Showing posts with label Joe Scarborough. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Scarborough. Show all posts

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Scarborough: Arguments Against Rubio Are ‘He Is the Republican Obama,’ ‘an Empty Suit’

by JEFF POOR4 Feb 201666
Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough doubled down on the claim Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is the “Republican Obama.”

Scarborough pointed to the two arguments against Rubio when laying it out, explaining that Rubio was seen as an aspirational politician and that it is unclear what he represents.
“There are two arguments,” Scarborough said.” The first argument is, he is the Republican Obama and he really is. They anointed him, Time magazine anointed him the Republican savior before he threw his first pitch. And the second argument, which is a devastating argument that worked a long time ago in the state of Florida had to do with him being an empty suit. And I remember Florida Trend had just an empty suit and it asked whether a certain senator from the state of Florida was an empty suit. It was devastating.”
Later in the segment, Scarborough compared him to then-Sen. Barack Obama of 2008.
“Both of whom, the second they get to Washington, DC, decided they were running for president instead of deciding they were going to be,” he added. “Please, give me a list of accomplishments of every candidate, put it up there next to him and let’s see who the emptiest suit is. There’s not really a competition.”
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Friday, January 15, 2016

Scarborough on Trump Pensacola Rally: ‘I Never Saw Anything Like That in My Hometown Before’ — ‘I Don’t Get It’

Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough, weighed in on Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s rally in Pensacola, FL, a city of which was in the district that he represented in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Scarborough indicated that it was unprecedented for Pensacola to draw such attendance for a presidential campaign event.
“I was at George W. Bush’s campaign rally in 2004 at the final stages of that unbelievable presidential race in early November,” Scarborough said. “I saw Reagan come to Pensacola twice in 1980.  I saw the crowds. I never saw anything like that in my hometown before. It’s absolutely staggering, here we are — in early January. I’ll be honest with you — I guess seeing it in your own hometown, I don’t get it as far as the size of these crowds go. It’s like nothing I saw with Reagan. It’s like nothing I saw with Bush. It’s nothing I saw with any political candidate what I saw come out of Pensacola last night.”
Later in the segment, Scarborough said he doubted any of Trump’s opponents could draw a crowd close to that of Trump’s crowd.
“I think it’s very safe to say Marco [Rubio] would get 150 people at an event,” Scarborough added. “Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)would probably get double — probably get 300-400 people at an event.”
Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor