Showing posts with label Big Hollywood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Hollywood. Show all posts

Friday, May 13, 2016


Trans Actress to ‘Piss In All the Wrong Bathrooms’ During North Carolina Tour

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by DANIEL NUSSBAUM12 May 20163,735

A transgender actress and activist preparing to embark on a traveling performance tour of North Carolina plans to take photos of herself urinating “in all the wrong bathrooms” to protest the state’s recent passage of what critics have called an anti-LGBT bathroom law.

Shakina Nayfack is set to perform in Durham, Charlotte and Raleigh next month as part of the Manifest Pussy: Post Op tour. But the state’s recently-enacted HB 2 — which mandates that transgender individuals use the public restroom that corresponds with their biological sex — gave Nayfack an idea for a novel way to protest the law.

“They are trying to create a situation where trans people are supposed to be invisible,” the New York City-based artist told theGuardian this week. “This is an absurd, panicked reaction from the ignorant, it’s a massive step backwards, so I felt it was my duty to go down there and take selfies in as many men’s bathrooms as possible.”

According to the Huffington Post, the actress plans to take photographs in men’s rooms across the state, including of a “well-hydrated visit” to the state Capitol in Raleigh. Nayfack is crowd-funding the tour, with money raised from performances going to organizations in North Carolina working to get the law repealed.

Nayfack reportedly got the idea to crowd-fund the tour based on a previous successful crowdfunding campaign that financed her gender reassignment surgery in Thailand last year.

“[A]s a grassroots trans activist and, God willing, a rising star in the entertainment industry – I can slip in there and make a stand and motivate the people who are dealing with the consequences of this.”

Nayfack is reportedly considering hiring security guards to stand outside the men’s rooms, so as to avoid any physical altercations.

“I’m not looking to confront anyone,” the actress told the Guardian. “If people want to engage me in civil discussion in a bathroom that will be fine. But if people want to come at me, I’ll tell them, well, they could s—k my d—k, but I cut it off.”

Nayfack’s Manifest Pussy tour is scheduled to begin June 9 in Brooklyn, New York.

Earlier this year, the actress joined the cast of the hit Amy Poehler-produced Hulu seriesDifficult People.

A number of high-profile entertainers, including Bruce Springsteen, Ringo Starr and the rock band Pearl Jam, have cancelled concerts in North Carolina to protest the state’s bathroom law.

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Big HollywoodBathroom LawBruce SpringsteenHB 2lgbtManifest Pussy,Shakina NayfackTransgender

Follow Daniel Nussbaum on Twitter:@dznussbaum

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

MSNBC: ‘Clinton Cash’ Documentary ‘Devastating,’ ‘Powerfully Connects the Dots’

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by BREITBART NEWS10 May 2016936
MSNBC previews the documentary version of Clinton Cash before its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, saying the movie adaptation of Peter Schweizer’s book packs a “mainstream punch” and “powerfully connects the dots” in its case against the Clinton Foundation.

CANNES, France — A massive police force will be guarding the Cannes Film Festival this year. But the only scuffle on the horizon may come in response to the right-wing producers of a devastating new documentary about Bill and Hillary Clinton’s alleged influence peddling and favor-trading. That film, “Clinton Cash,” screens here May 16 and opens in the U.S. on July 24 — just before the Democratic National Convention.
The allegations are as brazen as they are controversial: What other film at Cannes would come up with a plot that involves Russian President Vladimir Putin wrangling a deal with the alleged help of both Clintons, a Canadian billionaire, Kazakhstan mining officials and the Russian atomic energy agency — all of which resulted in Putin gaining control of 20 percent of all the uranium in the U.S
MSNBC got an exclusive first look at “Clinton Cash,” the flashy, hour-long film version of conservative author Peter Schweizer’s surprise 2015 bestseller, whichThe New York Times called the “the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle.” The Washington Postsaid that ”on any fair reading, the pattern of behavior that Schweizer has charged is corruption.” Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta denounced the book as a bunch of “outlandish claims” with “zero evidence.”
The film portrays the Clintons as a greedy tag team who used the family’s controversial Clinton Foundation and her position as secretary of state to help billionaires make shady deals around the world with corrupt dictators, all while enriching themselves to the tune of millions.
As a film, it powerfully connects the dots —  whether you believe them or not — in a narrative that lacks the wonkiness of the book, which bore a full title of “The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.”
It packs the kind of Trump-esque mainstream punch that may have the presumptive GOP nominee salivating. He recently declared, “We’ll whip out that book because that book will become very pertinent.”
Read the rest of the story here.
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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Daily Mail: ‘Clinton Cash’ Film Explodes into Campaign

