Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Mark McKinnon: GOP Establishment ‘Soaked the Place in Kerosene, All Donald Trump Did Was Light a Match’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by REBECCA MANSOUR15 Mar 20163141
Veteran GOP strategist Mark McKinnon told Breitbart News Daily that the rise of Donald Trump in the 2016 election reflects the fact that for years, the Republican Party “has had no clear vision of the future.” The GOP establishment, he said, “soaked the place in kerosene. All Donald Trump did was light a match.” In this election, “the Republicans are just going to have to burn the house down and rebuild it.”
McKinnon is the co-creator, co-executive producer, and co-host of the Showtime docu-series The Circus, which chronicles the 2016 presidential race.
He spoke with SiriusXM host and Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon about a scene in the episode called “The Reckoning” showing a group of six GOP establishment figures gathered at a private dinner to lament the rise of Donald Trump and discuss what can be done to defeat him.
McKinnon said this particular scene “has lit up the boards like no other scene we’ve done the whole season.”
“A couple of weeks ago we said, ‘Let’s go find the establishment – what’s left of the establishment.’ It turns out there are six guys who are left,” McKinnon joked.
“Old white warhorses,” Bannon laughed. “It’s literally like a smoke-filled room out of something like Tammany Hall.”
“It sounded like you were dropping into a mafia don mob boss meeting, right?” McKinnon joked.
From the candid conversation among these six men, “a couple things were clear,” McKinnon said. “First of all, there really is no coherent establishment, and to the extent there is an establishment, they have no clue how to deal with Donald Trump.”
“You look at the scene, and it’s pretty much an ad for Donald Trump,” he said. “The Trump people see that and say, ‘Well, that’s exactly why we’re supporting Donald Trump.’”
Bannon remarked on how shocking it was that despite having access to the commentariat, the consultants, the K Street lobbyists, and the massive donor money that all comprise the establishment apparatus, these figures still had no cohesive plan to “counter a populist uprising.”
McKinnon agreed, “There was not a coherent notion at all about what to do. In fact, there were very divergent notions.”
He explained:
A couple of them were saying, “We’re part of the RNC, and we’ll ultimately support the nominee.” A couple of them were saying, “We’re making anti-Trump PAC ads.” And a couple of them even said, “Listen, if it’s Donald Trump, then we may have to look at supporting Hillary Clinton” — which was pretty shocking to see. So, yeah, there is absolutely no coherency about what to do about Donald Trump, and that’s why he’s doing so well.

Bannon noted that the key populist issues involving trade agreements and immigration that have animated voters in this election cycle “were not even in the top hundred” on the establishment’s radar. “How did they miss it so badly?” Bannon asked. “These are not dumb people. They’re very smart people. How did they miss it so badly?”
McKinnon recalled that one of the establishment figures in the scene admitted that Trump “had a better finger on the pulse of what the American voter wants” than any of the six of them in that room.
“The one thing I’ve said from the very beginning of this election is that it’s very likely that the Republicans are just going to have to burn the house down and rebuild it,” McKinnon said. “And, you know, they soaked the place in kerosene. All Donald Trump did was light a match, and the place is going up in flames.”
He explained, “The Republican Party, not just for this election cycle, but for a long time, has had no clear vision of the future, and occasionally democracy rises up and takes a hold of the reins, and that’s what’s happening in this election. The voters are saying, ‘Listen, you guys don’t have a clue. So, we’re going to give you one.’”
Bannon commented on the Shakespearean quality of this election cycle:
We have talked about earlier today the Ides of March and the killing of Caesar 2,060 years ago. This race is almost Shakespearean in its presentation. You have the Bushes, you have the Clintons, you have almost like these King Lear types. You have Obama, you have the Pope, you have Trump, you have Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). Even the side characters in the commentariat – it’s so fascinating – you know, the Black Lives Matter guys. We’re talking about the Black Panthers over the weekend on the weekend show. You know, Angela Davis is now being talked about … It’s brought in so much of modern political history. But have you ever seen a race like this that just has this cast of characters? And the stakes, you know: American sovereignty vs. the globalists; this populist uprising vs. the limited government conservatives? Have you ever seen the issues and the personalities come together in really kind of a Shakespearean way?

“The Shakespeare analogy is a terrific one, and I may steal that from you,” McKinnon said. “We’re trying to think of a name for the next show, I think we’ll find some Shakespeare analogy to throw up there.”
“We just got really lucky that we chose this election to do this show,” McKinnon said. “People are really fascinated by what’s happening because there is this huge drama. There is a sense that there is a real revolution going on. And, you know, Trump is a big part of that. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is a big part of that.”
“We are seeing a complete upheaval, and people are fascinated to watch it and say, ‘What comes next? What’s going to come out of all of this chaos and uprising?’’’ he added.
The Circus, which Bannon called the new “must-watch television” for political junkies, runs on Showtime Sunday nights at 8PM.
Listen to the full interview below:
Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 weekdays from 6:00AM to 9:00AM EST.
Follow Rebecca Mansour on Twitter@RAMansour
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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Limbaugh: Trump Built the ‘Coalition’ the GOP Claims to Want — Now They Are ‘Badgering,’ ‘Bashing’ It

