Showing posts with label terrorist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrorist. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

ISIS STRIKES AGAIN!!! 'Nearly 50 Killed' In Istanbul Airport Attack

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'Nearly 50 Killed' In Istanbul Airport Attack

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Nearly 50 people have been killed in an attack on the main airport in Istanbul, a senior Turkish official has told the Associated Press.

Initial indications suggest Islamic State was behind the attack, the official said.

Three suicide bombers opened fire before blowing themselves up at the international terminal of Ataturk Airport, Istanbul governor Vasip Sahin told NTV television.

A weapon lies on the floor of the airport following the attack

Several witnesses reported two explosions but Mr Sahin said authorities believed there were three bombers.

He said some 60 people were wounded. Six of those sustained serious injuries, the state-run Anadolu Agency said. 


Gallery: Explosions Hit Istanbul Airport

Suicide bombers opened fire before blowing themselves up Istanbul's Ataturk Airport

A weapon is seen on the floor of the airport

Pic: @ruchankayrim

Two of the attackers detonated their explosives when police fired at them, a second official said, citing information from the interior ministry.

A witness told NBC News that he saw a police officer diving to tackle one of the attackers - who then detonated his bomb.

The attack is understood to have happened near the airport entrance - before the assailants would have gone through security checks.

Speaking in the Turkish parliament earlier, justice minister Bekir Bozdag said he could only confirm one attacker, based on initial information.

"According to information I have received, at the entrance to the Ataturk Airport international terminal a terrorist first opened fire with a Kalashnikov and then blew himself up," Mr Bozdag said.

Play video "Panic Inside Istanbul Airport"Video: Panic Inside Istanbul Airport

Pictures posted on social media showed wounded people lying on the ground inside and outside the terminal buildings.

"There was a huge explosion, extremely loud. The roof came down. Inside the airport it is terrible, you can't recognise it, the damage is big," said Ali Tekin, who was at the arrivals hall when the attack took place.

A German woman named Duygu, who was at the airport, told Reuters: "Everyone started running away. Everywhere was covered with blood and body parts. I saw bullet holes on the doors."

Another passenger told the Associated Press that she hid under a counter after hearing an explosion and a loud bang.

A Foreign Office spokesman said it was "urgently seeking further information" following the attack.

"Our staff in Istanbul and London stand ready to support any British nationals affected," he said.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said the attack was aimed at undermining Turkey through the killing of innocent people.

"It is clear that this attack is not aimed at achieving any result but only to create propaganda material against our country using simply the blood and pain of innocent people," he said.

Flights to the airport have been diverted.

British Airways flight BA680 from London Heathrow to Ataturk was returned to the UK in the wake of the blasts.

In recent months Turkey has suffered several attacks linked to Kurdish or Islamic State group militants.

The attacks include two bombings targeting tourists in Istanbul, which authorities blamed on IS.


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Why did the White House just humiliate Loretta Lynch?

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Idiotic: That’s the only word for the Obama administration’s move to scrub references to Islam or ISIS from the transcripts of Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen’s calls.

Under an avalanche of ridicule, the Justice Department on Mondayrelented and released the full transcripts. But what was the point? Everyone already knew that he’d pledged allegiance to ISIS and its “caliph.”

Fine: President Obama wants to make this about gun control, not terrorism — but ham-handed editing only calls attention to what you’re deleting, and to Obama’s peevish rules against uttering terms like “radical Islam.”

Just look at the redactions:

Mateen: “I pledge of allegiance to [omitted]. “I pledge allegiance to [omitted] may God protect him [in Arabic], on behalf of [omitted].”

All the omissions did was make Team Obama look determined to keep its head in the sand about the nature of the enemy.

Even the “explanations” sounded dumb. Here’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch on ABC’s “This Week”: “What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this man’s pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda.”

Further his propaganda? Seriously? The answer to Islamist jihad is to black out the words?

Lynch never did anything this absurd in all her years as US Attorney here in New York, so you know the order came down from above.

It’s also idiocy déjà vu: Four years ago, Team Obama made then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice tour all the Sunday shows to blame the deadly Benghazi attack on an Internet video, rather than on the terrorist plot they all knew it was. She looked a fool once the administration finally admitted the truth, just as Loretta Lynch does now.

It makes you wonder: Who at the White House feels compelled to send women of color out to humiliate themselves on national TV?


Thursday, June 16, 2016


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Further proof Hillary fueled rise of ISIS

Kit Daniels - JUNE 13, 20162027 Comments 




Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. shut down an investigation into the mosque Orlando killer Omar Mir Siddique Mateen attended because it “unfairly singled out Muslims.”

The Fort Pierce Islamic Center, where Mateen worshipped several times a week, was under investigation by both the FBI and DHS as early as 2011 for ties to a worldwide Islamic movement known as Tablighi Jamaal which was linked to several terrorist organizations.

But the investigation was shut down under pressure from the Clinton-ran State Dept. and DHS’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Office out of fear of offending Muslims, according to recently retired DHS agent Philip Haney.

“The FBI had opened cases twice on him, and yet they found no evidence to charge him; it means they didn’t go through the same basic, analytical process that I went through over a three- or four-hour period in which I was able to link the mosque to my previous cases,” he told WND on Sunday.

In other words, the FBI had limited options at stopping Mateen because it was ordered to back off its investigation into his mosque.

Both Clinton and the Obama administration have a history of enabling Islamic terrorism.

In 2012, Clinton’s State Dept. was backing al-Qaeda in Iraq, which morphed into ISIS, and other Islamic extremist groups as a proxy army to topple Syrian President Bashir al-Assad.

“The Salafist [sic], the Muslim Brotherhood and AQI [al-Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria,” a leaked memo between her State Dept. and the Pentagon stated. “The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support [this] opposition, while Russia, China and Iran ‘support the [Assad] regime.’”

This secret document confirms that Clinton’s State Dept. – and the Obama administration in general – were directly responsible for the rise of ISIS, which is now targeting the West.

The former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, confirmed the document’s importance.

“I don’t know that [the Obama administration] turned a blind eye [to ISIS], I think it was a decision; I think it was a willful decision,” he said.

Clinton even admitted some responsibility.

