Showing posts with label GOPinCle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOPinCle. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Watch Trump live streaming 8.30 p.m. est in Cleveland

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Trump's convention pledge to nation: Safety will be restored
CLEVELAND (AP) — Donald Trump will pledge to Americans Thursday night that "safety will be restored" and the middle class will experience "profound relief" if he becomes president, using his acceptance speech at the Republican convention to paint an optimistic vision of the nation's future.
"I have a message for all of you: The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end," Trump says, according to excerpts released ahead of his address.
Trump casts Democrat Hillary Clinton as the direct cause of "many of the disasters unfolding today." Appealing to Americans deeply frustrated with the political status quo, Trump says those troubles will persist if his rival wins the White House.
"As long as we are led by politicians who will not put 'America First,' then we can be assured that other nations will not treat America with respect," Trump says in the excerpts.
Trump takes the stage in Cleveland facing a daunting array of challenges, many of his own making. At the top of the list: Unifying a fractured party and quieting Americans' concerns about his preparedness for the presidency.
Overseas U.S. allies as well as voters at home will be closely watching his address, which comes the day after his suggestion that he might not defend America's NATO partners as president.
His comments only added to the chaotic nature of Trump's nominating event, which has been consumed by a plagiarism charge, unusually harsh criticism of Democrat Hillary Clinton, and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's dramatic refusal to endorse the GOP nominee from the convention stage.
Trump's wife, Melania, foreshadowed it all on opening night, noting, "It would not be a Trump contest without excitement and drama."
His team hopes to close the convention on a more traditional note, with the businessman delivering a scripted speech to the convention crowd and millions of Americans watching on television. Balloons will drop from the ceiling, and the stage will be filled with Trump family members and supporters.
Trump is to be introduced by his eldest daughter, Ivanka, one of his most polished and effective advocates.
Father and daughter took the stage together in the afternoon for an extensive walkthrough, taking turns standing at the podium and staring out into an arena that will be filled with jubilant delegates by evening.
"I love the media," Trump said with a smile as he tested the microphone.
By night's end, Trump's campaign hopes voters see the real estate mogul as a candidate who, despite his unorthodox political temperament, is prepared to lead the nation.
"I think he needs to lay out some clear policy views," Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback said. "There are still a lot of people at the convention and within the party who are not sure where he's going to stand."
On the eve of his address, Trump suggested a new course for U.S. foreign policy, saying he would set different conditions before coming to the defense of NATO allies. The remarks, in an interview published online Wednesday by The New York Times, deviate from decades of American doctrine and seem to reject the 67-year-old alliance's bedrock principle of collective defense
As president, Trump said he would defend allies against Russian aggression only after first ensuring they had met their financial commitments. "If they fulfill their obligations to us, the answer is yes," he said.
Democrats, Republicans and international partners warned of the risks of backing away from NATO obligations.
"Two world wars have shown that peace in Europe is also important for the security of the United States," NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said.
Democrat Clinton's top policy adviser, Jake Sullivan, said Trump's proposal showed he was "temperamentally unfit and fundamentally ill-prepared to be our commander in chief."
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, a reluctant Trump backer, praised NATO's role in the world and said he hoped the comments were only "a rookie mistake."
Trump had hoped the four-day Republican convention would bolster his support among GOP leaders and win over skeptics. But that goal seemed guaranteed to go unfulfilled following Cruz's stubborn defiance on the convention stage.
The Texas senator refused to endorse Trump during his Wednesday speech, even as delegates loudly jeered him from the convention floor. It was a surreal moment given how carefully scripted political conventions normally are, and served as a fresh reminder that Trump events rarely go by the rules.
Trump's advisers say they saw Cruz's remarks in advance and had not expected an endorsement. However, a Cruz aide said Thursday that one of Trump's advisers had reached out to the senator's team shortly before the speech in hopes of getting a last-minute commitment.
Trump supporters were furious at Cruz, including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who called the senator "totally selfish."
Speaking to members of the Texas delegation, Cruz held his ground. He moved no closer to an endorsement, saying only that he, too, would be watching and listening Thursday night. He insisted he would not be a "servile puppy dog," especially after Trump's criticism of his wife and father.
Steve Lonegan, who ran Cruz's New Jersey presidential campaign, defended the Texan's refusal to back the nominee.
"There was a time in American history when a real man would have called the other guy out to a duel" for disparagement of his wife, Heidi, Lonegan said. "Every woman in this country should wish they had a man like that."
Trump brushed aside the controversy, insisting Cruz was an outlier in an otherwise unified party.
"Other than a small group of people who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the party is VERY united. Great love in the arena!" Trump wrote on Twitter.
AP writers Kathleen Hennessey, Alan Fram and Thomas Beaumont in Cleveland, and John Hanna in Topeka, Kansas, contributed to this report.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Ted Cruz booed lustily as he refuses to endorse Donald Trump

