Showing posts with label  transgender bathroom bill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label  transgender bathroom bill. Show all posts

Friday, May 13, 2016

Donald Trump: Obama’s Government Should Get Out of Kids’ Bathrooms, Locker Rooms

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

AP Photos

by NEIL MUNRO13 May 20162,128

The federal government should leave sexual regulation of the nation’s K-12 bathrooms and locker rooms to state and local governments, Donald Trump said in multiple interviews Friday.

“I believe it should be states’ rights and I think the states should make the decision, they’re more capable of making the decision,” Trump told the audience for ABC’s Good Morning America. When pressed, he repeated his pro-federalism policy: “I just think it should be states’ rights. I think many things actually should be states’ rights, but this is a perfect example of it.”

The candidate was asked about bathrooms because of President Barack Obama’s Friday decree that the nation’s 100,000 public schools open their bathrooms and locker rooms to kids of both sexes whenever even a single child or teenager announces he or she has the “gender identity” of the opposite sex. The new rule — which is not law but is backed by federal threats to sue or slash funding — would impact roughly 55 million children.

Trump followed the same pro-federalism script when asked about Obama’s bathroom policy on NBC’s Today show. “I think this should be a states’ issue. It’s become a huge story and yet it affects — and everybody has to be protected, if it’s one person — but it’s a tiny, tiny portion of the population, and it’s become a massive story,” Trump said.

Trump declined to get into the justice of Obama’s support for transgender claims and the “gender identity’ ideology.

Many school officials welcome the new federal ideology of fluid “gender identity,” and many are reluctant to spend the money needed to fight federal or progressive lawyers.

Obama’s imposition of the new “gender identity” policy is likely to be hated by many parents, partly because it tries to exclude them from their children’s sexual development. In general, progressives argue that men and women, young boys and girls, should be free to adopt, create, and discard multiple varieties of temporary “gender identities” as they please, with or without the support of their parents and communities. That gender-fluid society, they insist, would be better than the civic rules which Americans have gradually developed to maximize benefits from the two distinct sexes’ different average capabilities and preferences.


Already, in multiple districts, parents are suing and protesting education boards to exclude the “gender identity” regime from their kids’ school lives.

Trump has tried to avoid the issue. In April, he downplayed the issue, saying transgender star Bruce Jenner could use the women’s bathrooms at his hotels. He lamented the cost to businesses caused by political disputes, such as the gender dispute in North Carolina, before he publicly endorsed the federalist argument that the dispute should be delegated to states and cities.

“There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate, there has been so little trouble,” Trump said. “North Carolina, what they’re going through with all the business that is leaving and strife — and it’s on both sides — you leave it the way it is,” he said when asked about North Carolina’s law, which protects the sexual privacy of Americans and also allows transgender people to use the other sex’s bathrooms once they go through a medical procedure to change the sex on their birth-certificate.

Shortly afterwards, on Sean Hannity’s radio show, Trump began arguing that the federal government should stay out of bathroom disputes.

“I love North Carolina, and they have a law, and it’s a law that, you know, unfortunately is causing them some problems,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity in an interview Thursday night. “And I fully understand that they want to go through, but they are losing business, and they are having people come out against.”

“I think that local communities and states should make the decision,”Trump went on to say. “And I feel very strongly about that. The federal government should not be involved.”


“In other words, let the state decide,” Hannity responded. “Kind of like your positions on education, give it back to the states.”

“Yeah, let them decide,” Trump said. “Absolutely.”

Public opinion has shifted rapidly on the issue as voters realize the threat posed by “gender identity” to sexual privacy and to civic rules about the two sexes. For example,Target stores have been hit by a damaging consumer boycott after they imposed a pro-transgender policy that opened single-sex changing rooms to both sexes.

Only about one in every 2,400 Americans have changed their name from one sex to another, according to a recent study of the 2010 census. Even pro-transgender advocates say that only one in 300 Americans are transgender.

For more about the gender identity rule, read here.

Read More Stories About:

2016 Presidential RaceBig Government,Donald TrumpfederalismTransgender


Trans Actress to ‘Piss In All the Wrong Bathrooms’ During North Carolina Tour

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by DANIEL NUSSBAUM12 May 20163,735

A transgender actress and activist preparing to embark on a traveling performance tour of North Carolina plans to take photos of herself urinating “in all the wrong bathrooms” to protest the state’s recent passage of what critics have called an anti-LGBT bathroom law.