By JEFF POOR10 Feb 2016

Wednesday on his radio show, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh argued that New Hampshire Republican primary winner Donald Trump won by building a coalition of voters that went beyond just conservatives, which is something the GOP has claimed was necessary to win elections in this era of American politics.
Limbaugh referred to exit polling as proof, noting that he had voters from every demographic and that conservatives were just a small part of this “coalition.”
“Here’s Trump running against everything going on in Washington and declaring that what’s going on in Washington is incompetent and being performed by a bunch of hacks that are only in it for themselves, and he’s put together a coalition that covers every group, demographic and otherwise, that you can think of.  And among the smallest in his group is conservatives.  That’s why he can win big in New Hampshire with taking not very big percentage of the conservative vote because his coalition is so big and made up of so many other different groups of people.  He won only a third of the ‘very conservative’ vote.  ‘Among evangelical voters, Trump and Cruz were basically tied.’ Who in the world would predict that?  Who in the…? After Cruz comes and dominates Iowa and does so on the basis of evangelical voters. And Trump, you know, ‘Two Corinthians walk into a bar…’ Donald Trump, ‘Two Corinthians this,’ and, ‘The Bible? The Bible kills it, except my book.’  And yet evangelicals’ support for Trump tied withSen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in New Hampshire.  This was the scale of Trump’s win.”
Limbaugh went through each group and pointed out Trump had won each of those groups by overwhelming margins.
“Trump won, the exit polls were right,” Limbaugh continued. “Trump won men.  He won women.  He won every age group.  He won every ideology.  Liberal, conservative, moderate, Libertarian.  Every group Trump won a majority of voters.  He won among people who had gone to college and people who hadn’t.  He won among people who only had a high school education; he won among people who did not have a high school education.  He won every single age bracket.  He won those groups by huge margins.  He won men 3-to-1 over second place finisher.  Women he won 2-to-1.  Voters under 30 he won 2-to-1.  Nearly 40 percent of those who had not attended college voted Trump.  A third of those who had attended college voted Trump.  This is what the Republican Party’s been telling us they need to win.  I’ve had ’em come to my office.  I’ve told you.  I’ve had Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) here, Mitt Romney’s here.  One thing they’ve all said in common is that Republican Party can’t win with Republican votes alone anymore.  We have to branch out, we have to reach out.  This is what they were telling me to prepare me for some of the campaign tactics that I was gonna see. That they were gonna have to reach out and immigration was one of the ways of reaching out, supporting amnesty.”
But instead of praising Trump for this accomplishment, Limbaugh argues the GOP is criticizing Trump instead.
“Well, all along Trump has built that coalition the Republican Party claims to want and they’re out there badgering it and bashing it,” he added. “It’s exactly what they claim to want.  They could have had it.  The Republican Party could have had the Trump coalition.  They could have had it at health care.  A majority of Americans opposed Obamacare from the get-go.  The Republican Party could have seriously attempted to form an alliance with the Tea Party and the anti-Obamacare people and been a dominant majority party on that issue alone.  And then on subsequent issues to come down the pike the Republican Party could have formed an alliance with majorities in other areas of opposition, and they didn’t. The Trump coalition could have been the Republican Party.  They couldn’t do it because they thought it was all conservative.  They couldn’t do it because they thought the Tea Party was a bunch of hayseed hicks who believe in pro-life politics and they just couldn’t do it, they just couldn’t build a bridge.  Whatever it is, fear of social issues, dislike of conservatism, not wanting to get in bed with people who want the government to be smaller and less intrusive in people’s lives, whatever it was, they couldn’t do it.  And now, because they didn’t do it, there’s Donald Trump.”
“Donald Trump has the exact coalition the Republican Party, to a man, has told me they need to win, that they need to thrive,” Limbaugh said. “And now they’re reduced to bashing it by virtue of bashing Trump.  And now they’re reduced to bashing it by virtue of bashing Cruz.  The two people who are showing the Republican Party all they had to do all these past seven years, but they didn’t.  They purposely, strategically, tactically refused to push back, refused to make a spectacle of stopping Obama, and they have themselves to blame for this predicament.”
Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor
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Thursday, February 4, 2016

La Opinión: Marco Rubio Is a ‘Republican Obama’

by JULIA HAHN3 Feb 20161,629
Wednesday’s cover ofLa Opinión, the nation’s largest daily Spanish-language newspaper, prominently portrays donor-class favoriteSen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) with the infamous “hope and change” imagery that defined Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.

The cover of the Spanish-language paper writes: “The Republican Obama? The surge of the Latino Senator in the presidential campaign has made him a target of criticism on the subject of immigration.”
Marco Rubio and Barack Obama share many of the same policy goals, such as Obamatrade and military intervention in Libya, but their most striking similarities are on the subject of immigration. Both men support citizenship for illegal aliens, expanded refugee resettlement, more green cards, more H-1B visas, and large permanent expansions to the rate of immigration and foreign worker importation.
Marco Rubio was the co-author of the 2013 Obama-backed immigration bill. Rubio’s immigration bill was endorsed by La Raza, the AFL-CIO, SEIU, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), Mark Zuckerberg, and George Soros. Rubio has not renounced his support for a single policy item outlined in the Gang of Eight bill—including his desire to triple green card issuances, double foreign worker visas, and grant citizenship to illegal immigrants.
Rubio has even borrowed much of the language of the Obama’s campaign—prompting Joe Scarborough to mock the young Senator. Following the Iowa caucus, “Morning Joe” replayed Obama’s 2008 acceptance speech celebrating his victory at the Iowa caucus and juxtaposed that with Rubio’s strikingly similar Iowa speech celebrating his campaign’s ability to inch up to third place.
“You know, I have said for a year that he is the Republican Obama,” Scarborough said. “He is the Republican Obama and he just stole the speech… In my opinion having somebody with little experience before they become president has not actually been great.”
However, there is one important distinction between Rubio and Obama. Obama represented the core views of his most ardent base, and presented a vehicle for turning his base’s dreams into reality. By contrast, the Republican base is overwhelmingly opposed to large-scale immigration, amnesty and refugee resettlement—the pillars of Rubio’s campaign. It is the GOP’s donor base, not its voter base, that supports these policies.
In that sense, Rubio is the “Obama” for Republican donors, but not the Republican Party’s actual voters. Indeed, whereas Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) lacked the Obama-esque tools to pass mass immigration for the donors in 2007, Rubio was able to bypass conservatism opposition and pass a bill with far more foreign workers through the Senate in 2013—using the affection of conservatives to neutralize opposition to a top donor class priority.
That may explain Rush Limbaugh’s prediction that, with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)as Speaker and Marco Rubio as president, in the “first 12-to-18 months, the donor-class agenda [will be] implemented, including amnesty and whatever else they want.” Ironically, underscoring just how potent a tool Rubio can be for the donors, Rush—usually a voice of donor opposition—seemingly forgot his own warning and warmly embraced Rubio on his show. Rush’s earlier embrace of Rubio in 2013 may have helped give the Gang of Eight the boost of momentum it needed to pass the Senate.
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Monday, January 25, 2016

Iowa GOP Chairman: Party Will Support Donald Trump ‘One Thousand Percent’ if He Wins Nomination

Gage Skidmore/Flickr

by MATTHEW BOYLE24 Jan 2016Muscatine, Iowa658

MUSCATINE, Iowa — 2016 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump received support from yet another major GOP player, state GOP chairman Jeff Kaufmann, in the all-important first caucus state of Iowa.

