Showing posts with label gateway pundit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gateway pundit. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

BOOM! Hillary Clinton CAUGHT COLLUDING With AP to Announce Delegate Win Before California! GP

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio


Jim Hoft Jun 7th, 2016 2:20 pm 712 Comments

On Monday night – the day before California’s primary election – the Associated Press announced Hillary Clinton had finally secured enough delegates to win the Democratic Party nomination.

The Associated Press reported Hillary gained enough extra super-delegates to give her the 2383 delegates to secure the nomination.

But now there is evidence that this announcement the night before the nation’s largest primary was planned days in advance.

Via Mike Cernovich:

The graphic titled “Secret Win Version 2” was created days ago on June 4, 2016.

It looks like this was pre-planned days ago.
Hat Tip Danger and Play

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 Gateway Pundit

Friday, May 20, 2016

BREAKING: Hillary Campaign Accused of Mass Cheating in Kentucky Primary– 4,000 Votes Scratched to Give Hillary Win

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Jim Hoft May 20th, 2016 8:24 am 95 Comments

Guest Post by Joe Hoft

According to several reports the Hillary Clinton Campaign cheated in order to give her the win in Kentucky.

In Pike County Kentuckycard readers reportedly malfunctioned and votes were fully erased.

The Pike County Clerk’s office told local Kentucky station WKYT there were issues with one of their card readers which caused a delay in the numbers and as a result, the AP then erased Sanders’ votes, pushing Hillary to the lead by over 4,000 votes.

The gatewaypundit noted the discrepancy in a tweet Tuesday night –

According to Real Clear Politics Clinton eventually received 212,550 votes in Kentucky to Bernie Sanders’ 210,626 votes for a difference of only 1,924 votes. The 4,000 vote discrepancy gave Clinton the Primary.

There were more than 76 reports of election fraud in 31 different counties called into Kentucky’s Attorney General hotline during the closely contested Democrat primary, according to Attorney General Andy Beshear. The Sanders campaign was expectedly outraged by the reports which were similar to what has occurred in other states – and many are pointing the finger at the Clinton campaign