Showing posts with label Associated Press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Associated Press. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

FDA authorizes expanded use of medical abortion pill

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Published March 30, 2016

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has kicked up a potential abortion hornet’s nest with states that impose restrictions on a common abortion-inducing drug, approving a new label for the medication that relaxes guidelines for using it.


The FDA notified the manufacturer of Mifeprex, a drug previously known as RU-486, in a letter on Tuesday that the drug is safe and effective for terminating a pregnancy in accordance with the new label. Also known as mifepristone, the synthetic steroid drug is used in combination with another drug, misoprostol, to end a pregnancy.

Under the new label, a smaller dose of Mifeprex can be used significantly later in the pregnancy — up to 70 days of gestation, from 49 days.

The decision could rankle lawmakers in states that required the drugs to be used in accordance with the original labels. Critics complained those labels were outdated and restrictive. 

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Abortion rights groups say the FDA change will now affect laws in Ohio, North Dakota and Texas that prohibited "off-label" uses of the drug. Similar laws are on hold in Arizona, Arkansas and Oklahoma.

The National Right to Life Committee argued that the FDA changes would not increase safety for women.

“In the end, it is obvious that the FDA's new protocol serves only the interests of the abortion industry by expanding their base of potential customers, increasing their profit margin, and reducing the level of staff and amount of resources they have to devote to the patient,” Randall K. O'Bannon, National Right to Life director of education and research, said in a statement. “It is clear whose interests it is the FDA is serving. It isn't the women, and it isn't the babies.”

The new label rules will make it easier to use the drug. Not only do they widen the window for using it, but according to the New York Times, they reduce the number of trips women have to make to a doctor from three to two in most states.

Under the new label, the drug dosage has been reduced from 600 milligrams to 200 as well. According to The New York Times, the previous dosage had been deemed too high by most medical societies and abortion rights advocates said it increased the cost and side effects of the procedure.

The drug, formerly known as RU-486, induces miscarriage when used with misoprostol.

“This is a huge step in increasing access to medication abortion and it comports with the scientific evidence,” Elizabeth Nash, a senior state issues associate at the Guttmacher Institute, which tracks women’s reproductive health issues, told The New York Times. She said that medication abortions accounted for about a quarter of all abortions in 2011, the last year measured by the institute.

According to a statement by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the organization was “pleased that the updated FDA-approved regimen for mifepristone reflects the current available scientific evidence and best practices.”

Additionally, The New York Times reported the group saying, “medication abortion has been subject to legislative attacks in various states across the country, including mandated regimens that do not reflect the current scientific evidence. We hope that these states take the FDA label into account.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report

Monday, August 12, 2013

Michelle Malkin Calls Out Dem Women Over Silence on Filthy Filner

Published on Aug 12, 2013
"What did these elite Democratic women on Capital Hill know about Bob Filner, and when did they know it?" asks Columnist and Author, Michelle Malkin. as now a 14th woman has stepped forward claiming sexual harassment attacks from the San Diego Mayor.

try the new SLAP HILARY GAME>>>>  You will piss your pants. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Hollywood Working For Democrates Hillary Rodem Rodem Clinton

Hollywood Working For Hillary: Original Story

A string of film debuts are planned in support of Hillary Clinton’s run for president in 2016. Among the titles are “Hillary” and “Rodham.”

We all know liberals reign in Hollywood. But now they’re exclusively fighting for Hillary.

Get ready to see a lot of the pantsuit wearing Democratic—she’s coming to a theater near you!

It’s widely believed that Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, so Hollywood is producing several films in support of the left-wing politician.

NBC created a miniseries called “Hillary,” and CNN has produced a documentary based on Clinton’s life.

A movie called “Rodham,” chronicling Clinton’s early years as a Washington lawyer, will also be released. This film was originally planned for release around the 2012 elections.

Additionally, HBO is working on a documentary about former Pres. Bill Clinton. The esteemed Martin Scorcese will direct the film, which follows Bill Clinton’s presidency and life after the White House.

Experts, however, say the films are all about profits.

Chris Lehane, a political consultant and former White House staffer, said Hollywood is “leveraging what is one of the great brands of our times to drive ratings.”

Robert Thompson, a Syracuse University professor of television was surprised that Hollywood is just now beginning to bank off political productions. “The Clinton story is filled with comedy, farce, burlesque, history…it’s a rollicking story,” he said.

Young II Kim, who wrote “Rodham,” knows his film will draw viewers. “She was able to reinvent her life and career as a politician, a wife, a mother and a philanthropist,” Kim said.

But right-wing critics aren’t as fascinated with Clinton.

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh announced the films are “to get her elected.”