Kaufmann, who wasn’t officially endorsing Trump for president but is appearing with him on stage and introducing him, said that if Iowans select Trump on Feb. 1, the party is fully committed to electing him president of the United States. Kaufmann has appeared with other GOP candidates at their events, including according to Iowa GOP spokesman Charlie Szold in a comment to the Des Moines Register: Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal, Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rick Santorum. Szold told Breitbart News this is a “courtesy we extend to all candidates.”

“This morning I woke up and the headlines were ‘There is a civil war in the Republican Party,’” Kaufmann said on the Trump stage. “Folks, we’re not having a civil war. We’re having a vigorous debate because the last eight years has made us mad.”

Kaufmann, who met with Trump before the rally in Iowa at Muscatine High School, said Trump is a “humble, a patriotic and a capable guy.”

“Most of our conversation was about how to get voices again for people that don’t believe they have a voice—I can’t think of anything more Republican than that,” Kaufmann said.

“As the Republican Party chairman, if you’re a Democrat and you’re going to join us on caucus night, I’ve got one word for you: Welcome,” Kaufmann added, an allusion to the fact Trump is likely to win many crossover voters.

“Donald Trump has brought some energy into this party, he has brought some energy into this country and I’ve lived in this particular county for seven generations,” Kaufmann said.

I’m here to tell you right now, on caucus night you’re going to hand somebody to me. And at the end of this process, the nominee is going to be handed to me. Let me be perfectly clear, I don’t want any ambiguity whatsoever. If you vote for him, Donald Trump, as the Republican nominee, the Republican Party of Iowa and this Republican chair will be behind him one thousand percent!

Kaufmann appearing on stage with Trump at this time comes after Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the longtime Iowa U.S. Senator, joined Trump on stage last week and said that he supports making America great again.

Grassley’s appearance was not an official endorsement, but an unofficial statement of support for Trump’s campaign.

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald TrumpIowaChuck Grassley,Republican PartyIowa GOPJeff Kaufmann

Fox News Poll: Donald Trump Takes Back Iowa with 11-Point Surge

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

by MIKE FLYNN24 Jan 20164361

new Fox News poll of Iowa shows Donald Trump surging to a strong 11-point lead in the caucuses taking place next week. With just one week until the first votes of the 2016 primary are cast, Trump leads second-place Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 34-23 percent.

The last two Fox News polls of Iowa, conducted in early January and early December, has Ted Cruz with a slim lead over the GOP frontrunner. In the last two weeks, according to the poll, Trump has gained 11 points and Cruz has lost 4 points.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) remains in a distant third place with 12 percent, but he has lost 3 points since early January. No other candidate has support in the double digits.

The Fox poll has a fairly large 5-point margin of error, higher than its last two polls, but the underlying trend towards Trump is unmistakable. One major factor helping Trump is that Republican voters in general are warming to his candidacy.

In early January, almost one-third of Republicans, 31 percent, said they could not support Trump if he became the nominee. Today, that number is down to 20 percent.

This week, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassleyappeared at a campaign rally for Donald Trump. He made it clear he wasn’t endorsing Trump and is, in fact, scheduled to appear with Sen. Marco Rubio this weekend, but his appearance is an explicit un-endorsement of Ted Cruz. Grassley has recently criticized his colleague Cruz for his opposition to ethanol and wind power subsidies.

Also this week, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad publicly stated that he hoped Cruz would lose the Iowa caucus, also because of his opposition to ethanol and wind power. As the nation’s top corn producer, the state has a vested interest in maintaining the federal mandate to include ethanol-blended gasoline in motor fuel. The state has also become a leading provider of federally subsidized wind power.

In addition, Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump in Iowa early in the week. Her endorsement came just as the Fox poll was starting interviews in the Hawkeye State. The Palin endorsement boosted Trump considerably among voters who identify as “very conservative” and “tea party.”

Among both voters, Cruz had been leading Trump in the last Fox poll. Trump now leads among “tea party voters” and is essentially tied with Cruz among “very conservative” voters. Cruz had held a slim lead among more mainstream “Republican” voters, a group Trump now leads by 9 points.

Trump, it seems, is benefiting from a political perfect storm just before Iowa casts its votes. Palin’s embrace of Trump and the state’s Republican establishment’s united opposition to Cruz has pushed Trump into a strong lead.

This unique combination, if it holds, could allow Trump to run the tables in states voting through the Spring and lock-in the nomination sooner than most would have expected.

That said, a week is a lifetime in politics, and a tea party-establishment coalition likely is tenuous. There is also a final GOP debate on Thursday, just 4 days before the caucus. Still, Iowa seems to be moving towards Trump.

Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald TrumpTed CruzChuck Grassley,Republican PartySarah PalinTerry BranstadIowa caucus

Monday, January 11, 2016

Exclusive–Phyllis Schlafly Makes the Case for President Trump: ‘Only Hope to Defeat the Kingmakers’

Gage Skidmore / Flickr

by JULIA HAHN10 Jan 2016Washington D.C.0

In an exclusive hour-long sit down interview with Breitbart News, 91-year-old conservative icon and living legend Phyllis Schlafly declared that Donald Trump “is the only hope to defeat the Kingmakers,” and detailed why she believes Trump alone will return the government to the people. She warned that if immigration is not stopped: “we’re not going to be America anymore.”

