Showing posts with label Breitbart TV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breitbart TV. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Trump to Fmr Mexican President Fox: ‘Get Your Money Ready Because You’re Going To Pay For the Wall’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by IAN HANCHETT4 May 20161,604
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told former Mexican President Vicente Fox, whoapologized to Trump for previous remarks he had made and invited Trump to Mexico, “Get your money ready because you’re going to pay for the wall” on Wednesday’s “O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel.

Trump said, in response to a question on whether he had a message for Fox, [relevant remarks begin around 3:40] “Get your money ready because you’re going to pay for the wall.”
Trump added that he wasn’t backing off his plan to make Mexico pay for a border wall, and “we lose a fortune with mexico, trade deficit $58 billion a year. The wall’s going to cost 10. believe me, they’ll be able to afford it, and we’re going to end up having a very good relationship with mexico. But right now, sadly, like everybody else, they’re taking advantage of our country on trade, and at the border. So, we’ll get it straightened out.”
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Thursday, April 28, 2016


Cruz: Trump Parachutes In Like Mick Jagger, Gives A Performance and Leaves
by PAM KEY27 Apr 2016291
Wednesday, Republican presidential candidate 
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
likened opponent Donald Trump to the Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger, arguing he likes to “show up at a football stadium, give some performance and then leave” at a press availability in Indianapolis, IN.
Cruz said, “The people of Indiana have good sense. The people of Indiana have good judgment. The people of Indiana I don’t believe are simply going to say Manhattan has spoken. Therefore, we must get behind a New York liberal. I don’t believe the people of Indiana want to do that. And I think anyone who wants to be elected president owes it to the voters to do what I’m doing here. Heidi and I, we are barnstorming the state. We are on a bus tour traveling the state to look voters in the eyes, to answer their questions, to show the humility to subject yourself to the scrutiny of Hoosiers. Donald Trump doesn’t like to do that. Donald Trump likes to parachute in like Mick Jagger show up at a football stadium, give some performance and then leave. Well, this country isn’t a reality show. And if Donald Trump thinks he’s too good to answer questions from the men and women of Indiana, that conveys something.
He continued, “It’s now been 48 days since the last Republican debate. 48 days. the Democrats have debated. Hillary Clinton and 
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
have both demonstrated more humility than Donald Trump in that they have subjected themselves to the scrutiny of the voters. I believe the people of Indiana deserve a debate. I’ve accepted two debate invitations here in Indiana to be hosted here in Indiana to give Hoosiers the chance to compare. to make this choice. I think that is a simple act of respect to the voters. But it’s been 48 days. And I would note, by the way, every time there’s been a debate, whichever network has hosted it, has made millions of dollars. Has anyone noticed that even though the networks stand to lose millions of dollars by not having a debate, that the news is utterly silent on there being no debates? Have you noticed that, that FOX News, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, they stand to make millions and yet they do not say a word about the absence of debates. It almost makes you think the network executives are happy with Donald Trump being the front-runner and they know that in a debate he doesn’t have any answers to how you bring jobs back to America. He doesn’t have any answers as to how you keep this country safe. Since the network execs want Hillary Clinton to be the president, they’re perfectly happy not to have a debate, which would generate enormous revenue to them. At the end of the day, this is about the people of Indiana.”
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Monday, April 25, 2016

Cruz on Kasich Alliance: ‘The Trump Campaign Is Scared’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by PAM KEY25 Apr 20163,283

Monday in Indiana, Republican presidential candidate 

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)


explained the alliance between himself and his opponent Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) to take on the current party front-runner Donald Trump.

Partial transcript as follows:

CRUZ: It is abundantly clear that nobody is getting to 1237. We are headed to a contested convention. And at a contested convention, Donald Trump is in real trouble. Why? Because he cannot earn the support of a majority of the delegates elected by the people. Donald has had consistently a hard ceiling of about 40% that he can’t break. Donald has been a minority candidate, a fringe candidate. Now, he’s benefited early in the race by having a multitude of opponents where the opposition to Donald was diffuse. But what we have seen happening over the last month is the Republican Party uniting behind our campaign. Indeed, of the 17 candidates who started this race, five have now endorsed our campaign. Rick Perry, 

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)


, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Carla Fiorina. We are seeing the full spectrum of the Republican Party uniting. And let me say something about the Hoosier state. There is a common sense sensibility about this great state. You’ve had leaders like governor Mitch Daniels, like governor Mike Pence, who roll up their sleeves and solve problems. Who understand that when you cut taxes and lift regulations, the result is small businesses grow and jobs expand. We need a president in the spirit of Mitch Daniels and Mike Pence. that is exact low what this campaign is based on. My number one priority as president is jobs and economic growth. If I’m elected president, we’ll repeal every word of Obamacare. We will pass a simple flat tax and abolish the IRS. We will rein in the EPA and the federal regulators, especially the EPA that is killing the coal industry, killing tens of thousands of jobs here in the state of Indiana. And we will stop amnesty and end sanctuary cities. And the effect of all of that is that we’re going to see millions and millions of new high-paying jobs coming back to America. We’re going to see wages rising again. We’re going to see manufacturing jobs coming back to Indiana, coming back from China, coming back from Mexico. We’re going to see young people coming out of school having two, three, four, five, job opportunities again. That’s what this election is all about.  last question.

REPORTER: To voters who have watched you run as an outsider all these months now see you making this deal to John Kasich, how do you justify that as not collusion?

CRUZ:  Listen, I have been from day one an outsider. And the proof is in the pudding —  but now you’re –he proof is in the pudding. The voters can ask who has stood up and led the fight against the Washington cartel from day one. I am the only candidate who has taken on not just Democrats but leaders in my own party over and over and over again. When I ran for senate, I promised the people of Texas I would lead the fight against Obamacare. That’s what I did in the senate, much to the annoyance of the Washington cartel. As president, I’ll repeal every word of Obamacare. When I ran for senate in Texas, I promised the voters I would lead the fight against amnesty. That’s what I did in the senate, leading the fight against the gang of eight amnesty bill. At the same time that Donald Trump was funding the gang of eight, giving over $50,000 to the proponents of amnesty, I was leading the fight and we defeated amnesty in congress. as president. I will stop amnesty. We’ll secure the borders, we’ll end sanctuary cities and we will end welfare benefits for those here illegally.

REPORTER: Respectfully, sir, how is it not collusion? What do you say to those people who say that it’s collusion? Donald Trump is saying that you are colluding and we expect to hear from him again and again.

