Showing posts with label capitalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label capitalism. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2016

Poll: Millennials Pick Socialism Over Capitalism

Lazlo Balogh/Reuters

by MIKE FLYNN11 Feb 2016366

new survey from YouGov finds that millennials have more favorable views of socialism than of capitalism.

As Santayana said, those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Less than two decades after socialism seemed to have been confined to the dust-heap of history, another generation may have to learn hard lessons.

The survey, taken at the end of January, found that 43 percent of Americans under 30 had a favorable view of socialism. Less than a third of millennials had a favorable view of capitalism. No other age or ethnic demographic preferred socialism over capitalism.

Seniors, unsurprisingly, had the most favorable view of capitalism. Just 23 percent of Americans older than 65 had a positive view of socialism. Sixty-three percent of seniors, though, had a favorable view of capitalism.

Seniors, after all, experienced the long-standing intellectual battle between capitalism and socialism played out in real life. They witnessed a post-war economic euphoria grind down into a socialist malaise, only to be reinvigorated by a global embrace of disruptive technology, deregulation, and global trade.

In the past 20 years, the number of people living in poverty worldwide has fallen by half. In 1990, 43 percent of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty. In 2013, the United Nations estimated that just 22 percent of the world’s population continued to live in extreme poverty.

“Never in history have the living conditions and prospects of so many people changed so dramatically and so fast,” the UN Human Development report said.

Even if millenials aren’t swayed by the dramatic improvement in worldwide living standards, one would hope they would see the benefits of capitalism in the products and services that inhabit their world.

They live, and thrive, in a consumer-driven, on-demand society. They have immediate access, at their fingertips, to more knowledge, art, music, and communication than the wealthiest oligarch just a few decades ago.

Each and every one of the products and services they use every day was developed by someone chasing profit and market-share. It is a cliche to say that capitalism has powered the technological and scientific innovations that have improved all our lives. Apparently, however, it is a cliche that bears repeating.

On a postive note, every other demographic block in America still prefers capitalism over socialism. Well, Democrats, perhaps naturally, are evenly split between the two economic systems. At least Democrats, though, have slightly higher unfavorable ratings of socialism than capitalism.

The danger, of course, is that the demographic in America that does prefer socialism is also the future of the country. Of course, they have the luxury of looking positively on socialism, since any impact on their lives is restricted to dusty history books.

The finding also presents something of an existential dilema for the conservative and libertarian movement. Since the 1980s, the institutional infrastructure of the conservative and libertarian movement has grown exponentially.

Aside from dozens of national think tanks and advocacy organizations devoted to propogating conservative and free market views, there are more than a hundred free-market think tanks in states across the country.

It is safe to say that billions of dollars have been spent over the past two decades promoting and educating the public on the benefits of capitalism and free markets. There are publishing imprints, media companies and new conservative news sites everywhere. Yet, something has gone horribly wrong.

Many in the commentariat have watched the rise of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) with a certain touch of condescending nostalgia. “Oh, look a socialist is running for President, isn’t that cute,” you can almost hear them type.

For many, Bernie’s label as a socialist was something he would have to overcome to make a serious run for the White House. It may now be, however, something he needs to more warmly embrace.

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,EconomicssocialismMillennials,capitalismhispanics

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Progressive Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee Pushes for Obama Dictatorship

February 5, 2014 By Jennifer Burke Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Reminiscent of FDR’s Second Bill of Rights, members of the Congressional Black Caucus, along with a few more progressive Democrats, have formed the Congressional Full Employment Caucus. Their goals, as stated on their website is to serve as a platform and working group for Members dedicated to identifying solutions to our current unemployment crisis and advocating for legislative action. Ultimately, the goal of the Caucus is to realize the dream of a society in which every American who wants to work has the right to some form of employment.
American Black Racist.


