Showing posts with label Clinton Cash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clinton Cash. Show all posts

Friday, August 12, 2016

Daily Caller: Joint FBI-US Attorney Probe of Clinton Foundation Is Underway

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by BREITBART NEWS12 Aug 20161,294
Richard Pollock reports in the Daily Caller:
Multiple FBI investigations are underway involving potential corruption charges against the Clinton Foundation, according to a former senior law enforcement official.
The investigation centers on New York City where the Clinton Foundation has its main offices, according to the former official who has direct knowledge of the activities.
Prosecutorial support will come from various U.S. Attorneys Offices — a major departure from other centralized FBI investigations.
The New York-based probe is being led by Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. Bharara’s prosecutorial aggressiveness has resulted in a large number of convictions of banks, hedge funds and Wall Street insiders.
The official said involvement of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York “would be seen by agents as a positive development as prosecutors there are generally thought to be more aggressive than the career lawyers within the DOJ.”
Read the rest here.
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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Washington Post: Trump’s America First Trade Message Has Hillary Clinton, Unions ‘Rattled’

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by BREITBART NEWS4 Jul 2016933

This story first appeared in the Washington Post:

PHILADELPHIA — Three dozen union workers gathered outside city hall here on Thursday to rally against the global free-trade deals they believe have harmed Americans like them. Their candidate was Katie McGinty, the Democrats’ nominee for Senate in Pennsylvania. But their spiritual leader was Republican Donald Trump.

“He recognized there’s some problems we need to solve,” said McGinty, who is challenging Sen. Patrick J. Toomey (R), afree-trade advocate. “One, we have to stop bad trade agreements. . . . And two, we have to take the Chinese on when they manipulate their currency and dump goods in our markets.”

Just two days earlier, Trump had delivered a blistering speech at an aluminum recycling plant near Pittsburgh in which he called U.S. trade policies a ­“politician-made disaster” that has betrayed the working class. McGinty, surrounded by electricians, pipe fitters and steelworkers, declared that while Trump usually spouts “nonsense,” he had, in this case, “recognized a couple of truths.”

Of the many ways Trump, the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee, has scrambled the 2016 campaign, it is his position on trade that has presented one of the most unexpected challenges for his rival, Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee. In an election season animated by economic anxiety, Trump, a New York business mogul, bucked Republican orthodoxy and powerful business interests such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in an appeal to blue-collar Republicans that helped propel him t o victory in the GOP primaries.

Clinton, who scrambled to move left on trade during her tough primary fight against Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, now finds herself again facing attacks on the issue — this time from Trump. He used his Pittsburgh-area speech to disparage her association with a pair of major trade agreements — one negotiated by President Bill Clinton’s administration and the other by President Obama’s while she served as secretary of state.

For Hillary Clinton, the risk is not necessarily losing support directly to Trump but rather not inspiring enough enthusiasm among rank-and-file union workers, whose turnout and ground-level organizing have traditionally been crucial for Democrats.

You can read the rest of the story here.

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2016 Presidential RaceBig Government,Donald TrumpHillary Clintontrade