Schlafly, born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1924, has been active in politics for more than one-quarter of all American history. She helped launch the conservative movement, create the pro-family agenda, and has led the fight against open borders trade and immigration policies. Thus, Schlafly’s proclamation to Breitbart News that front-runner Trump “represents everything the grassroots want” is certain to reverberate across the 2016 electorate.

Schlafly is also a Daughter of the American Revolution, author or editor of 20 books, a writer of nearly 2,500 columns, a lawyer, a mother of six, and a grandmother of 14.

The in-depth interview comes more than fifty years after the publication of Schlafly’s seminal work, A Choice Not An Echo, which inspired a generation of conservatives and defined the battle lines between the Republican grassroots and the Party elites.

Today, Schlafly tells Breitbart that the defining and most important battle is immigration. She said that current visa rates will “destroy our country,” and called for a pause on all new immigration, just like the county had during the middle of the 20th century.

The quick-witted conservative heroine also delivered a blistering critique of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), the two most prominent representatives of the Republican Party’s donor class. Schlafly said that “Rush [Limbaugh] is right” toargue that a Ryan-Rubio tag team in the Presidency and House Speakership would ensure the swift enactment of the donor class’s agenda.

However, Schlafly declared that Rubio will never become President—explaining that his “anti-American” immigration agenda is “why he’s not going to get the nomination.”

Throughout the meeting, Schlafly was energetic, quick to tell a joke, flash a wry smile, and smack her hands down on her desk for dramatic emphasis. Centering her dignified 91-year-old frame were two sharp, fast-alert blue eyes, which danced with life as Schlafly recalled memories of past conservative crusades she fearlessly led. One of those fights that changed the course of American history was Schlafly’s underdog triumph in defeating the so-called Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s; the amendment passed Congress as part of the new wave feminism and had been sent to the states for ratification. Because of her efforts, it fell three states short of being added to the Constitution.

Schlafly lit up as she further regaledBreitbart with tales ranging from her climbing out of the window ledge of a Congressional House Office Building as part of her effort to stop China from joining the WTO, to stories about her leading “study groups” throughout American homes in the 1950s to inform grassroots voters about the evils of communism. When an aide came to check in on our interview, Schlafly quickly shooed him away, allowing her to return to outlining her intricate views on the nation’s trade policies, and making it clear to everyone that, at any age, the indomitable Phyllis Schlafly—unlike countless Members of Congress—needs no handler.

Her eyes were equally sharp and focused in discussing the existential issues facing America today.

“Trump is the only hope to defeat the Kingmakers,” Schlafly told Breitbart resolutely. “Because everybody else will fall in line. The Kingmakers have so much money behind them.”

More than fifty years ago, Schlafly coined the term Kingmakers—or what Schlafly says is now “generally called the Establishment,” or donor class—to describe a select group of cosmopolitan elites who control the Republican Party and have historically determined the Party’s presidential nominee. Aspects of Schlafly’s Kingmaker theory have been articulated in, what is today known as, the “invisible primary” or “The Party Decides” theory.

As Schlafly wrote in 1964, these “few secret kingmakers… successfully forced their choice on a free country where there are more than 34 million Republican voters… They dictated the choice of the Republican presidential nominee just as completely as the Paris dressmakers control the length of women’s skirts.”

“The Kingmakers,” Schlafly told Breitbart, “have picked our last bunch of losers. And there’s one loser after another because they were more interested in maintaining their flow of money from the big donors and their cooperation with the Democrats—their bipartisanship—and that’s not my goal. I’m for America [Schlafly slams hand on table] and America first [slams hand on table again].”

When asked what is the “most pressing issue facing the country today,” Schlafly—without a moment’s pause—said, “Immigration. And that’s why Trump is doing so well. People recognize that is the biggest thing. In the first place, it’s just about destroying our schools. All of these kids, who can’t read in any language, are coming in and expecting to be taught by our English-speaking teachers. And it’s not going to work. And yet we have to babysit them all day.” 

Schlafly explained that immigration represents an existential issue for the nation: “If we don’t stop immigration—this torrent of immigrants coming in—we’re not going to be America anymore because most of the people coming in have no experience with limited government. They don’t know what that is. They look to the government to solve all of their problems, and as soon as we have a high majority of people who think that, it’s going to be a different country.”

“We have thousands of young people, who are first time entry into the job market and they need a job—they need an entry level job—and they are frozen out by these immigrants coming in. And there’s nothing un-American about saying, ‘No.’ We said no to everybody [during the mid-20th century]… we paused in taking anybody in and we had every right to do that. That’s one of the indicia of a sovereign power,” Schlafly said.

When asked if she thought it was time for another immigration pause, Schlafly said, “I certainly do. I think we ought to have a total pause until we catch up—and, in indelicate words, as Trump said, ‘until we know what the hell we’re doing.’”

With regards to Trump’s call for a temporary pause on Muslim migration, Schlafly said, “I think all the polls show that the country is with Donald Trump on that issue… It is certainly not our duty to let in everybody who wants to come to this country. Probably the whole world wants to come into this country. There’s more freedom, more good things, more plenty, and more welfare handouts [laughs] than any other country.”

“We’re a sovereign country and if we don’t want to let anybody in, we don’t have to let anybody in,” Schlafly said. “We closed our doors [during the mid-20th Century]… and those are the years when we became a great country. We don’t need to open our doors for anybody.”

“Except for the obvious financial interests of the big corporations who want the cheap labor, I can’t think of any other reason that even makes any sense,” Schlafly said about Republican lawmakers’ desire to continue large-scale visa issuances. “Because it is ruining our country… and the Democratic Party all thinks thinks they’re going to be Democratic votes. And they’re breaking our bank by bringing them in because they all immediately go on U.S. welfare. And it’s not just welfare– it’s all the associated things. The children go in our schools, and we’ve had to hire all of teachers who speak foreign languages to teach these foreign children– there’s no reason why we we should do that at all. And these commentators who talk about the Constitutional rights of the immigrants– they don’t have any Constitutional rights. They’re not entitled to any U.S. Constitutional rights unless they’re residents in this country, and they’re not.”