CRUZ: I understand that Donald will whine. That’s what he does. Donald is a sore loser. When he lost five states in a low in landslide elections, Donald through a tantrum. His response is to attack the voters. His response is to attack the people. Yes, I get that the Trump campaign is scared. They’re scared of Indiana. If Donald wasn’t scared, he’d show up in Indiana and have a debate. But he would much rather hide in Trump Tower. He’d much rather stay in northeastern states that tend to be more liberal than actually come to the Midwest, come to the heartland and defend his policies. The past week Donald Trump agreed with Hillary Clinton on raising taxes. In the past week Donald Trump came out and agreed with Hillary Clinton that adult grown men should be able to go into little girls restrooms. And in the past week, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, who is a long-time Washington lobbyist, and this is important for people to understand, the entire Trump campaign is run by Washington lobbyists. it is the Washington cartel. It is the lobbyists who are running his campaign. His lobbyist campaign manager went and talked to the top brass of the RNC and said Donald is just putting on an act. This is a role he’s playing. He’s just on stage. He’s just pretending. He doesn’t mean what he said. Now, at first the Trump camp denied that. That’s their standard is to deny everything. Unfortunately for them, it was actually caught on tape, so we have the tape of Donald Trump’s lobbyist campaign manager saying this is all an act, this is all a fake, he’s a phony. Interestingly enough, that’s almost the exact same thing Donald Trump told “The New York Times” back in January when he sat down with “The New York Times” editorial board. Trump told them he doesn’t believe what he’s saying on immigration, he’s not going to build a wall, he’s not going to deport anyone. Once again, “The New York Times” has a tape. Now, the Trump campaign denies he says that but won’t let “The Times” release the tape. If he didn’t say he’s not going to build a wall, he’s not going to deport anyone and he’s simply faking it on immigration, then Donald should release the tape. His supporters should demand that he release the tape and prove his innocence. Donald won’t do that for the same reason that he won’t show up at a debate. because this is a fraud that the lobbyists in Washington are attempting to perpetuate on the American people. This is a fraud. The stakes are too high for us to get fooled again. And we’re all used to politicians who betray us after they get elected. Donald is betraying us before he gets elected and he’s telling us he’s lying to us. And so we are fighting to beat Donald Trump for the nomination. We are going to beat Donald Trump for the nomination. No one is getting to 1237, we’re headed to a contested convention. And at that convention the nominee will be decided by whoever can earn the support of a majority of the delegates elected by the people. And I  believe the only candidate who will be able to do that is me. And when we earn the support of a majority of the delegates we’re going to go forward and beat Hillary Clinton in November. Donald can’t — it would be a disaster for Republicans, for conservatives and for the country.

And, yes, I understand that the Trump campaign is going to scream and cry. That’s what they do. whining is what they do. because you notice, it is never, ever, ever Donald’s fault. Can anyone think of any instance when Donald has ever said he’s done anything wrong? It does not appear that he thinks that’s possible, that Donald could do something wrong. So it’s always the voters’ fault. It’s always the people’s fault. It’s always somebody else’s fault. But Donald J. Trump you know what, we need a president who understands the principle of the buck stops here. Donald Trump needs to learn to take some responsibility for and if he wants to make the case, show up and debate. Don’t hide behind your media surrogates. Because you’re terrified of scrutiny. Answer the questions from the voters. Have it be a town hall, real Hoosiers asking real questions about real problems. And if Donald is too terrified to answer the questions asked by the people of Indiana, how on earth is he going to stand on a debate stage with Hillary Clinton. If he’s scared of the voters now, how bad do you think he would be in a general election. and by the way, we’ve all seen a candidate in a general election who’s a loose cannon who will say any given thing on any given day. Who will wake up one day and say as Donald trump did that he thinks women should be punished for having abortions. That’s an absurd position. — Every day if Donald Trump were the nominee, we would see a circus of loose cannon statements that he tries to walk back the next day. d that would result in disaster for Republicans across the country. Now, I get that Hillary Clinton would be thrilled to see the Donald Trump train wreck in the general election. I get that the media, the network execs in just about every network are card-carrying Democrats, they are ready for Hillary. Nothing would thrill them more than a bloodbath that elects Hillary Clinton and gets great ratings while it’s happening. That is the perfect storm from a media network executive’s view, but it is a terrible outcome for the people. And this election is going to be decided by the people. And the Hoosier state, the entire country, its eyes are on this great state to choose between path do we want to go down. Do we want to go down the path of nominating a candidate whose entire campaign platform consists of yelling and screaming and cursing and insulting anyone and everyone it can find. Or do we want instead a positive, optimistic, forward-looking conservative campaign with real policy solutions to the challenges facing this country.

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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Breitbart TV2016 Presidential RaceDonald TrumpTed CruzJohn Kasich

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Cruz, Hannity Spar Over Delegates: ‘The Only People Asking This Question Are the Hardcore Donald Trump Supporters

by IAN HANCHETT19 Apr 20166,259

GOP presidential candidate Texas Senator

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)


 and talk radio and Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity engaged in a testy exchange over the delegate process on Hannity’s radio show on Tuesday.

Hannity began the interview by asking, “I think the number one question on the minds of Republicans right now is what is going on with the delegates. For example, if you can explain to people that your campaign, that you have every right, within the rules, to talk to candidates, that are pledged on a first ballot, to candidate A or candidate C, you being candidate B. And that — tell us what that process is.”

Cruz answered that isn’t what people are concerned about, and are instead concerned about policy issues and beating Democratic candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Cruz further stated that “the media loves to obsess about process. This process, and this whining from the Trump campaign is all silly. It’s very, very simple –.”

Hannity then cut in to say, “I’m on social media, with millions of people. I have 550 radio stations. And I have the top-rated cable in my hour, all across the board. And I am telling you, that people are telling me, that they find this whole process confusing.” He further stated that this wasn’t a “process question. It’s an integrity of the election question. And everybody’s asking me this question. So, I want — I’m giving you an opportunity to explain it.”

Cruz responded, “Sean, the only people asking this question, are the hardcore Donald Trump supporters.” Hannity again cut in to ask, “Senator, why do you this? Every single time you…you’ve got to stop. Every time I have you on the air, and I ask a legitimate question, you try to throw this in my face. I’m getting sick of it. I’ve had you on more than any other candidate, on radio and TV. So, if I ask you, Senator, a legitimate question to explain to the audience, why don’t you just answer it?”

Cruz then said, “Sean, can I answer your question without being interrupted?” Cruz then talked about the results in Utah, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Colorado, and Wyoming, all of which Cruz has won. He added, “Over 1.3 million people voted in those 5 states. We won all 5. All of this noise and complaining and whining has come from the Trump campaign, because they don’t like the fact that they’ve 5 elections in a row, that Republicans are uniting behind our campaign. So, they’re screaming, on Drudge, and it’s getting echoed, this notion of voterless election. It is nonsense. They are making it up. Over 1.3 million people voted. We won landslides in all 5.”

Cruz continued, “Now, there is a second component, beyond the elections, which is the individual delegates are elected by the people. Donald Trump’s campaign does not know how to organize on the grassroots. And so, when the delegates are elected, conservative activists, real conservative activists show up, and they elect delegates, and we are winning those elections over and over and over again. The Donald Trump campaign doesn’t know what they’re doing. They don’t show up. In Colorado, the Donald Trump team was handing out flyers asking their supporters to vote for a slate of delegates, they included Cruz delegates on their slate. They just — they didn’t even know how type up a piece of paper without getting it wrong. In Washington state, when Washington state elected their delegates, three days before the election, the Donald Trump campaign, in a panic, realized Washington state was getting ready to elect their delegates. They sent out an emergency email to their Washington supporters, but they screwed up, and sent it to their Washington, DC supporters, instead of their Washington state supporters. I cannot help that the Donald Trump campaign does not seem capable of running a lemonade stand. Elections are won by voters and grassroots activists showing up and voting for the candidate they support.”

He further argued that “[N]obody, as I travel the country, nobody is asking me this, other than the Trumpsters, and people repeating it.”

Hannity again asked Cruz to “explain what happens in these moments” with delegates after their states vote. Hannity added to the end of the question, “It’s a simple question. It’s not a Trump question. It’s a question about what’s going to happen. You’re arguing, Kasich is arguing, that this is going to be settled at the convention. And I think people need to understand it. Because, you know, most people don’t.”

