned Miss Pine Bluff in 1958. When Daily Mail Online visited Miller at her Arkansas home she insisted she had been stalked, spied upon and plagued by anonymous phone calls since word of her memoir leaked out
Hillary Clinton is behind a plot to silence Miller ahead of the November election, the ex Miss Arkansas claims.  'Let's just get down to the facts,' says Miller. 'Firstly, Bill didn't mind telling me that Hillary doesn't like sex'
'Let's just get down to the facts,' she adds. 'Firstly, Bill didn't mind telling me that Hillary doesn't like sex.
'I take him at his word and he told me she liked females more than men. She was the child of a more progressive community. She was exposed to all the liberals, she was a flower child.
'Hillary does drugs too, that's the only time that she would entertain the idea - again, this is what Bill told me.
'While we were intimately involved he would say things like "gosh you need to come over and teach Hillary a few things".
'He said she probably wouldn't take to that idea much.
'I wasn't a spy, I wasn't looking for things I could remember 20 years later.'
Miller remains fit and active, although her fear of the 'Clinton machine' weighs heavily.
The mother-of-two sleeps with a loaded semi-automatic within arm's reach and rarely leaves home without her four-year-old Australian Shepherd, Cubby Bear.
Miller,  a former singer and radio host known as Sally Perdue, is preparing to dish the secrets of their pillow talk in a tell-all memoir.
It was a very different scenario in August 1983, when a 44-year-old Miller left her back door ajar so her seven-years' younger paramour Bill could be chauffeured to the rear of the property before slipping inside unnoticed.
The pair had met a decade earlier at parties and political functions when Miller was a senate aide at the Arkansas State Capitol and Clinton was preparing for his unsuccessful 1974 run for the House of Representatives.
So when she needed help getting a vintage steam train project off the ground, she sought out her former friend, by now in his second stint as Governor.
'I left my number with his secretary,' recalled Miller. 'He was playing golf but within three hours he'd called me.
'He said "I'm going to be leaving here in a little while, why don't I just drop by and let's see each other for old times' sake."
'We decided because of the positioning of the condo it might be better if he didn't come by the front door, there are some prominent people that live across by me.
Former Miss Arkansas, Sally Miller, in 1958, in one of her earliest modeling photos
'He never drove himself, it was a state trooper or someone on his staff. He parked in the park behind my house. I had a gate on the patio but he just had to lift the latch.
'The first night I just played the piano while he sang. He's not noted as someone who has a trained voice but we laughed, it was just kind of fun.
'Finally he said ''we didn't talk about what I came to talk about, so we're going to have to do this again sometime''. I had all my notes and pictures, all my ideas, all he had to do was call his parks and tourism gal and get her on this.
 Bill is not the most handsome man. But he makes you feel like you have an incredible body and on top of all that you're beautiful. There are not many men that can make a woman feel that way.
'But we dragged it out for about three months. And yes, we did go upstairs where the bedrooms were.'
Miller, who was divorced from her first husband but still known at the time as Sally Perdue, says she was drawn to Clinton's energy, his sense of humor and his 'intensity'.
Their clandestine meetings typically included Bill goofing around and playing his sax while Miller, a trained singer and musician, accompanied him on her piano.
He would sometimes unwind by smoking a marijuana cigarette. Miller claims that she saw Clinton produce a pouch of white powder on several occasions and snort lines off her coffee table.
'I don't do drugs and I don't smoke. But if you come into my house and say "gosh I've had a bad day" I wouldn't know how to stop you,' said Miller.
'Bill is not the most handsome man. But he makes you feel like your breasts are the right size, your legs are the perfect length, you have an incredible body and on top of all that you're beautiful. There are not many men that can make a woman feel that way.
'Do I make it a point to have affairs with married men, no. But most everyone in Arkansas assumed that their marriage was a business arrangement. 
'Bill never sounded like he was in love or locked into a loyal arrangement.'
Sally Miller, center, with her daughters Rosemond, left, and Myra, right
A letter from then Governor Bill Clinton dated June 28, 1984.  Their affair would remain a secret for nearly a decade until she went public on the Sally Jesse Raphael show in July 1992, a day after Clinton had been formally named by the Democratic Party as its Presidential candidate.
But while the future president was a born entertainer and charismatic companion, the sex itself failed to inspire.
'It wasn't that memorable. It was no big deal - think about that,' chuckled Miller. 'That's probably why he didn't have any confidence as a lover.
'He reminded me of a what a little boy would say to his momma. 'Is it OK if I put my hand there? Can I touch you here?' I've always preferred younger men but I've never had one who asked permission.'
She claims the affair ended abruptly in late 1983 when Miller revealed her intention to stand for mayor of her hometown, Pine Bluffs, as a Republican.
It would remain a secret for nearly a decade until she went public on the Sally Jesse Raphael show in July 1992, a day after Clinton had been formally named by the Democratic Party as its Presidential candidate.
Miller insists her name had already been leaked to the newspapers and news channels who hounded her day and night for the story.
But her decision backfired when she was faced with a hostile New York audience packed with Democrat supporters and a largely skeptical media.
Clinton would face similar accusations from a series of women throughout his campaign and ensuing Presidency in what was coined the 'eruption of bimbos'.
Sally Miller's license plate she had on her car after winning the 1958 Miss Arkansas pageant
But at the time of her disastrous TV appearance, Miller's story was either ignored or dismissed as smears by the mainstream US media.
Worse still, it prompted what she describes as an extraordinary Democrat vendetta that has seen her threatened, fired from jobs and followed - quite literally - to the other end of the world.
It began In August 1992, she claims, with a sinister invitation from Clinton operative who offered Miller a lucrative federal job if she promised to be a 'good little girl' – an offer she declined.
'They said 'if you don't take the job, we know where you go running and we'll break your pretty little legs,'' Miller claims. 'They said life isn't going to be fun anymore - and they meant it.'
Miller later found the back window of her jeep shot out from the inside with a handful of shot gun cartridges left strewn across the back seat.
When she reported it to the FBI she says she was nearly knocked down outside their office by a car with no plates.
Miller claims she was also contacted out of the blue and pestered for dates by a string of young married suitors, including a doctor and a handsome lawyer called 'Eric'.
'Eric was a plant from the Democrats in Arkansas,' Miller claims. 'He admitted it. I think they wanted me to be caught in another liaison and so they could say she's a scarlet woman.'
In 1994 she attempted to leave the controversy behind by accepting a radio job broadcasting for the blind in China, a country she loved and where she enjoyed an elevated profile having become the first woman to run the entire length of the Great Wall four years earlier
In 1994 she attempted to leave the controversy behind by accepting a radio job broadcasting for the blind in China, a country she loved and where she enjoyed an elevated profile having become the first woman to run the entire length of the Great Wall four years earlier
'Bill is not the most handsome man. But he makes you feel like your breasts are the right size, your legs are the perfect length, you have an incredible body and on top of all that you're beautiful. There are not many men that can make a woman feel that way,' Miller tells Daily Mail Online
'Bill is not the most handsome man. But he makes you feel like your breasts are the right size, your legs are the perfect length, you have an incredible body and on top of all that you're beautiful. There are not many men that can make a woman feel that way,' Miller tells Daily Mail Online
Her career suffered too, she alleges. She says the Democrats made a mysterious $1 million donation to her alma mater, Lindenwood College, Missourii. She was later fired from their admissions department.
In 1994 she attempted to leave the controversy behind by accepting a radio job broadcasting for the blind in China, a country she loved and where she enjoyed an elevated profile having become the first woman to run the entire length of the Great Wall four years earlier.
But her new life went awry, she says, when the Clintons arrived in Beijing for a 1998 state visit and her hotel room was mysteriously raided by Chinese soldiers and what she says were American agents, apparently looking for drugs and weapons.
Kathleen Willey, a former White House volunteer who says Bill Clinton groped her in an Oval Office hallway in 1993 when she came to him seeking a paid job, says she has agreed to become a paid national spokeswoman for an anti-Clinton group being created by operative Roger Stone 
Paula Jones, the former state employee whose allegations of sexual harassment dogged President Bill Clinton throughout his administration, was photographed appearing at a rally for presidential candidate Donald Trump in Little Rock. 

Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinsky's confidante and who worked as a White House staffer says that Hillary Clinton not only knew about her husband's exploits, 'She made it her personal mission to disseminate information and destroy the women with whom he dallied.'

Juanita Broaddrick, who claims that she was raped by Bill Clinton in an Arkansas hotel 38 years ago, says that she was cornered by Hillary as she was helping at a Clinton fundraiser and was given a thinly-veiled warning to keep her mouth shut.

Maria Crider, who worked on Bill Clinton's first political campaign, said power-hungry Hillary torpedoed the torrid affair that threatened to destroy her master plan to become president with anonymous phone calls, fears of stalking and veiled threats.
'They told the manager I was a drug dealer who had fled the United States to avoid prosecution,' she claims. 'It was a warning that they could find me anywhere, anyplace, anytime.'
Like much of Miller's dark account, there is nothing to substantiate this episode other than the trove of old documents, letters and journals she promises to include in her memoir, 'The Beauty Queen: Let No Deed Go Unpublished'.
And yet her story brings to mind the accounts of other alleged Clinton accusers, such as Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers, who say they were harassed by Democrat aides and maligned as sluts to cover the philandering President's tracks.
Maria Crider, who had an affair with Clinton when she worked on his first political campaign, said Hillary destroyed the relationship - even though she was not yet married to Bill - with anonymous phone calls and veiled threats.
With a string of achievements including the Miss Arkansas 1958 title, a 1970 jazz album entitled I've Gotta Be Me, and a career in TV, radio and PR, Miller particularly objects to being portrayed as a 'bimbo'.
She points the finger of blame squarely at Hillary and her powerful spin machine.
'Nothing happened in the Democratic Party when they were trying to get Bill into the White House that Hillary didn't approve,' Miller said. 'She was the motivator, his bodyguard, and she continued to target me after the election.
'There is a vengeful, spiteful ugliness that some women have for other women. And there is a certain type of women who just has it in her genes to be nasty.
'Hillary is just one of those women. And she's championing women's causes? She will be the ruination of America if she becomes President.'
In the three or four months since news of her memoir leaked on Facebook Miller says the long-standing vendettas has reignited.
She decided to post details on social media because she feels she's safer battling the Clintons out in the open where her ultimately death would provoke too much scrutiny.
'I'm sure I have Facebook friends that are spies and I'm sure the word got out to Hillary,' she said. 'I began to get unknown calls on my cell phone - three or four a week - but now it's almost every day.
'It's the same pattern they used in 1992, '93 and '94. I've watched cars following me down to the park. They are typically trucks or SUVs - all the windows are completely black.
'I pulled up beside one of them and walked over but he pulled away as soon as I got up close.
'I've been getting calls from 911 saying "Ms Miller we understand that there's an emergency and you're about to commit suicide". They always say it was a family member or a close friend but they can't give you the name.'
Miller has yet to find a publisher for her memoir – again, she suspects Democrat meddling -- but she insists she will self-publish if need be.
But does she really suspect the woman many believe will be the next President of the United States, a former Secretary of State lauded globally as a female role model, would resort to foul play to stop that happening?
''I think the Clintons are capable of anything. Do I live in fear, no - because I'm armed too, I'm prepared. You have to be when you think perhaps your life is being threatened.'
Former Miss Arkansas, Sally Miller, second from left, with friends in Beijing, China in 1994.
Former Miss Arkansas, Sally Miller, second from left, with friends in Beijing, China in 1994.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Obama: Criticism of Muslim Americans ‘Has No Place In Our Country’


by BEN SHAPIRO3 Feb 20161,747

On Wednesday, President Obama, who has become the executive branch equivalent of a professional commenter troll, took his traveling roadshow of perverse failure to the Islamic Society of Baltimore.

There, he lectured Americans – as always – on our own intolerance, the glories of Islam, and how if we just gaze longingly into his eyes, our souls will be set free of the baser matter surrounding them.

First, a note: the Islamic Society of Baltimore has significant ties to terror supporters. Its former imam, Mohamed Adam el-Sheikh, presided over the mosque for 18 years and justified Palestinian suicide bombings in the pages of The Washington Post, as well as founding the radical Muslim Brotherhood-associated Muslim American Society.

Now, on to President Obama’s speech.

Obama began by stating that the ISB is as American as apple pie (minus the whole former imam who supported suicide bombing thing). He then said, “So the first thing I want to say is two words that Muslim Americans don’t hear often enough — and that is, thank you. Thank you for serving your community. Thank you for lifting up the lives of your neighbors, and for helping keep us strong and united as one American family. We are grateful for that.”

So, no bitter clinger talk for those who worship Allah. Got it.

Then he moved on to his real message: Americans who aren’t nice like President Obama are super duper mean to Muslims. Never mind the fact that, according to FBI statistics, 60.3 percent of all hate crimes based on religion target Jews, as opposed to 13.7 percent targeting Muslims. Muslims who must fear intolerant Americans, and must rely on President Obama’s great goodness to protect them from the slobbering, yabbering masses who would emerge en masse on the streets of the United States, armed with pitchforks and torches, to roust them from their homes and do them harm. Here’s Obama:

I know that in Muslim communities across our country, this is a time of concern and, frankly, a time of some fear. Like all Americans, you’re worried about the threat of terrorism. But on top of that, as Muslim Americans, you also have another concern — and that is your entire community so often is targeted or blamed for the violent acts of the very few.

Oh. Well, statistically, virtually all suicide bombings across the planet are conducted by Muslims. Hundreds of millions of Muslims hold extreme beliefs. In the United States, as Mark Krikorian wrote at National Review in December, “Muslims account for only about 1 percent of the U.S. population but account for about half of terrorist attacks since 9/11. That means Muslims in the United States are about 5,000 percent more likely to commit terrorist attacks than non-Muslims.”