Monday, June 27, 2016

Trump Campaign Details 49 Blistering Allegations about Hillary Clinton

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by ALEX SWOYER26 Jun 2016Washington, DC237
On Friday, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s campaign released the “Top 50 Facts about Hillary Clinton” that Trump detailed in his speech last Wednesday. Each assertion the Trump campaign lists is presented with government reports and/or media reports.
After Breitbart’s review, the 49 allegations, as number 11 was omitted in press release, listed by the Trump campaign mostly relate to Clinton’s involvement in “disastrous” trade deals for the United States as well as questionable decisions and interactions with foreign affairs — especially criticizing her decisions and involvement with interventions in the Middle East.
Below is the list of 49 facts presented by the Trump campaign and a brief summary of the details reviewed by Breitbart News, which were noted in the 35-page press release that can be read in more detail here:
1. “Clinton Trade Deals ‘Are Disastrous’”
Trump’s campaign argues the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) — which was enacted by President Bill Clinton — and the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), which is currently awaiting a vote in Congress and had support from Hillary Clinton, cause mass job losses in the United States — especially in the manufacturing industry.
2. “Clinton Lied About Her Landing In Bosnia”
In 2008, First Lady Hillary Clinton recalled a 1996 trip as First Lady to Bosnia. She was supposed to meet with families of U.S. soldier, but claimed upon landing she was under sniper fire and had to run with her head down instead of attending a greeting ceremony. An Associated Press report from 1996 detailing the eve of her arrival, however, made no mention of this incident. In fact, a CBS News video later revealed she was under no visible duress, greeted instead on the tarmac by a child who offered her a copy of a poem.
3. “Clinton Performed Favors for Donors As Secretary Of State”
Trump argues Clinton has used the Clinton Foundation as a way to fundraise where donors can gain access to political favors. He cites Raj Fernando who donated between $1 million and $5 million and was appointed as International Security Advisor to the State Department by Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s chief of staff.
He also details favors given to foreign leaders and Clinton Foundation donors such as the Sultan of Oman, Indian politician Amar Singh, and Russian’s Uranium One.
4. “The Clintons Made Millions From Speeches To Special Interests”
Trump hit Clinton over her big money speeches to Wall Street — something her Democratic challenger Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) also would use to criticize her during the 2016 Democratic primary, specifically for not releasing the transcripts of the secret speeches.
The Clintons made $153 million since 2011 giving speeches to special interests such as foreign governments, CEOs and lobbyists.
5. “Clinton Supported Her Husband’s ‘Disastrous’ NAFTA Policy”
As First Lady and again in 2003, Clinton praised NAFTA in her book; however, the Economic Policy Institute blames NAFTA for a loss of 700,000 jobs as of 2010.
6. “Clinton Supported China’s Entrance Into The WTO”
Trump’s campaign cites a television appearance on CNN in 2000 where Clinton says normalizing trade relations would allow U.S. companies to compete with China.
“I think it is in the interests of America and American workers that we provide the option for China to go into the WTO,” Clinton stated. “Right now, we are trading with China. We have a huge trade deficit with China. The agreement that has been negotiated between our two countries would open their markets to us in a way that they are not yet open, and in fact, for many large manufactured products, like automobiles, we would have the first chance to really get in and compete in that marketplace.”
7. “Since Hillary-Backed Trade Agreements Adoped Nearly 1/3 Of Americas Manufacturing Jobs Have Disappeared”
Trump argues that because of China’s entrance into the WTO in 2001, by 2013 the trade deficit with China skyrocketed and 3.2 million U.S. jobs were lost.
8. “The Trade Deficit With China Soared Under Clinton As Secretary Of State”
Trump says America’s trade deficit with China increased 40 percent while Clinton was Secretary of State.
9. “China Stole Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars In Intellectual Property During Clinton Tenure At State”
Trump’s campaign points to a 2013 report by the Independent Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property, which revealed that the U.S. lost $300 billion annually from American intellectual property (IP) rights having been stolen.
10. “Clinton Gave China Millions Of Jobs And Grew Rich In Return”
