Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Cruz: IA Results ‘Victory For the Grassroots,’ GOP Nominee Won’t Be Picked By Establishment, ‘Reagan Coalition’ Coming Back

by IAN HANCHETT1 Feb 2016449

Republican presidential candidate Texas Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) declared, “Tonight is a victory for the grassroots” and “Iowa has sent notice that the Republican nominee, and the next president of the United States, will not be chosen by the media, will not be chosen by the Washington establishment, will not be chosen by the lobbyists” while saying the Washington cartel is scared that “the old Reagan coalition is coming back together” during a speech on Monday after he won the Iowa caucus.

Cruz stated, “God bless the great state of Iowa! Let me first of all say, to God be the glory. Tonight is a victory for the grassroots. Tonight, is a victory for courageous conservatives across Iowa, and all across this great nation. Tonight, the state of Iowa has spoken. Iowa has sent notice that the Republican nominee, and the next president of the United States, will not be chosen by the media, will not be chosen by the Washington establishment, will not be chosen by the lobbyists, but will be chosen by the most incredible powerful force, where all sovereignty resides in our nation, by we the people, the American people.”

He continued, “Tonight is a victory for millions of Americans, who have shouldered the burden of seven years of Washington deals run amok. Tonight is a victory for every American whose watched in dismay as career politicians in Washington, in both parties, refuse to listen, and too often fail to keep their commitments to the people. Tonight is a victory for every American who understands, that after we’ve survived eight long years of the Obama presidency, that no one personality can right the wrongs done by Washington, the millions who understand that it is a commitment to the Constitution, to our shared insistence that we rise and return to a higher standard, the very standard that gave birth to the greatest nation that the world has ever known, to the revolutionary understanding that all men and all women are created equal, that our rights do not come from the Democratic Party, or the Republican Party, or even from the Tea Party. Our rights come from our creator, and the federal government’s role, the federal government’s responsibility, is to defend those fundamental rights, to defend us. And while Americans will continue to suffer, under a president who has set an agenda that is causing millions to hurt across this country, I want to remind you of the promise of Scripture, ‘[W]eeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.’ Tonight, Iowa has proclaimed to the world, morning is coming.”

Cruz added, “From day one, this campaign has been a movement, from millions of Americans across this country, to organize, to rally, to come together, whatever Washington says, they cannot keep the people down, and tonight is a testament to the people’s commitments to their yearnings to get back to our core commitment, free market principals, constitutional liberties and the Judeo-Christian values that built this great nation.”

Later on, after thanking those who supported him, Cruz stated, “Do you want to know what scares the Washington Cartel? Actually,…I don’t scare them in the tiniest bit. What scares them is you. What scares them is that the old Reagan coalition is coming back together.”

After thanking his family, Cruz said, “[L]et me speak for a minute to the men and women of the state of New Hampshire, 36 years ago, you welcomed to the Granite State, a candidate running for president who was also deeply disliked by the Washington establishment and the Washington cartel. A candidate who had been dismissed outright by the media, some polls had him 15 points to 20 points behind, but you refused to let the establishment and the cartel and the media do your thinking for you. You refused to let them tell you how to vote. You wanted a candidate who didn’t adopt his positions because of the latest opinion polls, but instead, because of a deep and underlying conservative philosophy, that grounded him, so that he knew exactly what he believed, exactly what the principles were that built this great nation.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter@IanHanchett

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