Ben Shapiro, a conservative columnist for TownHall, said, “Hollywood is going psycho for the former secretary of state, pumping out a veritable cornucopia of Hillary propaganda in preparation for her anointment in 2016.”

Is this all left-wing propaganda? Will it work?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Song Banned from Radio Stations, Speaks of God and Country.

A song some radio stations are banning, the song you are about to listen to, was played at a Las Vegas Diamond Rio concert.
They received an immediate resounding standing ovation, and continue to do so every time they perform it!
Sadly, major radio stations wouldn't play it because it was considered politically incorrect'.
Consequently, the song was never released to the public.
Now Congress is getting involved.
Your President is saying that is not fit for release because it offends so many.
So America , see what you think...

If this offering speaks to your heart and you feel you want to share it with friends and loved ones, please do so now.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Slam Jason Biggs and Jim Carrey Hypocrisy

To JASON BIGGS, you B-list has-been COWARD!!: You show no courage in attacking the new Pope for the Church's view on gay marriage or abortion. NEWSFLASH TO BIGGS: Islam has a more SEVERE view of gay marriage and homosexuality and yet you mention NOTHING about Islam or Mohammed. You leftist punks in the media are all alike, you only attack those who you know will NOT FIGHT BACK...who will TURN THE OTHER CHEEK!!! JASON BIGGS...EPIC COWARDICE!!! If you have the balls you think you have, I DARE YOU to come out PUBLICLY and condemn Islamic nations for their treatment of gays. Betcha wont do it. COWARD!!!

JIM CARREY, COWARD! Another lefty coward attention whore who only attacks those who can not fight back, in this case CHARLESTON HESTON, who DIED in 2008. Really brave Jimbo!! You claim that Fox is intolerant and extreme? How about the fact that lefties claim to be TOLERANT and then PUBLICLY CRUCIFY ANYONE who disagrees with the views of the THAT tolerance??? Calling defenders of the SECOND AMENDMENT 'HEARTLESS MOTHERFUCKERS" is NOT extreme???, only then to go on and make a video mocking people who support the second amendment?? Is that tolerant and NOT extreme??
There used to be a saying in this country which, I believe, exemplified the First Amendment: "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I shall defend your RIGHT TO SAY IT!!!" This is a saying the left seems to have forgotten about.

Friday, December 7, 2012

New Jobs Numbers, AP/Yahoo! Show Liberal Bias

The new jobs numbers came out today, so liberal spin doctor, Christopher Rugaber at the AP launched a headline that the liberals at were glad to prominently showcase on their front page"

"US economy adds 146K jobs, rate falls to 7.7 pct."

And for their sub heading:

"US economy adds 146K jobs; jobless rate falls to 4-year low of 7.7 percent; Sandy minor factor"

Well isn't that awesome? Well it WOULD be if these headlines really meant what they said. The truth is all over the body of the article and for at least that little bit of honesty, I give Rugaber a little bit of credit. 

He points out:

1.) "the unemployment rate fell to a four-year low in November from 7.9 percent in October mostly because more people stopped looking for work and weren't counted as unemployed."


2.) "The government noted that as long as employees worked at least one day during a pay period — two weeks for most people — its survey would have counted them as employed."

This is ridiculous. So an employer told me to come in twice last month to sweep up the floor and I am counted as employed?

3.) "Still, there were signs that the storm [Sandy] disrupted economic activity. Construction employment dropped 20,000. And weather prevented 369,000 people from getting to work — the most for any month in nearly two years. These workers were still counted as employed."

Besides the fact that this is more cooking of the books, am I the only one that finds it odd that a storm that destroys property would cause construction employment to drop? I digress...

4.) "In November, retailers added 53,000 positions. Temporary help companies added 18,000." 

So of the 146K jobs added, HALF of them are seasonal or temporary. This happens every year, so this cannot be unexpected. Yet the over-hyped headline seems to beg you to believe that these numbers are somehow great news.

5.) "...overall manufacturing jobs fell 7,000. That was pushed down by a loss of 12,000 jobs in food manufacturing that likely reflects the layoff of workers at Hostess."

Thank you, Organized Labor Unions.

So you can see that the FACTS in the article end up contradicting the tone of the headline, which is exactly what the propagandists on the left want you to believe. But on the outside chance the Kool-Aid drinkers actually read and understood the facts of the article, the author made sure to end it with not one but TWO excuses for Obama:

Excuse #1: Sandy - "The storm held back consumer spending and income, which drive economic growth. Consumer spending declined in October and work interruptions caused by Sandy reduced wages and salaries that month by about $18 billion at an annual rate, the government said." 

Excuse #2: Republicans not caving on Democrat demands to raise taxes, leading to what Obama propagandists call, The Fiscal Cliff - "Still, many say economic growth could accelerate next year if the fiscal cliff is avoided."