Showing posts with label lost her way. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lost her way. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

America has lost her way.

  As I look back at the last few months leading up to the election of 2012 I am perplexed as to how the fuck the majority of the America people could not for the life of themselves see that the emperor has no clothes.  He was elected on hope and change and the promise of a new day and the people bought it hook line and sinker.  He ran his second campaign based on hate and revenge and the people bought it hook line and sinker because they wouldn't have bought the old message.  Why wouldn't they have bought the old message ?  The simple answer, "cause it never came true", it was all smoke and mirrors.  There was never any hope and change unless you consider moving America to a communist state.  We now live in a country where the majority of people feel like victims and that the government owes them a life and that hard work and perseverance will never pay off.  We live in a world where ignorant children think that the way you make it big in this world is by accident or coincidence.  Where American idol, America's got talent or Britain's got talent is how you make it big and none of the winners worked their ass off to be who they are. It is sick to think that the media in America is also pushing this as reality.  Ive lost faith in the American people to do what is right not what you want but what is best for the world not your individual selfishness.  Shame on everyone of you fools that voted to line your pockets with hard working Americans money.  Damn you thieves  damn you.