Cruz responded by pointing to his recent victories in Utah, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Colorado, and Wyoming. He further stated that the Trump campaign was panicking because they were losing, and “Every time the people vote against them, they scream the election’s been stolen. No, when people vote against you, it means you’ve lost an election.” He then stated that delegates are elected by the people, “and if you want to elect delegates, your supporters come and vote. Every other presidential candidate knows that, and figured this out. And by the way, every presidential candidate has known how to figure this out in every prior cycle.”

He then declared, “The Donald Trump campaign doesn’t know what they’re doing. It’s a Kim Kardashian reality show. And so, in Georgia, they elected their delegates. And conservative grassroots activists showed up, and the conservative grassroots are overwhelmingly with us, so they elected Cruz delegates. That’s the democratic process.”

Hannity then asked, “What if the delegate selection doesn’t represent the will of the people in that particular district or area?” Cruz answered, “Sean, that’s why there’s an election.” Hannity then cut in to say he was asking about the event of a conflict, and “Senator, I don’t know why you’re mad. There’s no reason — I’m asking. I’m just trying to understand it. I’m really having a hard time understanding why you’re getting angry at this.”

Cruz said that he wasn’t mad at all. He then accused Trump’s campaign of trying to distract from real issues, and told Hannity, “And so, when you ask only about the nonsense, how about we ask — you know what people ask me when I travel around? How do we bring jobs back?”

Hannity cut in to say he’s asked Cruz those questions “more than anybody else.” Cruz countered by saying that Trump has refused to debate because he has no concrete proposals. He further stated that he doesn’t care about Trump, and doesn’t want to “talk about the nonsense that he wants to distract us from.”

Hannity again stated that he had talked more about substantive issues with Cruz more than anyone else, and that he’s merely trying to get Cruz to explain how the process him courting delegates in states that have already voted to vote for him on a second ballot, something Hannity said was within the rules, works so the audience can understand it.

Cruz then said, “Sean, it’s not a question of within the rules or not. It’s winning elections. These delegates are elected by the people, and when grassroots conservatives come out, we win. … And every time there’s an election that the conservative grassroots decide, we win.” Cruz further predicted that this dynamic would play out in Cleveland, and that he would get the majority of delegates.

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter@IanHanchett

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Breitbart TV2016 Presidential RaceDonald TrumpTed CruzSean Hannity

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Krauthammer: If Obama Wins Exec Amnesty Case ‘You Can Send Congress Home,’ ‘There Are No Laws’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by IAN HANCHETT7 Apr 2016195
Columnist Charles Krauthammer argued that if the Supreme Court fails to overturn President Obama’s executive actions in United States v. Texas and allows the administration to grant government benefits to noncitizens “you can send Congress home, and can you eliminate Article I from the Constitution, then there are no laws” on Thursday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel.
Krauthammer said, [relevant remarks begin around 3:30] “If the president is allow to do go ahead and to do this, and it’s decided that it’s constitutional, then you can send Congress home, and can you eliminate Article I from the Constitution, then there are no laws. I mean, the judge is right. As a policy issue, the Congress decides, it passes the law, it decided that this is not appropriate. The president has a big heart, big heart with your tax money, and the Congress said no, it [government benefits] goes only to citizens. And if the president can unilaterally overturn that, then we have no laws and we have, essentially a single branch of government, that legislates. This is a huge decision. I do not understand how the four liberal justices will, as they will, resist the logic here.”
Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter@IanHanchett
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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Trump: ‘We’re Winning, Winning, Winning the Country’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by IAN HANCHETT23 Feb 2016
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump enthusiastically declared his campaign to be a “winning” one in a speech after winning the Nevada Republican caucus on Tuesday.
Trump said, “You know, we weren’t expected a couple of months ago, we weren’t expected to win this one. You know that, right? We weren’t. Of course, if you listen to the pundits, we weren’t expected to win too much. And now we’re winning winning winning the country. And soon the country is going to start winning winning winning.”
After touting his numbers in some of the upcoming primary states, Trump stated, “It’s going to be an amazing two months. We might not even need the two months, folks, to be honest, all right?” Trump further predicted that he would inherit a lot of the votes of other candidates if they dropped out. Later on, he touted his numbers among Evangelicals, and winning among young voters, old voters, highly-educated, “poorly-educated” voters, and Hispanic voters.
After touting his support for the Second Amendment, he added, “Now we’re going to get greedy for the United States. We’re going to grab and grab and grab.”
Later, Trump said he would keep Guantanamo Bay open and “load it up with bad dudes” before turning to immigration.
Trump concluded, “We’re going to be the smart people. You’re going to be proud of your president, and you’re going to be even prouder of your country, OK?”
Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter@IanHanchett
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Friday, February 19, 2016

EXCLUSIVE - Mom Whose Son Was Tortured to Death by Illegal Endorses Trump, Says 'Pope Doesn’t Care About Me' - Breitbart

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In an exclusive telephone interview with Breitbart News, Laura Wilkerson, whose son was tortured to death by an illegal alien, explained why she cast her early ballot today for GOP frontrunner, Donald Trump.

“Trump will get in there and do something about [immigration]. I believe him. I want someone in there who has said they’ll do it and will do it… So many people stay home because it doesn’t affect them,” Wilkerson said. “And I understand that. I was the same way until [my son] Josh was murdered. But at some point, we have to close the door and deal with who we have here before anyone else comes.”

By contrast to her support for Trump, Wilkerson said that she “gave no consideration to voting Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)… I do not trust him for one second… He does not speak to the victims [of illegal alien crime],” Wilkerson explained. “Obviously, Rubio wants more immigration, no borders. That’s what his backers want and that’s the way he’s going to vote.”

Wilkerson, who described herself as a deeply religious person, defended Trump from the attacks by Pope Francis.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard the Pope say one thing about our families [families who have lost loved ones at the hands of illegal immigrants]. I’m not sure he understands the loss we have felt. Is he just ignoring that? It rubbed me the wrong way,” Wilkerson told Breitbart.

Wilkerson’s 18-year-old son Joshua was tortured to death by a so-called DREAMER — i.e. an illegal immigrant who allegedly came to the country as a minor. Wilkerson said:

I follow Jesus Christ. I still sin sometimes, but I follow Jesus Christ. I am a Christian, and I have sympathy for everyone. I think God asks me to love everyone. He created us all equal, but I do not think God is asking me to help a whole country. I don’t think I can do that. I do not think he wants us to give up our family– because that’s what has happened. It tore my family to shreds. I had a solid, 25-year marriage, and we lost our last child. I had a take-your-kids-to-church-small-bussiness-obeyed-by-all-the-rules family. And this tore it to shreds. There’s nothing about me that’s racist or non-sympathetic. I don’t care who you are, I want to help you, but not at the expense of my own family.

Wilkerson explained that wanting to defend America’s sovereignty and close the border does not make her “not Christian:”

I am a Christian… I know I’ll go to heaven when I die, just like Josh did when he died. The Pope’s comments rubbed me the wrong way. Everyone in religion knows that no one can judge what’s in a man’s heart. That’s one of the very first things you learn in your faith. No man can judge another man. That’s why the Pope’s comments rubbed me the wrong way. I did not like that… I believe we need to do what we can for other people, but not at your own family’s expense. God doesn’t call us to ignore our families. God doesn’t call us to take care of other families first, or help other families at the direct expense of our own… I believe in God, family, country.