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by BREITBART NEWS29 Apr 2016209


From the Daily Mail Geoff Earle writes:

The book that raked through the complex web of political, campaign fundraising, and political practices of Bill and Hillary Clinton last year and muddied Clinton’s presidential campaign launch is coming to the big screen just in time to cause Clinton trouble in the general election.

‘Clinton Cash’ is set to premiere the day before the Democratic convention in Philadelphia, and is based on the book by the same title by author Peter Schweizer.

Schweizer is joined by fellow producer Stephan K. Bannon of conservative outlet Breitbart news on the project.

A trailer for the film, which is directed by M.A. Taylor., features images of blood dripping down piles of cash, Bloomberg News reported.

The trailer kicks off with clip of Clinton complimenting foreign governments for ‘rooting out corruption’ – even as Schweizer, who is interviewed as part of the film, says the Clintons ‘created a model for massive self enrichment that allows you to go into so-called pub service but get extremely rich at the same time.’

The book’s release in May prompted a series of investigations by major news outlets into the fundraising practices of the Clinton foundation, which had accepted major contributions from corporations and foreign governments.

It also probed hefty speaking fees earned by the Clintons from foreign and domestic corporations after Bill Clinton left the White House, the foundation’s charity work, and Clinton’s time at the State Department.

You can read the rest of the story here.

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Big Hollywood2016 Presidential RaceBig JournalismHillary ClintonBill Clinton,Clinton CashPeter SchweizerStephan K. Bannon

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Susan Sarandon on Backing Bernie: ‘I Don’t Vote with My Vagina’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio


by DANIEL NUSSBAUM17 Feb 20161068

Actress Susan Sarandon took to her Twitter account on Wednesday to reiterate her support for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)’ presidential campaign, saying it is “insulting” that women would be asked to vote for a female president based on gender alone.

“I don’t vote with my vagina,” the 69-year-old Thelma and Louise star tweeted. “It’s so insulting to women to think that you would follow a candidate JUST because she’s a woman.”

“HRC doesn’t rep my interests, @BernieSanders does. Simple as that,” she added, using an acronym for Hillary Rodham Clinton, Sanders’ rival for the Democratic nomination.

Sarandon first voiced her support for Sanders in September when she joined Artists for Bernie, a coalition of more than 120 actors, directors and musicians that are publicly supporting the socialist Vermont senator’s run.

The actress appeared at a Sanders rally in Iowa last month, where she sharply criticized Clinton over the former New York senator’s vote to authorize the Iraq war.

“She’s had a job, but what has she done that we’re bragging about? How has she led?” Sarandon said last month.

The actress’ comments come as the Sanders campaign is battling its own controversy this week.

At a Tuesday night event at Atlanta’s Morehouse College, Run the Jewels rapper and Sanders supporter Killer Mike suggested that the fact that Clinton is female should not automatically entitle her to become president.

“[A] uterus doesn’t qualify you to be President of the United States,” the rappersaid at the event. Killer Mike later clarified that he was quoting feminist activist Jane Elliott with the comment.

A poll released Wednesday revealed Sanders had narrowed the gap against Clinton nationally, trailing by just two points. Both candidates are vying to secure female voters ahead of the Nevada and South Carolina primaries this month.

