Showing posts with label  race. Show all posts
Showing posts with label  race. Show all posts

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Nuclear Option— ‘Firewall’: The Clintons Like Black People… So Long as They Know Their Place

by Charles Hurt 13 Feb 2016

Hillary Clinton’s “firewall,” they call it. They don’t even wink and nod anymore. But they all know what they mean by it.

By “they,” we are talking about the Democratic Party, the last plantation left in America. And by “firewall,” they are talking about the black voters they haul out every election to do whatever dirty work party leaders need done.

This year’s dirty work, of course, is finally heaving that cackling, pant-suited enabler Hillary Clinton over the line to the nomination. Let her have her shot so she will finally go away.

But the blindingly white Democratic voters in Iowa and New Hampshire either refused to do the dirty work or kicked up such a ruckus over being forced to do it that they made it plenty clear to the entire world just how much even Democrats cannot stand the Clintons anymore — especially Hillary.

Now on to Nevada and South Carolina where Democrats can boss voters around a little easier and order them into line for Mrs. Clinton. In South Carolina, the Democratic Party chairman once famously dismissed the notion that Democrats buy “the black vote” down there.

“I just want to rent it for one day,” he said. Funny guy.

Politics remains the last industry in America where racial profiling is not only tolerated, it is lustily embraced and the very lifeblood of pollsters, politicians and operatives. Battalions of demographers are employed in both parties to slice and dice voters based on racial profiling so that special messages can be tailored to each one.

If you got caught selling cigarettes or malt liquor like that, you would be jailed. Or, at the very least, be put out of business. Or shamed into oblivion.

But in politics, it is the North Star. And Mrs. Clinton will follow it to the South and the West.

Already, Mrs. Clinton has sewn up the support from the Congressional Black Caucus Political Action Committee, a sure sign of her establishment status. And hit men have been dispatched.

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), Georgia Democrat, dismissed Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-VT)’ claim to have worked for the civil rights movement.

“I never saw him. I never met him,” said Mr. Lewis, who has dutifully lined up behind Clinton.

Eight years ago, the great lion of the civil rights movement had endorsed Hillary Clinton. But in late February as the momentum gathered for then-Sen. Barack Obama, Mr. Lewis deserted the Clintons.

We all remember what happened last time somebody messed with the Clinton’s “firewall” in South Carolina. Bubba got dispatched to take Barack Obama out at the knees, comparing him to lifelong race-hustler Rev. Jesse Jackson.

Sure, the FIRE. And wait their turn.

After all, look at all the black friends they have. I mean, she got endorsed by the entire Congressional Black Caucus Political Action Committee!

Then along comes Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who is perhaps the whitest person to ever run for president in American history. And he hails from what is probably the whitest state in the country.

One of the great scenes of this election filled with so many great moments was when Mr. Sanders became so flustered and disoriented by Black Lives Matter protesters joining him on stage that he fled.

So it is understandable that he might be a little lost stepping out of the privileged confines of New Hampshire, which is almost as white as his neighboring home of Vermont. He did what any desperate Democrat does in a crisis like this. He called Al Sharpton and asked for a very public meeting at a diner.

They met at Sylvia’s, a soul food joint in Harlem. (And who said Bernie can’t jump?) Mr. Sanders brought along so many photographers and reporters to capture the moment he sat at a table with an actual black person that they had to put up a velvet rope to give them a little room.

Now, I have not personally confirmed this but I was told that at this very moment, Mr. Sanders and Mr. Sharpton are still sitting at that table inside Sylvia’s Restaurant, behind that velvet rope.

Turns out that when the bill came, neither one of them had ever picked up a tab in their lives so they just sat there. Just the two of them. And the bill. Every few minutes, one of them will wordlessly point with their eyes to the check as if to day, “You’re getting this, right?”

Charles Hurt can be reached at Follow him on Twitter at @charleshurt.

Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Hillary ClintonHillary ClintonBernie SandersAl SharptonraceVermont

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Seven Facts About the Black Panther Party Amid Beyoncé Super Bowl Tribute

Sean M. Haffey/Getty Images

by JEROME HUDSON8 Feb 20164,132

The part-socialist, part-black nationalist Black Panther Party is headline news again, thanks to Beyonce’s Super Bowl 50 halftime show performance of her song “Formation,”–“a big wet kiss to Black Lives Matter” that pays tribute to the 1960s militant group.

In the fall of 1966, the Black Panther Party was founded by left-wing militants Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. Newton, like Seale, had several run-ins with police. He was convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison for the shooting death of an Oakland police officer. Publicity around his arrest and the popularity of “Free Newton” propaganda provided the public pressure that led to his release.

Seale and seven others (now known as the Chicago Seven) were arrested at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Seale was sentenced to four years in prison for contempt of court. He now lives and works with young political activists in Oakland, California.

Below are seven facts about the Black Panther Party:

1. The Black Panther Party’s “Platform and Program” called for guaranteed housing, income, and jobs for black people:

We want full employment for our people.

We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give every man employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if the white American businessmen will not give full employment, then the means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in the community so that the people of the community can organize and employ all of its people and give a high standard of living.

We want an end to the robbery by the white man of our Black Community.

We believe that this racist government has robbed us and now we are demanding the overdue debt of forty acres and two mules. Forty acres and two mules was promised 100 years ago as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of black people. We will accept the payment as currency which will be distributed to our many communities. The Germans are now aiding the Jews in Israel for the genocide of the Jewish people. The Germans murdered six million Jews. The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over twenty million black people; therefore, we feel that this is a modest demand that we make.

We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings.

We believe that if the white landlords will not give decent housing to our black community, then the housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that our community, with government aid, can build and make decent housing for its people.

2. The Black Panther Party was against capitalism and supported socialism:

“We have two evils to fight, capitalism and racism. We must destroy both racism and capitalism,” said Black Panther Party founder Huey P. Newton.

“We do not fight racism with racism. We fight racism with solidarity. We do not fight exploitative capitalism with Black capitalism. We fight capitalism with basic socialism. And we do not fight imperialism with more imperialism. We fight imperialism with proletarian internationalism,” wrote Black Panther Party founder Bobby Seale in his biographySeize the Time: The Story of the Black Panther Party and Huey P. Newton.

3. The Black Panther Party wanted “all black men to be exempt from military service”:

We believe that Black people should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racist government that does not protect us. We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like black people, are being victimized by the white racist government of America. We will protect ourselves from the force and violence of the racist police and the racist military, by whatever means necessary.

Rule number six of the “Rules of the Black Panther Party” states, “No party member can join any other army force, other than the Black Liberation Army.”

4. The Black Panther Party supported the Second Amendment as a means to “end police brutality in our black community”:

We believe we can end police brutality in our black community by organizing black self-defense groups that are dedicated to defending our black community from racist police oppression and brutality. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives a right to bear arms. We therefore believe that all black people should arm themselves for self defense.

5. The Black Panther Party called for freedom for all black men held in federal, state, county and city prisons and jails.”

6. In its “Ten-Point Program,” The Black Panther Party sought to overthrow the U.S. government. 

7. The Black Panther Party implored its members not to “ill-treat” those whom they “take captive.”

Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter @jeromeehudson.

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Big GovernmentBig HollywoodRacism,BeyonceraceBlack Panther Party