Schlalfy detailed her views on the current revolt taking hold throughout the nation and reshaping the political landscape“The real fight is within the Republican Party to get it to nominate grassroots-type candidates who the public wants, and not just some echo of the other side,” Schlafly told Breitbart.

I think a lot of people are misled by this goal of bipartisanship, which I don’t believe in. I think we are a two party country and that’s the way we have to play the game of politics—the way it is, not the way we wish it had been. And that’s why I say to the Third Party people, if you’re a third party person, I suggest you move to Europe. They have lots of third parties over there—[Schlafly laughs] you can join one of thembut we don’t. We are a two-party system. And as Rumsfeld once said, “You go to war with the army you have, not with the army you wish you have.” And what we have is a two-party system. And I’m certainly not trying to shape up the Democratic Party—I think that’s beyond my capabilities—but I am trying to shape the Republican Party.”

“That’s been one of my major goals,” Schlafly stated unapologetically as she leaned back in her chair. With her mid-length black skirt, neatly tucked-in denim button-down shirt and perfectly set hair, Schlafly seemed to epitomize the image of the indefatigable, joyful warrior. Schlafly spoke plainly and calmly like a general, who—far from being war-weary from past skirmishes—thrived on battles of principle and relished the coming challenge ahead. Indeed, the rebellion now coming to a head within the Republican Party seems to represent the build-up of the revolt, which Schlafly has led—at times, almost single handedly—for the better part of a century.

In Schlafly’s view, the philosophical battle within the Republican Party centers around the Kingmakers and their chosen candidates—who prioritize the needs of other nations and global corporatists—versus the Republican voters and the few representatives, who put the interests of the American people first.

Schlalfy explained that the Kingmakers, for financial reasons, are invested in promoting “America Last” policies. “They think their world is advanced—their financial interests are advanced—by bringing in low wage people,” Schlafly told Breitbart. “And that’s not what we [i.e. the American people] want to do, that’s just taking jobs from entry-level people in the United States.”

As Schlafly wrote in 1964:

“Highly placed New York kingmakers work toward ‘convergence’ between the Republican and Democratic parties so as to preserve their America Last foreign policy and eliminate foreign policy from political campaigns… The New York kingmakers, for pocketbook reasons, are extremely anxious to prevent any curtailment of the foreign giveaway program… [which] might come about by the election of a president who did not put the welfare of America secondary to the welfare of every other country from Albania to Zanzibar.”

The Kingmakers’ fetish for putting America last, which Schlafly detailed more than fifty years ago, remains true today: “people say it sounds like the same old story over and over again,” Schlafly said of her book’s thesis.

For instance, when donor-class favorite Paul Ryan was pushing Rubio’s amnesty agenda in 2013, he declared that the job of a U.S. lawmaker is to put himself in the shoes of foreign citizens and then work to improve these foreign citizens’ quality of life. Ryan said:

“Put yourself in another person’s shoes, which if you’re in elected office, that’s what you kind of have to do that almost every single day. The job we have—and what we do is we take different people’s perspectives. The gentleman from India who’s waiting for his green card. The DREAMer who is waiting. We take all these different perspectives. We process it through our values and our morals and our principles. And then we come up with the answer to try and solve this problem. That’s basically what we do in our jobs.”

Likewise, Marco Rubio said during the first Republican debate that the people who do not get enough attention in determining U.S. immigration policy are the foreign citizens living in foreign countries, who apparently call Sen. Rubio’s office to seek representation and complain about the wait time to enter the United States.

“And let me tell you who never gets talked about in these debates. The people that call my office, who have been waiting for 15 years to come to the United States. And they’ve paid their fees, and they hired a lawyer, and they can’t get in.”

What Sen. Rubio did not mention is that the U.S. has admitted 59 million immigrants since 1965, and that one quarter of today’s population is either foreign-born or a child of a foreign-born parent. Sen. Rubio also did not mention that every three years, the U.S.voluntarily admits a new population of immigrants the size of Los Angeles. For instance, over the next ten years, the U.S.will issue more green cards to foreign nationals than the population of the three early 2016 primary states– Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina– combined.

Rubio’s 2013 Gang of Eight bill would have tripled green card issuances, and his 2015 Immigration Innovation Act would have allowed an unlimited number of foreign students to get American green cards.

In Schlafly’s view, Trump stands in stark contrast to these candidates who put the interests of foreign citizens and global corporations above the interests of the American people. Schlafly explained that Trump’s America First platform on the critical issues of immigration and trade sets him up as true enemy of the Establishment—or “Kingmakers”—and, as such, he is the only candidate who cannot be co-opted by them.

“I don’t think he’ll make inroads with the Kingmaker types—that is—the big business [types],” Schlafly said. “Because he’s not doing what he’s told [Schlafly chuckles]. They like people to do what they’re told.”

Breitbart followed up: “And you think all of the other candidates will just do what they’re told?

“I do,” Schlafly said.

While Schlafly spoke warmly of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), she said that she’d ideally like to see Cruz on the Supreme Court during Trump’s administration. “That’s the place I think Cruz should go,” Schlafly explained. “He’s eminently qualified for that. And that would be a perfect solution for him… his qualifications are enormous… His education and his experience. He would be eminently qualified for that and very good at that.”

Schlafly argues that the reason the Kingmakers view Trump as their undisputed enemy—and, by extension, see him as being unable to be co-opted—is because Trump refuses to adopt their longstanding “America-Last” platform and, as a result, he is not afraid to talk about the issues that matter to American voters.

In her 1964 landmark book, Schlalfy explained that the Kingmakers want “to nominate candidates who would sidestep or suppress the key issues” by compromising with Democrats on the issues that matter to Republican voters. In so doing, the Kingmakers create a sort of monopoly consensus on particular issues—and, as a result, voters are denied their ability to choose a candidate who represents their interests, since each party’s nominee represents merely an echo of the other side. For instance, the Kingmakers’ choice-candidate this election, Marco Rubio, shares President Obama’s same goals on mass immigration and trade– with both men trying to make it easier to import cheaper foreign goods and labor.