Earlier today, Wilkerson says, “I voted for Trump. It was a long, hard decision for me, but I came to the conclusion that it was really the best way for me to go. I usually vote more with religion. It was a hard vote between Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), but I just feel like Donald Trump can get in there and do the things that need to be done quickly.”

Wilkerson made a point of noting that “Cruz was so kind to me when I testified about Josh’s death.” However, Wilkerson proceeded to explain that given her adamant desire to have a federal immigration policy that puts the interests of the American people first, she felt she had to vote Trump: “I realized that, having gotten into the fray of illegal immigration, this [voting for Trump] has to be my stance. It’s such chaos and I just believe that Mr. Trump will get in there and get it done quickly.”

Wilkerson said that she appreciated Trump’s full-throated support for law enforcement and American police officers, Wilkerson said: “I think everybody is starting to hear Trump [talk about immigration]. We know he’s recognizing problems that no one else will say. And I think the police — with the Black Lives Matter movement — feel undervalued, when they should be so overvalued. Our teachers, our policemen, the people who care for our children and our safety should be valued. There’s not one person who won’t call policemen when you need help. [When Josh was murdered], the policemen couldn’t have been any better to us. It was a terrible situation, but they could not have been any better to us.”

In stark contrast to her support for Trump, Wilkerson said she gave no consideration whatsoever to voting for Marco Rubio, pointing out that despite introducing multiple immigration expansion bills, he has not talked to the victims of illegal alien crime.

I gave no consideration to voting Marco Rubio. He was a Tea Party darling, who flipped and did the exact opposite of what he promised to do get elected. I do not trust him for one second. He never said one word to me, even after I testified. He does not speak to the victims [of illegal alien crime].

Wilkerson further explained that she was not surprised that Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) — who has pushed to give citizenship to DREAMers like the illegal immigrant who murdered Wilkerson’s son — endorsed Rubio. She said, “I know why he threw his vote behind Rubio. Gowdy knows that Rubio is going to get in and do what he wants to do– which is open borders. Obviously Rubio wants more immigration, no borders. That’s what his backers want and that’s the way he’s going to vote.”

Wilkerson put forth a challenge to Gowdy and Rubio, who both have pushed for open border immigration policies: “I would tell Trey Gowdy and Marco Rubio, ‘Open your front door to anyone who wants to walk in and out. Open your front door.’”


Saturday, February 13, 2016

George Clooney Nailed America’s Hate-Speech Problem, Says Business Insider

by BREITBART NEWS12 Feb 20161819

George Clooney, while promoting Hail, Caesar! at the Berlin Film Festival, explained that “hate speech” frequently heard on the campaign trails in American presidential politics is just “extreme voices” that “don’t survive.”

In an interview reported by Business Insiderthe actor commented:

I mean there are some extreme voices out there. I always have to caution people when they watch American politics that we go a little crazy during the political season and it’s a very long season. And the xenophobic, fascist sort of ‘no muslims are going to come into the United States,’ that’s never going to happen, you know, that’s not going to happen in the United States.

That’s not who we are, that’s not who we have ever been, that’s not how this country was formed.

Clooney adds that these voices don’t represent  America, “So you are going to hear some of these louder voices that are extreme, and a much smaller percentage of the country that always come up during these moments, but they don’t ever survive and we get past this.”

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Breitbart TVBig Hollywood2016 Presidential RaceGeorge Clooney

George Clooney Nailed America’s Hate-Speech Problem, Says Business Insider

by BREITBART NEWS12 Feb 20161819
George Clooney, while promoting Hail, Caesar! at the Berlin Film Festival, explained that “hate speech” frequently heard on the campaign trails in American presidential politics is just “extreme voices” that “don’t survive.”
In an interview reported by Business Insiderthe actor commented:

I mean there are some extreme voices out there. I always have to caution people when they watch American politics that we go a little crazy during the political season and it’s a very long season. And the xenophobic, fascist sort of ‘no muslims are going to come into the United States,’ that’s never going to happen, you know, that’s not going to happen in the United States.
That’s not who we are, that’s not who we have ever been, that’s not how this country was formed.

Clooney adds that these voices don’t represent  America, “So you are going to hear some of these louder voices that are extreme, and a much smaller percentage of the country that always come up during these moments, but they don’t ever survive and we get past this.”
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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Limbaugh: Trump Built the ‘Coalition’ the GOP Claims to Want — Now They Are ‘Badgering,’ ‘Bashing’ It

By JEFF POOR10 Feb 2016

Wednesday on his radio show, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh argued that New Hampshire Republican primary winner Donald Trump won by building a coalition of voters that went beyond just conservatives, which is something the GOP has claimed was necessary to win elections in this era of American politics.
Limbaugh referred to exit polling as proof, noting that he had voters from every demographic and that conservatives were just a small part of this “coalition.”
“Here’s Trump running against everything going on in Washington and declaring that what’s going on in Washington is incompetent and being performed by a bunch of hacks that are only in it for themselves, and he’s put together a coalition that covers every group, demographic and otherwise, that you can think of.  And among the smallest in his group is conservatives.  That’s why he can win big in New Hampshire with taking not very big percentage of the conservative vote because his coalition is so big and made up of so many other different groups of people.  He won only a third of the ‘very conservative’ vote.  ‘Among evangelical voters, Trump and Cruz were basically tied.’ Who in the world would predict that?  Who in the…? After Cruz comes and dominates Iowa and does so on the basis of evangelical voters. And Trump, you know, ‘Two Corinthians walk into a bar…’ Donald Trump, ‘Two Corinthians this,’ and, ‘The Bible? The Bible kills it, except my book.’  And yet evangelicals’ support for Trump tied withSen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in New Hampshire.  This was the scale of Trump’s win.”
Limbaugh went through each group and pointed out Trump had won each of those groups by overwhelming margins.
“Trump won, the exit polls were right,” Limbaugh continued. “Trump won men.  He won women.  He won every age group.  He won every ideology.  Liberal, conservative, moderate, Libertarian.  Every group Trump won a majority of voters.  He won among people who had gone to college and people who hadn’t.  He won among people who only had a high school education; he won among people who did not have a high school education.  He won every single age bracket.  He won those groups by huge margins.  He won men 3-to-1 over second place finisher.  Women he won 2-to-1.  Voters under 30 he won 2-to-1.  Nearly 40 percent of those who had not attended college voted Trump.  A third of those who had attended college voted Trump.  This is what the Republican Party’s been telling us they need to win.  I’ve had ’em come to my office.  I’ve told you.  I’ve had Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) here, Mitt Romney’s here.  One thing they’ve all said in common is that Republican Party can’t win with Republican votes alone anymore.  We have to branch out, we have to reach out.  This is what they were telling me to prepare me for some of the campaign tactics that I was gonna see. That they were gonna have to reach out and immigration was one of the ways of reaching out, supporting amnesty.”
But instead of praising Trump for this accomplishment, Limbaugh argues the GOP is criticizing Trump instead.
“Well, all along Trump has built that coalition the Republican Party claims to want and they’re out there badgering it and bashing it,” he added. “It’s exactly what they claim to want.  They could have had it.  The Republican Party could have had the Trump coalition.  They could have had it at health care.  A majority of Americans opposed Obamacare from the get-go.  The Republican Party could have seriously attempted to form an alliance with the Tea Party and the anti-Obamacare people and been a dominant majority party on that issue alone.  And then on subsequent issues to come down the pike the Republican Party could have formed an alliance with majorities in other areas of opposition, and they didn’t. The Trump coalition could have been the Republican Party.  They couldn’t do it because they thought it was all conservative.  They couldn’t do it because they thought the Tea Party was a bunch of hayseed hicks who believe in pro-life politics and they just couldn’t do it, they just couldn’t build a bridge.  Whatever it is, fear of social issues, dislike of conservatism, not wanting to get in bed with people who want the government to be smaller and less intrusive in people’s lives, whatever it was, they couldn’t do it.  And now, because they didn’t do it, there’s Donald Trump.”
“Donald Trump has the exact coalition the Republican Party, to a man, has told me they need to win, that they need to thrive,” Limbaugh said. “And now they’re reduced to bashing it by virtue of bashing Trump.  And now they’re reduced to bashing it by virtue of bashing Cruz.  The two people who are showing the Republican Party all they had to do all these past seven years, but they didn’t.  They purposely, strategically, tactically refused to push back, refused to make a spectacle of stopping Obama, and they have themselves to blame for this predicament.”
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Thursday, February 4, 2016