Members of the caucus include Democrats Rep. John Conyers Jr., Rep. Maxine Waters, Rep. Charles Rangel, Rep. Frederica Wilson, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Jose Serrano, Rep. Mike Quigley, and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.
Jackson Lee, known for her staunch and constant defense of Barack Obama, plans on using this newly formed caucus to help Obama with pledge to make 2014 be ‘a year of action’ with or without Congress. In support of his pledge to rule America as a dictator, Jackson Lee has stated that the Congressional Full Employment Caucus will help Obama by sending him numerous executive orders. This will be their top priority.
As reported at, Jackson-Lee made the following statement to reporters during the launch of the caucus on January 29th.
 “We will be answering the call of all of America because people need work and we’re not doing right by them by creating work,” Jackson Lee said.
“I believe this caucus will put us on the right path and we’ll give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign with pride and strength.”
- See more at:

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Does The White House ‘Dread’ Drudge? The Five Crew Takes On The Power Of The Conservative Site

After White House Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer pointed out what he sees as the “damaging” effects of conservative news aggregator The Drudge Report, the hosts of Fox News’ The Five thought it was a good time to ask if independent owner Matt Drudge is on the White House’s “enemies list.”
Eric Bolling kicked off the discussion by reviewing the daunting numbers: 33 million visits in the last 24 hours, 900 million in the last month, 11 billion in the last year. With influence like that on the web and a consistently anti-Obama conservative message, he asked if the White House “fears” The Drudge Report.
“I think they do,” Kimberly Guilfoyle jumped in and said. “They are so used to getting smooched and blown kisses, that when somebody says something that might be accurate, that they may view to be unfavorable to them, they get their panties in a bunch. That’s what happens. Drudge doesn’t bow down to them, he doesn’t care. He says, I’m going to report the facts and report the truth, I’m going to tell the story, I’ve got the sources, deal with it.” Of course, as Bob Beckel rightly pointed out later in the segment, The Drudge Report simply writes headlines and link to articles others have written. There is not much “reporting” happening there.
Beckel followed up his point by saying he doesn’t think Drudge is on the White House’s “enemies list” but admitted that any time a site gets the kind of traffic Drudge gets, it has to “scare” the administration’s media operation to some degree, particularly when that “dreaded breaking news siren” appears.
Finally, Greg Gutfeld shifted the conversation by highlighting what he sees as the Drudge Report of the future: Michelle Malkin‘s Twitchy. Rather than aggregating news articles, Twitchy merely aggregates tweets. Gutfeld said he often asks himself “Is this news or not news?” when he looks at the site, but still thinks it’s “the most interesting thing he’s seen happen” recently in media.
Watch video below, via Fox News:

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead, American anthropologist (1901-1978)


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas to All.

I John 4:19  
We love him, because he first loved us. Wonderful love in Christ fills every redeemed soul with love.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cowboys lineman Brent jailed on $500K bond in manslaughter case; Brown was going to be father

Cowboys lineman Brent jailed on $500K bond in manslaughter case; Brown was going to be father in two months.

 I had a friend, years ago that rolled his car with a woman in the passengers seat.  She was thrown from the car and killed.  She was beautiful and 23 years old with a 2 year old daughter living at home.  Im meet my friend int he hospital.  He will live with this forever and so will the 2 year old little girl and everyone affected including me who happends to be writing about it almost 21 years later.   If you think the bond it too high then you are an absolute moron.  HE KILLED SOMEONE !!!  There should be NO BOND and he will spend time in prison.  We must be very tough on these folks to show because you are famous doesnt mean youve got it easy...  i.e. OJ Simpson.   Its sad that this man had to die at the hands of a man driving a car and last week a woman and football player both died at the hands of man using a gun.  In both cases it was a HUMAN that killed another HUMAN being using an inanimate object.  Hey BOB should we ban all cars now along with guns ?

IRVING, Texas — Dallas Cowboys defensive lineman Josh Brent remained in custody Sunday on $500,000 bond, one day after being charged with intoxication manslaughter after what police said was a drunken-driving accident that killed close friend and teammate Jerry Brown.
Brent’s attorney called the bond amount excessive and beyond what the team had authorized him to post.

George Milner said he was working to reduce the bond, but was doubtful his client would be released from the Irving jail until Monday. Milner also said he was trying to get the Cowboys to authorize payment of a higher bond amount.
“I’d say the bond is 16 times higher than it would have been for anybody that doesn’t play for the Dallas Cowboys,” Milner said.
Irving police said Brent was speeding in the Dallas suburb when the vehicle he was driving his a curb and flipped about 2:20 a.m. Saturday. The 25-year-old Brown was found unresponsive at the scene and was pronounced dead at a hospital.
Brent was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, and the charge was upgraded after Brown died. The manslaughter charge is a second-degree felony punishable by two to 20 years in prison.