According to the Economic Policy Institute, after the U.S. normalized trade relations with China — as Clinton supported — 3.2 million U.S. jobs were displaced. Trump also points to a Washington Post article detailing how Bill Clinton received $56.3 million from speeches delivered in foreign countries including China.
11. “The Clintons Profited From Speeches To Chinese Interests While She Was Negotiating With China”
Trump cited Breitbart News editor Peter Schweitzer’s book Clinton Cash during his speech, reading, “Here is a quote from the book, ‘at the center of U.S. Policy toward China was Hillary Clinton. At this critical time for U.S.- China relations, Bill Clinton gave a number of speeches that were underwritten by the Chinese government and its supporters. These funds were paid to the Clintons’ bank account directly, while Hillary was negotiating with China on behalf of the United States.’”
12. “Clinton Supported TPP Which Will Destroy Jobs”
Bloomberg reports that during her time as Secretary of State, Clinton helped draft the TPP trade deal and CNN notes that she delivered at least 45 public speeches supporting the deal. The Economic Policy Institute believes the TPP — which is a trade pact involving 11 nations — will eliminate more than 2 million jobs in the United States.
13. “Clinton Deleted The TPP Record From Her Book And 30,000 Emails”
According to the Trump campaign, in Clinton’s memoir Hard Choices, she wrote favorably in support of the TPP and about her hard work negotiating the deal during her time as Secretary of State, but according to The International Business Times, a recent paperback edition of Hard Choices omitted her earlier TPP reference.
Adding to the action of deleting information, Trump also cites Clinton’s private, personal email server where she conducted her business as Secretary of State and how she deleted, wiping the server clean, of her emails.
14. “Clinton Will Adopt TPP”
“This is the latest Clinton cover-up and it doesn’t change anything. If she is elected president, she will adopt the Trans- Pacific Partnership and we will lose millions of jobs and our economic independence for good,” Trump challenged in his speech.
15. “Clinton Will Betray Workers On Trade”
Trump cites Clinton’s flip flop on the TPP, the Korea Deal and the Columbia Deal to reveal her inconsistency on international trade.
16. “Clinton’s Foreign Policy Has Cost Americans Thousands Of Lives, Trillions Of Dollars, and Unleashed ISIS Across The World”
On this assertion, Trump points to Clinton’s original vote to support the war in Iraq, but then subsequent support of President Obama’s plan to withdraw forces — citing a Reuters report that Operation Iraqi Freedom cost trillions in taxpayer dollars. Trump also questions Clinton’s decision on how to handle ISIS and her intervention into Libya.
17. “Among Clinton’s Victims Was Ambassador Chris Stevens”
Trump blasted Clinton over the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya where four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, were murdered after the State Department — under Clinton’s watch — denied numerous requests for increased security.
18. “Clinton Was At Home Sleeping While Attacks In Benghazi Continued”
“He was left helpless to die as Hillary Clinton soundly slept in her bed. That’s right. When the phone rang, as per the commercial, at three o’clock in the morning, Hillary Clinton was sleeping,” Trump stated during his speech, pointing to a report from that revealed Clinton said she decided to leave the State Department and work from home the night of the Benghazi attack.
19. “Ambassador Stevens And His Staff In Libya Made Hundreds Of Requests For Increased Security And Were Denied”
The State Department denied numbers of requests for additional security in Benghazi during the months leading up to the attack.
20. “Clinton Lied About A Video Causing The Deaths Of Americans In Benghazi”
Trump cites Clintons remarks on September 12, 2012 over the deaths in Benghazi, where she blamed the attack on a YouTube video. However, the night of the attack, Clinton emailed her daughter Chelsea Clinton and said the attack came from an “Al Qaeda-Like group,” according to NBC News.
Additionally, according to a State Department release, Clinton reportedly told the Egyptian Prime Minister that the attack in Benghazi “had nothing to do with the film” but rather “was a planned attack — not a protest.”
21. “In Four Years Clinton Managed To Single Handedly Destabilize The Middle East And Hand Over Libya To ISIS”
Trump criticized Clinton for intervening in Libya without resolving how the country would be governed after Gaddafi was removed, and points to ISIS increasing its presence in Libya following the intervention.
22. “Iran Is Now The Dominant Islamic Power In The Middle East And Is On The Road To A Nuclear Weapon, Thanks To Clinton”
Trump expresses criticism over Clinton’s support of the Iran deal, where the U.S. is giving billions to Iran and allowing sanctions relief where its economy could revitalize.
23. “Hillary Has Supported Regime Change In Syria, Leading To One Of The Bloodiest Civil Wars And Giving ISIS A Launching Pad To The West”