Scarborough: Arguments Against Rubio Are ‘He Is the Republican Obama,’ ‘an Empty Suit’

by JEFF POOR4 Feb 201666
Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough doubled down on the claim Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is the “Republican Obama.”

Scarborough pointed to the two arguments against Rubio when laying it out, explaining that Rubio was seen as an aspirational politician and that it is unclear what he represents.
“There are two arguments,” Scarborough said.” The first argument is, he is the Republican Obama and he really is. They anointed him, Time magazine anointed him the Republican savior before he threw his first pitch. And the second argument, which is a devastating argument that worked a long time ago in the state of Florida had to do with him being an empty suit. And I remember Florida Trend had just an empty suit and it asked whether a certain senator from the state of Florida was an empty suit. It was devastating.”
Later in the segment, Scarborough compared him to then-Sen. Barack Obama of 2008.
“Both of whom, the second they get to Washington, DC, decided they were running for president instead of deciding they were going to be,” he added. “Please, give me a list of accomplishments of every candidate, put it up there next to him and let’s see who the emptiest suit is. There’s not really a competition.”
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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Cruz: IA Results ‘Victory For the Grassroots,’ GOP Nominee Won’t Be Picked By Establishment, ‘Reagan Coalition’ Coming Back

by IAN HANCHETT1 Feb 2016449

Republican presidential candidate Texas Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) declared, “Tonight is a victory for the grassroots” and “Iowa has sent notice that the Republican nominee, and the next president of the United States, will not be chosen by the media, will not be chosen by the Washington establishment, will not be chosen by the lobbyists” while saying the Washington cartel is scared that “the old Reagan coalition is coming back together” during a speech on Monday after he won the Iowa caucus.

Cruz stated, “God bless the great state of Iowa! Let me first of all say, to God be the glory. Tonight is a victory for the grassroots. Tonight, is a victory for courageous conservatives across Iowa, and all across this great nation. Tonight, the state of Iowa has spoken. Iowa has sent notice that the Republican nominee, and the next president of the United States, will not be chosen by the media, will not be chosen by the Washington establishment, will not be chosen by the lobbyists, but will be chosen by the most incredible powerful force, where all sovereignty resides in our nation, by we the people, the American people.”

He continued, “Tonight is a victory for millions of Americans, who have shouldered the burden of seven years of Washington deals run amok. Tonight is a victory for every American whose watched in dismay as career politicians in Washington, in both parties, refuse to listen, and too often fail to keep their commitments to the people. Tonight is a victory for every American who understands, that after we’ve survived eight long years of the Obama presidency, that no one personality can right the wrongs done by Washington, the millions who understand that it is a commitment to the Constitution, to our shared insistence that we rise and return to a higher standard, the very standard that gave birth to the greatest nation that the world has ever known, to the revolutionary understanding that all men and all women are created equal, that our rights do not come from the Democratic Party, or the Republican Party, or even from the Tea Party. Our rights come from our creator, and the federal government’s role, the federal government’s responsibility, is to defend those fundamental rights, to defend us. And while Americans will continue to suffer, under a president who has set an agenda that is causing millions to hurt across this country, I want to remind you of the promise of Scripture, ‘[W]eeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.’ Tonight, Iowa has proclaimed to the world, morning is coming.”

Cruz added, “From day one, this campaign has been a movement, from millions of Americans across this country, to organize, to rally, to come together, whatever Washington says, they cannot keep the people down, and tonight is a testament to the people’s commitments to their yearnings to get back to our core commitment, free market principals, constitutional liberties and the Judeo-Christian values that built this great nation.”

Later on, after thanking those who supported him, Cruz stated, “Do you want to know what scares the Washington Cartel? Actually,…I don’t scare them in the tiniest bit. What scares them is you. What scares them is that the old Reagan coalition is coming back together.”

After thanking his family, Cruz said, “[L]et me speak for a minute to the men and women of the state of New Hampshire, 36 years ago, you welcomed to the Granite State, a candidate running for president who was also deeply disliked by the Washington establishment and the Washington cartel. A candidate who had been dismissed outright by the media, some polls had him 15 points to 20 points behind, but you refused to let the establishment and the cartel and the media do your thinking for you. You refused to let them tell you how to vote. You wanted a candidate who didn’t adopt his positions because of the latest opinion polls, but instead, because of a deep and underlying conservative philosophy, that grounded him, so that he knew exactly what he believed, exactly what the principles were that built this great nation.”

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Friday, January 29, 2016

Megyn Kelly Off-Camera on Trump: ‘Voldemort,’ ‘He Who Must Not Be Named’

by JEFF POOR29 Jan 2016921

Thursday immediately following Fox News Channel’s Republican presidential debate in Des Moines, IA, Megyn Kelly, the host of FNC’s “The Kelly File” interviewed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), one of the participants in the debate.

During that interview, Cruz made a reference to Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, who did not attend the debate and instead held a rival event during the debate at nearby Drake University in Des Moines, IA.

Cruz cited a conversation he had with Kelly, who has been engaged in a public feud with Trump, before going on air. According to Cruz, Kelly had apparently called Trump “Voldemort.”

“Well, you know, you were joking just before we went on air that it was sort of like Voldermort — he who must not be named,” Cruz said.

Kelly’s alleged reference was to Lord Voldemort, a fictional character in J. K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series and referred to as “you-know-who,” “he-who-must-not-be-named” and “the dark lord.” throughout the series.