Schlafly explained that echoing the Democrats’ policy platform on the critical issues of the day makes a Republican candidate weaker—not stronger. For instance, while Rubio’s campaign team has sought to promote declarations from liberal operatives that a Clinton-Rubio match up “scares” Democrats, Schlafly explained in 1964:

“One of the favorite tricks of the Democrats is to try to get the Republicans to pass over their strongest candidate and nominate instead a candidate who will be easy to beat. For example, in 1948 the Democrats cooperated with the Kingmakers to persuade Republicans to nominate a [bipartisan] ‘me too’ losing candidate, Tom Dewey, instead of the Republican Majority Leader, Bob Taft. The Democrats said they ‘hoped Republicans would nominate Taft’ with the same reverse psychology that Brer Rabbit pleaded with the fox, ‘Oh, please don’t throw me into the briar patch!’”

Instead, Schlafly told Breitbart that Republicans should advance a nominee who represents the interests of its electorate. “I think that we need to respect the will of the majority. Republicans ought to be a grassroots party. And the grassroots certainly agree with Donald Trump on most issues, but certainly on the immigration issue.”

“I certainly think he represents everything the grassroots want,” Schlafly said.

On the issues of trade and immigration, the polling data is clear. According to Pew, 92% of Republican oppose any growth to immigration levels, and an overwhelming margin of almost five-to-one Republican voters believe that so-called free trade deals are damaging wages, rather than improving them.

By contrast, Schlafly explained how Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan align with the Kingmakers’ agenda. Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan are “not representing what grassroots Republicans want,” Schlafly said.

Schlafly agreed with Rush Limbaugh’sassertion that with Rubio as President and Ryan as Speaker, then in the “first 12-to-18 months, the donor-class agenda is implemented, including amnesty and whatever else they want.”

 rvatives and defined the battle lines between the Republican grassroots and the Party elites.

Today, Schlafly tells Breitbart that the defining and most important battle is immigration. She said that current visa rates will “destroy our country,” and called for a pause on all new immigration, just like the county had during the middle of the 20th century.

The quick-witted conservative heroine also delivered a blistering critique of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), the two most prominent representatives of the Republican Party’s donor class. Schlafly said that “Rush [Limbaugh] is right” toargue that a Ryan-Rubio tag team in the Presidency and House Speakership would ensure the swift enactment of the donor class’s agenda.

However, Schlafly declared that Rubio will never become President—explaining that his “anti-American” immigration agenda is “why he’s not going to get the nomination.”

Throughout the meeting, Schlafly was energetic, quick to tell a joke, flash a wry smile, and smack her hands down on her desk for dramatic emphasis. Centering her dignified 91-year-old frame were two sharp, fast-alert blue eyes, which danced with life as Schlafly recalled memories of past conservative crusades she fearlessly led. One of those fights that changed the course of American history was Schlafly’s underdog triumph in defeating the so-called Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s; the amendment passed Congress as part of the new wave feminism and had been sent to the states for ratification. Because of her efforts, it fell three states short of being added to the Constitution.

Schlafly lit up as she further regaledBreitbart with tales ranging from her climbing out of the window ledge of a Congressional House Office Building as part of her effort to stop China from joining the WTO, to stories about her leading “study groups” throughout American homes in the 1950s to inform grassroots voters about the evils of communism. When an aide came to check in on our interview, Schlafly quickly shooed him away, allowing her to return to outlining her intricate views on the nation’s trade policies, and making it clear to everyone that, at any age, the indomitable Phyllis Schlafly—unlike countless Members of Congress—needs no handler.

Her eyes were equally sharp and focused in discussing the existential issues facing America today.

“Trump is the only hope to defeat the Kingmakers,” Schlafly told Breitbart resolutely. “Because everybody else will fall in line. The Kingmakers have so much money behind them.”

More than fifty years ago, Schlafly coined the term Kingmakers—or what Schlafly says is now “generally called the Establishment,” or donor class—to describe a select group of cosmopolitan elites who control the Republican Party and have historically determined the Party’s presidential nominee. Aspects of Schlafly’s Kingmaker theory have been articulated in, what is today known as, the “invisible primary” or “The Party Decides” theory.

As Schlafly wrote in 1964, these “few secret kingmakers… successfully forced their choice on a free country where there are more than 34 million Republican voters… They dictated the choice of the Republican presidential nominee just as completely as the Paris dressmakers control the length of women’s skirts.”

“The Kingmakers,” Schlafly told Breitbart, “have picked our last bunch of losers. And there’s one loser after another because they were more interested in maintaining their flow of money from the big donors and their cooperation with the Democrats—their bipartisanship—and that’s not my goal. I’m for America [Schlafly slams hand on table] and America first [slams hand on table again].”

When asked what is the “most pressing issue facing the country today,” Schlafly—without a moment’s pause—said, “Immigration. And that’s why Trump is doing so well. People recognize that is the biggest thing. In the first place, it’s just about destroying our schools. All of these kids, who can’t read in any language, are coming in and expecting to be taught by our English-speaking teachers. And it’s not going to work. And yet we have to babysit them all day.” 

Schlafly explained that immigration represents an existential issue for the nation: “If we don’t stop immigration—this torrent of immigrants coming in—we’re not going to be America anymore because most of the people coming in have no experience with limited government. They don’t know what that is. They look to the government to solve all of their problems, and as soon as we have a high majority of people who think that, it’s going to be a different country.”

“We have thousands of young people, who are first time entry into the job market and they need a job—they need an entry level job—and they are frozen out by these immigrants coming in. And there’s nothing un-American about saying, ‘No.’ We said no to everybody [during the mid-20th century]… we paused in taking anybody in and we had every right to do that. That’s one of the indicia of a sovereign power,” Schlafly said.

When asked if she thought it was time for another immigration pause, Schlafly said, “I certainly do. I think we ought to have a total pause until we catch up—and, in indelicate words, as Trump said, ‘until we know what the hell we’re doing.’”