Trump argues that Clinton’s support of a regime change in Syria resulted in ISIS obtaining territory gains.
24. “Clinton Helped Force Out A Friendly Regime In Egypt”
Trump argued, “She helped force out a friendly regime in Egypt and replace it with the radical Muslim Brotherhood. The Egyptian military has retaken control, but Clinton has opened the Pandora’s box of radical Islam.”
25. “Clinton’s Announced-Timetable for Withdrawal from Iraq Allowed ISIS to Rush In and Fill The Void”
The Trump campaign lists several news headlines where the Obama administration stated their plan for withdrawal, providing dates and as a result, “American and Iraqi analysts said the Qaeda franchise is shifting its tactics and strategies – like attacking Iraqi security forces in small squads – to exploit gaps left by the departing American troops and to try to reignite sectarian violence in the country,” according to The New York Times in 2011.
26. “Clinton Learned Nothing From Iraq”
Trump argues the lessons from Iraq were ignored by Clinton, who, once she became Secretary of State, pushed the intervention into Libya, citing French Ambassador Gerard Araud who said, “It was the same mistake you made in Iraq” in reference to Libya.
27. “Clinton Refuses To Acknowledge The Threat Posed By Radical Islam”
Trump took a swipe at Clinton, as he has Obama, for not identifying terrorism as “radical Islam.”
28. “Clinton Supports A 550% Increase In Syrian Refugees”
Trump points to an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation, where Clinton said she thinks Obama’s plan to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S. wasn’t enough. “Look, we’re facing the worst refugee crisis since the end of World War II, and I think the United States has to do more, and I would like to see us move from what is a good start with 10,000 to 65,000 and begin immediately to put into place the mechanisms for vetting the people that we would take in,” stated Clinton.
29. “Hundreds Of Immigrants And Their Children Have Been Recently Charged With Terrorism”
Trump cites a Fox News report that revealed Congressional data suggests hundreds of terror plans in the U.S. were stopped since September 11, 2001, and “at least 380 were foreign-born.”
30. “Clinton Policy Is Motivated By 1,000 Foreign Donations That Weren’t Disclosed With The State Department”
Trump points to a 2015 report by Ken Silverstein in Harper’s Magazine which notes, “The Clinton Foundation is a professionally structured money-laundering operation.”
31. “Bill Clinton Was Paid $750,000 From A Telecom Company Facing State Department Sanctions While Hillary Was Secretary of State, And Was Subsequently Spared”
The Trump campaign cites the book Clinton Cash, detailing the Swedish Telecom Giant Ericsson that came under pressure from the United States for selling equipment to oppressive governments that would allegedly use the equipment to control their people.
32. “Clinton’s State Department Approved The Transfer of 20% Of America’s Uranium Holdings To Russia, While Investors Funneled $145 Million To The Clinton Foundation”
Trump again references Clinton Cash, which reveals a connection between the United State’s uranium holdings with Russia’s Uranium One to $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation.
33. “Hillary Clinton Appointed A Top Donor To A Sensitive National Security Board, Despite His Having No Credentials”
Trump argues that Rajiv Fernando, who donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, was appointed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the International Security Board although he didn’t have international security credentials, according to ABC News. TheWashington Examiner reported that the State Department under Clinton’s watch then rushed top secret security clearance for Fernando.
34. “Clinton Accepted Gifts From The Government Of Brunei As Secretary Of State As Brunei Pushed Sharia Law”
“Hillary Clinton accepted $58,000 in jewelry from the government of Brunei when she was Secretary of State – plus millions more for her foundation. The Sultan of Brunei has pushed oppressive Sharia law, including the punishment of death by stoning for being gay. The government of Brunei also stands to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of Hillary’s Trans-Pacific Partnership, which she would absolutely approve if given the chance,” Trump alleged in his speech, citing donations to the Clinton Foundation and investigative reports from The Washington Free Beacon.
35. “Hillary Took $25 Million From Saudi Araba, Where Being LGBT Is Punishable By Death”
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia donated more than $10 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Homosexuals are legally stoned to death in Saudi Arabia and women in Saudi Arabia are violently discriminated against.
36. “Hillary Took Millions From Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, And Other Countries That Abuse Women And The LGBT Community”
