Showing posts with label california. Show all posts
Showing posts with label california. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

BOOM! Hillary Clinton CAUGHT COLLUDING With AP to Announce Delegate Win Before California! GP

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Jim Hoft Jun 7th, 2016 2:20 pm 712 Comments

On Monday night – the day before California’s primary election – the Associated Press announced Hillary Clinton had finally secured enough delegates to win the Democratic Party nomination.

The Associated Press reported Hillary gained enough extra super-delegates to give her the 2383 delegates to secure the nomination.

But now there is evidence that this announcement the night before the nation’s largest primary was planned days in advance.

Via Mike Cernovich:

The graphic titled “Secret Win Version 2” was created days ago on June 4, 2016.

It looks like this was pre-planned days ago.
Hat Tip Danger and Play

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 Gateway Pundit

Monday, May 2, 2016

Trump trouncing in Calif. by 34 points: Poll

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Donald Trump is leading Ted Cruz by a whopping 34 percentage points — 54%-20% — among likely Republican voters in California, a SurveyUSA poll for KUSA found.

That’s a significant gain for the Republican frontrunner, whose lead was only 8 percentage points in the last SurveyUSA poll a month ago. And it’s a significant loss for Cruz. The two were 40%-32% last month.

California, which holds its primary June 7, is the most delegate-rich state on the Republican primary calendar with 172 at stake for GOP hopefuls.

That makes Indiana, which will award 57 delegates after its primary Tuesday, all that much more important for Cruz if he wants to stop Trump from reaching the 1,237 delegates he needs to clinch the nomination. In the most recent poll, though, he is trailing by 15 percentage points in the Hoosier State.

On the Democratic side, the SurveyUSA poll gives Hillary Clinton a 57%-38% lead over Bernie Sanders in California. In general election match-ups, she beats Trump 56%-34% and Cruz 57%-29%. California has not sided with a Republican for president since George H.W. Bush in 1988.

SurveyUSA polled 2,011 registered voters in California from April 27 to April 30.


Friday, January 8, 2016

UPDATE BREAKING: Two Middle Eastern Refugees Arrested In U.S. On Terror Charges — One from Syria

Two Middle Eastern Refugees Arrested In U.S. On Terror Charges — One from Syria

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

by JOHN NOLTE8 Jan 2016406

UPDATE: CNN is already lying about where these refugees came from. Although the Reuters report clearly states that one of the men “came to the United States in 2012 as a refugee from Syria,” the CNN chyron falsely claims both are from Iraq. 

Reuters is reporting that two Middle Eastern men who came to America as refugees were arrested in California and Texas on federal terrorism charges. One of the refugees is charged with aiding ISIS. Most importantly, although time again we have been assured and reassured by the White House and DC Media that the refugee screening process is near-perfect, both refugees are charged with providing false information about their ties to terror groups.

Here’s the kicker: one of the men, 23 year-old Aws Mohammed Younis, is a refugee from Syria who came to America in 2012.

If you recall, after the bloody and brutal terror attack in Paris late last year, Republicans demanded a pause in the Syrian refugee program. At least one the Paris terrorists used the refugee program to get into Europe.

Next year alone, President Obama is eager to re-settle at least 10,000 Syrian refugees here in America, on top of the hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern refugees he plans to bring in from all over. ISIS has vowed to seed Syrian refugees with terrorists, and the country itself has no database infrastructure to screen anyone and is awash in forged documents.

Nevertheless, for demanding a pause in refugees, Democrats and the DC Media attacked Republicans as bigots. “Meet the Press” spent a full hour comparing the GOP to Nazis. CNN’s Chris Cuomo compared those in favor of the pause to anti-Semites who turned away Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany.

The other man arrested, Omar Faraj Saeed Al-Hardan, is a refugee from Iraq.

As you might expect, in its report of this extremely disturbing news, Reuters and the Obama Administration bend over backwards to reassure us that neither man was “planning acts of terrorism in this country,” as though that’s a distinction with a difference when it comes to providing “material support” to ISIS.

One refugee from Syria, the other from Iraq, both Muslims, both charged with plotting with the very same Islamic savages who rape women, behead everyone, and are determined to kill as many Americans as possible.

And our government allowed them into our country.

And our media smears anyone who opposes that program as Nazis.

The female jihadist responsible for 14 murders in San Bernardino last month made her way into America after lying on her visa application.

Donald Trump wants to halt Muslim immigration until we figure out what’s going on

And he’s the one the DC Media is calling crazy.

Now stand back and prepare yourselves for the biggest media cover-up in years.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter@NolteNC               

Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,terrorismBorderDonald Trump 2016,Chris CuomoMeet The PressSyrian refugeeSyria Refugees

BREAKING: Muslim Refugees Arrested In ISIS Terror Plot In Texas And California

January 7, 2016

How many muslim migrants will Obama let into this country until another catastrophic terror attack is carried out. These arrests are further proof that terrorist are among the migrants that are coming into America with plans to kill as many civilians as possible. Obama will never call these extremists what they are, Muslim extremists.
From KHOU:

Federal agents in Houston and Sacramento have arrested suspects in an ISIL-related terror plot, the Department of Justice has confirmed.
The U.S. residents were in contact with ISIL supporters overseas, according to the federal indictments.
The Houston suspect is 24-year-old Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan. He is a Palestinian born in Iraq who had lived in Houston for about a year. Sources say Al Harden became radicalized after moving to the U.S. in 2009. Al Harden is charged with one count each of attempting to provide material support to ISIL, procurement of citizenship or naturalization unlawfully and making false statements.
The indictment alleges that Al Hardan attempted to provide material support and resources, including training, expert advice and assistance, and personnel to a known foreign terrorist organization. According to the allegations, he also lied on his formal application to become a naturalized U.S. citizen by saying he was not associated with a terrorist organization. The indictment further alleges that during an interview in October 2015, Al Hardan lied and said he’d never received any type of weapons training, when he allegedly received automatic machine gun training.
The U.S. Attorney in California identified the Sacramento suspect as 23-year-old Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab. He’s accused of traveling to Syria to “take up arms with terrorist organizations.” He reported his actions on social media, according to authorities.
 “Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab allegedly traveled overseas to fight alongside terrorist organizations and lied to U.S. authorities about his activities,” said Assistant Attorney General Carlin.
According to the complaint, Al-Jayab is also a Palestinian born in Iraq, who came to the United States as an Iraqi refugee in October 2012. He has also lived in Wisconsin and Arizona.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott called for tougher restrictions on refugees entering the U.S. in a statement Thursday afternoon:
 “I applaud the FBI for today’s arrest of this dangerous subject. However, this is precisely why I called for a halt to refugees entering the U.S. from countries substantially controlled by terrorists. I once again urge the President to halt the resettlement of these refugees in the United States until there is an effective vetting process that will ensure refugees do not compromise the safety of Americans and Texans.”

Saturday, February 15, 2014

WATCH: Rep. Trey Gowdy Calls Nancy Pelosi 'Mind-Numbingly Stupid'

Nancy Pelosi is absolutely insane and deranged but I believe she does this on purpose to distract everyone from the fact that she is trying desperately to bring communism to America. If this is or isnt the case the needs to be admitted to a fricking psyo ward. 

| On 14, Feb 2014
If Democrats would wake up and realize what Rep. Trey Gowdy is saying is true, then we can begin to move the ball in the right direction.
Until they do that, grab some popcorn, folks. When people stop being polite and start getting real, we’ve got some real entertainment on our hands.

Holy Moly, Jon Stewart Just Called Out Democrats Like He Never Has Before