But statistics are Islamophobic, so Obama merely ignored them. Instead, he focused on the “inexcusable political rhetoric against Muslim Americans that has no place in our country,” lamenting “the threats and harassment of Muslim Americans have surged.” No statistics, just anecdotal evidence, followed. And then more scaremongering:

[Y]ou also could not help but be heartbroken to hear their worries and their anxieties. Some of them are parents, and they talked about how their children were asking, are we going to be forced out of the country, or, are we going to be rounded up? Why do people treat us like that? Conversations that you shouldn’t have to have with children — not in this country. Not at this moment. And that’s an anxiety echoed in letters I get from Muslim Americans around the country. I’ve had people write to me and say, I feel like I’m a second-class citizen… These are children just like mine.

So Obama’s adding to his fictional family of victims once again. First, there was Trayvon. Then there was his fictional son who got hurt playing football. Now he’s got fictional Muslim children. That family’s growing by leaps and bounds!

That wasn’t Obama’s only fiction here. Who, exactly, is talking about “rounding up” Muslims? Who is talking about forcing Muslims out of the country? What brand of verbal cow-vomit is this?

It was just Obama setting up the strawman for its ceremonial Islamic sacrificial burning, apparently. Obama called for Americans to “tackle this head on,” to be “honest and clear about it,” to “speak out.” He then began gibbering platitudes until someone had to tap him on the shoulder and remind him where he was:

Islam is rooted in a commitment to compassion and mercy and justice and charity….The world’s 1.6 billion Muslims are as diverse as humanity itself…. Here’s another fact: Islam has always been part of America… Jefferson and John Adams had their own copies of the Koran.

He did not quote what Jefferson and Adams once said about their dealings with Islamic pirates:

The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.

Probably best for Obama to ignore that.

Ignore it he did, and instead called for changes to American media and culture to be nicer to Islam. He suggested that “our television shows should have some Muslim characters that are unrelated to national security.” Sounds great! Let’s start an #OscarsSoIslamophobic campaign, which will work fantastically well until Muslims around the world riot when somebody does an improper depiction of Mohammed.

After attempting unsuccessfully to carve off the Islamic State from Islam, Obama then set forth four points.

First: “We are all God’s children. We’re all born equal, with inherent dignity.” Obama could say that to the wide swaths of Muslims sanguine about the stabbing of Jewish children in Jerusalem and the shooting of Christian ones in Syria; instead, he chose to direct that at the inhabitants of the most tolerant nation in the history of humanity.

Second: “[W]e have to stay true to our core values, and that includes freedom of religion for all faiths… if we’re serious about freedom of religion – and I’m speaking now to my fellow Christians who remain the majority in this country – we have to understand an attack on one faith is an attack on all religions.” Well, not necessarily. An attack on the teachings of Satanism is not an attack on Christianity. An attack on the nature of Islam is not an attack on Judaism. Not all religions are the same, contrary to Obama’s presumably-treasured COEXIST bumper sticker. And it’s rather insulting directing his ire toward American Christians rather than the hundreds of millions of Muslims around the planet responsible for the vast majority of religious warfare, bloodshed, and targeted violence.

But Obama continued, “We have to be consistent in condemning hateful rhetoric and violence against everyone. And that includes against Muslims here in the United States of America.” “Hateful rhetoric” is not violence, although Obama would lump the two together. Doing that is a dangerous violation of free speech. But Obama doesn’t care about that – after all, the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam, remember?

Third: “[T]he suggestion is somehow that if I would simply say, these are all Islamic terrorists, then we would actually have solved the problem by now, apparently…. I refuse to give [ISIL] legitimacy. We must never give them that legitimacy. They’re not defending Islam.” It would, in fact, help for Obama to acknowledge our enemies and their ideology. Wishing their philosophy into the corn field won’t work; no serious Muslim takes Obama’s interpretation of Islam seriously, anymore than serious Jews take Obama’s interpretation of Judaism seriously. But Obama is too busy wishing, and lecturing Americans that the best way to thwart radical Islam is to “celebrate and lift up the success of Muslim Americans,” as though ISIS cares whether we have White House Ramadan dinners other than to think us weaklings and fools. That’s not a case against White House Ramadan dinners – it is a case that such dinners make no difference in the fight against radical Islam.

Fourth: “Muslims around the world have a responsibility to reject extremist ideologies that are trying to penetrate within Muslim communities.” Nice of Obama to get around to this one. But he promptly said that Muslims were doing enough, and put the responsibility on Americans to “amplify them more.” So actually, the Muslims are doing just fine, it’s the Islamophobic Westerners who are, as always, the problem.

Hilariously, Obama added this note:

[I]n the discussion I had before I came out, some people said, why is there always a burden on us? When a young man in Charleston shoots African Americans in a church, there’s not an expectation that every white person in America suddenly is explaining that they’re not racist.

LOL. Let me expand: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. President Obama and the entire media blamed the Confederate damn flag for Charleston, and then lectured us on the continuing racism of white Americans.

But back to Obama’s demagoguery:

We will — I will — do everything I can to lift up the multiplicity of Muslim voices that promote pluralism and peace….We can’t give in to profiling entire groups of people. There’s no one single profile of terrorists…. We are one American family. We will rise and fall together. It won’t always be easy. There will be times where our worst impulses are given voice. But I believe that ultimately, our best voices will win out. And that gives me confidence and faith in the future.

Obviously, Obama believes that the greatest threat to America is the cruel voices of those like Donald Trump, not the stealthy recruitment of Muslim radicals. He believes that Americans need his lectures, and Muslims just need reassurance that we care about them. He believes a lot of things that simply aren’t true.

And so more Americans will die.

Which means he will give us more speeches about Islamic peace and American intolerance.

Ben Shapiro is Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News, Editor-in-Chief of, and The New York Times bestselling author, most recently, of the book,The People vs. Barack Obama:The Criminal Case Against The Obama Administration (Threshold Editions, June 10, 2014). Follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter @benshapiro.

Trump to Arkansas: Hillary, Bill Clinton 'left you'

Donald Trump kept hitting two of his favorite targets, Bill and Hillary Clinton, during a campaign event in Little Rock, Ark. on Wednesday night, arguing that they fled the state.

After riffing against Ted Cruz over his Iowa caucus win on Monday, Trump bashed the Clintons, telling 11,500 attendees that they bailed on the state after the former president took over the White House in 1993.

"By the way, I have to tell you this," Trump told the crowd, "Hillary and Bill left Arkansas — they left you folks. They left you. Whether you like it or not, they left you.

"I guarantee you, if she or he was here tonight, they wouldn't be having 12,000 people filling up this arena," Trump said as boos rained down from the crowd.

Arkansans will take to the polls on Super Tuesday as part of the so-called SEC primary. Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee also will vote on the same day.

Donald Trump says they did. inPolitics on LockerDome


Friday, January 29, 2016

Bill Clinton's Approval Rating Plunges To 39 Percent Down from 50% Breitbart

Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

by Mike Flynn28 Jan 20160

28 Jan, 201628 Jan, 2016 Bill Clinton’s poll ratings are in free-fall, and that surprise crash undermines the conventional wisdom that Hillary Clinton has a lock on the Democrat nomination.

A new CBS/New York Times poll shows that just 39 percent of American voters have a favorable opinion of Bill Clinton.

This is down from a 50 percent approval rating just a few months ago. In 2012, when Bill Clinton was campaigning aggressively for President Obama’s reelection, 66 percent of voters had a favorable opinion of Mr. Clinton.