Trump argues that the State of Kuwait, which was cited by the State Department in 2012 for Human Rights problems, donated at least $5 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Both Oman and Qatar, which were also noted by the State Department for Human Rights practices against women, donated at least $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.
37. “Clinton Illegally Used A Private Email Server While At The State Department”
Trump cites 2005 State Department regulations that prohibited the use of a private, personal email server for government business to support his allegation that Clinton’s conduct as Secretary of State where she used a private email server was illegal.
38. “Clinton’s Emails Were Easily Hacked By Foreign Governments”
In this allegation, Trump cites an Associated Press report titled, “Clinton Server’s Software Had Hacking Risk,” which notes, “Two such hacking ‘scans’ occurred in 2012 from a Serbian computer looking for accessible doors or ‘ports’ into the server.”
Fox News has reported about a Romanian hacker who claims he hacked Clinton.
39. “Clinton Deleted 33,000 Emails”
Trump cites Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton, who in an interview with The Hill, said, “She didn’t want to be held accountable for her conduct in office.” The Hill reported, “Fitton told The Hill that he expects the government will eventually review the approximately 30,000 emails that Clinton claimed to have deleted from her server because they were personal in nature.”
40.”Clinton’s Private Emails Could Be Used as A Blackmail File for Foreign Governments”
In this assertion, Trump cites Forbes’ Paul Roderick Gregory, who reported in 2016 the Russian Intelligence Community supposedly knew about Clinton’s private server since 2013.
41. “Clinton Will Pursue An Open Borders Policy”
Trump points to Clinton’s own immigration plan on her website as well as a Vanity Fairarticle noting, “In short, under Clinton’s policy, if you manage to sneak across the border illegally and make it into a city, you won’t be removed. You could call that open borders, except it’s messier. It’s more like a free-for-all.”
42. “Minorities Will Be Hurt Most From Clinton’s Policies”
Trump argues Clinton’s plan to resettle foreign refugees into the U.S. will cost billions of dollars and that increased immigration will hurt American workers’ wages. He also notes the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ data that shows a record high unemployment rate for both African Americans and Hispanics.
43. “Sergeant Mendoza Brendam Died Because Of The Immigration Policies Supported By Hillary Clinton”
Trump argues that open border policies, which Clinton supports, result in crimes such as the murder of Sergeant Mendoza Brendam by an illegal immigrant who had previously been charged with other crimes in Colorado, but was never deported.
44. “For The Amount Of Money Hillary Clinton Wants To Spend On Refugees, We Could Rebuild Every Inner-City In America”
Trump, citing a Breitbart News article, says the cost of resettling 10,000 refugees is $6.5 billion dollars, which brings Clinton’s plans into the hundreds of billions, when taking into account lifetime benefits.
45. “Clinton’s Immigration Agenda Will Keep Them Poor, Unemployed Americans Out Of Work, And Hurt Minorities”
Trump cites the Center for Immigration Studies, which reports immigration lowers American workers’ wages by roughly $400 billion.
46. “Clinton Will Appoint Judges Who Will Abolish The 2nd Amendment”
Trump challenges that if elected president, Clinton will appoint liberal activist judges who would support gun control measures. He cites her previous statement that Australia’s gun ban program was “worth considering” in America.
47. “ObamaCare Is A Job-Killing Disaster”
On this assertion, Trump cites a Joint Committee on Taxation report and the Congressional Budget Office noting that the Affordable Care Act implements $859.7 billion in taxes on small businesses and innovation, as well as investments.
48. “Real Wages Haven’t Increased For America Workers”
Trump argues that when considering inflation, a 2014 Pew Research Center Analysis showed, “Today’s Average Hourly Wage Has Just About The Same Purchasing Power As It Did In 1979.”
49. “Clinton’s Regime of Taxation, Regulation, And Open Borders, Will Destroy Jobs And Drive Down Wages”
Trump argues that several reviews of Clinton’s tax plan by the Tax Foundation, a tax policy and research organization, suggest her plan would lower the size of the economy and drive down income. He also argues that according to the Center for Immigration Studies, illegal immigration lowers American workers’ wages by at least $99 billion each year.
Breitbart News reached out to Hillary Clinton’s campaign spokesperson Nick Merrill for a statement responding to the Trump campaign’s list of allegations presented in its Friday press release, but did not receive a response.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Trump to Give Major Hillary Speech Monday