“…The United States had – to be fair – we had helped create the problem we’re now fighting,” she said in an interview with Fox anchor Greta Van Susteren. “When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, we had this brilliant idea we were going to come to Pakistan and create a force on Mujahideen, equip them with Stinger missiles and everything else to go after the Soviets inside Afghanistan.”

“Now you look back [and] the people we’re fighting today, we were supporting in the fight against the Soviets.”

Additionally, on Oct. 1 President Obama authorized a shipment of guns to ISIS-linked militants in Syria – the exact same day he demanded more gun control in response to Umpqua Community College shooting in Ore.

“The approval came at a National Security Council meeting on Thursday,” CNN reported at the time. “…The President also emphasized to his team that the U.S. would continue to support the Syrian opposition as Russia enters the war-torn country.”

But as his administration admitted in the 2012 leaked memo, the “Syrian opposition” is predominantly jihadist militants – just like the Orlando killer.

Roger Stone: It’s Time America Got Some Answers About Huma Abedin

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Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty

by ROGER STONE13 Jun 20166,401

Chic gal pal? Mild mannered politician’s wife? Harmless clotheshorse? Saudi plant? Innocent aide? Handler?

Huma Abedin is Vice Chair of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. But Huma is more, much more than that. She is the person closest to the most powerful woman in American politics and perhaps the next President. Huma has been described variously as Hillary’s “body woman,” a sort of glorified go-to personal maid, gentle confidant, and by others as an Islamic spy. She may be all of these things, because as we shall see, Huma Abedin has an interesting and complex career history.


Abedin was deeply involved with the establishment of Hillary’s private email server, which was used for all of her work as Secretary of State. Now, since we know Hillary had hundreds of classified or top-secret documents on her vulnerable server (despite her early lies saying she did not), any faith in Huma’s judgment — at the very least — has been demolished. You will soon ask yourself, “how did this woman get a security clearance?”

She was born Huma Mahmood Abedin in 1976 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Her father, Syed Zainul Abedin, was Indian and born in New Delhi. In the early 1970s, he was affiliated with the Muslim Students Association at Western Michigan University. The Muslim Students Association or MSA was started in 1963 by Saudi Arabia’s biggest charity, the Muslim World League, a group formed and funded by the Kingdomto spread Islam throughout the world.

Her mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, was born in Pakistan. Saleha received her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1977.

Two years after Huma was born, the family moved to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and with the patronage of Abdullah Omar Naseef of the Muslim World League, founded the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs with offices in Saudi Arabia and London, England. In the 1980’s Syed Abedin was a counselor of the Muslim World League. After his death in 1993, his wife Saleha took over and serves as director of the IMMA (Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs) and as the editor of that organization’s academic magazine, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. More recently she still edits the Journal and is also a part of the administration of Dar Al-Hekma Women’s College.

Naseef’s connections to the entire Abedin family are significant — and, for reasons you’ll see in a moment, very troubling. AsVanity Fair wrote, during “his early years as the patron of the Abedins’ journal, Nasseef was the secretary-general of the Muslim World League” and gives more shocking details about the Abedins:


It turns out the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs is an Abedin family business. Huma was an assistant editor there between 1996 and 2008. Her brother, Hassan, 45, is a book-review editor at the Journal and was a fellow at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies, where Nasseef is chairman of the board of trustees. Huma’s sister, Heba, 26, is an assistant editor at the Journal.

That’s what all the fuss is about. Since 1962, the Muslim World League has been funded by the Saudi government to the tune of more than $1.3 billion.

Naseef, the Muslim World League, and the government of Pakistan created the Rabita Trust in 1988. Naseef was a sponsor and financial supporter of Syed Abedin’s IMMA.

Just a month after the 9/11 jihadist attack left thousands dead and brought down the World Trade Center, President George W. Bush’s Executive Order designated the Rabita Trust as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity and the Treasury Department froze its assets on October 12, 2001.

Naseef founded the Rabita Trust and remains involved with it to this day. ATreasury Department press release issued when Rabita Trust’s assets were frozen indicated that Rabita Trust is headed by Wa’el Hamza Jalaidan, one of the founders of al-Qaida with bin Laden. He was the logistics chief of bin Laden’s organization and fought on bin Laden’s side in Afghanistan. Jalaidan himself was branded a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity by the United States Treasury Department, and his assets have been frozen, as well.

But the connections between the Abedin’s Saudi benefactor, the Muslim World League, and al-Qaeda don’t end there.

In 1984, foreign mujahidin fighters were streaming in from all over the world to an office in Peshawar, Pakistan known as Maktab al-Khidamat or MAK.


MAK had been created by two Muslims to recruit and raise money: a radical cleric named Abdullah Azzam and Azzam’s protege, the infamous leader behind 9/11, the Saudi Arabian named Osama bin Laden. Before and after his creation of MAK, Azzam subsisted on money provided by the Muslim World League:

Azzam, now determined to move to Pakistan, obtained a teaching position at the newly established International Islamic University of Islamabad, whose foreign faculty were paid directly by the Muslim World League. Thus, from his arrival in Pakistan in December 1981 until his permanent move to Peshawar in 1986, the leader of the Arab Afghans subsisted on a Muslim World League salary.

Donations to MAK came from a number of “Islamic charities” such as the Saudi Red Crescent, as well as some Saudi Arabian princes and mosques.

The office that bin Laden and the other MAK founders were based out of 1984 in Peshawar was the office of the Muslim World League and the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim World League was also a principal funder of MAK, bringing in Saudi funds that would eventually go to jihad against the West.

The head of the Muslim World League when their offices in Pakistan were used by Bin Laden, Zawahiri and Azzam in 1984 was none other than the Abedin’s benefactor, Abdullah Omar Naseef.

Naseef’s Rabita Trust, a subsidiary of the Muslim World League, is also connected to a U.S.-based group, called the SAAR Network, through two officers — Dr. Abdullah Omar Naseef and Abdullah al-Obaid. The SAAR Network was the focus of a March 2002 raid led by United States authorities for the network’s alleged ties to al Qaeda.

This brings us back to Huma Abedin. She lived in Saudi Arabia until she was 17, while her family worked closely with Naseef. Back in the U.S., she studied at George Washington University. Two years later she, along with Monica Lewinsky, became interns at the White House under Bill and Hillary Clinton. Monica served as Bill’s intern – until their sexual relationship got out of hand and onto her blue dress – and Huma served as Hillary’s intern. In 1998, as the Lewinsky sex scandal was raging, she along with other staff girls formed a sort of shield around the humiliated First Lady.


While she worked at the White House, Abedin was an editor at the family business—the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs.

When Clinton ran for the Senate in 2000, Huma moved up the ladder to become her aide and personal adviser.

When the towers fell in 2001, Hillary Clinton was the Senator from New York. When the assets of the Rabita Trust were frozen and the group declared a terror funder, there was no point where Sen. Clinton’s assistant Huma Abedin stepped forward to shed light on her family’s benefactor Abdullah Omar Naseef, the Muslim World League, or the Rabita Trust.

Sen. Clinton and Huma Abedin betrayed every New Yorker and every America with their silence.

Also worth noting: from April 2005 to March 2006, Huma was paid a total of $27,999.92, yet on September 18, 2006, she bought an apartment in Washington D.C. costing $649,000.

The question here is, on an annual salary of no more than $28,000, where did the money come from? We’ve caught of the greatest spies due to their spending well beyond their salaries.


At the least, what to make of someone who has lived for 17 years in Saudi Arabia, with parents who have close, long-standing ties with people connected to terrorist organizations, and then comes to the U.S. and within two years gets a job as the First Lady’s assistant?

By 2008, she was Hillary’s traveling chief of staff and was always at Hillary’s side. In 2009, she was appointed Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. At this time, Huma had her name removedfrom the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs masthead.

In 2010, Huma married Congressman Anthony Weiner. In 2011, her husband was caught sexting — sending pictures of his erection to several women. He resigned from Congress that same year.

Huma’s luck seemed to know no end when Hillary Clinton personally signed off on a controversial deal in 2012 that allowed Huma to simultaneously work for the State Department and a private New York firm with deep ties to the Clinton family foundation. Mrs. Clinton personally signed a title change form that approved of the transition from being her Deputy Chief of Staff, to an SGE (special government employee), the equivalent of a contractor with special privileges. This allowed Huma to work for both the State department and for the Teneo Group. Some of you might remember the Teneo Group as a top consulting firm run by Bill Clinton gatekeeper Doug Band. Bill Clinton was also on the payroll of Teneo. From June 2012 to February 2013, she held four jobs. She was Hillary’s State Department aide, a consultant at Teneo Group, she worked and was paid a salary at the Clinton Foundation, and she worked as Hillary’s private personal assistant. Huma was triple-dipping.

There were several issues being investigated both internally by the State Department and Sen. Charles Grassley of the Senate Judiciary Committee for conflicts of interest and embezzlement. She filed inaccurate time sheets overpaying herself $10,000. Mr. Grassley has also questioned whether the deal with Abedin really met the requirements for a special government employee status. One of those requirements is that someone’s work as a contractor be different enough from the original job to warrant giving the person contractor status. Documents acquired by the Washington Times show that she told State officials that she planned to do the same kind of work as an SGE that she did as Deputy Chief of Staff.

She became part of Hillary’s transition team in 2013, helping her to return to private life. She continued her work at the Clinton Foundation and set up her own consulting firm, Zain Endeavors LLC.

On October 16, 2015, Abedin testified in a closed session before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, in a session that was expected to focus on the 2012 Benghazi attack during which Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed. She said, “I came here today to be as helpful as I could be to the committee. I wanted to honor the service of those lost and injured in the Benghazi attacks,” adding she was “honored” to work for Clinton at State and “proud” of her service there. Representative Lynn Westmoreland, a Republican panel member, said Abedin frequently answered questions with responses of “‘I don’t remember’ and ‘I don’t recollect.'”

There is no doubt that she and Hillary have an extremely close relationship. She has been loyal and faithful to Hillary for twenty years. “I have one daughter. But if I had a second daughter, it would be Huma.” So spoke Hillary in 2010. She even visited with Huma’s mother Saleha in Saudi Arabia in 2011, telling her that Huma’s position was “very important and sensitive.” Saleha is reportedly an outspoken advocate for genital mutilation for girls in the Islamic world.

So how has the media dealt with Huma Abedin? In short, they haven’t. The family’s critics have been attacked and labeled as conspiracy theorists.

One exception to this was the February 2016 issue of Vanity Fair. Author William D Cohen’s story, titled “Is Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton’s Secret Weapon or Her Next Big Problem?”  tackled some of the issues I have gone over in this piece. It was well written, informative, and controversial. The backlash was immediate.

Media Matters for America, Hillary Clinton’s private propaganda machine, went into overdrive, putting out a response to Cohen’s article that attacked his credibility and just about every fact he had raised in his piece. According to Lee Stranahan writing in Breitbart, the Media Matters article was filled with false information and smears to protect the Clinton campaign.

This isn’t some minor aide. Huma Abedin has been at Clinton’s side for decades, and it’s time America got some answers.

Listen to Roger Stone discuss Abedin and Clinton on Breitbart News Daily, airing weekdays from 6 AM to 9 AM EST on SiriusXM Patriot 125:

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Saturday Night Slaughter

Terrorist ‘was organized and well prepared' during deadly nightclub mass shooting, official says

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Updated: Jun 12, 2016 - 8:31 AM


As many as 20 people were killed and 42 injured Sunday morning when a gunman opened fire inside an Orlando nightclub, police say.

The FBI classified the shooting spree as an act of domestic terrorism.

An on-duty officer was at the club and responded at about 2 a.m., returning fire and backing the gunman into a bathroom at Pulse Nightclub, 1912 S. Orange Ave.

At that point, the incident became a hostage situation, Orlando Police Chief John Mina said.

Investigators were in contact with some of the hostages inside the club and at about 5 a.m., “the decision was made to rescue the hostages that were in there,” he said.

OPD SWAT stormed the building, using an armored vehicle to break down a wall and explosive devises as distractions, he said.

Officers engaged the gunman, who was shot and killed, and were able to rescue 30 hostages, Mina said.

One officer was injured when he was hit in the head by one of the gunman’s bullets, but sustained only an injury to the eye, thanks to his Kevlar helmet, Mina said.

The helmet “saved his life,” he said.