With regards to Trump’s call for a temporary pause on Muslim migration, Schlafly said, “I think all the polls show that the country is with Donald Trump on that issue… It is certainly not our duty to let in everybody who wants to come to this country. Probably the whole world wants to come into this country. There’s more freedom, more good things, more plenty, and more welfare handouts [laughs] than any other country.”

“We’re a sovereign country and if we don’t want to let anybody in, we don’t have to let anybody in,” Schlafly said. “We closed our doors [during the mid-20th Century]… and those are the years when we became a great country. We don’t need to open our doors for anybody.”

“Except for the obvious financial interests of the big corporations who want the cheap labor, I can’t think of any other reason that even makes any sense,” Schlafly said about Republican lawmakers’ desire to continue large-scale visa issuances. “Because it is ruining our country… and the Democratic Party all thinks thinks they’re going to be Democratic votes. And they’re breaking our bank by bringing them in because they all immediately go on U.S. welfare. And it’s not just welfare– it’s all the associated things. The children go in our schools, and we’ve had to hire all of teachers who speak foreign languages to teach these foreign children– there’s no reason why we we should do that at all. And these commentators who talk about the Constitutional rights of the immigrants– they don’t have any Constitutional rights. They’re not entitled to any U.S. Constitutional rights unless they’re residents in this country, and they’re not.”

Schlalfy detailed her views on the current revolt taking hold throughout the nation and reshaping the political landscape“The real fight is within the Republican Party to get it to nominate grassroots-type candidates who the public wants, and not just some echo of the other side,” Schlafly told Breitbart.

I think a lot of people are misled by this goal of bipartisanship, which I don’t believe in. I think we are a two party country and that’s the way we have to play the game of politics—the way it is, not the way we wish it had been. And that’s why I say to the Third Party people, if you’re a third party person, I suggest you move to Europe. They have lots of third parties over there—[Schlafly laughs] you can join one of thembut we don’t. We are a two-party system. And as Rumsfeld once said, “You go to war with the army you have, not with the army you wish you have.” And what we have is a two-party system. And I’m certainly not trying to shape up the Democratic Party—I think that’s beyond my capabilities—but I am trying to shape the Republican Party.”

“That’s been one of my major goals,” Schlafly stated unapologetically as she leaned back in her chair. With her mid-length black skirt, neatly tucked-in denim button-down shirt and perfectly set hair, Schlafly seemed to epitomize the image of the indefatigable, joyful warrior. Schlafly spoke plainly and calmly like a general, who—far from being war-weary from past skirmishes—thrived on battles of principle and relished the coming challenge ahead. Indeed, the rebellion now coming to a head within the Republican Party seems to represent the build-up of the revolt, which Schlafly has led—at times, almost single handedly—for the better part of a century.

In Schlafly’s view, the philosophical battle within the Republican Party centers around the Kingmakers and their chosen candidates—who prioritize the needs of other nations and global corporatists—versus the Republican voters and the few representatives, who put the interests of the American people first.

Schlalfy explained that the Kingmakers, for financial reasons, are invested in promoting “America Last” policies. “They think their world is advanced—their financial interests are advanced—by bringing in low wage people,” Schlafly told Breitbart. “And that’s not what we [i.e. the American people] want to do, that’s just taking jobs from entry-level people in the United States.”

As Schlafly wrote in 1964:

“Highly placed New York kingmakers work toward ‘convergence’ between the Republican and Democratic parties so as to preserve their America Last foreign policy and eliminate foreign policy from political campaigns… The New York kingmakers, for pocketbook reasons, are extremely anxious to prevent any curtailment of the foreign giveaway program… [which] might come about by the election of a president who did not put the welfare of America secondary to the welfare of every other country from Albania to Zanzibar.”

The Kingmakers’ fetish for putting America last, which Schlafly detailed more than fifty years ago, remains true today: “people say it sounds like the same old story over and over again,” Schlafly said of her book’s thesis.

For instance, when donor-class favorite Paul Ryan was pushing Rubio’s amnesty agenda in 2013, he declared that the job of a U.S. lawmaker is to put himself in the shoes of foreign citizens and then work to improve these foreign citizens’ quality of life. Ryan said:

“Put yourself in another person’s shoes, which if you’re in elected office, that’s what you kind of have to do that almost every single day. The job we have—and what we do is we take different people’s perspectives. The gentleman from India who’s waiting for his green card. The DREAMer who is waiting. We take all these different perspectives. We process it through our values and our morals and our principles. And then we come up with the answer to try and solve this problem. That’s basically what we do in our jobs.”

Likewise, Marco Rubio said during the first Republican debate that the people who do not get enough attention in determining U.S. immigration policy are the foreign citizens living in foreign countries, who apparently call Sen. Rubio’s office to seek representation and complain about the wait time to enter the United States.

“And let me tell you who never gets talked about in these debates. The people that call my office, who have been waiting for 15 years to come to the United States. And they’ve paid their fees, and they hired a lawyer, and they can’t get in.”

What Sen. Rubio did not mention is that the U.S. has admitted 59 million immigrants since 1965, and that one quarter of today’s population is either foreign-born or a child of a foreign-born parent. Sen. Rubio also did not mention that every three years, the U.S.voluntarily admits a new population of immigrants the size of Los Angeles. For instance, over the next ten years, the U.S.will issue more green cards to foreign nationals than the population of the three early 2016 primary states– Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina– combined.

Rubio’s 2013 Gang of Eight bill would have tripled green card issuances, and his 2015 Immigration Innovation Act would have allowed an unlimited number of foreign students to get American green cards.

In Schlafly’s view, Trump stands in stark contrast to these candidates who put the interests of foreign citizens and global corporations above the interests of the American people. Schlafly explained that Trump’s America First platform on the critical issues of immigration and trade sets him up as true enemy of the Establishment—or “Kingmakers”—and, as such, he is the only candidate who cannot be co-opted by them.

“I don’t think he’ll make inroads with the Kingmaker types—that is—the big business [types],” Schlafly said. “Because he’s not doing what he’s told [Schlafly chuckles]. They like people to do what they’re told.”

Breitbart followed up: “And you think all of the other candidates will just do what they’re told?