Bill Clinton’s favorable rating today is actually lower than it was in 2008, when he last campaigned forcefully for Hillary as she was battling Barack Obama for the Democrat nomination. As that contest heated up, Mr. Clinton’s favorable rating sank to 46 percent.

A modest drop in Bill Clinton’s approval rating is to be expected as he reenters the political fray. As a former President, Clinton is normally viewed by voters as somewhat “above” politics, allowing them to hold more favorable views of the former politician.

Campaigning for one side in a political debate, even if that candidate is his wife, is naturally going to impact the opinions of those on the other side of that debate. The steep drop in Bill Clinton’s approval ratings, though, as he is only beginning to campaign for Hillary in the primary suggests something deeper is going on.

A few weeks ago, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump responded to criticism from Hillary Clinton by raising the issue of Bill Clinton’s sexual transgressions and the allegations of sexual assault against the former President.

In the wake of the controversy between Trump and Hillary Clinton, several women from Bill Clinton’s past emerged again from the media shadows to retell their stories of Mr. Clinton’s alleged sexual abuse.

The last time these allegations were raised at all in the media was back in 1998, during the height of the controversy surrounding Bill Clinton’s sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Tellingly, during this time, Mr. Clinton’s approval rating also sunk to 39 percent in the CBS poll.

While the resurfacing of the old allegations brings back memories of a dysfunctional Clinton White House for older voters, for a large portion of the electorate, these stories are largely new. Voters younger than 35 weren’t even old enough to vote when the Lewinsky story dominated political news.

Interestingly, young voters are a powerful force behind the dramatic rise of Hillary Clinton’s current rival,Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Sanders leads Hillary by 12 points among voters aged 18-34. In another poll, voters younger than 24 prefer Sanders over Hillary by a massive 42 points, 68-26.

It isn’t hard to imagine that these twin phenomenon — Bill Clinton’s plummeting approval ratings and Sanders’ surge among young voters — are related.

Before Trump, the conventional wisdom was that voters didn’t care about Clinton’s past sexual transgressions. These, the pundits assured us, were old news. For many voters, though, these allegations aren’t old news at all.

Even for those who do remember the old controversies, the kind of conduct allegedly committed by Bill Clinton is viewed much differently today than 20 years ago. This may be the clearest sign that the Clinton era is truly over.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

MSNBC mocks Hillary RELENTLESSLY for leaving Iowa to fundraise at investment bank

Posted on January 28, 2016 
Apparently last night Hillary left Iowa to go raise money at a big investment bank fundraiser in Philadelphia. Just a few days from the Iowa Caucuses, Morning Joe can’t believe she’d do such a thing and neither can Bernie:

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Women Won’t Save Hillary

People hold Hillary Clinton campaign signs during the King Day at the Dome rally at the S.C. State House at the S.C. State House January 18, 2016 in Columbia, S.C. (Photo: Sean Rayford/Getty Images)

Two new polls released in the past week show women won’t be voting in droves for Hillary Clinton the way African-Americans voted in droves for President Obama.

First, a USA Today/Rock the Vote pollfound millennial women preferring Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to Ms. Clinton. Women between the ages of 18 and 34 preferred Mr. Sanders by a 19-point margin, with 50 percent choosing the senator and 31 percent choosing the former secretary of state.

On Tuesday, a Monmouth Universitynational poll found Ms. Clinton’s lead among women had taken a nose dive since December. Ms. Clinton currently leads Mr. Sanders by 19 points among all women, a smaller lead than what the same poll found at the end of 2015, when Ms. Clinton had a 45-point lead. That’s a huge drop in just one month.

If these polls are indicative of the direction Ms. Clinton’s support among women is heading, as voters tend to make their final decisions in the last month and days before an election (or primary), then Ms. Clinton has a problem.

Women don’t appear as though they will support Ms. Clinton the way African-Americans supported Mr. Obama. Part of that reason is due to a larger split of the demographic between Republicans and Democrats. Sure, more women vote for Democrats than Republicans, but the gap is much closer than with African-Americans.

In 2012, Mr. Obama won women by 12 points, or 56 percent to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s 44 percent. Black voters favored Mr. Obama at a much wider margin, with 93 percent voting for the president’s second term and just 6 percent voting for Mr. Romney.

Mr. Obama also didn’t pander to black voters. He didn’t bring up his race during every speech, every appearance or every debate. He didn’t constantly say he was running to be the first black president. Sure, his surrogates and a friendly media didn’t let voters forget that, but Mr. Obama himself didn’t. It’s one thing for supporters to point that out, but it’s another thing for the candidate to feel the need to remind them.

Does Ms. Clinton think we will forget she’s a woman? Or that we can’t tell? Does she think we have the attention span of a goldfish and must be reminded every few sentences? It’s insulting, condescending and makes one wonder if she’s sure of her own candidacy beyond her gender.

Ms. Clinton is also not as inspirational a candidate as Mr. Obama was. Beyond being the (at the time) potential first black president, Mr. Obama also seemed to have fresh, new ideas, and wasn’t seen as a Washington insider. Ms. Clinton, on the other hand, is seen as an entrenched politician who doesn’t have a bold new viewpoint.

This is important for millennials and was one of the reasons they came out to vote for then-Senator Obama. Millennials are following politics more, and are more dedicated to their opinions than any other generation. As a millennial myself (apologies for my generation, we’re not all terrible), I can’t meet another person in my age group who doesn’t have loud opinions about everything. Maybe it’s because I live on the East Coast, but seriously, young people won’t shut up about their politics.

Mr. Sanders is the candidate who is talking more like Mr. Obama in 2008. He’s calling out Wall Street, capitalism and cronyism. When Ms. Clinton talks about those things we laugh, because she receives large donations from Wall Street, including speaking fees and appears to love cronyism—just check out all of her friends she helped while at the State Department.

Her story is also not something that inspires a generation that is more focused on their career and more desiring of personal success. Mr. Obama had help throughout his career, of course, but it was still him getting the help because of his own merit or because of what he represented for political elites. Ms. Clinton, on the other hand, relied on her husband to get where she is today. She was hired to a top law firm in Arkansas and made partner after her husband became governor. She was elected to the senate with help from her husband’s donors and riding on the momentum of her husband’s popularity after leaving the White House. She ran for president because of all these things, which she only achieved because of whom she was married to.

Young women are averse to the idea that we need a man to succeed, yet that is what Ms. Clinton exemplifies. Sure, Ms. Clinton appeals to more extreme feminists just because of her gender, but the ideals she represents are decidedly not feminist.

There are of course some things working in Ms. Clinton’s favor for this election. She does better with older women than Mr. Sanders, and older voters tend to turn out. Mr. Obama was able to get young Americans to vote in record numbers, so if Mr. Sanders can’t replicate that, he’s toast. Ms. Clinton is also doing better with black and Hispanic voters than Mr. Sanders, so if they come out to vote, she’ll have a clear path to victory.

As with every election, it all comes down to who actually turns out and in what numbers. Ms. Clinton has many factors working in her favor, but if Mr. Sanders’s supporters are more energized to go to the polls, then Ms. Clinton will have a problem.