While the shooting was considered an act of terrorism, FBI spokesman Ron Harper said there was no credible information that would indicate there was a further threat to Orlando or the rest of Florida.

Investigators were not immediately able to determine the shooter’s motivation, but said there is a possibility that radical Islamic views could have contributed, Harper said.

“We do have suggestions that individual may have leanings toward that particular ideology, but right now we can’t say definitively,” he said.

As the shootings happened, witnesses and family members were alerted early via text and social media that there was something wrong at Pulse Nightclub.

“At about 2:07 a.m., I got a text message from my daughter and my two nieces,” a woman at the scene who did not want to be identified, said. “(They said) ‘Please come and get us. Please come and get us now. They’re shooting. They’re shooting.’”

A few minutes later, the woman said she received another text that her daughter had been shot.

The 18-year-old’s condition was unknown.

Christopher Hanson was inside the club when the shooting started and said at first the gunshots sounded like it was part of the music.

“’Bang, bang,’ it sounded like it was a song,” he said. “All I know is that when I turned around, everyone was screaming and jumping.”

Hanson found himself on the ground, groping his way through the crowd as he tried to escape.

“I crawled my way out, and once I was able to see, I got up and crossed the street immediately,” he said. “I just didn’t know what else to do.”

Even safely across the street, Hanson said he could hear the horror that continued inside the club.

“You could still hear (gun)fire going, and the banging,” he said. “It sounded like there was more than one (shooter), there’s no way it was just one person.”

But it appears there was only one shooter: A well-armed, prepared and organized one, Mina said.

When they approached the dead gunman, officers found an assault rifle and handgun, and a “suspicious device” on the man, Mina said.

Other such devices were seen around the club and possibly in the shooter’s car, so specialists were brought in to clear the building.

In the meantime, the 20 victims killed in the shooting could not be removed from the building, Mina said.

Harper said his office, along with all the other agencies participating, will find out why the shooting happened and keep one from happening in the future.

“Every resource in the FBI will be brought to bear in this investigation,” he said. “There is nothing we won’t do to get to the bottom of this case.”

© 2016 Cox Media Group.


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Obama Dances The Tango While The World Burns

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AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais
by CHARLIE SPIERING24 Mar 20161252
President Obama is enjoying a taste of Latin America culture, spending the evening at a state dinner in Argentina. After dinner, two dancers appeared to perform a tango dance for the President and the First Lady.
At one point, the female dancer asked Obama to dance and after initially resisting, he got up to dance while the First Lady danced with the male dancers.
According to the pool reporter, many guests began videotaping the presidential pair dancing with their partners.
During a press conference earlier in the day, Obama insisted that he would continue on his Latin America trip in spite of the terrorist attacks in Brussels. Thirty-one people were killed in the attacks and an estimated 270 were wounded.
Disrupting his schedule, Obama said, would only send a message to the terrorists that they were succeeding in making the world afraid.
“It is very important for us to not respond with fear … we defeat them in part by saying, ‘You are not strong. You are weak,’” Obama explained when asked by reporters why he attended a baseball game with Raul Castro in Cuba after the attacks.
He argued that it was important to visit countries in Latin America to promote good things like fighting climate change and creating jobs.
“We have to make sure that we lift up and stay focused as well on the things that are most important to us because we’re on the right side of history,” he added.
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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Apple Unlocked iPhones for the Feds 70 Times Before

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Think Different02.18.16 12:05 AM ETA 2015 court case shows that the tech giant has been willing to play ball with the government before—and is only stopping now because it might “tarnish the Apple brand.”

Apple CEO Tim Cook declared on Wednesday that his companywouldn’t comply with a government search warrant to unlock an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardinokillers, a significant escalation in a long-running debate between technology companies and the government over access to people’s electronically-stored private information.

But in a similar case in New York last year, Apple acknowledged that it could extract such data if it wanted to. And according to prosecutors in that case, Apple has unlocked phones for authorities at least 70 times since 2008. (Apple doesn’t dispute this figure.)

In other words, Apple’s stance in the San Bernardino case may not be quite the principled defense that Cook claims it is. In fact, it may have as much to do with public relations as it does with warding off what Cook called “an unprecedented step which threatens the security of our customers.”

For its part, the government’s public position isn’t clear cut, either. U.S. officials insist that they cannot get past a security feature on the shooter’s iPhone that locks out anyone who doesn’t know its unique password—which even Apple doesn’t have. But in that New York case, a government attorney acknowledged that one U.S. law enforcement agency has already developed the technology to crack at least some iPhones, without the assistance from Apple that officials are demanding now.

The facts in the New York case, which involve a self-confessed methamphetamine dealer and not a notorious terrorist, tend to undermine some of the core claims being made by both Apple and the government in a dispute with profound implications for privacy and criminal investigations beyond the San Bernardino.

In New York, as in California, Apple is refusing to bypass the passcode feature now found on many iPhones.

But in a legal brief, Apple acknowledged that the phone in the meth case was running version 7 of the iPhone operating system, which means the company can access it. “For these devices, Apple has the technical ability to extract certain categories of unencrypted data from a passcode locked iOS device,” the company said in a court brief.

Whether the extraction would be successful depended on whether the phone was “in good working order,” Apple said, noting that the company hadn’t inspected the phone yet. But as a general matter, yes, Apple could crack the iPhone for the government. And, two technical experts told The Daily Beast, the company could do so with the phone used by deceased San Bernardino shooter, Syed Rizwan Farook, a model 5C. (It’s not clear what version of operating system the phone had installed.)

Still, Apple argued in the New York case, it shouldn’t have to, because “forcing Apple to extract data…absent clear legal authority to do so, could threaten the trust between Apple and its customers and substantially tarnish the Apple brand,” the company said, putting forth an argument that didn’t explain why it was willing to comply with court orders in other cases.

“This reputational harm could have a longer term economic impact beyond the mere cost of performing the single extraction at issue,” Apple said.

Apple’s argument in New York struck one former NSA lawyer as a telling admission: that its business reputation is now an essential factor in deciding whether to hand over customer information.

