Showing posts with label cowboys manslaughter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cowboys manslaughter. Show all posts

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cowboys lineman Brent jailed on $500K bond in manslaughter case; Brown was going to be father

Cowboys lineman Brent jailed on $500K bond in manslaughter case; Brown was going to be father in two months.

 I had a friend, years ago that rolled his car with a woman in the passengers seat.  She was thrown from the car and killed.  She was beautiful and 23 years old with a 2 year old daughter living at home.  Im meet my friend int he hospital.  He will live with this forever and so will the 2 year old little girl and everyone affected including me who happends to be writing about it almost 21 years later.   If you think the bond it too high then you are an absolute moron.  HE KILLED SOMEONE !!!  There should be NO BOND and he will spend time in prison.  We must be very tough on these folks to show because you are famous doesnt mean youve got it easy...  i.e. OJ Simpson.   Its sad that this man had to die at the hands of a man driving a car and last week a woman and football player both died at the hands of man using a gun.  In both cases it was a HUMAN that killed another HUMAN being using an inanimate object.  Hey BOB should we ban all cars now along with guns ?

IRVING, Texas — Dallas Cowboys defensive lineman Josh Brent remained in custody Sunday on $500,000 bond, one day after being charged with intoxication manslaughter after what police said was a drunken-driving accident that killed close friend and teammate Jerry Brown.
Brent’s attorney called the bond amount excessive and beyond what the team had authorized him to post.

George Milner said he was working to reduce the bond, but was doubtful his client would be released from the Irving jail until Monday. Milner also said he was trying to get the Cowboys to authorize payment of a higher bond amount.
“I’d say the bond is 16 times higher than it would have been for anybody that doesn’t play for the Dallas Cowboys,” Milner said.
Irving police said Brent was speeding in the Dallas suburb when the vehicle he was driving his a curb and flipped about 2:20 a.m. Saturday. The 25-year-old Brown was found unresponsive at the scene and was pronounced dead at a hospital.
Brent was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, and the charge was upgraded after Brown died. The manslaughter charge is a second-degree felony punishable by two to 20 years in prison.