Showing posts with label  Pat Buchanan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label  Pat Buchanan. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Buchanan: Trump Could Win Working Class Dems

by PAM KEY22 Dec 2015287

Tuesday on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show,” former Nixon and Reagan aide and conservative commentator Pat Buchanan said Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump could do well among blue-collar Democratic voters who are concerned about the border and unhappy with Bill Clinton-era trade deals.

Buchanan said, “My view about Donald Trump is he’s got some real capabilities I think to break out from the normal pattern of  basically moderate conservative Republican against centrist Democrat. Part of that I think is his issue with the border, which reaches across party lines, and secondly his issue on trade against NAFTA and GATT and these trade deals. If you run against NAFTA and GATT and hang them around Hillary Clinton’s neck in Pennsylvania and Ohio and Michigan I think you could do very well there among working class Democrats.”

On working class African-American voters he added, “A lot of working class black folks and middle class black folks are interested in a far better economy than we’ve got now and there’s no doubt that The Donald has been a job creator in his own sphere.”

On working class Hispanic voters, “I’m not sure American citizens who are Hispanics want to have folks walking across the border and taking the jobs that would otherwise go to them.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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