Friday, January 22, 2016


Immigrants keep on coming

Photo: Jerry Lara, Staff / San Antonio

Two-year-old Sherley Fuentes is held firmly by her mother as mostly Central American immigrant families arrive at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church immigrant shelter in McAllen, Texas, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016. The Honduran mother and daughter were traveling to Dallas, Texas after being released by U.S. immigrations officials.

Two-year-old Sherley Fuentes is held firmly by her mother as mostly Central American immigrant families arrive at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church immigrant shelter in McAllen, Texas, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016. ... more Photo: Jerry Lara, Staff / San Antonio Express-NewsImage 2 of 8
U.S. Border supervisory Border Patrol agent Jose Luis Perales watches a popular crossing spot along the Rio Grande near Anzalduas Dam, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016. The Rio Grande Valley sector has seen an increased of traffic in families and unaccompanied minors from Central America towards the end of 2015.
U.S. Border supervisory Border Patrol agent Jose Luis Perales watches a popular crossing spot along the Rio Grande near Anzalduas Dam, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016. The Rio Grande Valley sector has seen an ... more Photo: San Antonio Express-NewsImage 3 of 8
Sacred Heart Catholic Church immigrant shelter visitors and volunteers applaud as mostly Central American families arrive in McAllen, Texas, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016. The shelter serves as the first stop for immigrants released by immigration officials. It provided food, clothing and a place to clean up and rest.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church immigrant shelter visitors and volunteers applaud as mostly Central American families arrive in McAllen, Texas, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016. The shelter serves as the first stop for ... more Photo: Jerry Lara, Staff / San Antonio Express-NewsImage 4 of 8
Ana Membreno, 33, takes a rest after arriving at the at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church immigrant shelter in McAllen, Texas, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016. The Honduran mother and daughter were traveling to Dallas, Texas after being released by U.S. immigrations officials. She was traveling with her fourteen-year-old son to Houston after leaving their country of El Salvador.
Ana Membreno, 33, takes a rest after arriving at the at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church immigrant shelter in McAllen, Texas, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016. The Honduran mother and daughter were traveling to Dallas, ... more Photo: Jerry Lara, Staff / San Antonio Express-NewsImage 5 of 8
Sacred Heart Catholic Church immigrant shelter operation manager Eli Fernandez briefs mostly Central American families arriving in McAllen, Texas, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016. The shelter serves as the first stop for immigrants released by immigration officials. It provided food, clothing and a place to clean up and rest.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church immigrant shelter operation manager Eli Fernandez briefs mostly Central American families arriving in McAllen, Texas, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016. The shelter serves as the first stop ... more Photo: Jerry Lara, Staff / San Antonio Express-NewsImage 6 of 8
A U.S. Border and Protection agent walks along a smuggling trail leading from the Rio Grande near McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016. The Rio Grande Valley sector has seen an increased of traffic in families and unaccompanied minors from Central America towards the end of 2015.
A U.S. Border and Protection agent walks along a smuggling trail leading from the Rio Grande near McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016. The Rio Grande Valley sector has seen an increased of traffic in ... more Photo: San Antonio Express-NewsImage 7 of 8
Ten-month-old Zenaida Chavez waits for another spoonful of soup from her mother, Mercedes Chavez, 27, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church immigrant shelter in McAllen, Texas, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016. The shelter serves as the first stop for immigrants released by immigration officials. It provided food, clothing and a place to clean up and rest. The family, from El Salvador, were on their way to Virginia.
Ten-month-old Zenaida Chavez waits for another spoonful of soup from her mother, Mercedes Chavez, 27, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church immigrant shelter in McAllen, Texas, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016. The shelter ... more Photo: Jerry Lara, Staff / San Antonio Express-NewsImage 8 of 8
A man is seen fishing the Mexican side of the Rio Grande near McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016. The Rio Grande Valley sector has seen an increased of traffic in families and unaccompanied minors from Central America towards the end of 2015.
A man is seen fishing the Mexican side of the Rio Grande near McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016. The Rio Grande Valley sector has seen an increased of traffic in families and unaccompanied minors from ... morePhoto: San Antonio Express-NewsImmigrants keep on coming
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HIDALGO — The busiest corner of the Southwest border weaves around verdant fields of winter vegetables, cutting through parks, skirting wildlife refuge lands and rising on levees above tiny communities founded centuries ago.
Immigrant children and families have streamed into this 20-mile swath of the Rio Grande Valley by the tens of thousands in recent years, at times overwhelming immigration authorities.
But for the U.S. Border Patrol agents who keep watch here, the long hours of tedium are as often interrupted by the frantic rush to apprehend immigrants as the sight of men lazily fishing along irrigation canals or a septuagenarian in search of exotic birds.
“This job isn‘t for everyone,” said Monique Grame, deputy patrol agent in charge of the McAllen Border Patrol Station. “The hours are long and shifts are at all hours of the night and day. It’s hard.”
Border Patrol agents caught almost 21,500 families crossing the border illegally between October and December, a nearly 200 percent increase from the same period the previous year. During the same three-month period, border agents picked up another 17,300-plus children traveling alone, almost 120 percent higher than the year before.
And it is here, along the sandy banks of the Rio Grande, that border agents have swept up people from 140 countries. It’s the busiest stretch along the entire 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border. Minors and mothers with young children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras still make up the majority of immigrants caught in South Texas.
Dashboard 1 Despite efforts to stem the flow of immigrants here their numbers are once again on the rise, prompting the opening of new shelters in December to house them, with plans to open three more this year. During a recent visit to McAllen, CBP Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske considered the possibility that the trend has become the new normal.
“We’ve seen an uptick this January compared to January of last year, but we haven’t seen the strain or stress of 2014,” said Grame. “It’s busy on the weekends, other days it’s slow.”
Wednesday, under sunny skies, Grame patrolled a twisting, rutted single-lane dirt track under a canopy of salt cedar and mesquite; only the rotor thwack of helicopters overhead disrupted the bucolic surroundings.
She drove slowly past a Texas National Guard sentinel and a group of border agents launching boats into the river before stopping near a trail of deflated rafts, slashed by agents to render them unusable to smugglers.
Soiled clothing clung to the bramble and branches of scraggly trees, carrizo obscuring the river. Left behind were life jackets, toothbrushes, shoes and myriad underwear.
A few feet from the Rio Grande, an immigrant from India had discarded his Mexican travel visa in the brush. As Grame picked up the tightly folded papers and hotel receipts, she said other Indian immigrants had been doing the same with their travel documents.
“We’ll give this to our intel shop and they’ll try to trace it back to where it originated,” Grame said. “People are going to come across no matter what, but this helps us identify some of the smuggling operations.”
Farther on, an agent watched the river for illegal activity on a small monitor from inside a metal box positioned a quarter-mile away amid a field of onion sprouts. The technology is one of several powerful Defense Department monitoring systems redeployed to the border for this purpose.
Grame passed other Border Patrol vehicles and law enforcement agencies patrolling the area, but no immigrants.
Maybe not that morning, but still the immigrants come.
Mercedes Chavez, 27, an immigrant from El Salvador fed her doe-eyed 10-month old daughter noodle soup in McAllen’s Sacred Heart Catholic Church on Tuesday evening.
More than 30,000 immigrants, many of them fleeing rampant violence in their homelands, have been taken here since June 2014 for temporary food and shelter.
Earlier this month, Chavez left her home in Sonsonate, El Salvador, with her infant and 10-year-old daughter.
“The gang wanted $2,000 or the little girl,” Chavez said. Refusing to give up her child, she added, “I sold my refrigerator, my television and left everything else behind.”
Twitter: @amnelsen