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Donald Trump announced tonight that he's giving a major speech on Hillary Clinton on Monday.
"I am going to give a major speech on probably Monday of next week and we're going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons," Trump said tonight.

"I think you're going to find it very informative and very, very interesting. I wonder if the press will want to attend. Who knows? Hillary Clinton turned the State Department into her private hedge fund. 

The Russians, the Saudis, the Chinese all gave money to Bill and Hillary and got favorable treatment in return. It's a sad day in america when foreign governments with deep pockets have more influence in our own country than our great citizens

Daily Mail: ‘Clinton Cash’ a ‘Blistering Indictment’ of How the Clintons Got Rich from Corruption

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'Follow the money': Movie exposing secrets of how Clintons became rich after quitting the White House to be shown on eve of Hillary getting her party's nomination

By Nikki Schwab, U.s. Political Reporter For Dailymail.com17:32 20 May 2016, updated 17:45 20 May 2016

Clinton Cash' documentary is being screened at CannesProducers plan to air the blistering indictment on the eve of the Democratic National Convention - when she will be installed as candidateBased on the book by the same name, the film links money given to Bill Clinton for paid speeches to decisions Hillary Clinton made at StateIt also suggests all those contributions to the Clinton Foundation weren't pure altruism They and were meant to get the Clintons to overlook human rights violations by unsavory world leaders, movie suggests

Audiences in Cannes are getting a taste of the searing new documentary 'Clinton Cash,' which offers a harsh indictment of the paid speeches, personal favors, and personal enrichment that have accompanied Bill and Hillary Clinton through their decades in politics.

And if the movie-maker's wishes come true, so will Americans - the night before Clinton is formally named her party's White House candidate

The hour-long movie attempts to follow the money that has flowed toward Bill and Hillary Clinton since the former president left the White House, and suggests that much of it came from a cast of companies and countries seeking favorable treatment from the powerful pair.

Among the more damaging revelations in the film: out of 13 speeches ex-president Bill Clinton gave that earned more than $500,000 on the speaking circuit, 11 of them were during his wife's reign as secretary of state.

The film also probes the $1.4 million Bill Clinton got from a Nigerian newspaper to deliver two speeches in 2011 and 212, notwithstanding Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan's human rights record. 



'Clinton Cash' author Peter Schweizer narrates the new hour-long documentary of the same name, which explores foreign influence on Hillary Clinton at the State Department through donations 


The New York Times called 'Clinton Cash' 'the most anticipated and feared book' of the presidential election cycle - and the movie will only make it bigger  

It also also lays out unsavory dealings in South Sudan, the Democratic of the Congo, and Haiti, as it constructs at thesis that regimes and companies ingratiated themselves with the Clintons through charitable contributions to the Clinton Foundation and by offering hefty speaking fees to the Clintons.

Then it looks at who among the Clintons' employers had something to gain, like TD Bank, a company that backed the Keystone XL pipeline and payed $2 million for Bill Clinton speeches.

The film doesn't present hard evidence of an illegal quid pro quo, but it lays out a torrent of information for viewers to consider, and throws in images of blood-stained cash to drive the point home.

As if on cue, Hillary Clinton released a personal financial disclosure form this week that reveals she got $5 million in royalties from her 2014 book and $1.5 million in speaking fees in 2015 as she was gearing up to run for president.

Based on the book by Hoover Institution fellow Peter Schweizer, the film connects the dots between donations to the Clinton Foundation or given to the ex-president for paid speeches and decisions Hillary Clinton made while being secretary of state. 

'Cronyism and self-enrichment are a bipartisan affair, and Hillary and Bill Clinton have perfected them on a global scale,' Schweizer says in the film.  