“I do,” Schlafly said.

While Schlafly spoke warmly of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), she said that she’d ideally like to see Cruz on the Supreme Court during Trump’s administration. “That’s the place I think Cruz should go,” Schlafly explained. “He’s eminently qualified for that. And that would be a perfect solution for him… his qualifications are enormous… His education and his experience. He would be eminently qualified for that and very good at that.”

Schlafly argues that the reason the Kingmakers view Trump as their undisputed enemy—and, by extension, see him as being unable to be co-opted—is because Trump refuses to adopt their longstanding “America-Last” platform and, as a result, he is not afraid to talk about the issues that matter to American voters.

In her 1964 landmark book, Schlalfy explained that the Kingmakers want “to nominate candidates who would sidestep or suppress the key issues” by compromising with Democrats on the issues that matter to Republican voters. In so doing, the Kingmakers create a sort of monopoly consensus on particular issues—and, as a result, voters are denied their ability to choose a candidate who represents their interests, since each party’s nominee represents merely an echo of the other side. For instance, the Kingmakers’ choice-candidate this election, Marco Rubio, shares President Obama’s same goals on mass immigration and trade– with both men trying to make it easier to import cheaper foreign goods and labor.

Schlafly explained that echoing the Democrats’ policy platform on the critical issues of the day makes a Republican candidate weaker—not stronger. For instance, while Rubio’s campaign team has sought to promote declarations from liberal operatives that a Clinton-Rubio match up “scares” Democrats, Schlafly explained in 1964:

“One of the favorite tricks of the Democrats is to try to get the Republicans to pass over their strongest candidate and nominate instead a candidate who will be easy to beat. For example, in 1948 the Democrats cooperated with the Kingmakers to persuade Republicans to nominate a [bipartisan] ‘me too’ losing candidate, Tom Dewey, instead of the Republican Majority Leader, Bob Taft. The Democrats said they ‘hoped Republicans would nominate Taft’ with the same reverse psychology that Brer Rabbit pleaded with the fox, ‘Oh, please don’t throw me into the briar patch!’”

Instead, Schlafly told Breitbart that Republicans should advance a nominee who represents the interests of its electorate. “I think that we need to respect the will of the majority. Republicans ought to be a grassroots party. And the grassroots certainly agree with Donald Trump on most issues, but certainly on the immigration issue.”

“I certainly think he represents everything the grassroots want,” Schlafly said.

On the issues of trade and immigration, the polling data is clear. According to Pew, 92% of Republican oppose any growth to immigration levels, and an overwhelming margin of almost five-to-one Republican voters believe that so-called free trade deals are damaging wages, rather than improving them.

By contrast, Schlafly explained how Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan align with the Kingmakers’ agenda. Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan are “not representing what grassroots Republicans want,” Schlafly said.

Schlafly agreed with Rush Limbaugh’sassertion that with Rubio as President and Ryan as Speaker, then in the “first 12-to-18 months, the donor-class agenda is implemented, including amnesty and whatever else they want.”

Breitbart: “Rush Limbaugh said… that if Marco Rubio is President and Paul Ryan is Speaker of the House, the donor class’ agenda will be passed within the first 12 to 18 months of the next administration.”

Schlafly: “Well, Rush is right.”

Schlalfy, however, seemed to immediately rule out the possibility that Rubio would be the Party’s nominee because of his extreme views on immigration. When Breitbart asked Schlafly about Rubio’s push to “increase immigration at a time when 92% of the GOP electorate would like to see immigration levels not increased,” Schlafly said simply, “Well, that’s why he’s not going to get the nomination.”

“The majority of Republicans do not want open borders,” Schlafly said. “They think we should stop our immigration.”

In an October 2015 op-ed Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA) and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) wrote, “It is not mainstream, but extreme, to continue surging immigration beyond all historical precedent. And it is not rational, but radical, to refuse to recognize limits.”

Schlafly said that she agreed with Brat and Sessions’ analysis. When asked if she thought Rubio was “too extreme to be the Republican nominee,” Schlafly said, “Yes, I do.”

She explained that the 2013 immigration plan Rubio co-authored and ushered through the Senate was not only “anti-American,” but was also “dangerous” and that members of the Gang of Eight “were completely not with the majority of the American people at all.”

Breitbart asked Schlafly for her take on how Rubio had not been asked about his signature achievement in the U.S. Senate– the Gang of Eight bill– during the first four Presidential debates. Schlafly laughed and suggested that the establishment media is doing the Kingmakers’ bidding: “They’re protecting him,” she said.

Schlafly issued a clear warning to Republican publications, such as National Review, whose writers seem to boost Rubio’s campaign despite Rubio’s support for President Obama’s transformational immigration agenda. Indeed, Rubio’s campaign spokesman Alex Conant seemed so appreciative of a recent National Reviewpiece that he marked it as a “pinned tweet”on the top of his twitter page and declared that it “raises the bar for all future ‘must-reads’”.

Schlafly rebuked the argument that Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio are conservative in spite of their views of immigration. Schlafly warned that Republican publications’ boosting of Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan will come at the expense of the nation’s peril. “If they’re not right on immigration they’re going to destroy our country,” Schlafly said.

Schlalfy, who has previously argued that if the country continues mailing green cards at the current rate, it will amount to suicide for the Republican Party, told Breitbart that this election is critical: “If we don’t get this election right, it’s going to be bad news for America,” Schlafly said.

With the Iowa caucus only three weeks away, in Schlafly’s view, America has the opportunity to make a choice—one that she wrote about more than fifty years ago:

I can look back on campaigns in which I saw Republicans on the local level working their hearts out for a cause they believed to be just, only to realize, after it was all over, that the kingmakers had given them a candidate who would not campaign on the issues. I speak with the voice of the countless Republican Party workers who don’t want this to happen again; in the words of the greatest Republican slogan of this century, they have “had enough”…

At this crucial point in American history, will we send in our bat boy? Or will we send in our Babe Ruth—a man who is not afraid or forbidden to take a good cut at all major issues of the day?