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Watch: Cruz and Wallace Spar During Debate, Cruz Jokes About Leaving, Rubio Says He Won’t Leave No Matter What

by IAN HANCHETT28 Jan 2016108

Texas Senator and Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) sparred with debate moderator Chris Wallace and joked that he would leave the stage if he was asked another “mean question” at Thursday’s second GOP presidential debate on the Fox News Channel.
“Governor Christie, you have compared both senators Cruz and Rubio to Barack Obama saying that we cannot afford another inexperienced president. You’ve also said that Senator Cruz’s vote to curtail the NSA surveillance program made America less safe. Is either of ready to be commander-in-chief?”
After Christie’s answer, Cruz said he should get a chance to respond. Wallace objected, saying that Christie’s answer didn’t mention Cruz, and “[I]t’s not my question you get a chance to respond to, it’s his answer.”
Wallace added, “Sir, I know you like to argue about the rules, but we’re going to conduct the debate.” Cruz objected that the question was an attack.
Later, Wallace asked former Florida Governor Jeb Bush about his criticisms of Rubio and Cruz. Wallace then gave Cruz a chance to respond. He began, “Chris, I would note that the last four questions have been Rand, please attack Ted, Marco, please attack Ted, Chris, please attack Ted, Jeb, please attack Ted.” Wallace responded, “It is a debate, sir.”
Cruz countered, “Well, no, a debate actually is a policy issue.” He then jokingly said, “But I will say this, gosh, if you guys say — ask one more mean question, I may have to leave the stage.”
Florida Senator Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)then said, “Let me go first, and then you can please recognize Rand after. But, first of all, don’t worry, I’m not leaving the stage no matter what you ask me.”
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

WATCH: French Cops Run From Migrants Screaming: ‘We Are Muslim, We Want To Go To UK!’

by DONNA RACHEL EDMUNDS26 Jan 20161066

Video footage (above) reveals the moment migrants and anarchists marching through the centre of Calais on Saturday broke through police lines and stormed the city’s port which connects France to the United Kingdom.

The French government is adamant that current security provisions in the area are adequate and effective, yet the video shows riot police backing away from a crowd of migrants chanting “UK, UK”, before turning and running. One migrant angrily screams at the camera: “We are people. We are Muslim! We want to go to UK!”

The migrants were then able to break through security fencing; 50 made it all the way onto the UK-bound ferry Spirit of Britain.

It is not clear from the video how many migrants broke through the police line andmarched into the port, but it is apparent that initial reports of 150 were an underestimate. Later reports suggested that anywhere between 500 and 1000 migrants made it within port boundaries, although only 50 succeeded in boarding the UK bound ferry Pride of Britain.

However, the new video, which was filmed from within the migrant crowd, sheds new light on how the migrants were able to access the port in the first place. It shows a line of around 20 riot police blocking access to Rue de la Mer, which leads to the port. A large contingent of migrants and anarchists walk up to the police line chanting “UK, UK”.

At first police try to move them on, telling them to “go left”, which the migrants refuse to do. Instead, following a speech by man holding a loudhailer, the police simply back away before turning and running, allowing the migrants to stream past them. A few police try to recreate the line further down the street, only for their commander to order them to fall back.

The migrants, some carrying the red flag of the New Anticapitalist Party of France, race towards the port, again chanting “UK, UK” and cut through the fences. Only after a few hundred have streamed through do the police attempt to halt them by firing tear gas canisters at the opening in the fence line.

The video was compiled by Taranis News, a French magazine which launched in 2014 and which appears to be supportive of the no borders/pro-mass migration movement. Much of the footage featured in their videos is shot from within the migrant groups, suggesting that activists are passing them footage for dissemination. They were also the first to break the video showing a homeowner forced to defend his property against a breakaway group of migrantsusing just an airsoft rifle.

Meanwhile Calais Migrant Solidarity, one of the main socialist groups accused of stirring up trouble within The Jungle has backed away from taking credit for Saturday’s riots, instead insisting that it was the migrants themselves who masterminded the port break in. Any attempts to blame Westerners, they said, amounted to “racism” perpetrated by the “right wing.”

“The main organisations who called for and organised the demonstration were the CISPM (International Coalition of People Without Papers and Migrants) and the ATMF (Association of French Maghrebian Workers) but the call was supported by a vast array of different solidarity groups. Coaches to the demonstration came from all across France, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and also a large contingent from the UK,” they explained in a blog on their website.

“The idea that ‘refugees’ could autonomusly [sic] and easily board a boat in the Calais habour [sic] is incomprehensible for the British press,” they continue. “This rhetoric and discourse is deeply racist.

“This was an action autonomously organised by people living in the jungle, people without papers, and refugees, these people were supported by activists from countries across the world.

“To claim anything different is to deny the reality of the situation, that the people of the Jungle are willing to disrupt, occupy, and fight the institutions that keep them from their freedom!”

The French government is facing numerous calls to deploy the army to Calais to restore order to the area. The town’s mayor, Natacha Bouchart said at a press conference that she accepted the need for humanitarian assistance, but not “this anarchic situation.”

The French Interior Bernard Cazeneuve has so far demurred, however, saying only that the French government had “total determination” to maintain law and order.

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Michael Moore: ‘God Bless You Megyn Kelly’ — ‘War on Women’ Question to Trump Was ‘Great’

by IAN HANCHETT26 Jan 2016686

Filmmaker Michael Moore told Fox News Channel anchor Megyn Kelly “You asked a great question [to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump], by the way. The war on women. God bless you Megyn Kelly” on Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Kelly File.”

Moore began by addressing Trump skipping on the FNC debate, saying, “I feel bad for you.” And “What’s he afraid of? I’m sitting here. I don’t feel any fear. … Donald, come now, come sit beside me, I’ll hold your hand. She’s fine.”

He also told Kelly that she had frightened Trump and “made him run, shut him down.” Something no candidate had done.

Moore ended the interview with, “And before I leave, I just want to say again, Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, it’s pp to get elected president in this country, you have to come on this network. You have to play ball with this network. Donald Trump today said I’m not playing ball with this network. That’s a historic moment, and it’s going to be interesting to see where the real power is. Trump thinks he doesn’t need Fox News. I think Fox News probably has something else to say about that. And it’ll be interesting to see where do the powers that be go with this?”

He then said to Kelly, “You asked a great question, by the way. The war on women. God bless you Megyn Kelly.”

Moore said of Obama, “I wrote to him and I said you’ve got to get off the dime here and do some of the things we elected you to do, because it’s not going to be enough in the history books to say the big claim to fame is that you were the first African-American president. That’s an important thing, but we need you to do some other things for us, and we need you to do it before your term ends.”

He elaborated on Obama, stating, “I would have wished we had a single-payer healthcare system, not Obamacare, something that would be for everybody. … he had two years actually, where he had the House and the Senate, and he decided to play nice and get along and he thought the Republicans were going to get along with him and they had no intention of doing that.”

Moore added, “Guantanamo Bay should be closed by now.” He later said of Obama, “I’m very happy that we’ve had him for these eight years, believe me, after what we had before that.”

When asked if there were any Republican candidates he would get behind, Moore responded, “I would get behind all of them and take them — and push them somewhere.” He added, “[M]y grandfather was the head of the Republican Party in the town that I grew up in. And — yes, but back then, a conservative meant that you conserved your money, you had family values, you had — you conserved the earth, the air, the water, God’s gifts to us. That’s what Republicans believed back then, and those days seem to be gone. I know it’s hard for Republicans who have those feelings, and they have nowhere really to go right now.”

Moore was also asked about criticisms that he dislikes America. He answered, “I don’t get that, because one of the great things about being an American in great this country is the ability to criticize what’s going on and try to make it better.” And “I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. This is the best country to live in. What I want us to do is to aspire to be better. And what we’ve done is, we’ve helped these European countries since World War II. They have gone ahead and done some great things, in terms of helping their people, paid maternity leave, school lunches are not crap on a Styrofoam tray.”