Peter Schweizer's book and documentary links donations coming into the Clinton Foundation, along with money given to Bill Clinton for paid speeches, into policy moves Hillary Clinton made at the State Department

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The film is being shopped around at Cannes for a distributor, while the creators are looking toward a television deal too.

The plan is to air the documentary the night before this summer's Democratic National convention – at precisely the time Hillary will be trying to recover from persistent attacks by rival Bernie Sanders that she is beholden to corporate interests.

 The film follows the same storylines as Schweizer's 'Clinton Cash' book, which was released right as Hillary Clinton was getting on the campaign trail last year.

At the time Republicans like Sen. Rand Paul, who was also seeking the highest office, called it 'big news' that will 'shock people.' 

The New York Times said it was 'proving to be the most anticipated and feared book' of the presidential cycle thus far. 

Schweizer narrates the hour-long documentary and says his investigation of the Clintons basically followed what he called the 'oldest adage in American politics.' 

'Follow the money,' he noted. 

While the Clintons were 'dead broke' upon leaving the White House, as Hillary Clinton once said, the couple brought in at least $136.5 million between 2001 and 2012. 

Speaking fees helped pay the bills, but what was notable, Schweizer pointed out, was that while Bill Clinton had been out of office for nearly a decade, all of the sudden his speaking fees skyrocketed.   

The issue that's most familiar to Americans is that of the Keystone XL Pipeline, which Hillary Clinton signed off on after one of the pipeline's major stakeholders paid her husband $2 million for speeches 

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The documentary Clinton Cash connects the dots between Hillary Clinton's 'shocking' approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline and money given to her husband by a major stakeholder to speak 

The reason? Hillary Clinton was just announced as President-elect Barack Obama's secretary of state. 

The author noted that of the 13 speeches in his career that fetched the ex-president more than $500,000, 11 of them were during his wife's reign as secretary of state.

Politifact, for the record, rated this accounting as true. 

From there, Schweizer looked at who was giving money to Bill Clinton, either for paid speeches or to the Clinton Foundation, and then whether those donors ever got anything in return from Hillary Clinton's State Department. 

The example that's likely the most familiar to Americans revolves around the Keystone XL Pipeline project. 

TD Bank, which had a stake in the pipeline project going through, had never sponsored a Bill Clinton speech before, but then suddenly moved $2 million his way.  

At the same time, Schweizer pointed out, the State Department had to approve the project. 


The documentary also looks at some of the unsavory allies the Clintons have made  around the globe, in part because those people are enriching the Clinton Foundation 

Hillary Clinton soon decided to support the pipeline delaying the Obama's rejection of it. 

'It was shocking,' Schweizer noted in the film. 'Organizations like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth were stunned, they wanted investigations, but everybody was mystified.' 

'Nobody could understand why Hillary Clinton would sign off on this deal, particularly when she had been in favor of dealing with climate change and her boss, Barack Obama, by all indications, seemed to be opposed to this deal as well,' the writer added. 

In another instance, Bill Clinton is paid $750,000 by the Swedish telecom company Ericsson, which was in trouble by the U.S. for selling equipment to Iran. 

A week later, the documentary points out, the State Department ruled that Ericsson and other companies were off the hook and could provide oversight to themselves. 

Beyond those cases, Clinton Cash explores some of the Clintons unsavory alliances in Africa, especially in countries where the leaders are known for civil rights abuses and corruption. 

It also details the Clintons dealings in Haiti after the country's disastrous 2010 earthquake, calling what occurred 'disaster capitalism.'  


www.politifact.c...First look at explosive Hillary documentary, ¿Clinton Cash¿ | New York Post

Thursday, May 12, 2016

SALON: ‘Devastating’ ‘Clinton Cash’ Documentary Set to Rock Cannes Next Week

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by BREITBART NEWS12 May 20161,469


Brendan Gauthier writes in Salon:

“Clinton Clash,” premiering at the Cannes Film Festival on May 16, is a “devastating” documentary, according to MSNBC, alleging Bill and Hillary Clinton used the Clinton Foundation to “help billionaires make shady deals around the world with corrupt dictators, all while enriching themselves to the tune of millions.”