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Big Hollywood2016 Presidential Race,Hillary ClintonBernie Sanderssusan sarandonKiller MikeArtists for Bernie,Primaries

Saturday, February 13, 2016

George Clooney Nailed America’s Hate-Speech Problem, Says Business Insider

by BREITBART NEWS12 Feb 20161819
George Clooney, while promoting Hail, Caesar! at the Berlin Film Festival, explained that “hate speech” frequently heard on the campaign trails in American presidential politics is just “extreme voices” that “don’t survive.”
In an interview reported by Business Insiderthe actor commented:

I mean there are some extreme voices out there. I always have to caution people when they watch American politics that we go a little crazy during the political season and it’s a very long season. And the xenophobic, fascist sort of ‘no muslims are going to come into the United States,’ that’s never going to happen, you know, that’s not going to happen in the United States.
That’s not who we are, that’s not who we have ever been, that’s not how this country was formed.

Clooney adds that these voices don’t represent  America, “So you are going to hear some of these louder voices that are extreme, and a much smaller percentage of the country that always come up during these moments, but they don’t ever survive and we get past this.”
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Monday, January 25, 2016

Exclusive – Davi: When Johnny Friendly and His Goons Took Over National Review

by ROBERT DAVI24 Jan 20161,030

For years in the arts, critics have been known to blabber on, many times missing the very importance of what they are witnessing – especially if the work of art is groundbreaking and defies “conventional” thinking.

In music, literature, or art there are legions of stories where something new comes along, but some critics who are so stuck in a conceptual time warp are sadly unable to analyze and see it as something innovative. This happens even in film. Critics have written analysis for films, giving their stamp of approval or disapproval, while never really being held accountable for anything. They have no risk; they do not create! They sit back, pontificate an opinion, which is temporal and of the moment, and then drink another dry martini. A work of art has a unique way of lasting beyond its époque.

There are many of these “establishment types” who year after year spew their volcano of ash into the world attempting to choke those who can create. Then there are the effete intellectuals who decide who or what or how something will be defined and supported. They create nothing, but try to influence – even sometimes campaigning amongst themselves to help shape the groupthink.

The recent issue of National Review is dedicated to the proposition that Donald Trump, the GOP’s presidential frontrunner, is not a true conservative. The 22 contributors in this special issue write their barrage of articles like a Super PAC mounting another attack against The Donald. They all broke the “Conservative Commandment.” While it is perfectly okay for candidates to slug it out – after all, they are vying for the biggest title in the world – I think these conservative pundits should be held to a different rule.

The “Eleventh Commandment” was a phrase used by Ronald Reagan during his 1966 campaign for governor of California. The Commandment reads: “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

For years I have heard all of them quote this 11th commandment, feigning shock like Claude Rains in Casablanca when he falsely protested that which he knew was taking place all along. So now, in the back rooms they all band together and perform blasphemy. Ye hypocrites!

Like figures in Madame Tussauds wax museum, they stand together bloodless and stiff – the dead elitists who dare go among us, the Great Unwashed. I have met some of them. Some are nice, but the majority are so elitist that they are like a synod of intellectual snobbery – out of touch with the world and stuck in the dusty rooms they write in, while becoming intoxicated by breathing in the stale air of their own gas.

This current display of solidarity is as smug as the smirk on Glenn Beck’s face, one of the 22 contributors of National Review’s “Against Trump” issue who should know better. Beck had an addiction problem. He went through a “change.” Does this make him any less authentic or sincere in his recovery? By trying to “undefined” Trump, they are saying they can see into his heart and soul. Well, you morons, if you want to see Trump’s heart and soul, look to his children. That more than anything is the measure of a man. And it is not an easy thing to bring up children. What’s more, we know that Trump’s admonishment to his children to not “smoke, drink, or do drugs” can be looked on as the words of someone who respects discipline. Also, Trump to my knowledge is the only candidate in recent memory to mention President Eisenhower! Are you saying that Ike wasn’t considered “conservative”?

