Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Does America Need Her Bullies Back?

I read an inspirational but otherwise seemingly benign article today, accompanied by some comments that called into question the very society we live in. 

ABCNews Blogs did a puff piece about a 9 year old girl named Breanna Bond who lost 66 pounds to go from a very obese little girl to one that looks very normal and healthy. The article HERE, also included a video showing a very overweight younger toddler, presumably Breanna, playing on a jungle-gym while the audio in the background was Breanna talking of herself getting "bullied." 

Hidden between the lines of this article are some of the root causes of obesity in millions of American kids. 

The anchor starts off with the usual liberal plays of branding her a victim:

"Struggling with obesity," is what he called it. The article also points out that she was overweight since the day she was born, and so it constantly hints at her "struggle" also known to liberals as a "condition." They want you to think its a disease that she was so unlucky to catch, or be born with. 

The problem arises when the article goes on to contradict this stealthy premise by pointing out that the girl had no medical problems and was able to shed the weight by eating less and exercising more.

The victimization is just starting. Next the article talks about the bullying:

"The California girl soon became a target for bullies. "Everybody at school would call me names," she said. "They would call me fatty, they would call me fat head."
Ok, ok. We get it. We get that this kind of bullying is wrong. It's mean. It doesn't subscribe to the old saying, "Treat other as you would want them to treat you (assuming you don't want to be treated that way)." Nor does it subscribe to, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all."

But there is a major problem with this Political Correctness. This falls under the Law of Unintended Consequences.

Their family pediatrician told them their 100 pound kindergartener will "grow into her body." The parents eventually "fired" this doctor by getting a second opinion, but the REAL true irony of this is that the commenters representing the public at large piled on! 

A commenter named Michelle wrote, "The pediatrician said a 100 pound kindergartner would "grow into" her body? What kind of crazy doctor is that?"

Her comment got 1354 thumbs up to only 23 thumbs down at the time of this writing. Out of 84 replies to her comment, a majority of them echoed her sentiments. They called him a quack, and irresponsible jerk, and said he should have been the first one to go. Some of them envisioned that the doctor must also be overweight to have said something like that.

I believe that our society of political correctness is to blame, and this doctor was too weak minded to overcome it. Why are we blaming the doctor for what ended up being a diagnosis of "parents need to step up?" Our PC society demands that everyone embrace many bad things including obesity. Isn't it a very fine line between a doctor saying that an otherwise healthy girl needs to lose weight and a "bully" making fun of her for being fat? 

Even Breanna's dad said, "Don't be afraid to do the tough love." I'm willing to bet the Doctor, fearing for his job and possible public scrutiny just said she'll just grow into her body, knowing full well that the truth is that her parents needed to make her lose weight, but was too afraid to say it. The doctor didn't want to be branded a "Bully."

A big problem with liberalism is that you can't ever hurt anyone's feelings or else you are a bully. The truth hurts sometimes. In a liberal America, you need to either lie, keep your mouth shut, or just embrace your title as "Bully." The problem is that nobody wants to fall victim of the PC police and get branded the Bully. The big question is whether or not an America without her Bullies is a better America or not. I guess it depends on whether or not you believe America needs a healthy dose of HONEST "tough love" or not  ...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cowboys lineman Brent jailed on $500K bond in manslaughter case; Brown was going to be father

Cowboys lineman Brent jailed on $500K bond in manslaughter case; Brown was going to be father in two months.

 I had a friend, years ago that rolled his car with a woman in the passengers seat.  She was thrown from the car and killed.  She was beautiful and 23 years old with a 2 year old daughter living at home.  Im meet my friend int he hospital.  He will live with this forever and so will the 2 year old little girl and everyone affected including me who happends to be writing about it almost 21 years later.   If you think the bond it too high then you are an absolute moron.  HE KILLED SOMEONE !!!  There should be NO BOND and he will spend time in prison.  We must be very tough on these folks to show because you are famous doesnt mean youve got it easy...  i.e. OJ Simpson.   Its sad that this man had to die at the hands of a man driving a car and last week a woman and football player both died at the hands of man using a gun.  In both cases it was a HUMAN that killed another HUMAN being using an inanimate object.  Hey BOB should we ban all cars now along with guns ?  http://www.SickBias.com

IRVING, Texas — Dallas Cowboys defensive lineman Josh Brent remained in custody Sunday on $500,000 bond, one day after being charged with intoxication manslaughter after what police said was a drunken-driving accident that killed close friend and teammate Jerry Brown.
Brent’s attorney called the bond amount excessive and beyond what the team had authorized him to post.