The film, written and produced by Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon and directed by M.A. Taylor, is based on the New York Times bestselling book of the same name (subtitled “The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich”) by Peter Schweizer.

Read the rest here:

Watch the “Clinton Cash” trailer below:

Read More Stories About:

2016 Presidential RaceBig Hollywood,Clinton CashClinton FoundationHillary ClintonPeter Schweizer

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

MSNBC: ‘Clinton Cash’ Documentary ‘Devastating,’ ‘Powerfully Connects the Dots’

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by BREITBART NEWS10 May 2016936
MSNBC previews the documentary version of Clinton Cash before its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, saying the movie adaptation of Peter Schweizer’s book packs a “mainstream punch” and “powerfully connects the dots” in its case against the Clinton Foundation.

CANNES, France — A massive police force will be guarding the Cannes Film Festival this year. But the only scuffle on the horizon may come in response to the right-wing producers of a devastating new documentary about Bill and Hillary Clinton’s alleged influence peddling and favor-trading. That film, “Clinton Cash,” screens here May 16 and opens in the U.S. on July 24 — just before the Democratic National Convention.
The allegations are as brazen as they are controversial: What other film at Cannes would come up with a plot that involves Russian President Vladimir Putin wrangling a deal with the alleged help of both Clintons, a Canadian billionaire, Kazakhstan mining officials and the Russian atomic energy agency — all of which resulted in Putin gaining control of 20 percent of all the uranium in the U.S
MSNBC got an exclusive first look at “Clinton Cash,” the flashy, hour-long film version of conservative author Peter Schweizer’s surprise 2015 bestseller, whichThe New York Times called the “the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle.” The Washington Postsaid that ”on any fair reading, the pattern of behavior that Schweizer has charged is corruption.” Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta denounced the book as a bunch of “outlandish claims” with “zero evidence.”
The film portrays the Clintons as a greedy tag team who used the family’s controversial Clinton Foundation and her position as secretary of state to help billionaires make shady deals around the world with corrupt dictators, all while enriching themselves to the tune of millions.
As a film, it powerfully connects the dots —  whether you believe them or not — in a narrative that lacks the wonkiness of the book, which bore a full title of “The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.”
It packs the kind of Trump-esque mainstream punch that may have the presumptive GOP nominee salivating. He recently declared, “We’ll whip out that book because that book will become very pertinent.”
Read the rest of the story here.
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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Daily Mail: ‘Clinton Cash’ Film Explodes into Campaign

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by BREITBART NEWS29 Apr 2016209


From the Daily Mail Geoff Earle writes:

The book that raked through the complex web of political, campaign fundraising, and political practices of Bill and Hillary Clinton last year and muddied Clinton’s presidential campaign launch is coming to the big screen just in time to cause Clinton trouble in the general election.

‘Clinton Cash’ is set to premiere the day before the Democratic convention in Philadelphia, and is based on the book by the same title by author Peter Schweizer.

Schweizer is joined by fellow producer Stephan K. Bannon of conservative outlet Breitbart news on the project.

A trailer for the film, which is directed by M.A. Taylor., features images of blood dripping down piles of cash, Bloomberg News reported.

The trailer kicks off with clip of Clinton complimenting foreign governments for ‘rooting out corruption’ – even as Schweizer, who is interviewed as part of the film, says the Clintons ‘created a model for massive self enrichment that allows you to go into so-called pub service but get extremely rich at the same time.’

The book’s release in May prompted a series of investigations by major news outlets into the fundraising practices of the Clinton foundation, which had accepted major contributions from corporations and foreign governments.

It also probed hefty speaking fees earned by the Clintons from foreign and domestic corporations after Bill Clinton left the White House, the foundation’s charity work, and Clinton’s time at the State Department.

You can read the rest of the story here.

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Big Hollywood2016 Presidential RaceBig JournalismHillary ClintonBill Clinton,Clinton CashPeter SchweizerStephan K. Bannon