“I think Apple did itself a huge disservice,” Susan Hennessey, who was an attorney in the Office of the General Counsel at the NSA, told The Daily Beast. The company acknowledged that it had the technical capacity to unlock the phone, but “objected anyway on reputational grounds,” Hennessey said. Its arguments were at odds with each other, especially in light of Apple’s previous compliance with so many court orders.

It wasn’t until after the revelations of former-NSA contractor Edward Snowden did Apple begin to position itself so forcefully as a guardian of privacy protection in the face of a vast government surveillance apparatus. Perhaps Apple was taken aback by the scale of NSA spying that Snowden revealed. Or perhaps it was embarassed by its own role in it. The company, since 2012, had been providing its customers’ information to the FBI and the NSA via the so-called PRISM program, which operated pursuant to court orders.

Apple has also argued, then and now, that the government is overstepping the authority of the All Writs Act, an 18th Century statute that it claims forces Apple to conduct court-ordered iPhone searches. That’s where the “clear legal authority” question comes into play.

But that, too, is a subjective question which will have to be decided by higher courts. For now, Apple is resisting the government on multiple grounds, and putting its reputation as a bastion of consumer protection front and center in the fight.

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None of this has stopped the government from trying to crack the iPhone, a fact that emerged unexpectedly in the New York case. In a brief exchange with attorneys during a hearing in October, Judge James Orenstein said he’d found testimony in another case that the Homeland Security Department “is in possession of technology that would allow its forensic technicians to override the pass codes security feature on the subject iPhone and obtain the data contained therein.”

That revelation, which went unreported in the press at the time, seemed to undercut the government’s central argument that it needed Apple to unlock a protected iPhone.

“Even if [Homeland Security] agents did not have the defendant’s pass code, they would nevertheless have been able to obtain the records stored in the subject iPhone using specialized software,” the judge said. “Once the device is unlocked, all records in it can be accessed and copied.”

A government attorney affirmed that he was aware of the tool. However, it applied only to one update of version 8 of the iPhone operating system—specifically, 8.1.2. The government couldn’t unlock all iPhones, but just phones with that software running.

Still, it made the judge question whether other government agencies weren’t also trying to break the iPhone’s supposedly unbreakable protections. And if so, why should he order the company to help?

There was, the judge told the government lawyer, “the possibility that on the intel side, the Government has this capability. I would be surprised if you would say it in open court one way or the other.”

Orenstein was referring to the intelligence agencies, such as the NSA, which develop tools and techniques to hack popular operating systems, and have been particularly interested for years in trying to get into Apple products, according to documents leaked by Snowden.

There was no further explanation of how Homeland Security developed the tool, and whether it was widely used. A department spokesperson declined to comment “on specific law enforcement techniques.” But the case had nevertheless demonstrated that, at least in some cases, the government can, and has, managed to get around the very wall that it now claims impedes lawful criminal investigations.

The showdown between Apple and the FBI will almost certainly not be settled soon. The company is expected to file new legal briefs within days. And the question of whether the All Writs Act applies in such cases is destined for an appeals court decision, legal experts have said.

But for the moment, it appears that the only thing certainly standing in the way of Apple complying with the government is its decision not to. And for its part, the government must be presumed to be searching for new ways to get the information it wants.

Technically, Apple probably can find a way to extract the information that the government wants from the San Bernardino shooter’s phone, Christopher Soghoian, the principal technologist for the American Civil Liberties Union, told The Daily Beast.

“The question is does the law give the government the ability to force Apple to create new code?” he said. “Engineers have to sit down and create something that doesn’t exist” in order to meet the government’s demands. Soghoian noted that this would only be possible in the San Bernardino case because the shooter was using an iPhone model 5C, and that newer hardware versions would be much harder for Apple to bypass.

But even that’s in dispute, according to another expert’s analysis. Dan Guido, a self-described hacker and CEO of the cybersecurity company Trail of Bits, said that Apple can, in fact, eliminate the protections that keep law enforcement authorities from trying to break into the iPhone with a so-called “brute force attack,” using a computer to make millions of password guesses in a short period of time. New iPhones have a feature that stops users from making repeated incorrect guesses and can trigger a kind of self-destruct mechanism, erasing all the phone’s contents, after too many failed attempts.

In a detailed blog post, Guido described how Apple could workaround its own protections and effectively disarm the security protections. It wouldn’t be trivial. But it’s feasible, he said, even for the newest versions of the iPhone, which, unlike the ones in the New York and San Bernardino cases, Apple swears it cannot crack.

“The burden placed on Apple will be greater…but it will not be impossible,” Guido told The Daily Beast.