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CNN’s Ryan Lizza: Trump ‘At War’ With Fox News, ‘Conservative Intelligentsia from National Review’ and ‘He Is Winning’

Donald Trump speaks before a crowd of supporters.(AP Photo / Ross D. Franklin

by BREITBART TV26 Jan 20161812

CNN political commentator and Washington correspondent for The New Yorker, Ryan Lizza said, “Trump has been at war with” Fox News “all season and he is winning. He is at war with the conservative intelligentsia from National Review, to every conservative columnist in the opinion pages, and he’s winning” on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” on Tuesday.

Lizza said, “On the one hand, we’re going to be talking about Donald Trump from now until the debate. We’ll probably be watching Donald Trump not on Fox, on other networks that don’t obviously take the debates live when it’s on another network. He obviously has some counter-programming plans. So, he will dominate the news cycle on the eve of the caucuses, and he won’t be at the debate, so he won’t be under fire from the other candidates. On the other hand, there’s no doubt that the Fox debate is still going to get big ratings, right? It’s the number one news source for Republican voters, and he’s going to give a platform to a Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) andSen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Ted Cruz is his primary rival there in Iowa, who are going to be allowed to say what they want about Donald Trump without Trump responding. I would imagine that the Fox moderators will feel under no obligation to defend Donald Trump in any way, or inject his opinions. So, it’s obviously a risk. I will also say, just to step back a second, this guy is basically at war with every power center in the Republican Party. There was a rule in politics that you don’t go to war with Fox News and Roger Ailes, because that network is too powerful and too influential in Republican politics, and Trump has been at war with them all season and he is winning. He is at war with the conservative intelligentsia from National Review, to every conservative columnist in the opinion pages, and he’s winning. This is a essentially a hostile takeover by Trump and his fans of the Republican Party that we’re watching in real time.”

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Friday, January 22, 2016

National Review Pens Letter to Conservatives: Don’t Vote for Trump



by MICHELLE FIELDS21 Jan 20162533

National Review is publishing a special edition of the magazine that argues against Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, saying he is “not deserving of conservative support in the caucuses and primaries.”

The new issue of the long-established conservative magazine is headlined “Against Trump” and includes essays from conservative pundits and writers explaining their opposition to Trump’s candidacy.

But the overall theme is very clear: “Trump is a philosophically unmoored political opportunist who would trash the broad conservative ideological consensus within the GOP in favor of a free-floating populism with strong-man overtones,” says the editorial that leads the issue.

The authors argue that Trump isn’t consistent in his views:

Trump’s political opinions have wobbled all over the lot. The real-estate mogul and reality-TV star has supported abortion, gun control, single-payer health care à la Canada, and punitive taxes on the wealthy. (He andSen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have shared more than funky outer-borough accents.) Since declaring his candidacy he has taken a more conservative line, yet there are great gaping holes in it.

The editorial also goes after his immigration plan for not being practical.

As for illegal immigration, Trump pledges to deport the 11 million illegals here in the United States, a herculean administrative and logistical task beyond the capacity of the federal government. Trump piles on the absurdity by saying he would re-import many of the illegal immigrants once they had been deported, which makes his policy a poorly disguised amnesty (and a version of a similarly idiotic idea that appeared in one of Washington’s periodic ‘comprehensive immigration’ reforms). This plan wouldn’t survive its first contact with reality.

They also took aim at his business record:

Trump’s primary work long ago became less about building anything than about branding himself and tending to his celebrity through a variety of entertainment ventures, from WWE to his reality-TV show, The Apprentice. His business record reflects the often dubious norms of the milieu: using eminent domain to condemn the property of others; buying the good graces of politicians—including many Democrats—with donations.

The editorial finishes by saying that “Donald Trump is a menace to American conservatism who would take the work of generations and trample it underfoot in behalf of a populism as heedless and crude as the Donald himself.”

The online issue is here.

Watch: Megyn Kelly Convenes ‘Conservatives Against Trump’

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “The Kelly File,” National Review editor Rich Lowry rolled out his magazine’s effort to challenge Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s bid to be the eventual Republican nominee.

Lowry told host Megyn Kelly, who has had her own dust-ups with Trump, that their intent was to rally conservatives against Trump because they saw him as susceptible to special interests.

“One big takeaway from what we’re doing – it’s not the establishment necessarily opposing Donald Trump,” Lowry said. “You have a bunch of lobbyists on K Street right now hiding under their desk figuring out how they can deal with Trump or perhaps coopt him. And the point we’re making is perhaps conservatives who thing Donald Trump — whatever his virtues are doesn’t truly understand the ideas and principles that make this country great. It’s up to those conservatives to stand up and say, ‘No, sorry. We oppose this guy.’”

Kelly asked what the “theme” of the effort included, to which Lowry declared “ideas” and “principles.”

“There are a couple,” he replied. “Number one, if you truly are conservative, you believe in ideas and in principles. It’s not just attitudes. It’s not just who you dislike. It’s limited government. It’s the Constitution. It’s liberty. Those are the things that truly make this country special. And they are basically afterthoughts to Donald Trump. He almost never talks about them. And if you’re truly a conservative, you have a consistent record. We all change our minds on a few things every now and then when the facts change. But he has been on the other side on big hot-button defining issues like abortion, gun control, taxes and even immigration.”

“Ronald Reagan spent about 30 or 40 years marinating in conservative thought and advocating for conservative ideas,” Lowry added. “He just didn’t show up one day and say, ‘Hey, now I’m a conservative. Another problem with Trump is he seems to believe what this country needs is a really effective strong man to make the trains run on time when what we really need is the government to be cut down to size, restored to its rightful role and then focus on the important things, like the borders –“

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald TrumpNational Review

Thursday, January 21, 2016

GOP Consultant Rick Wilson to MSNBC: Trump Supporters ‘Childless Single Men Who Masturbate to Anime’

20 Jan 2016

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” Republican consultant Rick Wilson, who has a long track record of attacking Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and his supporters, once again took aim at Trump’s supporters.

“Who think Donald Trump is the greatest thing, oh, it’s something,” Wilson said to host Chris Hayes. “But the fact of the matter is, most of them are childless single men who masturbate to anime. They’re not real and political players. These are not people who matter in the overall course of humanity. What’s really driving the Republican Party, though, is still a limited government conservatism that is still a structure built around a government that`s less invasive, less intrusive, less taxes, less government, more freedom. We don’t always get there by a straight line path. We don’t always get there in a direct way. But that is still what drives this party. And there’s also a major part of the party that is still trying to sort itself out on what the balancing test is between the limited government side, the national defense side, the social conservatism side. And I don’t think this other stuff Trump is toying with is really a part of the mainstream conservative movement by any stretch of the imagination.
Transcript as follows:
HAYES: Joining me now, MSNBC national correspondent Joy Reid, Charlie Peirce, writer at large for “Esquire” Magazine, and Republican media consultant Rick Wilson.
Well, well, well, Joy, let me start with you. OK, what did we see today? What was that?
JOY REID, MSNBC NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: I have to tell you, I think we`re going to look back at today as sort of the quintessentially perfect day in the Republican primary — in the sense that we found out what I`ve always called this legged stool of conservatism, where you got the elites, you got the evangelicals, and you got the sort of meat and potato blue collar wing of the party, we discovered there`s actually four wings of this party. You essentially have the intellectual movement conservative wing, which is what Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) represents.
I`ve been in a worm hole of been reading “Red State” and reading a lot of conservative sort of publications that are about movement conservatism and intellectual conservatism. That`s who Ted Cruz is, right?
HAYES: They love Cruz.
REID: They love Ted Cruz. He`s hanging with “Duck Dynasty”, but that`s not who he is. He`s the Harvard guy. He`s the Ivy League.
HAYES: He`s both, that`s why he`s great.
REID: Right. Then you`ve got the sort of real meat and potatoes base which isn`t necessarily ideologically conservative. They want more stuff. They want Medicare. They want their ethanol subsidies. They want their life to be made comfortable by the government if that`s what happens.
They just want that feeling of power that America use today have when their parents were young, right? So, he represents that fourth wing of the party, i.e., people think of these two as the same way. I actually don`t think they are.
We also saw briefly there`s a celebrity conservatism element, too. It`s perfect you have John Wayne, Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, reality show conservatism. That is what was seen today.
HAYES: Well, Rick, I mean, obviously, the subtext of what Joy said I think is exactly at the heart of the issue, because what`s setting up, what`s happening is Trump and Cruz go after each other, is Cruz is pointing to all the apostasies of Donald Trump, right? And the fact he used to support single-payer and he gave money to the Clintons.
You know, X, Y, Z. This question about what is conservatism? Really, what does it come down to? Sarah Palin comes into vouch and say, all these elitists are telling you what this is. We know what it is. It`s making America great again.
RICK WILSON, REPUBLICAN MEDIA CONSULTANT: Look, there`s a thing I`ve described as the troll party which Trump is sort of energized and activated over the last six months. And what`s happened with the troll party element of this, is they are very driven by the celebrity of Trump and Sarah Palin is a reality TV star, celebrity, as well. She transformed from a political figure to a reality TV show figure.
This is sort of the singularity of the entertainment wing of the Republican Party where there`s not a firm ideological underpinning about it anymore. Sarah Palin was always a populist who was seated in limited government conservatism but, you know, she`s managed to flip that on its head in one day and essentially walk away from all the limited government part of her background and just embrace the Trump populism and the yell louder, yell longer, be madder, be more furious division of the party.
Look, I think Joy`s right. This was one of those like crystal moments of the whole campaign where you had all these elements coming together at one time. I mean, every TV camera in country was on that event and there`s a reason for that. It`s great show. It`s a great entertaining spectacle.
And there`s nothing else like it going on in the field. I think Ted Cruz`s attacks on Trump would have had more credibility and a little more heft and a little more weight if he hadn`t spent the last six months serving as the pilot fish to Donald Trump`s shark and following him around and wagging his tail every time Trump said something absurd, Ted Cruz was sitting in the background with his thumbs up.
So, it would have had more credibility and more oomph this recitation of Trump`s complete lack of conservative credentials of which he has none, it would have been a much more effective argument if he hadn`t been Trump`s fan boy until yesterday.
HAYES: Well, it`s very funny to watch both of them go after each other. They spend six months saying nothing but nice things about each other. Now, they`ve discovered how secretly liberal the other one is.
I want — Charlie, I think we`re getting down to here it, all politics, I want to be clear on this, because I don`t want to say this is just about conservatism. I mean, I think it is. All politics are emotional. All politics are about who you identify with.
We use this term identity politics which is always used to talk about people usually people of color. But all politics are identity politics which is what we`re seeing in this campaign. And to me the moment that sums up this campaign so far was this moment of Trump chanting “USA, USA” into a microphone. Take a look.
HAYES: Trump — Charlie, that is the Trump campaign. That`s it. That`s the Trump campaign in ten seconds. That`s what this campaign has been.
CHARLIE PIERCE, WRITER AT LARGE, ESQUIRE MAGAZINE: I`m glad he did that because if he farmed out to governor Palin, I`m not sure she would have been able to spell it.
Look, I refuse to look upon then whole event today as anything besides spectacle. If it is a pivotal moment in American politics, then this country is screwed from hell to breakfast. OK, you`ve got — I`m sorry.
You have a not particularly bright person auditioning as court jester to a clown basically. That`s the sum total of what happened today. I mean, with all due respect to Rick, the Republican Party is forcing — has been forcing its presidential candidates to look ridiculous for two cycles now.
I mean, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is talking about having bought a gun for Christmas because he wanted to defend his family against ISIS as the pickup trucks come up Biscayne Boulevard. Chris Christie is out there today talking about how he`s going to undo Michelle Obama`s healthy food and let kids in middle school eat whatever they want for lunch. Jeb Bush is just ridiculous on the face of it.
This is just the quiescence (ph) of it. I don`t think you have to be born a cynic, although I was, to wonder exactly how much this endorsement cost.
REID: But at the end of the day, though, Chris, you know, it`s interesting because for decades, you`ve had Rush Limbaugh and the sort of conservative entertainment complex holding together these various wings of the party as if there was a core belief in a set of specific conservative values among the base. When it turns out what the base wants is a feeling that can be delivered by Rush but some policies that are apostasy to movement conservatives.
HAYES: So, Rick, this is, Mike (INAUDIBLE) wrote this piece today in “The Week” where he looked at this Samuel Francis, who was a white nationalist, white supremacist, who sort of started out main street conservative who was an advisor to Patrick Buchanan, basically said your best path is get rid of all the conservatism stuff, all the limited government deficits, markets, all that stuff, and just go whole hog at essentially ethno-nationalism and Michael writing about the Trump campaign says what so frightens the conservative movement about Trump`s success is he reveals just how thin their support for their ideas really is. His campaign is a rebuke to their institution.
It says the Republican Party doesn`t need all these think tanks or supposed policy expertise. It says look at these people calling themselves libertarians and conservatives, the one in tassel loafers and bow ties. Have they made you more free? Have their endless policy papers and studies and books conserved anything for you? These people are worthless. They are defunct. You don`t need them and you`re better off without them.
What do you think of that, Rick?
WILSON: Well, look, first off, I think that`s absurd. I think there is definitely still a very significant portion of the party that is a limited government conservatism based faction of the overall coalition.
Now, the screamers and the crazy people on the alt right as they call it, you know, who love Donald Trump, who have plenty of Hitler iconography in their Twitter icons.
HAYES: They sure do. I can back that up.
WILSON: Who think Donald Trump is the greatest thing, oh, it`s something. But the fact of the matter is, most of them are childless single men who masturbate to anime. They`re not real and political players. These are not people who matter in the overall course of humanity.
What`s really driving the Republican Party, though, is still a limited government conservatism that is still a structure built around a government that`s less invasive, less intrusive, less taxes, less government, more freedom.
We don`t always get there by a straight line path. We don`t always get there in a direct way. But that is still what drives this party. And there`s also a major part of the party that is still trying to sort itself out on what the balancing test is between the limited government side, the national defense side, the social conservatism side. And I don`t think this other stuff Trump is toying with is really a part of the mainstream conservative movement by any stretch of the imagination.
HAYES: I know, you know, Rick, I think the question to me is this is all going to be tested, right? I think — which is to say I agree with you. There are large parts of people who are avowed Republicans and conservatives who really genuinely care about limited government. But what we`re seeing this sort of electoral test. And that`s what makes today so fascinating, this fight so fascinating, what happens — we are dealing with this sort of seismic question about what exactly we`re looking at as a 21st century Republican Party.
Joy Reid, Charlie Pierce, and Rick Wilson, thank you all.
REID: Thank you.
WILSON: Thanks, Chris.
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