Showing posts with label NFL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NFL. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

NFL Ban's a Pro-Second Amendment Ad, Colion Noir's Response

Please share this video on all of your social media!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012 columnist Rob Parker RACIST slam on Redskins starting quarterback Robert Griffin III’s

I am going to start this by quoting columnist Rob Parker the real CORNBALLER. A RACIST Parker blasted out at RG3 by saying, "if Griffin was “a brother, or is he a cornball brother?” and questioning both his reported Republicanism and his decision to become engaged to a white woman.
“I am an African-American in America,” Griffin told USA Today. “That will never change. But I don’t have to be defined by that. … We always try to find similarities in life, no matter what it is so they’re going to try to put you in a box with other African-American quarterbacks — Vick, Newton, Randall Cunningham, Warren Moon … That’s the goal. Just to go out and not try to prove anybody wrong but just let your talents speak for themselves.”

This is as bad as it gets.  Racist ignorant fools on parade at ESPN.  For this guy to still have a job come Monday morning will show how the Media is Sick Bias and its ok to slam a black man for having a white girlfriend and being a republican.  

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bob Costas is a Coward, Hates America's Constitution

Mr. Costas, you may be scared of things that go "boom," you may be too cowardly to ever lift a finger to save the day, and you have the right to cower down and be a victim of armed criminals, but America has a Bill of Rights that guarantees my right to defend myself and other innocent victims that are too weak to fend for themselves, much like yourself. And in case you don't know what I could possibly mean with this rant, allow this 1 minute video do all the explaining for me:

THAT, my friend, is why law abiding citizens need the right to bear arms. We protect the good while the U.S. Constitution protects us from idiots like Bob Costas...