Isn’t it in our nature to develop, change, and evolve? The GOP has been on life support. We have heard how it will be harder and harder for them to grow; but now that they have a frontrunner who can infuse new blood into the whole party, they stab him in the back on the steps of the Roman Senate. The attacks they lay on Trump seem to me to be motivated by insider trading gone awry. There seems to be a panicked reaction from the status quo. Elitists hate when an upstart is successful. Over the years alliances have been formed, potential deals made, and expectations shared. They are considered opinion makers, and we are told how we think.

So, to me, they are like those film critics who have never made a film or created anything except give opinions hoping for relevancy. In reality they have contributed to the decline of the GOP. Like the stale politicians who have let the American people down, the establishment types at National Reviewbehind the “Against Trump” issue cling to their own John Friendly political mafia. Johnny Friendly and his goons in the filmOn the Waterfront throw anyone who exposes their irrelevancy off the roof. So, along comes Trump who, like Terry Malloy, can no longer sit by and watch; so he exposes them for what they are.

Trump wants America to get back to work. He has become the hope and voice of the blue-collar men and women who have watched America’s decline and feel ignored. Like the cement blocks that form the foundation of the impressive buildings Trump constructs all across America, we have a growing populace who knows he can do the same for America. This alone should have given pause to National Review, but narcissism is blind, and these 22, like some in the Congress and Senate, forget what they are supposed to stand for.

Let me tell you this: Trump has “conservative” principles, and they are more vibrant and resonating than any we have seen since Ronald Reagan. Those 22 who contributed to National Review’s“Against Trump” issue all have a differing agenda. They are for Cruz or Bush or Rubio or Kasich or any establishment politician — for anyone who has served in politics in my estimation is establishment, and they have alliances with the folks that wrote “Against Trump.”

Like Terry Malloy in On the Waterfront, Trump has seen the hypocrisy from the inside and can no longer stand by and watch. Trump is going up against the political mafia chieftains of the seemingly “conservative old guard.” They are like theMustached Petes who were stuck in the mud of their own self-importance. This is what has happened with Trump. He has seen the decline of the American worker. He has seen the corruption and lies and manipulation, and now he confronts the Johnny Friendlys who want to hold onto political control. Have a look at Brando as he fights for those who have been held hostage:

Lastly, there is no absolute pure strain of “conservatism,” my dear fellow Americans. There are many differing opinions depending on circumstances. William F. Buckley, Jr., who I greatly respected, had once said that if the United States had a parliamentary system, President Bush would be subject to a “no confidence” vote. He was highly critical of the war in Iraq. In the past, Buckley’s nephew Brent Bozell has weighed in on National Review’s relevance. Back in 2012, he posted this to Facebook and Twitter: “National Review’s endorsement of Romney & Huntsman proves only that this is no longer the magazine of William F. Buckley Jr. My uncle would be appalled.”

So, you see, opinions are all over the place, and there are no absolutes – no pure strain of conservatism. The survival of America is at stake, and the 22 writers of National Review are goons trying to muscle and goose-step the America people against the GOP frontrunner, Donald Trump. Now thatis not conservative.

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Big HollywoodDonald TrumpGlenn Beck,National ReviewRobert DaviMarlon BrandoWilliam F. BuckleyOn the Waterfront

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Norman Lear: Donald Trump Is [the Far Right’s] ‘F— You to All the Clowns and the Establishment’

Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP

by DANIEL NUSSBAUM20 Jan 2016232

Television legend Norman Lear does not believe Donald Trump will become the next President of the United States.

In a brief interview with the Hollywood Reporter, the creator of television classics like All in the Family and The Jeffersons said that the Republican presidential frontrunner is just a product of America’s anger at the political establishment, but that anger would not be enough to “take him all the way.”

“I have enough confidence in the American people to believe that Trump is the middle finger of their right hand,” Lear told the outlet, echoing comments he made about Trump in October. “He is [the right’s] f— you to all the clowns and the establishment generally because [they believe] the leadership of the country is at an all-time low.”