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Campaigner-in-Chief Bill Clinton Gives a Worrisome Speech in Iowa
Former President Bill Clinton, campaigning for his wife in New Hampshire Wednesday, bluntly admitted how much more difficult than expected Hillary Clinton's race for the Democratic presidential nomination has become.
“This has turned into an interesting election,” the candidate's husband told a rally in Salem. “We’re fighting it out in Iowa. We’ve got a little lead that I think is solidifying and maybe growing a little bit. We’re on a home-field disadvantage here."
With less than two weeks before the first ballots of the election are cast in Iowa, Hillary Clinton, who promised that she would “work for every vote,” is having to do just that. News of endorsements withheld and renewed questions about her e-mail practices as secretary of state continued the drip-drip-drip of small setbacks that have prevented her from gaining the traction she needs to stride confidently into the first contests. Instead, she and her team seem to be trying to navigate a slippery floor.
Most of all, the Clinton campaign itself—through its stepped-up activity against her chief rival, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont—suggested that the once-prohibitive Democratic front-runner sees herself in a competitive battle with a septuagenarian self-described socialist.
“Hillary does not consider Planned Parenthood a member of the establishment and I don't see how anybody else could,” her husband told an audience in Concord. He was responding to Sanders' characterization a day earlierof the women's reproductive rights group that Republicans in Congress have sought to defund and that endorsed Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.  
The nation needs “not anger but answers,” the former president went on to say, taking on Sanders' efforts to portray Clinton as an insider and himself as an agent of change. “I think you should vote for her because she is the best change-maker I've ever met,” he said of his wife.
“The real issue is: Who can win the election? Who’s prepared the do the job? Who can make real change?” the former president added.
Until now, Bill Clinton has more often cast his wife as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and focused on Republicans as the enemy, while ignoring or downplaying Sanders.
But Hillary Clinton took a more aggressive approach than in the past to Sanders in Sunday's primary debate in Charleston, South Carolina. One day after her foreign policy surrogates questioned Sanders' readiness, Clinton told NPR that Sanders' comments about the Middle East are cause for “concern,” questioning his understanding of the shifting alliances in the Middle East, and emphasizing her own credentials and links to the current occupant of the White House.
“President Obama, when he was elected, immediately turned to me. He trusted my experience and my judgment,” Clinton said. 
Meanwhile her campaign released new ads in Iowa and New Hampshire emphasizing her experience.
But the formidable resume that her husband alluded to, and that Clinton and her supporters hoped would make her the prohibitive favorite to become the nation's first female president, may be more a handicap than an asset in a year when voters in both parties are exasperated with the nation's financial and political establishment. In a Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Polltaken earlier this month, 44 percent of likely Democratic caucus-goers described themselves as anti-Wall Street, 43 percent described themselves as socialist, and 22 percent described themselves as politically “independent,” rather than Democrat.
In an e-mail to supporters on Wednesday, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook wrote that a higher proportion of Sanders' supporters appear to be funding his campaign than hers “and that worries me.”
On the stump Wednesday night in Burlington, Iowa, the candidate herself argued that she and Sanders have substantial areas of agreement but favor different approaches. “Let’s not fight about health care. Let’s keep improving it. We can get to universal coverage,” she said. When it comes to Wall Street, she added, the Democratic field is “in a vigorous agreement but we’re not exactly seeing eye to eye.”
But, like her husband, Clinton also called out Sanders' comments on Planned Parenthood and the Human Rights Campaign, saying she was “somewhat confused” by his comments and could only wish that women's rights and gay rights were settled issues. “We have to keep working to make sure that people are not taken advantage of, are not stripped of their rights,” she said.
This all comes as polls show Clinton facing a closer-than-expected race against Sanders on Feb. 1 in Iowa and the prospect of defeat to Sanders on Feb. 9 in New Hampshire, which shares a border with Sanders' home state. Meanwhile, some voices Clinton would have liked in her corner are withholding a verdict.
Billionaire environmental activist Tom Steyer told Reuters on Wednesday he isn't yet ready to endorse Clinton and didn't rule out supporting Sanders, even though Steyer last May held a $2,700-a-person fundraiser for Clinton.
Nevada's Culinary Union said it will not endorse ahead of the state's Feb. 20 caucus. The 57,000-member union, an affiliate of the hotel worker union UNITE HERE, is Nevada's largest and most politically powerful.
Amid a dispute over caucus sites days before the 2008 contest in Nevada, UNITE HERE, which had endorsed Obama, ran an radio ad declaring “Hillary Clinton does not respect our people.” But the Culinary's political director told Bloomberg in August that members are “ready to learn where Senator Clinton is at today, and feel her out, without holding any grudges about what happened in 2008.”
In September, Clinton joined Sanders and O'Malley in calling for a repeal of Obamacare's so-called “Cadillac tax,” levied on the kind of generous health benefits unions negotiate. The Culinary had identified eliminating the tax in August as its top issue in the race.
And Clinton may face a new headache in the controversy over her use of private e-mail servers while she was secretary of state, after reports this week that intelligence officials identified information that was more than top secret. In the interview with NPR, she dismissed the findings as a “continuation of an interagency dispute” over when to classify information and suggested she's the victim of a politically motivated leak. “I never sent or received any material marked classified,” she said.
“I know we're in a hard fight here and I know we're running against one of your neighbors,” Bill Clinton told the crowd in Concord. “This state has been so good to me and Hillary,” he said, an indirect reference to his close second-place finish there in 1992 that earned him the nickname “The Comeback Kid” and to her 2008 primary win in New Hampshire over Barack Obama. He and Hillary both had learned “a great deal” about what's going on in America from what people told them in New Hampshire, Bill Clinton said.
He refrained from using Sanders' name, repeatedly referring instead to his wife's opponent. He hinted rather than hammered at the idea that Republicans would rather run against Sanders than Clinton. “They're good at this,” he said of Republicans. “They don't want to run against her. They have sent us a clear signal.” He also said, as if it were an acknowledged fact, that his wife is “the only person” from either party ready for the job, before asking, “So what's going on out there?” And he laid out an analysis of Americans' fears across various demographic groups about everything from wages to terrorism.
Republicans, he said, in no particular order blame “Muslims, Mexicans, President Obama” for what's wrong with the country. “Or they blame Hillary.” Meanwhile, “Hillary's opponent says this was all caused by Wall Street and billionaires,” which are “a better object of our hatred and more accurate” but also, he indicated, not entirely on point. Hillary, he said, saw the nation's difficulties since the 2008 economic collapse in large part as failures of government. He said she is committed to reforms that can win enough bipartisan support to be implemented. In contrast, he said, Sanders' newly unveiled plan for Medicare for all is “a recipe for gridlock” and “we cannot afford to waste a year or two.”
—With assistance from Sahil Kapur in Concord, New Hamphire, and Josh Eidelson in Washington.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