Shakina Nayfack is set to perform in Durham, Charlotte and Raleigh next month as part of the Manifest Pussy: Post Op tour. But the state’s recently-enacted HB 2 — which mandates that transgender individuals use the public restroom that corresponds with their biological sex — gave Nayfack an idea for a novel way to protest the law.

“They are trying to create a situation where trans people are supposed to be invisible,” the New York City-based artist told theGuardian this week. “This is an absurd, panicked reaction from the ignorant, it’s a massive step backwards, so I felt it was my duty to go down there and take selfies in as many men’s bathrooms as possible.”

According to the Huffington Post, the actress plans to take photographs in men’s rooms across the state, including of a “well-hydrated visit” to the state Capitol in Raleigh. Nayfack is crowd-funding the tour, with money raised from performances going to organizations in North Carolina working to get the law repealed.

Nayfack reportedly got the idea to crowd-fund the tour based on a previous successful crowdfunding campaign that financed her gender reassignment surgery in Thailand last year.

“[A]s a grassroots trans activist and, God willing, a rising star in the entertainment industry – I can slip in there and make a stand and motivate the people who are dealing with the consequences of this.”

Nayfack is reportedly considering hiring security guards to stand outside the men’s rooms, so as to avoid any physical altercations.

“I’m not looking to confront anyone,” the actress told the Guardian. “If people want to engage me in civil discussion in a bathroom that will be fine. But if people want to come at me, I’ll tell them, well, they could s—k my d—k, but I cut it off.”

Nayfack’s Manifest Pussy tour is scheduled to begin June 9 in Brooklyn, New York.

Earlier this year, the actress joined the cast of the hit Amy Poehler-produced Hulu seriesDifficult People.

A number of high-profile entertainers, including Bruce Springsteen, Ringo Starr and the rock band Pearl Jam, have cancelled concerts in North Carolina to protest the state’s bathroom law.

 Read More Stories About:

Big HollywoodBathroom LawBruce SpringsteenHB 2lgbtManifest Pussy,Shakina NayfackTransgender

Follow Daniel Nussbaum on Twitter:@dznussbaum

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Federal Court Sides with Obama, Forces VA School to Let Transgender Student Choose Bathroom

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

The Associated Press

by WARNER TODD HUSTON20 Apr 2016Gloucester, VA481

This week a federal court sided with a transgender student who insisted that the Obama administration’s reading of federal Title IX rules would allow her to choose her own bathroom at her Virginia high school.

Gavin Grimm, 16, a student at Gloucester High School in Gloucester, Virginia, demanded the district allow her to use the boys restroom because she identifies as a male. School officials, though, denied the request in December.

After a period of public discussion, Gloucester school district officials decided in a 6-to-1 vote that school bathrooms should be used only by those students whose sex corresponds to the gender the facility is designated to serve.

But the student took the case to a federal court, citing federal Title IX sex discrimination rules. Grimm maintained that the federal government can force schools to allow transgender students to choose whatever bathroom they feel like using.

After hearing the case, in a 2-to-1 ruling the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the student, saying a lower court should have agreed with the student’s interpretation of the federal discrimination rules.

In a public statement the student said she felt “vindicated” by the newest ruling.

“Today’s decision gives me hope that my fight will help other kids avoid discriminatory treatment at school,” the student said.

In the same statement, the Virginia ACLU said the decision “reinforces” the Obama Department of Education’s interpretation of the policy.

“With this decision,” the VA ACLU said, “we hope that schools and legislators will finally get the message that excluding transgender kids from the restrooms is unlawful sex discrimination.”

The National Center for Transgender Equality also celebrated the ruling, saying the decision is “a very important decision that promotes fairness and dignity for all students.”

The Appeals Court ruling means that the original lower court will have to revisit its ruling to correspond to the upper court’s decision.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter@warnerthuston or email the author at

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Big GovernmentEducationSocial Justice,EducationACLUtitle ixtransgender bathroom billMy Transgender Kids