“It’s their way of saying, ‘If you give us that kind of leadership, take this,'” he added. “But I don’t think it’s going to take him all the way, and I think they’ll retract that finger. They have to.”

Lear has made no secret of his disdain for Trump. Last month, the famously liberal but self-described “bleeding-heart conservative” said that his progressive advocacy organization People for the American Way would launch an initiative to combat “hate speech and anti-Muslim rhetoric” propagated by Trump and the other Republican presidential contenders.

“I haven’t believed — and don’t believe now — that the American people would elect Donald Trump president,” Lear said at his organization’s Spirit of Liberty Dinner in December. “I see Donald Trump only as the middle finger of the American right hand.”

In his interview with THR, the 93-year-old Lear said that conservatives have galvanized since the ’80s to become “louder and politically more potent”: “Jerry Falwell’s gone, but politically within the Tea Party and to its right, there’s a lot going on. They are a good deal stronger than they were at the top of the ’80s.”

Lear also revealed his own presidential preference.

“Nobody’s asked me formally, but I’ll take Hillary,” he told THR. “I think she’ll be the candidate. She’s the candidate that’s most electable, and I care for her. Anybody who knows me knows I’m not going to be voting for any of the cons on the other side.”

Lear is plenty busy these days. In addition to launching the initiative against Trump’s “hate speech,” he will also produce an all-Latino remake of his classic 1970s sitcomOne Day At A Time for Netflix.

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Big Hollywood2016 Presidential Race,Donald TrumpHillary ClintonNorman LearAll in the FamilyPeople for the American WayOne Day At A Time

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Amy Schumer Accepts Award, Thanks Those Who Died In Theater Shooting

Getty Images

by AWR HAWKINS18 Jan 201683

On January 17 actress Amy Schumer accepted a Critics’ Choice award and closed her acceptance speech by thanking the two victims who were shot and killed during a showing ofTrainwreck in Lafayette, Louisiana.

The deceased victims–33-year-old Jillian Johnson and 21-year-old Mayci Breaux–where killed when John Russell Houser allegedly opened fire on July 23.

At the end of her five minute, twelve second acceptance speech, Schumer said, “And I want to thank Mayci Breaux and Jillian Johnson, who died in Lafayette because a mentally ill person got their hands on a gun.”

Schumer did not mention that Houser bought his gun “legally.” According to Fox 8, the ATF found that Houser bought his .40 caliber handgun “in February 2014 at a pawnshop in Phenix City, Alabama.”

This means Obama’s executive expansion of background checks would not have stopped Houser, because Houser acquired his handgun via a background check–which is the same way Gabby Giffords’ attacker acquired his gun, and it’s the same way Virginia gunman Vester Lee Flanagan acquired his handgun as well.

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter:@AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at


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Amy Schumer Ignores Facts to Push Gun Control at Critics’ Choice Awards

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

by AWR HAWKINS18 Jan 201649

While accepting an award at the Critics’ Choice Awards, actress Amy Schumer ignored the fact that alleged Lafayette theater gunman John Russell Houser passed a background check for his firearm, and instead described him as “a mentally ill person [who] got their hands on a gun.”

The difference between reality–Houser passed a background check with a federally licensed gun dealer–and Schumer’s gun narrative–he was mentally ill person who managed to get a hold of a gun–couldn’t be more stark. The former shows that gun control is impotent to stop committed attackers, while the latter serves Schumer’s purposes by leaving room for the belief that more gun laws and regulations might have prevented Houser from getting a gun.

It should also be noted that on July 27–just four days after Houser allegedly opened fire in the Lafayette theater–a judge who handled a case involving him in Georgia said she never ordered him committed for mental treatment.

The Associated Press reported that Houser “came before Cason’s court in 2008 when Houser’s family asked her to intervene in Carroll County, where he had allegedly menaced his daughter and in-laws.” On April 22, 2008, Cason signed an order “authorizing deputies to detain Houser and take him, against his will if necessary, to a treatment facility for a mental health evaluation.” He was subsequently “delivered by deputies to [a] hospital for evaluation,” but Cason said no order for commitment followed.