George Milner said he was working to reduce the bond, but was doubtful his client would be released from the Irving jail until Monday. Milner also said he was trying to get the Cowboys to authorize payment of a higher bond amount.
“I’d say the bond is 16 times higher than it would have been for anybody that doesn’t play for the Dallas Cowboys,” Milner said.
Irving police said Brent was speeding in the Dallas suburb when the vehicle he was driving his a curb and flipped about 2:20 a.m. Saturday. The 25-year-old Brown was found unresponsive at the scene and was pronounced dead at a hospital.
Brent was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, and the charge was upgraded after Brown died. The manslaughter charge is a second-degree felony punishable by two to 20 years in prison.

Friday, December 7, 2012

RE: Romney Concession Photo, Internet Comment of the Day

I was trolling Yahoo.com just now and stumbled on an article written about a photo the White House released of Obama taking Romney's concession call.

Of course since we are a month out from the election, I couldn't care less about the gushing article written about the big win for communism in America, so I scrolled down to the real meat and potatoes of this page - user reactions via the comment section. As usual it was dominated by patriots reliving that horrible day America was lost to European style Socialism for all-time. But one stands out miles atop all the rest. The user is "47% SCREWED THEMSELVES." Not sure if he is the author or if it was copied and pasted but I enjoyed it because it makes me glad I'm not the only one that is thinking this:

"Well, It's official; I don't know anything.
I thought for sure that given such a clear choice, Americans would vote for love of country over revenge.I was wrong.I thought, that just as every presidential election in my lifetime, the bad economy would be hung around the incumbent's neck, sinking him.I was wrong.I thought that even those few Americans who were fortunate enough to still be fully employed (not counting those leeching off the public system) would be cognizant of how much pain their neighbors were in and elect someone who would at least try to make improvements.I was wrong.I thought that now that FINALLY some of the disturbing truths about our first black president had come to light, voters would reject a man so dangerously at odds with the American experience.I was wrong.I thought the 2010 elections and the Tea Party meant something.I thought the enthusiasm on display at Romney/Ryan events, contrasted with the lack of same at Obama/Biden events meant something.I thought Americans would never sell their liberty for the sake of trinkets like cell phones or even big shiny lies like 'free health care'.I was wrong.Never in a million years would I have supposed that America would support a president who left his (our) people to die at the hands of our enemies overseas without lifting a hand to help, then lie about what he watched in real time for over two weeks, then lie about the lie for another month.I was wrong.I thought Americans could tell a hawk from a handsaw.I was wrong.We were offered the clearest choice we've had since 1980, where we had malaise and a misery index on one hand and a shining city on a hill on the other. Back then, we chose the city on the hill. This time the choice was between a man who says 7.9% unemployment and $4.00 gas is the new normal and a guy whose entire career has been about fixing broken entities.We chose to stay broken. And Broke.Maybe I'm wrong about the ramifications of this choice. Maybe windmills will actually turn out to be a viable energy source. Maybe America diminished will be loved overseas. Maybe a nuclear Iran won't be a threat. Maybe Israel is over reacting. Maybe western civilization was always over-rated. Maybe life under sharia is fun. Maybe when the rest of the world realizes that we have no intention of ever paying back that $16,000,000,000,000.00 (and counting) that we've borrowed from them, they won't devalue the dollar, causing hyper-inflation here at home. Maybe China will just keep on giving us money and not demand our hearts, souls, national monuments and marriageable daughters as payment.I've watched candidates lose elections before but I've never felt the way I did when this one was called for Obama.It wasn't bitterness or sadness or even disappointment. It took me a while to figure out what it was. Then it hit me; it was horror."

New Jobs Numbers, AP/Yahoo! Show Liberal Bias

The new jobs numbers came out today, so liberal spin doctor, Christopher Rugaber at the AP launched a headline that the liberals at Yahoo.com were glad to prominently showcase on their front page"

"US economy adds 146K jobs, rate falls to 7.7 pct."