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

CLEVELAND - Texas Sen. Ted Cruz tried to link arms with Republicans at the party's national convention on Wednesday, but was booed lustily by delegates when he ended his speech without offering Donald Trump his endorsement — or even saying he would vote for the New York billionaire.
As he appeared on stage, Cruz basked in a minute-long standing ovation. Cruz finished second to Trump in the crowded Republican primary campaign and congratulated the GOP nominee on his victory.

But as close as Cruz came to saying he wanted Trump to win the White House came when he said, "I want to see the principles that our party believes in prevail in November."
Cruz didn't tell the convention crowd that he plans to vote for Trump. Nor did he ask his supporters, hundreds of whom encouraged him to run for president in four years at an event on Wednesday afternoon, to vote for the newly minted Republican nominee.
Interrupted by chants of "Trump, Trump, Trump," Cruz paused and said with a smile, "I appreciate the enthusiasm of the New York delegation."
But as Cruz closed his remarks, and as the crowd of more than 2,000 delegates at the Quicken Loans Arena waited for Cruz to say something — anything — kind about Trump, he demurred.
"And to those listening, please, don't stay home in November," Cruz said. "Stand and speak, and vote your conscience. Vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution."
The delegates responded with angry boos, and Cruz backer and former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli escorted Heidi Cruz off the convention floor as she was heckled by Trump delegates.
"He's a chicken," said Eugene Delgaudio, a delegate from Sterling, Virginia, who clucked like a chicken when asked about Cruz's decision. "He needed to toughen up like every other Republican loser of any nomination battle in the last 100 years since Abraham Lincoln and just suck it up, be a man and back the nominee that he was beaten by, fair and square."
The crowd's boos quickly switched to cheers when Trump entered the arena at that moment. His daughter Ivanka and other members of the Trump party turned their backs on Cruz to stand and applaud Trump, who sat down in the front row of his VIP box to watch his son Eric deliver the next speech.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called Cruz's decision "totally selfish." The outspoken Trump backer, like Cruz bested by the real estate mogul in the GOP primaries, said the voters made clear that Trump is their choice.
"If we're not going to do that, why do we have elections? Because Ted Cruz has decided that he knows better? Than all of the people who voted in the elections?" he said.
The booing was so intense the Trump campaign encouraged its many staffers on the convention floor to try to calm the delegates down, said a Trump aide speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal campaign discussions.
Cruz halted his campaign two months ago, having outlasted all but Trump in a field that once numbered 17 candidates. He finished a distant second in the delegate accumulation during the Republican nominating campaign.
The reaction to Cruz's refusal to endorse Trump, who branded the Texas senator "Lyin' Ted" during the GOP primaries, stood in stark contrast to his reception earlier Wednesday among a crowd of the convention's most conservative delegates.
Many of Cruz's supporters from around the country came to thank him, shake his hand and pose for photographs. They crowded around him 10 people deep in the sun on an outdoor restaurant deck after his 20-minute speech, chanting "2020, 2020, 2020!"
Donna Metz, Cruz's 2016 Kansas state co-chairwoman, wore a sparkling red, white and blue hat and was jostled in the crowd as she made her way toward Cruz. "Oh, my gosh, I hope he runs again," said Metz, of Eudora, Kansas. "He's by far the best candidate."
As he would during his convention speech, the freshman lawmaker with a Texas-sized political ambition steered clear of a recommendation to back Trump at the afternoon event. Instead, Cruz talked about conservative ideals that could form the backbone of a future campaign.
"There is a better vision for our future: A return to freedom," he said.
Cruz is eager to be seen as the face of the modern conservative movement should there be an open GOP field in four years, and he said Wednesday afternoon he was unsure what the future would bring.
But he urged the group to "follow our conscience," ''unite behind liberty" and "empower the grassroots," all signals to the deep organization Cruz assembled in finishing second to Trump to be ready to jump back into action in four years.
And for all the boos Cruz got later from the Trump backers inside the convention hall, supporters of the Texas senator said his refusal to back the billionaire was "true leadership."
"I support it 100 per cent," said Dalton Glasscock, a Cruz delegate from Wichita. "If someone feels they can vote for Trump, great. If they can't, vote for someone they can believe in. He left the door open to more."
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