Yet Schumer included all the gun control talking points during her award acceptance speech by saying, “I want to thank Mayci Breaux and Jillian Johnson, who died in Lafayette because a mentally ill person got their hands on a gun. But we can end gun violence together.”

Again, this push ignores the fact that the Houser did not acquire his gun in a back alley or out of a car trunk in an abandoned parking lot or from a private seller at a dreaded gun show. He bought it via a background check–the very kind of check President Obama and Amy Schumer’s cousin, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), say should be required on every gun sale to keep Americans safe.

But Schumer can’t admit this because doing so would undercut the crisis-mentality she has to maintain in order to convince the ill-informed that we need more gun control now.

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at

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Big Hollywood2nd Amendmentgun controlPresident ObamaAmy Schumer,John Russell HouserSenator Chuck Schumer

Big Hollywood2nd Amendmentgun controlSecond AmendmentGabby GiffordsVester lee FlanaganAmy Schumer,Jillian JohnsonMayci Breaux

Joy Behar: ‘Racist Rhetoric’ of Presidential Candidates Inspires KKK

Joy Behar's 

‘Racist Rhetoric’ Inspires KKK

In a heated discussion about racism in America, The View co-host Joy Behar blasted what she called the “racist rhetoric” coming from the Republican presidential candidates.

“The kind of racist rhetoric we’re hearing right now in this political season is really contributing to the problem. It makes all the racists come out of the woodwork and think that they now have the right to speak in these racist terms,” Behar said during a show dedicated to commemorating the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King Jr. Day. “It gives permission to these supremacists and KKK. It’s a disgrace and should always be countered-pointed with a different position.”
View co-host Whoopi Goldberg lamented that the anti-police group Black Lives Matter doesn’t have a transformative leader like the civil rights movement had Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Why are we still fighting the same things?” Goldberg asked. “Why is it that when lots of kids say, ‘This is something that’s bothersome to me,’ and they’re out protesting, why is it not recognized the same way?”
“We have the paperwork to say we’re equal, segregation is gone, you’re okay, you’re safe,” co-host Raven-Symone added. “We have that paperwork, but that doesn’t change the minds of the people. That doesn’t change what is being done on an everyday, face to face type of lifestyle.”
Behar briefly cited a 2009 CBS News/New York Times poll that said as many as 66 percent of Americans thought race relations in the U.S. were good. By 2014, that numbed had plunged to just 34 percent.
“It breaks my heart that we’re here, that we’ve regressed to this point,” said co-host Paula Faris. “Let’s be a part of the change. How can we make this better?”
“One of the best things you and everybody can do is learn your history,” Goldberg replied. “Understand why an older black man might be mad. Because they went to World War II, fought a war in another country, came back to their own country and couldn’t vote. Understand the history, understand what’s happened. Once you know what happened, you are not so doomed to repeat it.”
Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter @jeromeehudson.

Friday, January 15, 2016

’13 Hours’ Review: Riveting Indictment of Obama, Hillary, and The DC Media

by JOHN NOLTE14 Jan 2016936

Director Michael Bay’s riveting, heartbreaking, and infuriating “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” opens with five simple words:  “This Is a True Story.” What it should have read was, “This Is a True Story The Media Has Covered Up For Years.”

God damn these people to Hell.

Let me start things off by pointing and laughing at George Clooney, Robert Redford, Meryl Streep, Tim Robbins, John Cusack, Leonardo Di Caprio, Paul Greengrass, Matt Damon, and Paul Haggis — all of whom made films critical of a sitting president’s foreign policy that ended up being, not onlybox office catastrophes, but creative embarrassments; completely forgettable, preachy, pedantic, just plain lousy movies no one will ever see again.