And for their sub heading:

"US economy adds 146K jobs; jobless rate falls to 4-year low of 7.7 percent; Sandy minor factor"

Well isn't that awesome? Well it WOULD be if these headlines really meant what they said. The truth is all over the body of the article and for at least that little bit of honesty, I give Rugaber a little bit of credit. 

He points out:

1.) "the unemployment rate fell to a four-year low in November from 7.9 percent in October mostly because more people stopped looking for work and weren't counted as unemployed."


2.) "The government noted that as long as employees worked at least one day during a pay period — two weeks for most people — its survey would have counted them as employed."

This is ridiculous. So an employer told me to come in twice last month to sweep up the floor and I am counted as employed?

3.) "Still, there were signs that the storm [Sandy] disrupted economic activity. Construction employment dropped 20,000. And weather prevented 369,000 people from getting to work — the most for any month in nearly two years. These workers were still counted as employed."

Besides the fact that this is more cooking of the books, am I the only one that finds it odd that a storm that destroys property would cause construction employment to drop? I digress...

4.) "In November, retailers added 53,000 positions. Temporary help companies added 18,000." 

So of the 146K jobs added, HALF of them are seasonal or temporary. This happens every year, so this cannot be unexpected. Yet the over-hyped headline seems to beg you to believe that these numbers are somehow great news.

5.) "...overall manufacturing jobs fell 7,000. That was pushed down by a loss of 12,000 jobs in food manufacturing that likely reflects the layoff of workers at Hostess."

Thank you, Organized Labor Unions.

So you can see that the FACTS in the article end up contradicting the tone of the headline, which is exactly what the propagandists on the left want you to believe. But on the outside chance the Kool-Aid drinkers actually read and understood the facts of the article, the author made sure to end it with not one but TWO excuses for Obama:

Excuse #1: Sandy - "The storm held back consumer spending and income, which drive economic growth. Consumer spending declined in October and work interruptions caused by Sandy reduced wages and salaries that month by about $18 billion at an annual rate, the government said." 

Excuse #2: Republicans not caving on Democrat demands to raise taxes, leading to what Obama propagandists call, The Fiscal Cliff - "Still, many say economic growth could accelerate next year if the fiscal cliff is avoided."

Save Our Christmas Tree Keep Christ in Christmas

  When I say that things have really changed since I was a young boy, I mean it.  Remember when we had Christmas trees in our classrooms and we put our hand over our heart and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag ?   It breaks my heart to see the Democrats and Left Wing attach Christ, Christmas and anyone who believes and prays to God and Christ.  If you (democrats) think your going to take Christ out of America, you are sadly mistaken because there are too many Christians that are fighting back and are ready to stand against the hateful words and actions that you continue to use against us. 

  Dear Lord,
Please continue to watch over America, continue to carry us through our darkest hour.  Thank you for the mirales that you have give us yesterday, the miracles that you gave us today and the miracles that you are going to give us tomorrow.  Lord give us the stregnth to make the hard decisions and stand up in the fact of evil, knowing that you will always be in our lives whether or not we ask.  And finally, Lord grant us the wisdom to know the best, safest and quickest way to remove Socialism and Spirit killing Communism from our beloved Democratic Capitalist America which will allow all men and women to continue to Live Free from Tyrany and Dictatorship and be able to worship and praise you everywhere in our daily live.

  In Jesus Christ we Pray Amen.

Amen..  ...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bob Costas is a Coward, Hates America's Constitution

Mr. Costas, you may be scared of things that go "boom," you may be too cowardly to ever lift a finger to save the day, and you have the right to cower down and be a victim of armed criminals, but America has a Bill of Rights that guarantees my right to defend myself and other innocent victims that are too weak to fend for themselves, much like yourself. And in case you don't know what I could possibly mean with this rant, allow this 1 minute video do all the explaining for me:

THAT, my friend, is why law abiding citizens need the right to bear arms. We protect the good while the U.S. Constitution protects us from idiots like Bob Costas...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Welcome to Never Never Land

Seriously. If you have been paying attention to the Fiscal Cliff debates and negotiations, you would think you were in an alternate universe when you hear this:

Here is another quote:

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." 

~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006