An Exclusive interview and look at the past with Bills first Love Affair

Hillary Clinton torpedoed affair between Bill and campaign worker

Long before the 'bimbo eruptions' and Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton cheated on Hillary with university student Marla Crider Crider worked on Bill's first political campaign in 1974 and two fell hard for each otherIn an explosive interview, she told author Jerry Oppenheimer: 'Hillary was like a cat, marking her territory'Bill was crazy about Crider, but told her  '[Hillary] gets me started, kicks my butt, and makes me do the things I've got to do'When Hillary learned of their affair things turned uglyCrider saw a letter Hillary wrote to Bill saying:  'I know all your little girls are around there…if that's what it is, you will outgrow this'Hillary and Bill had a 'secret pact' for their future that one day he, and later she, would be elected presidentSee more of the latest news on Bill and Hillary Clinton revelations  

New York Times bestselling author Jerry Oppenheimer, who recently published RFK Jr.: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Dark Side of the Dream, investigated the Clintons in his book State of a Union: Inside the Complex Marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

She was a pretty 21-year-old political science major, and he was a 27-year-old law school graduate embarking on his first political campaign. They instantly fell for each other. But when the other woman in his life learned of their affair, things turned frighteningly ugly.

It may sound like the story line for a juicy TV miniseries, but it was real-life. The characters in the drama were a young Bill Clinton, his then longtime girlfriend, Hillary Rodham, and a college girl by the name of Marla Crider. 

Before her death last year, Crider sat down for an explosive interview that revealed the perverse lengths Hillary would go to ensure that her political ambitions for herself and her husband-to-be would be realized.

The Clinton-Rodham-Crider triangle is important in the Clinton biography because it underscores and documents the first time Bill cheated on Hillary -- even before they were married, but seriously involved.

Driven and ambitious, Hillary did every catty thing to break up the relationship and keep Bill for herself, based not on love, as Marla Crider perceived it back then in 1974 Arkansas, but rather on a 'secret pact' that Bill and Hillary had forged for their future – that they'd work together as a disciplined team so that one day he, and hopefully later she, would be elected president.

Love triangle:  Marla Crider was an Arkansas beauty queen who captured the heart of Bill Clinton even though he and Hillary was about to become engaged. The Clinton-Rodham-Crider triangle is important in the Clinton biography because it documents the first time Bill cheated on Hillary -- even before they were married

Charasmatic: Bill's charm won over many women as he launched his political career in 1974 after he graduated from the University of Arkansas Law School,  running for the state's Third Congressional District seat against a popular Republican who had been in office seemingly forever

Long before the so-called Clinton 'bimbo eruptions,' long before the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal, Bill Clinton had, behind Hillary's back, a serious affair with pretty Arkansas brunette Marla, who was working in his first political campaign.

GOP front runner Donald Trump has zeroed in on the Clintons' past marital scandals, asserting the former president's womanizing - in particular his affair with the one-time White House intern Lewinsky - is 'fair game' as the campaign enters its key months.

Declared Trump, 'You look at whether it's Monica Lewinsky or Paula Jones or many of them. That certainly will be fair game. Certainly if they play the woman's card with respect to me.'

When Trump learned that Bill is campaigning for Hillary, he exploded, tweeting that the former president and future possible 'First Husband' has 'demonstrated a penchant for sexism' – this after Hillary called Trump 'sexist' in response to his claim that she was 'schlonged' by Barrack Obama in her failed 2008 presidential race.

In a radio interview with broadcaster Aaron Klein, Monica Lewinsky confidant Linda Tripp revealed that Bill had flings with thousands of women, including another White House Staffer and, of course, Gennifer Flowers.

Bill has also had sexual assault charges leveled at him by Kathleen Willey and Paul Jones, who won an $850,000 lawsuit against him for sexual harassment.

Now the Clintons fear - and justifiably so - that Bill's relationship with Marla, along with the other women in his life, will be resurrected by Trump's campaign and used as fodder against Hillary in the race for the White House.

Slender, olive-skinned, green-eyed Marla Crider's relationship with Bill flew under the radar until it was revealed in my New York Times bestselling book, 'State of a Union: Inside the Complex Marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton,' published following Clinton's impeachment by the House of Representatives, and acquittal by the Senate.

Secrets: Hillary has stood by her cheating man since before they were married. Monica Lewinsky's confiante Linda Tripp has revealed that Bill had 'thousands' of women - and Hillary knew about them

A wing and a prayer: Hillary and Bill were a match made in political heaven and they had  a 'secret pact' for their future that one day he, and later she, would be elected president

Rah rah: Crider was a cheerleader at Greenland High School in Arkansas. She went on to attend the University of Arkansas which is where she met Bill

A native of Bill Clinton's home state, Arkansas, Marla was a sharply intelligent college girl majoring in political science at the University of Arkansas when, in 1974, she joined charismatic, idealistic and seemingly unattached Bill Clinton's first political campaign.

The recent law school graduate was running for the state's Third Congressional District seat against a popular Republican who had been in office seemingly forever.

Everywhere Bill campaigned, there were women, groupies, drawn to him like ants to a picnic. Bill Clinton was a virtual babe magnet, and it was clear to his campaign manager, Paul Fray, and campaign office workers that he took advantage of the situation.

'They'd [women] write down their names, their phone numbers, their addresses on a napkin, whatever was handy, and hand it to him,' one campaign source recalled.

And while he was getting all that action, his girlfriend Hillary was hundreds of miles away in Washington, D.C. working for the Watergate Committee.

Marla Crider told Jerry Oppenheimer she considered Bill hers

But of all the Arkansas cuties who let Bill know they were available, he chose Marla Crider, with her intriguing looks and long dark hair.

The first time they met, she later recalled in interviews for my book, it was practically love at first sight. She was so impressed with him that, 'I told my mother that night, "Bill Clinton will someday be president." I just instinctively felt like the sky was the limit for him.'

A number of books about the Clintons before mine had mentioned a 'college girl' who was romantically involved with Clinton during his first campaign, and had to be hidden whenever Hillary showed up. 

But no one had ever found her.

As she later noted to my researcher who tracked her down: 'In 25 years I've never talked about this.'

But she finally decided to open up.

She said she knew that Hillary Rodham, then working in Washington for the Watergate committee, was Bill's girlfriend, and had asked him 'point-blank if he were engaged to her yet.' Bill said no, noting, 'If she chose to come back, I would probably pursue the relationship. But we're not engaged.'

Marla said she believed him. She considered him hers.

But when she later asked him about Hillary she got quite a different response.

'You and Hillary, what's the deal? Are you in love with her?'

'Yeah, I am,' he responded. 'But I don't know if this is right. …I don't know if she can fit in here.'

'What is it about her?' Marla asked.

Bill's response surprised her.

'She gets me started, kicks my butt, and makes me do the things I've got to do.'

To Marla it sounded more like Bill was discussing a tough Marine Corps drill instructor rather than a woman with whom he claimed he was in love with.

'Are you going to build a marriage off of this?' Marla asked dubiously.

Hillary had become aware of the romance – presumably from intelligence gathered from people she knew in the campaign.