Saturday, January 16, 2016

Iran frees Post correspondent Jason Rezaian, 3 others, officials say
VIENNA — Iran released Washington Post correspondent Jason Rezaian and three other detained Iranian Americans on Saturday in exchange for seven people imprisoned or charged in the United States, U.S. and Iranian officials said, a swap linked to the imminent implementation of a landmark nuclear deal between Tehran and six world powers.
Iranian officials said Rezaian, 39, was freed from Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison after 18 months of captivity and was to be promptly flown out of the country with the three other released detainees..
U.S. officials subsquently confirmed the deal but were awaiting confirmation that a Swiss plane carrying the four has left Tehran.
Iran’s judiciary announced the release in Tehran as part of an exchange, according to Iranian news media.
A Dec. 27, 2011 file photo of a video frame grab image made from the Iranian broadcaster IRIB TV, shows U.S. citizen Amir Mirzaei Hekmati, accused by Iran of spying for the CIA, in Tehran's revolutionary court, in Iran. (AP)
In return, the United States was scheduled to release seven people charged with violating sanctions against Iran, the Iranians said.
The Associated Press quoted a U.S. official as confirming that seven Iranians were being freed as part of the deal. The news agency said Iran is also releasing a fifth American, a student detained in Tehran some months ago, separately from the exchange.
A senior administration official, speaking in Vienna, confirmed the exchange but said that “our citizens have not yet been flown out of Iran, and we do not want to do anything that would complicate it.”
The official said that the “Iranians wanted a goodwill gesture” as part of the release, and that led to the exchange. The list the Iranians submitted to U.S. authorities was “whittled down” to exclude any crimes related to violence or terrorism,” said the official, one of several who spoke on condition of anonymity under administration ground rules..
Another official said that the exchange was a “one-time arrangement because it was an opportunity to bring Americans home,” and should not be considered something that would “encourage this behavior in the future” by Iran.
The officials did not tie the release directly to the nuclear talks and said they had not wanted the detained Americans to be “used as leverage” in the negotiations. But, they said, completion of the nuclear deal last July greatly accelerated talks about the prisoners.
Naghmeh Abedini, holds a necklace with a photograph of her husband, Saeed Abedini, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, June 2, 2015, during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing with four people whose family members are being held in Iran. (Jacquelyn Martin/AP)
Rep. Jared Huffman (R-Calif.), who represents the district where the Rezaian family lives, said he was told by the White House that the Americans would be aboard a Swiss Air plane that would take them briefly to Switzerland and that they would not return home until they have “medical checkups,” most likely at a U.S. military medical facility in Germany.
“We’re all very excited that hopefully within a matter of days we’ll be able to welcome them back to the United States,” Huffman said.
In a statement in Tehran, Prosecutor Abbas Jaafari said that “based on an approval of the Supreme National Security Council and the general interests of the Islamic Republic, four Iranian prisoners with dual nationality were freed today within the framework of a prisoner swap deal,” the semiofficial Fars News Agency reported.
The state-run Islamic Republic News Agency, quoting Jaafari, said the agreement also includes a provision under which the United States will no longer pursue the extradition of 14 Iranians alleged to have been involved in trafficking arms to Iran.
News of the reported exchange came as world leaders converged Saturday in Vienna in anticipation of the end of international sanctions against Iran in return for significantly curtailing its nuclear program.
The nuclear agreement will take effect when the International Atomic Energy Agency certifies that Iran has met its commitments under the deal it signed last July with six global powers, including the United States.
Secretary of State John F. Kerry flew from London to Vienna in the early afternoon local time. He went immediately into a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif at the Coburg Palace Hotel, the scene of months-long final negotiations last summer that led to the deal between Iran and the world powers.
Those reportedly being freed Saturday included Saeed Abedini, 35, of Boise, Idaho; Amir Hekmati, 32, of Flint, Mich.; and Nosratollah Khosavi-Roodsari, Iranian officials said. Fars News Agency named the fourth person as Nosratollah Khosrawi.
Abedini is a Christian pastor who had been imprisoned since July 2012 for organizing home churches. Hekmati is a former Marine who spent more than four years in prison on spying charges following his arrest in August 2011 during a visit to see his grandmother. The detention of Khosavi-Roodsari had not been previously publicized.
Not included in the deal was Siamak Namazi, a Dubai-based oil company executive who had promoted closer U.S.-Iranian ties, Iranian officials said. He was arrested in October while visiting a friend in Tehran. In addition, the fate of former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who disappeared in March 2007 during a visit to Iran’s Kish Island, remains unknown.
Namazi remains incarcerated because “his charges are financial, and not political,” Fars said.
Asked about Namazi and Levinson, U.S. officials in Vienna said that talks were continuing on their fate.
The news agency named seven Iranians it said were being exchanged by the United States in the deal: Nader Modanlou, Bahram Mechanic, Khosrow Afqahi, Arash Ghahreman, Touraj Faridi, Golestaneh and Ali Sabounchi.
Joel Androphy, a lawyer for three of the Iranians to be freed by U.S. authorities, said the Iranian Embassy told him that his three clients, who have been charged with sanctions violations but have not yet gone to trial, have been issued a pardon by President Obama. The administration had no immediate comment.
Kris Coratti, vice president of communications and spokeswoman for The Post, said that “while we are hopeful, we have not received any official word of Jason’s release.”
The journalist’s ordeal damaged his health, drew protests from media and human rights groups and hampered efforts to improve relations between Washington and Tehran. It also exposed fault lines and infighting in Iran’s opaque political system, where Rezaian and other detained Americans appeared to become pawns in a larger internal struggle between hard-liners and reformists seeking to improve ties with the West.
Kerry frequently raised the plight of Rezaian and other imprisoned U.S. citizens during last year’s nuclear negotiations, but their release was not part of the resulting agreement between Iran and the six world powers: the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany.
Rezaian was tried last year behind closed doors on vague charges of espionage and other alleged offenses and was sentenced to an unspecified prison term.
The Americans’ release came as the International Atomic Energy Agency prepared to certify Iran’s compliance with the nuclear deal, triggering steps to lift U.N. sanctions against the country and return an estimated $50 billion in frozen Iranian funds. (Tens of billions more in frozen funds are to be used to pay Iranian debts.)
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has hailed the nuclear accord’s “Implementation Day” and its promise of sanctions relief as heralding a “year of economic prosperity” for Iran and fulfillment of his campaign promises when he was elected in 2013.
Rezaian’s 2014 arrest and his subsequent trial and conviction in Iran’s secretive Revolutionary Court system — on charges that were never publicly disclosed or substantiated — appeared to reflect a power play by hard-liners fiercely loyal to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, against more moderate reformist elements under Rouhani. The hard-liners control Iran’s security forces, intelligence apparatus, judiciary and most other levers of power, while Rouhani — though answerable to Khamenei — has been given relatively free rein to manage Iran’s foreign affairs and improve its economy.
Although major differences between Tehran and Washington persist, tensions eased somewhat after the nuclear deal was reached in July. It imposed restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program, aimed at forestalling any attempt to build nuclear weapons, in return for the lifting of international economic sanctions on Iran and the release of frozen Iranian funds from banks worldwide, mostly in Asia.
Iran in recent weeks took significant steps to meet its obligations under the deal in anticipation of securing sanctions relief and regaining access to its impounded cash. Such tangible benefits from the nuclear accord, which was opposed by hard-liners, could help moderates in Iran’s legislative elections at the end of February.
Increased U.S.-Iranian cooperation appeared to be on display Wednesday when Iran released 10 U.S. sailors within a day after they were seized by Iranian Revolutionary Guard naval forces in the Persian Gulf. The Americans were on two small riverine boats that strayed into Iranian waters.
Against this backdrop, the signs of rapprochement raised hopes for a resolution in Rezaian’s case.
For the first time, the Revolutionary Court allowed his mother, Mary Rezaian, and his Iranian wife, Yeganeh Salehi, to visit him in Evin Prison for an extended period on Christmas Day. In an email to The Washington Post, Mary Rezaian said the meeting lasted “several hours” and that she was able to bring her son “his first home-cooked meal in months.”
Dec. 3 marked the Post correspondent’s 500th day in captivity — longer than 52 Americans were held during the 1979-81 Iran hostage crisis and by far the lengthiest detention of a Western journalist by Tehran.
Ahead of that milestone, The Post filed a supplementary petition with the U.N. Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, amplifying a filing in July that accused Iran of flagrant human rights violations during Rezaian’s “unlawful” detention and called for his immediate release.
The additional petition cited the journalist’s “decl

Friday, January 8, 2016

BREAKING: Muslim Refugees Arrested In ISIS Terror Plot In Texas And California

January 7, 2016

How many muslim migrants will Obama let into this country until another catastrophic terror attack is carried out. These arrests are further proof that terrorist are among the migrants that are coming into America with plans to kill as many civilians as possible. Obama will never call these extremists what they are, Muslim extremists.
From KHOU:

Federal agents in Houston and Sacramento have arrested suspects in an ISIL-related terror plot, the Department of Justice has confirmed.
The U.S. residents were in contact with ISIL supporters overseas, according to the federal indictments.
The Houston suspect is 24-year-old Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan. He is a Palestinian born in Iraq who had lived in Houston for about a year. Sources say Al Harden became radicalized after moving to the U.S. in 2009. Al Harden is charged with one count each of attempting to provide material support to ISIL, procurement of citizenship or naturalization unlawfully and making false statements.
The indictment alleges that Al Hardan attempted to provide material support and resources, including training, expert advice and assistance, and personnel to a known foreign terrorist organization. According to the allegations, he also lied on his formal application to become a naturalized U.S. citizen by saying he was not associated with a terrorist organization. The indictment further alleges that during an interview in October 2015, Al Hardan lied and said he’d never received any type of weapons training, when he allegedly received automatic machine gun training.
The U.S. Attorney in California identified the Sacramento suspect as 23-year-old Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab. He’s accused of traveling to Syria to “take up arms with terrorist organizations.” He reported his actions on social media, according to authorities.
 “Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab allegedly traveled overseas to fight alongside terrorist organizations and lied to U.S. authorities about his activities,” said Assistant Attorney General Carlin.
According to the complaint, Al-Jayab is also a Palestinian born in Iraq, who came to the United States as an Iraqi refugee in October 2012. He has also lived in Wisconsin and Arizona.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott called for tougher restrictions on refugees entering the U.S. in a statement Thursday afternoon:
 “I applaud the FBI for today’s arrest of this dangerous subject. However, this is precisely why I called for a halt to refugees entering the U.S. from countries substantially controlled by terrorists. I once again urge the President to halt the resettlement of these refugees in the United States until there is an effective vetting process that will ensure refugees do not compromise the safety of Americans and Texans.”

Friday, December 18, 2015

Be Afraid be very afraid.....

Obama Reassures Americans There Is No Credible Threat of Terror

Flanked by his national security team, President Obama reassured Americans that there was "no specific, credible threat" against the country ahead of the holidays.

"We do not have any specific and credible information about an attack on the homeland," Obama said today at the National Counterterrorism Center. "That said, we have to be vigilant."

Obama said security experts are constantly hard at work putting up safeguards to prevent terrorists from entering the country, while at the same time bringing the fight to terrorists plotting overseas.

Obama also urged “resilience” in the wake of the attack in San Bernardino, California, calling it “one of our greatest weapons” in the fight against terrorism.

“When Americans stand together, nothing can beat us,” Obama said. “We cannot give in to fear or change how we live our lives because that’s what terrorists want, that’s the only leverage they have.”

It's a similar message to one given in November by the president in the immediate wake of the terror attack in Paris, where he sought to reassure the American people that there was no "specific, credible threat" facing the homeland during the Thanksgiving holiday.

But following the attack in San Bernardino, an ABC News/Washington Post poll out Wednesday showed just 22 percent of Americans express confidence in the government’s ability to prevent lone-wolf terrorist attacks.


Congress Provides $1.6B to Resettle Illegal Immigrants Arriving at Border Through 2018

A group of illegal immigrants listen to a Border Patrol agent while being deported to Mexico at the Nogales Port of Entry in Nogales, Ariz. / AP

BY: Morgan Chalfant Follow @mchalfant16 December 17, 2015 12:11 pm

A massive appropriations bill expected to be approved by Congress would provide more than $1.6 billion to resettle illegal immigrants arriving at the U.S. border through 2018.

Congress would award the massive check to the government just as the U.S. isexperiencing a surge in arrivals of immigrant children at the southern border. Last week, federal agencies said they were opening two temporary shelters with 1,000 beds in South Texas to cope with the surge. A 400-bed shelter is also to be opened in Southern California.

“Out of an abundance of caution, the Office of Refugee Resettlement at the Department of Health and Human Services has begun a process to expand its temporary capacity to house unaccompanied children,” the Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement last Monday.

The so-called omnibus spending bill would give $1,645,201,000 through fiscal year 2018 “for necessary expenses for refugee and entrant assistance activities authorized by section 414 of the Immigration and Nationality Act and section 501 of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980, and for carrying out section 462 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, section 235 of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (‘‘TVPA’’), section 203 of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005, and the Torture Victims Relief Act of 1998,” according to its text released Tuesday.

In October and November, U.S. government data showed that over 10,500 unaccompanied immigrant children crossed the southern border with Mexico, according to the Washington Post. That number is more than double the count of unaccompanied minors that arrived at the border during the same time period last year.

In the event that the new temporary shelters in Texas and California are not enough to account for the surge in migrants, HHS asked the Department of Defense last week to make plans for 5,000 more shelter beds to be made available. Those additional beds are not yet needed, an agency spokesperson said

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Everything You Need to Know About Iraq, WMD and GWB Vindication

    It's year six of the Obama Administration. It seems so long ago that the previous embattled president limped across the finish line having been beaten down for five years over cascading failures that all seem to lead to a common source: No weapons of mass destruction were found during the time we were fighting and occupying Iraq. Eventually Bush and his administration were forced to admit that it appeared as though all of the intelligence was wrong.

