Friday, December 25, 2015

Donald Trump was on Twitter for Christmas to for a second day in a row take credit for reports that the Obama administration is planning an effort to deport illegal immigrants.

December 25, 2015 - 03:28 PM EST

Trump hits Twitter for Christmas



Donald Trump was on Twitter for Christmas to for a second day in a row take credit for reports that the Obama administration is planning an effort to deport illegal immigrants.



Trump has put illegal immigration at the center of his presidential campaign since announcing his White House bid in June.

Now, just more than a month before the Iowa caucuses, Trump is the clear favorite to win the GOP nomination.

He’s well ahead in polls of New Hampshire, which holds its GOP primary on Feb. 9.

First come the Iowa caucuses, where some polls have shown Trump falling behind Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

Twitter has been a key part of Trump’s strategy for winning the Republican nomination.

He frequently uses the instant messaging platform to reach his more than 5 million followers, bypassing traditional media.

On Dec. 24, he unleashed a tweetstorm of criticism directed at Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton and the news media.

News reports on Thursday said the Obama administration was planning immigration raids to deport some of the people from Central America who have entered the United States in recent years.

Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who are battling for the Democratic presidential nomination, were critical of the reports.

Trump, in contrast, took credit for the administration’s reported plans. He stated that the raids were a response to the pressure he has placed on the government.

Trump also tweeted about Bush, a favorite foil.






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