And she saw Marla as genuine threat to her future with Bill

Stumped: Bill is campaigning for his wife in the hope that he'll fulfill his promise to help her win the presidency as she had helped him. But Hillary is on the ropes as Bernie Sanders closes in

 Vows: They looked so in love on their wedding day. But it was more business than pleasure. Bill told Marla: 'She gets me started, kicks my butt, and makes me do the things I've got to do' 

Her claws were out and a number of a confrontations followed. Hillary made surprise visits to Bill's campaign headquarters, in one instance causing Bill to cancel an overnight trip with Marla.

That night at headquarters Marla was drinking a glass of wine.

Hillary, she recalled, 'Strolls up to me, takes the glass of wine out of my hand, says, 'Hmmm, wine' – takes a drink of it, gives it back to me and says, staring me down, "I'll have to get some of that."

'It was her way of letting me know – like a cat – marking its territory. Everybody in there just turned and looked, like what the hell was that all about? And Hillary just had this kind of half smirk on her face and she strolled off.'

It was her way of letting me know – like a cat – marking its territory. 

Once when Marla and Bill were discussing his campaign schedule with a few others, Hillary, who had made another surprise visit from Washington, cut into the discussion, telling Marla that she and Bill were going on an overnight trip, 'And we can't seem to find any of his socks. I knew you would know where they are.'

Bill, embarrassed, went ballistic.'Would you two take this outside,' he yelled.

Marla recalled, 'He was red, that pulsating red.'

Marla found the overnight bag, found a pair of Bill's socks inside and briskly gave them to Hillary.

Responded Hillary with poisonous sweetness, 'Thanks – somehow I knew you'd know that.'

Bill later apologized to Marla for Hillary's behavior.

'Basically, he said, "This is my fault. I have allowed this to happen." It was apparent, he said, this was going to have to be dealt with.'

But Marla's relationship ignited more serious problems.

An anonymous telephone call to her mother – whether it was from Hillary, or possibly an agent of hers, or someone else – alerted her to the affair, and she was upset, fearful that her daughter, in her first serious relationship, would be hurt by Clinton.

'Doesn't he have another woman…You are being used,' Mrs. Crider told her daughter during a tearful confrontation.

Beyond other anonymous phone calls and hang-ups, Marla began to suspect she was being followed whenever she left Clinton's campaign headquarters.

Marla had become very aware of Hillary's wrath, and even a bit fearful.

Hillary and Bill Clinton attended Yale in the early 1970s. She was one of a handful of young researchers and interns who helped determine whether a school in Alabama discriminated against blacks

Hillary and Bill Clinton attended Yale in the early 1970s. She was one of a handful of young researchers and interns who helped determine whether a school in Alabama discriminated against blacks

At one point, Bill sent her a note:

'I know there are things about us I should really be sorry about, but I'm not. I care about you. I am grateful that you have been here with me during this time.'

After Hillary found out about Marla, she tried to make Bill jealous.

Campaign manager Paul Fray recalled overhearing a telephone conversation between Hillary and Bill.

'She told him she'd gone out with some guy in Washington and slept with him. Billy broke down and told her, "Well, damn you, why are you doing me this way?" He was really torn up about it.'

 She [Hillary] didn't know how to deal with Southerners. She would get furious if there was any frivolity. Furious – it was like have you forgotten what our goal is.

They had a curious unbroken – and unspoken --bond.

Marla's relationship with Bill caused problems within her own family.

At one point her uncle, a county judge, confronted her at restaurant. 'He tore into her a** with both feet,' Fray recalled. 'He said, "You are going to stop this relationship…Everybody's talking about what kind of a sorry, no-account niece I've got, to be with this son of a bitch."'

Marla refused to listen. She was head over heels in love.

Hillary had been hopping in and out of Arkansas to be with Bill. But now, concerned about his relationship with Marla, she returned full time.

'There were few people she tolerated in that office,' Marla had never forgotten. 'She was very dictatorial. She literally came in and just turned everything around, changed everything. 

'She didn't know how to deal with Southerners…She would get furious if there was any frivolity. Furious – it was like have you forgotten what our goal is.'

Another campaign aide remembered Hillary, 'kicking a**, and taking names'.

Bill had given Marla her own set of keys to his house and had asked her to pick up some papers he needed on one occasion when Hillary had apparently returned to Washington.

On Bill's desk in his room Marla spotted a letter signed by Hillary, unfolded and open to be read by anyone. Years later, remembering that moment, Marla believed that Hillary had 'carefully placed' it there, in what she believed was a Hillary 'orchestrated touch'

On Bill's desk in his room Marla spotted a letter signed by Hillary, unfolded and open to be read by anyone. Years later, remembering that moment, Marla believed that Hillary had 'carefully placed' it there, in what she believed was a Hillary 'orchestrated touch'

On Bill's desk in his room Marla spotted a letter signed by Hillary, unfolded and open to be read by anyone.

Years later, remembering that moment, Marla believed that Hillary had 'carefully placed' it there, in what she believed was a Hillary 'orchestrated touch.'

Marla recalled much of what Hillary had written in her Dear Bill missive, and most, if not all of it, was a shock to her.

Wrote Hillary: 'I still do not understand why you do the things you do to hurt me. You left me in tears and not knowing what our relationship was all about.

'I know all your little girls are around there…if that's what it is, you will outgrow this. They will not be with you when you need them.

'They are not the ones who can help you achieve your goals. If this is about your feelings for [Marla] this, too, shall pass. Let me remind you it always does.'

Reading the words, Marla believed that Hillary was saying that what Bill and Marla had together wasn't real, that he should listen to his head, not his heart.

Hillary continued, 'Remember what we talked about. Remember the goals we set for ourselves. You keep trying to stray away from the plans we've put together.

'Take some time, think about it, and call me when you're ready. Hillary.'

In November 2014, as 68-year-old Hillary Clinton was launching her second presidential bid, Marla Crider died at age 60 after a heroic 18-month battle against a form of breast cancer

In November 2014, as 68-year-old Hillary Clinton was launching her second presidential bid, Marla Crider died at age 60 after a heroic 18-month battle against a form of breast cancer

Marla said she found the letter chilling, that Hillary's words seemed to have nothing to do with love, but rather about an ambitious secret pact for their future.

Realizing her relationship with Bill Clinton would go nowhere with Hillary in the picture – and the strange pact that they shared -- she decided to end it with him.

'It was very adult, very above board. He said, 'You need to take care of yourself. You just don't know how much you mean to me.'

Looking back years later to her relationship with the future president, she said, 'It was a period of time when he was not married, even though they had an understanding, she made that perfectly clear.

'I'm not so sure those weren't some of the first real feelings he'd had, but then we got the game plan enacted and we'd seen what's it been since then.

'So – how lonely has he been? How lonely has she been? Do they love each other? I think maybe the only way they know how. But I think for a short period of time, early on, maybe, he may have been willing to love in a different way.'

In November 2014, as 68-year-old Hillary Clinton was launching her secondpresidential bid, Marla Crider died at age 60 after a heroic 18-month battle against a form of breast cancer called invasive ductal carcinoma (stage 3).

Hundreds of people attended a memorial service for her in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Bill Clinton was not among them.