    It's important to point out a few things to keep the record straight. First of all, nobody in the Bush Administration "LIED" about WMD. This may come as a surprise to brainwashed Democrats and Low Information Voters, but the fact of that matter is that all you need to know is what was believed and the definition of "lie". To lie, one must knowingly make a false statement. Everyone believed Saddam Hussein had WMD. For starters, he not only had WMD, he USED them to kill 5000 men, women and children in 1988. In 1998, Bill Clinton called Iraq "a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists." If you watch the video below, you'll see that calling Bush a liar for selling to the world that Iraq had WMD or was an imminent threat to be a nuclear power would be calling some of the most powerful Democrats of the past decades liars too:
In addition, many of these claims by Democrats were made in the 1990's while George Bush was only a Governor, so the liberal accusations that Bush was the one behind these beliefs is nonsense.

    The second point to be made is that the war with Iraq starting in 2003 was an internationally, LEGALLY justifiable war. In fact it was simply a continuation of the Gulf War that began in 1990:

    So as you can see, the Iraq War of 2003 was clearly a continuation of the more noble (in the eyes of the UNSC), Gulf War of 1990-91. Not only was it justified, but it should have been done sooner.

    And the last point I wanted to make to keep the record straight, is the answer to the question: Why in 2003? Why not sooner? If Saddam was officially in violation of UNSCR 687 as early as August of 1991 (according to UNSCR 707), then why was nothing serious done until 2003? Well besides the fact that corrupt veto holders at the UN made passing a use of force resolution increasingly difficult, I think a better answer to that question is the attitude of the times. The decade in America between the Collapse of the Berlin Wall and Soviet Union and victory in the Gulf War all the way to the .com bubble bursting in 2000 and 9/11/2001 was without question, the most high-spirited, care-free and peaceful time in American history. I lived the prime of my youth and adulthood during the decade from 1990-2000. I also served in the USMC during this time (1994-1998). I know what the political and economic climate was at the time like no other. There was a sense of naivety about the evils of the world that I not only miss, but also feel bad about knowing that nobody in subsequent generations had the blessings of experiencing it. And boy did it come crashing down on September 11, 2001. That day is the day American innocence was lost. We were angry. Some wanted revenge. I remember serious calls for use of nuclear weapons against whoever was responsible. But more importantly, having recently completing 4 years of military under Clinton, I was VERY concerned that our response was going to be to send two cruise missiles to blow up an unoccupied aspirin factory in Afghanistan and call it a day. I really worried that we were just going to take it like a country hoss too big to notice the wasp that stung him.

    To my relief, George W. Bush took it seriously. It wasn't going to be a slap on the wrist like President Clinton did so many times before. It was going to be a show of massive force. He made the case to the world that he was going to clean up that part of the world. 

    We all know that anyone with half a brain knows it was not Saddam Hussein that attacked us on 9/11. But it was obvious to a HUGE majority in America at the time that given the circumstances of 9/11 and our involvement in Afghanistan, we were absolutely NOT about to put up with a Middle Eastern Dictator who has a history of WMD usage, who refused to comply with UN Security Council resolutions - resolutions that were put in place due to a war that HE was responsible for!

    Now that you know the WHOLE background story about Iraq, let's fast forward to April of 2005: The CIA's top weapons inspector in Iraq reported that there were NO WMD found in Iraq. It seemed more like a final conclusion. It was certainly a final nail in the coffin of the Bush presidency that would have the most grueling and longest pathetically lame duck session imaginable. Making matters worse, Bush's refusal to defend any of his actions or respond to any criticism during this period was so disheartening to the right, and so motivating to the left that it most assuredly played a major roll in the Democratic Presidential Nominee, Senator Barack Obama defeating Republican challenger, Senator John McCain. In fact, Senator Obama ran on the platform of "pulling out of Iraq":
    Unfortunately, tens of thousands of American trained Iraqis have been murdered. US service members feel they have sacrificed their life, limb and sanity in vain. Obama's incompetent decision to pull out of Iraq when and how he did caused a situation where terrorist group ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) have nearly completely taken over all of Iraq outside of the inner city of Baghdad (as of the time of this article) This has effectively set the stage where the same type of radicals that killed over 3000 innocent people on American soil will not only lead their own country, but have the kind of funding though oil revenue that they could have only dreamed of if Saddam Hussein himself sponsored all of their activities. Did I mention that President Obama has released the "Dream Team" of terrorist leaders from Guantanamo Bay prison back to the Middle East?

    Compounding this threat to America is the fact that Obama has completely opened the southern border with Mexico thanks to his orchestrated invasion. This flood of humanity has no doubt made it much easier for a Middle Eastern terrorist to get lost in the shuffle. But I digress.

    On June 20, 2014, reports from multiple independent sources said that ISIS in Iraq found Saddam Hussein's WMD stockpile! So it turns out EVERYONE (not just Bush) was right about Saddam's WMD. The big difference is that Bush was excoriated while he did the right thing morally, legally and strategically regardless of whether Saddam had them or not.

Friday, December 6, 2013

One Lie, Two Lie, Three Lie Four, Five Lie, Six Lie, Seven Lie More.

How many lies can President Obama tell?
1) Jeremiah Wright- American hating pastor
2) Bill Ayers- Terrorist friend
3) His mother- Denied Health care (lie)
4) Uncle- Obama says he never met him, now it has come out that he in FACT lived with him... Why Lie??
5) You can keep your Health care, period.
6) Guantanamo is still open by the way

GOP Rep. to Obama: 'You Lie!' 


WATCH Obama Lie 36 Times About Keeping Your Insurance 


President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”


President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”


President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

President Obama acknowledged Thursday that he lived with his Kenyan uncle for a brief period in the 1980s while preparing to attend Harvard Law School, contradicting a statement more than two years ago that the White House had no record of the two ever meeting.
Their relationship came into question Tuesday at the deportation hearing of the president’s uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since the 1970s and revealed for the first time in testimony that his famous nephew had stayed at his Cambridge apartment for about three weeks. At the time, Onyango Obama was here illegally and fighting deportation. On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe in 2011 that it had no record of the two meeting. This time, press office staff members asked the president directly, which they said they had not done in 2011.
“The president first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” said White House spokesman Eric Schultz. “The president did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The president has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”