Now I have even worse news for them…

Michael Bay — you know, the guy who makes those “Transformers” movies —  just made a film critical of a sitting president’s foreign policy, and knocked it straight out of the park.

Bay’s “13 Hours” is not only a compelling, unbearably tense, brilliantly choreographed action film, but like a true artist, he does not stoop to being preachy or pedantic to make a damning case against a Obama Administration, that not only has a depraved indifference towards the truth, but also towards American lives.

On September 11, 2012, a horde of armed terrorists launched nothing close to a protest spurred by an anti-Muslim YouTube video. There is no question the attack against our diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, was coordinated, swift and deadly. Despite repeated pleas for additional security (all ignored by Hillary Clinton’s State Department), Ambassador Chris Stevens had only unreliable locals and a handful of State Department agents protecting him.

The battle was lost before it began.

Just a mile away was our not-so-secret CIA outpost. As soon as the militants hit, the outpost called the CIA annex begging for help. Within minutes, six security contractors stationed there, all former special forces-operators, were ready to launch a rescue mission. The CIA annex chief (David Costabile) refused to let them go. Repeatedly, the six men are ordered to stand down.

For 20 agonizing minutes, Jack (John Krasinski), Rone (James Badge Dale), Oz (Max Martini), Tanto (Pablo Schreiber), Tig (Dominic Fumusa), and Boon (David Denman) wait in a bureaucratic hell. One says in frustration and disbelief, “If the consulate had ordered a fucking pizza it would have been there by now.”

From the roof, these warriors watch helplessly as the flames consuming the consulate burn higher. Now that it looks like a suicide mission instead of a rescue mission, they ignore the stand down order and do their duty.

While there is no questions those 20 precious minutes cost the lives of a fine ambassador and Information Management Officer Sean Smith, the six man team is still able to rescue a handful of American personnel and, after a brutal firefight, make it back to the CIA compound.

Unfortunately, their problems have only just begun. Armed militants, who are part of the al Qaeda-affiliated Ansar al-Sharia, gather in the dark, creep, attack in waves, retreat, and then prepare to start all over having learned more about the annex’s defenses.

There is no question, though, that the arch-villain of “13 Hours” is the White House and Clinton’s State Department. Bay never names names, never launches a diatribe, but his fury at the American government for abandoning these men, along with the 30 or so others stationed at the annex, is both palpable and contagious. (An offhand comment about one of the attacking terrorists being a former Gitmo detainee is especially timely.)

Overhead, throughout this terrible night, a military drone witnesses everything, and our government does nothing. Repeatedly, desperate calls are made begging for air support — if nothing else, a simple flyover to scare the militants. Just a few hundred miles away, F-14s sit idle on an aircraft carrier.

Even the next morning, after it is all over, even after two more brave men are dead and all the CIA staffers have been placed safely aboard a departing plane, the American government doesn’t come. Our heroes have to rely on a foreign government to get them home.

The pacing is breathless, the acting superb, and no one’s humanity is forgotten in the process. Ambassador Stevens is portrayed as a heroic idealist, and you cannot help but mourn his loss. Even the CIA chief is not portrayed as a one-dimensional villain. He may be a bureaucrat but he is a competent one.

In the middle of it all, during a rare break in the danger, the incredulous men learn that our corrupt media has already assumed their favorite position as a Tool of the State; that the media is already dutifully reporting the White House lies about protests and YouTube videos; already working hand-in-hand with the Obama campaign to cover-up the truth to re-elect a failed president.

To protect their role in that cover-up, and to drag Hillary Clinton over her own finish line, that cover-up continues to this day. The real injustice, though, has nothing to do with politics. What happened over those 13 hours was a modern-day Alamo, and because our DC Media is nothing more than a pile of boot-licking liars and propagandists, these six heroes have had to wait three years to receive their due.

In case I didn’t mention it, “13 Hours” is nothing close to political.

Michael Bay simply told the truth.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter@NolteNC               

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Big Hollywood2016 Presidential Race,BenghaziHillary Clinton13 Hours13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi